Summary Of Goals And Deliverables

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  • Words: 1,517
  • Pages: 17
Summary of Goals and Deliverables R.P.H. Chang, Northwestern University


2ndUS-China Workshop

Outline Background • Introduction to the Workshop Series • Summary of the First Workshop Introduction to this Workshop • Goals • Deliverables • Working Groups • Program

2ndUS-China Workshop

Background: About the Workshop Series • •

This workshop series was jointly launched by two agencies: the NSFC in China and the NSF in the US Purpose: Expand US-Chinese collaborations related to novel nanostructured materials and their applications in (1)advanced solar cells (2)environmental health/protection Enable Chinese and US researchers to work together to solve global energy and environmental challenges! 2ndUS-China Workshop

Background: Summary of the 1st Workshop

Goals of the first workshop 1. Identify potential research opportunities to address shared energy and environmental challenges facing the US and China. 2. Generate recommendations for addressing these challenges together, including potential jointly funded projects. 3. Establish active US-China working groups in these areas, as part of the Materials World Network.

2ndUS-China Workshop

Background: Participants of the 1st Workshop

More than 60 participants, including researchers, students and government observers from China and the US. • Five cross-cutting working groups – 2 on nanomaterials for advanced solar cells – 2 on nanomaterials and the environment – 1 on novel materials synthesis and characterization

2ndUS-China Workshop

Background: Outcomes of the 1st Workshop Conclusion: Solving global energy and environmental challenges will require transformative approaches and new levels of cooperation. Near-Term Recommendations • Launch joint research under the Materials World Network funding framework (thematic areas were identified and some projects were conceived) • Create a database of complementary expertise and resources in both countries. Improve cyberinfrastructure. • Increase student exchanges, longer visits, more opportunities for US students perform research in China. • Launch a university network; organize more US-China workshops. Long-Term Recommendation • Establish a jointly funded and operated US-China institute to provide a seamless, sustainable environment for long-term collaboration.

2ndUS-China Workshop

Workshop Report Available

Goal of This Workshop • The goal of this second US-China Workshop is to develop specific plans for implementing the recommendations produced during the first workshop in: – – – –

collaborative research facilities sharing education, cyber-infrastructure development

• Six US–Chinese working groups have been formed 2ndUS-China Workshop

Working Groups Group 1: Nanomaterials A: Murray Gibson (leader), Isiah Warner, Robert Hull, Ridgway Scott (US); Shuit-Tong Lee (leader), Meifang Zhu, Jiaguo Yu, Liwei Chen, Zhongsheng Wang (China) Group 2 Nanomaterials B: Olivia Graeve (leader), Xiaogang Peng, Sarah Morgan, John Rabolt (US); Yong Cao (leader), Ping Cui, Jian Xu, Yichun Liu, Kezhi Wang (China) Group 3: Energy A: Bruce Parkinson (leader), Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, Jeffrey Yang, Ethan Good, Len Feldman (US); Chunhui Huang (leader), Qingbo Meng, Jingbo Li, Donghang Yan, Hong Lin (China) Group 4: Energy B: David Ginley (leader), Woolas Hsieh, Alex Jen, Theodore Goodson (US); Lidong Chen (leader), Changjian Lin, De-ren Yang, Yunqi Liu, Dechun Zou (China) Group 5: Environment A: Richard Flagan (leader), , Neal Armstrong, Irene Fonseca (US); Lijie Qiao (leader), Jieshan Qiu, Yao Man, Rui Ran (China) Group 6: Environment B: Vicki Colvin (leader), Dhimiter Bello, Mamadou Diallo, Timothy Schulze (US); Feiyu Kang (leader), Meiqing Shen, Renxian Zhou, Xiaodong Wu (China)

2ndUS-China Workshop

Deliverables of this Workshop 1. A consolidated list of thematic areas for collaborative research 2. A list of research facilities to be shared or jointly developed by US and Chinese partners. 3. A series of recommendations for improving education programs and capabilities at the graduate, postgraduate and public levels. 4. A series of desirable cyber-infrastructure capabilities to support collaborative research, education, and networking. This information will inform the establishment of joint funding programs by US and Chinese agencies. 2ndUS-China Workshop

Worksheet Questions Deliverable 1: A consolidated list of thematic areas for collaborative research a) What topical areas / research questions does your group see as priorities for US-China collaboration? b) What kinds of complementary expertise, knowledge and resources in both countries would be leveraged by these collaborations? c) Recommended steps for implementation? Deliverable 2: A list of research facilities to be shared or jointly developed by US and Chinese partners. a) Existing facilities to be shared? b) Facilities to be jointly developed? c) Recommended steps for implementation?

2ndUS-China Workshop

Worksheet Questions Deliverable 3: A series of recommendations for improving education programs and capabilities at the graduate, postgraduate and public levels. a) How can our education capabilities be improved at each level? b) What types of joint programs would you recommend at each level? c) Recommended steps for implementation? Deliverable 4: A series of desirable cyber-infrastructure capabilities to support collaborative research, education, and networking. a) Cyberinfrastructure capabilities to support research? b) Cyberinfrastructure capabilities to support education? c) Cyberinfrastructure capabilities to support networking? d) Recommended steps for implementation?

2ndUS-China Workshop

New International Materials Institute (IMI) for Solar Energy Conversion A new solar energy institute has been established at Northwestern with funds from the National Science Foundation Technical Focus: Organic/inorganic photovoltaic cells Educational Focus: 1. Develop educational content for college, precollege and the public 2. Global leadership development for US and Chinese graduate students. Headquarters: Northwestern University (US) Core Partners: Tsinghua University (China), Louisiana State University and Argonne National Laboratory (US)

Dynamic Partnerships

NSF-MWN Collaborat

Coordinating Role: This IMI can help to facilitate and coordinate US-China research in the area of solar energy conversion, including many of the projects that may result from this workshop.

2ndUS-China Workshop

Acknowledgements • The organizers wish to thank the sponsors from NSFC and NSF for the honor of organizing this event for a second time and for their dedication to addressing shared energy and environmental challenges. • We thank all of the participants from China and the US for contributing their time and talents to improving US-China cooperation. • Finally, we would like to acknowledge Professor Weng and his staff at Tsinghua University for their outstanding logistical support and organization of this event. 2ndUS-China Workshop

Saturday, October 17

Workshop Program

Opening Remarks (Juxian Conference Hall) 8:15-9:00 Welcome by the organizers (Duan Weng and R.P.H. Chang); Welcome by the sponsors: NSF representatives: Zakya Kafafi (Division for Materials Research); Luis Echegoyen (Division of Chemistry); Junping Wang (Division of Mathematical Sciences) NSFC representatives: Ming Li (Bureau of Engineering and Materials) Session 1: Session Chair: 9:00-9:15 9:15-9:30 9:30-9:45 9:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45

Nanomaterials and the Energy (Juxian Conference Hall) R.P.H. Chang, Northwestern University David Ginley, National Renewable Energy Lab (US) Shuit-Tong Lee, Suzhou University (China) Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, University of California at Santa Barbara (US) Chunhui Huang, Peking University (China) Bruce Parkinson, University of Wyoming (US) Lidong Chen, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS (China) Coffee Break

Session 2: Session Chair: 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:00

Nanomaterials and the Environment (Juxian Conference Hall) Duan Weng, Tsinghua University Richard Flagan, California Institute of Technology (US) Ping Cui, Ningbo Institute of Materials, CAS (China) Erin Himmelspach, Northwestern University (US) Feiyu Kang, Tsinghua University (China) Vicki Colvin, Rice University (US)

2ndUS-China Workshop

Workshop Program Saturday, October 17 Session 3: Shared Facilities and Cyber-Infrastructure Opportunities (Juxian Hall) Session Chair: Robert Hull, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 14:00-14:20 Murray Gibson, Argonne National Laboratory 14:20-14:40 TBA 14:40-15:00 Robert Chang, Northwestern University 15:00-15:20 TBA 15:20-16:00 Coffee Break and Group Photo Session 4: Parallel Working Group Discussions: Each group member will briefly (15 minutes) outline his/her research, education, and collaborations relating to advanced solar cells, environmental health/protection, and/or novel nanostructured materials, followed by open discussion, with the workshop deliverables in mind. Please keep to the specified time limits to allow for effective discussion. Thank you! Group 1: Nanomaterials A (Shubo Hall) Group 2 Nanomaterials B (Cuibo Hall) Group 3: Energy A (Yanbo Hall) Group 4: Energy B (Shuiwen Hall) Group 5: Environment A (Shuilan Hall) Group 6: Environment B (Shuijing Hall) 18:00-20:30 21:00-23:00

Welcome Banquet (Shanshui Banquet Hall, 1st Floor) Beer Party (Yanbo Hall)

2ndUS-China Workshop

Workshop Program Sunday, October 18 Working Group Breakout Sessions (individual rooms) 8:30-10:30 Group Discussions and Report Preparation The working groups will meet in breakout sessions to produce the following deliverables: 1. A consolidated list of thematic areas for collaborative research 2. A list of research facilities to be shared or jointly developed by US and Chinese partners. 3. A series of recommendations for improving education programs and capabilities at the graduate, postgraduate and public levels. 4. A series of desirable cyber-infrastructure capabilities to support collaborative research, education, and networking. 10:30-10:50

Coffee Break


Group Discussions and Report Preparation


Lunch (Shanshui Banquet Hall, 1st Floor)

2ndUS-China Workshop

Workshop Program Sunday, October 18 Group Reporting (Juxian Conference Hall) Co-chairs: R.P.H. Chang, Duan Weng 14:00-14:10 Group 1: Nanomaterials A: Murray Gibson, Shuit-Tong Lee 14:10-14:20 Group 2: Nanomaterials B: Olivia Graeve, Yong Cao 14:20-14:30 Group 3: Energy A: Bruce Parkinson, Chunhui Huang 14:30-14:40 Group 4: Energy B: David Ginley, Lidong Chen 14:40-14:50 Group 5: Environment A Kimberly Gray, Lijie Qiao 14:50-15:00 Group 6: Environment B Vicki Colvin, Feiyu Kang **Please give all presentation and report files to Jennifer Shanahan for archiving and reporting.


Discussion of implementation plans


Coffee Break


Agency representatives input and recommendations to the groups


Compilation of Group Reports and Workshop Conclusions


Closing Remarks


Dinner (Shanshui Banquet Hall, 1st Floor)

2ndUS-China Workshop

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