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  • Words: 2,543
  • Pages: 10


Lecturer’s Name

E-mail address

Arga Hananto Ledi Trialdi Dian Nastiti/Ratna Dewi Antarina Wasilah Miranti Kartika Dewi Nurul Husnah Sonya Oktaviana Agung Nugroho Uswatun Hasanah/Muthia Pramesti Wardatul Adawiyah Annisa

Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion Role and Purposes

Introduction to Business Communication and Academic Writing 3 -

This course aims to equip students with basic communication skills as they embark on their study in university. This course is designed to prepare students with the ability to read and listen effectively so that students may get a better understanding on the information they received. By getting a good understanding of information, students are expected to be able to give a good respond by firstly understanding the information they have received. Secondly, students will learn how to think analytically so they can make a conclusion and come up with their own idea based on the information they have received. Lastly, to communicate their idea effectively, students will be introduced to strategies for effective written and oral communication. In order to organize their writings and to create attractive visual aids, students will also be introduced to use several software used to improve their written and oral communication skill. At the end of this course, students are expected to comprehend various strategies for effective written and oral communication to be used in their classes as well as to be practiced in their extra-curricular activities as university students.

Reading Skill Listening R Skill Observing Non Verbal Language

Thinking Skill Comprehension


Writing Skill Oral R Presentation Skill

Feeling / Emotional Regulation Non Verbal Communication

Subject Learning Upon completion of the subject, students are expected to: Outcomes Have a Good Basic Written Communication skill, by being: a. Able to use some strategies for effective reading b. Able to use some strategies for effective written communication  Able to develop topic/main idea/focus of the essay/report  Able to organize idea logically in paragraphs and connect them with effective transition  Able to use good sentence structure  Able to use appropriate language, correct spelling, and grammar  Able to provide supporting ideas/reasoning/details relevant to the idea  Able to use appropriate academic rules (referencing systems, etc.) and format in writing essay/report  Able to apply Audience Centered Approach in their writing assignments

Have a Good Basic Oral Communication Skills, by being: c. Able to use some strategies for effective listening and note taking d. Able to use some strategies for effective presentation  Able to introduce their presentation in a clear and interesting way  Able to deliver content with logical structure  Able to organize their ideas in a presentation  Able to use presentation techniques (body language, facial expression, etc.) appropriately  Able to develop and use of visual aids or technology  Able to manage their voice and pace appropriately  Able to apply Audience Centered Approach in their presentation

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus




Topic and Sub Topic

Introduction 1. Four aspects of communication -> How those 4 skills are related and how students are expected to be after completing the course 2. Communication Process  Why is communication important?  What is effective communication?  Communication Model (stages, barrier, model) Communication in different settings: Intrapersonal Communication (listening, reading, thinking)  Interpersonal communication (counseling, specific situation)  Group Communication (Discussion and Presentation)  Mass Communication (public speaking skill)  Intercultural communication Reading Skill Thinking Skill Analytical Thinking Matching (Compare & contrast) Classifying Analysis of error Generalization Specifying


Assignment / Activity

Reading Materials

a, b, c

Lecturer: Introduction, Explain the syllabus, group formation, active lecturing

Bovee {1-3} AR

Assignment : Free Essay (Eg. Opinion essay about Communication – 5 paragraphs / 2 pages)

Due Date: Week 2

Submission: Free Essay Week 1 Lecturers may use collaborative learning or small group discussion for reading and thinking skill exercise in the class. Lecturer will act as facilitator to facilitate the discussion in the class. Assignment: Working in group, students need to answer the following question: What does it takes to be an entrepreneur?  after analyzing some entrepreneurs’ biography

Material for reading skill and Thinking skill practice is available in the Dropbox (for lecturers only)


Class Discussion: Thinking Skill Presentation from each group.


Three Steps of Writing Process Planning, writing, revising: What to do? -

Lecturers make sure students have applied analytical thinking steps in answering the question in week 2, and give feedback on their analysis.

Marzano Other Critical Thinking resources

Assignment: Students are required to develop an idea based on two or more sources of information and apply thinking skill to develop their own idea for Draft Mid Term essay topic.

Types of Essay: Compare and Contrast Essay, Opinion and Argument

Feedback on Free Essay Assignment: -


Three Steps of Writing Process (2) Feedback and discussion on idea for mid term essay


Idea and outline for Draft Mid Term Essay

Submission: -

Idea and outline for Draft Mid Term Essay

Bovee Raimes

Active Lecturing Class Activities: Evaluating Idea and Idea Organization for Draft Mid Term Essay Assignment: Draft Mid Term Essay Due Date: week 5 5

Data commentary (Hedging/weaken statement) i. ii. iii. iv.


Reducing likelihood Softening generalization Using weaker verbs Combining hedging methods

Submission: Draft Mid Term Essay


Active lecturing Assignment: Writing Data Commentary

Due Date: Week 6 6

Rules of Academic Essay: Plagiarism and some issues with ethic in Academic writing (how to use proper citation and quotation and bibliography)


Submission: Data Commentary Feedback on Draft Mid Term Essay Active lecturing Assignment: Writing Mid Term Essay Due Date: Mid Term Week

Rector Decree on Final Assignment Swales


Ethics and Etiquette in communication in business


Raimes Bovee

Listening Skills 1. Empathic listening 2. Notetaking skills Students are required to apply Listening Skill in Lecture 7 MID TERM WEEK – Students are required to submit an Essay which was developed from their previous free essay. The Mid Term Essay is expected to be of 1500 words length (approx..4 - 5 pages length, excluding bibliography and attachments). Students are expected to apply all strategies that have been learned in the class: Thinking Skill, Audience Centered Approach, Rules of Academic Essay and Data Commentary in their Mid Exam Essay. Computer Lab: Technical Skill in writing / presenting academic essay*: Words for Large Documents: Table of Content Mendeley (for Citation and Bibliography) Infographics Power Point and Prezi The lab can be taken by students during the first half semester based on schedule available in the computer lab. 8

Communication in 21st Century - Digital Media (Virtual meeting, Email, instant messaging, text messaging, website content) - Social Media (social network, blogging, wikies)


Active lecturing


In-class exercise: writing a note (notetaking exercise) Feedback on Data Commentary (if possible – via dropbox / scele) Assignment:

By Guest Lecturer 9

Presentation Techniques 1 (conceptual)  Applying three steps in Presentation.  Non Verbal Aspects (gesture, eye contact, facial expression) Students are asked to discuss the topic for their final project in a group: A Collaborative Special Report/ Campaign / Business Proposal

Note Taking c,d

Submission: Notes from Guest Lecture presentation Active lecturing Small Group Discussion to prepare the collaborative project. Students are asked to make timeline for their project and brainstorm about the topic for their group special report. Assignment: Students are asked to prepare their group presentation

Bovee 16-17


Group Presentation Practice 1:


Non Presenting Group are asked to take notes and give comment/questions/feedback

The first half of groups will deliver their presentation and are given feedback focusing on the CONTENT of the presentation (Idea Development  Analytical Thinking Skill).


The lecturer may also give individual feedback for each team member’s presentation skills (intended to prepare students for graded individual presentation on session 12) Group Presentation Practice 2:




Individual Presentation 2 (GRADED) The second half of students will deliver their presentation and are given feedback focusing on the DELIVERY of the presentation. This presentation will be graded and will be part of student’s assessment

Students are required to present their Mid Exam Essay Non Presenting students are asked to give comment/questions/feedback

The first half of students will deliver their presentation and are given feedback focusing on the DELIVERY of the presentation. This presentation will be graded and will be part of student’s assessment 13

Group Presentation Non Presenting Group are asked to take notes and give comment/questions/feedback

The second half of groups will deliver their presentation and are given feedback focusing on the CONTENT of the presentation (Idea Development  Analytical Thinking Skill) The lecturer may also give individual feedback for each team member’s presentation skills (intended to prepare students for graded individual presentation on session 12) Individual Presentation 1 (GRADED)

Group Presentation


Students are required to present their Mid Exam Essay Non Presenting students are asked to give comment/questions/feedback




Students in groups are asked to submit their magazine / blogs / Poster or any media they use for their special report/ campaign / business proposal

Lecturers give final grade based on presentation rubric for each students


Assignment Instruction

Free Essay/Draft Mid Term Essay/Data Commentary: Summary/Essay is an individual assignment, microsoft word document, using 12 font Times New Roman, 1. 5 spacing, medium margin, A4 letter – with maximum 2 pages for each summary/essay. Mid Term Essay: Same with above – with max. 1500 words or equivalent to 4-5 pages (exclude: bibliography and appendices). Students must print word count on the paper. Final Project: Special report is a group final assignment which will be presented in group presentation and printed or published in website / poster / any media which students think will effectively deliver their message.

Assessment Method in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes V = Teaching and Learning Activities % = Assessed for AoL

Student Study Effort Expected

Specific Assessment Methods/Tasks Continuous Assessment Computer Lab Data Commentary Notes Mid Term Essay Presentation (mid-term essay presentation, individual) Final Project – Group (students will be graded based on final project output as well as the final project presentation)

% Weighting 100% 5% 5% 5% 35% 20%


Class Contacts: (3 credits) Lectures Group work Presentation Other student study effort: Preparation for project/assignment/tests

Intended Learning Outcomes A



V V 50%






V 50%


35 hours 15 hours 5 hours 15 hours 70 hours

Reading List and References

Required Readings: Bovee, Courtland L., and Thill, John V. “Business Communication Today, 12th Edition”, Pearson Education, 2014 (BT) Raimes, Ann, 2005. Keys for Writers. 4th Ed. Boston: Houghton Mufflin Company. Supplementary Readings for Lecturers only: Swales, John M. and Feak, Christine, B., 2004. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills, 2nd Ed. Michigan: University of Michigan Press Marzano and Kendall, 2007, The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, 2 nd Edition. California: Corwin Press. Readings required related to the topics discussed above.

Presentation Rubric Date: ______________________

Course: ________________________

Rater: __________________________________

Student: ____________________________

Student Number: ________________

Rater Sign: ______________________________


Unsatisfactory (1)  No Topic or Key points is introduced or the introduction is irrelevant to the presentation.

Satisfactory (2)  Topic, Key points and purpose of the presentation is introduced with clarity.

2. Content

 The student has little or no understanding of the content and demonstrate little or no originality in the presentation.

 The student has an adequate knowledge of the content and demonstrated originality (at times) in the presentation

3. Organization of Presentation

 Present information and ideas in a poorly developed logical sequence which audience finds difficult to follow.

 Present information and ideas in a reasonable level of logical sequence which audience can follow.

Exemplary (3)  Topic, Key points and purpose of the presentation is introduced in a clear and interesting way which captures the audience’s attention.  The student has a thorough knowledge of the content and consistently demonstrated originality in the presentation.  Present information and ideas in a logical and interesting sequence which audience can easily follow.

4. Visual Aids

 The visual aids are poorly designed or they are largely unrelated to the presentation

5. Voice (individual)

 The students mumbles, incorrectly pronounce terms, is not expressive.

 The visual aids are well designed and effectively support the presentation at times  The student has a clear voice, uses mostly precise pronunciation and is expressive at times.

 The visual aids are well designed and confidently used, which effectively support the entire presentation  The student has a clear voice, uses precise pronunciation, and expressive throughout the presentation.

6. Pace (individual)

 Delivery is too fast or too lengthy and there are inappropriate pauses that distract the audience’s understanding.  The student has demonstrated only one or none of the following attributes: encourage interaction (telling stories, etc); appropriate eye contact; poise and body language.

 Delivery is slightly fast or slow and there are occasional inappropriate pauses during the presentation.  The student has demonstrated two of the following attributes: encourage interaction (telling stories, etc); appropriate eye contact; poise and body language.

 Presentation at a good pace without any inappropriate pauses during the presentation.  The student has demonstrated all of the following attributes: encourage interaction (telling stories, etc); appropriate eye contact; poise and body language. Total Score Average Score

1. Introduction (individual essay present)

7. Audience Engagement (individual)

Score (Max 3) Notes / Score

Writing Rubric

Date: ______________________

Course: ________________________

Rater: __________________________________

Student: ____________________________

Student Number: ________________

Rater Sign: ______________________________


Focus/main idea


Organization of idea


Quality of paragraph


Sentence structure

5. Language, spelling, and grammar 6. Quality of argument

7. Compliance with the academic writing rules

Unsatisfactory (1) Essay has no clear and specific main idea (or has too many idea). Idea is not presented in logical sequence. Most or all paragraphs are not well developed, and/or they lack unity and coherence. Most sentences are not structured well. Essay contains numerous errors in language, spelling, and grammar. Argument is not logic and/or not adequately supported with appropriate and relevant examples, data/details, and references. Has almost no reference or no referencing system being used

Satisfactory (2) Essay has a clear main idea, but not specific enough. Idea is generally presented in logical sequence with effective transition. Most paragraphs are well developed, and mostly have unity and coherence. In general, sentences are well structured (effective). Essay contains some errors but not distracting. Argument is developed logically, while appropriate and relevant support is just adequate. Follows appropriate referencing system for in-text citation and bibliography, but some reference is not properly written or placed.

Exemplary (3) Essay has a clear and specific main idea (or thesis). Idea is presented in logical sequence with effective transition. All paragraphs are well developed, and they have unity and coherence. Almost all sentences are well structured (effective). Essay is almost clear from language, spelling, and grammar error. Argument is developed logically and mostly supported with appropriate and relevant examples, data/details, and references Follows appropriate referencing system for in-text citation and bibliography Total Score Average Score

Score (Max 3)

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