Swcd Minutes 01-20-09

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

7:00 P.M.

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT MONTHLY BOARD MEETING 5605 U.S. 31 South, South Bend, Indiana 46614 574-291-7444, ext. 3 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the St. Joseph County Soil and Water Conservation District was called to order by John Dooms, Chairman, at 7:10 p.m. at 5605 U.S. 31 South, South Bend, IN 46614. John Dooms welcomed Alisa Wynn (feel free to call her “Lisa”) as the new Secretary for the District.

PRESENT John Dooms, Chairman Dave Craft, Mem. Jan Ivkovich, Mem. Carole Riewe, Mem. Rick Glassman Debbie Knepp, NRCS Melvin Kulwicki Katie Kurtz Rafael Vega, NRCS Lindsay Martinez, NRCS Dru Wrasse Dale Stoner Richard Schmidt Stacey Silvers Lisa Wynn


Jim LaFree Chuck Lehman Joe Long Gene Meyers Paul Williams, III Vice-chair. John Kulwicki Randy Matthys PUBLIC Brian Cherry EX-OFFICIO

LEGISLATIVE LETTERS None II. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA • BMP (Best Management Practice) Challenge, New Business, under D. National Civil Rights Review • Election for Treasurer, New Business, under D. National Civil Rights Review III. REGULAR BUSINESS A. MINUTES: The minutes were reviewed from the December 2008 meeting. The minutes were filed as presented. B. TREASURERS REPORT: There was a question about the State Farm Insurance income ($241.28) for the month. Katie Kurtz explained this was reimbursement for a previous overpayment. The Treasurer’s report was filed as presented. 1. Claim Approval: A recommendation and motion were made and seconded to approve Claim numbers 9507 – 9519 for a total of $5060.58. Both carried. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. WRITTEN REPORTS: 1

1. Field Office Report: The Field Office Report was distributed. There were no questions about the Report. 2. Rule 5/Rule 13 Report: The Rule5/Rule 13 Report was distributed. There was a question regarding a scheduled MS4 Education Meeting. Katie explained that this meeting would be to plan things that would happen throughout the year, including a field day in August. B. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Education: Regarding Science Alive on Saturday, February 7, 2009, Dale Stoner reported that Rick Glassman had a few things to bring up. First, during and after the Board Meeting, Rick would have a sign up sheet being passed around for three (3 ) 2-hour time slots, needing two (2) people to sign up for each slot. Also, Rick has recently received a watershed poster from MACOG/Karen Mackowiak. He would like to have the poster put onto a plastic sign for display at Science Alive. In addition, he would like to have overlays made to show major drainages and major roads (for points of reference). Rick would also like to build some of the major watersheds in 3-D with modeling clay to demonstrate the topography of the land and how that affects the water flow. Rick reminded the Board that there had been $250.00 already approved for Science Alive, and he estimated that the sign, based on an estimate from Fast Signs, would cost about $150.00. Rick requested that an additional $150.00 be allotted for Science Alive for this project. The recommendation and motion were made and seconded to allow Rick an additional $150.00 for the sign project for Science Alive. Both carried. Rick also reported that he had ordered the cartoon books as recommended by the Board previously, using funds from the $2000.00 approved for these books. He ordered 6 different titles from Project Wet and SWCD.org, and the charges will be on the claims forms for next month’s meeting. 2. Forestry: Richard Schmidt reported that sales so far are 875 evergreen trees, 630 deciduous trees, and 360 flowering trees for a total of 1865 trees. Also, 1025 ground cover plants and 9 wild flower seed packets were ordered. Last year total sales, at this time, were $1747.85. This year we have sold $3040.50 up to this point. Also, Hensler’s had to cut back on certain species, causing us to look at different sources. Richard asked members to pick up the tree posters and fliers after the meeting for distribution. Rick Glassman added that Katie had brought a list of locations that had been utilized in the past for reference. C. NRCS TALKING POINTS: Debbie Knepp reported that she had received a memo from Jane Hardisty on January 6th regarding the office leasing arrangement and computer support from NRCS. The memo indicates that there will be some changes regarding the leasing arrangement, but everything is still being worked out. Due to this transition period, SWCD will not be charged for first quarter 2009 rent. By the second quarter changers should be in place. Debbie noted that in 2010, computer system support, including the continuation of support and upgrades, is contingent upon budget allowances. John Dooms asked whether the rate of the rent will change due to the changes in the leasing arrangement, to which Debbie responded that it is currently unknown, further noting that the lease with Farm Bureau expires in June 2009. Debbie did note that the rent is so low at this point that it will likely increase. She also explained that the Farm Bureau building is going to be purchased for the US 31 road project. Farm Bureau is looking at rebuilding or relocating within this general vicinity, but this is also in the air. NRCS has to do a market survey to make sure we pay a fair rate for the area we are located. At this point, everything is in the beginning stages, but we should know more as to what Farm Bureau is doing within the next six (6) months. D. BIG TREES: Katie ended up presenting the awards at the January 10, 2009 Big Trees Awards Program that was held at the Rum Village Nature Center at 1:00 p.m. because Rick needed to pick up his son at O’Hare Airport that day. Katie reported that many of the award recipients did show up despite bad weather, and it was a good ceremony. She estimated that there were about 40 attendees. 2

E. ANNUAL MEETING: Carole Riewe reported that the Annual Meeting was to be held on January 30, 2009 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite in South Bend. The speaker will be Tom Turpin from Purdue. Carole brought up the fact that Supervisors should come early to greet attendees. The dinner will be buffet-style, and the dessert bar is said to be very good. Carole asked that ticket counts and ticket money be turned in after the meeting if possible. John Dooms asked that the Supervisors arrive at the Annual Meeting at 6:00 p.m. ideally, in order to welcome guests who each Supervisor sold tickets to. Lisa Wynn reported that the initial count that she gave the Scottish Rite was 110, and that she would be calling the Scottish Rite by Friday, January 23rd with a final count. The count of 110 was a little “padded” to be on the safe side. F. WINTER CWI (CLEAN WATER INDIANA) MEETING: Rick reported that the CWI winter meeting is set for Friday, February 27, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (doors open for registration at 8:00 a.m.) at the Newton Center in Lakeville. The meeting’s title is “Smart Farming for the Future”. Rick reminded everyone that it is important to get the word out about the CWI meeting. Katie is applying for Continuing Education Credits. The flier will be coming out very soon, and will be mailed to the Supervisors and Board members. The fliers will be displayed on tables at the Annual Meeting, as well. John suggested that Phil Sutton/Purdue Extension should have a list of individuals who need Continuing Education Credits. G. OFFICE STAFF UPDATE AND APPROVAL FOR BACKGROUND CHECKS: John Dooms reported that Troy Manges is now in Marshall County as the NRCS, District Conservationist. In addition, Katie Kurtz is the new County Conservationist for St. Joseph County. We still need to fill the now-vacant MS4 position. Katie reported that so far there are about four (4) applications, and Rick reported that the deadline was not until January 27th. John asked Katie whether her current workload is manageable, and Katie explained that given the weather and time of year, everything was quite manageable. Rick added that when things pick up for the MS4 duties, this should be about the time the new person is hired. 1. Background Check: A recommendation and motion were made to approve the $120.00 needed for the background check once the MS4 position is filled. Both carried. V. NEW BUSINESS A. SCHEDULES: Schedules were distributed. Carole Riewe asked who the presenter would be for the Tree Seminar on Tuesday, February 3rd. Rick responded that at this point, we do not have a confirmation, but we hope to have this confirmed very soon. Carole suggested contacting a Forester or local arborist, and Rick agreed that this was a good point. Rick also advised the Board that we will need extra help from the Supervisors during the week of Tree Sales, especially on Monday, April 13th starting around 10 a.m. or so, when we will be unloading bales and in light of the fact that Troy is no longer with us and Rafael will also not be here. Extra help is also needed Tuesday the 14th and Wednesday the 15th since we are short on some office staff. There were no further questions about the schedules. B. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: 1. Business Meeting: The Business Meeting took place on the morning of Wednesday, January 14, 2009. Our delegates were Jan Ivkovich and Dave Craft. Jan presented the results of the voting on seven (7) resolutions and the election of IASWCD Treasurer and Secretary at the meeting of the 2009 Annual Conference. For the results of the votes, refer to the final page of these Meeting Minutes (page 6). The results of the election were as follows: • Paula Baldwin, Marion County, IASWCD President for 2009 • Ray McCormick, Knox County, IASWCD Vice President for 2009 3

• Jeff Meinders, Ripley County, IASWCD Secretary for 2009 • Brian Campbell, Elkhart County, IASWCD treasurer for 2009 2. Seventy (70) counties were present at the Business Meeting, the same as last year. On Monday and Tuesday of the Annual Conference, Jan and Dru Wrasse spent some time at the State House delivering all but one of our Binders, noting that it was a real challenge with tighter security. Dru and Jan were also able to speak with 3 of our 5 Senators, and 4 or our 6 Representatives, having an especially nice conversation with Ryan Dvorak who would like to talk more with us. John Dooms noted that he feels the Binders are very worthwhile, and that they are time and money well-spent, and makes us unique in that we are likely the only District to continue this practice. Dru noted that Senator Jim Arnold, who joined us for the Legislative Breakfast on Wednesday, had already read our Binder at that time. Dale Stoner added that he had dropped off some our Binders to the County Commissioners at the County City Building. There are two (2) new Commissioners, and Rick said he would deliver Binders to these individuals. Dale noted that the Commissioners appreciation our time in giving these to them, and gave a thank you to Jan and Dru for their hard work at the Annual Conference. Jan noted that the sessions she attended were really great, and that she will have notes for the next meeting on some specific ideas she has from attending these. Dave Craft added that he enjoyed his sessions as well, and was especially pleased with the variety of topics. Jan also pointed out that Rick was recognized at the Annual Conference by the IDEA as the Environmental Educator of the year, for which we are proud. 3. Note: For more information on the Business Meeting and the Annual Conference in general, refer to: http://www.iaswcd.org/whatsnew/conferencerecap2009.html C. TRAINING/CONFERENCES: Katie Kurtz inquired about three different conferences that she would like to attend: Great Lakes Habitat and Species Workshop on January 29th (no fee); the Grazing Conference in Shipshewana on February 6th with Debbie, Lindsey, and Rafael ($35 registration fee); and Soil Management Seminar on March 5th with Debbie and Rafael ($30 registration fee). The total amount requested by Katie to attend these conferences is $65.00. A recommendation and motion were made to approve the $65.00 needed for Katie to attend these conferences. Both carried. D. NATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS REVIEW: Debbie Knepp informed the board of the fact that the week of February 23rd will be the NRCS Civil Rights Review, which occurs every several years. She advised that the Board members could expect that, as partners with NRCS and in sharing an office with NRCS, they could be called by the National Civil Rights Review Board from Washington, D.C. The call would strictly be regarding the District. Debbie advised that she did not want anyone to be surprised if they do receive such a phone call. E. BMP CHALLENGE: Debbie presented some information regarding the BMP (Best Management Practice) Challenge, which is funded, in part, through a grant from NRCS through EQUIP. 16 states are eligible, including Indiana. The BMP Challenge programs work to give farmers an opportunity to test reduced nutrient and tillage rates on their fields, without worrying about loss to their income. BMP CHALLENGE can work directly with farmers, through watershed/conservation districts, and with other organizations, to reduce nutrient and sediment outputs to local waterways and educate farmers on BMPs. The programs have been well-liked by farmers in the past, and had resulted in significant costs savings overall. We will have a display about the Farm Bill at our CWI winter meeting, and the BMP Challenge may likely be included on the display. The programs are usually used in conjunction with EPA 319 grants. Debbie suggested that the Board could help spread the world about the BMP Challenge. The contact information for the BMP Challenge is: 4

BMP Challenge Attention: Maggie Westaby, Project Assistant 4510 Regent St Madison, WI 53705 Phone: (608) 232-1425 Fax: (608) 232-1440 Website: www.bmpchallenge.org F. ELECTION FOR TREASURER: John Dooms opened the floor for nominations for the election of the new Treasurer for the St. Joseph County Soil & Water Conservation District. Jan Ivkovich nominated Alisa Wynn, who accepted the nomination, and the nomination was seconded. A recommendation and motion were made to elect Alisa as the new Treasurer. Both carried. VI. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Rick related a conversation he had with Debbie about the fact that President Bush, in his parting words, acknowledged organizations like ours, for their hard work. He noted that it looks like we are in a good position with President Obama’s promises of green initiates. Debbie noted that the NRCS has had word that a lot of projects that affect us have been earmarked in the pending stimulus package, somewhat due to last year’s flooding in Indiana since there are approximately 130 dams that need work, including inspections. Jane Hardisty had indicated that the futures of the NRCS and its partnerships look very bright from a national level. John Dooms spoke of the fact that during the last Board Meeting, there had been mentioned the suggestion that Brian Cherry consider becoming an Associate Supervisor. Brian indicated that he would like to do so. A recommendation and motion were made to accept Brian as a new Associate Supervisor. Both carried.

VII. ADJOURNMENT John Dooms reminded the Board that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was then adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted,

Alisa R. Wynn, Treasurer


Per Board Meeting of 12/2008, did we support it?

Voting Results at 2009 Annual IASWCD Meeting

Title of Resolution

Action Requested

Disbursement of funds between SWCD meetings

Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Inc. will work with the Indiana Legislature to No amend Indiana Code to allowfor the expenditure of previously established claims between SWCDmeetings.

Motion Passed

Mid-contract management activities effects on soil erosion

Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Inc. work closely with the Farm Service No Agency to address the mid contract management activities effects on soil erosion.

Motion Passed

Removal of 10 acre Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water rule from IC 14-32-4- Conservation Districts, Inc. submit legislative language to remove Yes 1 the 10 acre rule from IC 14-32-4-1.

Resolution Not Adopted.

Associate Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Supervisor eligibility Conservation Districts, Inc. permit Associate Supervisors to serve Yes for Annual as delegates or alternates at the IASWCD annual business Conference delegate meeting.

Motion Passed

Roadside invasive plants

Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water conservation districts, Inc…Join with other partners…in an intensive information and education campaign about invasive plants and their control…Work with the Indiana Department of Transportation to encourage their adoption of invasive plant control Left up to Motion Passed measures along state roads…Encourage local SWCDs to work delegate with county and municipal officials to control invasive plants in their area of jurisdiction…And finally, work with the state legislature to encourage adoption of a joint resolution encouraging all of the above actions.

Name change for the IASWCD

Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Inc. take the necessary measures to change the name of our association to the “Indiana Association of No Conservation Districts” and allowlocal districts to change their names to “(Name of County) Conservation District”.

Be it resolved that the Indiana Association of Soil and Water IASWCD Conservation Districts, Inc. seek an active role as participant in Participation in Gulf Yes with NRCS and other partners in addressing statewide issues Hypoxia Action Plan related to hypoxia in conjunction with the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan

Resolution Not Adopted.

Motion Passed


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