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**<& c-U^,, Jf{ CIA BRIEFING REQUEST No. 2

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR

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Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding


The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States requests classified, informal briefings on the following topics during June 23-27^12003. The Commission will treat these briefings as "off the record." Only a limited number of Commission staff will attend the briefings.

Jamie S. Gorelick

1. The Directorate of Operations Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer

The Commission would like to receive an overview ofllUMTJ'JT* -tradccraft. Please include an assessment of the paiticulai HUMJNT1* -challenges in the field presented by the teiiuiist tluiat. In addition^ the <;hnn1H ciirvpy thf TWs nrgqniTatirm,

James R. Thompson


nnrl Philip D. Zelikow EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR •


anH cnppnrt netu/nrlfs frnm 1 QQD tn the prpcpnf

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the National Resource Division's organizational structure and operations in the U.S. and its relations with the FBI's JTTFs. 2. The Directorate of Intelligence This briefing snould/cover the tradecraft of analysis).with a particular focus on counterterronsm. It should survey the DI's organization, leadership, policy/and budget processes, regional and functional divisions, relations with other analytical entities (e.g., MR, NSA), and major publications and products from 1990 to the present. The Counterterrorist Center (CTO:


givelgiJae'tgpe'^teenl^^ would like to understand the CTC's origin, mission, and scope. Also, please survey the CTC's organizational structure and leadership (including the use of specialized task forces for collection and analysis), funding and personnel trends, and internal processes from 1990 to the present. An overview of CTC's major analytical products for internal or external use would be useful.

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


CIA Briefing Request No. 2 Page 2 ational IntelligencejgjDunciidNlC'). process and/the (please surve; 90 to/fte resent.

June/f2 j 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States requests classified, informal briefings on the following topics during June 23-27, 2003. The Commission will treat these briefings as "off the record" and has no proforcncc regarding who givoc the briefings.—Only a limited number of Commission staff will attend the briefings.

Jamie S. Gorelick

1. The Directorate of Operations Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


The Commission would like to receive an overview of HUMINT tradecraft. Please include an assessment of the particular HUMINT challenges in the field presented by the terrorist threat. In addition, the briefing should survey the DO's organization, leadership, policy and budget processes, worldwide presence (stations and bases), training facilities, and support networks from 1990 to the present. KnottyvjheCommission would bo grateful for an overview of the National Resource Division's organizational structure and operations in the U.S. and its relations with the FBI's JTTFs.

A* «-VC*»t VAX*** ,


2. The Directorate of Intelligence rtriefmg aid be helpful for the Cc regarding-the-6i. Th^riefmg should cover the tradecraft of analysis, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. Also, tho briefing should i -fsurvey the DI's organization, leadership, policy and budget processes, regional and functional divisions, relations with other analytical entities. and its major publications and products from 1990 to the present. *—Cc ** '

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3. The Counterterrorist Center (CTO: Given the CTC's central role in counterterrorism, we would like to understand the CTC's origin, mission, and scope. Also, please survey the CTC's organizational structure and leadership (including-the use of specialized task forces for collection and analysis), funding and personnel trends, and internal processes from 1990 to the present. For example, wewould appreciate receiving^n overview of what documents Uki CTC ' internal or external use*

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


CIA Briefing Request No. 2 Page 2 4. The National Intelligence Council (NIC)


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Please explain the .process-by »vhich the NIC opeidtes, iiiiludmg oveniew of the process by which National Intelligence Eatinidtcs and National Tntflliggnre- Rs . In addition, please survey the NIC's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. ('

5. Covert Action.

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Please provide an overview of the types of covert action, the C (i4"» decision making process for authorizing covcit ditioii,' and the process for executing and funding covert action. June 12, 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

• C.

Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


THROUGH: Dan Marcus Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Kevin Scheid

Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR


Briefings and Interviews Regarding CIA

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Frederick F. Fielding

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Jamie S. Oorelick


Slade Gorton

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.

John F. Lehman Timothy J. Roemer

Background Briefings.


Community Management: The organizations that perform Intelligence Community coordination (intelligence policy formulation, collection [National Intelligence Collection Board], analysis [National Intelligence Production Board], budget, financial oversight, legal review, Congressional affairs, and inspector general responsibilities).


The Intelligence Priorities Process. The process by which the Intelligence Community establishes priorities.


The Budget Process: The process by which the Intelligence Community formulates its budget.


General Counsel: Statutes, Executive Orders, and regulations governing the Intelligence Community's structure and operations.


Central Intelligence Agency.

James R. Thompson


The Directorate of Operations: Its organizational structure and processes, and the tradecraft of HUMINT.

The Directorate of Intelligence: Its organizational structure and process, and the tradecraft of analysis.

The Terrorist Threat Integration Center: Its organizational structure and processes.

The Counterterrorist Center: Its origins, organizational structure, and operations.

301 7 th Street SW, Room 5125 Washington, DC 20407 T 202.331.4060 F 202.296.5545 www.9-11 commission.gov


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding CIA

Please arrange a background briefing by the end of May 2003, to be held at the Commission's office, that covers the topics set forth below. The briefing should be held at the TS/SCI level.



Community Management: The organizations that perform Intelligence Community coordination (intelligence policy formulation, collection [National Intelligence Collection Board], analysis [National Intelligence Production Board], budget, financial oversight, legal review, Congressional affairs, and inspector general responsibilities).


The Intelligence Priorities Process. The process by which the Intelligence Community establishes priorities.


The Budget Process: The process by which the Intelligence Community formulates its budget.


The General Counsel: Statutes, Executive Orders, and regulations governing the Intelligence Community's structure and operations.


The Central Intelligence Agency.


The Directorate of Operations: Its organizational structure and processes, and the tradecraft of HUMINT.

The Directorate of Intelligence: Its organizational structure and process, and the tradecraft of analysis.

The Terrorist Threat Integration Center: Its organizational structure and processes.

The Counterterrorist Center: Its origins, organizational structure, and operations. 9/11 Closed by Statute

<~emrai intelligence Agency









May 15, 2003


Requests for Briefings, Interviews, and Documents From the Intelligence Community

Good afternoon. Kevin and I would be grateful if we can meet to discuss the process for requesting briefings, interviews, and documents from the Intelligence Community. For example, we have some questions about the relative roles of Adam Ciongoli anc_ I [and we would like to discuss our interest in receiving overview briefings about the Intelligence Community's structure and processes. Thank you.

9/11 Closed by Statute

Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice



Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding CIA

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003. B.


Community Management: Thejorganlfcations that perform L^elligence^jEommiinity co0rdination/(intelligenpe^5Sncy formulation, coUectionfNational InjfelligenorCollecflonBoarc /analysis [National Intelligence ProfluctipUaoard],/ /(^financial x' / / legal review/Cojigressional/iffaiFS^ 7 / 7 / and oversight, -inspector general responsibility s The Intelligence Priorities Process. The process by which the Intelligence Community establishes priorities. the iiudget Proce&TTThe prae€ss b\h the ComnulintyfoffnulatSesit^udget.



General Counsel: Statutes, Executive Orders, and regulations governing the Intelligence Community's structure and operations.


Central Intelligence Agency. •


The Directorate of Operations: Its organizational structure and processes, and the tradecraft of HUMINT. The Directorate ot Intelligence: Its organizational structure and process, and the tradecraft of analysis. structure afcdjjrocesses.

The Counterterrorist Center: Its origins, organizational structure, and operations.

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Lee H. Hamilton

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests briefings on the topics listed below during the week of June 23-27, 2003. Each briefing should be led by individuals in the State Department who are experts regarding the topic of the briefing. These briefings will be "off the record" and attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is the topics listed below. The briefings will be conducted at the classified level.


Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton

1. The Intelligence and Research Bureau (INR):

John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


a) INR's organizational structure from 1990 to the present, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. b) The process by which INR operates, including an overview of what documents INR produces for internal or external use. 2. Counter Terrorism (S/CD: a) S/CT's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. b) The process by which S/CT operates, including an overview of what documents S/CT produces for internal or external use.

June 12, 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-11 commission.gov


Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Lee H. Hamilton

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests briefings on the topics listed below during the week of June 23-27,2003. Each briefing should be led by individuals in the Department of Defense (DoD) who are experts regarding the topic of the briefing. These briefings will be "off the record" and attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is the topics listed below. The briefings will be conducted at the classified level.


Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


1) The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA): a) DIA's organizational structure from 1990 to the present, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. b) The process by which DIA operates, including an overview of what documents DIA produces for internal or external use. c) The Defense HUMINT Service's organizational structure and processes from 1990 to the present, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. 2) The Office of the Secretary of Defense:

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a) The functions of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight. b) The functions of the Deputy General Counsel for Intelligence. c) The functions of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity conflict.

June 12, 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Lee H. Hamilton

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests briefings on the topics listed below during the week of June 23-27, 2003. Each briefing should be led by individuals in the NSA who are experts regarding the topic of the briefing. These briefings will be "off the record" and attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is the topics listed below. The briefings will be conducted at the classified level.


Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer

1. The NSA's overall organizational structure. 2. The Signals Intelligence Division's organizational structure from 1990 to the present.

James R. Thompson

June 12, 2003 Philip D. Zelikow

Dan Marcus General Counsel


TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


CIA Briefing Request No. 2 Page 2 4. The Counterterrorist Center a) The CTC's origin b) The CTC's organizational structureJro'm 1990 to the present. / , ' c) The process by which the CTC operates, including an overview of ^ what documents the CTC produces for internal or external use. 5. The National Intelligence Council (NIO. a) The NIC's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. b) The process by which the NIC operates, including an overview of the process by which National Intelligence Estimates and Special National Intelligence Estimates are ordered, researched, drafted, and cleared. 6. Covert Action. a) The types of covert action. b) The decision-making process by which covert action is authorized. c) The process by which covert action is executed, including June 12, 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton


/ The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests briefings on the topics listed below during the week of June 23-27, 2003. Each briefing should be led by individuals in the CIA and/or the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence who are experts regarding the topic of the briefing. These briefings will be "off the record" and attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is the topics listed below. The briefings will be conducted at the classified level.

John Lehman

The Intelligence Priorities Process: Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


The process by which the Intelligence Community established priorities and requirement^ftom 1990 to the present. The functioning of tl^National Intelligence Collection Board from 1990 to the^pfesent. The functmaing of the National intelligence Production Board from-1990 to the present. The Directorate of Operations (DO): Tho tradocraft of HUMBTT, with a pai'tlculai focUii on b) The DO's organizatioiyrf'strvicture. from 1990 to the present. procooo by which tho DO operatoo, including an what docnmfntR the PO produces fcr The National Resource Division's organizational structure and operationsJrom 1990 to the picseift. 3. The Directorate of Intelligence (DD: a) The tradecraft of analysis, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. The DI's organizationa^9tructur»from 1990 to the present. The process by whichjthe DI operates, including an overview o: I producoo for irftcuidl m LAtunal wo*

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 yT * l-llcommission.go'


Thomas H. Kean



Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States requests a follow-up discussion as soon as possible, not later than June 12, 2003, with a group of appropriate CIA experts on the development and evolution of al Qaeda as a terrorist entity. This would be "off the record," attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is this issue. We would like to meet with members of the DCI Review Group and the Counterterrorism Center, together with any other appropriate Agency experts as determined by the Agency. We envision an informal discussion rather than a formal briefing. It would be directed at information obtained by the United States, not on the means and methods by which it was obtained. We see no reason why any information on U.S. covert actions need arise in this discussion.

James R. Thompson

Among the issues we will discuss are: Philip D. Zelikow EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR


Current thinking on whether major terrorist attacks from the early and mid 1990s, including the first World Trade Center bombing and the aborted Bojinka plot, were al Qaeda operations. For example, was Ramzi Yousef an al Qaeda operative, and, if so, when did he become such?


Al Qaeda's development and evolution, including various ties with other foreign terrorist organizations worldwide. We are interested in obtaining as comprehensive a picture as possible on the extent and nature of these links, from al Qaeda's early days through its development and evolution while headquartered in Sudan and Afghanistan.


State sponsorship of al Qaeda. In addition to the obvious examples of Sudan and Afghanistan during the periods that al Qaeda was headquartered in those countries, there have been allegations that foreign governments, in particular Iraq and/or Iran, or elements of such governments, have supported al Qaeda or turned a blind eye to its operations. We are interested in an assessment of this issue.


Al Qaeda and non-conventional weapons of mass destruction. We are interested in discussing the history and development of al Qaeda's attempts to develop or obtain biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear weapons. TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcomrnission.gov

CIA Briefing Request No. 1 Page 2

The DCI Review Group informed us at its May 20, 2003, off-the-record briefing of Commission staff that (1) the Commission would be provided access to a CIA-prepared chronology of events relating to the evolution of al Qaeda; and (2) the DCI Review Group would prepare a selected bibliography of classified analytical assessments. We intend to use these materials to focus the discussion that is the subject of this request, and thus will need to receive them before the meeting. As the DCI Review Group is scheduled to brief the Commission on June 5, 2003, we believe our shared interests are best served if you can provide these documents to the Commission by that date. May 30, 2003

Daniel Marcus General Counsel

. /V^tiW^i



Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Vem'ste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests briefings on the topics listed below during the week of June 23-27, 2003. Each briefing should be led by individuals in the CIA and/or the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence who are experts regarding the topic of the briefing. These briefings will be "off the record" and attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is the topics listed below. The briefings will be conducted at the classified level.

John Lehman

1. The Intelligence Priorities Process: Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


a) The process by which the Intelligence Community established priorities and requirements from 1990 to the present. b) The functioning of the National Intelligence Collection Board from 1990 to the present. c) The functioning of the National intelligence Production Board from 1990 to the present. 2. The Directorate of Operations (DO): a) The tradecraft of HUMINT, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. b) The DO's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. c) The process by which the DO operates, including an overview of what documents the DO produces for internal or external use. d) The National Resource Division's organizational structure and operations from 1990 to the present. 3. The Directorate of Intelligence (DP: a) The tradecraft of analysis, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. b) The DI's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. c) The process by which the DI operates, including an overview of what documents the DI produces for internal or external use.

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


CIA Briefing Request No. 2 Page 2 4. The Counterterrorist Center (CTC): a) The CTC's origin and purpose. b) The CTC's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. c) The process by which the CTC operates, including an overview of what documents the CTC produces for internal or external use. 5. The National Intelligence Council (NIC). >'' a) The NIC's organizational structure from 1990 to the present. b) The process by which the NIC operates, including an overview of the process by which National Intelligence Estimates and Special National Intelligence Estimates are ordered, researched, drafted, and cleared. 6. Covert Action. a) The types of covert action. b) The decision-making process by which covert action is authorized. c) The process by which covert action is executed, including June 12, 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

Thomas H. Kean CHAIR


Lee H. Hamilton VICE CHAIR

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests briefings on the topics listed below during the week of June 23-27,2003. Each briefing should be led by individuals in the Department of Defense (DoD) who are experts regarding the topic of the briefing. These briefings will be "off the record" and attended by a limited number of Commission staff whose dominant focus is the topics listed below. The briefings will be conducted at the classified level.

Richard Ben-Veniste Max Cleland Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson


1) The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA): a) DIA's organizational structure from 1990 to the present, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. b) The process by which DIA operates, including an overview of what documents DJA produces for internal or external use. c) The Defense HUMINT Service's organizational structure and processes from 1990 to the present, with a particular focus on counterterrorism. 2) The Office of the Secretary of Defense: a) The functions of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight. b) The functions of the Deputy General Counsel for Intelligence. c) The functions of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity conflict.

June 12, 2003

Dan Marcus General Counsel

TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 www.9-1 lcommission.gov


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