T1 B24 Doug M Misc Unclassified Fdr- Untitled 1924 To 10-02 Timeline 590

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Download & View T1 B24 Doug M Misc Unclassified Fdr- Untitled 1924 To 10-02 Timeline 590 as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 15
Date 1924

Event Abolition of caliphate in Turkey (AST 57) Hassan al-Banna starts Muslim Brotherhood (AST 57) Jamaat I-Islami organized in India by Maududi MB begins attacking British and Jewish businesses to accelerate Britiains withdrawal from Egypt and protest Jewish settlement in Paliestine; King Farouk orders MB dismantled MB assassinates Farouk' s prime minister Nuqrashi Pasha Egypt arranges murder of Hassan alBanna, founder of MB Gamal Abdel Nasser deposes King Farouk in military coup

1928 1941 1948

1948 1949 1952

Seclarist regime that relied on Islamic groups and symbols; MB established tactical alliance but had the two had irreconcilable visions of Egypt's future (AST 61) MB attempt on Nasser's life; hundreds Qutb "fused together the core elements of modern Islamism." of MB jaikd^Jojlursd^executed, including'Sayyid QutbJ ^^~ (AST 62) UBLborn^ UBL's father killed in plane crash Business passes to eldest brother, Salem


1957 1967

1970 / r-f-


Dismantled Nasser's domestic rprpgram^and initiated ecnomic i ' r '' »;•••"' ' 4 r ••',:; liberalization, which was opposed in universities where activists were still ,.:.,« . ^ committed to Nasser's pan- Arab socialism. To counter the opposition, Sadat lifted legal ,restrictions^an4 %e,ased polic pressure ' . - ' - ' A - -, ,-'. „' • -• ; , . ,/V" r;-.p" on Islamic student unions, which he believed would drive the Naaserists out of the universities thro.ugh propaganda and physical violence. f , •. - _This strategenVlike Farouk' s use of the MB, succeeded in the short run. - .1 • • ,r .-»• Over the longer term, Sadat's tactics ^nurtured terrorist: groups for whom kicking the Iftists off campus was

Sadat succedes nasser 'Kc

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Event -


Soviets invade Afghanistan

*MJ^ 11/4/79 4/18/83

Iran takes hostages at U.S. embassy in Tehran Bombing of U.S. embassy in Beirut

10/23/83 Hizbollah uses car bomb to attack Marine barracks in Beirut. 241 marines killed 12/12/83 U.S. Embassy in Kuwait bombed

2/84 3/16/84

U.S. forces begin to leave Lebanon CIA station chief William Buckley kidnapped in Beirut

Notes just the beginning [similarities to Saudi Arabia] Sadat rehabilitated Rahman, when he was trying to use Islamic opposition in the battle against the left UBL visited Afghanistan and met Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, leading Islamic ideologist of the campain against the Soviets (AST 99) Hizbollah, receiving help from Iran and Syria. No military response

Frontline timeline: 'The suspects were thought to be members of Al Dawa, or "The Call," an Iranianbacked group and one of the principal Shiite groups operating against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. The U.S. military took no action in retaliation. In Kuwait, 17 people were arrested and convicted for participating in the attacks. One of those convicted was Mustafa Youssef Badreddin, a cousin and brother-in-law of one of Hezbollah's senior officers, Imad Mnghniyah. After a six-week trial in Kuwait, Badreddin was sentenced to death for his role in the bombings." Frontline Timeline: U.S. officials believed that the Iranian-backed Hezbollah was behind most of the kidnappings and the Reagan administration devised a covert plan. Iran was desperately running out of military supplies in its war with Iraq, but Congress had banned the sale of American arms to countries like Iran that sponsored terrorism. Reagan




Azzam and UBL join forces, established Maktab al-Khidmat (Services Bureau)

Notes was advised that a bargain could be struck — secret arms sales to Iran, hostages back to the U.S. The plan, when it was revealed to the public, was decried as a failure and anathema to the U.S. policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists. In August 1985, the first consignment of arms to Iran was sent... [Three hostages released.] Since the funds from the arms sales to Iran were secretly, and illegally, funneled to the U.S.-backed Contras fighting to overthrow the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, the infamous episode became known as the "IranContra affair." Services Bureau set up a recruiting network for fighters, brought them to Peshawar, put them up in the organization's guesthouses and dispatched them to training camps. Azzam ran Services Bureau; UBL funded it One of first offices was Atlantic Avenue; Azzam sent Mustapha Shalabi to run it


Bombing of U.S. Embassy annex northeast of Beirut

According to HWI, UBL virtually deputized as recruiter-in-chief- for Afghan fight by Prince Turki alFaisal, intel chief (HWI 55) Frontline timeline: "According to the U.S. State Department's 1999 report on terrorist organizations, elements of Hezbollah are "known or suspected to have been involved" in the bombing.The U.S. mounted no military response to the embassy annex bombing, but it did begin to explore covert operations in Lebanon."

Date 12/3/84

Event Hijacking of Kuwait Airways Flight 221

Notes Frontline timeline: "The hijackers demanded the release of the Kuwait 17. When the demand wasn't met, the hijackers killed two American officials from the U.S. Agency for International Development. On the sixth day of the drama, Iranian security forces stormed the plane and released the remaining hostages. Iran arrested the hijackers, saying they would be brought to trail. But the trial never took place, and the hijackers were allowed to leave the country. There was no U.S. military response. . . . Later press reports linked Hezbollah's Imad Mughniyah to the hijackings"


Hijacking of TWA Flight 847

Frontline timeline: "In what was widely perceived as an implicit, never explicit, quid pro quo, the hostages started being released by the hijackers, followed some days after by Israel starting to free some of its hundreds of Shiite prisoners. At the time, U.S. officials denied there was a deal and said Israel had already committed to releasing the prisoners. Imad Mughniyah, a senior officer with Hezbollah, was secretly indicted for the TWA hijacking in 1987, along with three others."


Hijacking of Achille Lauro

Frontline timeline: After the hijackers escaped the Achille Lauro and left Egypt by air, U.S. Navy fighters intercepted their plane and forced it down in Italy, The four hijackers were apprehended, and in 1986, they were found guilty in an Italian court. Two of the hijackers escaped from prison. One, Magid alMolgi, who confessed to killing Mr. Klinghoffer, was caught and returned to prison. The man




Airports in Rome and Vienna bombed,

1985 4/5/86

Ali Mohamed leaves Egypt Bombing of La Belle Disco in Berlin


Ali Mohamed enlists in US mlitary

12/21/88 Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 Lockerbie

1988 1989 1989

Salem bin Laden killed in plane crash Last of Soviet troops leave Afghanistan UBL begins organizing group that would become AQ

Notes identified as the mastermind of the hijacking, Abu Abbas, was released by Italy despite Washington's pleas that he be held for trial. Frontline timeline: US. officials said they were able to link Libya to the bombing attacks Frontline Timeline: After U.S. intelligence intercepted Libyan government communications implicating Libya in the La Belle disco attack, President Reagan ordered retaliatory air strikes on Tripoli and Benghazi While delivering the occasional lecture on Middle East politics and culture, alsom smuggled out classified documents, including training manuals that later turned up hi Nosair's apartment. Frontline Timeline: According to the State Department's "Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1991," released in April 1992, the bombing of Pan Am 103 "was an action authorized by the Libyan Government." Though there were reports that Syria and Iran also played significant roles in the attack, U.S. officials were never able to tie the two countries to the bombing.

Al-Zawahiri, #2 man and chief ideologist; Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri, former Egyptian police fficer, became military chief; Mohammad Atef/Abu Hafs al-Masry, deputy chief of operations; Mamduh Salim/Abu Hajer al Iraqi, everything fro finances to weapons procurement;


Event -


UBL returns to Saudi Arabia while AW remained in its camps in Afghanistan and its guesthouses in Pakistan (AST 105)


Azzam and two sons killed by car bomb in Peshawar

1989 1989

1989 1990


t }1990

7/90 8/7/90

Notes Abu anas, computer specialist; Abu Musab Reuter, media Specalisit; Abu Musaz al-Masry, interpretation of dreams. (AST 104-05)

Azzam through next step would be to fight Israel; UBL disagreed, preferring, like the Egyptian jihadist, to focus on jahili Muslim regimes. (AST 103) Azzam visits convention sponsored by Wadih El Hage met Mahmud Muslim Arab Youth Association and Abouhalima at convention I AP in Oklahoma Coup in Sudan by Hassan al-Turabi Al-Turabi had been leader of MB in and military officer brings militarySudan in 1960's; after the coup Islamist regime to power Sudan flung its doors open to extremist organizations from all over (AST 110) Ali Mohamed leaves U.S. military (AST 124) Beginning of AQ migration to Sudan. Delegation of 4 AQ leaders, including Abu Hajer traveled to Sudan to meet with NIF offiicals; returned to Afghanistan and vouched for Khartoum gov't; UBL stays in Saudi Arabia until 1991 Meeting in Sudan between UBL and Imad Mughniya, Hezbollah's chief terrorist and the architect of the major strikes against American in the 1980's. (AST 127) Mahgoub, speaker of Egypt's parliament, assassinated; AGAI/Blind Sheikh responsible Beginning of crackdown on Islamists Blind Sheikh moves from Egypt to Sudan and then to new York. 1st US troops arrive in Saudi Aranbia

"An oft-reported story tells of bin Laden offering to put his Arab Afghans at the Saudi government to


Event -

Notes defend the country against Saddam Hussein, who to jihadists, represented the works kind of Muslim - a blaspheming archnationalist. The government declined, instead putting itself in the hands of the U.S. military." (AST 106) Slaughter of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims


Beginning of breakup of Yugoslavia


Kherchtou goes to training camp Pakistan (AST 125) Mustapha Shalabi dead in apartment Shalabi also prefered "Palestine in New York; Wadih El Hage Next" strategy; probably killed like summoned to NY to take over the Azzam; Rahman also suspected of Maktab al-Khidmat/Serviees Bureau having a hand in his death (104) "letter of Demands" petition signed by "The al-Saud worked to rebottle the genie of antiregime Islamism by Islamic scholars presented to King Fahd (AST 107) using increasingly unhappy senior ulema to pressure the younger ones and having the security services intimidate them." (AST 108) UBL leaves Saudi Arabia; goes first to Sets up al-Hijra construction Afghanistan then to Sudan. company, which undertook projects for the gov't of Sudan, invested Ali Mohamed helps transport UBL heavily in al-Shamal bank, etc. (AST from Afghanistan to Sudan and taught 111) intelligence method. Close realtinship with NIF; gov't gave AQ couple of hundred valid Sudanese passports; members of the group were effectively detailed to the Sudanese authorities to help coordinate the immigration of Islamist radicals, serving as a vetting office to try to prevent unwanted foreign agents from gaining entry under cover." (AST 11 2) Algerians vote overwhelming for Rise of GIA Islamic Slvation Front (FIS); army sets results aside; rise of GIA "off-shore subsidiary, with proven, Beginning of AQ's presence on the secure channels for moving money ground in Nairobi (AST 26) and identification documents from phony charitable organizations that




Late 1991 1992




Blind Sheikh calls 810604 in Pakistan


Ramzi Yousef and Ahmad Ajaj arrive in NY from Pakistan; Ajaj is detained at the border. Yousef is carrying an Iraqi passport that arouses suspicion; asks for asylum. Yousef is photographed, fingerprinted, given a date to appear in court and disappears.

Notes gave its people an ostensible reason for being in the city." (AST 26-27) Ramzi Yousef later calls this same number Yousef moves into apartment with Mohammed Salameh, member of the Farouq Mosque jihad group. Contacted Mahmud Abouhalima (Mahmud the Red), man who drove the getaway car that Nosair missed; Eventually joined byNidal Ayyad,, Eyad Ismoil, Abdul Rahman Yasin Yousef met Ajaj at Khalen

12/92 12/92 1993

1/25/93 2/26/93 3/4/93 4/93

Yemeni extremists bomb hotl in Aden where American troops supporting the UN mission in Somalia were billeted US forces arrive in Somalia AQ moves weapons stocks form Afghanistan to East Africa

When Ajaj entered US he was found carrying a bomb manual that, government translators said, had 'The Basic Rule" written on the cover and had been complied in 1982 in Amman. Manual sholud have been translated as "The Base" al-Qaeda and had actually been publishedin 1989 in Afghanistan. (AST 235), citing NYT 1/14/01, "One Man and a Global Web of Violence" First violent act against Americans that has been linked to UBL; no hard evidence (AST 234)

UBL buys used aircraft through Essam Plane was to be used to ferry al-Ridi, who was living in Texas. Stingers and other missiles Mir Amal Kansi shooting at CIA HQ WTC I bomb FBI interviews Abdul Rahman Yasin and releases him; Yasin flies to Jordan, then Iraq Kuwaiti security services uncover Iraqi plot to kill former President Bush with car bomb during his visit to Kuwait

Date 5/93

6/26/03 7


92-93 6/93 6/23/93

Event Blind Sheikh asked whether the UN Building and FBI HQ in NY would be illicit targets (AST) US launches 23 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Baghdad, destroying Iraqi intelligence headquarters (AST 222)

Ali Mohammed summoned back from Africa to be interviewed by FBI in connection with case against Blind Shekh FBI's relationship with Terrstop informant Emad Sem suspended Preparations for Day of Terror began in Queens safe house (AST 19) FBI agents raid Queens safe house

9/93 11/93 Late 1993

Oslo peace accords Killing of US troops in Somalia UBL sends Ali Mohammed to Nairobi


First Chechen war starts (1994-1996)


Attempt on UBL's life (more?) Ali Mohammed summoned to train UBL's bodyguards. (AST 124)

1994 4/94

Founding of the Taliban Creation of Committee for Defense of Legitimate Rights in London - leading source of criticism of Saudi Regime (AST 131) Saudi Arabi revokes UBL's



First time Clinton Administration used military force and the 1st such U.S. retaliation against terrorists since Reagan attacked Tripli in 1986 after the La Belle Discotheque bombing in Berline Convinces FBI he can be useful as informant (AST 236)

Bureau lost interest? (AST 18)

Indictment for seditious conspiracy; Nosair also indicted on federal changes for the Kahane killing

Mohammed cased American embassy as well as USAID, French embassy, French Cultural Center, and British and Israeli targets. Brought back photographs, diagrams and report. (AST 130) AQ created a pipeline for fighters and material that ran through Ankara into Azerbaijan. NGO was founded in Baku to give cover to AQ operations; fighters smuggled into Russian Dagestan then on to Chechnya.(AST113)

Date 3/94 8/94

Event citizenship U.S. withdraws from Somalia 2d Kenyan cell created in Mombasa


AH Mohamed traveled to Djibouti to conduct surveillance on US and French embassies and French military installations;


Group of salafis in Jordan launches series of bombings and plans to murer leading government officials and diplomats negotiating with Israel (AST 190) Woolsey fired as DCI after mishandling of Ames case



Mohammed Odeh and Mohammad Atef set up business in Mombasa (AST 130) Later that year Mohamed and Kherchtou ordered to Senegal to observe facilities there. Trip scratched when Mohamed learned Fbi wanted to interview him for Blind Sheik's trial. Returned to US, talked to FBI — lies and partial truths. Told Atef about then FBI interview; Atef said not to return to Nairobi to avoid leading FBI to AQ (AST 131)

Out of the next 30 months, CIA without Senate-confirmed director for a full year. No confirmed DCI for 30 months. Deutch residend 12/96; Lake nominated but withdrew 3/97




AUSA Pat Fitzgerald examines Khaled Ibrahim about UBL - one of the earliest in public by any official of the name bin Laden. (AST 234-35) Philippine Air Line flight from Manila to Tokyo explodes, killing Japanese passenger (AST 23)

Philippines police discover Bojinka plot through apartment fire at Josefa House (AST 20)


Yousef had assembeld bomb in the bthroom during ht efirst leg of the trip, taped it under a seat and disembarked during stopover in Cebu. (AST 23) Found laptop belonging to Ramzi Yousef; fusing system found in apartment matched WTC I fuse; business card belonging to Mohammed Jamal Khalif, UBL broin law, believed to be cofounder of Abu Sayyaf; Khalifa paid for the





One of Yousef s operatives stops before going through security in Bangkok, pours explosive down the drain and provides tip that led to Yousef (AST 25) Ramzi Yousef captured OKC bombing AGAI attempted assassination of Mubarak in Ethiopia EIJ truck bomb into gate of Egyptian embassy in Islamabad Aum Shinrikyo releases sarin in the Tokyo subway Clinton signs PDD-39


OPM/SANG bomb in Saudi Arabia


Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 bans fundraising for groups that support terrorist organizations and creates Alien Terrorist Removal Court Jordanian group Obeisance to the Leader targets royal family of Jordan (AST 190) Virtual UBL station created at CIA (AST 243) U.S withdraws all official personnel Ambassador Tim Carney moved to from Khartoum (AST 245) Nairobi and monitored Sudan Carney and another State Department Erwa said Sudan was ready to expel official, with reps of 1C met with bin Laden and send him to Saudi Elfatih Erwa, senior Sudanese official. Arabia but Saudi' s wouldn't take him back.

• 2/7/95 4/19/95 6/95 10/95 3/20/95

1996 1996 2/96 3/3/96

Notes apartment Who provided tip? Did he become an informant?

"Zawahiri apperas to have played a key role" (AST 132) "First major step toward centralizing control over federal counterterrorism policy in the White House." Rise of Dick Clarke — made first national coordinator for terrorism in PDD 62 (AST 230-32) Five months later Prince Nayif announced four suspects were charged; suspects ched UBL as influence. US never got a chance to question suspects. (AST 242)

Press reports that Sudan prepared to hand UBL to US; Clarke and CSG decided they couldn't take him 11



. 5/18/96 6/25/96 1996


UBL evicted from Sudan; goes to Afghanistan (AST 247) Khobar Towers bombing Al-Fadl approaches a number of countries with information about UBL and Sudan, eventually walks into American embassy somewhere and announces he has information about impending terrorist attacks Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri drowns in a ferry accident (AST 138)


Notes because he had not yet been indicted and DOJ had no grounds to hold him. (AST 246-47) UBL publishes first fatwa Iran considered responsible; Saudis unwilling to allow FBI access to suspects (AST 225) Al Fadl left Sudan after UBL discovered he took illicit commissions What information did Al Fadl provide? What did US do with Al Fadl's information?


FBI searches Wadi El Hage's office in Need to follow up Nairobi (AST 236) First meeting between UBL and 3/97 Mullah Omar (AST 138) Tenet confirmed as DCI 7/97 Attack on Europian tourists and 11/97 Egyptians by AGAI at Luxor 1998 Rebellion in Uzbekistan under Juma Namangani, hed of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (AST 207) Jordanian group Reform and 1998 Challenge Group goes on spree of bombing and arson attacks against luxury hotel, American school, and police installations (AST 190) 2/98 Al-Owhali sent to receive additional (approx) training; Khalfan Khan Mohammed asked if he wanted to do a jihad job (AST 150) AST: Most of the surveillance 2/23/98 Second fatwa (?) - Declaration of Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders - 6 photos and diagrams had been stored on computer disks for several years; months before Embassy Bombings Nairobi cell operative since 1992 (26). Plans known as Operation Kaaba (structure at the cetner of the Grand Mosque in Mecca) and Operation al-Aqsa (the mosue in





Azzam approached Mohammed alOwhali in Afghan camps and asked if he was still interested in a mission. Azam and al-Owhali sent to Kabul for training, then Yemen to lie low. Sealed indictment of UBL (AST 239)


Notes Jerusalem).


Azzam and Al-Owhali recalled t Afghanistan and informed about the details of the operation (AST 29)


Embassy bombings - In Nairobi, AlOwhali leaves; Azzam detonates the bomb.


IMU declares war in Uzbekistan by detonating 6 car bombs in Tashkent


"Very few people knew about this indictment.... Thu, as a practical matter, the indicuemtn — and the considerable brain work that had gone into producing it - could haven o discernible effect on U.S. national security planning." Worried about State Department and Sandy Berger finding out [why?] (AST 239) Two made videotapes, farewell statements and flew from Pakistan to Kenya at the beginning of August (AST 29) 8 anniversary of the arrival of US troops in Saudi Arabia Hub was in Afghanistan, where UBL's "peripatentic entourage and phalanx of technicians worked out the plans and chose the teams. The cells in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, and London would handle communications and publicity. Nairobi was the key point of production and delivery; locations in Germany, Yemen and elsewhere would play supporting roles. And, like a team from McKinsey or boston Consulting, a traveling group of experts would descent upon Bairobi and Dar to oversee the management of the critical parts of the process." (AST 27) Ggovernment cracks down; government "unable or unwilling to distinguish between ordinary Sunni Muslims and the Wahhabis and Deobandis who were in league with the militants. Support for the rebels



Summer 1999

Jordanians break up Millennium plot —Radisson Hotel in Amman; attack at Mount Nebo. Found 71 containers of sulfuric acid and nitric acid at safe house Namangani of the IMU strikes deal for UBL supplies tactical helicopters arms and bases with UBL and Taliban and $20 million in cash. Mullah Omar gave Namangani persmission to establish bases in Afgh and carry out operations from there into Uzbekistan. In return the IMU would fight with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance. (AST 207)

Winter 1999

Notes grew accordingly." (AST 207) Jordanians hear Abu Zubayda give his contact in Amman the order to carry out the attack

Namangani later killedin Mazar -eSharif Failed attempt to sink the USS The Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri 1/00 Sullivans (AST 32) Thought to be behind plot ((Fox News 11/23/02) 10/00 USS Cole attacked Al-Nashiri believed to be mastermind (Fox News 1 1/23/02) 12/00 Hambali's Jemaah Islamian launches^ Hambali's Singapore cells series of bombings in JakarnrSTKuala coordinated directly with AQ leaders Lumpur ~ / in Afghanistan. CIA operatives found plans for one attack along jpt*^ with a surveillance video in the ruins of Atef s house. 12/00 Malaysia Meeting - Hazmi, Mihdhar, Khallad, Hambali at Sufaat's apartment 2/6/01 Al Fadl testifies at embassy bombings trial 9/11/01 WTC and Pentagon attacks 10/7/01 Video broadcast showing UBL and Zawahiri(AST159) 12/13/01 Jaish e-Mohammed attacks Indian parliament in New Delhi 2/02 Bomb detonated in car belonging to the wife of Jordan's chief antiterrorism officer, who ran the millennium plot investigation. (AST 190) 6/14/02 Car bomb at American consulate in Karachi (AST 203)


Date 10/02

Event Bali resort bombing



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