Syl Ap C 3

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Mr. Forrest - A. P. Physics C, 2018/19

Syllabus: 3/25/19 to 5/13/19

Performing in the musical or otherwise absent? Let me know so we can get a plan for your work. THANK YOU. Musical is April 25

Welcome to the PhysAPlast! à Subject to change (of course)!!!! In addition to converting sunlight to chemical energy, it's your guide for what we're doing up through the AP Physics exams. Please pay close attention and if you are missing class (for any reason) it will be your responsibility to get the work to me on time.

Those of you who had a 'Top 15' Physics photo, you are encouraged to submit it for an award! You need to do this by May 1 to be eligible to win. I'll try and remind you in class. Mon.


1) Pop quiz – E & M 2) Work in class on Capacitor Basics Lab & dielectrics extension à Due Weds. 3) ActivPhysics E & M due Tuesday for those not yet done 4) HW: Read Ch. 26 for Wednesday, 3/27. Takes notes (label each section) and be ready for a discussion where you will turn in your notes



1) Collect any remaining ActivPhysics packets 2) LAB: Triboelectrification 3) Hand out AP Review Set 1 again (corrected copy)



1) Collect Capacitor Basics labs 2) Ch. 26 discussion and examples of electric fields 3) HW: Ch. 26 conceptual questions (on sheet) due on Fri., 3/29. Ch. 26 problems in ExpertTA due on Monday, April 1 at 4:59 AM 4) Practice AP free response (E & M)



1) LAB: Triboelectrification (finish)



1) Check/ go over CH. 26 conceptual questions 3) Van de Graaff fun! 2) HW: AP Free Response Set 4 also due on April 2 AP Free Response Set 5 – already collected AP Free Response Set 6 – already collected AP Free Response Set 1 also due on April 5 AP Free Response Set 2 also due on April 16 AP Free Response Set 3 also due on April 9

Still need some time to cover friction, differential equations and circular and planetary motion (gravitational, orbital velocity, escape velocity)



1) Go over any questions with ExpertTA HW 2) Practice AP Free Response (Electrostatics) 3) HW: Read and take notes on Ch. 27 by Wednesday, 4/3 for a reading quiz (Gauss’s Law and Symmetry)



1) Check AP Review Set 4; go over sets 4, 5, and 6 in class 2) Demo’s with magnetic and electric fields (CRT’s, AC/DC light bulb)



Two-hour delay schedule 1) Ch. 27 reading quiz and discussion (uniform charge distribution vs. that on a conductor) 2) HW: Ch. 27 conceptual questions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for Thurs., 4/4 and problems 6, 17, 24, 28, 36, 37, 45 & 46 due on Mon. 4/8

Thurs. 4/4

1) Sample problems from Ch. 27 2) Discussion of field, force and flux!



1) Check/ go over AP Review Set 1 2) Review of special topics in physics – projectiles! (and relate to electric fields as well)



1) Check/ go over Ch. 27 HW 2) HW: Last reading assignment – Ch. 28 (all parts ) and CH. 29 (sections 1-4) for Weds. 4/10 minipresentations



1) Check/ go over AP Review Set 3 2) Work in class on mini-presentations for Ch. 28-29.



1) Ch. 28-29 mini-presentations and class discussion 2) HW: Ch. 28 conceptual questions (on handout) due on Fri. 4/12. Ch. 28 problems (#’s 1, 26, 28, 35 & 38) due on Mon. 4/15, and Ch. 29 HW (Conceptual questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 & problems 1, 5, 11, & 16) due Weds. 4/17

Thurs. 4/11

1) In depth discussion relating electric potential, electric forces, electric fields in uniform and non-uniform Situations à Gravitational analogy



1) Go over/ discuss Ch. 28 conceptual questions



1) Go over/discuss Ch. 28 problems



1) Check/go over AP Review set 2 2) WHITEBOARD – A plan for preparation!



1) Go over/discuss Ch. 29 questions and problems 2) Special topics in physics – Tension

Thurs. 4/18

1) PRACTICE AP MECHANICS EXAM à Both in here AND to finish as HW for Tues.



NO SCHOOL – Work day for teachers though!



NO SCHOOL – Easter Monday!



1) Trade and score the free response using the AP rubrics & discuss overall what you need to know for both exams



1) Special topics in physics – Rotational motion, torque, angular momentum (I)

Thurs. 4/25

1) Special topics in physics – Rotational motion, torque, angular momentum (II)



Spring musical matinee 1) LAB: Slinky solenoid – Day 1 2) Special topics in physics – Conservation Laws (energy and momentum)



1) LAB: Slinky solenoid – Day 2



1) PRACTICE AP E & M EXAM à Both in here AND to finish as HW for Weds.



Two-hour delay schedule 1) Trade and score the free response using the AP rubrics

Thurs. 5/2

1) Special topics in physics – Rates of change in circuits with resistors, capacitors and inductors



1) Special topics in physics – applying calculus on the exam (differential equations – one air resistance, one from Ch. 31 - page 910 – and one from electromagnetism)



AP Government (AM) and AP Environmental Science (PM) 1) Special topics in physics - TBD



AP Spanish Language (AM) AP Physics 1 (PM) 1) Special topics in physics – Gauss’s Law, electric fields and electric potential



AP Literature (AM) Word on the street is Mr. Weida will give you bonus if you answer the entire exam in Comic Sans font 1) Special topics in physics - TBD

Thurs. 5/9

AP Chemistry (AM) and AP Psychology (PM) 1) Special topics in physics - TBD


AP U. S. History (AM), AP Computer Science Principles (PM) & AP Physics 2 (PM) 1) Pencil blessing! 2) Special topics in physics - TBD


SUNDAY, MAY 12 à Last minute AP Physics review and Q & A, Sure it’s Mother’s Day, but what more could mom want than you passing the AP physics exams and saving her thousands of $$ in tuition? I thought so! Time TBD, but likely 2-4 PM Mon.


AP Biology (AM) & AP Physics C exams (Mechanics – 12:00 PM, Electricity & Magnetism – 2:00 PM) 1) Good luck and skill!



AP Calculus exams – both AB and BC (AM) 1) Good luck and skill!

Due to the short time after our AP exams, I’ll use that to get your feedback on the course, do a final lab folder check and possibly pilot a new electricity lab – or, we may learn how to pilot drones!

The Ohio State Freshman Engineering Honors program’s robot competition is on Saturday, April 6. Although the time shown is from 12-6 PM, normally the public competition is from 4:15-6:15 PM. I’ll check it out, but I’d encourage you to go! At least two AP Physics C alumni will be competing!

Robotics Competition Students create robots that complete specified tasks on a course designed and built by the program’s teaching assistants. Each year has a different course and theme to give each class of students a unique experience in applying their knowledge and skills to a simulated real-world situation. The 2018 competition challenges the teams to prepare a pit stop area for an upcoming car race. As part of their coursework, teams of four students work for approximately 8 weeks designing, building, coding, and documenting autonomous robots to meet the challenge. The project culminates with this final public competition, an in-class oral report, and a thorough documentation package. At the competition, robots have up to 2 minutes to complete the tasks on the course, and points are associated with each task. All robots compete in three round robin matches, where 3 or 4 robots run simultaneously, and those accumulating the most points are recognized for being the most consistent robots. In the case of a tie, time is used as a tie-breaker. For the head-to-head competition, the teams are seeded based upon previous in-class performance and attempt to advance through a tournament-style bracket. Four robots compete at a time, with only the highest-scoring team advancing to the next round. Again, in the case of a tie, time is used to determine a winner. The robots who make it to the “final four” receive special recognition.

2018 FEH Honors Robot Competition Saturday, April 6, 2019, 12:00 pm (round robin) and 4:15 pm (head-to-head) Venue: Davis Gymnasium, Recreation and Physical Activity Center (RPAC), 337 Annie and John Glenn Ave

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