T7 B11- Fbi 302- Mace And Flight Fdr- Entire Contents- Fbi 302s

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M-INT-00013599 265A-NY-280350-302-52258 09/19/2001 INTERVIEW OF JULIE ROBBINS FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Julie Robbins. residing af\L

California, tolophnnannmhai) lAfter hfiina advised Of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the purpose of the interview, Robbins provided the following information:

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Robbins' former employer for whom she had worked intermittently over several years, was a man named Rashid "Ricky" Hussain, whom she believed to be from Pakistan. Hussain, who claimed to have a PhD field unknown and liked to be addressed as "Doctor Hussain11, originally owned "Ricky's Automotive" in Jamul, where Robbins worked for him as an office administrator. Robbins left her employment with Hussain in 1992, when she got married and , moved away from Jamul. However, following her divorce in 1994, she received a call from Hussain asking her to come back to work for ,. him as his "Personal Assistant" in his new venture, "Ricky's Roller Bags, Inc." which produced rolling backpacks and other luggage-onwheels. In 199R sha agreed to return and worked for him.-at Ricky's Rollar baas on I '. " \telephone \r approximately two years. She informed the Agent that Hussain had also hired a driver named Mike Anderson, with whom she had become friendly. The main reason that Hussain had "needed" a driver was so that he could give others, friends and clients the impression that he was very wealthy and powerful. She recalled in particular, one Middle-Eastern friend of his who was known to the staff only as "Sultan". At this point, Robbins was shown a photographic lineup in which she identified #5 (American Airlines Flight #77 terrorist, Majed Masha'An Moqued) as looking "most like him (Sultan)" but she did not believe that his photograph was among those shown to her.

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.. , 9/11 Personal / / 1 nvacy

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Although "Sultan" FNU LNU had come to San Diego with his wife and children two boys and one girl, one of the duties

Investigation on 09/19/2001 File #

at San Diego, CA Date dictated



b'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 4:37 pm



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M-INT-00015473 265A-NY-280350-302-9269 09/11/2001 INTERVIEW OF LEE HANSON FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



LEE HANSON.I I was interviewed at his residence and voluntarily provided the following information:

09/11 /2001


HANSON received a telephone call at his residence from his son, PETER BURTON HANSON, Date of Birth: 01/24/1969, Place of Birth: Bridgeport, CT. sometime before 9:00 A.M. this morning. His son indicated that the plane on which he was presently a passenger was being hijacked. LEE HANSON asked whether his son was joking but he knew from the serious tone in his voice that he wasn't. PETER HANSON repeated that his plane was being hijacked indicating "I think they've taken over the cockpit...an attendant has been stabbed...and someone else up front may have been killed. The plane is making strange moves. Call United Airlines,..Tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA." LEE HANSON noted that his son was talking in a low tone, but not whispering. He believed his son was calling from his cellular telephone, which number he provided as 617 921-1006. LEE HANSON immediately phoned the Easton Police Department and spoke with Captain James Candee. He told Captain Candee about the substance of the call and asked for any assistance Candee could provide. Within a matter of minutes, LEE HANSON received a second telephone call from his son. He recalled his son saying the following: "It's getting bad, Dad...A stewardess was stabbed...they seem to have knives and mace...They said they have a bomb...lt's getting very bad on the plane...passengers are throwing up and getting sick...the plane is making jerky movements...! don't think the pilot is flying the plane...! think we're going down...l think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and fly into a building." LEE HANSON said he heard noise of a woman screaming in the background. PETER HANSON continued, "Don't worry, Dad...if it happens if II be very fast."

Investigation on 09/11/2001

at Easton, Connecticut

Pile #

Date dictated ?RRn-NY-2B0350



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

September 5, 2003 4:41 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/11/2001



LEE HANSON said the call ended with his son saying "My God, my God..." LEE HANSON could not say why the call ended abruptly. He did not know whether his son had hung up or whether the phone malfunctioned. He said he resisted the temptation to call his son right back because he did not want to place him in any more serious danger by having his cell phone ring on the plane. PETER HANSON gave no additional information as to the identity, nationality, physical description, accents, etc. of the highjackers. LEE HANSON took two sheets of notes during the two phone calls and he provided these notes to interviewing agents. LEE HANSON indicated he could recall no additional information or background noise from the telephone calls other than the aforementioned sound of an unidentified woman screaming. HANSON described his son as follows: Name: PETER BURTON HANSON Sex: Male Race: Caucasian DOB: 01/24/1969 POB: Bridgeport, Connecticut Residence: 46 Painted Post Road Groton, Massachusetts Home Telephone:978448-8874 Height: Five feet, ten inches Weight: 170-175 Ibs. Hair: Balding red frizzy Complexion: Fair with freckles Miscellaneous: Regularly wore a Breitiing wristwatch and antique wedding ring PETER BURTON HANSON is employed as Vice-President of Marketing with TimeTrade.com of Newton. Massachusetts. He graduated from Northeastern University in Boston with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and attained a Master's Degree in Business Administration MBA from Boston University. HANSON was traveling to Los Angeles, California, to attend a business meeting and was accompanied on United Flight 175 [PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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by his wife, SUE KIM HANSON, bom 07/23 (believed to be 38 years old), female, first generation Korean, 5'3" height, 135 pounds, and their daughter and only child, CHRISTINE HANSON, bom 02/23/1999. This was their first plane trip as a family and SUE HANSON was taking their daughter CHRISTINE to visit SUE's grandmother for the first time. Both of SUE HANSON'S parents are deceased. SUE HANSON is a doctoral candidate in the medical field at Boston University. LEE HANSON had traveled to Boston on Thursday, 09/06/2001, to visit with his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. They were excited about their upcoming flioht and indicated they intended to obtain seating in the bulkhead area behind the first-class seating so they could have more room for CHRISTINE to play. He is not certain where they were seated on the flight. SUE KIM HANSON wears corrective eyeglasses and an antique wedding ring, like her husband PETER, Her and PETER'S ring were the wedding band's of LEE HANSON'S parents and had been handed down as gifts. The bands may have inscriptions and may have been cut to size from the original. Furthermore, PETER's ring may have been repaired. LEE HANSON provided interviewing agents with a color photo portrait of his son's family. A digital color photograph was taken of the portrait by SA Donnelly.

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.. tnrorcement Privacy

LEE HANSON indicated that after receiving the calls from his son, he turned on the television to see whether the hijacking was being reported. He noted he began watching just in time to see the live footage of the second airliner crashing into the World Trade Center. . . , . , . LEE HANSON received a telephone call this morning from an . individual identifying himself as Special Agenfl [ /

the Chicago FBI Office with telephone Humbert



indicated he was calling HANSON because he received his name from United Airlines. Present during portions of the interview was LEE HANSON'S wife. EUNICE HANSON, his daughterl





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M-INT-00016607 265A-NY-280350-CE-1018 09/12/2001 NYDIA E. GONZALEZ FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) - 1-



RE: LEAD CONTROL NUMBERS: DL267; CE66; AND CE233 NYDIA E. GONZALEZ. Hispanic female. bornT _| was interviewed at her place of employment, American Airlines AA Southeastern Reservation Center SERO, 500 Gregson Drive, Gary, North Carolina 27511, telephone number 919/460-4010. After being advised of the .. • identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the... • interview, GONZALEZ provided the following information:

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9/11 Personal p . * rlvacy

GONZALEZ is a Reservation Operations Specialist for the AA, employee numberT" t She has been working for AA for approximately 20 years. The SERO is one of several AA's air travel reservation call centers. Their main reservation center is located in Dallas, Texas. GONZALEZ is a supervisor in charged of monitoring calls and coordinating any emergency calls with their main office as necessary. On September 11. 2001, on or about 8:20 AM, GONZALEZ was at her desk when she received an emergency signal light on her telephone console. (The emergency signal can be initiated by any AA reservation agent by pressing a button at their desk, whenever they receive a call deemed to be emergency in nature.) The emergency signal light was initiated by WINSTON SADLER, one of the reservation agent on duty, who received a call from a woman identified as BETTY ONG. GONZALEZ monitored the telephone conversation between SADLER and ONG. ONG identified herself as the "number 3" flight attendant FA on the AA flight number 11, from Boston to Los Angeles. ONG said that she was sitting on the "jump seat 3R" at the rear of the aircraft, and she advised that somebody got stabbed in business class, onboard the airplane. At that point, GONZALEZ contacted CRAIG MARKEE, the manager on duty at the AA Security Operations Control SOC located in Dallas, Texas. GONZALES was coordinating the call with MARKEE while she monitored the conversation between SADLER and ONG. ONG reported that the number 1 and number 5 FA's got stabbed, and that nobody can get into the cockpit. GONZALES deduced later in the

Investigation on 09/12/2001 File # 265D-NY-28035Q-CE b;9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

at Gary, North Carolina Date dictated 09/12/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

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265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of

Nydia E. Gonzalez

, On 09/12/2001

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conversation that the lead FA, number 1, had been seriously stabbed and might be unconscious. The number 1 FA was on oxygen at some point. The number 5 FA was also stabbed, but the injury was not serious. GONZALEZ said that ONG was at the rear of the airplane and did not see the knife weapon. GONZALEZ was relaying the information back to MARKEE as ONG described the situation on the airplane. GONZALEZ advised that when SADLER pressed the emergency button, the telephone conversation was being recorded automatically on a Rockwell telephone recording device. The recording device is capable of recording only up to 4 minutes. The duration of telephone contact with ONG lasted approximately 23 to 25 minutes. She said that the recorded portion of the conversation was provided to the FBI. The unrecorded portion of the conversation is as follow: ONG advised that there appeared to be two passengers locked in the cockpit, one of which was assigned to seat 10B, business class, under the name of AL SUGAMI phonetic. ONG was getting this information from other flight attendants. She did not see the two passengers, and could not provide any physical descriptions of them. GONZALEZ asked ONG about the condition of all passengers and whether the flight crew made any announcements. ONG said that no announcements were made, and that the passengers in coach class suspect something was going on, but were not aware of the situation. ONG said that the First Class passengers were moved to Coach, and that the Business Class cabin was sprayed with possibly mace. ONG said that it was difficult to breathe, and it was difficult to see what was going on in the Business and First Class. ONG told GONZALEZ that she was informed by other FA's that a passenger by the name of DANIEL LEWIN may have been fatally wounded. GONZALEZ said that LEWIN may have been on sit 9B, but that information is not confirmed. ONG kept GONZALEZ appraised of the flying condition of the airplane, and that from time to time the airplane was taking rapid descents and flying sideways, erratically. Throughout the call, GONZALEZ did not hear much commotion on the background. There were moments in the conversations where ONG asked for their prayers. GONZALEZ tried to keep the line open and kept ONG talking. At one point, ONG started to cry and said "Oh God Oh God, what is going on!" and the call ended. GONZALEZ later saw what [PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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Nydia E. Gonzalez

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happened on the television news coverage of the destruction of the World Trade Center. On a separate matterT

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M-INT-00016614 265A-NY-280350-CE-1022 09/12/2001 WINSTON COURTNEY SADLER FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription


RE: LEAD CONTROL NUMBERS: DL267 AND CE66 WINSTON COURTNEY SADLER, white male, date of birth J North Carolina, telephone numbeL interviewed at his place of employment, AMERICAN AIRLINES AA SOUTHEASTERN RESERVATION CENTER SERO, Cary. North Carolina. After being advised as to the identities of the interviewing agents and as to the nature of the interview, SADLER provided the following information: SADLER stated he was currently employed with AA in their International Resolution Department. SADLER stated he was charged with being a "HELP DESK" for complaint calls coming into the SERO. SADLER stated that on September 11, 2001, at approximately 8:20 A.M., Customer Service Agent CSA VANESSA MINTER came to him stating that she had a lady on the telephone line calling from an AA flight that was being hijacked. SADLER stated that MINTER seemed to be panicked and stated she could not find her "emergency button" on her telephone. SADLER offered to take the call so MINTER transferred the call to SADLER. SADLER explained that the telephone system operated by AA allowed for him to be connected onto a line from one of the agents and the agent still remain on the line. Once this was established, SADLER immediately activated his emergency button which further allowed the Operations Center to monitor the telephone call. SADLER stated the individual on the telephone identified herself as BETTY ONG phonetic. SADLER stated that she identified herself as being aboard Flight Number 11 as one of the Flight Attendants FA's. ONG further stated that people aboard the plane had entered the cockpit and that FA's Number 1 and Number 5 had been stabbed. ONG stated she was located in the coach area of the airplane. At one point in the conversation, SADLER recalled that ONG stated that all of the FA's had moved back to the coach area. ONG also stated that she did not believe that the coach passengers were aware of the hijacking. SADLER explained that the 767 airplane utilized by Flight 11 was sectioned into three sections, a coach area, a business area, and a first-class area.

Investigation on 09/12/2001

at Cary, North Carolina


Date dictated ?Rfin-NY-280350-CE



9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

September 5, 2003 4:41 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/12/2001



ONG further stated she believed mace had been sprayed in the business class area which made it difficult to breathe. During the entire conversation, ONG seemed to be talking to someone else in the background and retrieving information including the fact that the passenger in 9B had been injured and was possibly deceased. ONG also identified passengers seated in Seats 2A, 2B. and 10B as participating in the hijacking. SADLER stated during the telephone conversation with ONG other individuals on the line from the Operations Center, namely NYDIA GONZALEZ, participated in asking questions of ONG. During these intervals, SADLER was using his computer screen to find out information concerning Flight 11. SADLER recalled at one point, he was monitoring a readout on his computer screen where ground control was attempting to notify Flight 11 that Flight 11's transponder had been turned off. Later he checked his passenger roster to find the name of the passenger in 9B who had been hurt and identified that passenger as DANIEL LEWIN. SADLER recalled that ONG stated she was trying to call the pilots in the cockpit, but was not getting a response. ONG had stated that no announcements had been made from the cockpit. ONG stated she attempted to find if there was a doctor onboard to assist with the wounded. ONG informed that FA Number 1 was hurt worse than FA Number 5 and they had put oxygen on FA Number 1. ONG gave the impression that FA Number 5 was sitting somewhere near her. ONG would state at times that the airplane was flying erratically. SADLER recalled these statements of erratic flying occurred several times during the conversation. SADLER also recalled that for the moments in between the erratic flying, the airplane seemed to be smooth in its flight path. SADLER stated at points in the conversation, ONG would state that the airplane was descending. SADLER stated he was convinced immediately upon taking the call, that it was a legitimate telephone call from an airplane because he was use to hearing the background noise given by airplane telephones and this call had that background noise. SADLER stated when the airplane seemed to be flown erratically, that ONG would make statements such as "please pray for us....oh God....oh God." SADLER stated that NYDIA GONZALEZ was in the Operations Center monitoring the call almost immediately when he had first taken the call. SADLER stated during the call, he had used his computer "scratch pad" to take notes of the conversation as it occurred and these notes were not saved, but had been converted to [PDF page 2] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

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his handwritten statement which had previously been provided to the interviewing agent. SADLER stated the telephone call from ONG went through phases of signal fade where communication did not appear to be established but then it would always return until the very end of the call. ONG never commented on the plane's location to SADLER's recollection. ONG never indicated with what instrument the FA's had been stabbed. SADLER stated that he was personally "stunned" by the whole event. A copy of SADLER'S handwritten statement and a typed version are both attached to this document and made a part hereto. [PDF page 3]

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: M-INT-00016615 : 265A-NY-280350-CE-1024 = 09/12/2001 : THE FOLLOWING IS A RE-RECORDED TRANSCRIPTION OBTAINED FROM : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



RE: LEAD CONTROL NUMBERS: DL267 AND CE66 The following is a re-ramr(tori transcription obtained from AMERICAN AIRLINES AA by SAl brrTttesdav. September 11, 2001. The material is being re-recorded from a CD ROM onto an Analog Audio Tape for transcription purposes. Flight Attendant FA ONG


?9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy


Investigation on 09/12/2001

at Raleigh, North Carolina Date dictated

File# 265D-NY-280350-CE



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of , On Transcription 09/12/2001 , Page FA ONG:


Number 3 in the back, ah, the cockpit is not answering, somebody stabbed in business class and ah, I think there is mace that we cant breathe, I don't know, I think we're getting hijacked.

AA Agent: Which flight are you on? FA ONG:

Flight 12

AA Agent: And what seat are you in? Ma'am are you there?



AA Agent: What, what, what seat are you in? Ma'am what seat are you in? FA ONG:

We're in flight, we just left Boston. We're up in the

air. AA Agent: I know, what FA ONG:

We are suppose to go to LA and the cockpit is not answering their phone.

AA Agent: Okay, but what seat are you sitting in? What's the number of your seat? FA ONG:

Okay, I'm in my jumpseat right now.

AA Agent: Okay


At 3R

AA Agent: Okay, you're the flight attendant? I'm sorry, did you say you're the flight attendant? FA ONG:


AA Agent; Cant FA ONG:


AA Agent: What, what is your name? FA ONG:

You'll have to speak up. I can't hear you.

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Continuation of FD-302 of , On Transcription 09/12/2001 , Page


AA Agent: Sure, what is your name? FA ONG:

Okay, my name is BETTY ONG, I'm number 3 on Flight 11.

AA Agent: Okay FA ONG:

And the cockpit is not answering their phone. And there is somebody stabbed in business class and there is, we can't breathe in business class, so somebody's got mace or something

AA Agent: Can you describe the person that you said, someone is in is business class. FA ONG:

Ah, ah, I'm sitting in the back, somebody is coming back from business. If you can hold on for one second.

AA'Agent: Certainly. FA ONG:

In background: They want to know who's....! don't know but Karen and Bobbie got stabbed.

Lots of talking with other individuals at this point FA ONG:

Our number 1 got stabbed. A person is stabbed, nobody knows who stabbed who and we, we can't even get up to business class right now, cause nobody can breathe. Ah, our number 1 is stabbed right now.

AA Agent: Okay FA ONG:

Our number 5, our first class passengers are, our first class, our galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed. And we can't get into the cockpit, the door won't open. Hello?

AA Agent: Yeah, I'm taking it down, all the information, we're also ah, you know of course recording this, ah, at this point OP Agent: This is operations, what flight number we talking about? AA Agent: Flight 12 OP Agent: Flight 12, okay [PDF page 3] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of , On Transcription 09/12/2001 , Page FA ONG:


We're on flight 11 right now. This is flight 11.

AA Agent: It is flight 11, I'm sorry NYDIA.

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Boston to Los Angeles

AA Agent: Yes FA ONG:

Our number 1 has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? We cant even get into the cockpit. We don't know who's up there.

AA Agent: Well if they were shrewd they would keep the door closed and.. FA ONG:

I'm sorry?

AA Agent: Would they not maintain a sterile cockpit? FA ONG: I think the guys are up there, they might have gone or jammed their way up there or something, nobody can call the cockpit, we can't even get inside. Is anybody still there? AA Agent: Yes, we'll still here. FA ONG:

Okay, I'm staying on the line as well.

AA Agent: Okay. OP Agent: Hi, who is calling reservations? Is this one of the flight attendants or who, who are you, hon? AA Agent: She gave her name as BETTY ONG. OP Agent: Betty FA ONG:

I'm number 3, I'm number 3 on this flight

OP Agent: You're the number 3 on the flight. FA ONG:


OP Agent: And this is flight 11, from where to where? [PDF page 4] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of , On Transcription 09/12/2001 , Page FA ONG:


Flight 11.

OP Agent: Have you guys called anyone else? FA ONG:

No. Somebody is calling Medical and we can't get

End of tape [PDF page 5]

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: M-INT-00002892 : 265A-NY-280350-302-3005 =09/11/2001 : BETTY ONG : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



DL-336 Case 3265D-NY-280350 This is a taped telephone conversation between Flight Attendant BETTY ONG of AMERICAN AIRLINES and the AMERICAN AIRLINES SOUTHEAST RESERVATION CENTER, WINSTON and VANESSA. She was on Flight 11 of AMERICAN AIRLINES. Today's date is September 11, 2001.

Investigation on 09/11/2001 File #

at Terry, North Carolina


Date dictated

09/11/2001 by 9/ 11 Law Enforcement Privacy This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

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265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/11/2001



LARRY WANSLEY WANSLEY: Today's date is September 11,2001. The time is 12:28 p.m., Central Time. I'm LARRY WANSLEY, Managing Director, Corporate Security, American Airlines, Dallas Headquarters, telephone number, 817 967-2140. I'm on the line with NYDIA GONZALEZ who will relay a conversation and statement as to what transpired this morning. NYDIA would you please state your name and spell it. etc. NYDIA GONZALEZ GONZALEZ: My name is NYDIA GONZALEZ, N-Y-D-I-A, GONZALEZ, G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z. I'm calling number 072048. WANSLEY:

And NYDIA. you are at the RALEIGH RESERVATION CENTER. Is that correct?


I'm at the SOUTHEAST RESERVATION CENTER in Terry, North Carolina.


And your telephone number is?


Area code 919 460-4187.


Okay, and uh, would you relate the incident as it occurred this morning?


I'm the Operations Specialist on duty at the time and I would say at approximately 8:20, one of our employees received a phone call from, from a flight attendant on one of our flights. She answered the call through our International Resolution Desk who in turn hit the emergency button and at that time I started listening on a call. The flight attendant's name was BETTY ONG and she was relaying to us what was happening on the aircraft. Letting us know about uh two gentlemen who had gotten into the cockpit and how two of the flight attendants had been stabbed.


Okay NYDIA, uh it is my understanding that that conversation is recorded. Is that correct?


have it recorded and do you want it?

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Yes, if you will proceed and play it.


I'm gonna try to play it now, I don't

FLIGHT ATTENDANT BETTY ONG: Ul This is ah ONG. We can't breathe Ul. He's got mace or something. WINSTON:

Can you describe the person that you said went into the flight deck or Ul?


I'm, I'm sitting in the back coming back from business. Can you hold on for one second, he's coming back?

Unintelligible noise in background. ONG:

On, on number one. He stood upstairs Ul. Ah, nobody knows what he's going to do. Ul Ah, I'm Ul is his Ul right now. Ul Ah, we can't get to the cockpit, the door won't open. Hello?


Can you Ul information relative to ah, you know, force, force that. Uhm, at this point? What operation, what flight are we talking about, Flight 12?


Right now? Okay. We're on Flight 11 right now. Flight 11.


Flight 11, okay.


Ul we are working on




One of the flight attendants Ul has been stabbed.


Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit?


We can't even get a manager to the cockpit. We don't know what's going on up there.

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265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of WINSTON: ONG: WINSTON: ONG:

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, On 09/11/2001



Ul keep the door closed and Okay. Ul Did you seen the girl who got stabbed? I think the guys are up there. They might have gone, they are on their way up there or, or

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something. Nobody can call the cockpit to see if we can get inside. Hey, is anybody still there? WINSTON:

Yes, I'm still here.


Okay, I'm staying on the line as well.


Okay. Ul, who is calling reservations? Is it a flight attendant, or who? Ul


We need for Ul call. I'm number three. I'm number three on this flight. Ul on this flight and Ul Right 11 Ul. Have you guys called anyone else? You know, ah somebody's calling medical and we can't get them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE UM: UI Is anybody there? Is anybody there? WINSTON: ONG:

What, what seat are you in? What seat are you in? We've just left Boston and we're up in the air. We're suppose to go to LA and Ul.


But what seat? What's the number of your seat?


Okay. I'm in the jump seat right now. 3R Okay, are you the flight attendant? I'm sorry, did you say you're the flight attendant?



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265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of WINSTON: ONG: WINSTON: ONG: WINSTON: ONG:

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, On 09/11/2001

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Hello, what is your name? Uhm, you'll have to speak up. I can't hear you. What is your name? Okay, my name is BETTY ONG. I'm number three on Flight 11. Okay. The cockpit is not answering their calls and there's somebody back in business class and there, we can't breathe in business class. Somebody's got mace or something.

Pa9e 4


Can you describe the person that you said, someone is flying business class?


I'm, I'm sitting in the back, he's coming back from business. If you can hold on for one second, he's coming back.

Unintelligible in background. ONG:

Our, our number one who Ul stabbed. Or, something stabbed. Ah, nobody knows who stabbed who and we can't even get up to business class because nobody can breathe. Our number one in UI stabbed right now. In number five. The first class passenger that, ah first ah class galley flight attendant and our passenger is stabbed. We can't get to the cockpit, the door won't open. Hello?


Yeah, we're getting all the information. We're also, you know, of course, recording this. Uhm, at this point?


This is operations. What flight number are we talking about?


Flight 12.


Flight 12, okay.

[PDF page 5] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of BETTY ONG

, On 09/11/2001

.Page 6

Okay, we are Flight 11 right now. This is Flight


This is FJjght 11, okay. Boston to Los Angeles. Yeah.


And the one that has been stabbed and our flight attendant has been stabbed.


Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit?


We can't even get into the cockpit. We don't know who's up there.


Ul keep the door closed and

ONG: I'm sorry?

September 5, 2003 4:41 pm



Can they not see the girls get upset? I think the guys are up there. They might have gone or they are on their way up there or, or something. Somebody can call the cockpit. We can't even get inside. Is anybody still there?


Yes, we're still here.


Okay, I'll stay on the line as well.




Ul who is calling reservations? Is it a flight attendant or who?


I believe her name is BETTY ONG.




I'm number three, I'm number three on this flight. Ul on this flight.

[PDF page 6] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of WINSTON: ONG:


. On 09/11/2001

, Page


Yeah. I'm Flight 11.


From where to where? Have you guys called anyone else?


No, we're just calling medical and we can't get

Recording concluded. GONZALEZ: WANSLEY:

September 5, 2003 4:41 pm

That's as far as it goes. Okay. The conversation lasted another five or ten minutes but that's all the recording we have?






Communications is checking into it to find out why cause the emergency button was on the whole time.


Okay, okay, as you recall, what was the ah, the balance of the conversation? Can you?


We were trying to determine uh, at that point I was on the phone with CRAIG, to determine whether there had been an fatalities or what if they had any description of, or if there had been any PA

Page 6

announcements made from the ah, from the pilots. If they had gotten any word from anyone like that. WANSLEY:

I see, and, and you didn't, you didn't have anymore follow-up uh as to those questions?


No, no she just repeated the same, she uh gave us the condition of the number one flight attendant at one point. She became conscious, they were giving her oxygen, and ah then she told us that one of their passengers, DANIEL LORD, I think the name was, uh, they believed him to be fatally stabbed.



[PDF page 7] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of

September 5,2003 4:41 pm

, On 09/11/2001


He was one of our passengers in first class.



, Page


And then she started telling us about how erratically the flight was going, descending really fast and sideways.


Okay, and she was at the rear of the plane on the jump seat. Is that right?


And she told us how the first class passengers had been brought back to coach.


Uh, anything else that you recall?


Uh, basically that was it.


.« .



Okay, so uh, at, at the end of that conversation did she say anything about uhm, where we're going in or did it just


No, no.




No, at that point she was just saying, "Oh, my God, the flight, it's going down, it's going down."


Okay, those were her last comments?


Basically, "We're, we're going down." Yeah, and she did ask for us to pray for her.


Okay. Did, ah, I assume that she was on a cell phone is that right?

Pa9e 7


Uh, I, I dont know. We didn't determine that. Okay, I, I wanted to clarify that if you had that information.


With WINSTON and ah VANESSA to see if they recall.

[PDF page 8] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of WANSLEY:


, On 09/11/2001



Okay. Well, NYDIA. I think that uh, that'll conclude what we need to do at this particular point if you can, if you can fax those two statements to me.


I will.

END OF TAPE. [PDF page 9]

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: M-INT-00010137 : 265A-NY-280350-302-4229 =09/11/2001 : ON SEPTEMBER 11 2001 IRSHADULLAH KHAN W/M : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription Lead NY-9

09/11/2001 . Q /, , ..,--" }> Li


On September 11, 2001, IRSHADULLAH KHAN. W/M. date of


blrthT J at the Miami, Florida Seaport. KHAN was advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview. He provided the following information: On September 11,2001, he awoke at approximately 3:30 a.m. in preparation to catch a 7:00 a.m. Delta Airlines flight from Logan Airport to Ft. Lauderdale International Airport. The purpose of his trip was to claim his automobile which he had imported to Miami, Florida from Nassau, Bahama's. He secured a taxi from his residence which took him to the train station. From there, he traveled by train to Logan Airport, where he boarded Delta Airlines flight number 2545. Once in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida he rented a white Grand AM from Avis Rental Car, 1555 N. Perimeter Rd., Dania, Florida, contract Number 495528843 and traveled to the Miami Seaport. USCS Inspector EMILY FIGUEROA, telephone number 305.536.5262 ext. 346, stopped KHAN's vehicle at the entrance to the seaport for inspection. KHAN was born in Thana, Pakistan. He has four brothers and four sisters who reside in Pakistan. He and his wife DAHIRA NASREEN KHAN, became naturalized United States U.S. citizens in 1995. They divorced in 1989 and DAHIRA KHAN remarried and is residing in Tennessee. KHAN is a Theoretical Physicist and has taught and/or studied at the following universities and colleges throughout the world: 1967

PhD Edinburgh, Scotland

1967-1969 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Fellowship on Theoretical physics under Professor ORAIFEARTAIGH.

Investigation on 9/11/01

File # by

265D-NY-280350-MM S4T I

at Miami, Florida

Date dictated


9/11 Law Enforcement nnroicemenr Privacy


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

September 5, 2003 4:41 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-HQ-134801 Continuation of FD-302 of

Irshadullah Khan

, On 9/11/01

, Page


1969 - 1972 Austin University, Birmingham, England. Worked under Professor D.H. Laudin. 1972 -1977 University of Khartoum, Sudan; Department of physics, International Study for Theoretical Physics; 1977 -1983 University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1983 -1986 Trieste Italy International Center. 1987 -1989 Sultan Quboos University, Saudi Arabia 1989 -1999 Replacement professor at Boston University, Bentley College, University of New Hampshire, and Quincy College. 1999-2001 Bahama's College KHAN has traveled outside of the country on numerous occasions, including trips to Nassau, Pakistan, London and Budapest, Hungry. Although currently unemployed KHAN is seeking employment in the Boston, Mass area. He recently interviewed at Weymouth, Mass. High School. KHAN has one son, BILAL KHAN, w/m DOB| [who.... resides in New York. KHAN could not recall his son's address. On September 10, 2001, KHAN rented a U-haul truck from Uhaul Center of Cambridge, 844 Main Street, Central Square, ... Cambridge, Mass., to pick up personal belongings that were shipped from the Bahama's via Delta Airlines. IFTIKHAR KHAN. W/M. telephone number!^ [assisted KHAN in picking up his belongings at Delta Airlines and by returning the rented U-haul truck.

--..... ..

•""0/11 Jt 1L

Personal Privacy

On September 11, 2001, KHAN intended to pick up his personal vehicle from the U.S.C.S in Miami and drive to Sanford, Florida. He had an auto train reservation departing Sanford, Florida at 2:00 p.m. on September 12, 2001, with a destination of lorton, Virginia. KHAN planned to drive from Lorton to Boston. [PDF page 2] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

September 5,2003 4:41 pm

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265D-HQ-134801 Continuation of FD-302 of

Irshadullah Khan

, On 9/11/01

, Page


KHAN has a concealed weapons permit issued in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which enables him to carry MACE. He does not own a gun nor has he ever purchased one. Furthermore, he agreed to take a polygraph examination if necessary. Miscellaneous documents found in KHAN's possession were xeroxed and are attached hereto. [PDF page 3]

September 5, 2003 4:41 prn

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M-INT-00058946 265A-NY-280350-302-14510 09/13/2001 JAMES SAYER 9/13/01 JAMES W. SAYER was contacted at the AMERICAN AIRLINES administrative office in LOGAN AIRPORT. After being advised of the personal and official identities of the investigating agent and the identity of SarnRantl I.MASSACHUSETTS STATE POLICE, SAYER provided the following information.: SAYER stated he is an AMERICAN AIRLINES AA. flight attendant, but is currently assigned as a staffing assistant to KELLY COX, the AA base flight service manager. SAYER's job duties are assisting COX with the administering of the flight attendants for outgoing flights.

. ""--.

On September 11, 2001, SAYER reported for work at BOSTON'S LOGAN AIRPORT at 7:05 AM. At approximately 7:30 - 8:30 AM, he walked into AA MOD office and heard EVY NUNEZ, an AA employee, state that two flight attendants had been stabbed on Flight 11 at Gate 32. NUNEZ called BETH WILLIAMS and MICHAEL WOODWARD to tell them what happened. WILLIAMS and WOODWARD, who are AA flight service managers, went down to Gate 32 and discovered there was no plane. NUNEZ checked the AA computer for flight information, and then she called someone on the telephone. While NUNEZ was on the telephone, another telephone rang which SAYER answered.

'9/11 Law Knforcemeiit Privacy

On the telephone was female flight attendant on AA Flight 11 calling from the air who stated that two flight attendants were stabbed and a man in business class had been stabbed in the throat. A doctor and nurse, on board the plane, were caring for the injured man. The flight attendant stated that two people had gone in the cockpit and they said they had a.. bomb. The flight attendant had observed two boxes connected with red and yellow wire. The individuals who took over the plane had mace and pepper spray, and the flight attendant could detect an odor in the cabin. The flight attendant told SAYER they were in the air over New York City. She also said the hijackers were sitting in seats-10B, 9C and 9G. SAYER took sorpe notes while he was talking to the flight attendant which he signed and dated and turned over to the investigating agent. SAYER turned over the telephone to MIKE WOODWARD who also spoke to the flight attendant. SAYER then went to his desk 9/11/01

Boston, MA




[PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350 JAMES W. SAYER


to beep KELLY COX, his manager and the other AA managers who were not at work. The following identifying information was obtained from SAYER:

September 5, 2003 4:42 pm

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9/11 Personal Privacy

[PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00006695 265A-NY-280350-302-34062 Q9/2B/2001 FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) '




jftjlly described below, was interviewed at the Clark County Detention Center CCDG, Las.Vegas, Nevada, where]"""jLs.Jn..cu.st,ody oni charges unrelated to this investigation.f Initiated the interview by requesting a visit by FBI personnel.

--•9/11 Law Enforcemeiit Privacy 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

Present during the entire interview were SA| .FBI, and CCDC Officers! |and Immigration and Naturalization Service INS Special Immigrai .joined 'the. interview a short time after Lt.hatl. commenced


Jpffice. The interview took place Tri Officer | During the interview.! I was offered coffee and softftdtjnks dtjnks to drink, both of which offers he accepted. | ]rriade..r(b other requests during the interview. ... ... . Prior to the commencement of the•interview, | . [N;'as, advised of the official identities of the interviewing Agents ana Officers, and that the interview was being conducted as:axfesglt of his request for the interview.;" "Iconfirmed that he had requested the interview. ^ Vas further advised that the interview would only pertain to his knowledge of events possibly associated with the terrorist attacks which occurred on 09/11/2001 in New York City and Washington, D.C. / //

'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

S£\ a d v i s e d ! k f certain of his Constitutional rights per the Miranda decision by reading tfibse rights verbatim from a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department LVMPD advice of rights card. After being advised .I / fetated that he understood his rights and desired to continue with th0 interview. He then affixed his signature to the card in the space provided for , that purpose. The original card signed by| (was enclosed in a 1A )y of the ne card can is hereto envelope and routed to thus file. A copy attached. I Iwas introduced to three Middle Eastern males by a person that he initially only identify as "my friend", but who he

Investigation on 09/26/2001

Date dictated

File# by

at / ..-•'Las Vegas, Nevada

265A-NY-28Q350-LV J


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 4:45 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-LV Continuation of FD-302 of later identified as[ discussed later in this report.


, On 09/26/2001

, Page


Twill be further ...

btated-tha.t.he was proficient in creating false and duplfcalfi TOrms of identificatlba That proficieney was known to} |who arranged forj [to-meeUhe-taree-Mkidle-Eastefn. males tor the purpose of providing them with false identification cards and papers. On August 5. 2001. at approximately 2:30 P.M..I I was taken to a Las Vegas motel by I Idld not remember the name of the motel, but based on his recollections, he stated that it was near the Stratosphere Tower Hotel/Casino, arid was possibly next door to a motel named The Oasis. F* lalso stated that he could not remember the room nurnbejv The meeting was atte.nded.byll Middle Eastern males. ...--""..-••""

•f'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

] and'the. three

Jdescribed two of the three Middle Easterners/a's being aged in their mid twenties, and being completely quietduring the meeting; They were dressed in nondescript casual clothkig, and j jcould provide no further details..cbncernirig therri . The third parson I Described as beirig jrf his late thirties, approximately 5'9" to 6'0" in height, weighing/ approximately 200 pounds, with black "military.^iit". Hair. He also wore a distinctive gold colored metal ring that had a triangular shape to the black stone setting. The ring, was worn on his right hand ring finger. .. //' / The person described aboy^. will be referred to as Number Three for purposes ofttiis report. // / plated that jSlunribar'Three was very close in appearance to the person whose photo he had seen featured extensively in media coverage pf this investigation. After clarifying questions as to that person's identity, it was determined thatt Twasteferring to Mohamed Atta. stated that he was not certain that Number Three was identical with Atta/but that "on a scale of one to ten, he was about a seven or eight" in terms of resemblance, based on photos he had seen. I ^Tstated that Number three looked older in person [PDF page 2] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

September 5, 2003 4:45 pm

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265A-NY-280350-LV Continuation of FD-302 of I


, On 09/26/2001

, Page 3

than Atta did in the photos displayed by the media. Upon entering the room, I """Trioted that the computer equipment needed to create false identification cards, and papers was present in the room and functional. This equipment consisted of a Compaq desk top computer, laser printer, and scanner. During the meeting,T Istated that Number Three began to ask questions of him or "feel him.out". Dunncf" I. responses to questions, he mentioned that he. had recentiyjived jri. Anchorage, Alaska. Number Three seemed particularly interested..ih. Alaska, and asked several questions concerning Val.dez and Prudeau phonetic Bay. These questions concerning Alaska lasted for approximately twenty minutes. . .


I Istgted that Valdez and Prudeau Bay were two areas containing oil refineries and.the Alaskan Pipeline. .

. ,

Number Three outlined several requests to| Tfor false identification. He showed I lletters written an letterhead stationery from two airline companies.! \d the letters as "pass letters", or letters issued by companies to confirm the employment by those companies of the person holding the letter.

' ••••••'••. ...,!,..::::::;;f 9/11 Law The companies involved were Alaska Airlines and Saudi .,,,*?'**J'-"''" // Enforcement Arabian Airlines. Number Three asked that a letter be created from _..^€----'""..•••"' . p T each airline with one of three names inserted, for a total of six...::::::;>-: .. , / * nvacy documents. . ^•--^•- "-••"'" ...-••"' . . 9/11 Law —. -••<•'•'••'"""•••-"" .--•''" ••' .' Enforcement The three named ivas ^skeri:M insert were jast . .. names Sadiq, Rashid, and Hafez.^... :::;:: \did hot remerriber the first / / sensitive names associated with the narrie's above. . I Itotnbieted the documents as-requested and was paid five hundred dollars $500.00 in new one .hundred dollar bills. I Istated that when Number Three paid him, he had a stack of bills approximately one inch thic.k, and they appeared to all be fiew hundreds. He carried them.in a plastic traveler's check type wallet. ..-••'' jwas asked to manufacture three false Army military identification cards: two in the rank of Majop, and one iry the rank of First Lieutenant. [PDF page 3] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-LV Continuation of FD-302 of I


, On 09/26/2001

, Page 4

I tvas also asked to duplicate blank Saudi Arabian Airlines and Alaska Airlines flight crew credentials. Number Three

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had blank credentials for those airlines, and he wanted duplicate blank copies made from them. I [described the cards as similar in size and construction to California Driver's Licenses, with a magnetic stripe on the back. For reasons unknown tnl JNuhnber Three did not want him to make the military or flight crew identification on August 5, but instead asked him to return on August 6. He was promised three thousand dollars for each of the items. ''•-, \s suspicious of the offer, as it was . approximately three times more than the going street vafue of false identification instruments,. He was also suspicious as to.Jh'e. request that he come back the next day. I [stated that he thought that he was the target of .a LVMPD sting operation because it was "too easy - nobody pays three,thousand for fake ID". He \e did not return the next day. nd Some time after August 6.1 [approached| told him that Number Three and the two others were "infuriated1 at him for not returning to complete the work. .

1 Conwill described htm as a Regarding!. white male, approximately 6'2" in height, weighing approximately 200 pounds, brown hair and eyes. His place of birth id I nexact job unknown to [has a cellular telanhona, number! I


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive


is an avid sports bettor, and..may possibly be _..a sports betting activities! involved in illegal s willing to submit to a polygraph examination pertaining to the information provided during this interview. [PDF page 4] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-LV , On 09/26/2001

Continuation of FD-302 of

.Page 5

is described as: Race: Sex:

White Male

Date of Birthi Place of Birthj SSAN: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes:

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[PDF page 5]

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: : = : :

M-INT-00080345 265A-NY-280350-302-48640 10/01/2001 ANNETTE ROMANS FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



Annette Romans, date of birthl I was fwas advised of the identities of the interviewing agent and she then provided the following information.

9/11 „



Romans advised that she was on a Greyhound bus coming from West Virginia on Sunday June 17, 2001 when the bus stopped in Chicago, Illinois on what she believed was Monday June 18, 2001. The bus departed at approximately 1:00a.m. or 3:00a.m. from Chicago. She stated some of the other stops included stops in Iowa, then in Omaha, Nebraska, and Ogallala, Nebraska. She notice two Middle Eastern men get on the bus and sit in the seats behind her seat. The first male was described as very talkative, looked regal, very intelligent, well mannered, 57" tall, 140 Ibs., course short black hair, brown eyes, clean shaven wearing slacks, cotton shirt and black Nike shoes, approximately 23-24 years old. The second male was described as 5'6", 140 Ibs,, clean shaven, black hair, brown eyes, wore slacks, cotton shirt, looked like a thug, he didn't say very much to her during the whole trip. Romans advised the two men were not one of the identified hijackers published in the paper.


These two men got on the bus in Chicago and were traveling to San Francisco to visit male #1 's girl friend who was an international flight attendant. While traveling through Iowa, Romans was looking at her travel atlas and was trying to see where the bus was at that time. Male #1, seemed upset that they were not going to be in San Francisco soon. She explained to him that it would take a few days to get there. He replied that in Europe if you travel by train you can be in another country in hours. She felt that the two men didn't have any idea where they were, how long it took to travel by bus, or what they were doing on a bus. While in Iowa male #1 asked her where the nearest airport was and she said Omaha, Nebraska, but that it would probably be closed because they were going to arrive in Omaha in the middle of the night. She did tell him that the Salt Lake City airport was opened all night because it was an international airport.

Investigation on 1 0/01/2001

at Garden Valley, Idaho

File #

Date dictated 259A-SU-280350-SU


Law Enforcement



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

September 5,2003 4:45 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

259A-SU-280350-SU Continuation of FD-302 of

Annette Romans

, On 10/01/2001



Male #1, told Romans that they were on a month long vacation and were on their way to San Francisco. He said he was from Florida and was a computer consultant but was also a student. He stated his last computer consulting job was in Seattle, Washington. He mentioned he had just got his pilot license. He stated his mom lived in Paris and his dad lived in Jordan, but that they were not divorced. During the whole trip she and male #1 talked and he even moved up to sit next to her on several legs of the trip. They discussed religion and other personal things. He wanted her opinion of George Bush. He asked her if she agreed that New York was the most important and biggest city in the United States. During the trip he received several short cell phone calls during the bus trip most of them not lasting more that a minute. Several times during the trip both men would go sit by themselves and appear to read out loud in a foreign language something from male #1's papers and then at the end he would say something in English like some type of closing statement. Before they arrived in Salt Lake City, he asked her how to get his baggage off of the bus, and how to get to the airport. When they arrived in Salt Lake City, male #2, approached her and said "We have a surprise for you, in September you will think of us". Then male #1 came over to get male #2, and they left. She does not know where they went from there. [PDF page 2]

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: : = : :

M-INT-00119951 265A-NY-280350-302-102232 01/09/2002 RE: ALLIN H. GRANT FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



""/J9/11 Personal Privacy

ALLIN H. GRANT, II, white male, date of birthf with his parents ad J telephone number|_ /was interviewed at the Gorham Police Department, Gorham, Maine. This interview was a follow-up to an interview which was conducted on November 16, 2001. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview, GRANT provided the following information: Approximately one week prior to Christmas 2001, GRANT was "kicked out" of his previous residence at 18 Old Orchard Road, Buxton, Maine, and moved back into his parents residence. Up to that point, he had not resided with his parents since May 2001. He / had been unemployed since last summer, when he was employed at K.C. Variety Store, Buxton, Maine. GRANT attended high school at Bphnie Eagle High School, Standish, Maine. He finished his freshman,, sophomore, and half of his Junior year, but never graduated. I.

| He advised that he reads and writes English. GRANT was not taking any medication at the time of theInterview. He has I 1 He has never been under the care of a psychiatrist. GRANT was advised by the interviewing agents that they needed to go over the information he provided during the previous interview in more detail. He was then made aware of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, in regards to making false statements to a federal officer. He was advised as to what qualifies as a false statement and to the possible penalty involved with such a violation. GRANT said he understood, and said he just wanted to tell the interviewing agents what he knew.

Investigation on 01/09/2002


Gorham, Maine Date dictated

File# 265A-NY-280350-302 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy by |_ I

01/16/2002 y

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

September 5, 2003 4:55 pm

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

Allin Grant

, On 01/09/2002

, Page


GRANT uses the chatrooms in Yahoo.com often, especially _.,,>••" when staying at his parents residence. He accesses the Internet ..S'' via an Internet Service Provider ISP which was selected and payed .^ for by his parents. His parents use to use Mixnet.com, but ::::; currently use Logon America for Internet access. GRANT has had ,.-•;::••''' several screen names with Yahoo.com. Until the middle of the ,.•;:> Summer in 2001, his screen name wag [email protected]. He then started using the screen namel [email protected]. GRANT spends most of his time in the Maine Chatroorrron Yahoo.com, as well as using private message PM windows. He. described PM windows as a one on one chat with someone. _..--'"

...-•""9/11 p

, ersonai Privacy

Around the beginning of March 2001, while on the Internet, GRANT started chatting with someone claiming to be a female from New Hampshire, hie met her in either the Maine Chatroom or New Hampshire Chatroom. GRANT chatted online with her a total of two or three times, and each time they chatted for ten to fifteen minutes. He believed that her screen name was I lSivanoo.com. He advised that there may have been a number after "girl, but he could not remember. GRANT remembered that she said she lived near Portsmouth, New Hampshire or Rochester, New Hampshire. She was supposedly working towards becoming a flight attendant. She had said that she would go on flights with her grandfather, which made her want to be a flight attendant. They talked about her relationship with her boyfriend, who supposedly lived somewhere in Boston, Massachusetts. She wanted to tell her boyfriend how she felt. He would drive from Boston to New Hampshire two or three times a month to see her. She said that her boyfriend was an airline pilot. During one of their chats, she told GRANT that her boyfriend wanted to talk to him about a job. GRANT had told her that he was unemployed. On either March 16, 2001 or March 17, 2001, GRANT was approached on the Internet by her boyfriend via a PM Chat. GRANT confirmed with her that the person contacting him was her boyfriend. GRANT had been talking to her just prior to the PM Chat window coming up on his computer monitor. GRANT chatted with her boyfriend from approximately 8:00 PM to 5:30 AM the next day. The boyfriend immediately asked GRANT if he knew how to fly an airplane. GRANT told him that he did not know how to fly, but would like to leam someday. Her boyfriend asked GRANT if he would be willing to meet him in Boston. He asked GRANT if he would like to take a flying course, and he told GRANT that he would pay for it until GRANT received his first paycheck. GRANT believed that her [PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

Allin Grant

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boyfriend was offering him a job, or was going to get him a job with an airline. \NT remembered that the boyfriend's screen name was ' Uyahoo.com hereinafter referred to as ALAH. He told GRANT RaT"Alah" was a word for God. ALAH told GRANT that he was from either Israel or Afghanistan. GRANT did not remember if ALAH had anything in his Yahoo.com profile or not. GRANT asked ALAH why he wanted to give him a job, to which ALAH said he could not talk anymore about it, and logged off the Internet for about a half hour. The interviewing agents asked GRANT why someone he did not know would offer him a job flying an airplane, to which GRANT replied that he had no idea why someone would do that. After about a half hour, ALAH came back online. He told GRANT that he was watching GRANT'S computer to make sure GRANT did not print off anything. ALAH told him that if he tried to do that, he would stop talking. ALAH then explained what he wanted GRANT for. ALAH explained how "they" were going to hijack four airplanes. ALAH said that he was with a group of men that were going to carry out this operation. GRANT remembered that ALAH mentioned the name MOHAMED ATTA as being his boss. For some reason, he sent GRANT a picture of ATTA, but GRANT explained that picture no longer exists. GRANT had asked ALAH what he looked like, but ALAH did not have any pictures of himself, so he sent him a picture of ATTA. The picture of ATTA was sent via Yahoo Messenger, and GRANT advised that the picture is no longer on his computer. GRANT said he showed the picture to his mother the next morning, and she said something about the man in the picture being a terrorist. He said that she does not remember seeing the picture or saying anything about him being a terrorist. GRANT did not remember ALAH mentioning any other names of the group of men. ALAH may have mentioned his name, but GRANT could not remember what it was, , . . . . . . . . ALAH told GRANT that he had people working at the airlines who would place things on the airplanes, like knives, mace, and whatever else they would need. He gave GRANT the names of three airports where they were planning to hijack the four airplanes. He gave GRANT the flight numbers for the four airline flights. Two of the flights were out of Boston, Massachusetts, one was out of New Jersey, and a fourth was a flight out of Dallas, Texas. GRANT said he wrote the flight numbers on a piece of paper, but advised that piece of paper is gone. ALAH told GRANT that the two Boston flights were going to crash into the World Trade Center in New York City. One of the other flights was going to be crashed [PDF page 3] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth flight would be crashed in Pennsylvania, either in a missile silo or and old abandon mine. GRANT could not remember which, but said ALAH mentioned Pennsylvania, an open field, and a missile silo. ALAH also told GRANT that he knew where the President was going to be at certain times. The interviewing agents asked GRANT why ALAH was planning to hijack and crash the airplanes. ALAH had said something about being mad about the United States involvement in terrorism in other countries, like Israel. He told GRANT that the United States was sticking ifs nose where it did not belong. During the chat with ALAH, they talked about going to concerts in Maine. GRANT told ALAH that he loved going to as many concerts as he could. During the previous interview with GRANT, he had said they talked about going to a concert called the Day-Off Festival in Portland, Maine in August 2001. During this interview, GRANT said that they did not talk about a specific show, just concerts in general. During the previous interview, GRANT had said that he chatted online with ALAH on only one occasion. During this interview, GRANT advised that he thought he talked to ALAH again a couple of days later. ALAH asked how he was doing and if he was coming to-Boston to met with him. GRANT advised that he did not talk to this usemame again after that. On Monday, August 8, 2001, GRANT attended the Day-Off Festival at the Civic Center in Portland, Maine. This was an alternative rock concert. GRANT went with a friend, who drove him to the concert. They arrived at the concert around 5:30 PM, and they did not stay for the entire concert. GRANT said the concert was general admission, and was pretty crowded. He hung out in the mosh pit most of the time. GRANT found out that someone was going around asking people if they knew who "shyman" was, which was his Yahoo screen name. Some guy stopped GRANT and asked him if he was "shyman." GRANT told this guy that he was, and the guy said he had something for him. The guy also told GRANT that some other guys wanted to see him. He then handed GRANT something and told him to put it in his pocket. He then walked behind GRANT and pointed him out to the other guys. GRANT said that the guy who approached him did not look foreign, and he did not have an accent. GRANT talked to this guy [PDF page 4] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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for five to ten minutes. He then told GRANT that the "Asian looking guys" wanted to talk to him. GRANT pulled out what he had put in his pocket, and he saw that it was a roll of money with "red stuff on it. GRANT thought the "red stuff" was blood and dropped the money. GRANT told the guy who handed him the money that the money was on the floor, and that he did not want it. The guy then handed GRANT a clean wad of money. GRANT'S friend came over once

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because he thought that GRANT and this guy were going to have a fight. GRANT told him to go away. GRANT figured that the guys who wanted to talk to him must of had something to do with the person he chatted with on the Internet, ALAH. GRANT could not provide a reason for his belief. The guy who had been talking to GRANT left as the group of "Asian looking guys" came over to where GRANT was standing. There were six to eight men, with dark toned skin, and they spoke with accents. GRANT believed they were Middle Eastern. He spoke with two the men, and the rest did not speak. GRANT reached into ' his pocket to pull out the wad of money, and the men pulled knives on him. He said they put the knives to his throat because they thought he was going for a weapon. The interviewing agents asked GRANT if anyone in the crowd around them did anything when this happened. He indicated that there was no disturbance in the crowd, despite this alleged pulling of knives by six to eight men, and holding them to his throat in a crowded mosh pit. GRANT figured that one of the men around him was ALAH, but he was not sure which one. GRANT thought that ATTA was there too, but he added that it was very dark at the concert. He talked to two of the men for ten to fifteen minutes. GRANT was introduced to the other men in the group, but he could not remember their names. When he did finally pull the money out of his pocket, he handed it back to them saying that he did not want to be involved. GRANT realized that these men were going to be the hijackers, and he told them that he did not want to be on the airplane. When he said that, one of the men told GRANT to "shut-up." One of the men said something about going shopping, and that he wanted to leave then to go shopping. One of the men took two pictures of GRANT, one with him standing next to the other men, and one of his teeth. The interviewing agents asked GRANT why would they want a picture of his teeth. GRANT advised that he had told them and showed them some work he recently had on his teeth, so he guessed that was why they wanted a picture of them. The men left after taking the [PDF page 5] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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pictures, and asked GRANT if he was going with them. He told them "No." GRANT left the concert sometime between 10:00 PM and 10:30 PM with his friend. About three of the men were waiting outside the concert, and they tried to get GRANT to go with them. They told him that they had a car waiting, but GRANT did not go with them. GRANT talked to his friend recently, and his friend did not remember anything about seeing the men with GRANT. GRANT did not wish to provide the name of his friend. At the time of the concert, GRANT was living at 98 Eaton Drive, Buxton, Maine. He had moved there during the Summer of 2001, after moving out of his parents residence. He lived there until the end of September 2001.

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Around the beginning of September 2001, GRANT was outside the 98 Eaton Drive address when a reddish, maroon colored car pulled up. The car looked like a Topaz or Tempo, and had four doors. The car was on the side of the road in front of the residence. It was around dusk, and GRANT was the only person at the residence at that time. There were four or five men in the car, and one of the men in the backseat was flashing money from inside the car. One of the men in the front seat was waving for GRANT to come. GRANT waved at them to go away. GRANT was towards the back of the residence and could not tell if they were the same men from the concert, but he believed it was them. The car drove away after GRANT waved them off. The interviewing agents asked GRANT how the men would know where he was living, to which he advised that he did not know how they knew. The interviewing agents asked GRANT if any of the men said anything to him. At the beginning of this part of the story, GRANT said that the man in the front seat, only waved at him to come, but later said the man said "Come on lets go." The interviewing agents asked GRANT why he did not notify the authorities after the first contact via the Internet. He said he "thought the guy was a crackpot." He said he told several of his friends what had occurred during the chatroom conversation. The interviewing agents asked him who his friends were. He replied that they were some friends from Bridgton, Maine. He refused to provide their names. He then said that ALAH had threatened him if he talked to anybody. GRANT did recall talking to someone on the Internet after the September 11,2001 attacks regarding his story. The individual [PDF page 6] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)



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he was talking to had a screen name of [email protected]. This person told GRANT not to talk about that on the Internet. GRANT was then provided a copy of a report received by, the Internet Fraud Complaint Center on September 13/2001, and was asked if he remembered sending the report. He replied that he .did send ttre'report; and advised that he typed the narrative part of the report himself. GRANT was asked to revievy the narrative^ The interviewing agents asked GRANT what he meant when he/wrote "the name he was using online was in a different writing, and L-could not pronounce it." He said that he meant jt was in a different language that he could not pronounce., GRANT eventually provided the names of .his friends in Bridgton, Maine. I /' / / live together on Route 107 in Bridgton, Maine.! • land i Tin either Portland or South Portland. Maine. The friend that went to the concert with him was I I who is approximately 30 years old and lives / across the street from the 98 Eaton Drive address from above. At / the time of the concert, NOYES worked at j"" i/

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When asked if he told his friends about the Internet conversation with ALAH before the terrorist attacks of September 11,2001, GRANT replied that he had told them. He was then asked if he had discussed it with them since the attacks, to which he replied that he had not. Then later in the same part of the


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day of the attacks, and had asked "Is this what you told me about before?" GRANT was then asked why he had just told the agents that he had not talked to his friends about the story since the attacks. He replied that he did not understand, and was unable to provide a plausible excuse. When pressed, GRANT asked that the interview be terminated.


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