Sustainable Development In Halmahera

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 976
  • Pages: 20
Sustainable Pacific Corporation Brief Overview of the Project

May 2009 Juan A. Trevino

Management Consultants of South Florida

Company Targets Investors and Producers that: 

Lack the land to obtain an adequate and reliable food supply

Countries To Solicit Investors:   

Need to diversify their location to ensure their crop or service

Wish to come upstream in their production/distribution system

Need organic certified crops

Environmentalist that seek a sustainable environment

People seeking a more peaceful and just society

Investor looking for a good ROI

Japan China Korea America European Countries Indonesia

Halmahera is a virgin Island with virgin seas Initial Development of 30,000 Hectares (70,000 Hect. more in Reserve)

Development of Halmahera Topics     

Sustainable Development The Company Basic Infrastructure Marketing Tools Next Steps


Laying a Compost Windrow

Sustainable Development Develop by Balancing Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects 

Economically feasible.-

Environmentally safe.-

Socially acceptable.-

It is a Green and Conscious Movement

Short and long term income streams sufficient to generate a ROI, after payment of workers, suppliers and government for humans and the planet. Should not deplete the natural resources product and


Wikipedia Definition: A pattern of resource use, that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment, so that these needs can be met in the present and in the future

Non-sustainable: Fishing without limits, generating electricity from fossil fuels, and using chemicals in agriculture are a few non-sustainable activities that need to stopped and replaced by sustainable activities

Other Aspects of Development

Fair for today and for tomorrow. They can be repeated over and over again

Cultivated ecology eliminates what is toxic from the environment, chemicals that improve/damage at same time, and whatever depletes resources

Creates the need to produce compost and compost tea, to fight plant pathogens and plagues

Provides foreign investment, exports, food, wood, jobs, income, well being, in a healthy and secure environment

Sustainable Development is non-linear, and can go on without depleting resources or endangering our environment

Sustainable Pacific Corporation (SPC) THE COMPANY

Overview Mission 

Facilitate the land of the Island of Halmahera to principals that need to produce food, wood, rubber, fish, and recreational services for their markets (Provides foreign investors the legal tenure for holding and using the land in Indonesia)

Vision 

Assist principals to farm, harvest and produce from the land: agricultural food and wood products, as well as fish and hospitality services in a way that meets human needs and preserves the environment and its resources

Products and Services 

SPC IS AN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNER (provides land) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

for teak production and agricultural use and sea usage for fish farming and hospitality sector for living and commercial use (3 levels low, medium, high income) for clinics, hospitals and schools for infrastructure

SPC IS A PROVIDER OF SERVICES TO INVESTORS /PRODUCERS ◦ Farms and harvests specific crops on behalf of its investors ◦ Creates or coordinates infrastructure building(Roads, Harbor, Water, Electricity and Compost supplies) ◦ Coordinates /Facilitates logistical services to ship products in/out of island ◦ Ensures that organic certification services exists ◦ Informs and markets its investment possibilities and crop producing services to attract principals that participate in food and wood production

The Company is Not A Crop Producer In Its Own Right

Land Is Allotted To Promotes Diversity And Flexibility In Use Agricultural Products Long Term Crops  Teak and Rubber Plantations  Orchards Estates: Avocado, Mango, Jatropha, Nutmeg, Orange, Clove, Lime, etc. Short Term Crops  Grain Estates (2 seasons) Corn, Wheat,

Other Products and Services 

Livestock including, bovine, porcine, sheep, and chicken farming. Factory farming will be limited

Aquaculture.- Fish Farms

Vegetables Regal Producers

Hospitality sector

Others  Compost Production is the key ingredient that enables organic agriculture

Investors of supporting services are invited (private schools,

Sorghum, Soya Beans, Sesame, Rice, etc

(3 seasons) Cucumber, Tomato, Onions, Cassava/Singkong, etc.

(Hotels, Golf, Deep sea fishing, scuba diving and exploration, etc)

commercial and professional, etc)

Participants Must Agree to Maintain Ecological Integrity

Crops And Services Are Investor Driven Business Models Offered 

Principals bring their own technology for farming, teak and rubber production, fish farming, etc.

Up to 5 business models to choose from: ◦ Purchasing full service Guaranteed Profits (Teak and Rubber) ◦ Purchasing/Rental full Service non-guaranteed profits ◦ Purchasing/Rental no service

Note: Land Rentals are only offered on an annual contract, for seasonal crops

The Company is Not A Crop Producer In Its Own Right


Infrastructure Investments As Principals Acquire The Land 

Roads development where land is sold


Water extraction, storage and Irrigation

Harbor for loading and for ecotourism

Marina development

Coordinating Electricity Input from PLN until wind or solar technologies exist

Combustion engine cars and equipment are allowed until they can be replaced by electric ones


Marketing Tools 

Web Development

Search Engine location

News and Magazine Articles

Agents in Japan, China and Korea

Partner Presentations

Visits to Japan, China and Korea to promote investors

Web Development Teak



Long Term

Corporate Short Term



Fish Farming





Next Steps 

Visit Halmahera

Define Web Site Functionality

Business Model and Analytics for each Crop type

Develop Web Site and publish them on Internet

Prepare Business prospectus and presentation per crop

Distribute the Land and specify the Compost Production Center

Prepare first Newsletter and Refine the Web Sites

Seek meeting with investors

Promote sales

Establish accounting and invoicing system

Review and implement ArcGIS for control

Interact with Operations to guide their development activities

Thank You For your Interest

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