T7 B12 Flight 93 Calls- Linda Gronlund Fdr- Entire Contents- Mfr And Various Fbi 302s 428

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COMMISSION SENSITIVE UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Event: Elsa Strong, 9/11 family member Type: Conference Call Date: April 22, 2004 Prepared by: JohnRaidt Special Access Issues: None Team: 7 Participants (non-Commission):




Participants (Commission): John Raidt and Bill Johnstone

m ac'

Location: GSA conference room

\t 2:20 EOT John Raidt and B

I T'Ms. Strong received a voicemail from her sister Linda Gronlund aboaro UA#93. -Ms. Strong affirmed that she did not talk to Linda Grondlund while Ms. Gronlund was in-flight on UAL 93 on 9/11. Ms. Strong said that she retrieved a voicemail message from Ms. Gronlund during the flight. —Ms. Strong affirmed that the taped message/transcript is the full record of the communication she received from Ms. Gronlund. —Ms. Strong stated that information provided to the FBI by Dicki and Robert Macy was incorrect. Ms. Strong did not tell Dicki Macy that Ms. Gronlund had stated: "The terrorists repeated that they were all to be killed and that the pilot had redirected the plane. The terrorists told them that the plane was going to the White House." -Ms. Strong stated that no such information was provided by Ms. Gronlund. What was on the tape is all the information that was communicated.


: M-iNT-oooo9983


: = : : :

265A-NY-280350-302-4080 09/11/2001 INTERVIEW OF ELSA STRONG NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



On September 11,2001, ELSA STRONG.I

1 J was advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and purpose of the interview. Ms. STRONG supplied the following information:

9 / 1! Flrst

Respoiider/Family Privacy

STRONG advised that her sister, LINDA GRONLUND. 38 Indian Trail North, Greenwood Lake, New York, 10925, telephone 845/4772646, had been aboard UNITED AIRLINES Flight 93 which crashed earlier this day outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She advised that she was aware of the fact that her sister was flying from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco, California on UNITED AIRLINES Flight 93 this morning. Earlier this morning, she had telephonically spoken to her sister who was about to leave on Flight 93. Her sister advised her of her travel itinerary to include her return to Newark on September 19, 2001 on UNITED AIRLINES Flight 92. GRONLUND also advised STRONG that she had her cell phone with her but it had a low charge and that she could be reached through her boyfriend's cell phone, 973/903-9179. GRONLUND'S boyfriend, JOSEPH DeLUCCA was accompanying her on this flight. STRONG advised that she had been away from her home during the earlier part of the morning and had returned at approximately 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. At this time, she checked her telephone answering machine. The first message was from her mother asking if she had heard anything about the events in New York. The second message was from her sister aboard UNITED Flight 93. The message from her sister, LINDA GRONLUND. which was time stamped at 9:51 a.m., was short, less than one minute. On the message, GRONLUND advised that the aircraft she was on was being hijacked by terrorists and that they had a bomb. The terrorists also stated that they had already taken down the WORLD TRADE CENTER. She further expressed the feeling that they were about to die. The rest of the message was of a personal nature, relating how much she loves them and where they could find her personal papers in a safe at her home and the combination. She then quickly ended the call.

Investigation on 09/1 1/2001


File # by

Amherst, New Hampshire Date dictated


9/_ll Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

April 27, 2004 12:12 pm


it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/11/2001

, Page


STRONG then furnished the writer with a SONY microcassette which had been removed from their G.E. Pro Series Communication Center telephone answering machine. She advised that she and her husband, TOM, had listened twice to the tape, and that even though the tape was three years old and used daily, it was in good condition. The writer then checked the current time on the answering machine and noted that it was approximately three minutes fast, showing 7:50 p.m. compared to 7:47 p.m. on the writer's watch. STRONG advised that the approximately 9:51 a.m. time notification on the recording was at the end of the message. [PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 12:12pm

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M-INT-00009985 265A-NY-280350-302-4082 09/11/2001 INTERVIEW OF EISA STRONG NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)



At approximately 6:45 p.m. on September 11 ?nni writer was telephonicallv contacted hv Fl RA STRONG / I I ISTRQNG advised that her sister. LINDA GRONLUND. was aboard UNITED AIRLINES Flight 93 which crashed this morning outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She further advised that she had received a message from her sister while aboard the hijacked flight. STRONG advised that this message was on a cassette tape and that she would make it available to the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FBI. At approximately 7:30 p.m., the writer interviewed STRONG in reference to this matter and received the cassette tape recording from her answering machine. This tape was then transported by the writer directly to the FBI Office in Boston, Massachusetts, and turned it over to Assistant Special Agent in Charge ASAC JAMES D. BURKETT at approximately 9:20 p.m.

Investigation on 09/11/2001


File # by

265D-NY-280350 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Amherst, New Hampshire Date dictated 09/12/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

April 27, 2004 12:12pm

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: : = : : :

M-INT-00074651 265A-NY-280350-302-25851 09/13/2001 ELSA STRONG NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)




9/11 First Re spender/ Family

J After J was interviewed telephonically at|_ being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent, and the nature of the interview, she provided the following information:


STRONG provided the following personal information about her sister, LINDA GRONLUND: Name: DOB: SSN: Address: Telephone: FOB: Employer: Job Title: Scars: Identifying Info:

LINDA GRONLUND 09/13/1954 084-44-5155 38 Indian Trail, N. Greenwood Lake, NY 845 477-2646 Roslyn, New York BMW North America 1 BMW Plaza Montvale, NJ 07645 Manager, Environmental Engineering several scars on one hand from a bicycle accident Sometimes wore an Allergy alert necklace

STRONG stated GRONLUND and JOSEPH DELUCA were on United Airlines Flight 93 to San Francisco because they were going to the wine country for a vacation. GRONLUND and DELUCA were dating. STRONG believed that GRONLUND paid for her ticket and DELUCA's ticket via a credit card, but she was not sure. STRONG believed that GRONLUND had paid for both tickets because the ticket receipt had both their names on it. '_.-•••'' : 9 / l l Law STRONG stated she had spoken with Federal Bureau of .. Investigation FBI AaentL /from the Boston Office on... the day of the crash. Agent] pad come to STRONG'S tibuse and

Investigation on 9/14/01

at ... Greenwood Lake

Enforcement Privacy

telephonically Date dictated

File# 265A-NY-280350

\s document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the F

and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

April 27, 2004 12:12pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 9/14/01



taken the cassette tape from her answering machine because GRONLUND had left a message at either 9:51 or 9:54 that the plane she was on was being hijacked. STRONG stated the message GRONLUND left said that she was on United flight 93 and it had been hijacked by terrorists who said they had a bomb. GRONLUND had stated that the terrorist had already attacked the World Trade Center WTC and they threatened to do the same type of bombing attack. STRONG stated she did not know how GRONLUND knew WTC had been attacked. STRONG did not know if GRONLUND took her personal vehicle or company vehicle to the airport. STRONG was trying to find out through GRONLUND's friends. STRONG stated the last time she spoke to GRONLUND was at 8:0 am on 9/11/01. GRONLUND had called to provide flight information and say hello. STRONG stated she spoke to CAROL DELUCA the sister of JOSEPH DELUCA on 9/13/01 about her brother. CAROL DELUCA can be reached! t-She.lives.in.Middletown, New JerSey'

[PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 12:12 pm

9/11 First Responder/Family Privacy

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: M-INT-00034935 : 265A-NY-28035Q-302-42003 = 09/27/2001 : CAROL HUGHES, JOSEPH DELUCA : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

9/U pirst _, ' „ ., Kesponder/bamily Privacy i

-1 -


Date of transcription


Reference Lead Control Number NK 4968 CAROL HUGHES HUGHES/ I social security numoeri I was interviewed at her residence. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, the following information was provided: HUGHES identified her brother as JOSEPH DELUCA DELUCA, who was employed as a engineer for PFIZER, INC, Morris Plains, New Jersey. She provided her brother's date of birth as April 5,1949, and place of birth as Newark, New Jersey. HUGHES confirmed that DELUCA lived at 38 Pasture Court, Ledgewood, New Jersey. HUGHES did not believe her brother had any particular clearances other then what he may have had with PFIZER. On September 11, 2001. DELUCA was aboard UNITED AIRLINES flight 93, which was to fly from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California. DELUCA was traveling with his girlfriend LINDA GRONLUND whom HUGHES believed may have been traveling to California for business. HUGHES could not recall her last contact with her brother, however, she said that her brother called her father from the aircraft telling his father that they had been hijacked and that he loved him. HUGHES would like to be informed of the progress of the investigation. Victim/Witness Assistance Program brochures were provided to the HUGHES for both herself and her parents, as well as business cards of the interviewing agents.

Investigation on 09/26/2001

at Belford, New Jersey

File #

Date dictated ?R5A-NY-?an3Sfl-NIK



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

April 27, 2004 12:17pm

Pa9e 1

[PDF page 1]

April 27, 2004 12:17 pm

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: M-INT-00001530 : 265A-NY-280350-302-1123 =09/13/2001 ____»____ : ROBERT D. MACY INTERVIEW BY SA| | : NCTAJ)04 (1st Batch of unredacted 3UZS delivered in August) : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


09/1 3/2001

ROBERT *. D. iMACY. date Tinvi.w n r oof w ibirthl iflm

... , .9/11 First

Director Community

Services, Arbour Trauma Center, Boston, MA, was interviewed at the Hilton Hotel, Logan Airport and provided the following information:

\ Responder/ Family /

/ p / T, , _ nvac>

MACY spoke with his wife, DICKI JOHNSON MACY. who advis.ed that the wife of her brother THOMAS STRONG ELSA STRONG received a/ ; telephone call from her sister who was aboard United Airlines /9/H Law Flight 93, Newark to San Francisco. The sister's husband was also . / Enforcement on board the plane. Sometime after takeoff, ELSA received a cell . p phone call from her sister. MACY stated that the following / / 1nvacy conversation was relayed to his wife by ELSA. The sister stated that terrorists were on the plane and they were all going to be killed. She wanted to tell ELSA where her will was located. She / ,/' repeated that they were all to be killed and that the pilot had / / redirected the plane. The terrorists told them that the plane was going to the White House. .:' ELSA recorded the conversation with her sister and has custody of the tape. She has received telephone calls from the / press, specifically the USAToday newspaper, inquiring about any information she might have. She has not made any comment. / ELSA STRONG can be reached afl

Investigation on File#




265D-NY-280350 ,



Boston, Massachusetts Date dictated



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

April 7, 2004 1:03 pm

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: M-INT-00009970 : 265A-NY-280350-302-4069 =09/11/2001 : INTERVIEW OF ALICE ANN HOGLAN : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) : 09/11/01 Alice Ann Hoglan, a white female, date of birth 1 telephonically contacted the Federal Bureau of [traveled to Investigation. . conduct the interview. Participating in the interview were Alice H6glah, Kathleen Brady Hoglan, and Carol Phip[3S- After being advteed of the identity of the interviewing agents, the following information was provided: \. Carol Phipps. a white female, date of birthl

'••-,---" \

advised that she is a family friend and is staying with the Hoglan family at I "Tirr'6'rder to help care for . the Hoglan's newborn triplets. Phipps advised that at about •.. 6:35am PST on 09/11/01 the telephone rang. Phipps answered the telephone but no one was on the line. A few minutes later the telephone rang again. The caller, a male, stated, "Get Alice or Kathy quickly."



Responder/Family Privacy ., -•-'" "-•• L \....

9/11 Personal Privacy

Phipps asked, "Is this Lee?" The caller stated, "No, get Alice or Kathy quickly!"


Phipps called out for Alice or Kathy. Kathy Hoglan took the telephone.

•'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Kathleen Bradv Hoalan.

tte.of birth bir California, JCalifor lowing Jprovided the following

information: As she ran to answer the telephone, she looked at the clock. The time was 6:44 a.m. PST. Hoglan recognized the caller's voice as that of her nephew, Mark Bingham. Bingham stated: 'This is Mark, 1 want to let you guys know that I love you, in case I don't see you again. I'm on United Airlines, / Flight 93, If s being hijacked." 09/11/01 265D-NY-280350

San Jose, California 09/11/01

[PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350 Hoglan



Hoglan said, " We love you too. Let me get your mom. Hoglan then called out for Bingham's mother, Alice.

April 2, 2004 3:22 pm

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Alice Hoglan is staying at I Hrr order to help her brother and his wife, Kathy Hoglan, with their newborn triplets. She. picked up the telephone and recognized the voice of her son, Mark Bingham. He stated the following:

9/11 First Respoiider/Family •".,,. * nvacy

" Hello mom, this is Mark Bingham. I'm flying from Newark to San Francisco. I'm catling from the air phone. The plane has been taken over by three guys. They say they have a bomb." Hoglan asked, "Who are these guys?" Mark answered, "Yes, if s true . . . " The phone went dead in the middle of his sentence. Alice Hoglan advised that the entire time Bingham was on the telephone was no more than three minutes. She left messages on his cell phone voice mail with the hope that he would hear them. Alice Hoglan advised that the caller was her son. Mark Kendell Bingham, a white male, date of birth 05/22/70. He is unmarried and travels between San Francisco and New York regularly in his business. He is in public relations and owns his own company The Bingham Group. His address is 429 W. 24th Street, Apt. 1 E, NY NY 10011-1225, telephone number 6466389358. [PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 3:22 pm

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