T7 B12 Flight 93 Calls- Jeremy Glick Fdr- Fbi 302 Transcript- Joanne Makely 911 Call 412

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M-NYA-00021775 M-NYA-00021867 93 1A 302-1A15519 NEW YORK STATE POLICE 03/01/2002 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy TRANSCRIPT OF ALL 911 CALL MADE 9/11/01 @ 9:20AM BY FEMALE CALLER SEE SERIAL 104103 « M-NYA-00021775 » FD-340 (Rev. 3-8-01)- sS 1 9 Universaj Case File Numberc7~ (cSfl — t-L-g p - so -3o Field Office Acquiring Evidence Serial # of Originating Documentl 1-1- ~ Date Received From and S tale) By£)f9—AJ 1TJ~Kp— To Be Returned 0 YesNo Receipt GivenO Yes-No Grand Jury Material - Disseminate only Pursuant to Rule 6 (e) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 0 YesJ-No Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) DYes-'No Title:77-/~

-1 Reference Description: e-L? Qjj Cc-Ji

M-NYA-0002 1775 302-1A15519

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«M-NYA-00021776» (ON au4 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021776

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«M-NYA-00021777» PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS SLIP FROM EXHIBIT SUB 265A—Ny—28035O_3O2_I~ 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021777

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«M-NYA-00021778» WORKSHEET


OF JDATE-/SOURC o-,4o/ -DATE—/ J LEAD LEAD ASSIGNED TO ~7i~/~~12S~e / ~c/o/1 ASSIGNED BY £'e~t7:~72-57l~ ~ LEAD INSTRUCTIONS ~(~Z,.eL ~ 7-s e1e s7~, rY >~t~_ 9/,1 -4-i-/ s~ r-fl,V~ /fl~ LEAD RESULTS- .0)197- 79-O—" (5~/~i,z/~~ /k'2 &'~Q /8:/f:3~ 9/7,47 72~ce5 6' ,'~T c>- — 7 ~5'D— M74TJI4Z3 •List all persons interviewed: include date, time, DOB, address, employment, telephone Ust all places checked, (e.g. taverns, gas stations, businesses, etc.). OS7-SCI2 LEAD ~zZ~ RECEIVED BY CHARACTER OF CASE i-e61 .t-9/ ,4,z — •This form may be handwritten LEAD SHEET# S-NATUREOFDATE FURTHER ACTION REQUESTED IF "YES" EXPLAIN. YESDNOD REV WE BTITLESHEET # #(homel&51i11ne5s).C/l 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1778

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«M-NYA-00021779» -EN I 7 REV.-73NEW YORK STATE POLICE M-MORANDIJM Troop KStation Poughkeepsie DateSeptember 11, 2001 To:Major Thomas L. Fazio, Troop Commander, Troop K From:TISgt. Edward J. Omuleski Subject:SECURING TAPE LOGGER TAPES Tape logger tapes for period covering 9/07/01-9/11/01 have been removed from the tape library and will be secured. Per section 12C8d of the Administrative Manual: 1 .Date tapes were secured: 9/11/01 2.Reason: TERRORIST ATTACK - TWIN TOWERS S.Tapes have been secured per authority of CAPTAIN KOEHLER 4.Tapes to be secured for unknown duration. S.Serial number of tapes: 13:18:369/07101 -15:02:379/11/01 6.Replacement tapes to be issued. SECUTAPEK.MEMWPD 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021779

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Transcript of SP Poughkeepsie tape logger for a Cellular 911 call made on September 11, 2001 at 9:20:00 by female caller later identified as JOANNE MAKELY and answered by Communications Specialist ROBERT WEINGAERTNER, Troop K Communications Section. Trooper GERALD B. BOWERS, Troop F, SP Kingston, Trooper BENJAMIN J. COOPER, Troop F, SP Hunter and Investigator PETER J. KUSMINSKY, Troop K are also heard on tape. C/S R.W.indicates Comm. Spec. ROBERT WEINGAERTNER.. Troop K. Ms. J.M.indicates Ms. JOANNE MAKELY, I I New York. LIZZIEindicates Ms. LYZBETH MAKELY GLICK, Hewitt, New Jersey. RICHARD indicated RICHARD, husband of JOANNE MAKELY. Tpr. G.E.B. indicates.Tpr. GERALD B. BOWERS. Troop F. ""-,. Tpr. B.J.C. indicates Tpr. BENJAMIN J. COOPER, Troop F.

mv. P.J.K. indicated mv. PETER J. KUSMINSKY, Troop F. C/S R.W.:State Police. 911. Ms. J.M.:Yes. JOANNE MAKELY in I iNewY.ork. Mv son-in-law ,. took off from Newark Airport this morning. He just called. He's "'"•••-... on the plane and ifs been hijacked and they're going to crash it —> into another building. My daughter's talking to him now. ... 9/11 Fkst He says terrorists have taken the plane. ...--"" Responder/Familv C/S R.W.:Hold on a second. ..-•""" p . Ms. J.M.:He's on his way to California. Took off from Newark about 7:3Q. i nvacy C/S R.W.:He's calling you. H6w'she calling you? ,...--"" Ms. J.M.:He's in the airplane with a cell phone. ...-•"" C/S R.W.:Hold on the phone with me one moment. ..--"" Ms. J.M.rl'm... ^_^ C/S R.W.:lgot a woman calling 9llfrom I having that her son-in-law is on another plane that's been hijacked and is talking to them at the house on the phone. C/S R.W.:He's on the plane now? Ms. J.M.:Yes, he's on the plane now and ifs been hijacked with a man with a gun whose going to do something horrible. C/S R. W.:Do we know the flight number on the airline? Ma'am? 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021780

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« M-NYA-00021781 » 2 Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS RW.: Ms. J.M.:. C/SRW-: Ms.J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/SR.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/SR.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/SR.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Let me see if I can find it out. I need your name and phone number before we go any further also. Alright. JOANNE MAKELY.I I Whatfiight is JEREMY on? lhave the police. What.pight? Flight and airline. While she's getting that, give me your number again. (She's talking to him now. Yeah. ;:;;;:"•• , Where is he on the plane? :::-;:::::: ;/ L L United to San Francisco. -:::::::::::"" Re sponder/Family United? '_':.'.'.'To San Francisco. .... What's his, what's his cell up there? His nameis JEREMY GL,I.CK. His phpne- number is... Jj~cnrce1 Ipho.ne fiarriber? ... I l.~:'."He's on the airline plane phone. He's not on his cell phone. He's on the aijrline plane phone. I I He's not on his cell phone. He's on the airline phone. Behind the seat. Do we know the flight number at all? Do you know the flight number, LIZZY? United? No. He was scheduled to take off yesterday and because of the fire in Newark... What airport did he leave? 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021781

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«M-NYA-00021782» 3 Ms. J.M.:Newark. He left Newark, right? What flight? 93 to San Francisco. Flight 93. C/S R.W.:They're letting him make this call or... Ms. J.M.Jhey're letting him make this call? Do they know he's making this call? LlZZIE:Do they know you 're making the call? Ms. J.M.:No. they don't know he's making the call. They don't know he's making the call. C/S R.W.:How long, how long ago did it depart? Ms. JM:Whattime did he depart, LIZZIE? LIZZIE, what time did he depart? I dont know what time. He called us about 10 after seven this morning to say he was boarding. C/S R.W.:Okay; Ms. J.M.:i am sure that the airline must have a record of when that plane left. C/S R.W.:Can you... have him ask.. is he near a window seat? Can he see anything? Does he know anywhere of where they are at all? If they're still in the New York area or if they're out over the ocean? Ms. J.M.:Okay. LIZZIE. LiZZIE. Does he know where he is? Can he, can he see? There's three men going to fly the plane into the World Trade Center and he's an hour out of New York City. He's been in the air an hour. C/S R.W.:About an hour, you said. Right? Ms. J.M.:Yeah. He says he thinks there's a bomb on the plane. C/SR.W.:FJjght§3. Ms. J.M.:And we're up here with a wife he's talking to who just had a baby and it's really very... Are you still there? Hello. Hello. Hello. Let me give you my cell phone number because (unintelligible) C/S R.W.:Go ahead. Can I have your home number, too? Ms. J.M.:Yeah, my home number isl I 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021782

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.,. "rst Responder/ Family Privacy Q


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4 C/SR.W.:4341. Ms. J.M.:Yes. And then I have a questiontoask. C/SR.W.:ls this 518? Ms. J.M.:Yeah. My cell phone number is 5181 \/L l rirst CIS R.W.:Are you on your home line right now? Ms. J.M.:l'm on the cell phone. My daughter is on the line to her husband. I don't know whether you can tap into that line. CIS R.W.:No, we cannot. Ms. J.M.:Okay, his questionto you is - He's a big man. He's 30 years old. He's a big athlete. They want to know whether they should attack these three guys rather than... Hello. C/S R.W.:Yeah, I'm still here. Ms. J.M.:I need, I need to call somebody. C/S R.W.rYou need to stay on with us right now, ma'am. We're... Ms. J. M.:0kay, I will do that. You got it. C/S R.W.iAJI right? He needs to keep giving us any information he has. Ms. J. M.:Okay. C/S R.W.:What's his area code for his cell phone? Is that also 518? Ms. J. M.:No, it's 973. C/SR.W.:Soitwas973 917... Ms. J. M.:They want JEREMY to give any information he can. C/S R.W.:Ma'am. I'm just trying to verify his number. Ms. J. M.:Okay. His cell phone number is 973 917... He can't answer. He's not on his cell phone. C/S R.W.:Doesn't she know the cell phone number? 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021783

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«M-NYA-00021784» 5 Ms. J. M.:Yes.

They want his cell phone number anyway. 973917 C/SR.W.:917. Ms. J. M.:917. He doesn't have his cell phone on him. C/S R.W.:How is he making the call? Is it from the phone on the plane? Ms. J. M.:Yeah, the seat on the plane. They want him to tell them things. There's a man with a knife. LIZZIE:And he has a red box. Ms. J. M.:And he has a red box. Or... He's said he's either going to blow it up or crash it into the World Trade Center. And what are the other two men? What are the other two men? What color are the men? What color are the men? LIZZIE:lranian man. Ms. J.M.:lranian man. Iranian-looking man. Where are you guys? Oh, no. Turn off the television. C/S R.W~:Ma'am. Ms. J. M.:Yes. They just crashed one into the Pentagon. C/S R.W.:Ma'am. Ms. J. M.:Yes. C/S R.W.:l'm just verifying now. He's calling on a plane, the plane phone. Not his own personal phone. Correct? Ms. J. M.:He's calling on the plane phone. Not his own personal phone. He doesn't have his personal phone with him. We need a third phone here. C/S R.W.:We're making phone calls now. Ms. J. M.:Okay. Would you do me a favor? 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021784

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« M-NYA-00021785 » / d 6 C/S R.W.:l'm listening to you, ma'am. Ms. J. M.Would you, I need, I would like to get a friend up here, please. I IWould you ask him to come up here?



Ms. J.M.I







................. Personal p


C/S R.W.:I want you to - dortt dose thisjine.............:::::::::::::::::: ........ nvacy Ms. J.M.:I beg your pardon? .................................. ~!!"!'::::::::::::=:::::: ..... C/S R.W.:Just don't, just don't hang up with me. .................... :::::----~::::::::;::::,,, ....... Ms. J.M.:Okay. I won't. -••"::-;!q/i i p I know. Be brave. The police are trying to do what they can. ............ ...... ,, ' J> * *• rirst C/S R.W.:l'm still here. We're just trying to do what we can. .................... , Respoiider/ Farmly Ms. J.M.:Thank you. I know that. Where, where are you? .................... . Privacy C/S R.W.:Poughkeepsie, New York. .................. Ms. J.M.:Okay. I'm up inr"""*"! in Greene Co,urrty."r'don't know whether you know that. C/S ltW.:l'm familiar withthe\___)ajresr" ..... Ms. J.M.:Make him, make him brave. Make him brave^_ ., C/S R.W.tYour home.prTOrie number, ma'am, wasl \. ^ C/S R.W.:And that's the one they're talking to him on, right? Ms.J.M.:Yes. C/S R.W.:ls he still on the phone with her? Ms. J.M.:Yes. Unknown Male:Airight, we're going to attempt to break in. Ms. J.M.:They might try to tap in. 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1785

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« M-NYA-00021786 » 7 LIZZIE:Hello. C/S R.W.:That was JEREMY CLICK, correct, ma'am? Ms. J.M.:Yes, it is. Can you tap into our phone line? C/S. R.W.:Yeah, that's what they're trying to do right now. Ms. J.M.:Okay. LIZZIE, they're trying to tap into your line. So -fyou hear anything, just let JEREMY know that the police are trying to tap in. C/S. R.W.:What's your actual address, ma'am, while we're trying to get the rest of this done? Ms. J.M.rF 9/11 First Responder/Family Privacy LIZZIE:(unintelligible) Yes, they are, they have crashed the World Trade. So tf that's what they saying they're doing, they might think about doing it. Ms. J.M.:But there's not a lot of the World Trade Center left to crash into. LIZZIErThere's not a lot of the World Trade Center. There's not a lot of the World Trade Center. (Unintelligible) Ms. J.M.:They were small commercial jets. LIZZIE:(Unintelligible) C/S. R.W.:Can you tell me what's happening? Does he have any description of what's actually happening in the plane right now? Ms. J.M..:What's actually happening in the plane right now? LIZZIErThey've got everybody in the back Ms. J.M.:They have everybody in the back of the plane. LIZZIE:And they said they're going to... What did they say they're going to do? Ms. J.M.:ls the plane calm? LIZZlE:The plane - some guys are rallying together and they want all the men to 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1786

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«M-NYA-00021787» a 8 go and attack these... Ms. J.M.:Some guys are rallying together and they want all the men. And JEREMY doesn't know whether it's a good idea. Some men are tiying to rally together. and go and attack the guys. Some people don't know whether that's a good idea. CIS. R.W.:Ma'am. How do you spell your last name? Ms. J.M.:M-A-K-E-L-'.[. CIS. R.W.:M-A-K-E-L-Y. LIZZIE:(Unintelligible) CIS. R.W.iMa'am. Ms. J.M.:Yes. CIS. R.W.:You can tell her that we're tiying to get a hold of the FFA, FAA now. Ms. J.M.They're trying to get a hold of the FAA. LIZZIE:They're trying to get a hold of the FAA. CIS. R.W.:Can he see out a window at all? Ms. J.M.-Can you, can he sea out of window at all? LIZZIE:Can you see out of a window? Where are you? Ms. J.M.:What is he looking at when he looks down? LIZZIErYou're at 30,000 feet? Ms. J.M.: He's at 30,000 feet, he figures. CIS. R.W.:I was just trying to determine if he's over land right now or over water. If he can... Ms. J.M.:Let me, let me. Just landscape. Is it country? LIZZIE:ls it country or is it city? 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1787

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«M-NYA-00021788» 11


Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE: CIS. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE.Ms. J.M.: CIS. ItW.: LIZZIE: Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE: Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE: Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE: Ms. J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Is it mountains? Is it flat? It is mountains? Is it flat? So he's not over water right now? Correct? He's not over water, right? You're not over water, are you? Over land. Over land. More like landscape. More like country. Scenery. Okay. He thinks they were over Pennsylvania. He thinks he was over Pennsylvania when they attacked the plane. LIZZIE, is he flat like he might be over the plains? Are you flat like it might be over the plains? Is it flat likeit might be over the plains? No. He's-no. And did they say anything about the World Trade Center or did they say they... He's not like over the plains. had a box. Were you able to make that other phone call for me? We're working on it ma'am. Right now we're having a problem getting out with the phone calls. Okay. Could I make that phone call and would you call me right back? I think that's a very bad idea because... Okay. I'mwithyou. let's just understand, with everything that's happening right now, it's hard to get connections so we need this one.

9 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1788

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«M-NYA-00021789» Ms. J.M.:Okay. 10 CIS. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE: -Ms.J.M.: LIZZIE: Ms. J.M.: LIZZIE: Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: Can you ask him if the plane is banked? If they think they're circling and if they're still in the Metropolitan area then? Has the plane been banking? Has the plane been banking? Wings going up? Turning? Or do they think he might be st! 1! in the Metropolitan area? All over the place. Been all over the place he said. Does he feel like he 's going to Cal~fornia or not?

No. No, he doesn't feel like he's going to California. He says they've really been all over. So... They're going, they said they're going to try to attack the people. The men have decided they're going to try to attack the people. Okay. Hold on a second. Okay. Let Daddy talk to him. If they do this, have him let us know. Will you? Okay. He's left the phone. He's left the phone on but they've gone toattack the people. Okay. All right. Let me, give me that. I'm going to go with LIZZIE. I'm going to need a doctor up here for the wife~ Okay. We're going to dispatch an ambulance up to your location then. Thank you. 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1789

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«M-NYA-00021790» 11

What intersection? You're at Goshen Street and what? County Route 17. White house. Brown blinds. Okay. Is anybody back on the phone yet? No. No. My husband has that phone and he went with LIZZIE who's vomiting. I mean she's really in bad shape. Okay. All right. Ma'am, can you -find out anything else? Whatshebears? Anything? Okay, just a minute. I will. We do have an ambulance going. Thank you. I really appreciate that. No problem. You guys have been great. Any word from JEREMY? Can you hear anything? RICHARD. What? He doesn't hear anything. CIS R.W.iOkay. Does she hear any noise in the background like she's still connected or does she think they lost the call? Ms. J.M.:RICHARD, do you hear any... RICHARD'S on the phone now. LIZZIE couldn't. RICHARD, do you hear any noise in the background? .No.he hears... Do you think you 're still connected? He doesn't, he doesn't hear anything. And... He doesn't know whether he's connected or disconnected. Well, we'll stay - I'm going to stay on the phone with you until we get the ambulance there to make sure nothing happens to her. Okay. All right. Where is she now?

CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S ItW.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/SR.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1790

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«M-NYA-00021791 » 12

She's in the kitchen with her father. Okay. 'Cause I'm worried about her going into shock. So keep an eye on her and if she goes into shock, we'll take care of that. Ms. J.M.:Okay. (Unintelligible) send up an ambulance or the doctor to take care of her nerves. Ma'am? Yes. Do you remember how many hijackers he thought he saw? He thought he saw three. Okay. One had a red box. All right. We're still here, okay? If you need anything, just yell out. We're trying to get more information. Ms. J.M.:Okay. Thank you. They're trying to get more information. Okay, you still have that other phone active. Right, ma'am? Yes. Let him tell us the minute he thinks there's still a connection or not. The minute you think there's still a connection, the police want to know. Okay, we'll do that. There's absolutely no background noise? He hears nothing? No, no background noise that you hear? No, but he'll let you know as soon as he thinks he has a connection or hears something. Okay, thank you -r~y much. How's she domg? There's noise?' ~4 Tb~ere's noise, ~ -4.. ~ Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W. C/S R.W. Ms. J.M.:. C/S R.W. Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W. Ms.J.M.: C/S R.W. C/S R.W. Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W. Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W. Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W. Ms. J.M.: 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021791

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«M-NYA-00021792» C/S R.W.:Okay. Ms. J.M.:But he can't tell what the noise is. Okay, honey. LIZZIE'S going to be alone. LIZZIE. They're afraid she might go into shock C/S. R.W.:Anything r-ew, ma'am? Ms. J.M.:Anything new, RICHARD? There was some screaming, he said. .1 can't say it loud. I'm going to go outside. He said there was some screaming but our daughter's not in such good shape so I just want to go outside to talk to you. C/S. ltW.:Okay, ma'am. I take it... Can you... Since be heard some screaming does he hear anything else or did you lose the connection? Ms. J.M.:RICHARD, do you hear anything else? No, but he'll let me know. He's trying to... Somebody's Ofl the phone. C/S. R.W.:What ma'am? RICHARD:lfs Verizon. Ms. J.M.:Somebody's Ofl the phone. C/S. R.W.:Okay. Ms. J.M.:lt's the phone company. Okay, the phone company. C/S. R.W.:Trying to make the connection. Ms. J.M.:Yeah. C/S. R.W.:Okay. We're not hearing... Are we hearing anything from the plane? Ms. J.M.:No, he's shaking his head "no." I think he's talking with the phone company. RICHARD, check the door. The dogs are going to get out and then I'll have another problem. The ambulance is certainly taking a very long time. It seems like that, ma'am, it's onlybeeii afew minutes. How.is she now? She's left us and she's upstairs. I'm with the baby. She didn't want to 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021792

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14 hear what's going on. I understand, I just want to try to find out how she is. She's very quiet. She's breathing okay? I beg your pardon? Is she breathing okay? Yes, I think so. I think so. We live right across the street from the ambulance and they haven't blown it in. Let me give another call and verify that it went out. I live right across the street from it and there's been no whistle. You're across the street from the fire department or the ambulance? Yes. Both. Both together. If you hear anything on that line from the plane, let us know immediately and periodically just let me know how she's doing. Okay? Ms. J.M.:Okay. LIZZIE. How you doing, honey? Hon? I love you. How is she? She's okay. I mean, she's tense and nervous but she's okay. All right we are verifying that the dispatch did go out. Good, thank you. They Hon't always have to do the siren when they do that so.

Ok~ It'll b~ there in a few minutes. They did dispatch it. Okay. baby No, he ~, Daddy's out here talking

CIS. ItW.: Ms. J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: c/s. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS.-R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S..R.W.: C/S. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Ms.J.M.: C/S. R.W.: Ms.J.M.: cis R.W.: Ms.J.M.:

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with the phone company. I want to see who pulled up. Move over just a minute. Hi. The line that I'm on was the line that was connected to the airplane. The mother (unintelligible) And I'm on with the Troopers and he's on with the FAA. The baby's two months old. She's right in here I think Is the ambulance there, ma'am? Is the ambulance there? Yeah- Well, two - it's not there but two of the crew members are here. Okay. So she's got somebody looking at her. Yeah. Do we have anything else on that phone line? Has he heard anything other than the phone company? Ms. J.M.:Okay, I'm going to go out with the other one now. Anything else? Unknown Male:No, nothing. Ms. J.M.:He just talked... he just made him stay here and listen. He's listening. CIS. R.W.:AII right. Well, I'll stay on with you. Don't wony about it. Ms. J.M.:Okay. It's not the greatest way to start a morning, is it? CIS R.W.:No, it's not, ma'am. Sorry we can't do more for you. Ms. J.M.:I know. Well, we appreciate it. My brother was a Sheriffs Officer so I know you guys are good. How do you spell CLICK? Is it G-L-I-C-K? G-L-I-C-K and they live on I ~l That's what they got as on the plane, his address. Ms. J.M.:ln Hewitt - H-E-W-I-T-T. CIS R.W.:Hewitt. „ 15

9/11 First ' , ,„ ., Kesponder/ r aimly Privacy

RICHARD: Ms. J.M.: CIS. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS. R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS. R.W.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M. CIS ItW.: 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1794

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« M-NYA-00021795 »

Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms,J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S RW.: Ms. J.M.: C/S ItW.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: •Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R.W.: Ms. J.M.: C'S R.W.: Yeah. And they live right on the Jersey side. I don't know the zip. 074-something. 28 maybe? Okay. Was she just staying with you because he was going iway or... Yes. Yeah. 'Cause she just had a new baby. Okay. How long ago did she give birth? About two and a half months ago. Okay. What's their home phone number?

Yeah. Okay. And his wife's name? LYZBETH. L-Y-Z-B-E-T-H. ELIZABETh? LYZBETH. LYZBETH.LYZBETh. L-Y-Z Okay. And that's CLICK also. Correct? d 16 New Jersey. It's Greenwood Lake. Thats New Jersey? 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1795

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«M-NYA-00021796» Okay. But if he does, he'll let me know. She was going to the bathroom. Ma'am? Yeah. There's also going to be a police agency to stop by and take some information. Okay? Ms. J.M.:Okay. My daughter's up here with her husband. My daughter's up here with her husband. His plane has been hijacked. It's going to go into the World Trade Center. It's a United flight. CIS R.W.:AII right, my ballpark isn't exact but it would be about 9:45. Ms. J.M.:... talking to him. He just (unintelligible) CIS R.W.:Ma'am. One second. We're doing some of the administrative stuff, okay?

17 Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W..: Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: Yes. Although sometimes she goes by MAKELY. And that's your daughter? Yes. Can you askthem if there's anything else at this point? Anything else, RICHARD? No. He thinks, he thinks the phone might have gone dead but he's banging in there. There's two dogs in there so just don 't let them out. No. Okay, hon. ft's not a good way to start the day. Ma'am, we've verified now, right? There's nothing on that other line? Let me, let me check with him. He's outside and I'm inside. Okay. Anything? Anything? He says he doesn't hear anything. CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: Ms. J.M.: CIS R.W.: 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1796

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a One moment. I'm still on the line. Hello? Ms. J.M.:Yeah. C/S R.W.: Okay, my light just went out. I thought you had disconnected. Ms. J.M.il have two other people here. Yes, yes. She could be upstairs in one of the bathrooms. I'm just trying to let the dogs not get out. ljust don 't want the Pugs to get out. Hi guys. Yeah, she's very upset. No, this is not a good... She just had a baby. We're not so good either, so. We've got to try to keep that door shut so we don 't have two Pugs that go out and make it worse. (Unintelligible) was a ski patrol (unintelligible) in Germany were ski instructors. I'm sure he (unintelligible) C/S R.W.:ls the police there yet? Ms. J.M.:No. C/S R.W.:ls the ambulance itself there yet? Ms. J.M.:Yes. C/S R.W.: Okay. And what are they going to be doing with her? Ms. J.M.:Huh? C/S R.W.: Do you know what they're going be doing for her? Ms. J.M.fThey're going to be taking her blood pressure. C/S R.W.:Okay. Ms. J.M.:Yup. C/S R.W.:Ma'am? Ms. J.M.: Yes. C/S R. W.: Still, please have him periodically just tell you whether he hears anything just so we know. Ms. J.M.:Okay. Actually, it's RICHARD'S daughter by his first wife 'cause I'm not old enough to have a 31-year-old daughter.

18 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1797

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Unknown Male: Yeah, I'm on with the State Police. Anything? No, he still says he has nothing. He's on with the, he's on with the airplane and I'm on with the State Police. Yeah. Going to? Ms. J.M.:San Francisco. He took off about 7:30. Okay, I'm outside now. He's still on the phone and he'll signal me. He says he doesn't hear anything. How's the FAA doing? Is that flight still up in the air? CIS R. W.: As far as we can tell, there's no change. They haven't advised us any different. Okay? Ms. J.M.:Okay. C/SR.W.: Ma'am? Ms. J.M.:Yeah. C/S R. W.: They haven't advised us as of anything different so... Ms. J.M.:Okay. C/S R. W.: So that's the assumption we're taking. Ms. J.M.:Okay. C/S R. W.: That's why we really want to know if he hears anything, even background noise that would lead him to believe that the phOne was still connected. Ms. J.M.: Yeah. No. He's still connected but he doesn't hear anything. C/SR.W.: Okay. Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: I mean he feels... I don't know whether he's still connected or not. Right. But he's still... the tower hasn't let him go so that's a good sign. :~:—i~-r 19 C/S R. W.:Also, again, let me know when the police arrive. Ms. J.M.:... with three guys on it that say they're going to do something. - Took offfrom Newark 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1798

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«M-NYA-00021799» 20 Ms. J.M.:No. No. It's a good sign that the tower hasn 't let you go. Oh, that's good to know. CIS R. W.:Anything different, ma' am? Ms. J.M.:No. He's trying to say "hello" to somebody and I don't know who it is. But I don't think he's reached anybody. CIS R. W.:Also, let me know when the police agency's there. Ms. J.M.:Urn, okay I will. But is hasn't come yet. Police agency isn't here yet, is it? RICHARD: Ms.J.M.: CIS R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/SR.W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms.J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/SRW.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: No. Not yet. Not yet. Thank you, guys. Not a problem. Make sure that door stays shut so the Pugs don 't run out. Anything different, ma'am? I beg your pardon? Anything different? No. Okay. Anything, RICHARD? No, he's shaking his head. Okay. Do we have the police agency there yet? No. Okay. Okay, ma'am? Yeah. And your cell phone was.. . the last four of your cell phone number? 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1799

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«M-NYA-00021800» Okay, I don't have that one written down.

Thafs the phone you're call me from, right? That's the phone I'm calling you from. 518?

9/11 First Responder/ Family Privacy

518. • Okay. Okay. Thafs the number she's on. Okay. The ambulance - she seems to be okay. They have another call

so... No, that's fine, ljust want to make sure she's all right. Here come the police now and it seems to be a State Trooper. Okay? He's there. He's there. Ma'am? Yeah. The Trooper's there? Well, he's, he's - yeah, he hasnt come in yet. Here he comes. Alright, I'm going to turn you over to him, all tight? Ms J MNo, he's not He's not here yet He's coming He's talking to one of the creepy i1 -,UI-ce C/S R. W All right, do me a favdr lust when he comes up, give me his name a21 Ms. J.M.: C/SR.W.: Ms. J.M.: c/SRW.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: Ms. J.M.: C/S R. W.: 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1800

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« M-NYA-00021801 » d

and then I'm going clear with you and he's going to handle it. Ms. J.M.:Okay. Trooper, sir. c/S R.W.:Okay, can you give me the Trooper when he gets in there? Ms. J.M.:Yeah. C/S R.W.:Hand him your phone. Ms. J.M.:Okay. Okay, the Trooper barracks wants you. Or 911 wants you. Yeah, well they want to talk to you now. Tpr. G.E.B.:Hello. C/S R.W.:Okay, whom am I speaking to? This is the State Police in Poughkeepsie. Tpr. G.E.B.:AII right. Trooper BOWERS. C/S R.W.:Okay, what's happened is her son-in-law called from one of the hijacked planes and was talking to the daughter. I'm kind of worried about the -daughter's health. That's why we sent the ambulance. We need to very much at this point to verify - we've got to keep this line open with you. But we also got to have to know if the, if there's any change on that line to the plane. Do they think that it's been disconnected or do we think the line's still open without anybody on it? Tpr. G.E.B.:That's what, that's the last I've heard. I just got here. C/S R.W.:I know. See if you can, see if there's anything different. Tpr. G.E.B.:Okay. C/S R.W.:AII right? Tpr. G.E.B.:AII right. Hang on and... C'S R.W.:We're going to keep this line open so... Tpr.,G.E.B.:Okay. All right. Keep that Open. Ms. LM.:Okay, so I shouldn't hang this up? .4. . 22 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1801

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« M-NYA-00021802 » 4 23

C/S R.W.:Not at this point. Ms. J.M.:Okay. He took offfrom Newark at 7:30 this morning. He was supposed to leave yesterday. And, you know JEREMY... Unknown Male:Well, when Ifirst come up here they didn 't tell me that (unintelligible) I knew you. Ithought maybe (unintelligible) M~. J.M.:No, JEREMYtalked to herfrom the plane, I mean the plane phoneThat they were going to attack (unintelligible) and they were going to attack the three terrorists. And PJCHARD said he heard some screaming. And they think it's going to hit (unintelligible) Unknown Male:Manhattan. Wow. Ms. J.M.rWe turned it off. Unknown Male:With this going on, I guess so. C/S R.W.:Anything different? Do we have anything? Ms. J.M.:No. Nothing. Nothing different. He's still hanging on there. Hello. C/S R.W.:Yes. Ms. J.M.:lt's flight 11 ? What ffight was it United? C/S R.W.:You had told me 93. Ms. J.M.:93. 93. Out of Newark It left about 7:30, Ithink We got the phone call as he was boarding and then we got the phone call here a little bit longer than 45 minutes ago. (Unintelligible) I have no idea what time it is. I'm on the phone with a Trooper, RICHARD 's on the phone with the plane. Unknown Male:He ~ not able to actually speak to your son, right? Ms. J.M.:Not now. Unknown Male:Not now. Ms. J.M.:They decided they were going to attack the terrorists. 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021802

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«M-NYA-00021803» 24

Unknown Male:How long ago since you had verbal contact with h im? Ms. J.M.:l'd have to ask him. C/S R.W.rls the... Can you hand me the Trooper again. Ms. J.M.:Yes. Trooper. The Trooper's on the phone with somebody. C/S R.W.:Okay. Ms. J.M.:He's off of it now. Unknown Male:Everybody's trying to call everybody. The lines are all tied up. C/S R.W.:That's why we're not.dropping this one. 'Cause they're getting flooded with calls just like we're getting flooded with calls. See that man over there busy? Ms. J.M.:Yeah, she vomited. Unknown Female:She's kind of like really - she doesn 't want to say a whole lot right now. Ms. J.M.:lknow. Okay. Okay, thank you so much. Do you guys hOve a telephone? Does anybody? Unknown FemalerA telephone for... Ms. J.M.:I need to get afriend up here. Okay. I'll use the Trooper's. Ill use the Trooper's. C/S R.W.:As soon as he gets a second I want to speak to him. That's all. Ms. J.M.:Okay. Okay. Thank you guys very much. C/S R.W.:No problem. Also, did the ambulance crew leave? Everybody or? Ms. J.M.:I don't think so. You know what I need you to do? Could you call NANCY (unintelligible) C/S R.W.:'Cause if they've all left, we just need to periodically keep an eye on her. Ms. J.M.:Have her come up here. Let her know what's happening. Get her to come up here. 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1803

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« M-NYA-00021804 »

25 CIS R.W.:Okay? Ms. J.M.:Beg your pardon? CIS R.W.:I said has all the ambulance crew left or has anybody stayed behind? Ms. J.M.:No, I think they're all going to leave. CIS R.W.:Okay. So we just need to keep an eye on her. Make sure she's somewhere you can see her, okay? Ms. J.M.iA couple of them live real close so... C/S R.W.:AII right. As long as we're keeping an eye on her. Ms. J.M.rYeah. I'm trying to get somebody to call I fend get her up here. CUjGoodv C/S R.W.:Did anybody call her, ma'am? :::::::= Ms. J.M.:Yes. C/S R.W.rHuh? Personal Ms. J.M.:Hi. No. she's okay. LIZZIE'S vitals are good. C/S R.W.:Okay. Is that Trooper clear yet? Ms. J.M.:No. The Trooper's not... 911 still wants to talk to you when you get off He's aware of that. C/S R.W.:Okay. Thank you. Ms. J.M.:l've got a Trooper talking. IVe got a husband talking. Have you got a cell phone in there? Have you got a cell phone on you? Unknown Male:Unintelligible. Ms. J.M.:She 's upstairs changing the baby. I'm trying to call NANCY TYCO. I took the call. I answered the call. Unknown Male:What did he say to you exactly? Ms. J.M.rl don't know. He said that they were h~/acked. And that they were 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021804

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«M-NYA-00021805» 26

going to crash into the World Trade Center. Okay. Bring me in a cell phone and I'll make a couple of calls, okay? Could you? Yeah. NANCY should be there. Yeah. 5096. 5096. She might be showering, too. 'Cause they were going to play golf Unknown Male:Who are you on with? 911? Ms. J.M.:Yeah. Unknown Male:(Unintelligible) Hello C/S R.W.:Yeah, State Police. This is the State Police in Poughkeepsie. Unknown MalerYeah, Okay, I'm just taking the phone from her to hold it open. She wants to make another phone call. C/S R.W.:AII right. Unknown Male:l'm with the ambulance squad. C/S R.W.:Okay. I'm worried - 1 just... Is anybody going be able to stick around for just a little bit. Because the daughter's definitely going to... She's got me a little nervous. Unknown Male:Yeah, and we've gone and looked her over thoroughly so far. And the woman... C/S R.W.:Good. Unknown Male:. .. and her vital signs are probably better... C/S R.W.:Good. Unknown Male:. .. than yours and mine with the excitement. C/S R.W.:Well, that's... Unknown Male:She's that way there. She's with her baby right now. C/S R.W.:Okay. Unknown Male:And... C/S R.W.That's all I need. Thank you. 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1805

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«M-NYA-00021806» -c 27 Unknown Male:(unintelligible) C/S R.W.:I said thank you. Unknown Male:You want this left open or... •C/S R.W.:. Yeah, we have to leave it open due to the high volume of calls right now. •I'm afraid if she hangs up, we won't even be able to call back land line. So that's why I want to leave it open. Unknown Male:Okay. C/S R.W.:And when that Trooper's clear, we need to talk to him. Unknown Male:He's on the phone right now. C/S R.W.:Right. Unknown Male:lt's Trooper BOWERS. C/S R.W.:Right. Unknown Male:When you 're clear 911... Who am I talking to? The State Police? C/S R.W.This is the State Police in Poughkeepsie. Unknown Male:Okay Fine. State Police in Poughkeepsie. C/S R.W.:ls he talking to his dispatch? Can you at least let us know that? Unknown Male:He's talking to Catskill right now. C/S R.W.:Okay. All right. Unknown Male:So... Well, I heard on the original, on the TV before we came up here, that the original was an American Airlines flight. Now was the second one a United or what? Hello. C/S R.W.:Right now I've been dealing her. I can't really tell you what the other planes were. We've been on the phone with her for quite a while. We're still here. There's just a few things I've got to do. Just yell out if, when he's clear. Unknown Male:You mean the one with the plane or your Trooper? 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1806

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«M-NYA-00021807» 28

C/S R.W.:The Trooper. Unknown Male:Well, we've got another Trooper here, too. C/S R.W.:Well, is he just standing there? Unknown Male:He... Come here. Igot the Poughkeepsie State Police on the phone want to talk to one ofyou guys. Yeah, we got Trooper COOPER just arrived. C/S R.W.:Yeah, well put him on the phone. Unknown Male:BOWERS on? C/S R.W.:I'II talk to anybody, I'll talk to anybody with a State Police uniform on. Unknown Male:Okay, with a State Police uniform on. Hold on. Tpr. B.J.C.: Trooper COOPER- SP Hunter. What can I do? Hello. C/S R.W.rYes. Tpr. B.J.C.:Trooper COOPER, State Police. C/S R.W.iYeah, just to bring you up to speed just so everybody... We're leaving the line open. This is the State Police, Poughkeepsie. Tpr. B.J.C.iOkay. C/S R.W.:We've got our Major. We've got everybody involved. We've been trying to get a hold of FAA. So due to the high volume of calls up there, it's hard to dial out. So we need to leave this line open. Tpr. B.J.C.:Okay. BCI is on the scene right now. C/S R.W.They're on the scene? Tpr. B.J.C.:Two Investigators just walked up. I don't know what's going on here. C/S R.W.:Okay, this woman received, her daughter received a call from her husband who is one of the planes that has been hijacked. And... Tpr. B.J.C.: Okay. C/S. R.W.:And that's where you're at. Our Major's asking that this line stay open. M-NYA-0002 1807 302-1A15519

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«M-NYA-00021808» \~c a

29 So make sure the BC! knows that. And we want to know what happens with that line 'cause we've been working this thing for about a half an hour. . Tpr. B.J.C.:! have an open line with SP Poughkeepsie and the Major is there. They don't want to close the line. BC! knows. C/S R.W.:Okay. Thank you. •Tpr. BJ.C.: And you and I can sit here and... C/S R.W.:Have they verified yet whether or not that line is open to the plane or if the plane has, if that connection has been closed. Tpr. BJ.C.:To be honest with you, I don't know. C/S R.W.:Okay, if you get a chance, just ask them that. Tpr. B.J.C.: Do they have an open line to the plane? Poughkeepsie? Poughkeepsie? C/S R.W.:Yeah. Yeah. Tpr. B.J.C.:Apparently the father is on the phone. He has an open line with the phone on the plane. C/S R.W.:Okay, they still, he still thinkR that it's open? Tpr. B.J.C.:Yup. I talked to the Trooper who was here first. C/S R.W.:Can someone take the phone from him and listen for themseif to see if they hear background noise? Because this is what I'm trying to determine. Is the line open all the way to the plane and nobody's talking on it? Or has the cell side of it between the plane and the first tower disconnected and all we're doing is getting dead space. Tpr. B.J.C.: SF Poughkeepsie's on the phone. They have the Major there. They're trying to... Is that line still open to the plane? Ms. J.M.:No. Unknown Maleilt's open to the plane but we haven 't had any response from the plane. Tpr. B..J.C.: Do you hear any background noise or anything? 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021808

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«M-NYA-00021809» 30

Unknown MalerNo. Tpr. B.J.C.:Okay. All right. There's no response in about 2-0 minutes and there's no background noise on the line but it's still open. CIS R.W.:Okay, let me let my boss know. Hold on. Tpr. BJ.C.:Poughkeepsie. C/S R.W.:Yeah, I'm still here. Tpr. BJ.C.:Okay, the father is holding the phone. He's talking to one of our BC! right now. Apparently there was a bomb and a knife on board. C/S RW.:Yeah, we know that. We know that. Tpr. B.J.C.:And uh C/S R.W.:Are you familiar with what's been happening today? Tpr. B.J.C.:Yes, I am. C/S R.W.:Okay. Tpr. B.J.C.:Actually, I don't live far from him. I went home and packed my underwear and I was on my way to gas up my troop car. C/S R.W~:Okay. Tpr. B.J.C.:! saw everything going on so I stopped. C/S R.W.:Yeah, it's been an amazing morning. Tpr. B.J.C.:Yeah. The last thing that the father was hearing was that there was a group of passengers that were going to try to overtake the terrorists. C/S R.W.:Yeah, we have that. We have that about that time. They, they don't know it and don't, don't, don't say anything to the people there. But if you've got a Bureau guy, quietly tell him we think the... The FFA doesn't see it on radar any more. Tpr. B.J.C.rl'm sorry? C/S R.W.:I said you can't, don't tell the family at this point 'cause I don't want them to get excited but we're not seeing the plane, they're not seeing 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021809

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31 the plane on radar anymore. Tpr. B.J.C.:Okay. C/S R.W.:AII right? But... ljust - 1 don't know how you're going to, if you're even going to be able to tell the BCI that at this point. Tpr. B.J.C.:! can try. Could you do... Where is PETE KUSMINSKY, the other BC! Investigator? Okay.C/S R.W.:ls the BC! guy right there? Is that who you're talking you? Or... Tpr. BJ.C.:There's two here. One's talking to the father who is holding the phone. And the other one is upstairs talking to the mother and the sister who's breast feeding. So he's in the house right now. And I'm on... C/S R.W.:You're on the cell, right? Tpr. B.J.C.:! think I'm on somebody's cell phone. C/S R.W.:You're on the mother-in-law's cell phone. Tpr. B.J.C.: Okay. C/S R.W.:I have that number. Tpr. B.J.C.:Okay. One of the bystanders here just said there's another plane being reporteil inbound to Washington, D.C., that it's hijacked. I don't know if you guys have that information or... C/S. R.W.:Yeah, we've already got that. Tpr. B.J.C.: It's probably... C/S R.W.:We think this plane was still in the New Jersey/Pennsylva~ja area. Tpr. B.J.C.: Okay. C/S R.W.:Okay. Again, I am still here. I'm just clearing the phone for a second. Tpr. B.J.C.: They have all these phone numbers. C/S R.W.:Yeah, we have all the, everybody's names, cell phones, everybody's addresses. So if you guys need anything, we got it. We've got the M-NYA-00021810 302-1A15519

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«M-NYA-00021811 » a 32 flight number and everything else. Tpr. B.J.C.: Okay. I'm still on the phone with you. I just want to walk over to No, not a problem. grab my cell phone just in case I need to... All right. another line. You and I are still here together. SP PoughkeepSie. Hang on. Are you calling me? You there? Yup. The BCI wants to talk to you. It's important. Yup. C/S. R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.z Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. p.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K. C/S R.W.: Hey, who's this? WEINGAERTNBR. How you doing? It's PETE KUSMINSKY. Is there somebodY there that's got any contact with anybody anywhere? We are in contact with the FFA now, the FAA. Tell me this is United Airlines Flight 93. We have that. And there was three men on board the plane. We have that. Iranian, dark-skinned. Red bands on their heads. Got that. 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002181 1

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«M-NYA-00021812» mv. P.J.K. C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.LK.: C/S RW.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K: C/S R.W.: 33 You got that? Said they had a bomb and they moved everyone to the back of the plane. Right. And... And the passengers were planning to attack these men. Yeah, when I was on the phone with them, she said "They're going to do it now." So as far as I know, they did attempt that. What time was that? They - one of the Lieutenants wanted my paper and I'm waiting - as soon as he comes back I can give you the time. All right It's been one of those mornings. Major FAZIO is asking us to keep this line open mainly because everybody's calling everybody and the telephone system is so stressed right now, this might be our only way to keep in contact. All right Just so you know, it looks like Flight 93 went off radar. Oh, really. Yeah. Okay. Just so you know. We're not going to saying nothing. No. I realize. I'm just letting you now. AU right. We don't l~ ow if it's just too low or if it... Now was~U~ls after the Pentagon got hit or1 - gotbit the first time. 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 18 12

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«M-NYA-00021813» mv. PJ.K.: C/S. RW.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S. R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/S R.W.: Why, there was a second hit there? Oh, yeah. You know about the World Trade Center, too. Right? I know. I watched that one. And then we saw the Pentagon get hit. Yeah, I think it's twice. Oh, the Pentagon got hit twice? Yeah, I believe so. Okay. From, from the cell connection, the description from the caller, the husband on the plane and the FAA, we believe that plane was still in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. All right. Let me... I'll leave you on an open line here. All right. And let me put you with COOPER for a second while I try to get to some other people.Okay. Okay, I'm right here if you need him again. Poughkeepsie? Yeah. Do you want my cell phone number, too, just in case this goes dead? No, but are you in 3F46 or what car are you? I am in 3F48. I'm pretty confident that if all else fails, I can get you on the Austerlitz tower on State. 34 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1813

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«M-NYA-00021814» Okay. PETE, what do you need? Right now? Nobody. He's just holding it. He said there's no background or anything anymOre. Okay, nothing, huh? Nothing. Do we think... Are we pretty sure that the plane's not in the connection anymore? Or not? PETE, are we fairly certain that there's nothing on the other end of that phone? He said he hasn't, he hasn't heard any background noise or anything. C/S R.W. Something. Tpr. BJ.C.:You know, hijackers shouting in the background. But apparently these hijackers, their intention was to hit the Trade Center. C/S R.W.:This was well planned. You can tell. Tpr. B.J.C.:Yeah, this is a big operation. Has there been anything other than the Pentagon and the Trade Center? C/S R.W.:As far as we know, no. But I don't think this is over. Tpr. B.J.C.:! don't think so either. I think like L.A., Seattle, Chicago should buckle down. C/S PETER CARPENTER:Contact, ~f you would, Wappingers on the intercom. Have them contact Captain WOOD, the phone down here in Cortlandt asap. C/S R.W.:Just tell them that might not be possible because phone lines are having problems getting out. C/S NORMAN JOflNSON:Okay. We're having problems getting on the phone line but we'll U 35 Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/S R.W.:Okay, 'cause I'm thinking, you know, hijackers, even if they're trying to keep quiet, people, you'd hear something. Tpr. B.J.C.: You'd hear breathing or scuffling. 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 18 14

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try on the intercom. C/S PETER CARPENTER: Disregard, Igot him. Disregard. C/S NORMAN JOHNSON: Okay, PETE. C/S R.W.:Okay. We've got to go back to Zone One 'cause we're doing that. Tpr. B.J.C.: Okay. C/S R.W.:. I'm talking to someone in the background and I'm trying to run the radio at the same time here. Tpr. B.J.C.: I hear you. I hear you. C/S R.W.: Okay, I'm still here. I'm just doing... Because somebody's got a damn car that they need to get the hell out of. Because it's been doing that. That's the problem. That's not in the book I'll tell you that. Are you still there? Tpr. BJ-C.: I'm here. C/S R.W.: All right. They got our helicopter out and I can't figure that out. Who the hell are they tnllcing to? Unless they sent our helicopter to New York. Hello? Tpr. B.J.C.: Yes. C/S R-W. All right. I just didn't know if you were still there. Tpr. BJ.C. C/S. R.W. Tpr. BJ.C. C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Nope. I'm stifi here. (Unintelligible) talking to people more. I'm going to go put you... I'm still here. Hold on a minute. (Unintelligible) Are you still there? lamhere. I'm just maintaining the open line with Foughkeepsi& The Major's concerned that if I close the line and try to call back... You're on with the State Police Pougbkeepsie because they picked 36 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1815

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«M-NYA-00021816» 37

up a cell phone and dialed 911. They dialed 911 on their cell phone and it rang into Poughkeepsie. So we're in contact with the towers and the FAA. No, it's just their cell called SP Poughkeepsie. We haven 't even gotten a 911 call and we would - -f that was happening we 'dget a call on 911. You know that, ED? What a day! If that was happening we'd have 911 calls by now. Although we haven 't gotten many lately. Maybe the system 's overtaxed. This is crazy. Oh yeah? Let me tell you, you're in the best place right now. Oh yeah? You don't have 900 bosses wanting to know impossible answers right behind you right now. Is there another crash in Pittsburgh? Yeah. And that's where they lost this plane on radar? We're not sure. But it did go - it is off the air, off the radar. That's not good. What are they doing with all the other planes that were up in the air? Huh? What are they doing with all the other planes? I think they already crashed into buildings. No, I mean the other ones that were up. I think they'ra grounding IJveiything. Uh, just so you guys know... All the bridges, all the Cr s~jngs up the Hudson and everywhere else we're bemg told ng1it~i~w are closed • ••—••*•


Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S RW.: mv. P.J.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S RW.: mv. PJ.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K..: C/S RW~: 302- 1A155 19 M-NYA-0002 1816

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«M-NYA-00021817» mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K..: C/S RW.: mv. P.J.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K..: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S. RW.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S. RW.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S RW.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: Okay. So you're stuck on the mountain. Well, it's nice up here. I don't need to go anywhere else. I don't blame you. I'll probably be sitting here until the end of the day anyway. Yup. For nothing. Who are the Investigators that are there? Myself and SCOI1'DONN. SCOTTI B's there? No, not SCOTT DONN. I'm sorry. SHAWN HOUCK. SHAWN. Yeah. All right. SCOTTIE was at PT testing and we were trying to recall him when we came up here. Okay. The only ones working today are myself and SHAWN and DAVIE. Yeah, I worked with SHAWN and SCOTF down in Highland. Yeah. The Highland connection moved to Catskill. Yeah, I noticed that. They all bailed. They got older is what happened. What's that? I said eveiybody just got older. Didn't need the nightclubs as much. a 38 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021817

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u~ 39

All right. How's that SJS working down there? It's down right now but otherwise it's working okay. I wish I knew the time on this. What do you mean? Did you get the time? I know they were listening to the tape but... The time that the call came in? 9:45 roughly. Oh, okay. Hey, we're taking care of business here. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I understand. It still doesn't make sense, you call 911 We're at, I'm like... We take a lot of Greene County stuff. Looking at the mountain range, that's in Albany County from where I'm standing so... What happens is, we're - they're moving into central dispatch over here. So anything that would normally roll into Claverack shoots to us. And off that bill, you guys hit a lot of Columbia County towers. Yeah. Yeah. That doesn't matter. We're one big happy family anyway. Yeah, yeah. Well at least you're getting familiar with the Greene County area. Yeah. I've actually gone up there and driven around a little bit lately just so I knew what the heck was going on. Yeah. Yeah. I actually knew where Jewett was., Uh-huh. Oh, well. I. don't know what we can do 'from here but... Still there?

mv. P.J.K.: CIS R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: CIS ItW.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S. R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K-: :C/S R.W.: Ins'. PJ.K.: C/S. RW.: mv. PJK.: C/S R.W.;Yeah, we're here. 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021818

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«M-NYA-00021819» 40

Okay, just checking. Well what I do is eveiy once in a while I thrown you to speaker and put you to mute just so I can take other calls and do other things. Not a problem. You know, this is Communications. It's not one task at a time here. Want me to e-mail it, ED, to our normal distribution? We've established a Headquarters. What's that? I'm sorry. I said we just established a headquarters. Oh, yeah? A command post, you mean? Yup. How many of them are up there? Probably everywhere. Yeah. I heard our helicopter's down over, by New York, by the City so... Oh yeah. You can bet the Governor's down there and everybody in the world's down there. We'll probably end up down there by the end of the day.' All right. Hold on one second. All right. I'm going to put you back on with COOPER for a minute. COOPER here. We're maintaining a line? Yeah, we are pally. mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. P.J.K.: C/S R.W.: mv. PJ.K.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: Good enough. C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: Yeah, they're paying me for eight so... They're.going to be paying you for more than that. 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021819

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«M-NYA-00021820» 41 Huh?

They're going to pay you for more than that, I'm sure. Yeah, today. I think so. Are you still there? I'm here. Affirmative. We're doing our jobs apparently. Good enough. I want to verify that absolutely nothing's come back on that line to the plane, right? Is that what he went to do? No, I'm asking you. Oh, I can check on that. Do they still have that line open? Yeah. Okay. The father's still sitting there with the phone on the side of his head. Okay. He wants to know... there is still no, no (unintelligible) on that line at this time? Okay. At this time they're still not getting anything at the other end of that line. Okay. And let me tell you, the father's doing a hell of a good job because he's the one maintaining it. And.he's pretty calm. All right. I'll be right back to you. Has that phone got a battery indicator on it by the way? This cell phone or the...

CIS R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: CIS R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: CIS R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: CIS R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: CIS R.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: 302-1A15519 M-NYA-0002 1820

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«M-NYA-00021821 » d C/S R.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/SR.W.: Tpr. B.JC.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S. R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/SR.W.: Tpr. BJ.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: C/S R.W.: Tpr. B.J.C.: The one you're on, yeah. Yeah, affirm. It looks like I've got about three-quarters of a battery. Okay. So I'm good. All right. He's on a cordless. I don't know how long he's going to have. I'm there. We just got cleared to hang this one up so have a good day. All right? If you guys need any of our information, just give us a call back here at Pougbkeepsie Headquarters. Do you want us to maintain the house line open to the plane? I don't know what they want at this point. We'll keep it open until we hear from... Yeah, until they verif-' something. We'll try and give you guys a call back as soon as we know information. Okay. Do we got a pager number for any of the BCI guys there in case we can't get through? Yeah, I can get it. Okay. Poughkeepsie's been authorized to close this lin& They want your pager before they go. 800 C/S. R.W.:

Ub-hum. I

................................................... tis the access code.

Enforcement Privacy

That's PETE KUSMINSKY? 1. 42 302-1A15519 M-NYA-00021821

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«M-NYA-00021822» 43

Tpr. B.J.C.:That's PETE KUSMIHSKY. He's the senior BCI man. Okay. C/S R.W.:Yup. Tpr. BJ.C.: And we're clear then. C/S R.W.:AII right. Later. Tpr. B.J.C.: Take care. Call is terminated. 302-1A15519M-NYA-00021822

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