T7 B20 Timelines 9-11 2 Of 2 Fdr- Joe Vickers- Operational Messages Atc-ual

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Operational Messages ATC/UAL - Terrorist Crisis September 11,2001 Compiled by Joe Vickers All times UTC Some paraphrasing in the messages. 1308: ATCSCC ADVZRY #27: Ground Stop on all flights transiting ZNY 1321: ATCSCC ADVZRY #29: BOS Ground Stop. 1322: Andy Studdert, WHQPO, (AS) Operational Alert Message: UAL175 has been involved in an accident. Crisis Center has been activated. 1329: ATCSCC ADVZRY #30: IAD/BWI/DCA Ground Stop 1329: ATCSCC ADVZRY #31: Nationwide Ground Stop. 1406: Special Planning Advzry: sent by OPBOP-Miles: UAL is stopping all departures, flights in air will be diverted.. .national emergency. 1417: Operational Alert Message, sent by AS: "UAL 93-11 EWR-SFO has been involved in an accident. Crisis Center has been activated. 1419: Special Planning Advzry: OPBOP-Miles: "All UAL facilities are directed to deplane all A/C and follow local security procedures". 1423: CFCF ADVZY 006: Toronto TMU, CZY "Air Delays: Carriers encourages to divert other than CYYZ to preserve facilities for larger facilities. 1431: OPBOP-Rowell Baiingit message to AAASH, SFOOO, ATCD2, WHQRZ: "Shuttle flights cancelled through 1300 PDT". 1433: Security Alert sent to International DD/OO addresses by Len Salinas: "Secure all AC". 1437: Special Planning Advzry: OPBOP-Miles: All -UAL OPS cancelled thru 1800C. 1456: HDQPR: "Don't speak to the press message" 1506: ATCSCC ADVZRY 036: FDC Special Notice: All airports closed. Airborne aircraft/helicopters should land a.s.a.p. Firefighting AC in NW US exempt. 1517: Special Newsreel: "UAL Ground stop IAW FAA directions. No confirmation of press reports". 1536: HDQPR: "UAL confirms UAL93 has crashed by PIT. UAL175 missing.. .special passenger info line published". 1553: Special Planning Advzry: OPBOP Knautz: "Unimatic Traffic volume: Please limit unnecessary usage UNF". 1556: Special NewsReel: "UAL93 has crashed, 175 is missing". 1603: HDQPR: "UAL confirms 2 flights have crashed: special passenger phone line and WEB site will have information. 1611: FAA sends all non-essential federal employees home. 1611: Special Planning Advzry: OPBOP-Miles: UAL Ops being cancelled thru 1800C. All domestic flights on ground. International flights diverting. 1645: ATCSCC ADVZY #37: Requests to use NAS to go through local ARTCC.


1659: ATCSCC ADVZY #38: MoK-M emergency, Military, Law Enforcement or other. essential flight procedures. 1708: HDQPR: "Reminder, don't talk to the press". 1746: ATCSCC ADVZY #39: Military use of NAS to be coordinated through military. 1804: Special Newsreel: UAL Confirms 93 & 175 have crashed. A team will be sent to JST a.s.a.p. 1822: HDQPR: Update: Go teams being sent. 1830: ATCSCC ADVZRY #41: NAS opened for Medical/Law Enforcement. 1918: Special Newsreel: Same as HDQPR 1822 update. 1939: HDQPR: UAL to pay initial payments of $25,000 to victims. 2130: ATCSCC ADVZY 043: Medical Emergency, Evacuation, Military & Law enforcement flights authorized to resume. 2138: Special Newsreel: Same as HDQPR 1939 update. 2147: HDQPR: Entire fleet is safely on the ground. 2310: Special Newsreel: Same as HDQPR 2147 update. 2318: ATCSCC ADVZRY #44: Hotline for recovery procedures established. September 12, 2001 0205: HDQPR: UAL/ALPA/AFA coordination for dealing with grief. 0627: ATCSCC ADVZRY #04: NAS closed until at least 1200Z. 0657: OPB Alert Message: OPB-Pierscionek: Schedule resumption restrictions related to all operations: No mail/cargo, no new sales, no NRSAs. 1 U1: LHR Crisis Center activated. 1206: ATCSCC ADVZRY #07: NAS opened for select flights with approval of ATCSCC with special procedures. 1211: HDQPR: Rules for talking to the press released. 1543: HDQPR: No flights thru 1800C. 1548: Special Newsreel: Same has HDQPR 1543 update. 1558: HDQPR: International toll free family member phone lines established. 1639: ATCQF update: NAS opening contingent upon airport security. LAD/DCAto stay closed thru 9/13. Don't expect openings until after 22Z. 1658: Special Newsreel: Update on Family Assistance 1711: HDQPR: Passenger name lists released. 1745: ATCSCC ADVZRY #10: NAS closed to non-special approved flights UFN. 1942: Special Newsreel: Name Lists Released. 2035: ATCSCC ADVZY #11: Diversion Recovery update for Canadian airports. Procedures announced, Implementation TBD. 2110: HDQPR: Talking to press guidelines. 2127: HDQFU: B777 refueling inlet adapter failure update. 2219: HDQPR: UAL resumption plans announced. 2221: ATCSCC ADVZRY #12: Update on Ferry/Cargo procedures. Implementation TBD. 2255: Special Newsreel: Resumption plans.


September 13, 2001 0046: ATCSCC ADVZY 001 :Phase 1 of Resumption of Flight Operations (Ferry/Diversion flights) 0055: ATCSCC ADVZY 002: Arrival Procedures for Canadian flights. 0110: ATCSCC ADVZY 004: Resumption of Flight Operations. 0159: ATCSCC ADVZY 005: Partial list of Open airports received



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