Syllabus Dance 1

  • April 2020
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Article #1- Journal Reflection Have you ever thought of your body as an instrument? A musician takes very good care of his instrument, recognizing both it’s strengths and limitations. When you dance, just as when you play sports, your body is an instrument. Taking care of your instrument and knowing its strengths and limitations will help you gain confidence in your abilities and help you determine what dance forms suit your instrument. You wouldn’t play classical music on an old In player piano. Neither would you play hard rock on a piccolo. The sound would not be right. In much the same way, your body may be more suited to one dance form than to another. But, before you can know this, you have to know about bones, muscles, and joints. A dance class consists of three parts: the warm-up, the body of the class (which includes learning new skills and perfecting those already learned), and the cool down.

Warming up the body is an essential tool in getting maximum benefit from any physical activity. By creating the structure of a warm-up you become much more involved in your conditioning and can tailor the warm-up to your own needs. You Classroom My namemodify isRules: Ms. Cargile and I will your dance teacher this semester! This will be my second sem should your warm-up as be your Respect yourself and the space the SC public school system. I have many years of studio experience and have been dancing for 2 physical needs change. What movements In Come mentally physically prepared for University class Flora high schooland before going to Winthrop and receiving my BA in Dance and Educatio make your body feel loose and limber? You Be Accountable at Columbia College. When I am not dancing I enjoy cooking, and going to the beach! I am lookin wantyou a warm-up thatthe is safe. Consequences: while learn about wonderful art form of DANCE! Verbal Reminder [email protected] In addition to your specific needs you Alternative Activity Classa complex should know whatwithin constitutes Student/Teacher Conference warm-up. Before beginning a warm-up Parent Contact think about these ground rules: Make no To Office *Dependent on the magnitude teacher reserves the are right choose appropriate Students of willsituation need suntan or Students asked to wear This course will have many performances Time to showcase F Academic Merit will be based on the following criteria: Class Participation/Rehearsal

Performance 2 Grade of A-Exceeds course requirements Grade of B-Meets course requirements DANCE SYLLABUS Grade of C-Meets minimum course requirements Grade of D- Fails to meet course requirements


See you Thursday!

Look forward to working with you!

In conclusion, I hope that you will enjoy taking dance this semester! A few reminders: you will ne any questions regarding what style/brand of dance shoe to purchase please do not hesitate to ask is suntan or caramel in color, and finally if you have any conflict with a performance date please l

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