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National Security Act of 1947

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U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE National Security Act of 1947 The National Security Act of 1947 mandated a major reorganization of the foreign policy and military establishments of the U.S. Government. The act created many of the institutions that Presidents found useful when formulating and implementing foreign policy, including the National Security Council (NSC). The Council itself included the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and other members (such as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency), who met at the White House to discuss both long-term problems and more immediate national security crises. A small NSC staff was hired to coordinate foreign policy materials from other agencies for the President. Beginning in 1953 the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs directed this staff. Each President has accorded the NSC with different degrees of importance and has given the NSC staff varying levels of autonomy and influence over other agencies such as the Departments of State and Defense. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, for example, used the NSC meetings to make key foreign policy decisions, while John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson preferred to work more informally through trusted associates. Under President Richard M. Nixon, the NSC staff, then headed by Henry A. Kissinger, was transformed from a coordinating body into an organization that actively engaged in negotiations with foreign leaders and implementing the President's decisions. The NSC meetings themselves, however, were infrequent and merely confirmed decisions already agreed upon by Nixon and Kissinger. The act also established the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which grew out of World War II era Office of Strategic Services and small post-war intelligence organizations. The CIA served as the primary civilian intelligence-gathering organization in the government. Later, the Defense Intelligence Agency became the main military intelligence body. The 1947 law also caused far-reaching changes in the military establishment. The War Department and Navy Department merged into a single Department of Defense under the Secretary of Defense, who also directed the newly created Department of the Air Force. However, each of the three branches maintained their own service secretaries. In 1949 the act was amended to give the Secretary of Defense more power over the individual services and their secretaries. Additional Reading: • Michael H. Hogan, A Cross of Iron: Harry S Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945-1954 (Cambridge, 1998). • Melvyn A. Leffler, A Preponderance of Power; National Security, The Truman Administration, and the Cold War (Stanford, Connecticut, 1992). • U.S. Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945-1950, Emergence of the LnteJiigence_Estab|ishn]ent (Washington, 1996)



PDD-39 U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism

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MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION THE SECRETARY OF ENERGY ADMINISTRATOR, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTOR, UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF DIRECTOR, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DIRECTOR, FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SUBJECT: U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism (U) It is the policy of the United States to deter, defeat and respond vigorously to all terrorist attacks on our territory and against our citizens, or facilities, whether they occur domestically, in international waters or airspace or on foreign territory. The United States regards all such terrorism as a potential threat to national security as well as a criminal act and will apply all appropriate means to combat it. In doing so, the U.S. shall pursue vigorously efforts to deter and preempt, apprehend and prosecute, or assist other governments to prosecute, individuals who perpetrate or plan to perpetrate such attacks. (U) We shall work closely with friendly governments in carrying out our Counterterrorism policy and will support Allied and friendly governments in combating terrorist threats against them. (U) Furthermore, the United States shall seek to identify groups or states that sponsor or support such terrorists, isolate them and extract a heavy price for their actions. (U)



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The Vice President's Task Force on Co-jribattir.g Terrorism has completed an in-depth review o£ our current policies, capabilities, and resources for dealing with the terrorist threat. I have reviewed the Task force Report and accompanying recommendations and concluded that our strategy is sound. I have determined that we must enhance our ability to confront this throat and to do so without compromising our basic democratic and human values. JJ*) Terrorists undertake criminal acts that involve the use or threat of violence against innocent persons. These acts are premeditated, intended to achieve a political objective through coercion or intimidation of an audience beycnd the irimediate victims. U.S. citizens and installations, especially abroad, are increasingly being targeted for terrorist acts, our policy, programs and' responses must be effective in ameliorating this threat to our people, property and interests. (jA Policy U.S. policy on terrorism is unequivocal: firm opposition to terrorism in all its forrcs whether it is domestic terror!sn perpetrated within U.S. territory, or international terrorism conducted inside or outside U.S. territory by foreign nationals or groups. The policy is based upon the conviction that to accede to terrorist demands places more nKtcrican citizens at risk. This no-concessions policy is the best way of protecting the greatest number of people and ensuring their safety. At the same tirr.e, every available resource will be used to gain the safe return of American citizens who are held hostage by terrorists.


The U.S. Government considers the practice of terrorism by any person or group a potential threat to our national security and will resist the use of terrorism by all leccl means available. The United States is opposed to domestic and international terrorism and is prepared to act in concert with other nations or unilaterally when necessary to prevent or respond to terrorist acts.




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History of the National Security Council (1947-1997)

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History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997

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History 1997

Contents Summary Truman Administration, 1947-1953 Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961 Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963 Johnson Administration, 1963-1969 Nixon Administration, 1969-1974 Ford Administration, 1974-1977 Carter Administration, 1977-1981 Reagan Administration, 1981-1989 Bush Administration, 1989-1992 Clinton Administration, 1993-1997 Appendix: Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs 1953-1997

Summary connections

Since the end of World War II, each administration has sought to develop and perfect a reliable set of executive institutions to manage national security policy. Each Policies in Focus President has tried to avoid the problems and deficiencies of his predecessors' efforts «Medicare and install a policy-making and coordination system that reflected his personal • Iraq management style. The National Security Council (NSC) has been at the center of • National Security • Economic Security this foreign policy coordination system, but it has changed many times to conform • Homeland Security with the needs and inclinations of each succeeding chief executive. «More Issues • En Espanol

The National Security Act of July 26,1947, created the National Security Council News & Features under the chairmanship of the President, with the Secretaries of State and Defense « Current News as its key members, to coordinate foreign policy and defense policy, and to reconcile • Kids Only diplomatic and military commitments and requirements. This major legislation also • Tee-ball provided for a Secretary of Defense, a National Military Establishment, Central • Photo Essays Intelligence Agency, and National Security Resources Board. The view that the NSC had been created to coordinate political and military questions quickly gave way to the understanding that the NSC existed to serve the President alone. The view that the Council's role was to foster collegiality among departments also gave way to the need by successive Presidents to use the Council as a means of controlling and managing competing departments. The structure and functioning of the NSC depended in no small degree upon the interpersonal chemistry between the President and his principal advisers and department heads. But despite the relationships between individuals, a satisfactory organizational structure had to be developed, for without it the necessary flow of information and implementation of decisions could not occur. Although a permanent staff gradually began to take shape, the main substantive work occurred in the departments. President Truman's NSC was dominated by the Department of State. President Eisenhower's predilection for the military staff system, however, led to development of the NSC along those lines. The NSC staff coordinated an elaborate structure for monitoring the implementation of policies. The NSC's Executive Secretary became an assistant to the President, but was sufficiently self-effacing not to conflict with a powerful Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles.



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Establishment of the National Security Council The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 (PL 235 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402), amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). Later in 1949, as part of the Reorganization Plan, the Council was placed in the Executive Office of the President.

History 1997

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Membership of the National Security Council Policies in Focus The National Security Council is chaired by the • Medicare President. Its regular attendees (both statutory • Iraq and non-statutory) are the Vice President, the • National Security • Economic Security Secretary of State, the Secretary of the • Homeland Security Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, and the • More Issues Assistant to the President for National Security • En Espanol Affairs. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of News & Features Staff is the statutory military advisor to the Council, and the Director of Central Intelligence • Current News • Kids Only is the intelligence advisor. The Chief of Staff to • Tee-ball the President, Counsel to the President, and • Photo Essays the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy are invited to attend any NSC meeting. The Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget are invited to attend meetings pertaining to their responsibilities. The heads of other executive departments and agencies, as well as other senior officials, are invited to attend meetings of the NSC when appropriate. National Security Council's Function The National Security Council is the President's principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. Since its inception under President Truman, the function of the Council has been to advise and assist the President on national security and foreign policies. The Council also serves as the President's principal arm for coordinating these policies among various government agencies.

Official portrait of National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice

President Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Turkey (11/15/03) Dr. Rice's Comments to Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (10/8/03) Dr. Rice Briefing on President's Visit to UN General Assembly (9/22/03) National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Remarks to Veterans of Foreign Wars (8/25/03) National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Interview with ZDF German Television (7/31/03) National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Discusses Iraq (7/30/03) Countering "Dirty Bomb" Threat Fact Sheet (6/2/03) Aviation Security Fact Sheet (6/2/03) Stopping Spread of WMD Fact Sheet (6/2/03) National Policy on Ballistic Missile Defense Fact Sheet (5/20/03) President Bush Vows to Bring Terrorists



Sec. 103



nity for purposes of representing the views of the intelligence community within the Government. (4) Subject to the direction and control of the Director of Central Intelligence, the Council may carry out its responsibilities under this subsection by contract, including contracts for substantive experts necessary to assist the Council with particular assessments under this subsection. (5) The Director shall make available to the Council such staff as may be necessary to permit the Council to carry out its responsibilities under this subsection and shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the Council and its staff satisfy the needs of policymaking officials and other consumers of intelligence. The Council shall also be readily accessible to policymaking officials and other appropriate individuals not otherwise associated with the intelligence community. (6) The heads of elements within the intelligence community shall, as appropriate, furnish such support to the Council, including the preparation of intelligence analyses, as may be required by the Director. (c) HEAD OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.—In the Director's capacity as head of the intelligence community, the Director shall— (1) facilitate the development of an annual budget for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States by— (A) developing and presenting to the President an annual budget for the National Foreign Intelligence Program; and (B) participating in the development by the Secretary of Defense of the annual budgets for the Joint Military Intelligence Program and the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities Program; (2) establish the requirements and priorities to govern the collection of national intelligence by elements of the intelligence community; (3) approve collection requirements, determine collection priorities, and resolve conflicts in collection priorities levied on national collection assets, except as otherwise agreed with the Secretary of Defense pursuant to the direction of the President; (4) promote and evaluate the utility of national intelligence to consumers within the Government; (5) eliminate waste and unnecessary duplication within the intelligence community; (6) protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure; and (7) perform such other functions as the President or the National Security Council may direct. (d) HEAD OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY.—In the Director's capacity as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Director shall— (1) collect intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means, except that the Agency shall have no police, subpoena, or law enforcement powers or internal security functions;



Sec. 104

(2) provide overall direction for the collection of national intelligence through human sources by elements of the intelligence community authorized to undertake such collection and, in coordination with other agencies of the Government which are authorized to undertake such collection, ensure that the most effective use is made of resources and that the risks to the United States and those involved in such collection are minimized; (3) correlate and evaluate intelligence related to the national security and provide appropriate dissemination of such intelligence; (4) perform such additional services as are of common concern to the elements of the intelligence community, which services the Director of Central Intelligence determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally; and (5) perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President or the National Security Council may direct. AUTHORITIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE

SEC. 104. [50 U.S.C. 403-4] (a) ACCESS TO INTELLIGENCE.—To the extent recommended by the National Security Council and approved by the President, the Director of Central Intelligence shall have access to all intelligence related to the national security which is collected by any department, agency, or other entity of the United States. (b) APPROVAL OF BUDGETS.—The Director of Central Intelligence shall provide guidance to elements of the intelligence community for the preparation of their annual budgets and shall approve such budgets before their incorporation in the National Foreign Intelligence Program. (c) ROLE OF DCI IN REPROGRAMMING.—No funds made available under the National Foreign Intelligence Program may be reprogrammed by any element of the intelligence community without the prior approval of the Director of Central Intelligence except in accordance with procedures issued by the Director. The Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Director of Central Intelligence before reprogramming funds made available under the Joint Military Intelligence Program. (d) TRANSFER OF FUNDS OR PERSONNEL WITHIN THE NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM.—(1) In addition to any other authorities available under law for such purposes, the Director of Central Intelligence, with the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, may transfer funds appropriated for a program within the National Foreign Intelligence Program to another such program and, in accordance with procedures to be developed by the Director and the heads of affected departments and agencies, may transfer personnel authorized for an element of the intelligence community to another such element for periods up to a year. (2) A transfer of funds or personnel may be made under this subsection only if— (A) the funds or personnel are being transferred to an activity that is a higher priority intelligence activity;

Federal Register-Executive Order 12333

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Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration Federal Register

Executive Order 12333-United States intelligence activities Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12333 of Dec. 4,1981, appear at 46 FR 59941, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 200, unless otherwise noted.

Table of Contents Preamble Part 1. Goals, Direction, Duties, and Responsibilities With Respect to the National Intelligence Effort 1.1 Goals 1.2 The National Security Council 1.3 National Foreign Intelligence Advisory Groups 1.4 The Intelligence Community L5_Director of Central Intelligence 1.6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads of Executive Branch Departments and Agencies LTJSenior Officials of the Intelligence Community 1.8 The Central Intelligence Agency L9_The Department of State 1.10 The Department of the Treasury 1.11 The Department of Defense 1.12 Intelligence Components Utilized by the Secretary of Defense L.I SLThe Department of Energy 1.14 The Federal Bureau of Investigation Part 2. Conduct of Intelligence Activities 2.1 Need 2.2 Purpose 2.3 Collection of Information 2_ACollection Techniques 2J5_Attorney General Approval 2_JLAssistance to Law Enforcement Authorities 2.7 Contracting Inconsistency With Other Laws 2.9 Undisclosed Participation in Organizations Within the United States 2.10 Human Experimentation 2.11 Prohibition on Assassination 2.12 Indirect Participation Part 3. General Provisions UJTongressional Oversight 3.2_Implementation 3.3 Procedures 3.4 Definitions SJLPurpose and Effect

http://www.cia.gov/cia/information/eo 12333 .html


** TIME.com: Nation ~ The Nunn-Lugar Act: Old Fears, New Era

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with Bill Hemmer and Soledad O'Brien



Monday, Oct. 01,2001

The Nunn-Lugar Act: Old Fears, New Era When the Coid War ended, two Senators pieced together a plan to divest the former USSR of its nuclear and chemical weapons. Is it time to reprise Nunn-Lugar? By JESSICA REAVES

Largely ignored in recent years and stripped of critical funding as recently as July, the Nunn-Lugar Act, or "Cooperative Threat Reduction Program" has garnered public attention since the September 11th attacks. Once regarded as peripheral, the Nunn-Lugar now looks not only prescient but absolutely essential. Co-sponsored by Sam Nunn, former Democratic Senator from Georgia, and Indiana Republican Richard Lugar, the Act was first approved in 1991 in response to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Designed to limit the threat of suddenly itinerant weaponry, Nunn-Lugar established a fund to pay for the identification, destruction and disposal of nuclear and chemical weapons. The initiative also actively welcomed former Soviet scientists into the American community, hoping to lure prospective bomb-makers and chemical-mixers away from rogue nations. Nunn and Lugar also co-sponsored the 1996 Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Initiative, which builds on the goals of the original Nunn-Lugar Act and also trains civilians to assist disaster workers after an attack by a weapon of mass destruction, including any biological agents. According to press secretary Andy Fisher, Senator Lugar expects the program to be rolled into the larger homeland defense effort headed by former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge. Once again, Nunn and Lugar were ahead of the curve. Advocates of the program are quick to point out Nunn-Lugar's impressive cost-benefit ratio: For slightly less than three-tenths of one percent of U.S. military expenditures, Nunn-Lugar has been responsible for deactivating 5014 warheads, destroying 384 ICBMs and eliminating 365 ICBM silos. And while Lugar a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, continues to lobby for funding for the program, the 2002 federal budget calls for cuts of about $140 million. That's quite a hit for an initiative whose seven-year operating costs were only $3 billion — less than the annual cost of missile defense research and development efforts. http://www.time.com/time/nation/printout/0,8816,177183,00.html


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