T8 B17 Faa Trips 2 Of 3 Fdr- Personnel Statement Of Michael Mccormick Ny Artcc

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  • Pages: 3
PERSONNEL STATEMENT FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION NEW YORK AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER This statement concerns the accidents involving AAL11 and UAL 175 at New York, NY; on September 11, 2001 from 12:42 UTC and 13:03 UTC. My name is Michael J. McCormick. I am employed as Air Traffic Manager by the FAA at New York ARTCC, Ronkonkoma, New York. I was not assigned an operational position. At 1240Z, I received a phone call in my office from Bruce Barrett, Operations Managerin-Charge (OMIC), who stated that New York Center (ZNY) was informed by Boston Center (ZBW) of a possible hijack of AAL11 southbound at flight level 290 in the vicinity of Albany, NY. Since I predicted that the aircraft would enter ZNY airspace within Area B, I immediately went to Area B. I called David LeCates, Assistant Air Traffic Manager, and informed him of the possible hijack. I asked Mr. LeCates to meet me in Area B. At 1243Z, I asked Paul Thumser, Area B Operations Supervisor, if he was aware of AAL11. He stated that the aircraft was pointed out by ZBW and they were tracking it. I observed a track of a primary target initiated as AAL11A southbound entering New York Center airspace. Additionally, Mr. Thumser stated that he was coordinating for the primary target with adjacent sectors. At 1244Z, Evanna Dowis, Controller-in-Charge Area B, informed me that New York Center does not have communication with AAL11. At 1245Z, I received a text page forwarded by Ron Ruggeri, AEA-505 that stated, "FYI Confirmed Hijack in Progress AAL11 BOS-LAX. Last known altitude FL290 transponder off, target turned southbound vicinity of ALB. WOC notified." I asked Mr. Thumser and Ms. Dowis to coordinate for fighter intercept on hijack aircraft. At 1246Z, I informed Mr. Barrett and Mr. LeCates that it was a confirmed hijack. Mr. Barrett stated that a flight attendant on-board AAL11 confirmed that it was hijack and several people are stabbed including a flight attendant. I phoned Kevin Delaney, Support Manager, Quality Assurance, and informed him that we had a hijack in Area B and asked him to come to the operation's floor.

At 1248Z and 1249Z, I called New York TRACON (N90) OMIC, Robert Birch. I informed him to watch for a primary target southbound over the Hudson River heading toward New York. I informed him that it was a confirmed hijack and we don't know the intentions. During the conversation, Mr. Birch informed me that Newark Tower reports an aircraft crashed into the Word Trade Center. Also, Mr. LeCates informed me, that UAL 175 appears to be a hijack and heading toward New York. I informed Mr. Birch that there are more hijacks, be careful don't assume everything is over and there may be another crash into the World Trade Center. I directed Mr. LeCates to go to the cafeteria and turn the TV on to CNN and keep me informed of any information. From 1252Z to 1256Z, I called Eastern Region Air Traffic Division to inform them that there was more than one hijack and another probable hijack is heading toward the Word Trade Center Building. I was placed on several holds after sharing the urgency of my call. I asked to speak to any manager, however, none were available. At 1255Z, I asked Mr. Delaney to go to the cafeteria and watch for information on the World Trade Center and let me know what happens. At 1258Z, I called Eastern Region Air Traffic Division. I was unable to speak to any manager or specialist. I asked that a manager or specialist call me ASAP on 631-4681447. At 1300Z, I called Marie Pawluk, Secretary, and directed her to have all managers immediately report to the watch desk. At 1303Z, I observed UAL175, code 3321, target disappear on R55 display in vicinity of World Trader Center. At 1304Z, Bob Felser, Military Operations Specialist (MOS) informed me, Mr. Barrett and Ms. Dowis that the military had scrambled and requests the current location of the aircraft. I informed him that the aircraft appears to have crashed in the same location. Mr. LeCates informed me that the second aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center with live pictures on CNN. At 1305Z, Mr. Barrett informed me that all departures are stopped. I directed him to declare New York Center ATC Zero. At 1305Z, I conducted a quick meeting with available managers and Airways Facilities. I informed them of the known hijack and two, possibly three, aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center. I elevated security, directed the front gate closed, mandated visitor escorts and positive identification checks. At 1310Z, I conducted a 'round-up' briefing of all Operations Supervisors-in-Charge. I informed them of the hijack activity, ATC 0 and elevated security. I directed an

enhanced alert and required immediate reporting of unusual activity to the OMIC and MOS for possible intercept. At 1315Z, I received a phone call on 631-468-1447 from Edward McKenna, Air Traffic Manager, Syracuse ATCT. Mr. McKenna was in the Eastern Region Office for a meeting. He directed me to immediately get on a national TELCON, 202-493-4180, passcode 7110. I certify, to the best of my knowledge and recollection, the above statement is correct.

October 17, 2001

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