Ethylene Safety Data Sheet

  • June 2020
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- adverse effects of the physical & chemical properties and manner of manifestation: Extremely flammable, produces mixtures with air, with high potential of ignition or explosion. - adverse effects over the human health and manifestation symptoms: A prolonged exposure may aggravate chronic diseases of the respiratory system and of the central nervous system. - adverse effects over the environment and manifestation symptoms: The product is asphyxiating for the living organisms. Its volatility is very high that’s why there is no possibility for it to accumulate in the aquatic environment. 3.3 Other dangers which do not result from classification

SAFETY DATA SHEET Ethylene Product Code: 92000000


Section 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY 1.1 Product Trade name 1.2 Use of the substance/preparation 1.3 Company identification

1.4 Emergency telephone

Ethylene The product is used as raw material in the petrochemical industry. PETROM S.A., 239 Calea DorobanŃilor, postal code 010567, Bucharest, Romania, phone +40(0)725.16.00.00,, in the working point: ARPECHIM, 127 Bd. Petrochimiştilor, Piteşti, Argeş County +40 (0) 725.16.16.16

Section 2 COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 2.1 The product must be considered: substance Substance name

Concentration/ concentration range %(m/m)




EC Hazard

R phrases






R12 R67


Section 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 3.1 Classification The product is dangerous. F+; R12 – R67 Extremely flammable. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Human/health hazards: - by inhalation: prolonged exposure may cause irritation of the respiratory tract; in high concentrations (over 10%) may cause asphyxiation, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, narcotic and hallucinogenic effect. Repeated exposure may cause depression of the central nervous system. Exposure to high concentrations of vapours, even for short periods of time, may cause to loss of consciousness and in extreme cases even death due to the lack of oxygen. - by skin and eyes contact: contact with liquefied product may cause skin cold burns (frostbites), due to rapid evaporation. Prolonged exposure may cause eye irritation. Besprinkling with liquefied product may cause serious damage to eyes. - by ingestion: ingestion of the liquefied product is not considered as a possible exposure. Environmental hazards Because it is volatile the product disperses rapidly in the atmosphere, disintegrating photochemical and so it’s not pollutant for soil or water. Ignition and explosion hazards Presents a great risk of ignition and explosion. The leakages of liquefied product evaporate instantly. The vapours are heavier then air, they can accumulate in enclosed spaces and accidentally ignite easily. The vapours resulted from leakages migrate at the surface of the soil and can ignite from the distance. 3.2. Adverse effects Ethylene PETROM S.A.

4.1 Symptoms and effects as a result of exposure In case of short term exposure: dizziness, loss of equilibrium, suffocation. In case of repeated or long term exposure the product may cause asphyxiation due to the lack of oxygen. The liquid product may cause eye and skin cold burns. 4.2 First aid measures (general overview) Remove the casualty into fresh air. Seek medical assistance. 4.3 First aid measures - in case of inhalation: The casualty must be removed from the corrupted area into fresh air. If necessary artificial respiration will be performed, cardiac massage. If the victim is unconscious he/she must be placed in a recovery position and (if possible) oxygen should be administrated. Breath and pulse will be monitoring. Seek emergency medical assistance. - in case of ingestion: If the improbable case of ingestion seek emergency medical assistance. - in case of eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water even under the eyelids, for 15 minutes. Cover the eye with sterile bandage. Seek emergency medical assistance. - in case of skin contact: The contaminated equipment will be removed as soon as possible. The contaminated clothes must be soaked in water and than removed. Don’t insist if the equipment adhered to skin. If frost bites appear don’t friction the affected areas. These will be washed with hot water for 10-15 minutes. Cover with sterile bandages. Don’t use cream or powder. Seek emergency medical assistance. 4.4 Qualified medical attention Symptomatic treatment and moral support is given. 4.5 Other information NOTHING will be administrated to an unconscious person that presents convulsions. Attention to the contaminated cloths, they may ignite. In case of frostbites, gradual reheating must be performed. Restrictions at usage: The abuse, meaning the voluntary repeated and prolonged inhalation of vapours in high concentration may cause death through asphyxiation and cardiac failure. The abuse, meaning ingestion of gas may lead to death through larynges’ freeze- similar effect with drowning. Section 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES 5.1 Suitable extinguishing media (media, materials) Close the gas source. If this can’t be done safely and there is no risk to affect the nearby places let it burn until it extinguishes by itself. Remove any possible ignition source from the area and evacuate the personnel. For small fires, extinguishers with powder and carbon dioxide, extinguishers with inert gas and powder, extinguishers with dry ice and extinguishers with aeromechanic foam are used. When using extinguishing powder and CO2 the product may re-ignite after extinguishing. For large fires extinguisher installations with aeromechanic foam and special PSI vehicle with water and foam are used. The intervention of fire fighters is solicited. For the cool down of the tanks, cylinders, cans that are in the fire area and in order to decrease the quantity of gas, sprinkler installations or other means will be used.

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Version 1; Data: April 2007 Supersedes: all previous versions

5.2 Not recommended extinguishing media (media, materials) Water, sprinkler installation, water extinguishing installation to fight fires. 5.3 Special exposure hazards Gaseous product may travel far along the ground. 5.4 Special protective equipment for fire-fighters A suitable protective suit will be used for interventions in high temperatures (anti-thermal) and / or fire resistant suit (aluminized). Because the fire may produce toxic smoke and accidents, autonomous isolating equipment with compressed air and gas masks with polyvalent refills will be used. 5.5 Other information The fire area will be isolated. The access for unauthorized personnel will be forbidden. For the reduction of the risk factors there will be used: - efficient systems to empty the devices used for the capture of gas leakages; - isolating systems of the equipments that are used for transport ; - efficient systems to prevent exceeding the calculated pressure; - fitting equipments to capture the gases in case of discharges when exceeding the pressure. To prevent explosions and fires, electric engines and electric equipments made of anti-ex, will be used. Section 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1 Personal precautions The uninvolved personnel are carried off. The fire sources are disconnected (for example: engine is shut down); the flammable and combustible materials and the formation of sparks will be avoided. The danger zone is established with the explosive prove device and it will be isolated. Entering the area will be possible only with special protection equipment. In case the leakage of the product cannot be stopped, it must be tried to depressurize the system in order to reduce the losses of the product in the atmosphere. For the prevention of ignition of the resulted product due to accidental releases, water and steam extinguishing systems are used and the fires from neighbour installations must be stopped. Approach from the up wind side. Adequate ventilation must be ensured. After leaving the area the clothes that came into contact with the product will be changed and the affected areas washed with water and soap. 6.2 Environmental precautions In case of major spills the area must be isolated and the competent authorities must be notified. 6.3 Methods for cleaning up The product can drain from recipients under a liquid or gaseous form. The drained liquid will instantaneously evaporate. Vapours form explosion mixtures in contact with air. The area shall be ventilated. 6.4 Other information The vapours of this product are heavier than the air and by circulation they might come into contact with ignition sources. The leakage of product in drains presents an explosion risk. In case of minor leakage evaporation is allowed. The liquid will not be dispersed with water. In case of major leakage the vapours will be dispersed using water fog. Section 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 Handling (including environment protective measures) Handling will be done by strictly respecting the technological and PSI instructions. Avoid besprinkling with the product of the personnel. Contact with strong oxidizing agents shall be avoided. When handling the barrels and cans that contain the product, avoid the mechanic shocks, frictions, deteriorations. Will be used only anti-ex tools, instruments and electric equipments. All the pipes and the equipment used for handling, transport or return passages must be connected to the grounding harness to prevent any uncontrolled electric static discharge. Don’t use compressed air to fill up, unload or handle the product. For the transportation of the product will be used only means of transport adequate from the PSI and technical point of view and in accordance with the technical ISCIR prescriptions. Ethylene PETROM S.A.

7.2 Storage - storage requirements: The product will be stored in under pressure containers, according to the ISCIR technical prescriptions. The places where the product will be handled must have general ventilation systems and also local to maintain the concentration within the admissible limits. The local evacuation system is preferred because it prevents the dispersion of the toxic gases in the working area. The existence of the salvation showers must be ensured. Don’t deposit it near bottles with compressed oxygen or other strong oxidizing agents. - specific requirements: The product will be deposited in tanks or special cylinders-containers, tightly closed, connected to the ground harness, far from any combustible materials, sources of heat and ignition. The park of containers must be provided with suitable facilities to fight fires. The intervention to the transport/handling equipment requires certain procedures to follow and strict precaution measures to adopt. The interventions will be made after the explosive-prove device is checked and the monitoring will continue until the end of the procedure. 7.3 Specific use(s) - recommended use(s): the product is used as raw material in the petrochemical industry - internal regulation : the product will not be used for something else 7.4 Other information The personal clothes will be kept separately from the work clothes and from the working place. It is not allowed to eat, drink or to keep food in the working area. Suitable protective equipment is mandatory. In the locations where large quantities of the product are stored, the responsible personnel will elaborate an emergency/ disaster plan. Section 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 Exposure limit values 8.1.1 Specific control parameters The product is not mentioned in HG (Government Decision) 1218/06.09.2006 regarding the minimum SSM requests for the personnel’s protection against risks due to the presence of chemical agents. 8.1.2 Preparations, allowed limit values for ingredients: not applicable. 8.1.3 Information regarding current monitoring procedures: 8.2 Exposure control 8.2.1 Occupational exposure control Respiratory protection: When the oxygen concentration in open air is of minimum 18%, the gas filter mask for organic vapours (filter of AX gases) will be used. When the oxygen concentration is below 18%, isolating equipment with air or oxygen will be used. Hand protection: Will be used gloves that will ensure protection against the oil products. At the same time the free movement of the fingers must be ensured, the gloves must protect as well as possible the forearm, to be tight on hands, not to be torn. When choosing the gloves the recommendations of the producer regarding the quality of the material, type of conjunction and the qualitative characteristics, must be taken into consideration. Eye protection: There will be worn glass protection goggles or goggles for chemical protection, according to the regulations concerning the protection of eyes and face. No contact lens will be worn at the work place. Skin protection: Suitable protective suits and underwear made of natural fibres must be worn according to the legislation and boots with rubber shoe for oil products. The following articles are forbidden: collars, visors for shade, vizier for hats and frames of glasses made of celluloid or other flammable materials. In case of danger that the product might come into contact with the skin, a protective antistatic and resistant to burning suit will be worn.

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8.2.2 Environmental exposure control All the measures necessary to prevent any spill of the product while handling, transport, depositing and/or usage, will be taken. Handling will be made after ensuring a perfect closed system; the containers must be air-proof during storage; providing measure and control equipment, exhaust valves of flare system. 8.3 Other information Provide measurement and control equipment, ensure the ventilation systems that maintain the concentration below the dangerous limits. Section 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1 General information - appearance: colourless liquid - odour: inodorous 9.2 Important health, safety and environmental information No. 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.2.9 9.2.10 9.2.11 9.2.12 9.2.13 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2

Specification of physical and chemical proprieties of the substance/ preparation pH Boiling point/ boiling range, °C Ignition temperature, °C Flash point , °C Explosive properties, %v/v – lower explosive limits – upper explosive limits Oxidising properties Vapour pressure 20°C, hPa Density at 20°C, g/cm3 Solubility - water solubility at 20°C, % - fat solubility n-octanol/ water partition coefficient, 20°C Kinematic viscosity at 14.4°C, mm2/s Vapour density (air=1) Volatility index Other physical & chemical properties Melting point/ melting range, °C Auto-ignition temperature, at 1013hPa, °C



not applicable -104 unknown -136 2.07 36 not applicable 40960-42700 0.974 131 unknown 1.13 – 1.21 not applicable


not applicable



Section 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.0 Stability 10.1 Conditions to avoid

10.2 Materials to avoid 10.3 Hazardous decomposition products 10.4 Other information

Ethylene PETROM S.A.

The product is stabile in ambient conditions in normal conditions of storage and handling (normal temperature and pressure for the liquefied product). - storage in places without a good ventilation - storage near heat and ignition sources - generation of static electricity Oxidizing agents; compressed oxygen cylinders Burning generates carbon oxide, carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases. Hazard polymerization does not occur.

Section 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION 11.1 Substances/preparations: Toxicological information and other effects on health Acute toxicity: - ingestion: - very unlikely - LD50 (rat) > 12518mg/l (5h) - inhalation: - inhalation of high concentration may lead to loss of consciousness and asphyxiation - it can accumulate in enclosed spaces and due to the lack of oxygen the danger of asphyxiation - skin: appears - liquefied gas evaporates instantly; powerful cool down when it evaporates may cause frostbites Chronic toxicity: - ingestion: - unknown - inhalation: - may cause loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, insomnia, hypersensitivity, dizziness, damage to the central nervous system. - skin: - unknown - other ways - unknown Irritant effects Unknown Specific effects: Asphyxiation effect 11.2 Preparations: Information regarding the toxicological effects (and other effects on health) of the ingredients Not applicable 11.3 Reference source IUCLID data base 11.4 Other information Section 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 12.1 Ecotoxicity Toxicity data to aquatic organisms: - acute toxicity to Daphnia magna LC50= 53402 µ g/l (4days) 12.2 Mobility In air the hydrocarbons gases disperse, followed by photo-degradation. 12.3 Persistence and degradability - Substance (ingredients) potential of degradation: degradable. - Half-life: unknown - Substance (ingredients) potential of degradation into sewage-treatment plants: unknown 12.4 Bioaccumulative potential Bioaccumulation doesn’t occur and doesn’t create long term effect to the aquatic environment. 12.5 Other adverse effects Additional ecological information: by evaporating the product may cause damage to the ecosystem by freezing. Section 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 13.1 Appropriate disposal methods of the substance or preparation Taking into consideration the nature and usage of this product, the necessity for finally disposal/storage is rarely. If necessary, eliminate it through controlled burns, in special equipments. 13.2 Appropriate disposal methods of contaminated packaging All the empty containers must be returned to the supplier; these contain vapours and residual product which represents a danger of fire and explosions when used for other purposes; the empty containers/ bottles will never be cut, weld or polished. Page 3 of 4

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In case of an accidental leakage, the system in which the product is stored will degas in the link collector, or in case this kind of installation doesn’t exist it will be let loose in the atmosphere under a drape of steam and under close surveillance. 13.3 Relevant provisions of legislation

Transport information ADR / RID / IMDG / IMO / IATA / IT-ICAO: ONU (UN) Number 1962 Class 2,2F Goods name Ethylene Packing group Hazard identification number 23 Label 2.1 Special requirements to be accomplished In case of transportation with auto tanks, these must be equipped with devices to prevent low pressure or high pressure during normal conditions of transport. These devices must be homologated by the competent authority. Other applicable information Marine pollutant

EC 200-815-3 “EC Label”

Labelling according to EC directives Potential hazardous components that must be specified on the label: F+

Extremely flammable R Phrase(s) R12 - Extremely flammable R67 - Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness

S Phrase(s) S9 Keep container in a well ventilated place S16 Keep away from sources of ignition – No smoking S33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges

15.2 Specific provisions 15.3 Relevant information regarding national legislation 

HG (Government Decision) no. 490/2002 for the approval of Methodological norms for applying OUG no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 356/28.06.2002 HG (Government Decision) no. 92/2003 for the approval of Methodological norms regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 118/25.02.2003 Law no. 360/2003 regarding the regime of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 635/5.09.2003 Law no. 263/2005 for amending law 360/2003 regarding the regime of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 899/07.10.2005 Law no. 324/2005 for amending OUG 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 1019/17.11.2005 HG (Government Decision) no. 199/2006 regarding amending HG 490/2002 for the approval of Methodological norms of applying OUG no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 223/10.03.2006

Section 16 OTHER INFORMATION 16.1 Relevant R Phrases list R Phrase(s) R12 - Extremely flammable R67 - Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness

16.2 Clear distinction of information which has been added, erased or modified: not applicable 16.3 Other information References:




15.1 Substance/preparation labelling Ethylene Code:92000000

1. Methodology for completing and checking the Safety Data Sheet –, 5th edition/ February 2007 – 2. European Chemical Substances Information – – IUCLID data base 3. 4. ADR 2005 – Annex A: dangerous goods list 5. Ministry of Chemical Industry - Department Norms PSI-1988 and General norms of fire-fighting prevention and extinction (Order no.775/22.07.1996, issued by the Internal Affairs Ministry) 6. General labour protection norms HG (Government Decision) 1218/06.09.2006 regarding the determination of the minimum SSM requirements for providing protection for the workers against risks related to chemical agents’ presence. 7. Law 319/14.07.2006 – Law of labour security and health 8. Specific PSI legislation: DG PSI-001; DG PSI-002; DG PSI-003; DG PSI-004; DG PSI-005; Law no. 307-2006; OMI no. 712-2005 9. Concise Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology – Kirk – Othmer 10. Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry – Jhon A. Dean 11. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, sixth edition Provided information refers to the product in question. It does not apply if the product is used together with other materials or in processing. The user must ensure that all the information is correct and complete for the appropriate usage at the present time. Information corresponds to our knowledge an expertise at the present time or at the time the product was introduced on the market. The user stands the risks resulted from the non-observance of the recommendations of this sheet regarding usage, handling, storage and transport of the product. Used abbreviations: ADR European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road RID International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail IMDG code International Marine Dangerous Goods Code IT-ICAO Technical Instructions of International Civil Air Organisation IATA International Air Transport Association PSI Prevention and fire extinguishing ( Prevenirea şi stingerea incendiilor ) ISCIR Romanian Government Inspection Authority for Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Lifting Installations (Inspectia de Stat pentru Controlul Cazanelor, Recipientelor sub Presiune si Instalatiilor de Ridicat)

OUG (Government Emergency Ordinance) no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO (Official Gazette) 593/22.11.2000 Law no. 451/2001 for the approval of OUG no. 200/2000 regarding classification, labelling and packaging of dangerous chemical substances and preparations, MO 416/26.07.2001

Ethylene PETROM S.A.

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Version 1; Data: April 2007 Supersedes: all previous versions

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