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Thomas H. Kean CHAIR

Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson

ISA DOCUMENT REQUEST No. 1 The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests that the Transportation Security Administration (the "respondent") provide the Commission with copies of the following documents no later than May 9, 2003 (the "production date"): 1. Air Carrier Security Plans for United Airlines and American Airlines in effect on 9/11/01. 2. Airport Security Plans for Dulles, Logan and Newark airports in effect on 9/11/01. 3. Primary Air Carrier Security Plans for Dulles, Logan and Newark airports in effect on 9/11/01.

Philip D. Zelikow E X E C U T I V E DIRECTOR

4. Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs 107 and 108) and Civil Aviation Security (CAS) Directives and Circulars in effect on 9/11/01. 5. PanAm 103 Commission CAS recommendations and implementation actions. 6. Gore Commission CAS recommendations and implementation actions. 7. FAA CAS Budget Requests for fiscal years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002. 8. FAA CAS Threat and Security Assessement Procedures and Matrix in effect on 9/11/01. 9. FAA CAS Red Team procedures, sample test items, and results for fiscal years 1992 through and including 2001. 10. FAA CAS procedures and sample test items in effect on 9/11/01. 11. FAA CAS test results for fiscal years 1998 through and including 2001. 12. After Action reports from TSA, FAA, DOT, United Airlines, and American Airlines relating in whole or in part to the effectiveness of the CAS system in effect on 9/11/01. TEI. (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov

,A DOCUMENT REQUEST No. 1 age 2 13. All documents produced to the Joint Inquiry by TSA. The Commission requests that documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available, even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through means of a "rolling" production. If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding. If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested documents but has information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date. If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date. May 5, 2003

Daniel Marcus General Counsel

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman


The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA or the "respondent") provide the Commission with copies of the following documents no later than July 1, 2003 (the "production date"): 1) All FAA plans, procedures, protocols, or other guidelines related to hijacked airliners in effect on 9/11/01, and current plans and procedures regarding the same. This request includes, but is not limited to, all relevant training materials for pilots and crew, air traffic controllers, airport personnel, airline personnel, and FAA personnel.

Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson

2) All plans, procedures, protocols or other guidelines between the FAA and federal law enforcement agencies related to hijackings, in effect on 9/11/01, and current protocols regarding the same.

Philip D. Zelikow E X E C U T I V E DIRECTOR

The Commission requests that the documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available, even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through means of a "rolling" production. The Commission further requests that the respondent provide an index of all documents produced, indicating which documents are responsive to what requests. If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding. If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested documents but has information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date. If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised with the Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date. June 17,2003

Daniel Marcus General Counsel TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR

Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson

Philip D. Zelikow E X E C U T I V E DIRECTOR

UNITED AIR LINES DOCUMENT REQUEST No. 1 The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests that United Air Lines (the "company"or "respondent") provide the Commission with copies of the following documents no later than August 1, 2003 (the "production date"): 1. All records, transcripts and recordings of text messages and other communications between the company (including but not limited to its operations center) and the 9/11/01 hijacked flights, UA 175 and UA 93. 2. All documents possessed by the company, including e-mails, memos, recordings, records, radar tracks and transcripts, with respect to the 9/11 hijacked flights. 3. All company documents relating to aviation security and threat assessments during the period from 5/1/01 to 9/12/01. 4. All documents given by the company to the FBI relating to the 9/11 attacks. 5. All company documents shared with the Air Transport Association (ATA) or ATA personnel stationed at the operations centers with respect to the 9-11 attacks. 6. Joint Use Agreements and Checkpoint Operations Guides in effect on 9/11/01 at Logan Airport Checkpoint C3 (Terminal C) and Newark Airport Checkpoint 1 (Terminal A). 7. A list (including names, current contact information and 9/11 duties) of company personnel and subcontractor screener and supervisory personnel on duty on 9/11/01 at Logan Airport Checkpoint C3. 8. A list (including names, current contact information and 9/11 duties) of company personnel and subcontractor screener and supervisory personnel on duty on 9/11/01 at Newark Airport Checkpoint 1 (Terminal A). 9. A list of screening checkpoint equipment, including make, model, serial numbers, calibration and maintenance logs, and the current location of that equipment, that was in use on 9/11/01 at the checkpoints servicing the departure gates for the hijacked flights from Logan and Newark Airports. 10. All reports or other documents, submitted by the company to FAA and other relevant aviation security officials, of compliance with Security Directives issued by FAA which were in effect on 9/11/01. 11. All documents, including but not limited to reports, guidelines, training manuals, and testing procedures, relating to the operation of the computer assisted passenger prescreening system (CAPPS) as of 9/11/01. 12. A list (including names, current contact information and 9/11 duties) of company personnel on duty on 9/11/01 at Elk Grove, IL Systems TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-11 commission.gov

yOCUMENT REQUEST No. 1 2 Operations Center (and any other locations from which the company's response to events on 9/11 were directed). 13. Documents and presentations containing information on aviation security spending by the company from 1995 to present (including the source of funding and category of expenditure). The Commission requests that documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available, even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through means of a "rolling" production. If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding. If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested documents but has information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date. If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised with the Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date.

July 18, 2003

Daniel Marcus General Counsel

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR

Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson

Philip D. Zelikow E X E C U T I V E DIRECTOR


The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests that American Air Lines (the "company" or "respondent") provide the Commission with copies of the following documents no later than August 1, 2003 (the "production date"): 1. All records, transcripts and recordings of text messages and other communications between the company (including but not limited to its operations center) and the 9-11 hijacked flights, AA11 and AA77. 2. All documents possessed by the company, including e-mails, memos, recordings, records, radar tracks and transcripts, with respect to the 9/11 hijacked flights. 3. All company documents relating to aviation security and threat assessments during the period from 5/1/01 to 9/12/01 4. All documents given by the company to the FBI relating to the 9/11 attacks. 5. All documents shared with the Air Transport Association (ATA) or ATA personnel stationed at the operations centers with respect to the 9-11 attacks. 6. Joint Use Agreements and Checkpoint Operations Guides in effect on 9/11/01 at Logan Airport Checkpoints B4 and B5 (Terminal B) (Also, please clarify which Checkpoint was used to screen AA-11 passengers on 9/11.) 7. Joint Use Agreements and Checkpoint Operations Guides in effect on 9/11/01 at Dulles Airport Checkpoints IAD01 (East) and IAD02 (West) (Main Terminal). (Also, please clarify which Checkpoint was used to screen AA-77 passengers on 9/11.) 8. A list (including names, current contact information and 9/11 duties) of company personnel and subcontractor screener and supervisory personnel on duty on 9/11/01 at Logan Airport Checkpoints B4 and B5 and Dulles Airport Checkpoints IAD01 and IAD02 (Main Terminal) 9. List of screening checkpoint equipment, including make, model, serial numbers, calibration and maintenance logs, and the current location of the equipment, that was in use on 9/11/01 at the checkpoints servicing the departure gates for the hijacked flights from Logan and Dulles Airports. 10. All documents, including but not limited to reports, guidelines, training manuals, and testing procedures, relating to the operation of the computer assisted passenger prescreening system (CAPPS) as of 9/11/01. 11. List (including names, current contact information and 9/11 duties) of company personnel on duty on 9/11/01 at Ft. Worth, TX Operations Center (and any other locations from which the company's response to TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


events on 9/11 were directed). 12. Document and presentations containing information on aviation security spending by the company from 1995 to present (including the source of funding and category of expenditure).

The Commission requests that documents requested above be provided as soon as they are available, even though all requested documents may not be provided at the same time, through means of a "rolling" production. If any requested documents are withheld from production, even temporarily, based on an alleged claim of privilege or for any other reason, the Commission requests that the respondent, as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date, identify and describe each such document or class of documents, as well as the alleged basis for not producing it, with sufficient specificity to allow a meaningful challenge to any such withholding. If the respondent does not have possession, custody or control of any requested documents but has information about where such documents may be located, the Commission requests that the respondent provide such information as soon as possible and in no event later than the production date. If the respondent has any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these document requests, the Commission requests that any such questions or concerns be raised with the Commission as soon as possible so that any such issues can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date. July 18, 2003

Daniel Marcus General Counsel

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