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iearch -100 Results - al gore and al qaeda terrorism

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Source: News.&Business > News > Transcripts (Jj Terms: al gore and al qaeda terrorism (Edit Search) ^"Select for FOCUS™ or Delivery


National Public Radio (NPR) June 18, 2000, Sunday Copyright 2000 National Public Radio (R). All rights reserved. No quotes from the materials contained herein may be used in any media without attribution to National Public Radio. This transcript may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. For further information, please contact NPR's Permissions Coordinator at (202) 513-2000. National Public Radio (NPR) SHOW: WEEKEND EDITION SUNDAY (1:00 PM ET) June 18, 2000, Sunday LENGTH: 216 words HEADLINE: PAST ACTS OF TERRORISM LINGER IN OUR NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS ANCHORS: LIANE HANSEN BODY: DANIEL SCHORR: Past acts of terrorism, unresolved, linger in our national consciousness. LIANE HANSEN, host: NPR senior news analyst Daniel Schorr. SCHORR: Last August, President Clinton sent a private letter to President Mohammad Khatami of Iran. Because the two countries do not have diplomatic relations, an official of the sultanate of Oman agreed to act as courier. In the letter, Clinton looked towards better relations between the United States and Iran. He said Iran could make one contribution by helping in the search for the terrorists responsible for the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers military complex in Saudi Arabia. That was a most peculiar request, something like asking for a confession, for the Clinton administration has long suspected that Iran had a hand in the Khobar Towers bombing and that it exerted tremendous pressure on the Saudi government not to cooperate with the FBI investigation. On a trip to Saudi Arabia in 1998, Vice President Al Gore expressed America's frustration after what he called a long and penetrating talk about terrorism with Crown Prince Abdullah. The recent report of the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorism criticized the administration for not pressing harder on Iran, which it called 'the most active state sponsor of anti-American terrorism.1 American intelligence believes that Iran also had a hand in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, working in concert with Libyans, two of whom are on trial in The Hague. The Pan Am bombing came just five months after an Iranian airliner was shot down by the USS Vincennes. Iran has made it clear that it never believed the American explanation that the missile attack was an accident. All this happened before Khatami was elected president on a promise of moderation. Khatami might not have ordered the bombing of a passenger plane, a reprisal for the accidental downing of an Iranian airliner, but the past doesn't go away. The State Department says the United States supports dialogue with Khatami's government, but about past acts of terror, it

http://www.lexis.com/research/retrieve?_m=8fld029be7cd94cf75dbe82367alcaOf&docnum... 4/5/2004

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NTSB - EgyptAir Flight 990

EgyptAir Flight 990 Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles south of = ^ r . Nantucket Island, Massachusetts } October 31, 1999 , J:::. DCAOOMA006 NTSB Information: March 21, 2002 Updates Final Report Press Release Chairman's Statement

On October 31, 1999, at about 1:50 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Egyptair flight 990, a scheduled international flight from New York to Cairo, crashed in the Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts.

Under the International Civil Aviation Organization treaty, the investigation of a plane crash in international waters is under the jurisdiction of the Public Docket Table of Contents: (updated 3/21/02) country of registry of the aircraft. At the request of the Egyptian government, the NTSB took the lead in Reports and other investigative material this investigation. .Statement of Chairman Hall, on the Release of The airplane involved in the accident was a Boeing the EgyptAir flight 990 Public Docket (8/11/00) 767 model 366 ER, a stretched and extended range version of the basic 767. It was the 282nd 767 off the Announcemerit: Opening production line, delivered new to EgyptAir on of EgyptAir Public Docket (8/10/00) September 26, 1989. The registration number is SUGAP. It was equipped with two Pratt & Whitney Press Releases and Advisories 4000 turbofan engines. Remarks by Chairman Hall Passengers were from Canada, Egypt, Germany, Sudan, Syria, United States, and Zimbabwe. Family Family Assistance assistance was coordinated through a task force led by the Department of State and the NTSB's Family NTSB Inyestigative Process Affairs Office, supported by the Red Cross, Disaster Mortuary Services of the Department of Health and Aviation Accident Synopses Human Services, and Federal Emergency Management Administration for communications. Slides from11/13/99 Press Briefing Timeline, (11/19/99) The investigation was supported by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Bureau of Information From Other Sources: Investigation, the United States Coast Guard, the Department of Defense, National Oceanic and U.S. Navy Salvage Operations Support Atmospheric Administration, Boeing Commercial NOAA Search and Recovery Support Airplanes, EgyptAir, and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft NjQ»AA/_Natip^aLWeather_Seryice_Forecast Engines. The NTSB's final report was issued March



NTSB - Publication

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Aircraft Accident Brief [PDF version (1.9M)] *Please note - the following items are not included here, but are available in the PDF and printed copies of the document: • Figures • Attachment A: Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript • Attachment B: Response of the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority to the Draft Report of the National Transportation Safety Board

Other items are available from the public docket, including Report of Investigation of Accident submitted by Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority

Accident Number.: Operator/Flight Number: Aircraft and Registration: Location: Date: Adopted On:

DCAOOMA006 EgyptAir flight 990 Boeing 767-3 66ER, SU-GAP 60 miles south of Nantucket, Massachusetts October 31, 1999 March 13, 2002

FACTUAL On October 31, 1999, about 0152 eastern standard time (EST), EgyptAir flight 990, a Boeing 767366ER (767), SU-GAP, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles south of Nantucket, Massachusetts. EgyptAir flight 990 was being operated under the provisions of Egyptian Civil Aviation Regulations (ECAR) Part 121 and U.S. 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 129 as a scheduled, international flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, New York, to Cairo International Airport, Cairo, Egypt.1 The flight departed JFK about 0120, with 4 flight crewmembers, 10 flight attendants, and 203 passengers on board. All 217 people on board were killed, and the airplane was destroyed. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight, which operated on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan.

HISTORY OF FLIGHT On October 30,1999, the accident airplane departed Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Los Angeles, California, as EgyptAir flight 990, destined for Cairo, with a scheduled intermediate stop at JFK. EgyptAir flight 990 landed at JFK about 2348 eastern daylight time (EDT)2 and arrived at the gate about 0010 EDT on October 31,1999. Because of the 10-hour scheduled en route flight time from JFK to Cairo, ECAR Part 121, Subpart Q, required that the accident flight have two designated flight crews (each crew consisting of a captain and first officer). According to the EgyptAir flight dispatcher who accompanied the two accident flight

http://www.ntsb.gov/Publictn/2002/aab0201 .htm


USS Harlan County Affair

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The USS Harlan County Affair by Lieutenant Commander Peter J.A. Riehm, US Navy The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not purport to reflect the position of the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense or any other government office or agency.Editor

From a balcony of the Montana Hotel over-looking Port-au-Prince harbor, UN Special Envoy Dante Caputo stood with his mouth agape, his breath gone. His eyes were fixed on the fleeting fortunes of the UN's diplomatic solution to the festering crisis in Haiti. 1 What he saw was a simple gesture, but a powerful and pervasive one. The USS Harlan County had weighed anchor and was quietly steaming out of Port-au-Prince harbor. The haze-gray hull, so small on the horizon, carried away with it the credibility of the international effort to restore democracy to Haiti. Haiti's experiment with democracy in the post-Duvalier era had been short-lived. Less than a year after becoming the freely elected president of Haiti in 1991, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was ousted by the head of his military, General Raoul Cedras. In the months that followed, the international community labored feverishly to restore elective government to Haiti. These efforts seemed to bear fruit when, in July 1993, the Organization of American States (OAS) and UN brokered the Governors Island Accords that provided for the return of Aristide from exile, the military junta members' early retirement and the lifting of international trade sanctions. The agreement also contained provisions for US and Canadian military advisers to reform the Haitian military and retrain the Haitian National Police (HNP). To implement the Governors Island Accords military provisions, the US Atlantic Command (USACOM) created Joint Task Force Haiti Assistance Group (JTF HAG) and placed US Army Colonel J.G. Pulley, then 7th Special Forces Group commander at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in command.2 JTF HAG was an ad hoc group that included various subject matter experts from all services. By August 1993, its assigned personnel converged on a makeshift headquarters set up in an obscure room in the USACOM compound at Norfolk, Virginia. Equipment and material were scarce; chairs became a precious commodity: individuals arriving at the headquarters had to wait for someone to leave before they could sit down. The assembled talent was impressive, but lacking standing operating procedures for a JTF staff and any experience in working together, staff members experienced several days of complete chaos.3 Less than a week into his command, Pulley gathered his principal players at the Norfolk Naval Base Officers Club where they laid out the overarching objectives for JTF HAG: • Separate the HNP and military. • Reform and professionalize the Haitian military. It was understood that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police would retrain the HNP.4 The planning challenge was formidable and implementation would be difficult. Real-world pressure was already bearing down on the JTF staff, as the National Command Authority (NCA) wanted President Aristide back in power by the end of October. It was imperative that JTF HAG be operating in Haiti



Haiti Declare a "War on Terrorism" against the U.S.?

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HOPEDANCE Should Haiti Declare a "War on Terrorism" against the U.S? by Steve Pitteli

On December 27, 1993, Emmanuel "Toto" Constant and his FRAPH (Revolutionary Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti) death squads began firing on the Haitian shantytown of Cite Soleil. They then circled the town with gasoline and burnt several hundred homes to the ground, forcing some fleeing residents- children included- back into their burning homes at gunpoint. Two months before this attack, in October, 1993, the U.S. navy vessel, USS Harlan County was dispatched to Haiti carrying 200 troops to ostensibly pave the way for previously ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's return to power. As the ship approached the Port-au-Prince wharf, Constant and his men staged a riot and the USS Harlan was unable to dock. As a result, the populist President's scheduled return was aborted. During Constant's three-year reign of terror, his FRAPH death squads butchered several thousand Haitian civilians. So how is it that one of the world's leading terrorists is free and living in a nice, two-story home in the quiet Laurelton neighborhood of Queens, New York? After the U.S. military entered Haiti in 1994, Constant, who by then had a criminal subpoena and a warrant for his arrest, escaped an uninspired "search" by U.S. soldiers and slipped into the U.S. on a tourist visa. He was eventually captured and placed in the custody of U.S. immigration authorities for over a year. In 1995, the Haitian government requested Constant's extradition on charges of murder, torture and arson; however the U.S. suspended his deportation, claiming that Haitian courts could not handle the extradition and instead gave Constant a green card to live and work freely in the U.S.




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CRM (202) 514-2008 TDD (202) 514-1888


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Attorney General John Ashcroft, Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff of the Criminal Division, FBI Director Robert Mueller and U.S. Attorney James Comey of the Southern District of New York announced today that two Yemeni nationals have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Manhattan for plotting al Qaeda's October 2000 attack on the USS Cole in the harbor of Aden, Yemen, in which 17 American sailors were killed. The indictment charges Jamal Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi and Fahd al-Quso with 50 counts of various terrorism offenses, including murder of U.S. nationals and murder of U.S. military personnel. Badawi was also charged with attempting with co-conspirators to attack the U.S. naval vessel the USS The Sullivans in January 2000, while that vessel was refueling in the port of Aden. The defendants, both alleged to be longtime al Qaeda associates, remain at large overseas. They had been in custody in Yemen until they escaped from prison last month. On Oct. 12, 2000, a small boat laden with high explosives pulled alongside the USS Cole in the harbor of Aden, where it had been moored for a scheduled refueling stop. Suicide terrorists detonated the bomb, ripping a 40-foot hole in the side of the Cole, killing 17 American sailors and wounding at least 40 others. The indictment charges that conspirators engineered a plot in mid-1999 to conduct an attack on U.S. navy ships that were to arrive in Aden for service and refueling. According to the indictment, Badawi, a key al Qaeda operative in Aden recruited by members of Usama bin Laden's inner circle, helped procure safehouses in Aden for the terrorists, and obtained the attack boat and the trailer and truck used to tow the boat to Aden harbor. The indictment alleges that Quso facilitated the plot to ambush the USS Cole, and prepared to film the attack from an apartment on the hills overlooking Aden Harbor. The indictment names as unindicted co-conspirators several high-ranking members of al Qaeda, some of whom have previously been charged in other terrorism indictments, including: Usama bin Laden, who allegedly planned these attacks and later praised the suicide bombers, and who has been indicted in connection with the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in East Africa; Saif al Adel, a member of al Qaeda's military committee, who allegedly participated in the planning

http://www.usdoj .gov/opa/pr/2003/May/03_crm_298.htm


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