Svk Poa 2009-10 After Rc

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  • Words: 4,183
  • Pages: 16

Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

Expected Results

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Target for Next Year 2009-10

Status as on March 2010

Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken





*Community mobilization to demand improvement of the health services *Campaign and Dharnas on privatization of the health and local needs *Community monitoring of health services * Cadre level trainings on health issues

*Strengthening cadre to bring pressure on Government for better services through PHC /SC & ICDS centres wherever required * Health education to people * Strengthening linkage between Mahila arogya sangham(MAS) ,ANMs and RMP doctors * Monitoring functioning of PHC/SCs Through Cadre and GP. * Awareness to cadre &GP members on privatization of the Health and encouraging them to take up those issues in public meetings. * Promoting institutional deliveries



15/1000 IMR will be achieved

* Community should become a Healthy community *Cadre monitoring on health services * Build the strong pressure group on health issues


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Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

Number Subcentres to be re activated

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As on July 2004 _

As on March 2009 15/45

Target for Next Year 2009-10 11 Sub centres to be activated

Status as on March 2010 26/45

Expected Results Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

*Awareness program on health issues for PRI members & cadre. * Mandal level cadre meetings & Dharnas for better improvement of health centres

* Submission of memorandum DM&HO to fill up Vacancies in SCs * Better facilities in SC for demanding by the Cadre. * Strengthening cadre to bring pressure on government through Dharnas & memorandum to sanction required resource to SCs. * Interface between cadre members & Mandal officials, sarpanches, MPTCs and ZPTCs. * Public meetings in village level on health issues. * Cultural program at village and Mandal level on health issues and health policies. * Signature campaign on health policies.


Quantitative 11 sub centres will be reactivated

Qualitative * Cadre become aware on health policies * SC would be strengthened at PHC level. * Access enhances the knowledge on health policy. * Cadre and community become a better understanding on health policies

Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

Birth Registrations done (0-2 years)


No. of new ICDS centres


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As on March 2009 127/402

102 & 5 mini centres

Target for Next Year 2009-10 All new births

Status as on March 2010 5255 + all new

4 new centres

106 & 5 mini centres

Expected Results Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

* Activating birth registration at cadre and GP level * Village level campaign on birth registration

 Mass campaigns demanding new ICDS Centres



* Bringing pressure on cadre to allocate funds for printing of birth certificates * Conducting the campaign on birth registration in high school level. * Awareness camps on birth registration at village level * Ensuring registration of all births in GP registers and issue of certificates * Ensuring registration of all births in GP registers and issue of certificates * Cultural program on birth right at village level.

All new births will be registered

 Strengthening GASs to bring pressure on government to sanction additional ICDS centres wherever required  Meetings with CBOs  Signature campaigns GP resolutions demanding new ICDS centres Submission of memorandum to Project Director, ICDS

4 new ICDS centres will be in place

* Community recognizes the need and importance of birth registration * Community become aware on birth registration and identification * Children will have birth certificates * Cadre and Gram Panchayathhs should identify the importance of birth registration. * Pre school education made available in rural area children * The community came to know the service of ICDS centres. * Children become healthy physically and mentally through nutrition food.


Quantitative Status & Targets Target for Next Year 2009-10 18

Status as on March 2010 126/311

Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

 Strengthenin g the existing ICDS centres

100 / 311

16 centres + 100 follow up


* A training program for ICDS Monitoring * Awareness campaign on food and nutrition for cadre * Mobilizing the cadre level group to follow up the ICDS centres.

300 families got land

100 families

400 families got land

* Land campaigns

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

ICDS centres to be reactivated



Monitoring functioning of ICDS centres through CBMS and GP


Mass campaigns demanding land rights



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Expected Results Quantitative


 Meetings with CBOs  Discussion with ICDS staff  Discussions at GP level to reactivate ICDS centres Submission of memorandum to Project Director, ICDS

18 ICDS centres will be reactivated

* Meetings with cadre group and community. * Strengthening the cadre group to bring the pressure on government to provide proper food and nutrition in the centres. * Cadre resolutions demanding and Dharnas about regular function of ICDS centres. * Submission of memorandum to project Director, ICDS. * Linkages between AWW, Ayahs and ANMs. * Village level monitoring through cadre. * A work shop on food and nutrition for cadre group and staff. * Identify available government land. * Urge the landless to petition to the government for land to

116 ICDS centres will be monitored through CBMS

* Pre school education made available in rural area children * The community came to know the service of ICDS centres. * Children become healthy physically and mentally through nutrition food. * Pre school education made available in rural area children * The community came to know the service of ICDS centres. * Children become healthy physically and mentally through nutrition food.


100 land less families get land

* The landless will work towards acquiring possession of

Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

Mass campaigns demanding appropriate support price for agriculture produce

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Target for Next Year 2009-10

Status as on March 2010


1 commodi ty - Rice

1 commodi ty

2 commodi ties



825 child labour reduced


Expected Results Program to be undertaken

* Mass campaigns by farmers

Activities to be Under taken be distributed to them. * Convene meetings on the land reforms Act. Build pressure on the government for distribution of available lands. * Take up Mandal level campaigns in the cause of land distribution * Sensitization to farmers’ sanghams on the ill effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. * The government will be exhorted to launch crop insurance policy * Farmers will be urged to pressure the government for declaration of support prices. * A training program for farmers on agricultural policies.


Qualitative available government lands. * Awareness on the land reforms act will have gone up.

Minimum support price announced for 1 commodity

* Farmers are sensitized about ill effects of inorganic fertilizer/pesticides . * Aware of support price with the government

825 child labour will be reduced

* Reduced the number of child labourers in the Mandal and paved the way for the total elimination of the system of child labour from the operational area.

PROTECTION Child labour need to be reduced ( all Mandals)

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Campaign on child labour by working on the root causes of the child labour

* Ensuring the participation of people in the rural employment guarantee scheme * Find out alternate livelihood sources to prevent migration * sensitization on gender equity * Training to staff to deeply understand the issues of child labour and child marriages * Mobilizing communities to demand for quality education * Linkages with law


Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

100% child marriage free villages in operational area

Campaign demanding Rehabilitation of displaced people(Veepanga ndla& kollapur )

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As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Target for Next Year 2009-10

Status as on March 2010

Expected Results Program to be undertaken

41 child marriag es for year

76/79 villages

0 new child marriage free villages

76/79 child marriage free villages

*Mass campaign against child marriages * Orientation to cadre about child marriages * Cultural program on child marriages.


1 campaig n

1 campaig n

2 campaig ns

* Sensitization to displaced people on 98 G.O * Those who are affected they should put petition against government

Activities to be Under taken enforcement authorities * Formation and strengthening of NGOs Network against child labour * Empowering women's groups to work against child marriages * sensitization on gender equity * Sensitizing religious heads on the issue * Training program for GRPC members * Child to Child campaign by GRPC members * GP resolutions against child marriage * Ensuring registration of marriages at GP level * Interface with law enforcement team * Formation and strengthening of NGOs network against child marriages * Meetings with displaced people * Awareness on 98 GO to displaced people * Struggle demanding the implementation of 98 GO * Submission of memorandum to Government demanding appropriate rehabilitation package for the displaced




76 villages will remain child marriage free

* Cadre fully sensitized on the issue of child marriages * No incidence of child marriage in the operational area * GPs start registering the marriages

1 campaign will be conducted

appropriate rehabilitation package offered to displaced families

Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Rally by Chenchus demanding education, health and livelihood facilities


1 rally

Demand by unorganized labour groups for better social security coverage by government


Conduct survey on the issues affecting the differently abled children

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78 villages


Target for Next Year 2009-10 1 Rally (1 Mandal Kollapur)

Status as on March 2010 2 Rallies

78 villages – follow up program me

78 Villages

1 Survey covering 5 Mandals

Survey report of 5 Mandals available

Expected Results Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

* Mobilization of Chenchus to demand for – a) access to schools; b) access to health facilities c) employment facilities for Chenchus locally d) Housing for Chenchus * Formation and strengthening of unorganized labour groups

 BLD survey on the issues affecting differently abled children



* Strengthen chenchu community to demand for education, health and livelihood facilities * Memorandum to MRO, ITDA, P.O on chenchu issues * Better services to Chenchus on health and education. * Awareness campaign on government provisions

1 rally will be conducted

* Increased livelihood opportunities of Chenchus ▪ education and health facilities created for Chenchu families * Chenchu families get pucca housing facility from Government

* Meetings with unorganized labour * Awareness creation on minimum wage and other rights. * Discussion about the idea of coolie sanghams * Form village level coolie sanghams * Social security for unorganized labour * Insurance to unorganized labour  Identification of households with differently children  Preparing the survey format with relevant questions  Training of Activists and Community Organizers in conducting the survey  Conducting the survey in the identified households  Collating the data  Analysis of data

78 villages continue to demand for the social security of unorganized labour

* The un organized people become a aware of their social security * Government initiate action to provide better social security for the unorganized labour

 Survey is completed in 5 Mandals

 The status of differently abled children in 5 Mandals will be known  Suitable intervention strategies could be made with the help of survey report


Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Target for Next Year 2009-10 Follow up of 5 committe es

Status as on March 2010

Program to be undertaken

5 committe es

* Formation of Differently Abled persons committee

strengthening of Differently Abled Committees at Mandal level


5 Mandal Committ ees

Formation of Differently Abled Committees at Village level


22 village committe es

4 village committe es

26 village committe es

Mass action by differently Abled people demanding fulfillment of their rights


6 (5+1 taluk level)

5 mass action

11 mass actions

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Expected Results

One mass action by differently Abled people to demand for implementation of People With Disability Act 1995, with focus on Scholarships for students & Pensions for differently abled

Activities to be Under taken * Identification of differently Abled persons * Conduct the initial meeting to discuss the formation of differently Abled committee * Form a Disabled persons committee

* Conduct orientation sessions on rights of differently Abled * Plan for a mass action demanding the fulfillment of the rights




5 Mandal committees of DAPs further strengthened

* A strong force emerges in Disabled persons in operational area

4 village committees of DAPs are newly formed

* A strong force emerges in Disabled persons in operational area

5 mass actions take place

* Government takes positive steps to implement PWD Act 1995 * Differently abled students get scholarships * Differently abled gets pensions from Govt.

Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Campaign against SEZs & Local/regional Issues (Regional campaign – Rally & Public Meeting)


1 campaig n

Target for Next Year 2009-10 1 campaig n



Expected Results

Status as on March 2010 2 campaig ns

Program to be undertaken Campaign against SEZ

* Identify civil society groups like -lawyers, journalists, trade unions, people s organizations who could put up resistance to SEZs and anti-poor policies of government * Sensitize civil society groups on the ill effects of SEZs and anti-poor policies on the marginal communities * Sensitize the directly affected people (farmers& agriculture labour)on the ill effects of SEZs and other issues in the region * Convene meetings to campaign against the SEZ s policy and anti-poor policies

1 campaign takes place

* Communities are aware of the ill effects of SEZs on them * Communities are aware about the concept of SEZs * Peoples resistance raises against development induced poverty

32 Villages

* Initiating community monitoring of enrolment attendance and quality education in govt. schools * Advocacy and lobbying through district NGOs network

* Identifying out of School Children *Enrolment campaigns by involving GP and CBOs * Ensuring regular meetings of village education committees and CRPCs to review the status of enrolment, retention and quality of education in schools. * Training to sarpanches and

12 more villages will have 100% enrolment

* All School Children in the communities are in school * Improved awareness level on education in the community * Initiated community monitoring of Govt. schools.

Activities to be Under taken



DEVELOPMENT 100 % Enrolment villages (6-14)

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Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Target for Next Year 2009-10

Expected Results

Status as on March 2010

Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

for the implementation of CSS

ward members on community monitoring * Mobilizing communities to demand for quality education * Orientation to Govt. Teachers on child friendly teaching methods * Advocacy and Lobbying for free and quality education * Formation and strengthening of NGOs Network to take up CSS campaign in the district.  GP resolutions demanding additional buildings in the schools.  Signature campaigns and submission of memorandum to DEO  Networking with other NGOs in the district on the issue District level and divisional level campaigns and open forums

No. of schools reactivated (full area)





 Advocacy and lobbying for improving infrastructure s and teacher – student ratio

Reactivation of Government Girls’ Hostel





 Demand for better health facilities and other infrastructure facilities at Govt. Girls’ Hostel

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 Conduct meetings with hostel inmates to discuss the issues and plan of action for that  Representations to concerned officials of government with set of demands  Mobilize students organizations to extend their solidarity to the issues




30 schools will be reactivated

Children will have better access to education

 One Govt. girls’ hostel would be reactivated

 Hostel inmates would have good health facilities and other infrastructure facilities.

Quantitative Status & Targets As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Mandal level Campaign on CSS


5 Mandals

All CBOs to be strengthened villages( CRPC, Farmers sanghams, Unorganized labour groups and Women’s rights protection committees) Formation of Grama AAikya Sanghams






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Target for Next Year 2009-10 5 Mandals follow up campaig n

Expected Results

Status as on March 2010

Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

5 Mandals

* Campaign on CSS and against privatization of education

5 Mandals will have follow up campaign of CSS

* People will have been sensitized to the loopholes in the education system * People will have realized the importance of the government school * People will strive for a CSS * Enrollment in government schools will go up.

10 villages

13 villages

* Strengthening of all CBOs in the villages

* Training to staff and cadre members on Impact of privatization of education and health * Prepare people to bring pressure on the government for increased budgetary allocations towards education. * Involve teaching community in the campaign * Convene in brain storming with various across sections of society on the issue of CSS * Conduct the campaign demanding for CSS *Orientation and capacity building to CBOs on rights of farmers, unorganized labour, women * Monthly meetings of all CBOs

10 more villages will have all CBOs there strengthened.

strong CBOs emerged in the villages will be taking up mass actions on different issues concerning the communities



Formation of Grama AAikya Sanghams

▪ Strengthening the existing CBOs at the village level ▪ Meetings with all the CBOs to discuss the need for an unified Sangham at village level ▪ Discussion with CBOs on what Grama AAikya Sangham can do

25 more Grama Aikya Sanghams will be inplace.

There will be an unified force to address the issues at the village level




Quantitative Status & Targets As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Formation of Constituency level Federation



Villages need to sensitized on women rights


49 villages


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Expected Results

Target for Next Year 2009-10 1

Status as on March 2010 1

Program to be undertaken


59 villages

* Sensitization to women on their rights * Values of human rights and mass media

Formation of Constituency level Federation

Activities to be Under taken ▪ Formation of Mandal level Federations ▪Discussing the need for a constituency level Federation with Mandal Federations ▪ Identifying the issues that can be addressed at the constituency level ▪ Discussions with Mandal Federations about the stand to be taken w.r.t. assembly elections ▪ Form Constituency level Federation * Meetings will be held with women to discuss the implications of the patriarchal system for them * Discussions will be held on women’s right to economic security through ownership over property and housing * Women’s Rights Protection Committees formed and strengthened to campaign for women’s rights




1 Constituency level Federation will be in place

A strong body emerges at the constituency level to address the issues at the constituency level and to negotiate at the time of assembly elections

10 more villages will be sensitized on women’s rights

* More women will have been sensitized to their rights * There will have been a reduction in the incidence of domestic violence and there will have been a change in mans attitude to wards women.

Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Response to Union and AP budgets (Sub regional activity)


2 Respons e given

Telangana Sub Regional Alliance related meetings (Sub regional activity)


8 meetings conducte d

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Expected Results

Target for Next Year 2009-10 2 response s

Status as on March 2010 Separate response s given on Union and state budgets

Program to be undertaken * Response to Union and AP state draft budgets

* Collection of information of previous budgets * Comparison of allocations to different sectors * Comparison of previous years budget with the proposed budget. * Preparation of budgetary recommendations based on the discussions with CBOs * Arrange press meet and share the views.

2 responses given on state and union budget

* Increased awareness on budgetary allocations by the union and AP state. * Budget analysis skill improved in project team * Response may pave way for pro poor budget.

6 Meetings

14 meetings conducte d

Telangana sub Regional alliance related meetings

* Identification of members who could be part of the Telangana sub regional alliance * Conduct initial meeting to discuss the idea of Telangana sub regional alliance * Form Telangana sub regional alliance * Conduct quarterly meetings to discuss the sub regional issues and plan the community mobilization and campaigns

6 meetings of sub regional alliance take place

* A strong force emerges in Telangana to mobilize communities promote cadres and fight against injustice, in equity to the marginalized.

Activities to be Under taken




Quantitative Status & Targets As on July 2004


As on March 2009

Expected Results

Target for Next Year 2009-10 1 Cadre Training

Status as on March 2010 2 Cadre Trainings

Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

Cadre Training programme for Telangana Alliance partners

* Identify persons for the training programme in 8 districts of Telangana * Identify resource persons to take sessions * Prepare training module * Prepare materials to be distributed pre training programme.

1 Cadre Training

Telangana Alliance partners’ perspective on these issues is strengthened

* assessment of existing members and removing the non performing * identifying potential members for the alliance and bring them to alliance fold * identification of potential members to be part of alliance process * having discussions with them and explain about the purpose of alliance * bring them to alliance fold

8 district committees are reconstituted

District committees will be in a better place to take up issues

15 new members would join sub regional alliance

Sub regional alliance process will be further strengthened.

* form core committee to draft vision paper * draft constitution of the alliance also * discuss with members the draft papers and finalize

1 Interim vision paper will be in place

Cadre Training to Telangana Alliance on SEZ, Education, Health and Dalit issues (Movement building and political empowerment) (Sub regional activity) Reconstitution of district committees


1 Cadre Training



8 committe es

8 committe es

Reconstitution of District Committees

Expansion of members





Expansion of members

Preparation of Interim vision paper for the sub regional alliance

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1 paper

1 paper

Drafting of Interim Vision Paper




Sub regional alliance will be in a better place to take up issues. Sub regional alliance will have more clarity on the process and will be governed by the stated rules and regulations

Quantitative Status & Targets As on July 2004


Media coverage of specific issues

PARTICIPATION Formation of Balala sanghams

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As on March 2009 4



Target for Next Year 2009-10 2


Expected Results

Status as on March 2010 6


Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken



Media coverage of specific issues

* identify issues to be focused in media * discuss with media about those issues * invite media for field visit * provide required data to media

2 more issues will be covered by media

There will be large scale awareness on the issues among people.

* Formation of Balala sanghams * Capacity building of Balala sanghams

* Meetings with children for rapport building * Floating the idea of Balala Committees * motivation session for children * Formation of Balala Sanghams * Regular meetings with Balala Sanghams and capacity building on child rights * Motivation session on leadership qualities and cultural skills * Encouraging Balala Sanghams to take up the issues related to schools with the teachers * Developing the values of education ,gender ,caste

12 more Balala Sanghams will be formed

Balala Sanghams are oriented on child rights


Quantitative Status & Targets Rights

As on July 2004

As on March 2009

Strengthening of Balala Sanghams



Target for Next Year 2009-10 30/59

Status as on March 2010 59/59

Expected Results Program to be undertaken

Activities to be Under taken

* Regular meetings of Balala Sanghams * Capacity building of Balala sanghams

Quantitative 30 more Balala Sanghams will be strengthened

Qualitative Balala Sanghams regularly conduct meetings Leadership development takes place Balala Sanghams are oriented on child rights. Balala Sanghams start working on child rights.

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