Summer Institute 2009 Schedule

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Monday, May 18th, 2009 The Summer Institute is held over the course of three days. It is a teaching and learning event for all full-time and adjunct faculty, focusing on best practices in the classroom, as well as technology topics for enhancing the student learning experience.

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Breakfast and Refreshments

19-147 Breakfast and refreshments will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM

Welcome Address

19-147 Welcome to Summer Institute 2009. Updates on events through the summer and fall semester. Overview of the great work going on by faculty. Facilitators: Utpal Goswami, Ph.D., Vice President/Provost, Yavapai College Jane Hersh, Director, Learning Center, Prescott Campus Stacey L. Hilton, Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning Services

9:00 AM – 9:55 AM

General Session: Diversity Then and Now: From Tolerance to Inclusion


* Featured Session on Diversity This program is an introduction to the topic of diversity and how the conversations surrounding diversity have evolved over the past 20 years. It will cover the basics, but also bring participants up to the present. The program will include interactive discussion and exercises throughout to help participants translate learning into action, and to get them thinking about how they can develop and use their cultural competence skills in daily interactions. Facilitator: Brenda Thomson, J.D., is the Director of LearnLaw, LLC, a consulting firm that provides human resources, leadership and diversity training to Arizona businesses.

Strategies to Reduce Textbook Costs

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-223

Dr. Utpal Goswami will lead this interactive dialogue that will focus on strategies to reduce textbook costs to our students at Yavapai College. Facilitator: Utpal Goswami, Ph.D., Vice President/Provost, Yavapai College Summer Institute 2009 Page 1 of 14

Bringing More to Your Blackboard Course

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-206

With the increasing popularity of online classes, the Blackboard component is not enough to achieve retention. This workshop will provide insight on bringing Web 2.0 into online course. With this, more advanced students move forward, while beginning users are introduced to social networking. Focus will be on utilizing the embedding of HTML code within the course. What HTML is and how to find more information, where to find the embed codes and what media can be embedded. Facilitator: Ruth Alsobrook-Hurich, Instructional Technology Specialist, TELS

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM

YouTube World

19-207 Learn about the practical uses of the sometimes fascinating, always wacky world of YouTube. Hands-on action will include making a quick-capture video, uploading, adding annotations and captioning, and embedding videos. We’ll also talk about how copyright is impacting home-videos, what limitations exist, and whether a million hits matters anymore. Facilitator: Thatcher Bohrman, Instructional Technology Coordinator, TELS

11:30 AM – 12:25 PM


19-147 Lunch will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

A Democratic Classroom: Will it Work?

12:30 PM – 1:25 PM 19-225

This session will be an open discussion, meant for an exchange of ideas, both pro and con. W e will discuss shifting the responsibility for learning—even decisions about what students learn— back on to them, in hopes of increasing their motivation and ownership. Facilitator: Mark Shelley, Division Dean, Liberal Arts, Prescott

Neuroeconomics, Neuroethics, and Neuromarketing

12:30 PM – 1:25 PM 19-223

Come check out these emerging interdisciplinary fields, which are a synthesis of neuroscience, psychology, economics, and ethics. Many major universities have entire departments devoted to these subjects. Find out what the latest advances in brain science tell us about economic/investing and ethical decision-making. And decide for yourself if these exciting new discoveries should have a place in your curriculum. An extensive list of resources will be provided. Facilitator: Dr. Michael Davis, Business, Verde

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Student Blogs as ePortfolios

12:30 PM – 1:25 PM 19-208

In this session participants will create blogs and discover the use they have as a way to save, comment on, and share student work. The session will also look at how blogs can be used as portfolios for faculty work. For this workshop, please create a Google account prior to the workshop if you do not already have one. Facilitators: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer, TELS Larry Frolich, Math & Science Division, Prescott

What Does it Mean to Be Green in the Classroom?

1:30 PM – 4:25 PM 19-224

In this special 3 hour workshop session, you will be introduced to a new learning approach: Ecopsychological Learning Approach (ELA). Workshop participants will learn how to co-facilitate in the classroom with Nature to bring about a deeper understanding of subject matter to the learner. It will be divided into three parts; presentation of the learning approach and why it works, experiential activities, and smaller group examination of the learning approach. Ecopsychological Learning Approach (ELA) is a teaching model that can creatively influence the instructor’s ability to initiate positive change in student’s academic skills. Scholars of Ecopsychology contend that the lack of connection to Nature stunts the ability of learners to tap into a creative flow, think critically, and be in balanced health. Traditional and alternative educators, formal and informal teachers, may ask themselves the question ―How can I enliven and enhance the presentation of what I want to impart to the learners so that they can receive this knowledge, improve their skills, be more creative and have better, healthier lives‖? By utilizing the principles of Ecopsychology and experiences in Nature as a foundation for learning, a College instructor can help students viscerally understand how they are connected to the natural environment, the non-human world, and inspire the students to think more critically, feel more relaxed, and be able to reflect improvements in their academic skills. This workshop is designed to experience ELA. Participants should be prepared to attend the entire 3 hours. Facilitator: Shayna DeArmon, M.A., Ecopsychologist, Verde Campus

Tech Tools for Education and Productivity

1:30 PM – 2:55 PM 19-207

There is a seemingly endless stream of new software products available online. In this session, we will investigate applications that have the potential to make the online component of your course richer and more interesting. Topics covered will include screen and audio capture, online flash cards, embeddable documents, online graphics editing, and portable applications. Note: Bring a few photos and a USB flash drive if you have them. Facilitator: Iain Davidson, Academic Technology Specialist, TELS

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The When and How of Referring Students to Personal Counseling

1:30 PM – 2:55 PM 19-225

Come discuss the when, where, how and why of referring a student to personal counseling services on the Verde or Prescott campuses. Learn how to manage a student who is exhibiting out of the norm behaviors during your class and ways to keep yourself and others students calm during this time. Facilitators: Pat Miner, MSW, LCSW, Academic Advisor/Student Personal Counselor Judy Brennen, MA, LISAC, Academic Advisor/Student Personal Counselor

3:00 PM – 4:25 PM

Blackboard Scholar

19-206 What IS that new tab in Blackboard?? Like, Scholar is a social bookmarking site that is just for education and embedding in YC's Blackboard system. With it, you and your students can add bookmarks to a Blackboard course and get to know other educators and students in their field. Facilitator: Thatcher Bohrman, Instructional Technology Coordinator, TELS

Dynamic Interactions: Managing Conflicts with Confidence

3:00 – 4:25 PM 19-223

* Featured Session on Diversity This program is designed to teach and practice basic conflict resolution skills. The program exercises encourage participants to apply their cultural competence skills to the dispute resolution process. The goal is to increase awareness and sensitivity, and also develop an appreciation for perceptions of conflicts and dispute resolution methods, which can be culturally bound. What is a conflict? Defining Healthy v. Unhealthy Conflicts What is our culture? What are our policies and practices? Methods to Address Conflicts The Conflict Resolution Process Practice, Practice, Practice How to Promote Respect, Dignity and Fairness Facilitator: Brenda Thomson, J.D., is the Director of LearnLaw, LLC, a consulting firm that provides human resources, leadership and diversity training to Arizona businesses.

4:30 PM – 5:25 PM


19-147 Dinner will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

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Banner Faculty Services starting with Fall 2009 Registration 5:30 – 7:00 PM 19-224 Learn how to help students register for Fall 2009 classes including how to push your own classes. See the new Banner system to access your class rosters, student contact information, and communicate with your students via email. You can even add office hours online! Facilitators: Sheila Jarrell, Registrar Jeni Johnson, Office of Instruction Lee Raubolt, Academic Affairs

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Blackboard Basics

19-206 This two hour workshop will assist participants in the basic computer skills required for effectively teaching an online/hybrid course utilizing the Blackboard system. In this hands-on session, you will learn how to: Add an announcement; Add content using folders, items, external links, and course links; Add assignments; Add and manage the Grade Center items in Blackboard; Use the communication tools, such as the discussion board and email; Best Practices in communicating effectively in Blackboard. Facilitator: Ruth Alsobrook-Hurich, Instructional Technology Specialist, TELS

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 Breakfast and Refreshments

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM 19-147

Breakfast and refreshments will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

General Session: Diversity and the Role of the Community College

9:00 AM – 9:55 AM 19-147

* Featured Session on Diversity There are many reasons offered to support the implementation of diversity initiatives. Some say it should be done because it is the right thing to do; others say it must be done to achieve goals. What is the educational institutions’ case for diversity? This session will examine whether or not diversity impacts the bottom line and how. Facilitator: Brenda Thomson, J.D., is the Director of LearnLaw, LLC, a consulting firm that provides human resources, leadership and diversity training to Arizona businesses.

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Education Etiquette: How does technology affect our student expectations? LOL!

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-224

Mary Verbout and Connie Gilmore will lead a discussion on the impacts of technology on classroom and online student behavior. We will solicit input from participants on what classroom and online situations they have faced and brainstorm possible responses. Is texting OK in your classroom? Do you accept ―text speak‖ in online posts? What do you do about it? Facilitators: Connie Gilmore, Division Dean, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Verde Mary Verbout, Communications Division, Prescott

Want to add another dimension to your students’ learning? Try Service Learning.

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-208

This opportunity will work for any course at Yavapai College. Come find out how it works and hear from instructors who have tried it. There’s even an online ―Opportunity Menu‖ for YC students with over 600 volunteer options to make it easy for you! ”Participating in the Service Learning program has brought me more fulfillment and direction than I have experienced in years.” Yavapai College sophomore, Spring 2009 Facilitators: Mark Baker, Prescott Unified School District Instructor and Service Learning Coordinator Brent Roberts, Math & Science Division, Prescott and Honors Program Coordinator

Using YouTube’s Quick Capture to Communicate with Students

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-207

If a picture is worth a thousand words imagine how much a video is worth. This workshop will demonstrate how to use video, instead of text, to explain assignments and communicate with students. Facilitator: Matt Pearcy, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Verde

Effective Interaction with Students

10:00 AM – 11:25 PM 19-225

Nancy Shafer, full-time English instructor, and Judy Hughes, adjunct English instructor, will show how they interact with students to keep them engaged. Judy will demonstrate the slide show with which she starts the semester to introduce herself to students and Nancy will share her first-day practices to get to know students better. They will discuss how they use personal student conferences to build rapport and help students with their writing, as well as effective group activities. Participants will be encouraged to share their best practices to relate to students. Facilitators: Judy Hughes, Communications Division, Prescott Nancy Schafer, Communications Division, Prescott

11:30 AM – 12:25 PM


19-147 Lunch will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

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General Session: Campus Deans Speak Out

12:30 PM – 1:25 PM 19-147

This event will be open as a general session for all faculties. Join the campus deans as they highlight the programs and events happening at each of their respective campuses. Facilitators: Susan Howery, Prescott Valley Campus Dean John Morgan, Chino Valley Campus Dean Tom Schumacher, Verde Valley Campus Dean Barb Wing, Prescott Campus Dean

Taking Control of Your Health

1:30 PM – 4:25 PM 19-224

In this special 3 hour workshop session, learn how the power of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes can help you lose weight without hunger and help arrest/reverse chronic disease. You can reduce and even eliminate medications by practicing this delicious, simple and healthy lifestyle! Facilitator: Cathy Karpinski, HPER Division, Prescott

Do We Need an Online Course Peer Review Program?

1:30 PM – 2:25 PM 19-208

We've seen the "Guidelines for Online Courses at Yavapai College", but how do we use this information to assist in the self-evaluation of faculty preparedness for online instruction. Yavapai College expects that all online instructors will strive to deliver courses that exemplify best practice in this environment. Come join this lively discussion to see how a voluntary Online Course Peer Review program would acknowledge those online courses and faculty that exemplify excellence in the online environment. Facilitator: Stacey Hilton, Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning Services

Reading Across the Disciplines

1:30 PM – 2:25 PM 19-225

Students may be capable of reading a text, but will they? Students choosing to read only the minimal, or not at all, in college courses is practically epidemic. How do YC instructors deal with this challenge in their own classes? What are positive ways in which instructors encourage students to critically read the designated material? Share your ideas and learn some new strategies at a round table discussion. Facilitators: Gennie Fuemmeler, Communications Division, Prescott Debbie Roberts, Liberal Arts Division, Prescott

1:30 PM – 2:25 PM

Wikis and Online Learning

19-223 Wikis provide a wonderful way to create content for both teachers and students. They also allow students to discuss the content found on them and modify it. This session will have participants creating a wiki and adding it to the navigation of their Blackboard course. Facilitator: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer, TELS Summer Institute 2009 Page 7 of 14

Open Mic: Show How You Teach With Technology

2:30 PM – 4:25 PM 19-206

Participants have 10-15 minutes to share, by informal presentation at a PC/lectern, how they use technology in their teaching. Each presentation may be followed by a round-table discussion. Facilitator: Gino Romeo, Chemistry Instructor, Verde

HOT TOPIC Online Course Conferencing

2:30 PM – 4:25 PM 19-207

Do online courses leave you feeling disconnected? Learn how new web conferencing tools can put you and your students in touch and create a real sense of presence. See how these free applications allow you to share remote presentations, converse with multiple people, and screen share between multiple users - all in real time. Topics: Audio conferencing Sending files Chat Screen sharing Remote control Facilitators: Thatcher Bohrman, Instructional Technology Coordinator, TELS Cliff Sherrill, Business and Computer Science Division, Prescott

Sound Energy and the 7 Ayurvedic Energy Concepts

2:30 PM – 4:25 PM 2-140

Explanations and demonstrations of how sound and rhythm have been used as means of spiritual ascension and also as healing arts from ancient times to modern. How discoveries of modern physics and medicine support the ancient methods of transforming physical, mental, emotional & spiritual energy. An introduction into the activity of the 7 Ayurvedic Energy Centers (Chakras) and how sound is used to align and stimulate them. Didgeridoos, Drums, Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Vocal Toning & Chanting will be the methods demonstrated. Facilitators: Rian McGonigal, HPER Division, Prescott Maria Mcgonigal, HPER Division, Prescott

Creating a Positive Classroom Environment

2:30 PM – 4:25 PM 19-208

This workshop offers insight and discussion on a variety of common classroom situations. The workshop would be divided into six segments, each dealing with a specific classroom issue. A short video presentation of the problem will be presented, followed by a small group discussion brainstorming strategies and possible solutions. Facilitator: Mark Woolsey, Communications Division, Prescott

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4:30 PM – 5:25 PM


19-147 Dinner will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Creative PowerPoint

19-206 Learn how to make your PowerPoint presentations more interesting and effective. In this session we will explore how to construct effective presentations and make the most out of the enormous variety of features contained in this powerful application. Facilitator: Iain Davidson, Academic Technology Specialist, TELS

Classroom Recording Technologies

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 19-207

Have a look at a couple of the ways to make an in-class recording. You'll learn to use Tegrity and the ITV system, and we'll discuss current and future systems for capturing the classroom experience. Topics discussed with include Tegrity recording and the ITV system. Facilitators: Thatcher Bohrman, Instructional Technology Coordinator, TELS Tom Aldridge, Manager, Presentation Technology Services

WEDNESDAY, May 20th, 2009 Breakfast and Refreshments

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM 19-147

Breakfast and refreshments will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

Online Professional Development

9:00 AM – 9:55 AM 19-223

This session will focus on the many resources available to educators on the web. Recorded webinars, blogs, conference wikis, all have stores information that may be valuable to educators as professional development tools. Facilitator: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer, TELS

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Developing Critical Thinking Skills and Research Skills 9:00 AM – 9:55 AM Using Mini-Debates 19-225 A short presentation of classroom experiences with mini-debates in science classes on controversial topics; followed by a round-table discussion of how to implement this teaching modality in other content areas. Organizational and grading rubrics will be provided for review. Alternatives more appropriate for the college class will be discussed. Facilitator: John Howell, Ph.D., Math & Science Division, Prescott

9:00 AM – 9:55 AM

I-click, you-click, we all click with i>clickers!

19-206 Would you like to ―click‖ with your students? Using the i>clicker classroom response system students can immediately provide their faculty feedback and answers to questions presented throughout the lecture. This is the same type of technology used on the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.‖ This system is simple to set up, may be used with a variety of displays, and can be tied directly to a computerized gradebook or course management system (such as Black Board). There is almost no learning curve; anyone can set this up in minutes. Come give it a click! Facilitator: Lori Riden, Nursing Division, Prescott

9:00 AM – 9:55 AM

Screen Capture Technologies

19-207 Ready, set, screen-scrape! While capturing screen activity is the main function, these crossplatform online tools allow you to record audio for audio's sake, as well as your video camera. Topics: Why capture? Preparation for recording narration Screen size considerations Tool pros and cons Facilitator: Thatcher Bohrman, Instructional Technology Coordinator, TELS

Quantum Physics in the Classroom

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-223

Come learn about simple, but proven, energy medicine techniques for stress reduction, daily methods to boost energy and focus (for you and your students), techniques to reprogram the subconscious, ways to shield against electromagnetic fields (like fluorescent lights which have been outlawed in classrooms in Germany), latest tools of energy psychology for increased wellbeing, and a whole bunch of wild things you have probably never heard of! We will have actual demonstrations using kinesiology. An extensive list of resources will be provided. Your classroom will never be the same! (In another life, Mike Davis is CEO of Energy Medicine Foundation and a practitioner of these tools.) Facilitator: Dr. Michael Davis, Business, Verde

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About Face: Appearance Discrimination

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM 19-208

* Featured Session on Diversity This program examines discrimination on the basis of appearance, including tattoos, weight, hair styles, height, religious garb and adornments, and gender and national origin. The law has evolved as our society has become increasingly diverse, and employers have been forced to balance marketing and business preferences against the personal expression of employees, and understand the difference between what legally protected expression is and is not. The participants will view a recent news story, and determine based on the information presented whether or not appearance discrimination occurred during the job interview process. Facilitator: Brenda Thomson, J.D., is the Director of LearnLaw, LLC, a consulting firm that provides human resources, leadership and diversity training to Arizona businesses.

Banner Faculty Services starting with Fall 2009 Registration 10 – 11:25 AM 19-224 Learn how to help students register for Fall 2009 classes including how to push your own classes. See the new Banner system to access your class rosters, student contact information, and communicate with your students via email. You can even add office hours online! (REPEAT SESSION) Facilitators: Sheila Jarrell, Registrar Jeni Johnson, Office of Instruction Lee Raubolt, Academic Affairs

10:00 AM – 11:25 AM

Camtasia Basics

19-207 Explore the basic techniques of screen recording for your courses using Camtasia. Topics will include recording video and audio, editing, and final production of an instructional video. Facilitator: Iain Davidson, Academic Technology Specialist, TELS

11:30 AM – 12:25 PM


19-147 Lunch will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

Document Sharing for Teachers and Students

12:30 PM – 1:25 PM 19-208

Whether in an online course or face to face, collaborating on note taking can greatly improve the content a student re-experiences, and what they are able to review. This session explores how Google Docs can provide students the ability to share notes. For this workshop, please create a Google account prior to the workshop if you do not already have one. Facilitator: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer, TELS

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Dealing with Tech Fatigue, or 12:30 PM – 1:25 PM ―How I learned to stop worrying and love my computer.‖ 19-207 Technology marches on, and at times, over us. While it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the changes computers have imposed on our lives, we can take simple steps to maintain our sanity in an over-computed world. Facilitator: Thatcher Bohrman, Instructional Technology Coordinator, TELS

Teaching and Touring in the Virtual Environment

1:30 PM – 4:25 PM 19-206

In this special 3 hour workshop session, we will discuss the pros and cons of teaching for the first time in the virtual environment (Second Life). In addition, participants will experience the benefits, as well as challenges, and be introduced to another virtual environment (Twinity). The second half of the workshop will offer an opportunity for those participants with Second Life accounts to take a tour of several environments used for teaching. These include: Medical, Aquatic and Educational Institutions. Facilitator: Ruth Alsobrook-Hurich, Instructional Technology Specialist, TELS

Online Collaborative Learning Made Easy— Wetpaint wikis, You Tube and Google docs?

1:30 PM – 2:55 PM 19-207

This workshop will give you ideas to spice up your classroom by collaborating online in ways that go beyond the discussion board. Ideas and tips will be shared regarding how to utilize these emerging technologies in a fun and effective way. The session will focus on three very easy to use free online products from Wetpaint and Google. Come see an alternative to Ning that is extremely user friendly and start collaborating in your classroom through wikis and video discussion boards. These hands-on tips and tricks will save you time from semester to semester and will allow you to create a forum for your students’ work to be published online, adding validity to your instruction. Don’t miss it; it’s going to be wiki wiki wild! Facilitator: Curtis Kleinman, Liberal Arts Division, Prescott

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Why Ban Wikipedia? How do we judge, and teach, the quality of online sources?

1:30 PM – 2:55 PM 19-224

Let’s start with the premise that Wikipedia contains good information. Why? Or why not? How do we decide? In this open-forum workshop, participants will submit websites—good, bad, hoax? Then we’ll analyze how we decide on that source’s quality. How do we teach others to exercise that judgment? The results should be: Some great new online sources for all of us Consensus on how we judge the quality of online sources Ideas for teaching our students to develop that good judgment. See you there—bring your websites! Facilitator: Larry Frolich, Math & Science Division, Prescott

Enhancing Your Online Presence

3:00 PM – 4:25 PM 19-207

Establish your own unique presence on the Web. This course will cover simple ways anyone can express their personality and share online. Learn how to create a Web site for free. Enter the world of blogging, and see how to get started sharing media, such as photos and video. It is easier and more fun than you might think. Facilitator: Iain Davidson, Academic Technology Specialist, TELS

Reducing Plagiarism in your Classes

3:00 PM – 4:25 PM 19-208

Discover Yavapai College’s newest tool that introduces the basics of plagiarism to your students. Participants will watch the Diagnosis: Plagiarism tutorial, review the resources available and discuss ways it can be used in your classes. Participants will learn how to imbed the resources including the pre and post assessment in Blackboard. Share ideas with other instructors on how you have reduced plagiarism within your classes. Facilitators: Chris Abbate, Manager, Library Instructional Services Stacey Hilton, Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning Services Nancy Schafer, Communications Division, Prescott

4:30 PM – 5:25 PM


19-147 Dinner will be served in the Susan N. Webb Community Room.

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Creating Assessments in Blackboard

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 19-208

This workshop session will explore how you can incorporate online assessment submissions into your Blackboard courses. Participants will experience different types of assessments in Blackboard from both the student and designer perspective to discover how online assessment is valuable and can create a dynamic learning environment. This hands-on workshop will address how to: Create tests and specify creation settings; Test question types; Deploy tests and set up test options; View and grade Tests; Modify test grades and clear attempts; View students’ answer statistics; Export and import a test; Create surveys; Pool manager. It is highly recommended you come to this session with some assessment questions that are relevant to your area of expertise. Facilitator: Stacey Hilton, Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning Services

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Mini Tracking Course

19-147 ―Ultimately, tracking an animal makes us sensitive to it–a bond is formed, an intimacy develops. We begin to realize that what is happening to the animals and to the planet is actually happening to us. We are all one. Tracking and reading sign help us to learn not only about the animals that walk around in the forest–what they are doing and where they are going–but also about ourselves. For me, this interconnection is survival knowledge and the true value of tracking an animal.‖ -Paul Rezendes in Tracking & the Art of Seeing Please bring your hiking or gym shoes to this session. Facilitator: Bob Matthews, HPER Division, Prescott

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