Gnn3 - Presentation From France

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Overview of nanoscience and nanotechnology policies in France, 2005

3rd Global Nano Network Conference Dr.Françoise Roure CGTI

Saarbrücken, 2005-05-26

3 presentations in one… • 1. Nanosciences and nanotechnology french policy in 2005 • 2.MINATEC in Grenoble Region • 3.MINALOGIC cluster project 2005 ( complexity management)

Overview of nanoscience and nanotechnologies policies in France, 2005 MAIN TRENDS: Convergence of bottom up and top down approaches

1. An increasing Public and Private partnership 2. A new coordinating agency for 2005-2007 3. Incentives to SMEs acting in centers of excellence 4. Increased recruitment for fundamental research

NANO French national policy : main objectives • Support scientific and technological platforms • Public spending for the best academic projects, with networking between laboratories • Incentives for networking between public and private laboratories and innovative SMEs • Initiatives and full participation in EU Nano R&D programs ( MEDEA, PIDEA, EURIMUS, NanoSci-ERA)

NANO in France: public focus on the following fields • NanoMaterials • Quantum information • Organization and self- assembly of nano objects • Individual objects, elementary components • NanoBiosciences

Overview of nanoscience and nanotechnologies policies in France, 2005

MAIN ACTORS FOR NANO R&D: - Min.EFI, Min Recherche ( including universities), Min.Defense - Other Public entities - CNRS, CEA and ONERA (fundamental and applied research) - ANR ( applied research with PPP) -OSE0/ANVAR (SMEs)

Overview of nanoscience and nanotechnologies policies in France, 2005 • An increasing number of enterprises involved in the nanofield : – large groups : ST Microelectronics, Thales, EADS, Alcatel, Saint-Gobain, Rhodia, Freescale, Philips, Biomerieux – SMEs ( Tracit, Xenocs…) – Starts up linked to technological platfoms and laboratories

French national program in nanosciences: Some financial indicators • Capital investment in nanosciences (fundamental research): 184M€ • Annual expenditure: 150M€. 1200 researchers involved – 12 M€ in 2004 for incentive actions – 100M€/ 4 years in support for infrastructures and networks

• Agence nationale de la Recherche ( ANR). Creation january 2005. Will support newly created Réseau national nanosciences nanotechnologies ( R3N). 70M€ in 2005

ANR/ R3N priorities for 2005-2007 • Nano Scientific and tech. Platforms in technopoles Grenoble, Toulouse, Lille, and Franche-Comté et Ile de France regions • Best fundamental research projects based upon academic labs networking • Best applied research developed by public-private and SMEs labs networking • Calls for tender : beginning april 2005: Nanoelectronic components, nanomaterials, nanobiosciences

A special effort to support innovative and new SMEs • ANVAR Agency and BDPME bank to join efforts under OSEO group • Projects characterized by a high level of financial risk and high innovative potential for applications • Loans to be reimbursed if and when economic sustainability is proven. • 52M€/Y, including 20M€ in nanotechnologies

NanoSci-ERA: an important project emerging in 2005 from a french initiative ( CNRS/CEA) - Consortium of 12 national research organisms over 9 EU Member States + Israel. Represents the majority of european research and an important part of the world fundamental research in nanosciences - Agreed by European Commission in march 2005 - To coordinate national programs and provide orientations for the 7th Framework 2007-2013

Nanosci-ERA roadmap : 5 WP • • • • •

Developing relations among the Partners - FR Implementating transnational research - DE Tending to the needs of the research community - NL Extending nanoscience cooperation - AT Embedding nanoscience research in Society- UK – Potential benefits and risks – Public information – Atttracting the young

– Call for tenders mid 2006

France in favor of an initiative for a responsible international dialogue : 2005 • 1. « Homeworks preparatory actions»: – an interdiciplinary commission in CNRS to address societal aspects created in 2005 – R3N to coordinate research related to ethics, health and environment issues coming from nano applications – Communication and dissemination program for 2005-2006 .

• 2. As a EU member state : – support for european conferences and workshops, in particular European Science Foundation Nano-Information science and technology/NIST forum – Support for CEN WG 166 and ISO cooperative approach for nano, including classification, characterization and risks / societal aspects – Support for the international initiatives of European Commission ( follow up of Alexandria/ VA meeting, june 2004)

• 3. As an active Nation in the international area: – Bilateral programs, events and participations outside EU ( US, Japan…) – Other multinational dynamics ( G8…)

A mission for 3rd GNN ? • June 2004 :Alexandria meeting agreed on the limits of a classical costs/benefits approach because of the unknown unknows of converging transformational nanotechnologies in the long run • September 2004: EU/EC NTW Foresight 2020 and its final event: Participants fully supported the creation of a European Societal Observatory of Converging Technologies, ( ESOCT) beginning with nanotechnologies, proposed by French expert. • May 2005 : GNN to identify the project of a international cooperative approach on defining an ongoing normative risk assessment methodology for worldwide nano-RDTE ?

Minatec, for a cross-the-board in nanoscience, micro and nanotechnology •


Constantly evolving initial and continuous training courses

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Strengthen partnerships at a regional, national and international level: _ proposing engineer’s and master’s degree courses, ranging from nanoscience to its applications, _ creating new european degrees. Adapt continuous professional training to suit corporate demands. Develop hands-on training on new technology platforms. Set up at the Minatec Centre: _ two engineering schools and a part of INP Grenoble’s Telecommunications Department, _ the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (Cime) and its platform, the largest in France, _ continuous professional training with the Microelectronics and Microsystems Continuous Training Centre (an INP Grenoble and CEA Grenoble partnership) and INSTN/CEA Grenoble.


• •

potential centred on nanoscience, micro and nanotechnology and their integration in electronic systems

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Encourage close links between upstream, technology and applied research. Bring together, in specific buildings, skills in:

• • • • • • • •

nanotechnology, _ heterogeneous integration, _ optronics and photonics, _ microsystems, _ system design and integration, _ instrumentation for biotechnology, _ smart devices, _ telecommunications, _ various forms of usage.

• • • • • • •

Promote pluridisciplinary working and explore new themes. Regroup research laboratories at the Centre: _ CEA Leti and CEA Grenoble laboratories, _ university (INP Grenoble and Université Joseph Fourier) and CNRS-affiliated laboratories regrouped within the micro and nanotechnology federation (FMNT-RA).


M INALOGIC MIcro NAnotechnologies et LOgiciel Grenoble-Isère Compétitivité

Miniturized Intelligent Solutions

Grenoble - Isère

Miniaturization and intelligence in products : a challenge for industrial competitivity

Stake : to move the competitive battle from a playing field based on low cost production to one based on speed of innovation, value-added products and services

Consumer products and traditional industrial products become commodities Agressive competition from countries with low production costs Ability to rapidly copy new products

Industrial actors need to deliver a triple response to the competition By creating highly differentiated products Miniaturized Intelligent and communicative Launch innovative products quickly and more frequently Develop service based activities (and hence jobs) around these innovative products

Strategy of the cluster

A strategy at two levels Reinforce basic technology in the domaines of micro and nanotechnologies and embedded software Develop highly differentiated solutions in terms of miniaturization, system intelligence, and connectivity

Projects to address the strategic challenges The new projects of Minalogic aim at managing the complexity that is hidden behind the simplicity of use offered by Miniaturized Intelligent Solutions

Four challenges :


Anticipate technological breakthroughs in nanoelectronics The project GIN (Growth Initiative for Nanoelectronics) Centre for Materials led by SOITEC, responds to this challenge


Connect devices with their environment The projects imager, image chain, large area electronics and MEMS to market respond to this area

Manage the conception

o and design of complex circuits The project GIN Computer Aided Design, led by STMicroelectronics, will optimize high production yields, time to market and the growing complexity of circuits

Manage the development

Miniaturized Intelligent qofSolutions

The project EmSoC (Embedded Systems on Chip) : Mobility, intelligent energy management and related tools in the Centre for Integration address this challenge

Two Technology Projects GIN : Growth Initiative for Nanoelectronics will reinforce the leading position in materials, avanced architectures and design. A stategic point, embedded software, will be the centerpoint of the intensive development program to integrate materials and embedded software onto devices : EmSoC (Embedded Systems on


Miniaturized Intelligent Solutions

« Core competence » Micro nano technologies

Embedded software


Applied Projects The two technology projects reinforce the Grenoble-Isère cluster to allow the development of miniaturized intelligent solutions

Examples of Intelligent Miniaturized Solutions


Project R&D : intelligent energy management (Ex : the autonomous networked switch)

Energy Efficiency

Project R&D : MOBILITY (Ex : NOMADIK, the new multimedia companion)

Connectivity Mobility

Project R&D : NANOBIO in collaboration with Bio Lyon (Ex : lab on chip)

Project R&D : Imagers (Ex : CMOS imager for X-ray mammography )

Project R&D : Electronics on flexible substrates (Ex : technology rich textiles )

Biology Health Image Chaîn Traditional Industries

MINALOGIC PPP Project : 457 M€

[+ 310 M€]

Thank you for your attention Online Report «Nanotechnologies: ethics and industrial challenges » Pr. Jean-Pierre DUPUY Dr. Françoise D. ROURE

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