T5 B59 Dos Docs- Niv 2 Of 5 Fdr- 9-26-02 Lannon Memo Re Steps Taken Re Visa Fraud 183

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United States Department of State , D.C. 20520 September 26, 2002 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM S/ES UNCLASSIFIED


-' *


M - Under Secretary Green


CA - George .t/Sfi^n. Acting DS - W. Ray Williams, Acting


Steps taken regarding Visa Fraud

Since September II, in an effort to better protect cur borders, the Bureaus of Consular Affairs (CA) and Diplomatic Security (DS) have significantly increased their resources and capacity to share information to combat visa fraud. A partnership between CA and DS, combined with increased communication with other law enforcement agencies such as INS, has increased the prospects of successfully combating this crime. Individually, the task is daunting as consular officers have limited authority to investigate suspected visa fraud, even when they have indications of activity by a ma^or visa fraud ring. With unparalleled domestic and overseas resources however, DS and CA working together are uniquely positioned to detect, investigate, and deter visa fraud and make significant contributions to the US Government's border security strategies. We are moving forward on a nurber of initiatives to enhance our capabilities to deter and investigate visa fraud. A number of these initiatives are summarized below? 1. CA/DS Training: Increased visa fraud expertise in the field offices is an essential component of DS' investigative efforts. CA, in conjunction with the DS Training Center is expanding and improving visa fraud training for new hire agents as well as fraud prevention training and a specially designed consular course for DS agents assigned to investigative positions overseas. These expanded training modules are effective in helping DS Agents better understand and investigate visa fraud. Consular Affairs, Fraud Prevention Programs Office has not limited its training to DS. They recently created a reference and training package for federal, state and local UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED - 2 law enforcement that provides better information on detecting foreign travel document fraud. DS' New York Field Office has found this information particularly useful in training classes conducted recently with local and state law enforcement agencies. Similarly, CA/FPP and DS' Washington Field Office have embarked on a pilot project to assist Virginia DMV in identifying foreign documents through a train the trainer program. If this pilot is deemed successful, ..they will expand it to other states 2. Eagle Integrated Information Management System (IIMS): DS' new criminal investigations computer system Eagle IIMS will standardize and improve investigative capabilities. Scheduled for rollout in January '03, Eagle IIMS will improve sharing data with other external and internal systems, contain a central name index for enhanced information sharing and even contain a link analysis feature. This system will permit Consular adjudicators and passport examiners to input information directly into Eagle IIMS to markedly improve investigative responsiveness and coordination between DS and CA. Consolidated Consular Database (CCD) & CLASS: To 3. further enhance DS' investigative efforts in the area of visa fraud, CA has provided DS investigative offices and field offices with direct CLASS and CCD access. CCD records contain detailed information on all visas issued worldwide. The ability to access CCD is a major step in furthering cooperation between DS and CA; and it is an enormous tool for investigating external visa fraud and allegations of consular malfeasance. A new CA independent name check system called INK is being provided to RSOs, facilitating their direct access to lookout information for investigations and anti-fraud work. 4. DS/CA Anti-Fraud Positions: In 1999, DS and CA signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish three dedicated consular anti-fraud positions at our posts in Manila, Kingston and Lagos. Last year, two more positions were added in Bogota and Islamabad. At Embassy Cairo, the RSO and Consular Section took the initiative to establish their own anti-fraud position at post, staffed by an ARSO. This is yet another example where DS and CA can work together and complement one another's e'fforts in fighting visa fraud. In 2002-03, DS is expanding its investigative presence overseas by assigning DS agents to 18 high fraud UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED - 3 posts overseas. Although these additional positions do not foil under the DS/CA MOU these agents will be dedicated to investigations and working collaboratively with consular officers and local law enforcement authorities to investigate and deter passport and visa fraud in their respective countries. 5. Other CA initiatives to counter visa fraud since September 11 particularly in the area of assistance and data sharing cooperation with other federal law enforcement agencies: •

New more tamper-resistant Lincoln visas will be fielded to all posts by the end of the year.

Data-share of all nonimmigrant information is now available to all INS inspectors at ports of entry.

CA's "Intel Alerts," electronic notifications of missing and stolen blank documents has expanded significantly, with more than 700 addresses on the mailing list, and the data is being entered into a database to facilitate searching for suspect documents.

All reported lost/stolen visaed passports are entered into a database that alerts CA and INS if a stolen passport is presented.

CA will assist the Social Security Administration with investigations involving the submission of fraudulent documents or altered US visas used to apply for Social Security cards.

CA is working with the EU and other European countries on travel document fraud identification and prevention.


UNCLASSIFIED - 4 Drafted:DS/ICI/CR:Jeffrey 703-312-3535 (3-4535), 9/24/02


Clearances:CA/FPP:CMPhi11ips (cleared) DS/ICI:WArraor (cleared)


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