T5 B47 Ins Overview Fdr- Timeline- Congressional Hearings And Reports (on Terrorist Attacks)

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Congressional Hearings and Reports

May 12, 2003 - SA - Riyadh. Three separate attacks, with two bombings of gated American/ Western residential areas and one Saudi/ American business. 34 killed (8 americans); 200 injured. Osama bin Laden / Al Qaeda. April 10, 2003 - Oversight hearing on "Department of Homeland Security Transition: Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement." Hutchinson, Asa, Undersecretary for Border and Transportation Security, DHS, Statement before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims Committee on the Judiciary, April 10, 2003 Witness List, Asa Hutchinson, Mark Krikorian. Timothy Danahev, Rich Stana Homeland Security: Challenges to Implementing the Immigration Interior Enforcement Strategy. GAO-03-660T April 10, 2003 April 2, 2003 - Oversight hearing on "Immigration Student Tracking: Implementation and Proposed Modifications." Witness List. Johnny Williams, Glenn Fine. Thomas Fischer, David Ward Transportation Security: Post-September 11th Initiatives and Long-Term Challenges. GAO-03616T April 1, 2003

March 29, 2003 - Iraq. Operation Iraqi Freedom. Terrorist blows up bomb after asking for help from soldiers at checkpoint. 4 US soldiers killed. Suicide car bomber. March 22, 2003 - Iraq. Operation Iraqi Freedom. Grenade attack on sleeping soldiers. 4 killed, 5 injured. US Islamic soldier. March 18, 2003 - Yemen. American oil workers shot. 3 killed, 1 injured. Suicide attack. Border Security: Challenges in Implementing Border Technology. GAO-03-546T March 12, 2003 Abstract

March 4, 2003 - Phillipines. Bomb explosion at Manila airport. 19 killed. Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Weaknesses In Screening Entrants Into the United States. GAO-03-438T January 30, 2003

January 21, 2003 - Kuwait. American contractors ambushed with assault rifles at a stoplight. 1 killed; 1 injured. Unknown. GAO Testimony before Cmte on Finance, U.S. Senate, "Weaknesses in Screening Entrants into the United States", January 30, 2003 (3 pages)

December 30, 2002 - Yemen. Baptist Mission Hospital shooting. 3 killed, an American doctor and support staff. Unknown.

Border Security: Implications of Eliminating the Visa Waiver Program. GAO-03-38 November 22, 2002 Homeland Security: INS Cannot Locate Many Aliens Because It Lacks Reliable Address Information. GAO-03-188 November 21, 2002 Technology Assessment: Using Biometrics for Border Security. GAO-03-174 November 14, 2002 Border Security, Visa Process Should be Strengthened as an Antiterrorism Tool, Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, October 2002, number GAO-03132NI Combating Terrorism: Department of State Programs to Combat Terrorism Abroad. GAO-021021 September 6, 2002

July 5, 2002 - Los Angeles International Airport. 2 Israelis killed while standing at El Al ticket counter. Egyptian LPR Hessan Mohammad Hadayat. June 25, 2002 - Oversight hearing on "The Risk to Homeland Security From Identity Fraud and Identity Theft." Witness List. Paul McNultv. James Huse. Richard Stana. Edmund Mierzwinski, Final Print (Serial #86), Hearing Transcript June 19, 2002 - Oversight hearing on "The Immigration and Naturalization Service's (INS's) Interior Enforcement Strategy." Witness List. Joseph Greene. Richard Stana, Steven Camarota. Marissa Demeo. Final Print (Serial #85). Hearing Transcript March 19, 2002 - Oversight hearing on "The INS's March 2002 Notification of Approval of Change of Status for Pilot Training for Terrorist Hijackers Mohammed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi." Witness List. Rudi Dekkers. Tom Blodqett. James Ziqlar. Michael Cutler. Final Print (Serial # 63). Hearing Transcript February 28, 2002 - Oversight hearing on The Implications of Transnational Terrorism for the Visa Waiver Program Witness List, Yonah Alexander. Glenn Fine. Peter Becraft. William Norman. Final Print (Serial #61), Hearing Transcript

January 31, 2002 - Pakistan. Daniel Pearl, Wall Street Journal regional bureau chief, is kidnapped and murdered. Islamic Jihad. December 19, 2001 - Oversight Hearing on "A Review of Department of Justice Immigration Detention Policies" Witness List. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee, Edward McElrov. Paul Thomson. Margaret Taylor, Final Print (Serial #55). Hearing Transcript October 11, 2001 - Oversight Hearing on "Using Information Technology to Secure America's Borders: INS Problems with Planning and Implementation." Witness List. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee. Glenn Fine. Randolph Hite. James Ziglar. Demetri Papademetriou. Hearing Transcript, Final Print (Serial #43)

Memorandum to Members of the House Subcmte on Immigration from their chief investigators re Subcmte Oversight on INS Info Tech. Oct. 9, 2001. September 11, 2001 - New York City. American flight #11 (92 killed); United flight #175 (65 killed); World Trade Center (3,000 killed) when two hijacked planes are flown into two towers. Washington, D.C. American flight #77 (64 killed); Pentagon (184 killed) when hijacked plane flown into the Pentagon. Pennsylvania. United flight #93 (45 killed) when plane crashed into countryside. UBL/ Al Qu'aida. June 19, 2001 - Legislative Hearing on the "Guestworker Visa Programs" Witness List. Randel Johnson. Mark Krikorian. Susan Martin. Cecilia Munoz. Hearing Transcript. Final Print (Serial #22)

May 9, 2001 - West Bank, Israel. Two 13 year olds, one American, stoned to death in a cave. Islamic Jihad and Hizballah. October 12, 2000-Yemen, USS Cole. Bomb laden boat rams ship. 17 US sailors killed. UBL/ Al Qu'aida. February 10, 2000 - Oversight hearing on the Visa Waiver Pilot Program News Advisory. Witness List. Honorable Lamar Smith. Robert Ashbaugh, Ambassador Mary A. Ryan. Michael Cronin, Elisa Liang. William S. Norman. E. Wayne Merry. John Ratigan. Hearing Transcript January 26, 2000 - Oversight hearing on Terrorist Threats to the United States News Advisory. Witness List. Honorable Lamar Smith. Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee Ambassador Martin Collacott. Mr. Steven Emerson. Mr. David Harris. Mr. Christopher Sands, Mr. Gary Stubblefield. Mr. John Thompson, Ambassador Philip C. Wilcox. Hearing Transcript

October 31, 1999 - Massachusetts. Egypt Air Flight 990 deliberate plane crash. 217 killed, 100 of which Americans. Unknown. August 5, 1999 - Oversight hearing on the H-1B Temporary Professional Worker Visa Program Witness List, Honorable Lamar Smith, Honorable Shiela Jackson Lee, Honorable David Dreier. Austin Fragomen. Crystal Neiswonger. Alison Cleveland. Paul Kostek. Charles Foster, David Smith, Gene Nelson. John Miano. Hearing Transcript July 22, 1999 - Oversight hearing on counterfeiting and misuse of the social security card and state and local identity documents Witness List. In Brief. Honorable Lamar Smith, Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee. Larry F. Stewart. John Hotchner, James Hesse. Richard Stana. Glenna Donnelly. David Simcox, Susan Martin. Michael Anderson, Honorable Brian Flaherty. Detective Sergeant Robert Derbyshire. Hearing Transcript July 1, 1999 - Oversight hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Interior Enforcement Strategy Witness List, Honorable Lamar Smith. John R. Fraser. Richard M. Stana. Mr. Robert Hill. Esg.. Mr. Thomas P. Hammond, Ms. Judith M. Desantis. Mr. Daniel Stein, Muzaffar Chishti. Muzaffar Chishti. Robert Bach, Hearing Transcript

June 10, 1999 - Oversight hearing on illegal immigration issues Witness List. Honorable Lamar Smith. Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee. Tobin Armstrong. Larry Vance, Angie Morfin, Carol Joyal. Terry Anderson. Dan Morris. Roger Barnett, Selena Walsh. Hearing Transcript May 18, 1999 - Legislative Hearing on H.R. 456. H.R. 1745. H.R. 238. and H.R. 945 Witness List, Honorable Lamar Smith. Honorable James Rogan. Honorable Robert A. Underwood. Honorable Mac Collins. Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee. Honorable Robert E. Andrews. Elliott L. Bloxom. Georgia Bergmann. Michael J. Wildes. Bo Cooper. Anthony Tangeman. Donald M. Remv. Hearing Transcript May 5, 1999 - Oversight Hearing on Nonimmigrant Visa Fraud Witness List. Honorable Lamar Smith. Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee. Inspector General Michael Bromwich, Inspector General Jacquelyn L. Williams-Bridgers. William A. Yates. Gary Bradford (no prepared statement), Nancy Sambaiew. Jill Esposito, John Ratigan. Lynn Shotwell. Mark Mancini. Hearing Transcript April 14, 1999 - Oversight Hearing on law enforcement problems at the border between the United States and Canada, focusing on the issues of drug smuggling, illegal immigration and terrorism Witness List. News Advisory. Honorable Lamar Smith, Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee. Michael Pearson. Eugene Davis, Robert Trotter, Inspector General Michael Bromwich. Sheriff Dale Brandland. Mark Hall. Demetrios G. Papademetriou. David Harris. Hearing Transcript

August 7, 1998- Kenya, U.S. embassy (292 killed, including 12 americans); 5,000 injured; car bomb. Tanzania, U.S. Embassy (11 killed, 86 injured) by car bombs. UBL/AI-Qaeda. February 24, 1998 - Foreign Terrorists in America: Five Years After the World Trade Center; Examining the Extent of and policies to Prevent Foreign Terrorist Operations in America, hearing before the Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. February 24, 1998 - "The Thwarted Brooklyn Bomb Plot: Identifying, Excluding, and Removing Terrorist Aliens from the United States", Feb. 28, 1998 and summary which appears in the Judiciary Subcmte Report: "Crime, Terror, & War: National Security in the Information Age"

November 12, 1997: Pakistan. 5 shot to death in their car, (4 americans). Islamic Inqilabi (no arrests). June 17, 1997 - Oversight hearing regarding the Visa Waiver Pilot Program Witness List. Honorable Lamar Smith. Honorable Jay Kim. Honorable Neil Abercrombie, Mary Ryan. William S. Norman, Janet Thomas. Tami Overbv, Michael Cronin. Hearing Transcript April 23,1997 - Oversight hearing regarding border security and' deterring illegal entry into the United States Witness List. Honorable Lamar Smith. Hon. Silvestre Reyes. Alan Bersin. Donnie Marshall, George Regan. Roy Godson. Roger G. Heiserman. Esq.. Samuel H. Banks. Elisa Massimino. Jonathan M. Winer, Richard Gallo, Hearing Transcript

February 23, 1997. NYC, Empire State Building. 1 killed (Norwegian tourist), 4 injured when bomb exploded. Palestinian suicide bomber.

Decembers, 1996. France, subway train. 4 killed (1 american); 86 injured by truck bomb. Algerian extremists. June 25, 1996. Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia. 19 Americans killed, 515 injured by truck bomb. November 13, 1995. Riyadh headquarters, Saudi Arabia. 7 killed (5 americans); 42 wounded, car bomb. Islamic Jihad. July 4, 1995. Hotel in India. 5 killed, 1 american. Kidnapped. One beheaded; others disappeared. AI-Faran, no arrests. March 8, 1995. US Consulate in Pakistan. 2 American diplomats killed, 1 injured. Shot with assault rifles. Unknown, no arrests. March 1, 1994. Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn Bridge car cahse and gun attack on van of American Jewish teens. 1 killed; 13 injured. Lebanese Islamic terrorist. February 24, 1993. NYC, WTC. 6 killed; 1,042 injured. Truck bomb in underground garage. Islamic extremists with associations with UBL. January 25, 1993. Virginia, CIA. Sniper attack kills 2, wounds 3. Pakistani.

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