T5 B47 Ins Enforcement 1 Of 2 Fdr- Entire Contents- Memos And Reports- 1st Pgs For Reference 310

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John C. Keeney Acting Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice


Doris Meissner Commissioner


IMS Participation in Task Forces

Thank you for the views you expressed in your December 4, 1996 memorandum on this subject. I appreciate the attention you have paid to the issue of INS participation in task forces and your encouragement of continued and enhanced participation. I wish to assure you that I recognize the importance of task force participation, as well as the need to balance that endeavor against the many other investigative obligations of the Service. At present, over 250 special agents and support personel are dedicated to task forces of national scope, while a significant number of additional special agents and support personnel participate in a variety of local task forces. This is a substantial contribution to the joint efforts of numerous law enforcement agencies for the enforcement of a wide variety of laws. I agree, nonetheless, that INS participation, at the minimum level of current participation, is essential to the Department's ability to effectively coordinate and conduct multi-agency investigations and prosecutions of criminal activities which clearly pose substantial threats to our security. Therefore, INS has adopted the recommendations of the report and I have endorsed the report to the Attorney General.

Contents PRESIDENT'S LETTER STATEMENT OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL INTERVIEW WITH UNITED STATES ATTORNEY ALAN BERSIN, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA INS COMMISSIONER DORIS MEISSNER—BUILDING AN IMMIGRATION SYSTEM TO MEET AMERICA'S CHALLENGES Tank Scopes at San Diego Border Strategic Strengthening at the Southwest Border Advanced Technology at U.S.-Mexican Border Border Patrol in the 1990s Apprehensions on the Rise in Arizona Rio Grande and Highway Systems Exacerbate Immigration Alien Smuggling by Rail—U.S. v Gonzalez The Los Angeles "Night Court" Hearing Program Port Court Port Courts I and II Achievements in Immigration Prosecutions Operation Green Talon Criminal Alien Prosecution Program Prosecution of Aggravated Felon-Illegal Reentry Cases Immigration-Mann Act Investigations Crime and Immigration: A Joint Venture Counterfeit Immigration Documents Green Cards While-U-Wait— U.S. v Salazar Employment Provisions a Priority in Eastern District of New York Virgin Islands Puts a Dent in Employer Fraud Civil Remedy for Immigration-Related Document Fraud Operation False Love Midwives' Virtual Birth Practices Uncovered—U.S. v Esquevel Wedding Plans Derailed by INS Inspector Regional LECCs Along the Border New "S" Visa Program for Foreign Witnesses State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Litigating Immigration Cases in District Court Southern District of Florida Holds Immigration Symposium Success: False Imprisonment Claim Dismissed Successes in Opposing Appellate Motions for Stays of Deportation


Walter Bellinger Acting Solicitor General Janice Chenier Taylor Named U.S. Trustee for Region 5 AG Unveils Crackdown on Bankruptcy Fraud AG Announces Pro Bono Policy Moves to Make the Legal System Less Expensive and Faster Project to Improve Interstate Enforcement of Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases AG, FBI, and DEA Secure Commitment to Use Asset Forfeiture Juvenile Murderers Triple Over 10 Years UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS' OFFICES/EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS Honors and Awards Significant Issues/Events EOUSA Staff Update Security Update Office Automation Update Office of Legal Education WordPerfect 5.1 Tips DOJ HIGHLIGHTS Appointments Post-Adarand Guidance on Affirmative Action in Federal Employment Civil Division Criminal Division Solicitor General Bureau of Justice Statistics Drug Enforcement Agency Justice Management Division ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Conflicts of Interest Media Policy New Opinion on Honorarium Ban OPR Trends in Misconduct Allegations Discovery and Brady/Giglio Obligations CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Executive Office for United States Attorneys—Experienced Attorney Civil Rights Division—Experienced Attorneys Appendix A—OLE Course Nomination Form


This report will appear as a chapter in the forthcoming 2000 Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. All references to Appendices, Charts, Tables, and other sections of the Statistical Yearbook appear as they will in the final Yearbook edition.

Budget Increase Requests for the INS Investigations Program FY 1993 Progression # 1.




Investigations Initiated

INS Decision

DOJ Decision

OMB Decision

500 Posn / 250 FTE/$28,732,000

300 Posn / 150 FTE/$14,322,000

200 Posn / 100 FTE/$1 0,385,000

Employer Sanctions

Employer Sanctions

Employer Sanctions Revised

160 Posn / 80 FTE/$ 9,694,000

160 Posn / 80 FTE/$ 9,694,000

160 Posn / 80 FTE/$ 8,839,000

50 Posn / 13 FTE/$ 2,150,000

Criminal Aliens

Criminal Aliens

Criminal Aliens

Criminal Aliens

75 Posn / 38 FTE/$ 5,082,000

75 Posn / 38 FTE/$ 4,336,000

75 Posn / 38 FTE/$ 4,440,000

Absconder Apprehension

Absconder Apprehension

Absconder Apprehension

14 Posn / 7 FTE/$ 1,583,000

14 Posn / 7 FTE/$ 1,351,000

Appropriation by Congress

riot approved

not approved

hot approved

not approved

Organized Crime Strike Force 5.

6 Posn / 3 FTE / $706,000


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Overseas Agent Positions 6.


51 Posn / 26 FTE / $7,040,000

51 Posn / 26 FTE / $7,040,000

62 Posn / 32 FTE / $6,322,000

22 Posn/ 6 FTE/ $1,326,000

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)

44 Posn / 22 FTE/$ 2,786,000

44 Posn / 11 FTE/$ 1,539,000

Rerequest of 1992 NCATC/LESC)

Rerequest of 1992 NCATC/LESC)

9 Posn / 5 FTE / $935,000

not approved

not approved J


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Joint Terrorism Task Force 8.

137 Posn / 69 FTE / $15,532,000

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Resident Agent Offices 9.

• :' ' 10.


70 Posn / 35 FTE / $6,267,000

70 Posn / 35 FTE / $6,220,000

20 Posn / 10 FTE / $1,263,000

Anti -Smuggling


Anti -Smuggling

0 Posn / 0 FTE / $609,000

0 Posn / 0 FTE / $204,000

Video Surveillance Equipment, CENTOPS, Task Forces & Informant Rewards

no change

not approved '~;4' '• :.•

not approved

Video Surveillance Equipment

Note: OCDETF requests are submitted through the DOJ OCDETF Administrative Staff since funding Is appropriated to DOJ for distribution by reimbursable agreement to participating agencies.

not approved

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