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M-INT-00043728 265A-NY-280350-302-43967 09/18/2001 INTERVIEW OF JILL MCILVAINE, ICF SF1595 9/19/01 Reference Lead Control Number SF1595 .III I MP.II VAINF SnrJal Rftf.iirih/ Account Numhftr I was contacted regarding a passenger on an American Airlines flight who resembled one of the hijackers of the plane that hit the World Trade Center WTC. , After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent, she provided the following information: MCILVAINE has always been a very intuitive type person. Approximately one week before the WTC was attacked, she began feeling as if something bad was going to happen. She felt fearful, depressed and cried easily. She went so far as to talk to the manager of her child's day care center to determine if they had a plan in case someone were to attack the children. At 6:00 a.m. Pacific time on the morning of September H, 2001, she woke up because she thought her cell phone was ringing. When, she checked her phone, it was turned off. She turned on the news / and discovered the WTC had been hit by a plane.

•'9/11 Personal Privacy

On Thursday, September 13, 2001, MCILVAINE was watching television when the first pictures of the terrorists were shown. / Something about the first picture posted, that of a terrorist . pilot aboard a flight that hit the WTC, struck her as someon.e she remembered. Later that night, she remembered a passenger she had on American Airlines Flight 1266 on August 13, 2001 from Miami to San Francisco. MCILVAINE has been a flight attendant for American Airlines since October 1997. She flies a light schedule, only four to five flights a month, so is able to remember specific flights. The terrorist reminded her of a passenger on Flight 1266, not because she thought 'that's the guy' but because the passenger's look and demeanor reminded her of a terrorist, and the terrorist's picture on television jogged her memory of him.





9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy [PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350-302 JILL MCILVAINE


The male passenger is described as an Arab, 6'3" to 6'4" tall, with a medium build, and possibly having a mustache. He boarded the flight with his wife and two young children. The children, a boy and a girl, were under six years of age. The female was wearing Islamic dress, and the children and the male passenger were in western dress. The male passenger's demeanor was very cold and detached. He had a superior air about him.

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MCILVAINE made a comment to him about how cute the children were, and he did not respond to her at all. The male passenger sat in a "D" seat, within the first five rows in the coach section. His wife and children sat one row up. The passenger did not help his wife with the children. At about dessert time, the male passenger asked MCILVAINE if he could see the cockpit. MCILVAINE told him he could not see it during the flight, but could stop and say hello to the pilot after the plane landed. The passenger did not respond, and returned to his seat. MCILVAINE receives a lot of requests from passengers to see the cockpit, but the requests are generally accompanied by a show of interest in the airplane. This passenger's request was not. MCILVAINE thought to herself that she hoped he was not a terrorist. Then she thought that he was not a terrorist since he had his wife and children with him. Later in the flight, while the male passenger was sleeping, MCILVAINE walked by his seat and observed his face closely. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00002558 265A-NY-280350-302-2538 09/15/2001 ROBYN MCCUNE, DOB|_ FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -


FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I Date of transcription Robvn McCuneJ




identity of the below listed interviewing agents and the nature of ; the interview. Thereafter, McCune provided the following / information: / / McCune has been a Flight Attendant for American Airlines for approximately 20 years and remembered an incident that occurred during the last year 2001 which she wanted to bring to the : attention of the FBI based on the terrorist attacks on 09/11/01. |9/11 Personal Privacy McCune was working as a Flight Attendant in First Qlass for an American Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles LAX | sometime from January to April, 2001. As the passengers were; boarding the airplane, McCune was approached by a Middle Eastern Male who told her that he had recently received his pilots license for smaller airplanes and would like to see the cockpit of the i airplane, which was a 757. This passenger held a Coach ticket.; McCune told the pilot of the passengers request. The passenger was allowed in the cockpit where he spoke with the (pilot for approximately ten minutes. McCune remembered hearing the passenger ask if he could take a picture of the cockpit and j believed he was allowed to do so by the pilot. \s incident struck McCune as unusual because it: has been her experience that only children and sometimes older exf pilots ask to view the cockpit, it also struck her as odd because of the ethnicity of the passenger. j McCune could not recall the name of the pilot fof the flight in question but believed this incident took place in the i Spring, most likely April, 2001. McCune provided agents with j information on all the potential flights she was assigned from | Boston to LAX in 2001, This information is as follows: !

Investigation on 09/15/01

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Date dictated 265D-NY-280350. 265D-LA-C228332

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I 09/15/01

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This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 11:27 am

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350, 265D-LA-C228332 Continuation of FD-302 of

Robyn McCune

, On 09/15/01

, Page


April, 2001 Flight #289 on 04/08/01 Flight #181 on 04/12/01 Flight #181 on 04/22/01 Flight #181 on 04/27/01 March, 2001 Flight #289 on 03/13/01 February, 2001 Flight #181 on 02/07/01 Flight #181 on 02/12/01 January, 2001 FJiaht #181 on 01/09/01 Flight #181 on 01/18/01 Flight #181 on 01/23/01 McCune provided the following descriptive data for the above mentioned passenger: Sex: Male Age: Early 30's Height: 5'9" to 5'10" Weight: Medium build Hair: Dark brown or black, not graying. Facial Hair: None, clean cut Clothing: Beige pants, Dockers style. Green short sleeve button down shirt. Luggage: Carried a black square leather bag, no garment bag or suitcase on rollers. Miscellaneous: Subject spoke with an accent and had a round face. McCune was shown two photographs which had been publicly displayed as two of the potential terrorists on 09/11/01. McCune stated that the passenger in question look similar to that of Marwan Alshehhi without the facial hair. McCune stated that she would attempt to further identify the flight she was on at the time of incident and contact the interviewing agents with any further information. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00036171 265A-NY-280350-302-56249 09/18/2001 RE: JOSE PHILLIP ARAGON FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


Date of transcription


JOSE PHILLIP ARAGON. date of birthf Jwas interviewed at his residence. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview, he provided ; q / - i - i p---.^,-., -, D H the following information: / y / l i Fersonal Privacy Aragon has been employed as a co-pilot for American Airlines since October 2000. ; Among the major American airline carriers, a reciprocal "jump seat policy" exists which allows pilots and crewmembers ffom competing carriers to sit in the third seat or jump seat located / behind the pilot and co-pilot on an airplane. Normally, this / allows the person in the jump seat to fly for free. This / reciprocal agreement is not extended to foreign airlines since al pilot's license and medical certification is submitted prior to the/ pilot sitting in the jump seat. ; On August 10, 2001 or August H, 2001, Aragon received a request from a female flight attendant that a foreign pilot, ; possibly European, wanted to sit in the jump seat. The flight was scheduled to fly from Miami, Florida to LaGuardia airport in New York. The request was made while the airplane was on "ground hold", sitting in a remote location waiting for clearance from Air Traffic Control to take off. / The foreign pilot, whom Aragon did not meet, wanted to sit in the jump seat and observe cockpit operations during flight. Aragon consulted with the pilot. Captain Ron Fischer, and {hey refused the foreign pilot's request. The flight took off from j Miami at 4:13 p.m. and landed at LaGuardia airport withou/t incident. / Aragon does not believe the foreign pilot was; in uniform, nor could he provide a physical description. Aragon was/shown photographs of possible subjects of the World Trade Center and Pentagon bombings with negative results. /

Investigation on 09/18/2001


File # 265D-NY-280350-BA by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


I Date dictated N/A

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 11:54 am

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-BA Continuation of FD-302 of

Jose Phillip Aragon

, On 09/18/2001

, Page


Captain Bob Shore, Chief Pilot for New York airports, including Newark, LaGuardia, and Kennedy, can obtain a list of crewmembers on the airplane when this incident occurred. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00036001 265A-N Y-280350-302-5831 09/12/2001 AHLSTRAND, HOLLY J

/9/11 Personal Privacy 9/14/01

HOLLY J. AHLSTRAND. white, female, date of birth f Jwas interviewed in a Hilton Hotel Conference Room, Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts. After being advised of the official identities of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview, AHLSTRAND provided the following: AHLSTRAND is employed as a Flight Attendant for UNITED AIRLINES UAL. AHLSTRAND sought out the undersigned Special Agents SA to offer her theory as to how some of the aircraft may have been hijacked on September 11., 2001. AHLSTRAND believes that some of the Hijackers could have posed as UAL or American Airlines AA Pilots or Flight Crew members that were permitted to fly "OMC." AHLSTRAND defined "OMC" as personnel permitted to fly in the "jump seats" of the cockpit. AHLSTRAND did not know what the letters "OMC" stood for. The "OMC" status is not available to flight attendants but is available for pilots, flight engineers and possibly Federal Aviation Administration FAA Officials. AHLSTRAND indicated that if the hijackers had been allowed to fly "OMC" that they would have been in a position to disable the pilots and control the aircraft without having to breach the cockpit door. AHLSTRAND does not believe that "OMC" flyers are as carefully tracked as regular passengers. AHLSTRAND learned of a television news broadcast that claimed an AA pilot's uniform was stolen in Rome, Italy approximately three months ago. AHLSTRAND's mother told her that a news broadcast claimed that a composite sketch of one of the hijackers looked like a person who showed a pilot's identification in a bar. The person who showed the pilot's identification was drunk. AHLSTRAND formulated her theory based on these news reports and her professional experience. AHLSTRAND flies out of O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL. AHLSTRAND indicated that flight crew personnel are not searched, nor do they pass through any security screening as long as they display the proper airline identification. 9/12/01

Boston, Massachusetts



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

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Personal Privacy

M-INT-00010431 265A-NY-280350-302-4570 09/15/2001 MARIO SILVA AMERICAN AIRLINES EMPLOYEE 9/15/01 MARIO SILVA. white, male, date of birthp Jwas interviewed at bfe place of employment, AMERICAN AIRLINES AA.Logan Airport LOGAN. Boston, Massachusetts I—••-B—1-J Also present throughout the interview was Sergeant! [Massachusetts State Police MSP. After being advised of the official identities of the interviewing law enforcement officials, SILVA provided the following: '••... SILVA has worked at AA for H Yi years. SILVA has ... worked in Boston for the past three years. Prior to working in Boston, SILVA worked in Providence for three years and Miami for five years.


SILVA drives a pick-up truck that is used to transport luggage. SILVA has worked in his present capacity for approximately 9 months. Silva takes the luggage from the smaller commuter aircraft and transfers it to connecting flights.

''9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

SILVA worked on Monday September 10, 2001. SILVA's scheduled work shift is from 2:00 PM until 10:30 PM. SILVA , arrived at work at approximately 1:50 PM. SILVA described MONDAY as business as usual. SILVA worked with DEAN CASE. CASE is SILVA's partner on Mondays and Tuesdays. SILVA and CASE were assisted by JULIO DIAZ from approximately 2:00 PM urrfil 6:30 PM. SILVA works with MARK MANFRA on the other days of the week. SILVA noticed men appearing to fix wiring located in the drop ceiling area of the AA area. SILVA advised that repair personnel will occasionally work on the wiring. SILVA usually accesses the computer in the crew chiefs room to obtain a printout of flight schedules. The printout is called a "DEX." The DEX contains flight schedules as well as specifications relating to weights and balances for the various aircraft. On Monday, SILVA noticed that the printers were not working. SILVA and his partner decided to get a printout later. SILVA further described Mpriday September 10, 2001 as being very slow. The end of the wpek tends to be busier for travel with the exception of holidays. SILVA took his lunch 9/12/01

Boston, Massachusetts



L [PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350 MARIO SILVA


break at 7:30 PM and clocked out at 10:30 PM. SILVA utilized the LOGAN SHUTTLE which travels to Braintree, MA. SILVA described the airport as chaotic due to the construction. SILVA enters through the baggage services entrance

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because he wears shoes with a steel toe. SILVA described Security at LOGAN as "awful." The screeners at the gates do not get paid well and often have difficulty speaking and/or understanding English. SILVA said that airport security at Providence and Miami was different than LOGAN. Luggage is not screened very often at LOGAN. SILVA did not work Tuesday September H, 2001, because of the crashes. SILVA attempted to call into work after the news reports but could not get a dial tone. SILVA stayed at his house on Tuesday. AA employees are responsible for cleaning the airplanes. SILVA was not sure what type of background investigation is done for AA employees. SILVA believes that an employee is not supposed to have a criminal record. SILVA stated that it would be easy for an employee of the catering service to smuggle items aboard the aircraft. SILVA stated that the catering service employees do not pass through a security checkpoint. The catering service employees are not AA employees. Catering service employees have unlimited access to the aircraft. SILVA believes that a cockpit door could easily be breached by someone on the plane. SILVA described the door locks to the cockpit as flimsy, although the Boeing 757 and 767 are sturdier lhan most. The cockpit doors lock automatically. The flight attendants have keys to the cockpit doors. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00009846 265A-NY-280350-302-3930 09/16/2001 INTERVIEW OF PATRICIA MOGILNICKI 09/16/2001 LEAD CONTROL NUMBER SF 944 PATRICIA MOGILNICKI. date of birthl

j was interviewed at her home regarding an incident that occurred on a/ commercial flight from New York City to San Francisco.


MOGILNICKI had called the FBI to provide information on the / incident believing that the incident might have been connected to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. After being / advised of the nature of the interview and the identity of the / interviewing agent, MOGILNICKI provided the following ..9/11 Personal information: /

Privacy "

MOGILNICKI is a Flight Attendant for American Air/ines. MOGILNICKI was working on American Airlines flight 15 Qh 08/28/2001. The flight was from John F. Kennedy Airport JFK in New York City to San Francisco International Airport SF0. MOGILNICKI was working position 7 which serviced the left side aisle of the Business class section of the aircraft. The / aircraft was a Boeing 767. The left side aisle is defined as the aisle on the left as the passengers sit facing the nose of the aircraft. Flight 15 was scheduled to leave at H:00.am and the crew began boarding the passengers approximately 40 to 45 minutes prior. The flight was on time. MOGILNICKI was greeting passengers when she noticed a Middle Eastern .looking man boarding. The man had a long beard and a string body odor. MOGILNICKI greeted the man who returned the greeting saying, in English, something similar to, "I am fine know, that you're here." The man appeared to be seated somewhere/in Coach class. MOGILNICKI became suspicious of the man a short time later when he was observed paying close attention to the crew's boarding procedures and talking into a small tape recorder in a foreign language. The man was not seated in his seat but walking and standing in the aisle. MOGILNICKI.was concerned with the behavior and felt, that because of his behavior, the man's recording might be regarding the boarding procedures. 09/16/2001


265D-NY-280350 09/16/2001 9/11

Law Enforcement Privacy

[PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350 Patricia Mogilnicki


MOGILNICKI also became aware that the man took out a video recorder and used it to record the inside of the aircraft from the left side rear of the coach section all the way to the rear of the business class section. The man did not appear to video record anything outside the aircraft and did not behave as typical tourist. MOGILNICKI did not see either the tape recorder

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nor the video recorder in the man's hands when he boarded. MOGILNICKI did not remember the man carrying anything on to the aircraft, even a carry-on piece of luggage. MOGILNICKI became extremely concerned with the man's activities and told RACHEL CURTIS, the lead Flight Attendant and Purser, about her concerns. CURTIS told MOGILNICKI to inform the Captain. MOGILNICKI went to the cockpit and spoke with the Check Airman who was providing the pilot acting as the Captain his final check ride before the pilot was certified as a Captain. Check Airman are sent from the home office in Texas to certify pilots as Captains. The Check Airman's name was JESSIE LNU. JESSIE is black. After MOGILNICKI told JESSIE of her concerns, JESSIE told her to "keep an eye on him." MOGILNICKI returned to her duty area and was subsequently contacted by a passenger, identity unknown, in the last row of Business class on the left side, either seat 11B or 12B. The passenger motioned to her and spoke to her privately at his seat. The man said that he was concerned about the same individual MOGILNICKI had noticed. The passenger in Business class expressed a specific concern regarding the man's conversation in a foreign language into the tape recorder. MOGILNICKI had not mentioned her concerns to any of the passengers nor in an area that the passengers could hear as far as she knew. MOGILNICKI asked the passenger in the Business section to accompany her to the front of the plane to inform the Captain of his concerns. The passenger did so and spoke to JESSIE and told JESSIE the same concerns he had voiced to MOGILNICKI. JESSIE heard the man out and then returned to the cockpit and the passenger returned to his seat. Thereafter, JESSIE, and possibly the Pilot, went into the Coach area and took a look at the individual. JESSIE, and the pilot, returned to the cockpit and MOGILNICKI went about her duties. [PDF page 2] 265D-NY-280350 Patricia Mogilnicki



MOGILNICKI subsequently checked with JESSIE on the status of their departure with the suspicious individual on board. JESSIE told MOGILNICKI that it was "out of his hands". MOGILNICKI next saw an American Airlines gate agent boarding the plane. The gate agent asked MOGILNICKI two questions. The gate agent asked if the individual was intoxicated and if the individual had threatened MOGILNICKI. When MOGILNICKI's response to both questions was "No" the gate agent spoke with the individual. The gate agent returned to MOGILNICKI and told her that the man was alright and that he just wanted a row to himself. The flight proceeded as was scheduled from that point. The passenger never caused a problem on the flight. MOGILNICKI noticed that the man appeared nervous after the gate agent spoke with him until the doors of the aircraft closed and the flight was apparently underway. MOGILNICKI had little contact with the individual during the flight. MOGILNICKI did go to the Coach section once during the flight but saw no unusual activity. MOGILNICKI noticed the man was seated somewhere between rows 20 and 29 and in either seat A or B. The Flight Attendants in the Coach section subsequently told MOGILNICKI the man had spent some time

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during the flight sketching something. They did not know the subject of the sketch. MOGILNICKI subsequently reviewed the passenger manifest with another crew member, CHRISTINE CROW who has 30 years of experience with American Airlines. CROW pointed out that the individual was listed as traveling with another companion also seated in Coach. During the flight the two individuals did not sit together and did not acknowledge each other while in the aircraft. The flight was not full and adjoining seats would not have been a problem. The second man was seated in the middle of the center section of Coach. MOGILNICKI also noted that the two were dressed similarly in Navy bluejackets and white shirts. MOGILNICKI also was told that the second man was seen sketching something during the flight as well. MOGILNICKI provided the following description of the man with the video camera: Name:


[PDF page 3] 265D-NY-280350 Patricia Mogilnicki Race: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Build: Hair: Eyes: Complexion: Clothing: Scars: Facial Hair:



Middle Eastern M Late 30's early 40's 6'0" to 6'2" 180 to 190 pounds Medium Bushy, long, dark brown or black, Unknown Fairly dark Blue jacket, white shirt unknown what style None observed Long beard, dark brown or black

MOGILNICKI provided the following description of the second man in Coach section" Name Race: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Build: Hair: Eyes: Complexion: Clothing: Scars: Facial hair:

Unknown White, possibly Middle Eastern or European M Late 30's Early 40's 6'3" 200 pounds or more Heavy, stocky Medium brown with natural blond streaks Unknown Medium to light Blue jacket, white shirt, black square framed glasses Buddy Holly style None None

MOGILNICKI provided the following names as Flight

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Attendants that worked American Airlines flight 15 on that day. CHRISTIE CROW

Galley person 1 st class

[PDF page 4] 265D-NY-280350 Patricia Mogilnicki



MARIA MALDONADO Galley person Coach JODY MEYERS Coach section, right side JENNIFER HARVEY Coach section, left side, would have had direct contact with individual #1 MICHAUD SILMONDE Coach section RACHEL CURTIS Purser, 1st class MOGILNICKI thought that there might have been one extra Flight Attendant on the flight who's name is not known. MOGILNICKI did not recall the pilot's name nor the co-pilot. MOGILNICKI did not know the gate agent at JFK who spoke with individual #1 but said the agent was female. MOGILNICKI was not sure of the origin of the accent of the two individuals. MOGILNICKI said the accents were noticeable and may not have been "Middle Eastern" MOGILNICKI thought that they could have been Turkish or similar accents. MOGILNICKI felt that the second man may not have been Middle Eastern, but more European. MOGILNICKI thought #2 to look more German than anything else. MOGILNICKI can identify the two men if shown pictures but would not recognize their names. MOGILNICKI thought CROW would recognize the men's names. CROW is also based out of SFO and lives somewhere in Novato, California. MOGILNICKI was notable to determine the individuals addresses from the manifest nor if they had round trip tickets. [PDF page 5]

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M-INT-00037601 265A-NY-280350-302-7523 09/17/2001 PATRICIA LEAN N LUCAS, FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

9/11 Personal Privacy


\e of transcription

PATRICIA LEANN LUCAS, white female. Date of Birth


\ was advised of the identity of the intervie

nature of the investigation. LUCAS thereafter provided the following information: LUCAS has been employed as a flight attendant with AMERICAN AIRLINES since August 23, 2001. LUCAS held Position #1 on AMERICAN AIRLINES Flight 528, which originated from Austin, Texas at approximately 7:53 a.m. on September 17. 2001. AMERICAN AIRLINES Flight 528 was en route to Boston, Massachusetts via a short layover in Chicago, Illinois. LUCAS explained that Position #1 meant she was the flight attendant responsible for the First Class section of the aircraft which covered the first six rows. Approximately midway through the flight. LUCAS was contacted by radio by a Flight Attendant, MELODY JONES, also known as aka Jasmine Jones, who was stationed in the rear of the aircraft. JONES informed LUCAS that two passengers, a male and a female, both of Middle Eastern decent, had entered the same bathroom in the back of the aircraft. As a result of the call, LUCAS moved toward the back of the aircraft. When LUCAS arrived, LUCAS asked JONES if anyone had knocked on the bathroom door. KAT ROBERTS, the third AMERICAN AIRLINES Flight Attendant assigned to this flight, indicated that she had already knocked on the door. While standing outside the bathroom door, LUCAS noticed another Middle Eastern male who had previously been seated in the 11th Row, loitering outside of the other bathroom door. According to LUCAS, that bathroom was unoccupied at the time the other Middle Eastern male stood outside the door. While standing in the rear of the aircraft, JONES informed LUCAS that another female passenger who had been seated next to the male and female Middle Eastern passengers who were in the bathroom, had informed JONES that they were acting strange and

Investigation on 09/17/2001


File #

Chicago, Illinois Date dictated



by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 12:06 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/17/2001



counting large sums of money just prior to leaving their seats and proceeding to the bathroom. According to LUCAS, while this conversation was occurring, the Middle Eastern male who had been in the bathroom with the female opened the door and came out. LUCAS advised that his belt was undone. At approximately the same time, the Middle Eastern male who was loitering outside the other bathroom door went into the bathroom and closed the door. LUCAS proceeded to the cockpit to inform the pilots what was going in the rear of the aircraft. LUCAS informed the captain of the circumstances. The captain informed LUCAS that he intended to close the cockpit door and not reopen it until the plane had landed. The captain further instructed LUCAS to maintain contact with the captain by way of radio throughout the entire flight. LUCAS left the cockpit and informed both JONES and ROBERTS, who were still in the back in the aircraft, to maintain contact with the cockpit and keep the captain advised of the activities of the three Middle Eastern passengers. At this time, LUCAS was informed by either JONES or ROBERTS that the three passengers had all returned to their seats. LUCAS quickly cleaned up the First Class area of the aircraft and returned to the rear section where she spoke with JONES and ROBERTS. At some point, ROBERTS moved to the front of the aircraft. While LUCAS continued to speak with JONES, the male passenger of Middle Eastern decent, who was seated in Row 11. began moving back towards the rear of the aircraft. JONES, who was already on the radio on the captain, informed the captain that the passenger from Row U was back the aisle. As this was occurring, the captain made several announcements that everyone should return to their seats immediately. The Middle Eastern male who was walking down the aisle at this time, ignored the captain's instructions and continued to walk toward the flight attendants. The Middle Eastern male sat in a seat directly in front of LUCAS. The Middle Eastern male turned to LUCAS and informed her that he needed to be the first passenger off the plane when it landed in Chicago. LUCAS repeatedly instructed him that he should immediately return to his seat. The Middle Eastern ignored LUCAS' instructions and said a second time that he needed to be the first passenger off the plane because he was connecting with a UNITED AIRLINES flight to Frankfurt, Germany. [PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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265D-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/17/2001



After a short discussion with the Middle Eastern male, he got up from his seat and instead of returning to his assigned seat, he went into the bathroom. LUCAS added that this time he entered the bathroom opposite the one which he had been in earlier. LUCAS stated that he entered the same bathroom that the Middle Eastern male and female had been in earlier. LUCAS immediately left her seat and moved back to the front of the aircraft. LUCAS instructed ROBERTS to go to the back of the aircraft and help JONES. LUCAS then informed the captain of was what currently taking place in the rear of the aircraft. The captain indicated that he was beginning his descent into Chicago quickly. LUCAS called JONES and told her the information which she had obtained from the captain. LUCAS instructed JONES to stay on the phone with the captain throughout the duration of the flight. At this point, JONES indicated that the Middle Eastern male had left the bathroom and returned to his seat in Row H. LUCAS noted that this about the same time the captain had contacted her by phone and asked her to get the exact seat number of the passenger in Row 11. The captain informed LUCAS that he had called in the names of the male and female Middle Eastern passengers, both of whom were seated in Row 16, and the FBI began to check their records. According to LUCAS, the captain informed her that the individual seated in Row 16 had clean records with the FBI. It was LUCAS1 understanding that the captain, after obtaining the names of the passenger seated in Row H, intended to check with the FBI to determine if this individual had any criminal record. LUCAS advised that the remaining portion of the fljght went on without incident. Upon landing at O'HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT O'HARE, all of the passengers began looking out the windows of the plane. LUCAS looked out and noticed a large number of Chicago police cars surrounding the plane. LUCAS advised that the Chicago police officers boarded the plane and took the three individuals, of Middle Eastern decent, off the plane. [PDF page 3]

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M-INT-00113588 265A-NY-280350-302-97146 11/05/2001 INTERVIEW BOLIVAR D. MUENTES FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



BOLIVAR D. MUENTES. a white male, date of birthl J was contacted in reference to tne ongoing investigation regarding the terrorist attacks that occurred on the United States, on September 11, 2001, MUENTES was informed as to the identity of the interviewing agent, and of the nature of the interview. MUENTES, thereafter, voluntarily provided the following


/9/11 Personal Privacy

MUENTES is employed as a Flight Officer with American Airlines AA. Recently, on or about September 23. 2001 MUENTES relayed details of an incident that occurred on February 2,2001,, in San Paulo, Brazil. On February 1, 2001, MUENTES was assigned to work aboard Aircraft #381, Flight #999, which flew from Miami / International Airport MIA to San Paulo, Brazil. MUENTES flew/ with Captain JAMIE KOCKER and a female Flight Attendant. Who is the girlfriend of an AA Co-Pilot, also assigned to the flight. The ; flight departed MIA on 2/1/01, and arrived in Brazil on 2/2/01./ According to MUENTES, the crew from AA Flight #999 joined crew members from a United Airlines UA flight for dinner at / OMALLVS PUB, in San Paulo, Brazil. After dinner and drinks, the group boarded a shuttle bus to ride to another location. Most of the crew from the UA flight were seated towards the back of the bus, and therefore, most likely, did not overhear a conversation that took place between the AA FA and an unidentified ferrkle UA FA, assigned to work out of MIA. MUENTES was seated near/the two women, and therefore, was in a position to overhear the / conversation. The UA FA is a dark skinned female who described herself as being bom in Saudi Arabia, and of Brazilian detent. Initially, the two women were discussing fixing up the UA FA with a Captain from AA. The UA FA told the AA FA that she considers herself black, and does not date whites. The UA FA's tone quickly soured, as she stated that "dogs and cats dont mix". The UA FA went on to state that she hates whites and she hates America. The UA FA told the other female that the only reason she works out of Miami is to get money to send back to her country. The woman did not specify if her country was Saudi Arabia or Brazil. Soon, the

Investigation on 11/05/01 File #

t Date dictated

gfiS A-M M-?af)350-MM


b9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-MM-280350-MM Continuation of FD-302 of

Bolivar D. Muentes

. On 11/05/01

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UA FA became belligerent, and attempted to have the bus driver pull over and throw the "Americans" off of the bus. The female made a telephone call from her cell phone, and told MUENTES and the AA FA that she was calling the police to have all of the other crew members thrown in jail where they would be murdered. Eventually, MUENTES and others from the AA crew, requested that the bus driver pull over and let them off of the bus. MUENTES believes that the other UA crew members did not realize what was happening until the very last minute. MUENTES also got the impression that the other UA crew members did not like the UA FA. MUENTES further described the UA FA as being dark skinned, 5'8" tall, approximately 40 to 50 years of age, weighing 160 to 170 pounds. MUENTES reiterated that the incident with the UA FA happened prior to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, and the female did not mention anything specific about the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or any attacks on the United States. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00116668 265A-NY-280350-302-99598 10/19/2001 JOSEPH TRUDELL 10/23/2001 Joseph Trudell, flight attendant. American Airlines, telephonically contacted SA[ Jat the Kennedy Airport FBI office, in response to a message left on TrudeH's answering machine by Sft ton 10/10/2001. Trudell was advised that SAI Iwas contacting him concerning his call to the FBI about arv incident on American flight #19 from New York JFK to Los Ange'tes, that Trudell .. worked on 5/3/2001. Trudell then provided the following information regarding this incident. ...'/.. About three rows from the back of the plane, in :": approximately row 34, approximately six Middle Eastern male passengers were seated in two rows of three each. During the flight several of them began asking one of the flight attendants questions about the flight, the pilot, the cockpit etc. Shortly afterward, while the three were near the bathroom in the rear of the plane, Trudell was passing by. They told him they were pilots for Saudi Arabian Airlines, and they asked if they could go into the cockpit and see the pilot. When Trudell told them / this was not possible, they then asked what would happen if the pilot became incapacitated. Trudell told them the co-pilot would take over in that situation. They then asked what would happen if the pilot and co-pilot both became incapacitated. Trudell advised something to the effect of "that would be a real problem".

'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

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When the three individuals stated that they were pilots for Saudi Arabian Airlines, they also stated that they were going to Los Angeles for training in the Long Beach area. None of the individuals wore any type of airline/pilot uniforms. There were no further incidents concerning these individuals the rest of the flight. Trudell did not write down the row numbers or seat numbers occupied by these individuals. / Trudell resides atf


Queenss, N.Y.

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telephonically N/A

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M-INT-00155517 265A-NY-280350-302-112783 12/11/2001 DIANE POWELL 12/11/01 J3IANE POWELLf

(Date of Birth I employed by American Airlines, job title: Flight Attendant, was informed of the agents identity and the nature of the interview. POWELL provided the following information: POWELL stated on 11/13/01 she received a recorded message on her home telephone voice mail box from an unidentified male. POWELL stated she was home on sick leave from American Airlines and failed to answer the telephone. POWELL stated when she checked the voice message recorder the message stated" You Americans think you are so united. Tomorrow at 9:11 we are going to blow your house up." POWELL stated the voice had a distinct accent but that she did not recognize the voice. POWELL stated she has a teenage daughter and the voice did not resemble any of her child's peers. POWELL stated she did not have any pending court issues or problems with past relationships with any individuals that would possibly cause someone to leave the recording. POWELL stated she contacted the Swampscott Police Department and made contact with Officer! I i i POWELL provided the taped recording to O f f i r . ^ I who submitted .the recording into evidence. I POWELL stated she.has not had any further incidents since the 11-13-01 telephone cai!,. POWELL stated contact the FBI if any additional issues arose.

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Boston, MA

/ telephonically


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M-INT-00162168 265A-NY-280350-302-116129 06/07/2002 MARYANN MASTROIANNI

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06/07/2002 MARYANN MASTROJANNL a white female, data of hirth vas interviewed at her residence. MAS IKUIANNI was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview. She then furnished the following information: MASTROIANNI advised she has been a flight attendant for AMERICAN AIRLINES (AA) for 38 years. She has been out of work on a medical disability since July, 2001. MASTROIANNI injured her knee on a flight with severe turbulence and has had one surgery and may require an additional surgery. MASTROIANNI advised she has spent the last five years flying to London from Boston. She has observed that security at HEATHROW, GATWICK and PARIS AIRPORTS is extremely tight. In addition, she does not believe that security at LOGAN AIRPORT in Boston has changed at all. She indicated her friends still perceive it to be lax as well. MASTROIANNI was at a family graduation party this past weekend. While there, she spoke with MARIE PARENTE, a State Representative for Massachusetts. PARENTE is the mother-in-law of MASTROIANNI's husband's first cousin. While at this party, MASTROIANNI related a number of incidents that she gleaned from employees of AA that she knew. MASTROIANNI advised the information she was providing was second hand information from friends at AA. She indicated the flight attendants feel they are being ignored regarding their concerns about security. She related that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AA, DON CARTY, was on television last week saying he felt security measures were tight enough and that mandates suggesting more are not necessary. MASTROIANNI has also heard about some of the "Old Boy" captains of the airplanes for AA who do not want to be told what to do when it comes to security on their airplanes. She believed that related to them not using or securing the cockpit doors. It is MASTROIANNI's belief that it is mandatory to lock the cockpit door and she believes that is not being done. MASTROIANNI learned of the following incidents after meeting with friends of hers who are still flight attendants with AA. The first incident she related was from a flight attendant who, the day after September 11, 2001, when a picture was published of MOHAMED ATTA, believed with certainty that he was on at least one flight and possibly a second flight she worked on. On the one flight she felt certain he was on, ATTA was sitting in first class coming from London to Boston. On that flight, he did not eat nor did he drink. Rather, he watched everything she did during the whole flight. She had a feeling of uneasiness from him on that flight. MASTROIANNI interjected, saying it is unusual to have an individual in first class cabin who does nothing but stare for 61/2 hours or who does not engage in conversation. With regard to this flight attendant's experiences prior to September 11, 2001, and the fact that she believed she saw ATTA on at least one flight and possibly two, MASTROIANNI does not know for sure whether this information was reported before September 11,2001. She thinks this attendant did report this information post September 11, 2001. The second incident MASTROIANNI related was from a different flight attendant. This attendant was also absolutely confident that she saw ATTA on Flight 11 to Los Angeles within a month or so prior to September 11, 2001. This second attendant's experience was almost the same as the other attendant's experience, in that ATTA made her feel uneasy. MASTROIANNI was not sure from this attendant's report whether ATTA was sitting in first class or not. MASTROIANNI was not sure if this attendant did anything with the information before September 11,2001. MASTROIANNI related a third incident that was from a gate agent for AA. This gate agent has had a very hard time since September 11, 2001. In general, this gate agent believes she saw several of the September 11, 2001 hijackers at LOGAN AIRPORT prior to September 11, 2001, observing what was going on in the gate area. MASTROIANNI does not know if this information was reported to anyone pre-September 11,2001. This same gate agent also related an encounter she had on September 11, 2001. Apparently, this gate agent

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denied passage to possibly three men who wanted to pay for tickets in cash on the morning of September 11, 2001, and were attempting to board AA Flight 156, leaving Boston at approximately 9 a.m. to London, England. According to MASTROIANNI, this gate agent felt the three men met the profile, which is why she denied their tickets. MASTROIANNI then related a fourth incident, which also concerned AA Flight 156 from Boston to London on September 11, 2001. A flight attendant, who was on that plane, believes there were individuals on the plane who fit the profile of the September 11, 2001 hijackers. According to MASTROIANNI, this plane was grounded on the tarmac and never got off the ground that day. The plane was eventually brought back to the gate and the passengers were released. However, while they were waiting to be released, they were learning of what occurred with the hijacked flights. It was at that point, according to MASTROIANNI, as relayed by this attendant, that they became suspicious or conscious of people on the plane who they felt fit the profile similar to ATTA. MASTROIANNI also related the fact that a rumor has circulated that on September 11, 2001, after Flight 156 was deplaned and later searched, box cutters were found on that flight. MASTROIANNI has advised that AA has told its people that rumor is not true. MASTROIANNI advised, again, that she does not know if any of the pre-September 11,2001 incidents she has recounted were reported to the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI), the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) or AA prior to September 11, 2001. MASTROIANNI advised that if a flight attendant had a concern about someone on a plane, initially they would take their complaint to the captain. In addition, they can take it to ground security at the airport if they feel the captain has not addressed their concern. Lastly, she indicated that attendants can call a number in the AA handbook to report someone they consider suspicious. MASTROIANNI was asked for the names of those individuals who recounted incidents to her. She advised she would not divulge those names until she spoke with those individuals. She indicated she would recontact the FBI with the names of those individuals once she had spoken with them.




Personal Privacy

265A-NY-280350-3026/6/2002 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

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M-INT-00104773 265A-NY-280350-302-87572 11/16/2001 LINDEN, DONNA FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


11 /24/2001

On November 16. 2Qpi DONNA LINDEN, Flight Attendant. American Airtines.r Iwas interviewed by SAI I I I via telephone. After the interviewing agent identified ; himself, and the nature of the interview, LINDEN provided the ; following information: i Withrespect to information that she provided to CAPTAIN GUNNAR EDELSTEIN, an American Airlines Pilot, about an incident on American Airlines Flight 142 from JFK to London. LINDEN said jihat she did not actually witness anything. She did not see any faces of any persons involved. According to LINDEN, the Captain AA and Purser head Flight Attendant of Flight 142 on September 11, 20^01. were already interviewed by the FBI. ; LINDEN disputed the specific information that CAPTAIN EDELSTEIN attributed LINDEN on November 12,2001. after tfieir flight from JFK to St. Maarten thai, several Arab males became agitated on Flight 142 on September 11,2001, when the flight returned to its gate due to mechanical problems just prior to itjs scheduled departure at 8:30 a.m. According to LINDEN, this .was the wrong story. \ LINDEN insisted that any further communications with her had to go through American Airlines corporate.personnel. LINDEN cited American Airlines policy that the FBI should be contacting American personnel through the airline. Despite having returned SA I [telephone call through the FBI/New York's switchboard, she was nervous about not being able to verify to whom she was actually talking to. .... \

..•''9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Investigation on 11/16/01

at Queens, New York via telephone

File #

Date dictated 265A-NY-280350-302





This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 12, 2003 1:01 pm

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M-INT-00088670 265A-NY-280350-302~73521 09/19/2001 _ EIZABETH MARY HENLEY, DOBJ_ FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Elizabeth Mary Henley, date of birth.]

f was advised of the identity of the interviewing 'agent ana the nature of the interview. Henley provided the following information: ,

/ / /

Henley was a flight attendant on United Airlines Flight #962 from Los Angeles to Dulles Airport on September 11, 2001 / The flight was scheduled to depart at 6:45am. During boarding, Henley was approached by a Garden Grove Police Officer Roosevelt LNU (last name unknown) who had a mutual friend with Henley. Ttie police officer was flying on her flight, so he introduced himself and / showed her his badge in private. He told her that the World Trade Center had just blown up. She told him she would check with/the captain of the airplane on this information which she did and there was no news. /9/11 Personal Privacy A few minutes later a message came up on the/airplane computer ACARS that two American Airlines planes had crashed. She went to tell the police officer this information and she heard the captain say that two United Airlines jets were missing./ Henley called her sister or her cell phone. Henley's sister told her about the two airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center. Henley relayed this information to the police officer; the police officer spoke with the captain and told him that his cousin worked in Operations for United Airlines and he would call her ifo find out what was going on. The police officer called his cousin and she told him that a plane had crashed into the Pentagon. .Henley called her sister again and while she was on the phone with/her sister the captain announced that two American Airline jets hao4 crashed into the World Trade Center. The captain told the passengers to get their belongings and to leave the airplane. While the passengers were exiting the/plane, a male approximately 25-30 years old, clean shaven, black hair, dressed very nicely, shorter, small build, who Henley felt looked Middle Eastern was grinning and kept turning around and looking back toward the back of the airplane. She thought it Was very odd behavior. This male was originally sitting somewhere around Row

Investigation on 09/19/01 File #

at F Date dictated

265A-NY-280350-302 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 12, 2003 12:57 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

Elizabeth Mary Henley

, On 09/19/01



#15DEF and he moved to the row across the airplane from the police officer somewhere around Row #20DEF. He was the last person to get off the airplane. Henley could not recall if he had any carry-on luggage. Not only did Henley feel his behavior was odd but the other flight attendant nauirj Schmittke felt it was strange. Schmlttke lives ir| |in.d can be reached at telephone I I TH6V POM reported this passenger to supervisors. [PDF page 2]



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M-INT-00091041 265A-NY-280350-302-75070 09/13/2001 ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2001. BRIAN MONIEA, UNITED AIRLINES (UAL) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

'« i



On September 13, 2001, Brian Moniea, United Airlines UAL, Flight Dispatch, World Headquarters, Elk Grove Village, IL provided the following information regarding a passenger on UAL flight 955. Mr. Moniea was contacted by the captain, via Acars and radio communication, of UAL flight 955 which was scheduled to fly from London, United Kingdom to Chicago, IL and diverted to Edmonton, Canada. The flight crew noticed that upon departure from Edmonton to Chicago, IL on 09-13-2001, approximately 7:00 PM CST the flight crew noticed a passenger identified as| [was not on the flight. The flight crew confirmed the luggage or " | [was not on the aircraft upon departure from Edmonton. Aflight attendant, identified as Eric Lerasle, overheard I frrake a telephone call, possibly to Saudi Arabia, upjbn the flights arrival/diversion in Edmonton, Canada. / On September 14, 2001, UAL Information Services provided records for the passenger name record for| 1 made the reservation oh August 4,2001 thru American amines reservatin system. The reservations were booked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia afl '••-.' '•-.. ; /

9/11 Personal Privacy

Investigation on 09-14-2001 File # 26SA-NY-280350 t9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

at Elk Grove Village, IL Date dictated 09-14-2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 12, 200312:58 pm




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M-INT-00053648 265A-NY-280350-302-67415 09/26/2001 INFORMATION PROVIDED B

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New York, New York



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M-INT-00053973 265A-NY-280350-302-67809 09/26/2001 INTERVIEW OF DEBBIE FRITZ 265A-NY-280350-302 TLH:tlh

•""9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

The following investigation was conducted by Investigative Analyst IAI IVentura Resident Agency, 9/26/2001. The results are as follows:

wa: contacted telephonically at her FRITZ: was DEf She is the Purser Flight Attendant on residence American Airlines Flight 133. .She says she is very concerned about the security measures that.were not taken when planes were finally allowed to take off again from JFK Airport on 9/13/2001. She says her flight was the first to fly and several very odd things happened before this flight. . FRITZ says the flight attendants bags are always checked thoroughly, but on this day they were not. There did not seem to be any extra security as the airline had promised.. When she got to the plane, there were some flight crew members coming off the plane. She says this is odd because they always do what, is called a "sweep" of the plane before any flight crew are allowed to board. They swept the plane and allowed the crew to .... board. Being the Purser, she is in charge of the other flight . attendants. They were checking the plane to make sure.everything was in proper order and found a knife in one of the seats. It , was one of the silverware knives they serve with the meals to ;; passengers. This was odd because they.had just swept the plane. / The knife should have been found. ...-•"" . /


Personal Privacy

The next thing that.haboened was an Indian man named ame onto the plane and was taking a wrinkled up flight attendant uniform out of a bag and putting, it on. The / M attendants are supposed to be completely ready and attired before 11 boarding the plane. FRITZ also should know everyone flying on/ i i the plane. She did not knnwi i Rha asked him who;he yv;as and what he was doing. He said he was flying with them. She./ ; \d for ID. His ID did not match any American Airlines


employee, f Jj was going to let him fly without the proper ID. Instead she i allowed him to fly as a passenger with a ticket, i p;at down. The plane was boarded by passengers.I It hen waved down FRITZ and said he was afraid and wanted off the plane. American Airlines Security took him off the plane. Shortly thereafter, the FBI swarmed the plane and removed two other passengers,[ The flight crew and pilots were debriefed. The Captain was not allowed to attend the debriefing with the rest of the group. The Captain is now on some sort of leave. [PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350-302 2*

FRITZ has talked with her union rep hoping for some answers to her questions because she loves her job and now has

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After speaking with her, lAl Isnnka with Supervisor Robert J. Mack and explained FRITZ'S concerns. His suggestions for FRITZ are to keep pushing her union rep and American Airlines Security for answers. Affer relaying these suggestions, she was also advised she couid call the New York FBI Office. The FBI would welcome any further information she has to offer. However, she was informed the FBI would probably not be able to answer her questions due to the active investigation. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00061096 265A-NY-280350-302-44971 09/24/2001 ^_^__ INTERVIEW OFI FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

9/11 Personal Privacy -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription

Investigation on 09/24-25/2001Q


File# by


265A-NY-280350-NH I 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Date dictated 09/25/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-NH . On 09/25/2001

Continuation of FD-302 off

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265A-NY-280350-NH , On 09/25/2001

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265A-NY-280350-NH Continuation Of FD-302 of9/ll Personal Privacy

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, On 09/25/2001

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M-INT-00018199 265A-NY-280350-IN-8576 09/23/2001 , INTERVIEW OFl 265A-NY-280350-IN JGR:jgr 1 On Sunday. September 23, 2001, SA j and SAI " r l R S . spoke with[


After being advised of trie identities of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview,!, provided the following information: spte Jwas on American Airlines flight #573 on September L 11, 2001, with an expected departure time of 0923 hours • L was seated in the second row of First Class, on an aisle seat, utilizing a ticket purchased through American Express for his -~

I "Tadvised that he did'not use his cell phone on the i plane, the only calls he made were inside the terminal after the | plane was aroundeo'.i ladvised that his only conversations? with the flight attendant were to request a glass of apple juice j " ' ' and to then ask for a cup of.coffee. I Tadvised that the i gentleman sitting next to hint received a ..cation his cell phone i from his wife, alerting him to the' fact that a plane'had just \n into the World Trade Center'.''!""

[said that the ma

passed this information along to the flight afiendant who departed the plane, returning with a supervisor whojrtfprmed the: passengers that the plane was being grounded, i idid rjjat have any "belligerent" conversations with the flight attendant and recalled her as being "very shaken" after hearing the. hews [PDF page 1]


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M-INT-00041596 265A-NY-280350-IN-10818 09/22/2001 SNEPP DONNA 265A-NY-280350-IN MS:ms

1 The .following investigation was conducted by SA| Jon 09/22/2001 at Phoenix, Arizona:

| i

Donna Snenn. Managing Director. Flight Service ...,4 9/11 Personal Privacy Department, American AMin.es. telephonel l-was i interviewed via the telephone: Snepp stated that she had no \e about an American Airlines flight attendant dating one; of the hijackers who died on 09/11/2001.. Snepp declared that sh^ would share this information with her regional managers during a \e call on 09/23/2001. Snepp stated that s.he would

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M-INT-00004931 265A-NY-280350-302-32041 09/12/2001 KELLE POOL; FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

/9/11 Personal Privacy

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On September 12, 2001 Kelle Pool was telepnonicallv contacted on her cellular telephone I Ihy Special Agent SAI I Honolulu, regarding her complaint called into the Honolulu Division's Command Post on September 11, 2001. The Information Control number is HN75. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview, Pool provided the following information: Pool flew from Las Vegas, Nevada to Los Angeles, California on Thursday September 6, 2001. She stayed with a friend named Peter on Sunset Boulevard.in the downtown area of Los Angeles, California. On September 7,2001, Pool flew with friends to Hawaii on Continental Airline flight 75. She and her friend, Dillon, sat together in seats 39L and 39K respectively. She was assigned to sit in a different seat, but she switched with another one of her traveling companions in order to sit next to Dillon. While other passengers were boarding the aircraft, Pool used her cellular telephone to call a friend to say goodbye. A Middle Eastern male who sat behind her in ajsle seat 40H tapped her on her shoulder and asked if she was an American. When she answered that she was, he told her that that call was the last call she would make. She gave him a dirty look arixJ turned around. She did not talk to him during the flight. \e Middle Eastern male spoke English fairly well, but had an accent. Pool noticed that the Middle Eastern male held a piece of paper in his hands. The paper had foreign writing ori\it. Pool did not notice if the Middle Eastern male ordered a special meal. She did not hear any of the flight attendants address him by name. She did know that he was not sitting in the correct seat because before the flight departed, a flight attendant told him that he was seated in the wrong seat. He told the flight x ''9/ll

Law Enforcement Privacy


Investigation on 09/12/2001

Date dictated

File* 265A-NY-280350-302



Hon.oltJlu, Hawaii

Not Dictated


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 12, 2003 12:53 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-HN Continuation of FD-302 of

Kelle Pool

, On 09/12/2001

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attendant that he knew he was assigned another seat, but he saw that the seat was open so he took it. Pool knew for certain that the Middle Eastern male filled out a State of Hawaii Agriculture form. She knew that he did because she overheard a flight attendant helping him with the form. He had no idea how to fill it out, so a flight attendant helped him fill out the form step by step. Pool did not know the name of the flight attendant who helped the Middle Eastern male fill out the State of Hawaii Agriculture form but described her as being a female approximately between the ages of 30 and 45 years old. She may have had blonde hair. There were a total of four female flight attendants servicing Pool's area of the aircraft during the flight. Upon arrival in Honolulu, Pool and her traveling companions continued on to Kauai. Pool did not notice the Middle Eastern male deplaning nor did she see him at the baggage claim area. Pool described the Middle Eastern male to be a clean cut, younger male. He had lots of hair. He was on the shorter side and had a strong jaw line. He had sunken eyes and a "unibrow". He wore a generic brand of dark denim blue jeans. She could not recall what type of top he wore. He wore black sandals that resembled the 'Teva" brand of sandals. Pool did not report the threat to the flight attendants. She thought that by giving the Middle Eastern male a dirty look, she would have conveyed to him that she did not appreciate the comment about the cellular telephone call. Pool decided to report the incident upon hearing about the plane crashes in New York. Pool could provide no futher information. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00004868 265A-N Y-280350-302-31973 10/03/2001 BLUM, MARCIA

10/03/2001 MARCIA BLUM. bonT Jvas interviewed at the Las Vegas office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the \, BLUM furnished the following information:

On October 2, 2001, while working as a flight attendant I for AMERICAN AIRLINES AA on flight 2053 from Dallas Fort Worth j to San Diego, Blum was approached by a man that asked questions; about the security at the airports. i .-v-19/11 Personal Privacy Approximately ten minutes prior to the pilot turning on , , /| the "fasten seat belts" sign for landing BLUM was at the rear of / / ijj the aircraft when she was cornered by a male passenger,. The majiiTi asked BLUM why he was only checked one time wheri.gbing through; the airport when he thought he would be checked two or tr>ree / III times. He then asked if there were Sky Marshals on the.aircraft/ j 1 i He continued his questions about airport security askincj what j : I \s to the checked bags, "Do they go through a machin "What happens if someone puts a bomb-fa a checked bag?" pLUM | i answered his questions by saying that there are security // ij i procedures that you see and others that you don't see. if [i i The conversation ended when the "fasten seat belt" $ign was turned on and the man returned to his seat. //

j i Mi

As BLUM thought about the conversation she got ah J M uneasy feeling .about it. To find out more about the passenger M i BLUM got the passenger manifest and found out his naflie was I i I I I I BLUM had thought ttoat PARMAR was probably a Mexican American because of his light skin and complete lack of accent, j i Upon finding ou< Iname BLUM decided to .call the FBi. i In order to get more information on accessed the AA computers and pulled up the history on Along with his flight history it showed thatl """lis due to return to Dallas on AA flight 481, October 7. 2001. BLUM provided both the passenger manifest from AA flight 2053 on October 2, 2001 and the print out ofl

1 0/03/2001



Las Vegas, Nevada

265A-NY-280350 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy [PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350 MarciaBlum

10/03/2001 2

history on AA. [PDF page 2]

September 12, 2003 12:53 pm

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M-INT-00058765 265A-NY-280350-302-14313 09/12/2001 INTERVIEW GARY L PRY FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

,..-•''9/11 Personal Privacy 1FEDERAL BUREAU OP INVESTIGATION; Date of transcription



Gary L. Pry, DOBf

J employed as a Captain for American I Airlines, was interviewed at the Fair Oaks Holiday Inn, located at 11787 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway, Fairfax, Virginia 22033. Alsb present at the interview was Michael D. Mahoney, DOB I I SSNI i First Officer for American Airlines. Agents revealed their identities and Pry provided the following information. Pry is a pilot on domestic flights for American Airlines, flying to destinations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Pry's schedule usually is 3 days flying followed by 3 days off. On 09/11/2001, AA Flight 614 departed Fort Lauderdale, Florida at approximately 6:55 am for La Guardia Airport in New York. Pry recalled getting to the aircraft one hour prior to departure time. Pry thought that the security seemed tighter than usual at the security checkpoint. Pry based this upon the high number of security officers that were at the checkpoint. Pry went through the checkpoint and proceeded into terminal "F". During the flight, Pry was instructed by ground controllers to divert to Dulles Airport. Upon arrival at the gate, there was no one there to move the skybridge to the plane so that passengers may exit the plane, due to the airport terminal being evacuated. While waiting to unload, Pry got on the PA system and told the passengers that there had been a terrorist act and to remain in their seats. Pry then opened the cockpit door, and noticed two men standing near the front of the coach section. No other passengers were standing. These two men were trying to get their cell phones to work, but were unable to. Pry even took one of their cell phones into the cabin of the plane, near the windows, trying to get a signal, but was unsuccessful. Mahoney described one of the men as having a weight lifter build, long dark hair in a pony tail, and having "a southern Italian look". Both of the men were conversing in a foreign

Investigation on 09/12/2001

at Fairfax, Virginia

File #

Date dictated 265D-NY-280350 I


u9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

September 12, 2003 12:40 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of

Gary L. Pry

, On 09/12/2001



language, possibly European in nature, but not French, German, or Italian. Pry believed that these two men had been sitting in First Class, but Mahoney believed that they were sitting near the front of Coach Class. Pry said that the men had been fairly late boarding the plane, and were possibly the last passengers to board the plane. Pry said that when passengers board very late, they are often told to sit anywhere there is room, and as a result these passengers often do not wind up sitting in their assigned seats. Pry described the plane as being a McDonnell Douglas Super 80 aircraft. Pry provided the writing agent with a diagram of the plane. Pry said that the front row of the Coach section began with row number 7. The seating arrangements are two seats on the left, then the aisle, and then 3 seats on the right side. In addition to the passengers on the plane, there were three flight attendants on board. Jim Hilson and Julie Palmer were flight attendants at the rear of the plane, and Sandra Ferrell was a flight attendant in First Class. There was also another flight attendant that was present on the plane, but was off duty and flying in Coach Class with the rest of the passengers. Pry received a phone call earlier on 09/13/2001 from Julie Palmer. Palmer had spent the night in the Washington area with two other passengers from the plane. The two passengers Palmer stayed with told her they had seen two foreign looking passengers have an altercation with security prior to boarding the flight. The two passengers had tried to get through the security checkpoint with some knives, possibly steak knives, and had been rebuffed by the security guards. Pry was unsure if the knives had been seized or if the two passengers had packed the knives into their checked luggage as a result. Pry said that Sandra Ferrell was staying with Jim Hilson at a localIrelative's relative's house, house, telephone telephone numbei| numbed iand could also be reached at cell phone number | Attached is a Flight History and manifest for American Airlines Flight 614 and a copy of the plane seating diagram. [PDF page 2]

9/11 Personal Privacy

September 12, 2003 12:40 pm

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M-INT-00021975 265A-NY-280350-KC-714 09/15/2001 LINDA EMLEY KC670 NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) 09/15/2001 Control Number: KC 670 Linda Emlev. date of birthf

J was contacted at her home. Emley was contacted regarding American Airlines AAflight 11 and Interavia Pakistan, Ltd.. After being advised of the purpose of the interview and the identity of the interviewing agent, Emley provided the following information:

/9/11 Personal Privacy

Emley is employed at Worldspan, a company which operates an airline reservation web site utilized by travel agencies. Companies can book airline reservations over the Internet once they have established an account with Worldspan. / As part of her employment Emley was reviewing booking records and discovered that, on September 11, 2001, a company had booked a number of seats on American Airlines Flight 11. Interavia Pakistan, Ltd, IPL Karachi, Pakistan, had / booked 7 seats on AA flight 11, bound from Boston to Los Angeles. The reservation had been made at 9:03 GMT. The reservations were made in a block of 4 and a block of 3 in the following,names:

At the same time reservations for the listed subjects were also made on Trans World Airlines TWA flight 342. bound from Los Angeles to St. Louis. Both sets of reservations were made for flights on September 11, 2001. AA flight 11 was scheduled to depart at 7:45 a.m. eastern standard time and arrive in Los Angeles at 10:59 a.m. pacific standard time. TWA flight 342 was scheduled to depart at 7:55 a.m. pacific standard time and arrive at 1:24 p.m. central standard time. 09/15/2001

Kansas City, Missouri




9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy [PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350 Linda Emley


In reviewing the record Emley realized that it was impossible for the passengers to use both reservations and became suspicious. Emley compared the reservations to a list of passengers who died on AAflight 11 which had been posted on the CNN web site. Emley was unable to locate the passengers listed

April 2, 2004 3:47 pm

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on the reservations on the CNN list. Emley advised since the reservations are made via the Internet that they could be made from any computer with an Internet connection. All that would be needed is IPL's user ID and password. In addition Worldspan records indicated that no tickets were issued by IPL for the reservations and they were not paid for in advance. Records did indicate that AA had confirmed both reservations, AA record locator DUMSJF. Emley also advised the names on the reservations could be changed by any AA ticket agent. This is not the normal practice but does happen from time to time. In addition any individual with access to the AA ticketing system and knowledge of its use could change the reservations prior to the passengers arrival at the ticket counter. Worldspan does not receive information from the airlines which would indicate if a passenger took a particular flight or if changes to the reservation are made through the airline. In researching the reservation history of IPL Emley discovered that they have been a customer for approximately one year. Records indicate that IPL always makes same day reservations. Emley discovered that most flight reservations made by !PL are within 12 hours or less of the flight. In addition IPL normally makes reservations once daily and only logs on to the site for about thirty minutes. Emley provided information regarding the flights booked by IPL for September 15, 2001. Most of the flights booked had circuitous or conflicting times and/or routes. None of the flights booked for September 15, 2001 originated in North America. [PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 3:47 pm

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M-INT-00007040 265A-NY-280350-302-34454

09/14/2001 TATE, MELISSA FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

J9/11 Personal Privacy -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION / / pat^ jpf transcription


MELISSA TATE, Customer Servicje Agent an& jAlANA RUNNELLS, Lead Customer Service Agent, Comair Airlines. Bacigor International Airport BIA, Bangor, Maine, telephone numberf j \ 1 were advised of the identity of the interviewing Sgen.1 arjd the nature of the interview. They were interviewed jointly because they were working the Comair counter together when the followingjinCident occurred. TATE's home phone numby 1s| / II land RUNNELLS' home phone number is! I / ,/ i! RUNNELLS stated that on Seypten)iber 6, 200li,|at approximately 6:35 PM, five Middle Eastern rnen, who just booked their reservation one hour earlier for a flight from Bangor tjji Boston, showed up at the Coniair counter with 18 pieces of;luggage. The following is a list of the names of/those/individuals: I i

Their plane tickets were purchased from Carlisle Travel, Los Angeles, f-atifarnlal /I Of the 18 pieces of luggage, two were large metal trunks, each weighing 150 pounds each and the other .16 pieces were oversized suitcases which weighed in the range of 97 to 100 pounds. The passengers were told! they were allowed three pieces of luggage each and that the trunks were too heavy, i i father ofi Louliad out a large amount of cash from his pocket and gave his son f H $200. I |and one of the other males, who did not speak very good English" then took a taxi over to/the Ames Department Store, located at the Airport Mall, on Union Street, and purchased two additional suitcases. I feturned with the suitcases and opened the metal trunks in plain view of TATE and RUNNELLS. The trunks were full of books, CDs and hair spray. TATE stated the titles of the books were written in Arabic. They saw no clothing in the trunk. RUNNELLS stated that it looked like they were moving.

Investigation on

.... 9/..14/2001


Portland, Maine Date dictated

File# by

9/14/2001 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 4, 2003 4:29 pm

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[PDF page 1) FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

Personal Privacy

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of






/, 6n 9/14/2J&01



j appeared to be the-'mentor/leader oJithe group He was about 50 years old. He and his sqrjsppke very good English, but'the other three men did not: One of those.men w^s on his; cellular telephone the whole time and was mostly speaking in ii Arabic. TATE stated that.occasionally she would he£r him sayi "baggy no go." i fe"n i lonlv wanted hi^ plane ticket and did not care if his luggage made it orr the flight or not. I :| was very impatient and annoying. I hold the customer service agents that his group was just spending the night in Boston, then flying to Los Angeles. They did not have plane tickets to Los j Angeles yet so their 18 bags could only be checked to Boston J This made quite an impression on.the customer service reps because they realized that once they arrived in Boston, they h?d to take theiif 18 bags to the hotel, then bring them back to the airport the next morning for the flight to Los Angeles. / I Comair charged! IS555 extra so that they could have their 18 bags travel with them. I Zl would also have to pay this much, if not more, for his bags totravel with him from Boston to Los Angeles. He charged this with VISA credit card numberl I ' I Attached as an enclosure to this FD-302 is a two page passenger name record, given to SA| iby Comair. [PDF page 2]


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

September 4, 2003 4:29 pm

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M-INT-00000269 265A-NY-280350-302-3107 09/12/2001 INTERVIEW OF SUZANNE CLARK FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



SUZANNE CLARK. Security Manager, American Airlines, P.O. Box619616-5555, Dallas Fort Worth Airport, Texas 75261, was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and provided the following information (note: the information is being obtained as a follow-up to information previously provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI by CHRISTOPHER SULLIVAN that four middle eastern males were studying flight manuals in English and Arabic during a flight he was on from Dallas to Killeen, Texas on September 9, 2001): CHRISTOPHER SULLIVAN was scheduled to fly from Dallas Fort Worth Airport to Killen, Texas at 12:31 pm on September 9, 2001 on American Airlines flight 3611. However, the flight was overbooked and SULLIVAN did not make that flight. SULLIVAN was rescheduled and did fly out on American Airlines flight 3585 at 2:15 pm on September 9, 2001 and was seated in seat 14B. CLARK provided the flight manifest for both flights via facimile communication. Those documents are attached. A review of the manifest for flight 3585 reveals the following possible middle eastern males and their seat assignments: Name

Seat Assignment Unassigned Unassigned 10B 14A .Unassigned Unassigned i4C

9/11 Personal Privacy

Investigation on 9-12-01 File #

at Houston, Texas

telephonically Date dictated



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1)

September 10, 2003 9:47 am

Pa9e 1


: : = :

M-INT-00039180 265A-NY-280350-302-9316 09/17/2001 MARK A ROMANELLI

...••""9/11 Personal Privacy

: FD-302(Rev. 10-6-95)



Date of transcription


.MARK A ROMANELLI, Managing Director, American Airlines. Alliance-Alrport, Fort Worth, Texas 76161 phone numberl I I Iwas interviewed at his place of employment and supplied the following: ROMANELLI advised that during maintenance of aircraft #339, employee MARK HAIDUCEK discovered a box knife in the area of seat #36. HAIDUCEK was lifting the row of sets to perform maintenance on the electrical system to the seat headset. HAIDUCEK reported the discovery and took the knife to supervisors. The knife was placed in a plastic bag. ROMANELLI believed that it was unlikely any maintenance worker had left the knife. ROMANELLI reported the discovery to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and provided the knife to writer. ROMANELLI provided the written statements of MARK HAIDUCEK and of JOHN LAX who touched the knife prior to being placed in the plastic bag. ROMANELLI also produced photos of the section of seats the knife was found and of the knife itself. ROMANELLI advised that SUZANNE CLARK of American Airlines Security is reviewing the seat manifest for flights of airplane #339.

Investigation on 9/17/01

at FORT WORTH, TEXAS Date dictated

File# 265D-NY-280350-DL 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 10, 2003 9:48 am

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M-INT-00112405 265A-NY-280350-302-96089 11/14/2001 REQUESTED TIME FRAME, SEPTEMBER 11, 2001; (212) 509-3400 NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



9/11 Closed by Statute

Investigation on 11/14/01

at Newark, New Jersey

File# 265A-NY-280350-302 265A-NY-280350-TEL t9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

Date dictated 11/14/01

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

April 7, 200412:24 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 265A-NY-280350-TEL Continuation of FD-302 of

The Custodian of Records

, On 11/14/01



9/11 Closed by Statute

[PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

April 7, 2004 12:24 pm

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265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of


The Custodian of Records

, On 11/14/01

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9/11 Closed by Statute

[PDF page 3] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 265A-NY-280350-TEL Continuation of FD-302 of

April 7, 2004 12:24 pm

The Custodian of Records

, On 11/14/01



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[PDF page 4]

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M-INT-00015431 265A-NY-280350-302-54503 09/18/2001 I 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive | NCTAJ304 (1st Batch of unredacted 30Zs delivered in August) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

Investigation on 9/14/01

aj 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive Date dictated

File* by

265D-NY-280350 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

November 4, 2003 12:15 pm

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[PDF page 1]

November 4, 2003 12:15 pm

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M-INT-00122794 265A-NY-280350-302-105079 10/28/2001 JOANNE HILL, COMMONWEALTH OF MASS., STATE POLICE HACKNEY OFC NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August) FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

...••'''9/11 Personal Privacy


Date of transcription


On 10/23/01,.JOANNE HILL, Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Police Hackney. Office, Logan International Airport, Massachusetts Port Authority. Boston, Massachusetts, telephone I I was interviewed by telephone. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, provided the following information:

Reference: 265A-NY-280350-AT Serial 3311 ICF/Control #15762 265A-NY-280350 Serial 7610

Investigation on


at Boston, MA

File* 265-A-NY-280350-AT by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

telephonically Date dictated 10/28/01

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

November 4,2003 12:15 pm

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April 7, 2004 3:09 pm

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M-INT-00019870 265A-NY-280350-302-37868

09/28/2001 MISURACA, SALVATORE P ..,9/30/01 SALVATORF P.. MI$URACA, white, male, date of birth w'as contacted at his place of employment, AMERICAN AIRLINI S AA. LOGAN AIRPORT, Boston, Massachusetts, I I After being advised of the official identities of the interviewing Special Agent SA and Massachusetts State Police Trooper Tpr., MISURACA provided the following:


MISURACA stated that he was previously interviewed by the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FBI on two occasions, September 11, 2001 and September 26, 2001. MISURACA was interviewed by SAI land Tor] Ion September 11,2001. "...

MISURACA is a Ramp Customer Service Manager. Initially MISURACA could not recall a recent incident where art.pfficial from the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FAA requested that a piece of luggage be pulled from an airplane. MISURACA stated... that it is his job to pull luggage and bring it to wherever its .. \. AA's Passenger Services employees usually re

Enforcement brought to baggage services. MISURACA cited an example as someone checking a bag but missing a flight. That situation would cause a bag to be pulled off a flight.

/ Privacy

MISURACA has been through FAA tests on numerous / occasions. The FAA official will provide identification at Baggage Services in order to retrieve the bag. Upon further reflection MISURACA recalled a recent incident where he and HOWIE CRABTREE took a bag off the plane. The bag was given to someone who was an FAA official.. The official said "you guys did a great job" to MISURACA. MISURACA does not keep records of luggage pulled off aircraft. BRON MCKENZIE the Passenger Services Supervisor may/have records of pulled luggage. The Passenger Services Supervisor usually makes the determination what bag needs to be pulled. MISURACA gets the information of what needs to be pulled and talks/to the crew chief to find out where the bag may be stowed, MISURACA will call Passenger Services after retrieving the bag in order to determine where it should be sent. 9/28/01

Boston, Massachusetts




[PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350-302 SALVATORE P. MISURACA


MISURACA does not recall seeing the FAA official at the airport before. MISURACA has seen FAA credentials before.

MISURACA provided the following description for the FAA official:

September 10, 2003 5:36 pm


Race: White Sex: Male Complexion: Light Height: Approximately 5'9"-5'10" Build: Thin Age: Approximately early 40's Miscellaneous: May have worn glasses, showed wallet with Badge and FAA credentials. Apparel: Sports jacket, shirt and tie. MISURACA works at SANTARPIO'S PIZZA SANTARPIO'S on Monday nights. MARK SINGLETON an AA employee told MISURACA that FRANKIE SANTARPIO said MOHAMMED ATTA was at SANTARPIO'S on Monday September 10, 2001. MISURACA advised that a lot of Middle Eastern males eat at SANTARPIO'S. MISURACA was shown a photograph of ATTA during a previous interview which took place on September 26, 2001. MISURACA stated that ATTA's face does not ring a bell. [PDF page 2]

September 10, 2003 5:36 pm

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M-INT-00038099 265A-NY-280350-302-8035 09/11/2001 INTERVIEW OF JAMES MCKENNA

9/13/2001 On 9/11/2001 JAMES MCKENNA. SSAM Jwas interviewed at nis place or employment, Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts. After being advised of the interviewing agent's identity and the purpose of the interview, MCKENNA provided the following information: MCKENNA has been employed with American Airlines for the past 12 years and currently works as a fleet service clerk, cleaning cabins and loading/unloading baggage. MCKENNA's shift normally starts at 1000 hours. On 9/11/2001 MCKENNA began work at 1050 hours. Security at Logan Airport is lax. Piggy-backing (when more than one employee enters a secure door after an access code is entered) happens all the time. Since January, American Airlines has hired 76 new employees, so it is routine to see a new employee or transferee. MCKENNA would not be surprised if an American Airlines employee would "piggy-back" anyone into a secure space as long as the person was wearing an American Airlines shirt and had tags that looked like employee identification tags. The baggage carousel in terminal D is also a vulnerable area. It is often left unwatched and anyone could walk through the opening and gain access to the ramp.

9/11 Closed by Statute


Boston, MA



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy [PDF page 1]

September 17.2003 12:11 pm

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: : = : :

M-INT-00037602 265A-NY-280350-302-7526 09/17/2001 KEVIN MCGONAGLE, FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


Personal Privacy

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcriptioii. 09/17/2001 KEVIN McGONAGLE. white male, Date of Birth DOBf

was aavisea or the identity or tne interviewing Agent ana me nature of the investigation. McGONAGLE thereafter provided the following information: McGONAGLE was the captain on AMERICAN AIRLINES. Flight 528, which originated in Austin, Texas at approximately 7:53 a.m. on September 17, 2001. Flight 528 was en route to Boston, Massachusetts via a short layover in Chicago, Illinois. Approximately mid-way through the flight. McGONAGLE was contacted by one of the flight attendants. The flight attendant informed McGONAGLE that two people of Middle Eastern decent, one male and one female, had locked themselves into one of the bathrooms located in the rear of the aircraft. McGONAGLE was also informed that another male passenger, also of Mid-Eastern decent had entered the other bathroom located in the rear of the aircraft. McGONAGLE advised that all information which he received related to this situation was relayed to him by one of the flight attendants. McGONAGLE advised that he did not see any of this activity first hand. McGONAGLE indicated that the flight attendants informed him that they had instructed the two Middle Eastern individuals, the one male and one female, that they could not use the same bathroom at the same time. The flight attendants further instructed those two individuals to get out of the bathroom immediately and return to their seats. It was at this time that McGONAGLE got on the plane's public address system and informed all passengers to return their seats and fasten their seatbelts immediately. Shortly after making this announcement, one of the flight attendants spoke to McGONAGLE in the cockpit area. The flight attendant, whose name McGONAGLE did not know, informed McGONAGLE and the co-pilot that the male and female Middle Eastern passengers

Investigation on 09/17/2001

at Chicago, Illinois Date dictated

File# 265D-NY-280350-302


by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 12:10 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/17/2001

, Page


who were seated in seats located in Row 16 of the aircraft had left the bathroom and returned to their seats. In addition, the other Middle Eastern passenger who was in the other rear bathroom located on the aircraft had returned to his seat, which was located in Row 11. McGONAGLE informed the flight attendant that he was going to lock the cockpit door and not re-open it until the flight had landed. He instructed the flight attendant to maintain continuous contact with the cockpit by way of radio. A short time later, McGONAGLE was contacted by one of the flight attendants over the radio. The flight attendant informed McGONAGLE that the Middle Eastern male passenger seated in Row H had left his seat and was moving to the back of the aircraft. As a result, McGONAGLE made three separate announcements advising all passengers to return to their seats immediately. McGONAGLE was receiving information by way of radio from the flight attendants who informed McGONAGLE that the Middle Eastern male was not listening to his instructions and did not return to his seat. Further, McGONAGLE was informed that the Middle Eastern male had gone into the restroom located in the rear of the aircraft. As a result, McGONAGLE declared a flight emergency and contacted Systems Operations Control SOC for AMERICAN AIRLINES. McGONAGLE informed SOC that he intended to increase the plane's speed and head to Chicago for an emergency landing. McGONAGLE maintained contact with the flight attendants throughout the duration of the flight. According to McGONAGLE, he was informed by the flight attendants that all passengers had returned to their seats and were not causing any problems. However, McGONAGLE noted that he had already declared the flight an emergency and as a result, continued under emergency speed to O'HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT O'HARE. Upon landing the plane at O'HARE, McGONAGLE was instructed by the air traffic controllers in the tower to take the plane to the 14th left landing/holding pad. Once McGONAGLE stopped the plane at this location, it was surrounded by CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CPD officers. The officers dropped the outside doors and stairs of the plane, and then made entry. Three of the passengers on the plane were escorted off by Chicago police officers. McGONAGLE added that he never saw any of the passengers in question. McGONAGLE did not open the cockpit door until the [PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

September 17, 2003 12:1 Opm

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, On 09/17/2001

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police officers had boarded the plane and removed the three passengers. [PDF page 3]

September!?, 2003 12:10 pm

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: M-INT-00033397 : 265A-NY-280350-302-10583


= 09/19/2001


: KUDWA, ROBERT, P : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


-1 -



ROBERT P. KUDWA, Vice President for Flight Operations for American Airlines, telephone nnmharl I was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent. He was notified of the purpose of the interview, and he voluntarily provided the following information. Also present during the interview was American Airlines attorney, KAREN E. SPROLE, telephone numberl I KUDWA advised that he has over thirty 30 years aviation experience in both military and civilian airplanes. He was asked to speculate as to how four 4 airliners could have been hijacked. He advised that his comments were purely opinions, and were not based on any direct knowledge as to what occurred. KUDWA was asked what procedures were in place with airline operations in general and with American Airlines in particular in the event that a hijacking took place. KUDWA stated that the airline industry operated under the experience of hijackings which took place in the 1970's. The "standard" hijacking would entail landing the plane once the hijackers threatened harm to the aircraft or lives on board. Once on the ground, law enforcement personnel would handle the negotiations. No use of aircraft for suicide missions had ever occurred. As part of American Airlines Flight Manual under Part I, Section 8, highjacking procedures were delineated under a program entitled "The Common Strategy". This program stressed cooperation. They

9/11 Closed by Statute

Investigation on



File* 265D-NY-280350-DL


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 12:18 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-DL Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 9/19/01



9/11 Closed by Statute

[PDF page 2] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

September 17, 2003 12:18 pm

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265D-NY-280350-DL Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 9/19/01



9/11 Closed by Statute

KUDWA stated that he would be available for additional questioning if necessary. At this time the interview was terminated. [PDF page 3]

September 17, 2003 12:18 pm



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M-INT-00059426 265A-NY-280350-302-15090 09/21/2001 D1NO DIMACULANGAN FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1-

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription Pino Dimaculanrpn nfl I I was informed ot the identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview. Dino voluntarily provided the following information:



Dino was the co-pilot on American Airlines Flight 1 frorrr John F. Kennedy Airport, NY JFK to Los Angeles International Airport LAX on September H, 2001. The aircraft was a Boeing 767 Wide body scheduled to depart at 9:00 a.m. /9/11 Personal Privacy Dino entered the airplane at approximately 7:45 a.rri after conducting an exterior pre-flight check. The passengers / boarded at approximately 8:30 a.m. while Dino was loading / navigational data into the flight computer. Dino did not see any of the passengers board the aircraft. The flight had 10 flight / attendants on board. Dino does not know their names but his; flight supervisor, Margaret Jeter could obtain a list of the attendants. At approximately 9:00 a.m., just before the entry hatchway is secured, the #1 flight attendant name unknown informed Dino that two passengers wanted to leave the plane and wanted their baggage removed from the plane. Dino was not given an explanation as to why the passengers wanted off the flight but was told that they were members of a television crew. Dino did not see the two passengers leave the aircraft. A customer service representative would have been in charge of ushering the passengers off the flight and getting their baggage. / At approximately 9:10 to 9:15 a.m., the American Airlines ramp tower announced a ground stop on all New York .departures. Soon after a mechanic boarded the aircraft and told Dino about the crash into the World Trade Center. Dino tuned the radio to a news station and listened to the reports. ; At approximately 9:30 a.m. the flight was cancelled. The passengers began to de-plane soon after. Dino left/the cockpit area to watch the passengers deplane after approximately 1/3 of the passengers had already exited. Dino did not notice anything unusual about the exiting passengers. Dino did not remember seeing

Investigation on 09/21/01 File #

Date dictated 265A-NY-28Q350-3Q2




Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 12:24 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

Dino Dimaculangan

, On 09/21/01

, Page


any Middle-Eastern looking passengers. The flight attendants did not report any disturbances among the passengers. It is standard practice to report such disturbances to the cockpit. Dino reviewed the passenger manifest but could only identify that the passengers in rows 2 through 4 were first class passengers. The following rows were business class and finally coach but Dino did not know how many rows were contained in business class. [PDF page 2]

September 17, 2003 12:24 pm

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M-INT-00069633 265A-NY-280350-302-20843 09/25/2001 INTERVIEW MARY LOU TRUAX; SC330 FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) 9/11

Personal Privacy

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION \e of transcription 09/26/2001

For tracking purposes, reference is made to Sacramento \n Information Control File Number SC-330. Mary Lou Truax. borrT was contacted at her cellular telephone numhfil land interviewed by telephone. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, she provided the following information: Truax is a flight attendant for American Airlines. On 09/12/2001 she was driving from Los Angeles to San Jose for work when she was notified that her flight had been cancelled. She, therefore, decided to drive to Lake Tahoe to stay with her brother until the flight was re-scheduled. Truax drove through Stockton on her way to Lake Tahoe and decided to stop at the Payless Shoe Store located at 434 East Charter Way, Stockton, California, to look for some shoes. 'She parked her car in the lot at approximately 11:00 a.m. and was only inside the store shopping for approximately ten to fifteen minutes. When Truax returned to her car she noticed someone had broken through the soft top of her vehicle and burglarized it. The burglars took all of her luggage which included her personal items and her passport. Also stolen were items belonging to American Airlines including her American Airlines Identification card, two sets of cockpit keys, and a set of "jetbridge" keys which access the main ramp. Truax explained that the cockpit keys are generic and could be used on any airline cockpit. The jetbridge keys are also generic but she mostly uses them at L.A. International Airport LAX. She noted there is always extra security checking the access to the LAX main ramps. Truax added that her American Airlines Uniform was laying loosely next to the luggage and the burglars did not take it. Truax filed a report with the Stockton Police Department SPD #010048160 and she also notified the FBI and American Airlines regarding her stolen ID Card. The Airlines had since issued Truax a new ID card but it still had the same employee

Investigation on 09/25/2001 File # 265A-NY-28Q3SD-3Q2 bj9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

at Stockton, California


Date dictated 09/26/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 12:30 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

Mary Lou Truax

, On 09/25/2001



identification number on it. Truax believed the stolen ID card was cancelled by American Airlines. Truax noted she has since obtained a replacement passport. A copy of the SPD report was obtained by the FBI and is attached with this document for further review. The SPD has no leads on the apparent burglary nor has any of Truax's property been recovered. [PDF page 2]

September 17, 2003 12:30 pm

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M-INT-00023941 265A-NY-280350-302-39589 09/17/2001 WALLACE, STEVE


9/29/01 On September 17,2001, STEVE WALLACE, Date of Birth DOB: | ~"\ I was interviewed b' ALCOHOL, TOBACCO & FIREARMS ATF Special Agents SAs| I "Tat LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Terminal B, East Boston, Massachusetts. WALLACE provided the following information:

Personal Privacy

I wa

WALLACE is a United States citizen. He has been employed by AMERICAN AIRLINES for approximately 17 years, ' starting in 1973. His position is Technical Crew Chief and Environmental Coordinator. His office telephone number is

WALLACE recalls setting up a Dangerous Goods kiosk outside of the main security checkpoint of AMERICAN AIRLINES, May 10, 2001, he purchased items for the display shelves of the kiosk. On May 11, 2001. while creating the actual display, he observed two 2 Middle Eastern men sitting within a few feet. Each man had with him a pilot's bag (hard case with a flat folding top). WALLACE brought the agents to the pilot's luggage where there were approximately 30 such bags. As WALLACE worked on his display, he heard the two 2 men speaking what he described as a distinct Middle Eastern language. He observed that one of the individuals had no chin and dead eyes. He remembers thinking that this man's face would be a terrible face to have. This individual was spending most of the 45 minutes talking on a cell phone, while they were sitting. His partner was taking photographs and a video of the checkpoint. They also took photographs of the arrival/departure screens. WALLACE observed in the open pilots bag (the other was closed) three (3) white disposable cameras, a video camera, files and a cell phone. He observed the man photographing use the first two 2 cameras and he believes removed the third. He also observed approximately five 5 minutes of video taping. WALLACE believed the video camera was manufactured by SHARP. 9/17/01

East Boston, MA



[PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350-302 STEVE WALLACE


WALLACE, at one point during this 45 minute period, moved away and told another employee that two 2 men were filming and talking Arabic. He was told by that individual they


'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

were probably speaking Portuguese. WALLACE stated the language was clearly Arabic. It was guttural, but smooth. WALLACE was shown a photo array and positively identified a picture of MOHAMED ATTA, as the man talking on the cell phone. WALLACE stated both men wore Docker pants. He felt they were dressed like they were from Miami, Florida. WALLACE is positive the man he saw was ATTA, who was wearing a shiny, solid gray 1960's type of shirt. The photographer wore a tan rayon shirt with stripes and flowers. Both men had on brand new woven, smooth leather shoes and neither wore socks. The soles of ATTA's shoes were barely scratched. WALLACE was so bothered by these two 2 men he asked them if they had any of these prohibited items, which he was displaying in their bags. They responded in Arabic and then slid down approximately six 6 seats. They were aware WALLACE was observing them, so they closed up the bag and the two 2 men walked away toward the South security checkpoint of AMERICAN EAGLE. WALLACE followed five 5 feet behind the men. They turned and looked at him following and gestured with an awkward smile. WALLACE followed the men to the checkpoint where they placed their bags on the x-ray machine. At this point, he was called to attend to other issues. He believes he asked the person at the x-ray machine if the bags were okay. He can not definitely sav if they boarded a plane, but has a feeling they boarded a flight to Washington, DC.. [PDF page 2}


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M-INT-00111732 265A-NY-280350-302-95422 11/08/2001 ETHEL ADAMS FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 -


Personal Privacy



ETHEL ADAMS, white female, date of birth\ employed as an American Eagle flight attendant

telephonicaily contacted the FBI in Portland, Maine, and provided the following information: She was on a flight on November 2, 2001, from Laguardia Airport to Portland International Jetport, Portland, Maine. Adams did not recall the flight number. The flight got into Portland, Maine at about 8:15 PM and there were about 22 passengers on board. An incident occurred aboard the plane at approximately 8:30 PM as the passengers were deplaning. One of the passengers, a male, told Adams there was something that she should see. The man went back about four rows and took a "barf bag" from a seat back and gave it to Adams. On the barf bag was a handwritten note to American Airlines that said Anthrax. Adams gave the barf bag to Captain Robert Wilkinson, who was the pilot of the aircraft. Captain Wilkinson dropped the barf bag on the aircraft console. A call was made to the control tower about the incident. At that time, the passengers that had deplaned the aircraft were on a bus headed for the terminal. An attempt was made to try to have the bus stopped, but that was not accomplished, and the passengers therefore left the terminal. The Portland, Maine Police Department responded and officers came aboard the plane. They took the bag and, Adams believes, sent the bag to a laboratory in Augusta, Maine, for examination. Adams advised there was also a drawing on the barf bag which she thinks may have been supposed to represent the Twin Towers in New York City. Adams was then asked for further description of the "barf bag" with the note. She advised the note read to American Airlines. Terrorist Extrordinare. This bag may contain tiny white grain. Symptoms, Coughing. It then had a drawing of a plane headed towards an outline of two buildings.

Investigation on 11/8/2001

at Portland, Maine

File # by

Date dictated 265A-NY-28Q35Q-3Q2 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 12, 2003 1:02 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

"79/11 Law Enforcement /Privacy 265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 11/8/2001



dams was interviewed by Portland, Maine Police Officer ind by a sergeant, possibly named lAdams was advised that the Portland Police Department was going to contact the Federal Aviation Administration. Adams was advised that there was nothing in the baa. Adams advised that she believed a passenger named! |who was traveling with a woman by a different name was in the area from.which the unknown passenger removed the barf bag and gave it to Adams. I \ticket was booked through Comedy Connection in New York. I ^~lwas supposed to fly back to Laguardia on Sunday flight, November 4, 2001, but was not interviewed by the police. ,, \F page 2]


September 12, 2003 1:02 pm

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M-INT-00112729 265A-NY-280350-302-96431


_...---""/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


On Sftntemher 24 2001 Special Agents SAs[ J Jof the United States Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service, Boston. MA, interviewed MARIA TAYLOR-MARCHAND. MARCHAND had called the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI about a phone call she received from aji unknown source. /


According to MARCHAND, during the week of September 37 2001 MARCHAND received a ohone call at her place of businass JMARCHAND stated that the caller told her he was calling from Watertown, MA. MARCHAND said the caller spoke with a foreign accent and spoke quickly and deliberately. MARCHAND stated that the caller demanded her attention and then asked her if she/Was flying anywhere this week. MARCHAND said she was dot flying but one of her fellow employees flew for the airlines. MARCHAND stated that the caller's response was, "Tell her not to fly!" The caller 9/11 then asked MARCHAND if she had been to New York and was familiar with the Twin Towers. MARCHAND told the carter that she had never been to New York. The caller then told ^lARCHAND that she . should be weary of next Tuesday. MARCHAND asked the caller if rje meant September 11, 2001, and the caller stated yes. The caller . told MARCHAND that if nothing bad happened on September 11/2001, it would happen on September 22, 2001. Tl/e caller told MARCHAND that MARCHAND would not be able to drink the water and that her "whole world will change" on those days. The caller then told MARCHAND that she should remember th]e name BIN LADEN. MARCHAND asked the caller why she should remember that name, and the caller told MARCHAND that she was a "stupid American." and disconnected the call. /

Personal Privacy

MARCHAND also said that just after she was disconnected, she received a can from an individual claiming to be an FBI agent. MARCHAND said the caller inquired if she had just received a terrorist call. MARCHAND stated that the caller was speaking in a whisper and with the same accent as the previous caller. MARCHAND said that the individual did not provide his name or phone number/and he only identified himself as an agent for the FBI. MARCHAND said she believed this was the same caller as before and disconnected the call. MARCHAND also 9/24-25/01





f [PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350-302 MARIA TAYLOR-MARCHAND


stated that she believed the call was a warning and was possibly directed toward another real estate agent in the office, MARIE LOEBER. According to MARCHAND, LOEBER is a flight attendant for AMERICAN EAGLE AIRLINES. MARCHAND stated that she felt the call may have been directed toward LOEBER.

September 12, 2003 1:02 pm

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On September 25, 2001, SAs GEOFFREY HOWES and JUSTIN ROWAN interviewed MARIE LOEBER at MIDDLETON CARVALHO REAL ESTATE. LOEBER currently resides at 79 Mill Street, North Easton, MA 02356; telephone 508-238-7337. LOEBER stated that she has been working for AMERICAN EAGLE AIRLINES for the past year. LOEBER said that during the pat year, she has not come into contact with anyone who seemed suspicious. LOEBER said she does not fly the same route, but takes whatever routes will give her enough flying hours for the month. LOEBER stated that she has no friends from overseas or any friends of Middle Eastern descent. LOEBER also stated that rarely does she wear her name tag while flying. LOEBER said she could not find any reason why this gaj! would be directed to her. [PDF page 2]

September 12, 2003 1:02 pm

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