T5 B46 Us Identifications Fdr- 3 Sep-oct 01 Secret Service Reports On Hijacker Ids 123

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United States Secret Service Office of Investigations Forensic Services Division Questioned Document Branch October 10, 2001


Federal Bureau of Investigation - Laboratory Division Subject: PENTTBOMB Case No, , 7 _ 5 _ g 6 5 _ 4 8 7 y o

Type of Examination-

. ,u . Physical hxammation

X-Rcf. 010924007

Reference is made to your Forensic Science Research Request, dated September 20, 2001 . EXHIBIT. Ql

One (1) photo identification card written in Arabic bearing the t i t l e "Saudi University" described as item Q568. This card was found in the Pentagon rubble pile. *

REQUEST: Examine Exhibit Ql to determine the origin of the card. RESULTS OF EXAMINATION: Physical examinations were conducted on the questioned identification card ( E x h i b i t Ql ). There \veuno comparable standards available for comparison ofthe identification card; therefore the authenticity o f t h e identification card could not be determined. The card was produced by a combination of photography and offset lithography. This document when exposed to ultraviolet radiation displays the word "Polaroid" which fluoresces in a hori/.onta! and vertical pattern. The type of film that contains this feature is the Polaroid Polarcolor 100 or 669 ID Ultraviolet film. This film is sold worldwide as .1 relatively low security, generic, Identification card product. The equipment used to produce such a photograph is the Polaroid LD2, ID3, ID4. or ID 100 camera. All these cameras ulih/e a Validation Plate that fits inside the camera to provide the layout, header and add a layer of security to the system The demographic data is then printed on -A paper card media & inserted i n t o the camera The ID document is then die cut and heat sealed into a plastic pouch. It should be noted that if one had aa.ess to the camera and a validation plate, one could modify and or ulili/.c the system to make other identification documents. These types of cameras arc available through Polaroid authon/.cd identification dealers worldwide. In com creations with the Polaroid Corporation, their experts luw indicated th.it it is u n u s u a l for the photograph to overlap the biographical information as il docs on th^ document. (. The ID card \s 'translated to English from Arabic beginning w i t h the front p i c t u r e sidc-re.idiiu; lop :*• boitom as

\ lie Kingdom of Saudi \\rabia

Student I d c n l i t v Card


File No. 175-865-48790 Page 2 of 2

Student Number: 418009222 Nationality: Saudi Identity Number: 21850 NOTE: Suspected to be a National ID number Date and Origin: 1416/4/10 NOTE: Assumed to be Date and Place of Issuance. The Place Nanu' is obscured. The Dale converts to 6 September 1995. Blood Type: CH Signaturc: NOTE: Signature is placed left to the Blood Type and is obscured Name: MAA.IID MISH/VN GHANLM MOWAQAD In the upper right quadrant (just right of center) is a printed shield featuring a Palm tree above crossed swords above an open book, encircled by the words "King Saud University", both in English and Arabic. The reverse side of the document contains the following text translated from Arabic to English Important instructions for the cardholder • This card should be submitted to the proper authorities upon request. • This card cannot be used by any other person. • If the card is lost, the proper authorities should be notified in writing. • Should the card be lost, it should be announced in the University Letter or in one of the local newspapers. • The card is considered Cancelled if it is punched. DISPOSITION OF EV1DHNCB 'he Exhibit is being reUimed as requested. Examined by

Larry l ; - Stewart Laboratory Director




Jack 1 Johnson, Jr. Special Agent in Charge


United States Secret Service Office of Investigations Forensic Services Division Questioned Document Branch September 27, 2001


Federal Bureau of Investigation - Laboratory Division



Type of Exam.nation: ph

Case Na:

jca , Examinalion

175-865-48789 X-Ref. 010921019

Reference is made to your Forensic Science Research Request, dated September 26, 2001. EXHIBIT: Ql

One (1) identification card bearing the name, "Salem Alhazmi," described as item Q409, collected on 9/21/2001.

REQUEST: Examine Exhibit Ql to determine the origin of the card. RESULTS OK EXAMINATION: F'hysical examinations were conducted on the questioned card (Exhibit Ql). The card was produced by a combination of two printing processes, thermal dye diffusion and thermal mass transfer. It was produced by the USAID Systems, Incorporated, Atlanta, Georgia (since moved to Miami, Florida), on or about the 10Ih of July, 2001. The card was issued to "Salem Alhaxir.i" and was ordered through ar. affiliate in Patterson, NJ on or about Ju!y 6. 2001. Cards from this company are utilized as identification cards. DISPOSITION OF EVIDENCE The Exhibit is being returned as requeued. Examined by

-anyT". Stewart Laboratory Director

•f i L '•'v j, Jack L J o h n s o n , w . ^ Special Ai-.cnt in Charge

SSI 3133 105 SM

United States Secret Service Office of Investigations Forensic Services Division Questioned Document Branch


September 25, 2001 To:

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Laboratory Division Subject: PENTTBOMB Type of Examination: n,

. .„




175-865-48768 X-Ref. 010919028

Physical Examination

Reference is made to your Forensic Science Research Request, dated September 25, 2001. EXHIBIT: Ql

One (1) partial identification card bearing the last name, "Alhazmi," described as item 1B4L3, collected at the Pentagon on 9/16/2001.

REQUEST: Examine Exhibit Ql to determine the origin of the card. RESULTS OF EXAMINATION: Physical examinations were conducted on the questioned card (Exhibit Ql). The card was produced by a combination of two printing processes, thermal dye diffusion and thermal mass transfer. It was produced by the USAID Systems, Incorporated, Atlanta, Georgia (since moved to Miami, Florida), on or about the 10 lh of July, 2001 The card was issued to "Nawaf Alhazmi" and was ordered through an affiliate in Patterson, NJ on or about July 6, 2001. Cards from this company arc utilixcd as identification cards. DISPOSITION OF EVIDENCE The Exhibit is being returned as requested. Examined by

-arryF. Stewart Laboratory Director

Approved: V ° 7 f i ' " 'y ///n Jack I.. Johnson, Jf / Special Accnt in Charge

SSI -iKtf lOi -V-

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