Substation Automation

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Substation Automation using IEC 61850 A. Prasoon Kumar, B. Pratyush Kumar, C. Ratnesh kumar Verma, D. Ruchika. Internal Guide: A. Nalini, lecturer, EEE Department, Dr. M.G.R. University, Chennai.

Abstract:- In the era of automatic operation Substations which forms a vital node in the transmission of electrical power system, also needs automation. The automation of a substation started earlier in 1900 with the introduction of relays, and is going on till now with the introduction of new technology which provides communication between two substation to improve the reliability and for better efficiency. This paper deals with the time line history of automation, the automation technique and the networking between substations, Concepts which were used to develop intelligent substation. The paper also gives a brief introduction of the latest protocol (IEC61850) developed for the interoperability of substations. Index terms:--Automation, IEC 61850, IED, relays. Substation communication.

A software development tried to build a system considering the runtime behaviour and assembly of properties than can be obtained from the pattern of interaction. Recently, in 2006 the International Electro technical Committee (IEC) developed a protocol (IEC61850) which provides interoperability of substations, to make the control more effective and direct. II. A CONVENTIONAL SUBSTATION

According to the reference of paper [1], a conventional Substation [1] forms vital nodes in power networks because, among others, they make possible modifications in the configuration of networks during the operation of the EPS by means of switching devices that can be controlled by computer-based control systems.


Substation automation is a system to enable an electric utility to remotely monitor, control and coordinate the distribution component installed in the substation. It started with the advancement in relays. Relay is an automatic device which senses an abnormal condition in an electric circuit and closes its contact. The first relay was developed in 1900 and then onwards their function has been improved to a protective device and more to an automatic device. The development of relays can be divided into three main stage: Electromechanical relays, (1900), static or electronic relays, (1960), microprocessor based relay or numeric relay (1980). The most advanced form of relays is known as intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). Introduction of IED embarked the communication in between two equipments. This communication is nothing but the data sharing module of equipments.

Prasoon Kumar, EEE Department, Dr. M.G.R University,Chennai. ([email protected]) . Pratyush Kumar, EEE Department, Dr. M.G.R. University, Chennai. ([email protected]) . Ratnesh Kumar Verma, EEE Department. Dr. M.G.R. University, Chennai . ([email protected]) Ruchika, EEE Department, Dr, M.G.R. University, Chennai. ([email protected])

Fig1. Architecture of a substation [1] Electric power substations consist of two essential parts main (high or extra-high voltage) circuits, also called primary circuits and auxiliary circuits also called secondary (low- medium voltage ) circuits. The main circuit of a substation composed of a bus bar system and connection of power lines, power transformers, etc. to the bus bar system through switching devices. A Substation is divided into bays. If a bay is used to connect a power line to the bus bar system, it is called a line bay, if it is used

MGREEE PROJECT 2009 for connecting a power transformer to the bus bar system, it is called a transformer bay, and so on. Normally, a substation contains a number of line and transformer bays and also other bays. All bays are similar to the line bay. Auxiliary circuits are electrical circuits which contain measurement, signalling, control and protection devices. in a primary circuit always plays a critical role because all functions connected with EPS protection, automation and control operation realized by a substation are realized by switching devices. III. TIMELINE DEVELOPMENT

The reference paper [2], deals with year wise development of relays and effect of this development on automation of substation. (a) Relay operation: .  Electromechanical relays: The first relay function were integrated in the breaker design and acted as over current trips. The first standalone electromechanical relay [2] was designed in 1904. The first relay of induction type was delivered 1912 to a hydropower station in the north of Sweden, built to deliver power at 16 2/3 Hz to the railway.

Advantages:  Moving parts and contacts are eliminated.  More precise and high speed operation These [3] were famous for their high speed operation (i.e. 21ms or less) which insures high security  Microprocessor based relays: It operates by critical filtering of time, performed with analogue electronics. These are also known as numeric or programmable relay. Advantages:  Display information about faulted part  Includes many features such as fault diagnostic, fault locator etc.

Capable of replacing all specific purpose relay by a single relay for various fault. The protection, monitoring and control were also easier for this relay.

(b) Remote terminal units (RTU): Reference paper [3], deals about RTU Modelling of intelligent substation which started with the introduction of static relays. Each bay is controlled, protected with different units (e.g. circuit breaker) and provided with multifunction meters (e.g. a fault recorder and an event recorder). Reference [4] states the basic definition and working of RTU. An RTU is an electronic device which interfaces data from physical world to control system by telemetry so that The operator sitting at control centre can monitor the substation and take appropriate decision. Paper [5] gives an idea of synchronized operation of RTU and the interfacing device used. The interfacing device used is Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. It has a synchronized sampling rate which made the working of RTU time dependent and reliable.

Fig.2. Electromechanical relay [2] (c) Programmable logic control (PLC): 

These were mainly used for high power substations. Static relays: It was introduced in the form of timers, time over current relays etc. The measurement is performed by electric, magnetic, optical or other components with the help of comparison and measurement.

Fig. 3.Static relay [3].

In the reference paper [6] communication of substation is being consider which mainly started with the introduction of PLC. It was introduced in 1980 for substation control with the integration of RTU [4]. It has been used for switching, load shedding and restoration and emergency generator control. With the introduction of SCADA its utility increases. Paper [7] specially emphasise the changes occurred in a substation when PLC is introduced. It includes features like automatic switching, self monitoring, interfacing the substation with graphical user interface (GUI) and human machine interface (HMI). The interfacing was done over ethernet. A better monitoring, control and monitoring was done.

MGREEE PROJECT 2009 tested in 1994. It succeeded the next year when it operated on database. Each IED can perform one or many sub function operation. A set of such sub functions are integrated together and communicated with each other through Local Area Network (LAN).

Fig.4. A PLC substation [4] Goals achieved by this technique are:  Real time data collection  Fail-safe, robust, long term application,  Timely and cost effective implementation Fig.6.An IED based substation [6] (d) Intelligent electronic devices (IED): Reference [8] and [6] gives a brief introduction of new gateway i.e. IED. The benefit of new technology resulted into fully automated substation with almost all protection, monitoring and control functions distributed to the line breaker terminals. The more advanced version of these relay is intelligent electronic devices (IED) [5]. A typical IED can perform around 5-12 operation according to the condition required.

A Substation [6] divided into nodes according to the positioning of IED. IEDs installed at nodes in a substation collect data and communicate directly through Ethernet switches over LAN wires. The HMI recorded the database which increases fault tolerance. Reference paper [12] deals with some difficulties faced by user with IED. The user could not directly interconnect competing products since the protocol remained unique for each system. Using competing products from competing vendors offers a variety of protection and monitoring capabilities for users, who are often frustrated by the communications variations. They could not interconnect the devices (e) Real time simulator for SAS In the reference paper [10], a real time simulator named substation automation system (SAS) simulator [7] was designed based on the theory of digital simulator. It introduces the elements, structure and function of substation.

Fig.5. IED organization [5]. The reference paper [9] shows the dependency over IED in current scenario. A case study is dealt with respect to IED. Now a days dependency of IED results the obsolete presence of RTU in the protection and monitoring purposes. These devices receive data from sensors and issue control command. A design incorporated with the IED, local area network (LAN), protocol converter SCADA and human machine interface (HMI) was

Fig.7. Real time simulator model of Substation [7]

MGREEE PROJECT 2009 It deals with situation such as monitoring and protecting. The simulator embeds with running system through hardware interface to realize real time simulating. Physical data such as voltage, current is outputted as network message by TCP/IP or other network. It connects outside interface and high speed network for monitoring and protective device, safety automation etc. (f) Prediction enabled component technology (PECT) Reference paper [11] deals with a prediction software methodology. In 2002, the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) developed a method that builds a predictable system which, on the basis of runtime behaviour and pattern of instruction predict any fault, if occur, before their occurrence. To check the availability of this methodology an empirical and a technological model are considered to develop. A low power high speed switch was developed by SEI to simulate primary equipment of substation. An automatic controller switch was developed for external switch control and over current protection. Empirical calculations were verified up to an accuracy of 97% but developing a real time technological model was complex and proved a challenging task and require further elaboration to generate massive data set to adequately validate complex analysis. (g) IEC 61850 Reference paper [13] deals with the impact of a new protocol which is being developed for SA. This changes the architecture, functionality protection, control and monitoring system. It was a complete new concept. In 2006, the International Electro technical committee, Europe, developed a protocol (IEC61850). It provides a flexible data communication to ensure interoperability among the various IEDs of multi vendors [8]. (Interoperability is the ability of two or more system to exchange information to use that information for the future development).

The core components of this standard are:  An object model describing the information available from the different primary equipment and from the substation automation functions.  A specification of the communication between the IEDs of the (IEDs) of the substation.  A configuration language used to exchange configuration information between the engineering tools used for the substation engineering as well as from the engineering of the network control centers.  Modernization of all SCADA Systems.  New Human Machine Interfacing (HMI). IV. INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION SYSTEM

The reference paper [1] deals with the modelling of architecture of a current substation to make it an intelligent substation. In the diagram [1] a system architecture for 400 kV and for 66 kV separate subsystems are interconnected via the station bus. This allows the data exchange with the local workplace as well as to the maintenance server. The data exchange with SCADA and EMS as well as with the back office is enabled via the corporate information system. Real time interaction between protection and control IEDs via the fibre-optic inter bay bus allows automation functions as well as adaptive protection schemes. Reference paper [15] deals with the two most intelligent systems are neural networks and fuzzy logic system. Neural networks: a neural network techniques are very attractive because they do not require tedious knowledge acquisition, representation and writing stages. But they were adapted only to some problem. like recognition of speech, pictures and waves. It concern mainly security assessment, alarm handling, fault diagnosis.

Table.1.application of neural and fuzzy network [1] Fig.8. A multi vendor IEC 61850 [8]

Fuzzy logic: A Fuzzy interference program uses a qualitative knowledge to deduce the conclusion which have the highest possibility to occur. It is

MGREEE PROJECT 2009 combined with the existing technology applicable to protection real time control and SA. The following examples demonstrate how modern substation automation concepts can be effectively applied to improve the power system performance. (a) Dynamic Load Shedding When drop in frequency is large, the loads can be shed by under frequency load shedding and finally, the generating unit may be tripped because of the action of low frequency protective relays. The conventional load shedding approach is static, as it initiates tripping of pre-selected circuit breakers when a certain level of under-frequency is reached, regardless of the actual load conditions. Since the actual load behind each individual circuit breaker is not considered. Microprocessor based schemes consider the actual load currents and to dynamically select only those feeders to be opened, which are needed to regain the frequency stability.

(e) Substation Monitoring Monitoring is defined as “a station or network management technique, which exploits the regular evaluation of the actual operating condition, in order to minimise the combined costs of power transmission/distribution and maintenance” [9]. Information may be located at various locations such as: • Locally within the substation • At any remote location as a centralised SMS allocated to a specific region • Operation and Maintenance Centre • Engineering Centre for protection and planning • Network control Centre

(b) Line tripping Load shedding are initiated, if necessary, in areas which could be destabilised by area isolation. Specific circuit breakers simultaneously open the border line of out-of- step areas and by the local station computers, which shed the supply in weakened areas. (c) Adaptive Line Distance Protection It is related to automated adjustments of protection functions and made them more attuned to the prevailing power system conditions. i.e. the protection scheme is enhanced by additional information about the network. Transmission lines often run in parallel over long distances. The automatic switching of the load from one line to the other as in case of one line being faulty, the distance protection needs to be automatically adapted to the topology of the parallel lines. Apart from this, also the power carrying capability of one of the lines may have to be increased by corresponding adaptation of the line protection. .

Fig.9. A substation monitoring [9]


In the reference paper [14] the basic architecture and communication of a substation based on the standard of IEC 61850 is discussed. A substation [10] is divided into three basic levels viz. Process level, Bay level and Station level. 

Process level function: It extracts the information from sensors/transducers in the substation and sent them to bay level. It receives and control commands from bay level and execute it at the appropriate switch level.

Bay level function: . It acquires data from bay and then mainly act on the primary circuit (which includes protection and control devices).The CT, PT and actuators are connected to protection and control unit via merging unit.

(d) Data Acquisition With computing power making its way into the primary equipment, more and more internal data from high voltage equipment can be made available. Data that will be accessible includes, but is not restricted to: • • • • •

Switching counters, Thermal information, Quality of isolation media, Switching currents, Manufacturing data.

MGREEE PROJECT 2009 and different protocols are being developed to provide better communication in between two such equipment. Some predictable methodology and simulating model to develop a theoretical solution of fault occurred were also used which tried to predict a fault earlier than its occurrence. In the series of advancement the latest protocol developed by International Electro technical Committee is IEC 61850. It has been developed for interoperability of substation. i.e. to provide a better communication protocol. It is in the initial stage of development and promises a better communication between substations. REFERENCES [1]

Fig.10. Three level topology of substation equipment [10].


Station level functions: Station level functions are of two type:


(a) Process related functions: it act on the data obtained from multiple bays. They submit the control commands from the primary equipments (e.g. CB) and collect the data like voltage, current and power factor.

[4] [5] [6] [7]

(b) Interface related function: it interfaces the substation automation system to a local station operator HMI (human machine interface) or to the remote monitoring system. The two station and process buses are realized through the standard Local Area Network (LAN). Multi-port Ethernet switches are installed in station bus which connected HMI through routers. Router facilitates data communication between substation and MCC. HMI enables the operator to monitor and operate the switching element in substation through Graphical User Interface (GUI). Suppose station level node has to communicate with process level, it will send message to bay level node through Ethernet switch. This bay level node executes its function and forwards the message to process level node through merging unit. Merging unit acts like a switch and provides the appropriate path to message. Finally, the function will be performed by the process level devices.

[8] [9]




[13] [14]



A substation has gone through many phases of development during its automation. Initially devices were used for protection, monitoring and control purpose using relays, PLC etc. Now a days networking between substation via LAN through ethernet is in practice after the introduction of IEDs


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