Sulfur Safety Data Sheet

  • June 2020
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- adverse effects over the environment and manifestation symptoms: Contamination of soil and water courses must be avoided. 3.3 Other dangers which do not result from classification


Member of OMV Group


Petroleum Sulphur Product Code: 98000000 Section 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY 1.1 Product Trade name 1.2 Use of the substance/preparation 1.3 Company identification

1.4 Emergency telephone

Petroleum Sulphur The product is used as raw materials for organic synthesis, explosives, matches production, rubber vulcanization, in agriculture. PETROM S.A., 239, Calea DorobanŃilor, postal code 010567, Bucharest, Romania, phone +40(0)725.16.00.00,, in the working points: ARPECHIM, 127 Bd. Petrochimiştilor, Piteşti, Argeş County PETROBRAZI, 65 Trandafirilor Street., Brazi Locality, Prahova County +40 (0) 725.16.16.16

Section 2 COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 2.1 The product must be considered: substance Substance name

Concentration/ concentration range %(m/m)



min. 99.9





EC Hazard

R phrases

The product doesn’t contain classified hazardous substances according to Annex 2 of HG (Government Decision) no. 490/2002. Section 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 3.1 Classification The product is not classified as dangerous according to Annex 2 of HG (Government Decision) no. 490/2002 Human/health hazards: - by inhalation: sulphur dioxide emitted through combustion is irritant to the respiratory system; possible pulmonary oedema - by skin and eyes contact: in case of long term contact it is irritant to eyes and skin - by ingestion: improbable Environmental hazards: Avoid discharging the product in the environment (water courses, soil, drains). Ignition and explosion hazards: The sulphur powder in the air may explode, especially if it comes in contact cu oxidizing agents. If the build-up of a sulphur cloud is noticed, all possible ignition sources (sparks, unprotected flames, etc.) must be eliminated, and as a precaution, water should be sprayed in the affected area. 3.2. Adverse effects - adverse effects of the physical & chemical properties and manner of manifestation: The product is chemically stable. It becomes dangerous when involved in fire and produces through burning large quantities of sulphur dioxide (toxic gas). - adverse effects over the human health and manifestation symptoms: By inhalation of sulphur dioxide occurs irritation of the respiratory and digestive systems, with a burning sensation, nausea and vomiting. It may cause weeping, blurring of sight, chemical conjunctivitis and cornea lesions. It may affect the central nervous system. The irritant effect on long-term skin and eyes contact may manifest itself late. Petroleum Sulphur PETROM S.A.

4.1 Symptoms and effects as a result of exposure Does not constitute an immediate danger for the human health. 4.2 First aid measures (general overview) Remove the victim into fresh air rinse the affected area with plenty of water and soap. Seek medical assistance. 4.3 First aid measures - in case of inhalation: The intoxicated person with dioxide sulphur must be immediately removed from the contaminated environment and transported in an adequate ventilated place. If the case, perform artificial respiration. Seek medical assistance. - in case of ingestion: seek medical assistance. - in case of eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water even under the eyelid, for 15 minutes. If necessary seek medical assistance. - in case of skin contact: Remove contaminated equipment as quickly as possible. Immediately wash with water and soap. If large surfaces of the body have been exposed or if the irritation persists seek medical assistance. 4.4 Qualified medical attention Provide symptomatic treatment and moral support. 4.5 Other information DO NOT administer anything to a person found in unconscious state or presenting convulsions. Section 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES 5.1 Suitable extinguishing media (media, materials) Spray water extinguishers, powder and carbon dioxide extinguishers, inert gas and dust extinguishers, carbonic snow extinguisher and aero-mechanical foam extinguishers. Sprayed water extinguishing equipment, aero-mechanical foam and PSI water and foam fire-engine. 5.2 Not recommended extinguishing media (media, materials) Jet water because it may cause dispersal of melted or dust of sulphur. 5.3 Special exposure hazards Avoid discharge of product in the environment (water courses, soil, drains). 5.4 Special protective equipment for fire-fighters Use full protection clothing for intervention at high temperatures (anti-thermal) and/or fire resistant clothing (aluminized). Since fire may produce toxic fumes and accidents, compressed air self contained breathing apparatus should be used. 5.5 Other information Isolate the fire area. Unauthorized personnel’s access in the area is forbidden. Section 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1 Personal precautions Inoperative personnel are removed. Remove fire sources, flammable and combustible materials and avoid formation of sparks. For entering the area adequate protection equipment is required. Approach from the up wind side (watching for any change in wind direction). In enclosure, if possible, provide adequate ventilation. After leaving the area, contaminated clothes should be changed and the affected areas should be washed with water and soap. 6.2 Environmental precautions Page 1 of 4

Version 1; Data: May 2007 Supersedes : all previous versions

The discharge of product in drains, water courses and soil should be avoided. The affected area is immediately isolated and the spilled product is collected. In the event of large spillage, the affected area is covered with plastic foil/waterproof fabric in order to avoid product dispersion and competent authorities should be notified. 6.3 Methods for cleaning up The spilled product is collected in metallic barrels, so that it does not represent a pollution source. The spilled product is collected by specialized personnel. Resulted wastes shall be transported to special set-up locations or it shall be burnt in authorized location according to the legal provisions. 6.4 Other information Section 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 Handling (including environment protective measures) Handling is performed with the strict observance of the technological and PSI instructions. It is handled with mechanical means and it is avoided as much as possible the build-up of dust. Adequate ventilation shall be provided. Contact with strong oxidizing agents shall be avoided. There should only be used tools and electric equipment in construction anti-ex. It is forbidden to eat, drink and also to keep food in the working area. No smoking. 7.2 Storage - storage requirements: Store in special set-up places, out of reach of sun, away from any heat and ignition sources, cool, dry, well ventilated. Rooms where product is handled shall be provided with general and local ventilation systems. Saving sprinklers must be provided. - specific requirements: Store the product away from oxidizing agents. 7.3 Specific use(s) - recommended use(s): Raw material for organic synthesis, production of explosives and matches, rubber vulcanizing, in agriculture. - internal regulation: not applicable. 7.4 Other information Personal clothes are kept separate from work clothes and working place. All conditions for minimizing the contact of the product with skin and eyes are provided. Section 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 Exposure limit values 8.1.1 Specific control parameters 8.1.2 Preparations, allowed limit values for ingredients: not applicable. 8.1.3 Information regarding current monitoring procedures: 8.2 Exposure control 8.2.1 Occupational exposure control Respiratory protection: When product as powder is present or toxic gases, respectively hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide are generated, full breathing protection equipment shall be used. Hand protection: Use gloves that provide protection. At the same time, must be provided freedom of movement for fingers, gloves must protect the forearm as much as possible, must be fixed tight on the hand and must not be torn. On choosing gloves, must be considered and observed gloves manufacturer’s indications regarding material’s quality and other qualitative characteristics. Eye protection: Glass safety spectacles or safety goggles should be worn as provided by the regulations in force regarding face and eye protection. Contact lenses should not be worn at working place. Skin protection: Overalls and natural fibres underwear should be worn, pursuant to norms, and also rubber Petroleum Sulphur PETROM S.A.

8.2.2 Environmental exposure control All measures against accidental spillage of product during handling, transport, storage and/or usage should be provided. Exposure of environment is permanently monitored. 8.3 Other information Providing the measures and control equipment, ensuring the ventilation systems that maintain the concentration below the dangerous limits. Section 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1 General information - appearance: solid, yellow - odour: specific, sulphurous 9.2 Important health, safety and environmental information No. 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5

9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.2.9 9.2.10 9.2.11 9.2.12 9.2.13 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2

Specification of physical and chemical proprieties of the substance/ preparation pH Boiling point/ boiling range, °C Ignition temperature, °C Flash point , °C Explosive proprieties for powder, g/m³ – lower explosion limits – upper explosion limits Oxidizing properties Vapour pressure 115°C, hPa Density at 20°C, g/cm3 Solubility - water solubility at 20°C, % - fat solubility n-octanol/ water partition coefficient, 20°C Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s Vapour density, 444.6°C (air=1) Volatility index Other physical & chemical properties Melting point/ melting range, °C Auto-ignition temperature, °C



not applicable 444.6 160 unknown


35 1400 not applicable 0.0325 2.07 insoluble unknown not applicable not applicable 3.64 unknown 116÷119 unknown


STAS 9098/1

Section 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.0 Stability 10.1 Conditions to avoid

10.2 Materials to avoid 10.3 Hazardous decomposition products 10.4 Other information Page 2 of 4

The product is stable in ambient conditions, in closed containers, under normal storage and handling conditions. - storage in places without a good ventilation - storage near heat and ignition sources - contact with oxidizing agents - generation of static electricity Oxidizing agents Hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxides Hazard polymerization does not occur. Version 1; Data: May 2007 Supersedes : all previous versions

Section 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION 11.1 Substances/preparations: Toxicological information and other effects on health Solid phase elementary sulphur is not toxic. Under specific conditions it may release toxic gases like hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide respectively. Acute toxicity: LD50 (rat) > 5000 mg/kg for sulphur in aqueous solution - ingestion: - inhalation: LC50 (rat) > 9.23 mg/l (4 h) for sulphur powder LD50 (rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg for sulphur powder - skin: Chronic toxicity: - ingestion: - inhalation: - Excessive inhalation of toxic gases (hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide) causes irritation of respiratory tract, cephalalgia, dizziness, vomiting and losses of movement coordination depending on concentration and exposure duration. Very high concentrations lead to losses of consciousness even after shot periods of action. - skin: - After long-term exposure it causes a hyper-sensitization of skin, its dryness and cracking, occurrence of dermatitis. - other ways Irritant effects Specific effects 11.2 Preparations: Information regarding the toxicological effects (and other effects on health) of the ingredients Not applicable 11.3 Reference source IUCLID data base 11.4 Other information Section 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 12.1 Ecotoxicity Toxicity data to aquatic organisms: - acute toxicity to fish LC50 = 866 mg/l (96 h) 12.2 Mobility Unknown 12.3 Persistence and degradability - Substance (ingredients) potential of degradation: unknown - Half-life: not available data. -Substance (ingredients) potential of degradation into sewage-treatment plants: unknown 12.4 Bioaccumulative potential Unknown 12.5 Other adverse effects Sulphur in solid phase in insoluble in water at 20°C.

Dispersal in inappropriate set-up places, near fire sources. Waste can be recovered or incinerated. The recovered packaging shall be used again for the same product. 13.3 Relevant provisions of legislation Provisions of the legislation regarding to waste shall be observed (Government Decision HG 856/2002; waste code 05 01 16) Section 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION Transport information ADR / RID / IMDG / IMO / IATA / IT-ICAO: ONU (UN) Number 1350 Class, , Classification Code 4.1; F3 Goods name Petroleum sulphur Packing group III Hazard identification number 40 Label 4.1 Special requirements to be accomplished 242* Other applicable information Marine pollutant *The product is not mentioned in ADR regulations when it is in solid phase and has a certain form. Section 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION 15.1 Substance/preparation labelling Petroleum Sulphur Code: 98000000

“EC Label”

R Phrase(s) Not applicable

S Phrase(s) Not applicable

15.2 Specific provisions 15.3 Relevant information regarding national legislation      


13.1 Appropriate disposal methods of the substance or preparation Disposal is realized with the observance of the waste legislation in force. 13.2 Appropriate disposal methods of contaminated packaging Petroleum Sulphur PETROM S.A.

EC 231-722-6

Labelling according to EC directives Potential hazardous components that must be specified on the label: Not applicable

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OUG (Government Emergency Ordinance) no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO (Official Gazette) 593/22.11.2000 Law no. 451/2001 for the approval of OUG no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 416/26.07.2001 HG (Government Decision) no. 490/2002 for the approval of Methodological norms for applying OUG no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 356/28.06.2002 HG (Government Decision) no. 92/2003 for the approval of Methodological norms regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 118/25.02.2003 Law no. 360/2003 regarding the regime of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 635/5.09.2003 Law no. 263/2005 for amending law 360/2003 regarding the regime of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 899/07.10.2005 Law no. 324/2005 for amending OUG 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 1019/17.11.2005 HG (Government Decision) no. 199/2006 regarding amending HG 490/2002 for the approval of Methodological norms of applying OUG no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 223/10.03.2006 Version 1; Data: May 2007 Supersedes : all previous versions

Section 16 OTHER INFORMATION 16.1 Relevant R Phrases list R Phrase(s) Not applicable

16.2 Clear distinction of information which has been added, erased or modified: not applicable 16.3 Other information References: 1. Methodology for completing and checking the Safety Data Sheet –, 5th edition/ February 2007– 2. European Chemical Substances Information – – IUCLID data base 3. ADR 2005 – Annex A: dangerous goods list 4. Ministry of Chemical Industry - Department Norms PSI-1988 and General norms of fire-fighting prevention and extinction (Order no.775/22.07.1996, issued by the Internal Affairs Ministry) 5. General labour protection norms HG (Government Decision) 1218/06.09.2006 regarding the determination of the minimum SSM requirements for providing protection for the workers against risks related to chemical agents’ presence. 6. Law 319/14.07.2006 – Law of labour security and health 7. Specific PSI legislation: DG PSI-001; DG PSI-002; DG PSI-003; DG PSI-004; DG PSI-005; Law no. 307-2006; OMI no. 712-2005 8. Concise Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology – Kirk – Othmer 9. Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry – Jhon A. Dean 10. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, sixth edition Provided information refers to the product in question. It does not apply if the product is used together with other materials or in processing. The user must ensure that all the information is correct and complete for the appropriate usage at the present time. Information corresponds to our knowledge an expertise at the present time or at the time the product was introduced on the market. The user stands the risks resulted from the non-observance of the recommendations of this sheet regarding usage, handling, storage and transport of the product. Used abbreviations: ADR RID IMDG code IT-ICAO IATA PSI

Petroleum Sulphur PETROM S.A.

European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail International Marine Dangerous Goods Code Technical Instructions of International Civil Air Organisation International Air Transport Association Prevention and fire extinguishing ( Prevenirea şi stingerea incendiilor )

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Version 1; Data: May 2007 Supersedes : all previous versions

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