T5 B65 Gao Visa Docs 6 Of 6 Fdr- Apr 02 Dos Cable- 3rd Country Nationals And Visa Shopping 860

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VISAS - INFORM CONSULS E.0.12958: N/A TAGS: CVIS, CMGT SUBJECT: THIRD COUNTRY NATIONALS AND VISA SHOPPING 1. This cable has been cleared by M/P(SEP). This is an action request. See para. 2 below. 2. Section 418 of the Patriot Act requires the Secretary to review how consular officers issue visas to determine if visa shopping is a problem. If it is determined that visa shopping is a problem, the Secretary must address the problem and report to Congress on what action is being taken to address the problem. The Visa Office is currently reviewing post practices and procedures to determine if visa shopping, which we have defined as nonimmigrant applications by non-resident third country nationals, constitutes a problem. VO has directly sought input on this question from consular management at a number of posts. If other posts feel that visa shopping is a problem or have suggestions on how to improve processing of non-resident NIV applicants, please respond by either cable or e-mail to Michael Regan in VO/F/P no later than COB Thursday, April 11. (We apologize for the short notice.) 3. Posts are reminded that care should be taken in processing applications from those not resident in a posts consular district. In general, posts should not refuse to adjudicate applications from non-residents, as there are many legitimate reasons for someone to apply for a visa outside of his or her home country. To the extent possible, posts should try to accommodate all legitimate Pagel

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view telegram[2] travelers and each case must be decided on its individual merits, irrespective of place of residence and physical location. Consular officers, however, should be wary of applicants recently arrived in country who lack a credible reason for applying in a third country rather than in their home country. One of the concerns of third country processing is that consular officers are not always familiar with the documents presented. Posts are reminded that a security advisory opinion may be submitted for any applicant, not only when such an opinion is required, and that checks with counterparts in an applicants home country, whether by visas alpha or more informal means, can be useful in resolving doubts about someones bona fides. 4. Minimize considered. POWELL

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