T7 B20 Timelines 9-11 2 Of 2 Fdr- Joe Vickers- Dispatch-smfdo Activities 245

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Timeline Dispatch/SMFDO Activities - Terrorist Crisis

September 11,2001 Compiled by Joe Vickers All times UTC 1100: Day shift begins:

Typhoon Danas (1 fuel stop/0 diversions) WX: VFR across USA. Morning ceiling LA basin PM TRW S.E. U.S.(MB)

1145: ORD Briefing (MB) 1250: SMFDO, Barber, notified AAL11 hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center. Attempts to notify management failed due to pager system being down. PC rebooted two times, no joy. (MB) 1300: CNN reports possible A/C impact of WTC. (LS) 1301: SOC/CMC advised dispatcher 175 missing from radar (EB) 1308: ATCSCC ADVZRY #27: ZNY Ground Stop 1310: Barber notified Ed Ballinger UAL 175 was missing from ZNY radar and attempts to contact should commence. About this time, a second aircraft hit the World Trade Center. (MB) 1312: UAL Dispatch paging still not working. Carl Artis was able to sign in and provide pager services. Al Alerts sent advising DD/SY/FO of the incidents and UAL 175 status as missing. (MB). 1315: ATC coordinator receiving NORDO calls from ATCSCC. (LS) 1315: CNN reports second A/C has hit WTC. (LS). 1315: DD/FO managers began calling in. (MB) 1321: CHIALL by Rogers: Advising dispatchers to advise flights to stay on alert and shut down all cockpit access inflight. (JV) 1321: Sector 68 receives PIREP from UAL93 (EB) 1321: ATCSCC ADVZRY #29: BOS Ground Stop. 1322: JFKFO sends ACARS msg to UAL93 asking if all is o.k., please respond. 1323: CHI68 advises UAL 175 to "beware cockpit intrusion". 1324: CHI58 advised via WHQPO statement UAL 175 involved in acident in NY. (EB) 1324: CHI68 advised UAL93 to "beware cockpit intrusion, two A/C hit WTC". (EB) 1326: CHIALL by Barber: Tell crews to call after landing for information about hijackings, "We don't want to upset them in the air". 1329: ATCSCC ADVZRY #30: DCA/1AD/BW1 Ground Stop 1329: ATCSCC ADVZRY #31: National Ground Stop 1330: Ed Ballinger notified of possible Hi-Jack of UAL 93. Flight was off-course and headed for the DC area. ED asked to send discreet message. Status of crew unknown. (MB).



1330: Approximately: Carl Conant received authoii&itiojB frr-n - TTubi»-5 Gi™.>.e to °top all international departures to the U.S. (JV) 1331: All dispatchers asked to positively identify location of all flights. (LS) 1332: Two messages from ATC coordinators to UAL93: "ATC looking for you on 133.37". (EB) 1333: CHI58/68 advises all flights "High Security Alert. Secure Cockpit" (EB) 1336: SMFDO advised CHI68 UAL 93 off track, heading for DC. (Send discreet Message) 1336: UAL93 solicited for PIREP. (CM) 1336: ACARS downlink from UAL636: "AC on ZOB reporting a bomb on his AC.(JV) 1340: Dispatchers advised to stop Departures, begin diverting all flights enroute. (JV). 1341: CHI58/68 repeats "High Security Alert: Secure Cockpit." (EB) 13 45: Reports received of Pentagon Crash. (JV) 1347: SFOLM (Dave Price) sends ACARS msg. To UAL93: "Heard of incident, is all normal"? (EB) 1345-1400: Work delegated to Dispatchers to run call lists, field questions. (MB) 1350: SOC Manager, Rich Miles said he received a call from SFOLM stating a flight attendant aboard UAL 93 called *FIX in order to advise them there were knives being held to the crews throats. Information passed along to Dispatcher. (MB) 1350: Explosion reported at DCA & IAD (JV). 1350: UAL 93 advised to land at nearest airport. (EB) 1351: UAL 93 again advised to land ASAP.(HEYB) (EB) 1355: SMFDO advised CHI68 UAL 93 had a FA call in via *FIX: that crew at knife point. 1400: Security requested for OCC and WHQ campus. Can't get through to Cook County Sheriff due to Phone system overload. DD Service Reps placed at entry doors to OCC to check ID badges of anyone entering the OCC. They are to stay until relieved by Security. (LS) 1400: HPN closed due to terrorism at the airport, DCA soon followed. (MB) 1400: Communications problems with UAL641, UAL415, UAL399. Several minutes later, communications re-established. (MB) 1400: UAL93 confirmed heading to DCA, over HGR. (JV) 1400: CHI68 advised by SMFDO UAL 93's position. (EB). 1404: CHIVNUA send CHIALL "If unable to get thru to out stations using auto-dial, suggest using SIRD pages for phone numbers 1410: CHI68 sends ACARS msg to UAL93: "Do not divert to DC area".(EB) 1410: UAL 93 crashes 17 miies south of JST (JV) 1410: Cook County Sheriff contacted to provide security to WHQ.(LS) 1410: CHINO/Fergus send CHIALL, "Advise your crews to deplane as smoothly and quickly as possible, follow either local station procedures or crew arrangements. 1410: Message sent to UAL European Stations advising them to put stations on "Highest Alert" status, secure all aircraft. (LS) 1415: Armed security arrives at WHQ North Building. (LS) 1415-1500: Advised an aircraft had crashed into the Pentagon. About same time, became aware UAL93 went off radar screen. Received reports of an aircraft crash 50-70NM south of JST. (MB)





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1415: Unimatic Coverage aske<\» *wsi in ••rvl'wg (Atbi tdftdp Dispatchers manually determine location. (LS) 1415: CHI ALL sent by Larson: "Please advise MFDO when airplanes are on ground". 1420: Phone lines crashed.(JV) 1430: Ader to BRC to prepare facility for Dispatch use. (MB) 1450: AH flights cancelled through 1800Z (MB) 1450: 0959: COMSAT down.(JV) 1455: SFOEG notified to develop JST/HGR/MRB weights for 7*7/727 aircraft. (JV) 1455: UAL103 missing, confirmed on ground at ORD, taxiway Delta. (LS) 1457: UAL634 missing, confirmed on ground at PHL. (LS) 1505: Fergus asked SFOEG for B757 Weights for JST/HGR(JV) \: AAL Operations Manager Craig P

1500: 1500:

1501: 1505: 1506: 1507: 1510: 1510: 1512: 1515: 1515: 1515: 1517: 1520: 1520: 1525:

of phone calls to discuss situation and both airlines reactions. AAL thought both World Trade Center crashes were his missing aircraft and the Pentagon crash was a USAirways turboprop. Reconciliation of time lines pointed to UAL175 at the Trade Center and AAL77 was still missing. (MB) UAL 57 missing (COS reported no contact, ZKC reported on ground GCK at 1507 (JV) ATCSCC reported UAL57 destination has been changed to HNL. (LS) Huebner/Mclntosh assigned roles to answer phone calls/sort printer traffic. (MB) Greene/Belo worked call lists. (MB) Matt Duxbury (FIC) told to cover open shifts. (MB) Vickers to keep time lines and record events. (MB) Huebner/Badowski to schedule additional management personnel to staff SMFDO and Crisis center positions (Radtke tirst in) for next 48 hours. Carl Ants to say in area to work paging system. (MB) Mike Stills to work with international dispatchers. (JV) Rob Gregory/Rob Larso/Bill Flett to serve as runners updating managers and dispatchers on activities and follow flights. (JV) Matuszewski and ATC coordinators fielded calls and worked with ARTCC and ATCSCC, also helped coordinate where Go-Teams should go. (MB) ATCSCC reports UAL contacted in error, UAL57 no headed to HNL, but still missing. UAL57 found in GCK. (LS) ATCSCC ADVZRY #36: NAS closing, land ASAP 1695/2101/2256/2102/1211/2725 all reported missing (JV) ATCSCC help requested to find 1695 (LS) All Control Towers vacated. (JV) Go Team organization for ORD-LGA.(JV) US Military took over NAS. Ground stop to all stations by all aircraft. (MB) Location of 2725 unknown. (LS) 1211 found in BUF(JV) ANC refusing flights (JV) John Belo requested BOS (175) and EWR (93) to FEDEX the paperwork for both flights. (MB) 4 intematior.al flights declaring YVR as destination. (JV) Canada reports not accepting aircraft. (JV)


1526: <.ii; iVim Jli*#< tx3stp« 1530: 1695 found in PDX. (JV)

1530-2000: Go Team coordination by Knerr, Flanagan and , FICs for following: ORD-LGA, ORD-JST, SFO-JST, SFO-DCA & IAD-PIT. 1535: All UAL domestic flights on ground. (MB). 1535: 1201/2256 found in MFR, 2101 in EUG, 1211 in BUF, 2725 in DEN (JV) 1540: About 45 international aircraft in the air, all Domestic flights reported on ground. (JV) 1540: No UAL operations prior to 0600 CDT, 9.12.01. 1546: Both ANC/YVR approved for arrivals per coordination with CFCF & YVR/ANC 1550: 967 on ground YYT reported bomb suspected on board, aircraft secured 1550: BRC computers reported as being assigned wrong modes, CM modes coming up when signed into by Bob Ader. (LS) 1556: Pacific flights listed, 15 minute contact schedule initiated.(JV) 1600: Radtke/Smith assigned to Crisis Center.(JV) 1600: Assessment of Ballinger/Layman: both appears alright and wanted to stay on duty. Vickers thought it best to keep them surrounded by work-mates for support. McCurdy assigned to keep an eye on them. (IV) 1600: DOD reports ANC won't accept any arrivals, diverts sent to FAI (JV) 1601: Atlantic flights listed, 15 minute contact schedule initiated (JV) 1604: All South American flights reported on ground (None departed except for 1010 MEX-SFO which returned to MEX). (Thanks Carl) (JV) 1605: 967 AMS-ORD diverting to YYT, FA reported potential bomb on board. (LS) 1610: Huebner developed two manager and 2 Crisis Center rotation for next three days.(JV) 1620: FAI not accepting arrivals, per NORAD (JV) 1622: ZNY advised all International flights bound for US should divert to alternates outside US. ZOA advised Pacific flights within ZOA FIR should stay on planned routes. (JV) 1635: EZE 761 pushing (turns out MM moving aircraft) (JV) 1636: 876-882-850 low fuel over FAI. (JV) 1645: ATCSCC ADVZRY #37: Requests to use NAS for Emergency/Law enforcement should be coordinated thru local ARTCC. 1645: Schedule SAG until 0600L/9-12 (JV) 1645: SFOEG notified 747 & 777 weights needed for YXY. 1657: ANC: KAL reports of potential hijacking. Military closed to UAL diversions.(LS) 1700: Rotation of ATC qualified dispatchers established to relieve current coordinators (Stress/Fatigue/Biological). (LS) 1700: Afternoon shift determination to come to OCC, normal staffing. (JV) 1701: Gary Zeman, death in family, MCI, advised to stay despite his offer to come help.(JV) 1705: YYT Aircraft confirmed secure, all pax/crew off. (JV) 1710: Dispatch management team assembled to assess situation (LS) •711: Horton coordinating Go Team flights. (JV) 1715: 3 Go Team flights planned





1725: 1730: 1745: 1750:

1800: 1810: 1812: 1815: 1820: 1830: 1835: 1841: 1841: '

OBLD-JST ETD 1445L 88 fl SFO-DCA ETD 1500L 8810 SFO-JST ETD 1400L (JV) Review of arrivals monitored completely throughout the OCC. (JV) . • Dispatch team (Greene/Young/Huebner/Horton) planned next 3 hour actvities.(JV) Go Teams deployed (JV) Dispatch team Plan 1 developed and implemented 1. Accounting of all off-line or on-line diversions, obtain on/in times/FOB and determine what data base requirements are needed for resumption of operations 2. Determine MM requirements for OLR and overweight landings. .; • 3. Normal staffing, PAFCA manpower rules under emergency provisions. (JV) FAA cancels all flights thru 17Z/12SEP (JV) 815, suspect possible hijacker (JV) CHIALL Day Shift Recap: Len Salinas asked dispatchers to document all diverts including: flt.numbers, city pair, diversion point. (JV) ,:. .1 Divert status of all aircraft confirmed/completed. (JV) :d .. LAS crews in Excaliber (JV) ATCSCC ADVZY #29: NAS opened for Medical/Law Enforcement. Inappropriate ACARS traffic from SAMC and JFK to 175/93 confirmed (JV) • ASD frozen/archived. Megadata has offered to supply PASSUR data for :• ZNY.(JV) BRC update: no suitable to Dispatch use: Mercury Pids insufficient, need to shut down CHIDD Mercury Pids to transfer to BRC. BRC o.k. for FIC or other department use. (JV)

Flett/Altman/Kensy/Rob Larson home standing by if needed (JV) i 1845: UAL815: FA reported Saudi Nationals viewing computer screen with UAL747 ; taxiing and words "Mission-Failed". BNE stop and committed to prior to finding out the passengers were Guatemalan Nationals playing a video game.(MB) '.-\: Greene/Young/Ho shift. (JV) 1900: Hext/Salinas asked dispatchers to write a synopsis of events, record diversions; overweight landings and other issues for a centralized data review process. (MB) 1900: Detwieler/Rigert began loading sami-page shells for diversion planning. (JV) : 2000: Afternoon action plan developed, recovery operations begun. Dispatchers to identify FOB, reconcile on/in times and plan departure fuels to original destination stations. (JV) 2000: OPBOP and OPBCM advised dispatchers will assist them with any duties if _i; . needed. (LS) 2016: Only 8 flights left in the air (6 pacific, 2 atlantic) (MB) 2030: Afternoon shift plan deployed to dispatchers via floor briefing by Vickers. (JV) . 2100: Administrative employees to be paid if they are told to stay home (JV) i ; 2129: CHIALL by Bruce: "OPB special desk to track pax. Crews still checking in w/CM.



2151: CHIALL by Vickers: Need FOB on diversions. SAMI pages developed for diversion management. 2300: Go Team Arrives in JST. (JV) 2318: ATCSCC ADVZRY #44: Hotline for Recovery procedures published. 2400: FAA/MM telephone conference seeking relief from overweight landings. 2400: Relief from overweight landings requested from POI Edwards. Recovery plan to focus on International flights first, then Domestic. Passenger load forecast calling for 2 heavy days to get people where they want to be, then a dramatic drop off. Longer term forecasts calling for possible reduced schedule as bookings were already low and now have evaporated entirely. Routing plan to be developed by 0700L (1200Z). Crews advised to stay at home or hotel until a plan is developed. Flight Ops offices are collecting phone numbers and forwarding to CM. Note: Dispatchers being given numbers but nobody told the dispatchers what to do with them, therefore, numerous contact numbers unknown to CM or FO. September 12, 2001 0014: CHIALL by Vickers: UAL position on safety, TELCON schedule for safety enhancements and flight resumption, preliminary UAL plans. 0118: CHIALL by Vickers: SIRD/DD41 /SEP 11 /XXX for diversion planning. Dispatchers asked to plan preliminary fuel loads. Compilation of off-line fueler phone numbers. 0200: Security Plan received from FAA. (JV) 0200: Strategy mapping session in Hanks office. Soonest possible restart after AS/SOC announces what schedule they intend to fly (9.12: 1200z) and FO/SY assess safety concerns (09.12: 1400Z. Time to implement yields start-up sometime after 1800Z. CM advises many crews won't be legal by then. (JV) 0335: ATC Summary by SKI: FAA recovery procedures for ATC, ATCSCC hotline numbers released, ETMS taken down for security. Free food in cafe "John Belo is the password".(JV) 0627: ATCSCC ADVZRY #04: NAS closed until at least 1200Z. 0634: ATCSCC ADVZRY #05: Hotlines closed: Users to call ARTSCC directly. 1112: ATCSCC ADVZRY #06: SPO Telcons suspended UFN. 1200: 8812 approved to operate ORD-EWR, awaiting EWR-BOS approval. (MB) 1200: Action plan developed for DD managers (JV) • Lee to assign flights to dispatchers • John Belo to complete updating of SIRD pages. Obtain FBO phone #s. (Schultz assist) (Len Salinas to get FAX numbers and enter into SIRD pages. • Dispatchers to determine preliminary fuel loads and data-base requirements. • Stills to assess status of YZF/YEG/YHZ/YQX diversions. Coordinate with Tim on developing International recovery. • Don WolforoVGeorge Rigert to work with Michelle Boen on audit of flight manuals and FOM's. • Ader to work on getting BRC running. IAIA tfffil tf JCSCC ADVZRY #07: NAS °Pen for select fli§hts-


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1230: AAL Parfitt called and advised UAL that AAL start-up would be on same timetable as UAL (MB) 1242: CHIALL by Vickers: Game Plan for day shift. Fits cancelled thru 1500C. Preliminary resumption schedule, conference call schedule for day's events. 1300: FAA Jim Oliver/Ray Erickson positioned at workstation in front of SMFDO. 1330: Managers Briefing by Krakowski. 1) Recovery International flights: ASAP. 2) Recover Domestic flights: ASAP 3) Operate Shuttle: Limited by 1500CDT 4) Operate to/from Hawaii: Limited by 1500CDT 5) Operate limited Red-eyes.Limited by 1500CDT 6) Operate limited transcons: Limited by 1500CDT (MB/TV) 1337: CHIALL by Vickers: FAA SD detail summary released for dispatchers. 1345: POI Jim Edwards provided relief from duty-time limits/overweight landing, provided landing was normal/MEL items provided captain and dispatcher agree flight can be operated safely. (JV) 1400: Chief Pilot/Fleet Captain briefing. Total of 155 diversions. 29 offline. 1400: Bill Reed, ACA Manager offering bomb sniffing dogs and security check on our aircraft. (1647 in MBS). SOC said no, Barber called back to authorize after several conference calls. (MB) 1430: Norm Case, Manager of First Air in YZF was advised to remove all cargo.(MB) 1445: Dispatchers advised only passengers and bags. All cargo, comail, parts will have to be removed. (MB) 1500: CNN reports three unauthorized aircraft heading towards YVR. Later turns out to be humanitarian flights. (MB) 1509: CHIALL by Vickers: FAA FAR waivers announced for dispatchers. 1530: SMFDO advised lunch to be served at 1130L. (MB) 1530: Advised International dispatch of operating plans. Mike Stills and dispatchers redistributed flights among dispatchers. Dispatchers advised PIO Edwards waived crew duty time, overweight landings and MEL items provided safety is not compromised and all waivers are documented. (MB) 1530: Airports accomplishing security sweeps. Operations suspended through 1800L. Sonar 4 system had to be re-booted by the System Administrator.(MB). 1530: Numerous meters sent to dispatchers keeping group informed (MB) 1537: CHIALL by Vickers: Airport Security Measures. 1600: Jeppesen loaded 747-400 performance data into their computer for potential CRAF flying. SCANTANA procedures review by C32 desk complete. (JV) 1626: CHIALL by Belo/Salinas: AVTEC phone numbers expanded, SI pages complete. 1645: CoMail & AOG parts may be transported.(MB) 1700: NAS scheduled to open at 2200Z. Airports to open when security measures completed. IAD/DCA to stay closed through 9.13.01 (MB). 1700: George Rigert assigned to train with Wolford.(JV) 1730: Operations/Security briefing for dispatchers by Vickers/Kosich (JV). 1745: ATCSCC ADVZRY #10: NAS closed to all non-special approved flights UFN. 1800: Mclntosh on duty as SMFDO (MB).


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1820: Henry Daultbn advised off-line load planning to be accomplished by ORDLP. On-line diversion load planning to be accomplished by local LP. (MB) 1900: 2100: Additional Contact numbers given to DD by CM to facilitate crew information. (PLTCM format) 800-323-6711, option 1 or 2. (JV) Canadian Government warns they want no US air cargo left in Canada, Crisis Center advised. (JV). 1911: CHIALL by Vickers: Flight Ops/Safety update. No OPS 9/12, Recovery flight procedures, Security provision review, PAM 3 procedures. 2035: ATCSCC ADVZRY #11: Procedures for Diversion Recovery/Non-Revenue Ferry flights to/from Canadian airports announced: Implementation TBD. September 13,2001 0046: ATCSCC ADVZY 001 .-Phase 1 of Resumption of Flight Operations (Ferry/Diversion flights) 0055: ATCSCC ADVZY 002: Arrival Procedures for Canadian flights. 0110: ATCSCC ADVZY 004: Resumption of Flight Operations. 0159: ATCSCC ADVZY 005: Partial list of Open airports received Original authors

(MB): (JV): (EB): (LS): (CM):

Mike Barber Joe Vickers EdBallinger Len Salinas ChadMcCurdy



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