Success Coach - 7 Reasons You Must Think For Yourself

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Ogbo Awoke Ogbo Coaching Newsletter






September 16, 2009 ttho

T (234 ELEPH O ) 80 3 48 NE 8 05 1



Issue Number One



7 Reasons Why You Must Think For Yourself

Watch Ogbo on Silverbird TV every Wednesday between 7:30 and 8:00 am

THE BROKEN BOTTLE METAPHOR How many times have you heard someone declare, “A broken bottle cannot be put together again?” Maybe your world seems to be collapsing under you...maybe you have had one misfortune after another ..maybe you have been looking for admission into the university for six years...or your marriage has fallen apart. Maybe your business is collapsing and by the end of this month you may not even be able to pay your staff. Maybe people have been very unkind to you...or you have been sexually abused. Maybe justice has been denied you because someone used his influence to take your only plot of land from you...or maybe your husband has left you and the children for another woman and you are not sure where your next meal will come from.

Yes, maybe a broken bottle cannot be put together again, in theory. BUT here’s the good news: you are NOT a bottle! Your life is not a bottle! Whatever your situation might be, your life can be put together again. Your broken world can be completely mended like mine has been several times.

Rhoncus tempor placerat.

“Many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” The primary - William James tool for putting your world back in order is thinking. Success Coach, 17B Salaudeen Akano St, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nigeria | (234) 803 488 0518 | Email: [email protected]




here are the seven reasons you must think for yourself 1. You must think if you want to change your life. Failure thinking produces failure and success thinking produces success. If you do not believe that you can succeed then you won’t. 2. You must think if you want to change your situation. Your external world is the exact reflection of your inner world of thoughts. What you are on the outside is exactly what you are on the inside. You are where you are today because of the kind of thoughts you think. Many of us inherited prejudiced thinking from our parents, our culture, our religions and environment. I knew a young man in his early twenties. He thought the world was unfair. He went into armed robbery and got killed. No one is unfair to you. Only you can be unfair to yourself. If you are unfair to yourself, others will be unfair to you. You are being unfair to yourself when you do not think about your future. You are being unfair to yourself when you continue to live against your conscience. 3. You must think if you want to overcome your bad habits. Do you have a bad habit? I have counseled lots of people who struggle with their sexuality. Many men cannot take their eyes of women. Many people have surrendered their lives to pornography. They want to be free but find it difficult to break the chains around their soul. Many people have sexually molested little children because they cannot control themselves. Sexual addiction destroys the soul. I have suffered the disempowering effects of p o r n o g r a p hy my s e l f. I s u r v i ve d

pornography through deep thinking techniques. I woke up with the realization that pornography did not contribute to my personal growth in any way. Instead, it made me guilty and sapped my spiritual energy. I realized that if I continued with pornography, I would never fulfill my destiny. It was destroying my self-esteem and personal confidence. My coaching programs teach you self-mastery how to master your animal desires before they master you. Do you have other addictions like drug, smoking, overeating? Think and become free. 4. You must think if you want to be successful. Success does not come by a c c i d e n t . I t d o e s n o t c o m e by daydreaming and folding your hands. Success is not by luck. I am privileged to know some of the most important and successful men in this country. When you see them on the television, you think that they arrived their current status in life by luck. Some of these men went through very difficult childhood. They had no parents to sponsor their education. They trekked several kilometers on bare foot; they didn’t have food at home; they were maltreated by an uncle who was supposed to take care of them; they did manual labor in order to raise their school fees. When you see them today riding good cars, traveling first class around the world and living in big

“Ideas are more powerful than money. Ideas can produce incredible amounts of money but money does not necessarily produce ideas. The mind is the source of ideas and thinking is the mind’s operating system.” - Ogbo Awoke

Success Coach, 17B Salaudeen Akano St, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nigeria | (234) 803 488 0518 | Email: [email protected]




7 reasons you must think for yourself mansions, you think it is by luck. I am not referring to those who steal public funds and take bribes. The men I am talking about built their wealth from scratch. If you want to be successful, don’t depend on luck. You must think! 5. You must think if you want have fruitful relationships. If you are quarrelsome or you gossip, e nv y yo u r f r i e n d s a n d a r e negatively competitive then you think poorly. Envy, hatred, malice, office politics, gossiping, laziness are all signs of poor thinking. Look around your place of work, the most admired managers and successful colleagues do not get involved in dirty office politics and office blackmail. Only the smallminded people engage in office politics instead of the work they are paid to do. Some people hide charms under their desks. Others visit native doctors because they want promotion. All these are a result of poor thinking. You do not need a native doctor to do your work with excellence, do you? Small-mindedness affects your relationships with your husband or wife, with your community and with colleagues at work. People of excellent minds are humble and respect others. 6. You must think if you want to be financially free. Ideas are more powerful than money. Ideas can produce incredible amounts of money but money does not necessarily produce ideas. The mind is the source of ideas and

thinking is the mind’s operating system. All wealth is created mentally first. If you do not see your money in your mind first, it will not manifest physically. Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple, Richard Branson of Virgin, Warren Buffet, and many local examples made money, not because they are the best in their fields but because they surrounded themselves with men and women who think. They thought and grew wealthy. If you also think, you will become wealthy.

Do not sit down in one place and complain that your uncle or brother does not give you money. You have a brain. Think for yourself ! About 20 years ago, I wanted to learn how to use the computer. Computers were still new in this part of the world then and we used mostly the DOS before Windows. I kept asking some colleagues to teach me how to use the computer but they kept giving excuses. So one day, I told myself, “Hey, I have a brain and this computer has a manual. What am I waiting for?” So after work each day, I would stay behind and pore over the manual. A few weeks after I became the computer guru in the place! Don’t be a beggar in life. Think for yourself and grow rich. 7. You must think for yourself because no one will do it for

you. No one can think for you. Instead, if you do not think, you will become a victim of other people’s thoughts. Are you a victim of other people’s thoughts, opinions and conclusions?

I do not drink soda (what you call mineral) anymore but my best soft drink in those days was Bitter Lemon. One day, someone came into the office and announced that Bitter Lemon caused impotence. Immediately, everyone began to panic. People stopped drinking Bitter Lemon. Nobody asked questions. Nobody verified the source of the information. I told them it was immature to stop drinking based on rumors or hearsay. I said, “Look at me. I have been drinking that soda and I am not impotent. If you doubt me, call my wife and she would tell you that I am a lion in that department.”

The point I’m making is this: you either think for yourself or others will think for you. And whoever thinks for you controls your life. Are you the kind of person that a politician would use to fight his opponents.? While you are under the sun demonstrating and fighting, the politician's children are studying in England and America. He can only use you for his own agenda because you do not think for yourself. THINK FOR YOURSELF!

Success Coach, 17B Salaudeen Akano St, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nigeria | (234) 803 488 0518 | Email: [email protected]




October/November Coaching Classes People are used to seminars but not coaching. Often, when you attend seminars you return home with tons of manuals but your fi n a n c e s, c a r e e r, bu s i n e s s, marriage or health remain the same. It happened to me so many times until I experienced the power of coaching by Robert Kiyosaki’s RichDad company.

better experienced than discussed. Money spent on your mind is your best investment.

Seminars and workshops give you great information but coaching uses cognitive techniques that bring out the best in you. Our coaching classes are 30% lectures and 70% life changing exercises. You leave each coaching class with a blueprint of actions for improving your finances, career, relationships and health. It is

October 24 Financial Freedom Coaching Class (Port Harcourt) N25,000

Coaching Schedules: October 10 Deep Thinking Coaching Class (Lagos) N27,000

October 31 Financial Freedom Coaching Class (Benin) N20,000

November 14 Self Mastery Coaching Class (Lagos) N29,000 November 21 Deep Thinking Coaching Class (Port Harcourt) N25,000 December 5 Financial Problem Solving Coaching Class (Port Harcourt) N27,000 To register for a coaching class, please send your full name and intended class by email to [email protected] m or by text to 0803 488 0518, for further details.

Ogbo Awoke Ogbo started his career with Shell. Then, he moved on to Chevron. After years with Chevron, Ogbo returned to a much higher position of responsibility with Shell before resigning to set up a life coaching practice. He trains organizations, speaks in events around the world and holds weekly television and radio programs in Nigeria. He has written a book, Financial Freedom for Every Youth, the first in a series on financial freedom. Success Coach, 17B Salaudeen Akano St, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nigeria | (234) 803 488 0518 | Email: [email protected]

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