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  • Words: 154,953
  • Pages: 454
Klaus-Peter Brand Volker Lohmann Wolfgang Wimmer

Substation Automation Handbook Comprehensive description of Substation Automation and the coordination with Network Operation to obtain both performance and cost benefits by enabling enhanced Power System Management

. ·.::

Copyright© 2003 by Klaus-Peter Brand · klaus-peter.brand(!1 ieee.org Volker Lohmann · volkerlohmann@ bluewin.ch Wolfgang Wimmer · toptools (([ bluewin.ch Neither this book. nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec tronic or mechanical. including photocopying, micro filming, and recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the permisson in writing of the publisher. Publisher: Utility Automation Consulting Lohmann, lm Meyerhof 18, CH-5620 Bremgarten, Switzerland http://www.uac.ch This book is printed on acid-free paper. Text and Illustrations: Klaus-Peter Brand, Volker Lohmann, Wolfgang Wimmer Cover illustration: Werner Lehmann Concept Designer: Kurth Winiger, CH-8050 Zurich Pre-Press: Romy Schutz, CH-8050 Zurich · Print: Jutte-Messedruck Leipzig GmbH DE-04329 Leipzig Printed in Germany ISm3-85758-951-5

1 Table of content

1 Table of content 2 About this Book

5 7


Introduction and Scope



Challenges with introducing Substation Automation


5 Primary Equipment in Substations


6 The Functions of Substation Automation


7 Substation Automation Structure


8 Substation Automation Architectures


9 Asset Management Support


10 New Roles of Substation Automation




Wide Area Protection

12 Standards and Quality Definition for Substation Automation


13 The System Standard IEC 61850 for Substation Automation


14 Phase Models of Substation Automation Systems


15 Benefits of Substation Automation


16 Guide to SA System Specification


17 Strategy to Cope ;,vith the fast Changing Technology


18 Trends and Outlook


19 References


20 Glossary


21 Annex






2 About this Book

2.1 Preface The purpose of this book is to bridge the gap in mutual understanding between those readers, who are well experienced with the technical requirements, design, construction, testing and operation of primary equipment in substations e.g. circuit breakers, isola tors, current and voltage transformers or power trans formers etc., and information technology (IT) oriented readers, who are involved in the development design, production, and application of modern intelli gent electronic devices (lED) intended to be used for Substation Automation (SA) Systems.

many of those SCS can neither be extended nor be maintained due to the lack of spares and specific system knowledge.


The awareness of these problems leads to an ob stacle for the acceptance of the new technology and for the large-scale implementation of SCS. This caus ed pressure on the reputable vendors of SCS to stand ardize the communication within substations as well as the engineering approach and the formal descrip tion of the functionality in terms of a substa-tion con figuration language (SCL). The main objective was to achieve interoperability between IEDs that originate from different vendors.

When the first microprocessor based substation con trol systems (SCS) were built the prime objective was to provide the same functionality and make them work as reliable and fast as conventional control systems. The system inherent problem to be solved was the fad that the serial bus communication caus ed a bottleneck for the system response times in comparison with conventional parallel-wired control systems. This SA system behavior made the commu nication within the substation a key issue for the per formance of SCS and numerous propriety communi cation bus systems and protocols vvere implemented due to the !ack of International Standards. The con sequence was that all the SCS were vendor specific and IEDs from other vendors could not be used in such systems due to the lack of compatibility.

The authors have been personally involved in the process, which was triggered by IEC and EPRI, to standardize the communication and all its system related aspects. It has resulted in the new IEC 61850 standard for communication within substations, which is available in the year 2003. The authors are proud to highlight in this book some achievements made with this standard The objective of the descrip tion is to make all those decision makers in utilities, who are sceptical and fear the problems involved ·vvith proprietary communication, confident that the new standard provides a comprehensive solution for the interoperability of IEDs from various vendors, who commit themselves to support this new standard in their IEDs.

The users were not happy about this situation as they felt to be restricted to a specific vendor if they inten ded to extend their control systems. On the other hand, many SCS were implemented by small compa nies and based on general purpose programmable logical control (PLC) systems that could not provide the required functionality or meet the long term ori ented system compatibility requirements, which are typical for the electric utility business. On the other hand, many of these small companies did not last for a long time because of commercial problems and

When the design of IEDs to be applied fnr SCS systems was based on common main stream hard ware components as well as on modular functional libraries for control that were quite similar to functio nal libraries for protection, it was possible to integra te control and protection systems in comprehensive systems for substation automation (SA). The authors were personally involved with the development and implementation of a comprehensive platform for multipurpose control and protection IEDs. Therefore, the focus of this book is on SA rather on SCS with



separated protection. The objective of the authors is to make those readers with a background in substa tion control or protection confident that the integra tion of both functionalities leads to cost effectivesys tem solutions that have the same safety and availabi lity as systems with separate IEDs for control and for protection. The integration of the control and protection functio nality to SA makes effective substation monitoring, primary equipment condition and support of modern systems for maintenance and asset management possible as an additional benefit that can be derived from SA. This book describes the realization of such concepts, which lead to an enhancement of the over all power system management. The objective is that the readers, who wish to evaluate the commercial benefits that can be derived from SA, become aware that such an cost/benefii analysis has to take those additional benefits into account. In view of the fact that SA systems can be used for the condition monitoring of primary equipment like circuit breakers, instrument transformers and power transformers, the descrip110n of this equipment in this book includes the critical components, which are sub ject to wear and aging. The objective is to make users of SA systems aware of this new possibrlity and to provide developers of SA application with back ground knowledge of the criticality of the primary equipment. Apart from substation related issues, the implemen tation of SA enables new strate-gies related to power system protection that counteracts wide area distur bances and avoids power system collapse. With the aid of new digital sensors for the detection of volta ge and frequency instabilities, wide area protection systems can be implemented that provide the sys tem operator with early indication of incipient pro blems in the grid in order to put him into the posi tion to initiate counter measures early enough that




the power system integrity is maintained. SA enables automated corrective actions that reduce the respon se time to problems significantly. If sudden loss of generation or increase of load caus es instabilities so fast that the operator has no chan ce to react fast enough, SA can be used by the wide area protection scheme for rapid automatic load shedding to compensate for the loss of generation and to reduce the load. Because of this new role of SA, the scope of this book as outlined in Chapter 3 has been extended beyond the traditional functions to describe wide area protection schemes and their interaction with SA. The objective is to make system planners and operators aware of the new possibilities that are offer ed by SA in conjunction with wide area protection systems and power system optimization concepts.

2.2 About the Authors 2.2.1 How SA has started The idea to substitute conventional 1·elay logics for substation control and analogue protection relays by digital technologies based on microprocessors and serial communication commenced in BBC in the late 1970ties. Study groups were established in BBC Baden/Switzerland and BBC Mannhcim/Germany. The key people of that time in BBC Baden were Jurgen Kopainsky and Klaus-Peter Brand, who deve loped very systematically the basic specifications and concepts of SA. Wolfgang Wimmer beca_me involved in these early activities when engineering issues have

been touched, und \Jolker Lohmann \/'.Jas representing the gas insulated substation (GIS) division in this team. Many customers were approached during this time with these new ideas, but the users were not very



enthusiastic and receptive, and no utility wanted to take the risk to run a pilot project One of the main obstacles for the acceptance were the utility's orga nization. The reason was that substation control. pro tection and communication were considered to be separate disciplines and, consequently, each was organized in separate departments. As the SA approach integrated the whole lot in one system, the idea of separate departments became obsolete, which was perceived by the corresponding depart ment managers as a threat. This situation changed drastically, when BBC was awarded by ESKOM South Africa with the world-first 800 kV GIS 'ALPHA'. on 14th of December 1982. This spectacular order has created a huge innovative momentum not only in BBC for the development of a complete new size of GIS but also on ESKOM's side with regard to the readiness to accept new ideas and technologies [1] The key issue for the ESKOM's acceptance of a microprocessor based substation control system (SCS) was the complex and large 800 kV GIS substa tion layout comprising 12 switchgear bays that would have required a very extensive interlocking scheme, if it had been designed by relay logics. In view of the fad that more than 1 00 contacts of auxiliary switches and relay contacts would have had to be connected in series for one single interlocking expression in Boolean algebra, ESCOM considered such a solution as impracticable und unreliable. The much better solution was the BBC proposal to substitute hard wired interlocking by a microprocessor based expert system, called "Topology based interlocking scheme", which was based on general rules rather than on Boolean Algebra expressions. This new idea was developed by Jurgen Kopainsky, Klaus-Peter Brand and Wolfgang Wimmer. [3] The development and implementation of this first SCS in ALPHA was first headed by Jurgen Kopainsky and later by Hermann Schachermayr, the customer

requirement specification and engineering was made by Bernhard Sander, [2] and the function plan pro gramming for the bay controllers by Fritz Wittwer, while Volker Lohmann was the project manager of the total contract comprising the 800 kV GIS deve lopment and delivery as well as the SCS part.


Five years after the order, ALPHA was successfully commissioned on 31st March 1987 within the sche duled delivery time. After the merger of BBC and ASEA to become ABB on 1Oth of August 1988, the progressive activities on SCS in Switzerland were allocated to the protection division of ABB Switzerland, which was headed by Jean Gantner A new group for the SCS business development was established with Volker Lohmann as manager and Klaus-Peter Brand, Wolfgang Wimmer, Helmut Hager and Otto Preiss as members of the first core team. Two years later, this division became the new company ABB Relays AG, which was managed by Otto Lanz. In ABB Relays AG, the world-first commercial com mon hardware and software platform dedicated for the protection and control of HV substations was developed under Fred Engler, who was head of the development department. This innovative and revo lutionary approach enabled to merge protection and control functions into one integrated system and to allow modern SA functions. The commercial break-through of this new platform was enabled in conjunction with the first PC based MicroSCADA from ABB Finland, which was used as station level HMI, and with the complementary new range of microprocessor based protection relays and bay control units from ABB Finland for distribution applications. The market acceptance was achieved in the course of the first SA projects in Switzerland and in the UK. The key people for the successful comple tion of these demanding projects were Otto Preiss, Andre Kreuzer and Kurt Frei.



2.2.2 Curriculum Vitae

Klaus-Peter Brand

Klaus-Peter Brand was born 1948 in Neustadt a.d. Aisch, Germany. From 1967, he studied physics and mathematics in Germany at the Universities Wurz burg, Kiel and Bonn. In Bonn, he got his Master Degree in Physics in 1972 (Dipl. Phys.) and his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in 1976 by a work about Interstellar Plasma Physics. From 1976 to 1982 he worked in the BBC Research Center, Baden, Switzerland in the area of SF6 plasma physics (SF6 arc in high voltage breakers). He intro duced the on-line literature search facilities in the Research Center. From 1982 to 1988 he acted as Senior Engineer in the department for "Power System Analysis" of BBC. Baden, Switzerland making load flow and EMTP cal culations. He participated in the team for the intro duction of "Substation Automation" jointly writing the Function and Engineering Specification, and design ing the System architecture. He joint the project team for the pilot project in Substation Automation of an 800 kV GIS substation and was involved in the deve lopment and application of the topology based Interlocking method. He further acted as co-editor of the company owned Handbook for Electrornagr1etic Compatibility. After the merger of ASEA and BBC to ABB, from 1988 to 1995 he was involved in the substation automation (SA) business development in ABB Relays/Baden, Switzerland to set up the engineering activities, sales support and to contribute to the design and realization of pilot projects. In the local ABB organization he was product manager (PM) for SA and he acted globally as chairman of the market requirement group to define the next ABB genera tion of SA systems.


From 1995 to 1999 he was PM of the ABB Panorama concept for Network Control and SA and coordinated

the PM act1v1t1es in ABB Network Partner/Baden Switzerland He participated in the successful imple mentation of the ISO Certification process and was responsible for the definition of the PM process He further provided sales support for complex projects, and established the first ABB Internet based market ing tool for Panorama. In 2000 he moved to the ABB University Switzerland to manage, conduct and develop training courses mainly on the subjects of Power systems, Electro magnetic compatibility, Substation automation and Communication. He has further set up a new curricu lum for Project managers. Since 1990 he is working for CIGRE SC B5 (former SU4) as working group (WG) and task force (TF) convener. Since 1995 he is member of the editor team in WG10 of the IEC technical committee TC57 for the Standard IEC 61850 "Communication Net works and Systems in Substations'He is further member of TK57, the Swiss National Mirror Commit tee of TC57, and he is Senior Member of IEEE.

Volker Lohmann was born 1940 ·In Mulheirn-Ruhr, Germany and studied Electrical Engineering at the Rheinisches Politechnikum DUsseldorf, Germany. He gained his professional experience from more than 30 years of working with Brown Boveri Cie (BBC) and ABB Switzerland in various management positions and fields related to high voltage (HV) substations, HV

. '?

Volker Lohmann

circuit breakers (CB), gas insulated switchgear (GIS) and substation automation (SA). He started his ca reer 1965 with research in the application of HV power electronics for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and variable speed drives. After several years in research he moved into the sales and marketing organization for HV circuit breaker and gas insulated switchgear (GIS) as sales and project manager. In 1982 the world's first 800 kV GIS project offered him the opportunity to initiate the development and im plementation of the first BBC microprocessor based substation control system (SCS) as the project mana ger. His coauthors were member of the project team. In the course of the merger between BBC, Switzerland and ASEA, Sweden, in 1987 he was res ponsible for the product management for SCS and protection and was involved in the development of a multi-functional and software library based platform for intelligent electronic devices (lED) for control, pro tection and monitoring of HV substations. In 1995 he became member of the ABB Business Area Mana gement Team for SA and protection and was world wide responsible for the product management and strategic marketing of SA systems. He retired in 2002 and started his own company for Utility Automation Consulting, where he is presently working.



Wolfgang Wimmer was born 1947 in Bad Schwartau, Northern Germany. He studied Mathe matics and Computer Science at the University of ;




Wolfgang Wimmer ·


Hamburg, where he also graduated in Computer Science about Deadlocks in Communication net works. After five years working for the Deutsches Elektronensynchroton in Hamburg, where he wrote compilers and implemented the base software for a packet switching network, he moved to Brown Boveri & Cie (BBC) in Baden/Switzerland. There he started vvith the design and implementati on of a train control system and became member of the technical committee TC7 "Safety and Reliability" of the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (EWICS) He was further involved in the design of engineering systems for remote terminal units (RTU) and Network Control Systems. During this time, he was also member of the IEC technical com mittee TC65 to develop the standard IEC 61508 "Safety in Industrial Electronic Systems". His involvement in substation automation started in 1983 with participation in the development of a topology based interlocking program, and continued with the introduction of microprocessor based con trol systems for the substation automation business. After the merger of BBC with Asea in 1987, he conti nued with these activities in the new company- ABB with focus on engineering processes and tools. He is currently occupied with the development of substa tion automation and monitoring systems at ABB/ Switzerland, and he is member of the IEC TC57 work ing group WG11 as editor of the upcoming standard IEC 61850 for Communication in Substations, part 6.


2.3 Acknowledgements


There are quite a number of colleagues to be men tioned, who have contributed directly or indirectly to this book by cooperating with us over more.than 20 years for a longer or shorter time. They have helped to collect the basic information, to elaborate market requirement specifications, to establish the SA busi ness, to develop advanced ideas and to maintain the high level of the state-of-the-art. Most of them came from our internal business environment in BBC and ABB respectively, but there have been other impor tant contributors from customers and even from chal lenging competitors. There have always lively discus sions taken place, not only in our every day's working life but also in internal and external meetings, in International Conferences, as well as in International Organizations like CIGRE and IEC and the associated working groups. In order to avoid that some contri butors are not mentioned below, we first would like to express our cordial gratitude and appreciation very generally to all those colleagues, we were privileged to work with on the subjects of SA and communica tion within substations. Some of these colleagues we like to mention are listed below in alphabetic order as they have been intensively involved in our activities in substation auto mation and in our involvement in the IEC 6185 stand ardization, each of them in a very particular wdy:


Lars Andersson (ABB Switzerland) Carl Byman (ABB Sweden) Christoph Brunner (ABB Switzerland) Rudolph Dinges (ABB Germany) Fred Engler (ABB Switzerland) Kurt Frei (ABB Switzerland) Soren Forsman (ABB Sweden) Helmut Hager (former ABB Switzerland) Antti Hakala-Ranta (ABB Finland) Jurgen Kopainsky (former BBC Switzerland) Andre Kreuzer (former ABB Switzerland) Lars-Gunnar Malmqvist (ABB Sweden) Carl-Gustav Oesterbaka (ABB Finland)

Martin Ostertag (ABB Switzerland) Otto Preiss (ABB Switzerland) Bernhard Sander (former BBC Switzerland) Hermann Schachermayr (ABB Switzerland) Leif Williamsson (ABB Finland) We further thank our company, ABB Switzerland, that gave us the great opportunity and support to build up all this know-how in an inspiring international environment, which has finally been converted into numerous SA products, systems, and projects. We further express our appreciation to Gbran Lind, Head of the Division Utility Automation System in ABB Switzerland for his continuous, encouraging and supporting interest in our book, as well as his Sub division Manager, Yves Baumgartner, for selecting our book as official reference for ABB internal and exter nal training in Substation Automation.

2.4 We would like to hear from you This is the first edition of the Substation Automation Handbook. In view of the fad that the technology is developing very fast and that it will enable further enhancements in functionality and application it may be desirable to produce further editions. This occa sion would be an excellent opportunity to introduce comments and modifications, which may be raised and proposed by some of our readers. Therefore, we encourage you to contact us via E-mail and to help that. the next edition can be improved accordingly.

2.5 Readers Guide In the area of substation automation there are work ing people with different professional background. Very often, this leads to a lack of mutual understand-

ing between people with power system- back ground, who e.g started their professional career before PCs became a common working tool, and computer scientists, who are familiar with the modern way of thinking in the computer age_ They, however, usually lack of the understanding of the pri mary equipment and the particular requirements for making electronic equipment work in the harsh envi ronment of HV substations. Apart from this, they are not aware of the sensitivity of the power system pro cess and the impact of the control actions that are initiated by the IEDs on the power system behavior. The authors are well aware of this conflict and the lack of mutual understanding from their personal background in switchgear and substation automation as well as from their extensive experience in • Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) research, design and application, • The development of substation automation concepts, software functions and components. • The marketing and introduction of SA business as well as negotiating SA contracts, managing projects, trouble shooting and • last but not least from more than 20 years of teaching and conducting SA workshops in many parts of the world. Many SA projects became a disappointment for users as well as for the suppliers as they failed to meet the expectations with regard to cost effectiveness. The reasons were always very similar: the users were not in the position to specify their requirements and the suppliers were not aware of the genuine needs of their customers. The main motivation to write this book was the awareness of the need for such a SA Handbook as a contribution to improve the mutual understanding between the two conflicting parties. All readers are invited to read Chapter 3 "Introduction and Scope" to get familiar with the general way of thinking and the related vocabulary. In addition to chapter 3 the readers may chose those chapters that cover their missing knowledge.

The objectives of the authors are


• To transfer their extensive know-how of all the aspects related to the technical, functional and commercial issues around SA to all decision makers in utility management, system operation, system planning, engineering and maintenance who wish to improve their personal knowledge in this field (Chapters 4, 9, 10, 15 refer). • To make the power system oriented readers aware of the new possibilities and benefits that can be exploited with the implementation of substation auwrnation systems (Chapters 4, 9, 10, 11, 1 5 refer). • To make the readers with a background in conventional control and protection systems (secondary systems) familiar with the specific performance and safety aspects of SA systems that comprise integrated numerical protection and control T''"'nctionality (Chapters 6, 7, 8 refer). • To make the readers involved in the development, design and application of IT in terms of intelligent electronic devices (lED) and for SA aware of the specific needs of the power system and the safety and availability related aspects of substation con trol and protection (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 12, 13 refer). • To provide the readers, who are involved with engineering, testing and commissioning of SA systems with background knowledge with regard to SA systems architectures, availability and safety aspects as well as to the allocation of functions in a SA system (Chapters 6, 7, 8 refer). • To convey decision makers in utilities the message that the implementation of SA throughout their substations offers new chances for the utilities to improve their internal processes to the extent that the overall costs in power system operation and maintenance are drastically reduced, the return on investment is accelerated and the productivity as well as the profitability of the enterprise is signifi cantly improved (Chapters 4, 11,15 refer).


Table 2-1 provides a more detailed guidance for the readers with various background and experience to select the chapters that may be of particular interest to tl1em to complement their specific knowledge with information around SA. ..


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21





Beginners in Computer science, Power systems, Financal planning, System operation



Decison makers: System planning, System operation Design/engineering, Maintenance













Engineering spec.










Protection spec.











SCADA spec.

















System planning


x 1x




















































Table 2-7 Readers Guide ·

2.6 References [1] Volker Lohmann (BBC/Switzerland), Andrew C Bolton (ESGOM/South Africa) Gas insulated switchgear developed for 765 kV, Modern Power Systems, February 1985, published by United Trade Press Ltd. London/UK [2] Eric Engelbrecht (ESCOM/South/.f'..frica), Bernhard Sander, Hermann Schachermayr (BBC/Switzerland) Integrated control for ECOM's 800 kV ALPHA Substation, Transmission and Distribution, Modern Power Systems, October 1987, published by United Trade Press Ltd. London/UK [3] Klaus-Peter Brand, JUrgen Kopainsky, Wolfgang Wimmer · Topology based interlocking of electrical substations, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery PWRD-1, 3, 118-126 (1986)







3 Introduction and Scope

3.1 Scope 3.2 Electric power as sensitive basics of our today's society 3.3 The electric power system

16 16 16

3.3.1 The long and complex path from power generation to power consumption 16 3.3.2 The power production 16 3.3.3 Three-phase system and current, voltage and frequency 17 3.3.4 The transportation of electric energy by the network and the related voltage levels 18 3.3.5 Some comments to voltage levels in electric power systems 19 3.3.6 The consumption of electric energy 19 The definition of root mean square values 20 3.4 Specific Aspects of the Electric Power System

3.4.1 The power flow Production equals consumption Base load demand and load peaks, variation of demand per day, week Power flow controlled by physics of the power network Many voltage levels for transmission and distribution 3.4.2 Power generation, network stability and energy quality Dispersed power generation (DPG) Complex network with stability problems Power quality 3.4.3 Safety aspects High currents, voltages and surges Electromagnetic interference and high-frequency noise Protection

3.5 The Role of the Substation for the grid 3.5.1 Node functionality 3.5.2 Access to the power and power network

20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23

24 24 24

3.6 The Role of Substation Automation for the Network Management


3.6.1 The Power Network Management System The structure The overall tasks 3.6.2 Local Functions in Substations 3.6.3 The local support functions for Network Level Systems 3.6.4 The cruci9l role of communication

25 25 26 26

3.7 Substation Automation Systems 3.7.1 Short definition of Substation Automation Systems 3.7.2 The History with Remote Terminal Units 3.7.3 From RTU to SA

3.8 Substation Automation Soiutions 3.8.1 Commercial questions behind substation automation solutions 3.8.2 Benefits of Substation Automation 3.8.3 The realization of SA automation

3.9 References

3 Table of content

27 27

28 28 28 28

29 29 29 29



3 Introduction and Scope


3.1 Scope The topic of this book is Substation Automation. Before we can go into this fascinating and powerful automation area, we have to get some idea about the role of the substation and its automation in the electric power system. Behind all we can see the importance of electric power for our society today.

3.2 Electric power as sensitive basics of our today's society We all use the benefit of electric power in our every day's life. Already for a long time, the clean electric light has extended the day up to 24 hours both for work, services, and pleasure. A lot of heavy work has taken over by electric powered machines. Medical instruments and the complete infrastructure of hospi tals rely on electric power. In every home, we find many devices from vacuum cleaner to TV set all depending on electric power. Our complete telecom environment and all our information technology with all its computers rely on the unlimited availability of electric power. The strong impact of power on socie-

ty is seen by any shortage of electricity or blackouts happening from time to time. How does the system look that provides all this power?

3.3 The electric power system 3.3.1 The long and complex path from power generation to power consumption Despite of some efforts in decentralized power pro duction, power generation and power consumption are separated from each other at least for bulk power. Few production centers feed millions of con sumers. Therefore, large transmission and distribution networks are needed to link both parties (Figure 3-1). An introduction to power systems is found in [1].

3.3.2 The power production Most electric power is produced by fossil (oil. coal) or nuclear power plants. These types of power plants produce steam, which drives turbines and the con nected generators providing electric energy (Fig. 3-2). A lot of power is produced also by hydropower



Figure 3-7 This schematic picture indicates the countrywide interconnection of power production and consumption by the network



Figure 3-2 Turbine and generator (including Pf and QV controO sensor

Mechanical Power



3-phase Electric Power

plants where the water flow is the driving force. Wind farms (driving force wind) or photovoltaic cells (direct production of electric power) produce a small but increasing fraction of electric energy. The electric power production is subject to some dedicated sys tem features, which have to be considered from the beginning.




3.3.3 Three-phase system and current, voltage and frequency Photovoltaic cells like batteries produce electric ener gy with constant voltage and current called direct cur rent (DC). ,.·.', I


The production of electric power with the above mentioned rotating machines, where coils are mov ing in changing magnetic fields, provides a sinuosoi dal, alternating current (AC). Since these machines (Figure 3-3) have usually three poles displaced by 1/3 of a complete turn we get a three-phase system, i.e. three-phase belts (windings) with induced sinuosoi dal alternating voltages feeding three conductors with sinusoidal alternating current (AC) each displac ed by 1/3 of 360° resulting in a displacement of 120° (Figure 3-4).


Figure 3-3 Three-phase synchronous machine (generator)




Phase 2 Phase3


Figure 3-4 Three-phase Power System (Phase Currents with Amplitude normalized to 7)





This rotation frequency gives the frequency both of the voltage and the current Common values for the power frequency are i.e. 50 Hz (e.g. in Europe) or 60 Hz (e.g. in US). For some few railway systems, also 16.7 Hz (formerly 16 2/3 Hz) is in use. Current refers to conducting particles (electrons) moving through a conductor. Its driving force is the voltage with the same frequency built up by the magnetic field in the generators. Basically, power is calculated out of the product of current and voltage. Considering the phase shift (angle difference) described by sincp or coscp between current and voltage or not. we get three types of power, i.e. the apparent power (S), the reactive power (Q) or the active power (R). The last value is what provides the electric energy to work for us (see section The three-phase system is advantageous as the three displaced phases fit well to rotating machines whit out dead point. and no return conductor is needed under fault-free conditions. The advantage of AC systems is that its voltage can be transformed to higher and lower levels by trans formers being based again on changing magnetic fields in the transformer coils. These magnetic fields result in inductance and the related electric fields in capacitance of each wire. Both effects have to be added to the Ohmic resistance of the conductor. The result is the impedance meaning losses and phase shifts of the sinusoidal currents and voltages. The advantage of DC is that only the Ohrnic resistance has to be considered. These advantages of DC are used also for power transmission by High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) lines. With these features, we have started already to touch the transmission and distribution of electric energy.

The conductors have some resistivity against this cur rent described by the above-mentioned impedance consisting of indudivity, capacity, and resistivity. Overhead lines and cables form the network and, to some very small extent, gas isolated lines (GIL). In plans of such networks, the conductors for all three phases are shown as single lines. The nodes in this network are substations providing facilities for switching on and off the connections. In addition, the transformers are placed here normally. Generators produce power at voltage levels of about 10 kV. This voltage has to be transformed up to the level of the connected transmission network. This is done by separate transformers (block transformers), or more advanced, by transformer windings integrat ed in the generator itself (power former). Depending on the capacity and length of transmission lines need ed, high and very high voltages are used for trans mission, typically from above 100 kV up to about 1000 kV. At the other side of the transmission lines, these voltages are stepwise reduced by transformers to the subtransmission and distribution level of the network (100 kV to 10 kV) and further down to match finally the voltage level of the consumer (below 1 kV in the most cases). Such a network is shown schematically in Figure 3-5.

Une Transmission

3.3.4 The transportation of electric energy by the network and the related voltage levels


Since production and consumption of energy are nor mally separated, a sophisticated network or grid of conductors like transmission lines and distribution cables has to conned both the producers and con sumers of electric energy (Figure 3-5).

Consumption (motors)

Figure 3-5 Schematic network diagram with different voltage levels


I I (' j

\ !

3.3.5 Some comments to voltage levels in electric power systems

The different voltage levels found in electric power systems are not classified in any standard as low vol tage (LV),·medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), extra-high voltage (EHV), or ultra-high voltage (UHV). In most countries, safety laws are connected with such a classification; national differences exist in this classification. Only the limit between LV and MV is very commonly fixed at 1 kV. see e.g. IEC 60038. The classification limits have been very often created because of historical technical steps in switchgear technology. To avoid too many alternative solutions and too close voltage levels, in IEC 60038 recommended sequen ces of voltage levels are given, but without any refe rence to any voltage level terrn. Another common classification of voltage levels refers to the type or purpose of the network applied, e.g. if it transmits power over long distances between gene ration and load centers, or if it distributes power from some transmission end point to the users of the load center. A common example for AC (alternating cur rent) is • Distribution level (3.6 - 36 kV): Circuits transmitting power to the final retail outlet, mostly with a radial structure. • Sub-transmission level (17.5 - 145 kV): Circuits transmitting power to distribution substations and to bulk retail outlets, mostly with a linear or/and ring structure. • Transmission level (72.5 - 765 kV): Circuits trans mitting power between major substations of interconnecting systems, and to wholesale outlets. These transmission lines are further divided into: • High voltage (HV): 115 - 245 kV • Extra high voltage (EHV): 300 - 765 kV • Ultra high voltage (UHV): greater than

765 kV .1


Direct current (DC) systems may be classified com monly as follows: • Low voltage (24- 250 V): Auxiliary power in power plants and substations, control circuits and, occasionally, utilization power in some industrial plants. • Medium voltage (300 - 600 V): Transportation industry • High voltage (greater than 600 V): Long distance bulk transmission, submarine, and major system interconnections It should be noted that such a classification


very often a characteristic for protection devices (distribu tion protection, transmission protection, etc) and, there fore, may vary to some extent from supplier to sup plier. To follow the increasing demand of electric ener gy, the functionalities are allocated to higher voltage levels, e.g. in big cities energy is distributed at HV in a typical distribution network structure.

3.3.6 The consumption of electric energy Big consumers like machines and other industrial equipment are using three-phase energy supply at medium voltage level (below 50 kV). The private consumers may use three-phase supply for heatig equipment like cooking and cleaning equipment. For a!! other purposes single-phase sup ply is provided. In any case, the voltage level for pri vate consumers is at low voltage levels below 1 kV. For heating only the time average of the AC power is effective. These time-averages for current. voltage and power are called rms (root mean square) values. The ever-present electronic devices rectify by their power supplies the ACto DC as needed by their elec tronics.


,;,. ,;,.





3.4 The definition of root mean square values Instantaneous values of voltage and current

U =Uosinwt

ting each other perfectly. The reactive power Q shows the impact of such elements. Since Q degrad es the transmission capacity for P and influences the voltage profile of the power system, producers or consumers may have to pay a penalty.

I =I osin( cut - rp) U0 and lo are the amplitudes of voltage and current respectively

f = 2nw is the power frequency cp is the phase angle difference between voltage and current


In addition to the features mentioned above, the electric power system has many characteristics, which are based on physical laws, equipment features and user behavior. All these aspects have to be consider ed for design and operation of the power system. The most important ones are listed below.


3.4.1 The power flow

Time averages means effective values or rms (root mean squares) le.ff


I I sm(mt - rp) T










= J I o sin(cut - rp )dt = ; v2


T = 2n ;w is the period of the current or voltage Active Power

1T P =- U(t)I(t)dt To



T .

3.4 Specific Aspects of the Electric Power System Production equals consumption The production of power has to be more or less equal to the consumption since means for power storage are limited today (Figure 3-6). The most powerful means are pump storage schemes, but also pressure storage facilities, spinning wheels, batteries and fuel cells are used to some small extent.


Power flow


of of s m mtsm(OJt- rp )dt = leffileffCOS rp = ..:...U T • 0

Without going more into details, the formulas for Re active Power (Q) and Apparent Power (S) are

Q =1e.ffue.ff sin rp


The apparent power S shows the maximum for transmission over a line with cp = 0, i.e. when capaci tance and reactance do not exist or are compensa-




Load (motor) . ?

Figure 3-6 Mechanical equivalent of an electric power system showing the balance between generation and consumption

3.4. 7.2 Base load demand and load peaks, variation of demand per day, week There is a slow changing base load demand over the year, but also strong load peaks depending on hour, day, week and weather conditions are occurring. It depends on factors like when and how people are working in factories and offices, using cooling and heating systems for their houses, and whether a football game attracts all people to use their TV sets. Power flow controlled by physics of the power network Which way the power is flowing from production to consumption depends on the impedance Z of the link ing lines and cables (Figure 3-7). The impedance Z is composed by the Ohmic resistance Rand the induct ance L along the conductor and the conductance G and the capacitance C between the conductor and ground. More details see e.g. in [1].


R + j(J)L G+ jUJC

Stepwise adjustable or tunable capacitances and reactances can be used to influence the physical impedance given by the properties of the lines and cab!es. The most modern equipment for impedance tuning and, the corresponding control of power flow are FACTS (flexible AC transmission systems)They allow continuous control over a very wide range of impedance. All such measures imply losses of power but these are at least partly compensated by the increased transmission capacity of the line achieved.





dx ------

Figure 3-7 The (differentiaO line impedance Z composed of L, R, C, G per length unit of the line. Many voltage levels for transmission and distribution


For optimizing both the power transmission and dis tribution, different voltage levels have been introduc ed. Higher voltages allow power transmission over long distances with lower losses; lower voltages sim plify the safety problems in small distribution areas or at home.

3.4.2 Power generation/ network stability and energy quality 3.4.2. 7 Dispersed power generation (DPG)

As mentioned already above, the power system may be characterized in most cases by large production centers (coal fired, nuclear or hydropower plants), which are remote from the load centers (consumers of any kind). Today, there is some tendency towards dispersed power generation in smaller units near to the consumers. This shift is supported by the increas ing use of "alternative" power (small hydro, solar, wind, biomass, etc) and new concepts like co-genera tion of heat and electricity. Complex network with stability problems Since the electric power is produced by a large num ber of rotating machines with dedicated load charac teristics, static or transient instabilities may occur due to the interactions via the associated network. Therefore, network control or other means have to • assure by proper measures that the network is kept within a stable range. Thisstability provides e.g. the constant voltage and power frequency needed by the consumers. Stable systems mean also that no collapses or blackouts occur and that power is provid ed with a high quality and availability (Figure 3-8).


3.4.3 Safety aspects



1.0 0.8

3.4.3. 7 surges

0.6 0.4

High currents, voltages and

0.2 0.0 0.0







P/Pm= 1 Maximum power



Figure 3-8 System stability: PV Operating Curve for Transmission Lines (V5 fixed source voltage, V, variable load voltage, P power delivered to load, Pm maximum power) quality

Electrical power systems are operated at high voltage levels, which may endange.r human life or cause da mages for equipment. Therefore, adequate isolation, its supervision against damages, and proper ground ing is essential. High currents may produce both ther mal effects and electromechanical forces, especially in case of short circuits. Lightning strokes and switching operations may cause transient surges that proper protection means like surge arrestors have to be applied.


Power quality means mainly availability and stable fre quency and is either assumed for given or negotiated in specific delivery contracts. These contracts may re quire availability of electric energy without any inter ruptions down to some milliseconds, constant power frequency and stable supply voltage (Figure 3-9). Electromagnetic interference and high-frequency noise Arcing strokes and re-strokes are caused by switching of isolators and result in high-frequency transients (Figure 3-10). Therefore, effective grounding of switch gear is not only requested at power frequency condi tions but also for high frequencies. Proper grounding and shielding avoids all effects, which may disturb or destroy electronic equipment inside and outside the substation. Due to the small radius of overhead conductors, the high field strength at their surface produces small discharges along the line. These discharges depend ent on weather conditions (moisture) produce not only energy losses but also high-frequency. noise, which may disturb electronic devices nearby.


Figure 3-9 Power quality (example voltage)

In most countries, the interference values _and noise levels have to be kept within ranges specified by Standards (see chapter 12). Nevertheless, such inter ference determines also the environmental condi tions for electronic or numerical substation automa tion systems including protection [2].

110 ·

-1 2

7 3

r/1 side


Source side



,r4P .Us


utL 0 ......:.......r1_u_ -100 ' 0





0 -L-0


Load Protection

nA , ,

un'1..!..1{ If vL

\I _

Reliable power supply is important, power equipment is costly and the high voltages and currents may cause damages both for people and devices. Short circuits occuring in the transmission system on gene rators (G), transmission and distribution lines or on the loads (L) have to be detected in the shortest pos sible time and the associated equipment must be protected (Figure 3-11). Therefore, adequate protec tion functions implemented in dedicated protection devices are installed to safeguard the operation of the electric power system.




150 ms


Any short circuit happening somewhere in the net work is detected by process data supervision. Dedi cated preprocessing, processing and data evaluation results in a trip command to the process (circuit brea ker). Data storage and information to the HMI sup plement the protective action.

200 400 600 800 1000 ns


Figure 3-70 Measured voltage during closing of an isolator shows very high frequent behavior action as source for electromagnetic inter ferences (EM!)

Figure 3-7 7 Short circuits and protection




®t-€G .I*------¥<.1

fm l .



--------! ;?Ill-














3.5 The Role of the Substation for the grid


3.5.1 Node functionality The substation is the node in the electrical power net work, which connects the lines and cables for trans mission and distribution of electric power. The electri cal node is the busbar in the substation. To cope with the dedicated needs for reliability and availability of the electrical power supply various busbar schemes are in use like single busbar, double busbar, 1112 brea ker arrangement, ring bus, and H type. Circuit breakers and isolators are installed to connect or disconnect the incoming and outgoing lines with the busbar. The power flow is actively controlled and routed by these switching devices, i.e. by opening and closing the circuit breakers. For reliable insulation in case of open lines, disconnectors or insulators are associated to the circuit breakers. Since these dis connectors cannot break power, they must only be operated with the associated breaker in open posi tion. To provide safety for maintenance earthing swit ches or temporarily earthing devices are used to assure that the area under maintenance is without voltage and dead. Introduction to switchgear see chapter 5 and [3]. in addition to the switchgear, there may be transfor mers in the substation to connect busbars at different voltages if applicable. The tap changers of the trans formers control the voltage in between. Voltage drops across the transmission lines between substations occur because of the capacitance and reactance of the lines, the voltage may be adjusted also by adapt able capacitor banks or reactors, which serve as sour ces or sinks of reactive power.


Depending on the voltage level and other boundary conditions, there is a lot of different switchgear (some times called primary equipment) installed in substa tions. They are described in chapter 5. The isolation medium may be air (air isolated substation - AIS) or SF6 gas (gas isolated substation -GIS) or a combina tion of both.

Some few compact HV substations are indoor and housed in buildings but the majority of HV sub stations is outdoor and subject to severe climactic conditions.

As mentioned above (Figure 3-7), the series impe dance and the shunt admittance of transformer, lines and cables of the power system determine the power flow. However, the switchgear in the sub station may also limit this power flow. The maximum allowed continuous rating is given mainly by the ther mal withstand capacity of the conducting material and the withstand capacity of contacts against magnetic forces. In addition, the short circuit breaking capacity of the circuit breakers limits the maximum power allowed being connected via the network.

3.5.2 Access to the power and power network Instrument transformers measuring the actual volta ges and currents deliver the essential information concerning the power system status. Both the power frequency and the local power flow is calculated out of these values or measured by dedicated power meters directly. The switchgear in the substations and the inter connecting transmission and distribution lines are the high valued assets of the power system owner in power business terms. As faults and failures do not only degrade the devices but cause also losses in power delivery, the status of these components is supervised or monitored in the substations for asset management depending on the monitoring techno logy applied and the owner's maintenance philoso phy. All these means in the substation provide the inter face accessing the power system, i.e. for changing the actual topology, for measuring voltage and current, and for providing data about the assets. This access may be used either by human operators or by auto nomous automatics like protection functions.

The switchgear will be described in chapter 5. The system and functions for controlling, monitoring and protecting the power network in the nodes and their relation to the overall network management will be explained in paragraph 3.6.

3.6 The Role of Substation Automation for the Network Management

At the various levels, different tasks or functions are performed referring to the allocated parts of the power system. From the view of the substation, all functions performed in the substation are called local functions and all functions at the higher control levels are called remote functions. Therefore, the complete network control system may be reduced to a two level system model at least in the context of this book.

3.6.1 The Power Network Management System

3.6. 7. 7 The structure The power network management system is a multi level hierarchical control system. The highest level, e.g. the National Control Center (NCC) manages the com plete network; subordinated control levels e.g. repre sented by Regional Control Centers (RCC) manage some regions. The lowest control level is in the sub stations where the Substation Automation System controls the node and provides direct access to the power system (Figure 3-12).




Since a lot of local functions provide subsidiary sup port to remote functions, the interaction of these func tions with the network management functions has to be discussed as a whole.

Figure 3-7 2 Hierarchy of the netvvork power management system



a- m)--!=o9


Network control


AREA 1 Network control


. r\1_.e_t_:_:_r - -on-_tr_o_l....,.

r£at" 'dI



Power transformer

Meas. transf. U, I .

- Aux. devices

F"--· & Switchgear

Meas. transf. U, I

-Aux. devices



Power transformer

Power transformer

Meas:transf. U, I

Meas. transf. U, I

- Aux. devices

-Aux. devices



3.6. 7.2 The avera(/ tasks The main task of power network management be sides direct control (network control system) is ener gy management (EM) which controls not only the balance between production and. consumption of power but also the path of the power flow taking into account economical and other cnteria. Energy management has also to take care of power system and to assure the availability and quality of the elec tric energy. It exchanges business-related data with the business information and trade system of the uti lity concerned. The power network management system has to acquire all the data like voltage, current, power flow, and the status of all links of the entire power system. In addition, it has to control all the switchgear installed in the numerous substations. This task is called super visory control and data acquisition (SCADA).

I L Ii




o ,

Figure 3-73 The Kirchhoff's Laws


Inherent differences in the acquisition equipment and the common time base cause some inconsistencies in the data retrieved from the substations. Therefore,

. '?

a consistent data set of the entire power system has to be generated by the so-called state estimation. This means nothing more than the iterative verifica tion of the compliance of the entire network with the Kirchhoff's Laws (Figure 3-13). Another task of the power management system is the management of all the assets. Asset manage ment and all supervisory functions may be processed in on big central computer or, more commonly, in many interlinked computers.

3.6.2 Local Functions in Substations The two most local functions are the data acquisition from the power grid via the switchgear including instrument transformers (sensor, sensing) and the activation of changes by commands to switchgear devices that can be switched or changed (actuators, acting). The values for power frequency, active and reactive power may either be measured directly or calculated out of the measured values for current and voltage. In addition, the power quality may be moni tored. Such data acquisition allows many local functions like supervision of the power network and controlling the data flow at substation (node) level. These data are transmitted to any function interested on, maybe up to the NCC level. The fastest interaction between sensors and actuators is provided by the most local and autonomous automatic function, i.e. protection, which issues a trip command to the allocated circuit breaker in case of a detected fault Slower local auto matics are voltage regulation and local load shedding in case of power shortage or danger of instability. In addition to the powr system, its most costly com ponents, i.e. the switchgear is monitored as well pro viding all data important for maintenance. Apart from the power system, also the substation automation system itself including protection is monitored, super-

vised and self-supervised. In case of any failure, either corrective actions can be locally initiated or alarms can be issued. All substation related information can be accessed via the local station HMI, which can also be used for local operations. Since in normal situations nearly all sub stations are running unmanned and remotely con trolled, data and commands are exchanged via com munication links with the remote network control center.

3.6.3 The local support functions for Network Level Systems In case of remote operation of a substation, the basic role of the substation automation system as source of power system information and sink of power con trol commands is still valid. All passive and active ele ments of the switchgear are supervised and protect ed. The most protection functions will stay autono mous in the substation. Process data are provided pre-processed to informa tion for the remote network control system. Auto matic functions in the substation can reduce the heavy load of the functions residing on NCC level in the network control system and accelerate the res ponse time to contingencies to maintain power sys tem integrity.

Very often, condition related data from all substations in the network are collected in Monitoring Centers to calculate trends and to elaborate maintenance and planning strategies and to elaborated a prognosis for the future behavior of power system. Therefore, the substations are the backbone of a global asset mana gement system.


Summarizing all the mentioned features, a substation automation system can be seen as both the most decentralized part and most important part of the overall power system management.

3.6.4 The crucial role of communication The overall power management system is a distribu ted system. Its lowest but most important level is sub station automation. Therefore, reliable communica tion plays a crucial role for reliable power system ope ration. The fast advances in communication techno logy provide many new opportunities. However, the very specific functional and performance require ments and the long lifetime of power equipment impose some hard technical and commercial con straints, which have to taken into consideration.

The local data from the substations may be also used to control the global performance of the power net work. to prevent any kind of instabilities (voltage, fre quency, rotor angle, etc) and to avoid cascade trip ping resulting in wide-area disturbances and blackouts. Such systems use not only the data from the -substation for decision making but also interact with the locally installed protection devices modifying their parameters according to the changes in the power flow or power system topology (adaptive protection).



3.7 Substation Automation Systems


3.71 Short definition of Substation Automation Systems The definition of Substation Automation Systems (SA) can be done stepwise. The most straightforward definition is that a Sub station Automation System performs all the local tasks described in section 3.6.1, i.e. providing • local and remote access to the power system • local manual and automatic functions • communications links and interfaces to the switch gear, within the substation automation system and to the network management system These functions may be performed more or less combined in a lot of dedicated intelligent _Electro nic Qevices (lED) for control, monitoring, protection, automatics, communication, etc The functions of sub station automation are described in chapter 6, the substation automation structure in chapter 7.

3.72 The History of Remote Terminal Units


Historically, the only interface between the switch gear and the network management system was a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) in each substation. The RTU was a central unit containing a lot of inputs and outputs, nearly no local functions but the communi cation interface to the remote network control center. RTUs and NCC both together formed the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system (SCADA). A SCADA system is primarily used to monitor, control and manage the power system remotely by human intervention to deliver electrical energy as per delivery contracts. It provides real time status information (both analogue and digital) as well as historical infor mation to the operator and supports his decision making for effective supervisory control. In addition, the action of protection like start and trip is included as simple yes/no information.

,.., i

3.73 From RTU to SA In contrast to RTUs, Substation automation systems perform all the local tasks mentioned above in a more or less decentralized structure. The functions include all the automation of actions that are required to manage the specific substation, whether it is to iso late and earth a feeder bay, or to collect condition monitoring data. Therefore, it includes the collection and storage of a vast amount of data that are related to substation based equipment and the surrounding power system itself (e.g. fault location details, distur bance recording etc). The structure of Substation Automation is described in chapter 7. its architecture in chapter 8.

The communication function of the RTU is also need ed in the SA, but is changed to a communication interface. In most cases, this function is implemented in a gateway lED. Depending on the communication protocols used this gateway has to convert the pro tocols in both directions also (protocol converter). The information collected and stored in distributed devic es (IEDs) of the SA will be communicated to the SCADA master via this gateway. Note that also pro tection devices are seen as part of the Substation Automation integrated by the common communica tion system. Protection functions may be also imple mented together with control functions in one single lED. Depending on the functionality and availability request ed in the substation, its geographic extension and commercial boundaries, RTUs will remain a conve nient solution for a lot of substations. Reverse, RTUs may be defined as most simple substation automa tion systems also. Some comparison is given chapter 8. The trends and outlooks for the developments are addressed in chapter 18.


3.8 Substation Automation Solutions

3.8.1 Commercial questions behind substation automation solutions Generally, one can think of many dedicated solutions, however, one has always to take really a hard look at the cost efficiency of those solutions and find a justi fication for the selected implementation of SA. For this purpose, some key questions have to be answer ed like • What is the impact on capital expenditure budget? • What is the impact on the operating expenditure budget? • Will all the proposed services/benefits be utilized and is the approach cost efficient? These questions have to be discussed in the context of the benefits of Substation l'•.utomation.

3.8.2 Benefits of Substation Automation In order to decide whether it is a benefit to use SA, any utility must firstly know, and secondly decide, what kind SA services shall be implemented. For the elaboration of an implementation strategy, the utility is faced with the following questions: • What are the technical objectives of SA. and how does each service c:::ontribute to meet the objectives?

costs, increase productivity and to improve power system performance. How this is fulfilled will be shown in the book One of the original means is to automate actions, which have been previously executed by operators. This could be realized at least partly by hardwired logic instead of microprocessors. The full benefits provided by the microprocessor-based lEOs only are derived from • easier design of complex logic by software including designable levels of functional integration, • all the additional opportunities and services, which can be provided if all the information is available in digital format and shared between IEDs. To improve the overall technical and economical management of the power system, one would want to access all data stored in any lED from anywhere. Depending on the communication link in the sub station, Substation Automation Systems provide this opportunity either via a dedicated link via the corpo rate network (Intranet) or via Internet selected by security requirements. Utilities may even give dedi cated service access to suppliers or limited user access to major customers for data that may be rele vant to them.

• What are the main business objectives of SA and how does each service contribute to meet the objectives?

The benefits of Substation Automation are further discussed in chapter 15.

• When the boundary between utilities and custo mers is inside the substation, is it expected that the customer should have similar systems/IEDs and whether they should be integrated with the uti!it;7

3.8.3 The realization of SA automation -

Both the most basic requirements and the highest benefits of SA systems are to minimize the number of outages and outage times, to decrease operating


Bearing in mind the fast changing information tech nology, the development of systems and products for Substation Automation should be done in a well defined sequence of. phases. Some of them are of interest for customers also.

. '?





The project execution shows also well-defined phases from specification to maintenance requiring a close cooperation between customer and supplier. The project has to meet all standards mentioned in chap ter 12 if applicable. All what has to be considered for a successful and harmonic project execution is dis cussed in chapter 14.

Important for the customer is to safeguard his invest ments in spite of the fast changing technologies. Recommendations how to reach this goal are given in chapter 1 7.

309 References [1.1] Olle I. Elgerd 0

Electric Energy Systems Theory, 2nd ed., Mac Graw Hill,

1982 [1.2] Olle I. Elgerd, Patrick. D. van der Puije 0 2nd ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997

Electric Power Engineering,

[2.1] Walter A. Elmore (Ed.) 0 Protective Relaying Theory and Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York (1994) [2.2] Helmut Ungrad, Wilibald Winkler, Andrej Wiszniewski 0 Energy Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York (1995) [3]


Protection Techniques in Electrical

Switchgear Manual, © ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen Mannheim, iOth revised edition, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 2001


Challenges with introducing Substation Automation

4.1 Substation Automation, the ineluctable way? 4.1.1 Necessary conditions to install new technology in_ substations Electrical network consideration Utility social aspect Final customer aspect Utility business policy 4.1.2 Advantages and drawbacks of new technologies Social Aspects Financial aspect Network and energy management aspect Final customers aspects 4.1.3 Key success factors for the introduction of SA technology Basics rules to preserve independence and to succeed Find a global commitment inside your utility Find a financial indicator to chose what must be made first 4.1.4 Conclusion

4.2 Management and Utilization of Substation Data 4.3 System Performance Aspects 4.3.1 Backward compatibility to allow integration with existing systems

4.4 Justification for Substation Automation 4.4.1 Typical Justification Scenarios 4.4.2 Perception of Substation Automation 4.4.3 Substation legacy systems and practices 4.4.4 Opportunities and justifications 4.4.5 Benefits of substation automation integration Design Benefits Operation Benefits Maintenance Benefits Reliability Benefits Reduced cost

4.5 References



32 32 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37

Table of content

38 38 38

39 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42



. !


4 Challenges with introducing Substation Automation


4.l Substation Automation, the ineluctable way? Twenty years ago, the first local automatism appear ed in electrical substations.·Some of those automa tisms were used to eliminate earth faults by opening and closing cyclically the feeders in rlV/MV substa tions, others were in charge to permute automatical ly the transformers in EHV/HV substations. These automatism were so slow that both the operating staff and the customers could follow these protection and optimization procedures. Today, the information technology (IT) has progressed in such a way that wide area protection schemes can be realized that are in the position to protect the en tire power system relying on coordinated defense plans. They are the ultimate barriers intended to pre vent the spreading of losses of synchronism through out the utility network Distributed computers, satelli te based time synchronization and communication, broadband communication networks and intelligent substation automation systems and phasor measure ment units (PMU) are involved in such protection schemes. As the response of operating staff is too slow with the legacy technology in emergency situa tions, the emergency control goes through all the automated control systems to operate globally in less than 0.5 second. In the meantime, electromechanical, static, electronic and fully digital technology have been successively installed in substations. The average outage time for a end customer went down from 2 days to 10 minu tes per year. Utilities are now selling quality of the electricity rather than power of the electricity.


There are world-wide utilities who ask themselves the question: Must we do it? Can we do it? What will the advantages and the inconveniences be to install fully digital substation control systems together with the advanced functionality? The authors try in this

book to provide answers to these questions and explain various options how to do it depending on customer benefits, operating philosophies, business environment etc [ i

4.1.1 Necessary conditions to install new technology in substations We think that four different aspects have to be con sidered in connection with the implementation of new technologies in substations. These involve the electrical network the utilities social aspect, the end customer aspect and the utilities policy aspect. All have to be analyzed in detail.

4. 7. 7. 7 consideration



Digital substation automation systems improve the control of the network All basic functions like tele control, local control, event recorder, disturbance re corder, numerical protection, automation of substa tion automation (SA) systems are interacting with the entire power system control: • The tele-control functionality allows the SCADA operating people to have a good oveivievv control on the network They receive supervision informa tion and can operate the switchgear with the highest reliability. • The control functions allow the operating people to run the substation as if they were inside it. User-friendly human machine interfaces (HMI) provide the right information at the right time. Easy to operate and to understand are the qualities of the control interface. We.cannot find any operating people who are used to SA still prefer conventional hardwired substations and restricted HMI.

• The sequence of event recorders with time tagging at one millisecond, which are incorporated in the IEDs for protection and control provide comprehensive and precise information and can help protection people to improve the global protection scheme (of all SA have the same time reference). • The disturbance recorder that are included in SA allow the network maintenance engineers to analyze a faulty part of the network. • Numerical protection relays improve the quality of the protection. This equipment can be set with very good precision and their behavior can even be dynamically adapted to changing condition and topology. • Automation is a very important point. This allows the SA to have self-response to problems and to arrange in a predetermined configuration procedure the topology of the network in few seconds. This cannot be equaled by the best SCADA operating people. Commencing the installation of digital substation control systems requires very few conditions on the electrical network. Existing SCADA can be used because SA can be adapted to their communication protocol. Static or electromechanical relays can still be used even if the SA implies digital relays for new installations. Existing substations cail be enhanced stepwise. SA systems can easily be connected and coordinated with switchgear placed on the lines and cables. Utility social aspect

Substation automation leads to unmanned substa tions and thus fewer operating people. This is a fact and may mean a taboo aspect and an obstacle to introduce substation automation systems. On the other hand, it can be a very important advantage in cases when the substations are located far from the operation point. Considering the flexibility of opera ting people, we assume that with a good training and good documentation, average operating people have no problem to operate correctly a digital sub station automation system, locally or from remote. With the integrated self-diagnostic facility in connec tion with a centralized maintenance center, just a few maintenance people are necessary. SA makes pre. ventive maintenance obsolete and allows changing to "just in time maintenance" practices with the aid of condition monitoring facilities. In addition, SA means reduced time to design, erect and test substations. Project teams can be reduced in number because ofthe fact that substation automa tion systems are simpler to design, install and test. This means, however, that that the introduction of SA must be carefully prepared by the utility. Although the social consequences are important, the benefits for the utility have to be given priority. There are less people involved but those need higher qualification and their jobs are more challenging. End customer aspect Substation automation systems improve the quality of service and thus have a positive impact on the reliability the power supply to the end customer. SA decreases the number of human errors as SCADA people are enabled by means of digital interlocking schemes to control the complex topology of the power network with higher reliability. Such guided


control decreases the number of operating faults, especially in emergency situations. Precise analyses of fault cohditions are processed by the SA

The disturbance recorder incorporated allow to detect weak spots in the network that the interrup tions of power for the end customer are minimized. Automated functions allow the SA to control the levels of voltage, frequency and network stability. The time that is necessary to initiate counter measures is around 200 milliseconds. This number has to be com pared with 5 seconds that is needed by the SCADA people to respond to disturbances. Self-diagnostic included in the SA allows the mainte nance people to repair very quickly the faulty equip ment.

4. 7.7.4 policy



The influence of digital control systems on the utility business policy is very significant as SA implies the review of the technical, operating and maintenance policies as well as the financial policy.

The technical policy is involved because of changing to SA utilities can lose the control on what will be installed in their substations. Typical problems occur when utilities buy different SA systems under a price consideration only. The cheapest solutions change with the years. Five years later, the utility has seven different suppliers, with seven or more different systems, a lot of spare parts, and big difficulties to manage correctly the difficult situation, when small companies do no longer exist. The introduction of SA also means optimization of the substation and reducing the global lifetime cost of the substation. If an utility tries to install a SA without reviewing the design of the substation (civil

Figure 4- 7 Cost/benefit analysis of new HVIMV Substations over 7 5 years of operation

Cost/Benefit Analysis of New HV/MV Substations ., 100.00 1::



0 Q)


80.00 60.00 40.00


20.00 a;
















Years of Operation


- SCS l!ii!ii!ilil Con-...entional ----.-Accumulated benefits



4. 7.2.2 Financial aspect

works, trenches, building, location of the cubicles etc.) they may have·to pay an extra cost premium of up to 20%. Operating and maintenance policies have to be re viewed to exploit the full benefits of SA as well as operating procedures, maintenance periods and repair actions, repair actions.


The financial policy has to be changed as the intro duction of new technologies requires consideration of the costs for the total life cycle of the equipment (Figure 4-1). The cost/benefit analysis of a typical new SA system (here SCS) for a typical HV/MV substations in com parison with conventional control reveals the follow ing facts: 1. Lower initial investment costs (-10 %) 2. Lower amortization costs for the first 3 years 3. Lower maintenance cost during 15 years 4. The accumulated benefits over the assumed 1 5 years life cycle sum up as return of investment to 160 % of the initial investment cost

4.1.2 Advantages and drawbacks of new technologies 4. 7.2. Aspects



The new technologies may reduce the number of people necessary for SA design, erection, test opera tion and maintenance, but they also free people to take care for other important business aspects like quality of services, optimization of the network per formance, improvement customers interfaces and power system planning. Apart from this, the new technologies improve the knowledge and skills of the people with regard to customer focus.

The new technologies enable utilities to earn more money. The global lifetime costs of the computeriz€d substations are lower than conventional. The reliabi lity is greater and the power interrupts are shorter. But the implementation of new technologies requir es investments not only because of the financial benefits but also due the fact that the knowledge for maintaining and spares for repairing conventional relays is less and less available. Utilities need to rebuild or rethink their social policy, as well as opera ting and maintenance policies. They need to buy fea sibility studies or to make prototype substations.


4. 7 .2.3 Network and energy management aspect The new technologies allow a better optimization of the network by using Energy Management Systems (EMS) linked with digital substation control systems. Typical examples are: • The integrated substation control systems receive a command from the operator for load shedding and can execute this operation very quickly to safeguard the network stability. • In emergency situations, load shedding can be initiated by voltage or frequency monitoring devices automatically to counteract wide area disturbances that may caused by cascade tripping.

• As all substation control systems have the same time reference, it is possible to analyze globally the response of the protection schemes of the network and in case of a fault to analyze precisely why, where and when this fault has occurred. End customers aspects The new technologies improve the quality of service and power quality, reduce outage times and increase the satisfaction of final customers.






4.1.3 Key success factors for the introduction of SA technology


4. 7.3. 7 Basics rules to preserve independence and to succeed One of the most basic rules for all utilities that intend to introduce the SA technology is to stay indepen dent from vendors and to stay in a position that they have the choice of the equipment But this indepen dence has a cost aspect, as an utility cannot afford to have 10 different suppliers for SA systems because of the implications involved with regard to spares, main tenance and training. Utilities need to carefully choose the optimal solution and to buy the best solution to their problem of their problems. A very important issue that assures independence is the strict rule to accept only systems that are design ed in accordance with International Standards, prefe rably with IEC 61850. This is of particular importance for the communication within the substations. IEC 61850 is the only standard that provides an open architecture and assures interoperability with IEDs from various vendors, who offer compliancy with IEC 61850 implemented. In the process of introducing the new technologies, it is highly recommend that utilities start with feasibility studies to elaborate requirement specifications that correspond to their specific needs. For the sake of independence, it is recommended to select two com petent suppliers only and to ask each of them to pro duce pilot installations including the complete func tional and technical specifications. The operating peo ple should have their specific manmachine interface and the maintenance engineers should obtain the documentation in accordance with their specific documentation style guide.

As an utility primary task to maintain the quality of service rather than to maintain suppliers equipment, utilities may prefer to sign a maintenance contract with the supplier to keep the SA equipment up to date. Such an approach will ensure successful implementa tion of the new technology and the required inde pendence at the same time. It may be cost efficient to sign delivery contracts with the suppliers for several substations over a time pe riod of 3-5 years. Prices will be reduced and the utili ties teams will not have to spend time on new sub station control system designs.

4. 7 .3.2 Find a global commitment inside your utility A lot of different people and disciplines are involved during the introduction of substation automation systems. A good way to success is to involve all the categories of people who will be involved with the new technology.

4. 7 .3.3 Find a financial indicator to chose what must be made first The crucial question for an utility is whether it is eco nomically justified to invest in new technology for their substations and when the investment has to be made and to what extent it should be done. A good approach to make this judgment is to evaluate the shortcomings in quality of services. Such shortcomings


h ·1 · · . 11 · . could include: er t••e p:.ot :nsta..at:on !S ava11 able compreh.ensJve_ factory acceptance tests should be conducted using • Lack or failure of power generation a primary equipment simulator for product approval. • Lack or failure of transmission Such a product approval procedure should be applied only once to assure that the right and feasi- • Lack or failure of distribution ble product, is received on site. • Lack or failure of accounting r..



F I ;

To evaluate all these parameters is a very complex task and it is suggested to define a single non-performance factor called "! on Qistributed _Energy" (NDE) to analyze the shortcomings in service.

The F-Time parameter has to be- cut in short time <200 ms and long time >= 200 ms (F.S-Time and F.LTime) because these two kinds of failure do not have the same impact for the final customer. Generally, F.STime are not very sensitive for the end customer This NDE is a new unit, in the local currency by kWh, except if this one uses programmable logic compuwhich. represents the difference of money between ters without using UPS. the two states of power system: F.S-Time is coming from fault on the lines (trees, 1. The utility is able to deliver the energy to the end customer and 2. The utility is not able to deliver







''· I' I




storms, lightning,...) and F.L-Time is commonly coming from stations or equipment Repeatability of non-quality is a w;ry important aspect

too. The situation involved by twenty energy probThe valuation of the NDE is a very sensitive action lems a year is more than twice as worst than the because the NDE is not only the benefit by kWh but situation involved by ten energy problems a year. It includes all the activities of the utility. For national or seams that the customer disappointment is proporstate utilities, the NDE will include the lack of quality tional to the square of the default number. To evaof energy, that this factory cannot produce and then luate this fact, we propose to use a formula like: cannot grow and cannot pay its people and they can2 not use electricity because they cannot pay or buy Cost = A * E * N + B * E * NDE electric equipment. where A is a utility coefficient in currency E: is the power cut in kWh The NDE does not indicate where to invest but indiN: is the number of faults cates when and how much to invest. This is the first B: is an utility coefficient step. The NDE is also used to sort the projects and NDE: is in currency/kWh give priority between two projects. (The NDE is also a very good parameter to control the level investment in a utility. It can be used with great benefit by the management board for financial regulation.)

with this approach, every utility is able to determine what to invest and when to invest and if we consider the substations, the utility will realize rapidly that the costs that are caused by conventional hardwired subBut non-quality of service translated in NDE alone is a station control systems and old protection relays are poor approach, if we do not consider other parame- very significant. ters as well. Level of voltage, frequency, reactive power transfer, number of long and short time inter4.1.4 Conclusion rupts are important parameters. One part of these parameters is involved in network stability. Moving to substation automation system is an ineluctable way but is not done without consequences. Therefore utilities use as a more complete approach Generally, we can find advantages for the end custoquality parameters, which are often the time of intermer, but the way to provide these can be difficult for rupts coming from the electrical network and stations utilities. Examples from European or North failures (F-Time) and time of interrupts coming from utilities can not easily be transferred American directly to the works on the network and the substation (W-Time). rest of the world. Historical and detailed information of these two parameters is very important so as to be able to deter- World-wide knowledge is a good guarantee for suemine where to invest to increase the quality of ser- cess in such an approach. This know-how may be learned assisted by world-wide active companies but VICe. the major part of the thoughts must be done internally. This approach is necessary to avoid great deception and disillusion in the years to come.


. '



4.2 Management and Utilization of Substation Data


Dedicated hardware devices for process data record ing that were previously proviued for data retrieval from the control center now become functional modules that are integrated into the IEDs. The RTU merely acts as a gateway to provide access to these data, which are transmitted to the relevant historical data base for storage and processing. These data comprise: • Sequence of event recordings • Disturbance recordings • Quality of supply measurands • Statistical metering for power system planning purposes

The active and reactive power flow in the network can be tracked system wide by means of a dedicated voltage control function. As it knows · the position of all transformer tap-changers it can automatically adjust them from remote, and it also can switch capacitor banks, or initiate of load shedding etc There may still be some obstacles like processing power and speed of a typical WAN/LAN, to apply such new functions but they may become reality in a not too distant future.

• Accounting information

4.3 System Performance Aspects

With these new features an SA system can be provid ed by the most cost effective functions like:

In order to assure that the SA system performs ade quately to conventional systems, the following per formance related aspects have to be addressed:

• System-wide under-frequency load shed ding: Dedicated IEDs monitor the system volta

• Security, reliability, dependability and speed in order to ensure that the protection functionality is not degraded and has highest priority at all times

ges, currents, frequency and power and are com municating peer-to-peer on a real time basis over the corporate wide area network (WAN). In case of power generation deficit detected they deter mine the most suitable location for performing load shedding on the basis of real time voltage instability studies, power swing predictions and actually measured loads. • Redundant protection and control functions:

The introduction of serial communication at process level allows IEDs to share analogue and digital data on a real time basis and to perform mutual back-up functions. An lED acting primarily as protection device may incorporate also back-up control functions that are used, if the associated lED for control is faulty. The associated lED for control may have a back-up protection functiona lity that can be activated automatically, if the pro tection lED has failed to operate.


• Intelligent power system voltage control:

Flexibility, expandability and forward compatibility with newer systems to ensure that future expan sion can be accommodated at minimum costs

4.3.1 Backward compatibility to allow integration with existing systems A secure control hierarchy and corresponding interlocking has to ensure that remote control from the SCADA as well as local control from the substa tion HMI is safe by verifying the validity of control actions beforE" Pxecution. Redundancy of equipment and/or functionality has to ensure that a single hardware failure does not expo se neither the power system nor primary equipment to unsafe and undesirable operating conditions.

4.4 Justification for Substation Automation

4.4.1 Typical Justification Scenarios


Most utilities today have identified potential benefits available from the implementation of automation to their operations. These benefits generally fall into two distinct categories: strategic and tangible. Tre strate gic benefits result from programs designed to impro ve the customerfs perception of quality, reliability and added value. Tangible benefits are derived from pro grams to increase the ability of the organization to work better, faster, and cheaper. Table 4-1 includes examples of benefits falling under these categories. Many utilities believe that automation of their power delivery systems can improve system reliability and lower-operation and maintenance costs if applied correctly. The following important justification scena rios are recognized by many utilities as necessary consideration before capital resources can be com mitted to a specific substation project.

to large commercial or industrial (C&I) customers. The future success of many utilities depends on main taining their large customers who may be subject to strong market competition. C&l customers typically subsidize reduced residential rates and are therefore a most valued corporate asset

Tangible - The benefit/cost ratio of the application is greater than 1 under the assumption of chosen eco nometric model. Tangible benefits of automation mayinclude deferral of planned capacity addition pro jects, reduced operation and maintenance costs, improved functionality, and reduced costs as compar ed with conventional non-automated alternative sce narios.

4.4.2 Perception of Substation Automation

quality, reliability of service and information available

Until recently, automation in the substation has meant the presence of a SCADA remote terminal unit (RTU) to many utility engineers. A recent Newton-Evans sur-

Strategic Benefits

Tangible Benefits

Improved quality of service

Reduced manpower requirements

Improved reliability

Reduced system implementation costs

Maintenance/expansion of customer base

Reduced operating costs

High value service provider

Reduced maintenance costs

Added value service

Ability to defer capacity addition projects

Improved customer access to information

Improved information for engineering decisio s

Enterprise information accessibility

Improved information for planning decisions

Flexible Billing Options

Reduced customer outage time

Strategic - Automation project must improve power

ITable 4-1 Examples of strategic and tangible benefit





vey indicated that RTU would be primary information processing task handler for the majority of those polled (54%). 35% percent indicated the require ment for a separate processor - other than an RTU, 15% preferred a PLC-based approach and another 1 5 % indicated a combined approach using both technologies. Approximately 30 % of th::>se surveyed indicated that they had not yet formed an opinion on the type of substation platform that would be imple mented. All of these answers are, of course, right. For the purposes of this book, substation automation is defined as a microprocessor based system that inte grates and processes substation status, analog and control information and communicates with local and/or remote devices. Actual, the capabilities of equipment that qualify under this definition are quite varied. SA systems range from simple RTUs to fully networked PC/PLC systems that manage WAN/LAN input/outputs (1/0) and provide advanced services for the substation environment and mainstream distribution automation functions.

Communication links, other than voice grade tele phone connections, are typically between transmis sion subs and master stations via microwave, fiber optic, or dedicated telephone lines using relatively slow data transfer rates from 1200 to 9600 baud. Most distribution substations today have a limited number of IEDs. Many have RTUs, but few have been provided with automated SER, fault recording and microprocessor based relay systems. Connectivity is similar to that mentioned above for transmission sub stations. Maintenance practices at legacy substations involve labor intensive routine on-site manual inspection. Field devices such as circuit breakers, switchgear, transformers and load tap changers are maintained routinely without detailed information on operation of these devices.

4.4.4 Opportunities and justifications Many opportunities exist today to design, operate

4.4.3 Substation legacy systems and practices


Transmission substations have received the lion's share of automation devices in the past because of the importance of their reliability to system opera tions. Automation devices at these sites include RTUs, fault recorders, sequence of events recorders (SERs), annunciater panels, and a few microprocessor based relays. Input/output (1/0) to these devices is typically via hardwired connections to instrument transformers (via transducers), field and local status contacts, inter posing relays, and mimic style control panels. The dominant protective devices are electromechanical relays. The local operator interface is generally a con trol panel, analog meters, annunciater window boxes, and recording devices of various types.

and maintain substations using better, faster and cheaper devices and service methodologies. These efficiencies are accomplished by eliminating unneces sary redundant systems and using microprocessor. based controllers to manage information supplied by IEDs. Typically, substation automation passes justification tests under the following conditions. New construction - the substitution of RTUs, mimic style control panels, annunciaters, sequence of events recorders (SERs), fault recorders, cable/conduit systems, and significant control room space with SA reduces the cost of new construction while vastly improving functionality. SA is a "no brainier" for new substations.

4.4.5. 7 Design Benefits

Significant retrofit or expansion of existing substation - capital projects that add new' bays,

transformers or switchgear can easily incorporate SA retrofit projects cost effectively. Legacy systems can be replaced or integrated into the new SA infrastruc ture. Upgrading the WAN to high speed capabilities such as Ethernet speeds - RTU architectures nor

mally communicating with SCADA master stations at 1200 baud will not be compatible with the high speed data transfer and synchronizing required by modern WANs. New or replacement RTU, annunciaters, sequence of events recorder, fault recorder, or electromechanical relays -the integrated SA plat

form will include the functions of all these dedicated devices plus an order of magnitude of additional func tions and all at a significantly reduced price.

4.4.5 Benefits of substation automation integration Integrated substation automation systems provide improved benefits in the functionality, design, opera tion, maintenance and reliability of the substation operating environment. The architectures of most substation automation solutions vary significantly and include smart systems, black box proprietary solu tions, and open WAN/LAN solutions using off-the shelf commodities from the PC and PLC marketplace. The following lists categorize and summarize the potential benefits available from a well integrated substation automation architecture using PC HMI, subLAN, lED relays, and remote modem access.

• Standardization of the user interface and improved user access. • System architecture standardization for uniformity of operation and building SAIDA upgrade paths. • Elimination of unnecessary redundant equipment. • Reduced substation infrastructure including wiring, conduit wire channels, control/relay panel space and control house size. • Easy upgraciability using mainstream hardware and software. • Protocol independence. • Distributed computing and communication hub for simplified integration of distribution automation (DA).

4.4.5 Operation Benefits • Uniform HMI for data access. • lnteroperability of IEDs. • Integrated alarm log and sequence of events reporting. • Custom display and reporting capability from integrated database. • Automatic logging of HMI accesses and operating activities. • Programmed logic for automatic reconfiguration of busses and/or feeders. • Network (peer to peer) messaging between substation server nodes and other WAN nodes. Maintenance Benefits • Data for relaying, metering and communication service is available locally or remotely. • Each lED can be directly accessed (locally from the PC HMI or remotely via modem) from easy to use HMI for configuration, setting and diagnostic reporting. • Predictive maintenance is possible frorn automatic analysis of equipment operating history. • Supervision and management of transformer, load tap changer, and circuit breaker internal operations optimizes just-in-time maintenance.


4.5 Reliability Benefits Reduced cost benefits

• Uniformity and consistency in HMI operation procedures reduces the chances for operating errors.

• Reduced costs for new construction.

Integrated and sequenced databases provide accurate information for problem analysis and maintenance.

• Monitoring of all station equipment ensures that failed equipment is detected and repaired before called upon for service during system disturbances. • Reduced customer outage minutes resulting in improved reliability indices. • Reduced chances for operator switching errors. • Quick isolation of faults and restoration of service to unfaulted feeder sections.

• Reduction of unnecessary trips to read alarms, relay targets, and station logs. • Readily accessible relay operation information, fault location data and alarm log for operators will help reduce line patrolling and problem investigation time, and thus outage time. • Reduced training costs because of uniform database, HMI. customized screen format tailored for ease of use. • Integrated database information, comprehensive problem reporting and a future expert system can greatly facilitate of maintenance and repair activities, thus reducing costs. • Maintenance scheduling can be streamlined and optimized for a cost effective and efficient program, by using the ad documentation. • Distributed computing hub to manage the substation and connected feeder environment. • Shared access to the enterprise WAN by SA and DA devices.

4.5 Reference Ryan Bird · Justifying


Substation Automation, Black & Veatch, http//tasnet.com/justa.shtml

i :,

5 Primary Equipment in Substations 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 Condition Monitoring

5.2 Switchgear installations 5.2.1 Classification of switchgear installations

5.3 Single line diagram and busbar configuration 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4

Definition of Switchgear Common circuit configurations Special configurations, mainly outside Europe Configurations for load-center substations

5.4 Substation Structure 5.4.1 Circuit Breaker Bays/Feeders 5.4.2 Bus coupler bays 5.4.3 Connections of Instrument Transformers

5.5 Switching Equipment 5.5.1 Circuit Breakers Circuit Breaker tripping operation Requirements for control of circuit breakers Phase-discrepancy monitoring Anti-pumping control Non-stop motor operation SF6 gas monitoring Local/remote control Energy monitoring Autoreclosure Synchronized switching Definitions Auxiliary switches Opening time Total break time Arcing time Closing time Operating cycle of circuit breakers Monitoring of circuit breakers Rapid or auto-reclosure Critical CB parts to monitor 5.5.2 Disconnectors and Earthing Switches 5.5.3 Switch disconnectors 5.5.4 Instrument transformers Definitions and electrical quantities Current transformers Definitions for current transformers Selection of current transformers Voltage transformers Definitions for voltage transformers

. '?

45 45

46 47



Table of content

48 49 51 52

53 53 54 54

55 55 55 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 61 -61 61 62 62 62 64 65 65


5 Table of content

44 Inductive voltage transformers Capacitive voltage transformers Non-conventional transformers Active non-conventional transformers Passive non-conventional transformers Cable connection to protection devices Serial connection to protection devices 5.5.5 Innovative HV switchgear technology Modern design concepts Process electronics (sensor technology, PISA) Innovative solutions Compact outdoor switchgear installations Hybrid switchgear installations 5.5.6 SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) General SF6 gas as insulating and arc-quenching medium Gas Density Monitoring Components SMART-GIS 5.5.7 Surge arrestors 5.5.71 Design, operating principle 5.5.72 Application and selection of MO surge arresters 5.5.8 Transformers Transformer connections 5.6 Voltage and Power Factor Control 5.6.1 Transformer control and voltage regulation Change over switches On-load tap changer (OLTC) OLTC control Local control Station and remote control Automatic control 5.6.2 Power capacitors Compensation of reactive power 5.6.3 High voltage reactors Current limiting reactors Voltage drop and voltage variation Reactor circuits Shunt reactors 5.6.4 FACTS 5.7 Static Var (reactive power) compensation (SVC) 5.71 Applications 5.72 Types of compensation 5.72.1 Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) 5.72.2 Thyristor switched capacitors (TSG) 5.72.3 Thyristor switched capacitors/thyristor controlled reactor (TSC/TCR) 5.8 References

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5 Primary Equipment in Substations


5.1.1 Condition Monitoring

The idea to include this chapter in this book is to pro vide background knowledge about the primary pro cess in terms of switchgear installations, various single line diagrams, switching equipment, and modern fle xible AC transmission systems (FAGS) to readers who have their professional expertise mainly in IT applications or in secondary equipment for control, protection and monitoring. The descriptions of the main primary equipment that is located in distribution and transmission substation, i.e.

Utilities can save themselves time and money by employing a step-by-step condition-based, rather a purely time-based, maintenance strategy for the pri mary and secondary equipment.

• breakers


• Disconnectors and earthing switches • Switch disconnectors • Instrument transformers • Innovative switchgear technologies • SF6 gas insulated switchgear (GIS) • Surge arrestors • Transformers are detailed enough that the interaction between substation control, protection and monitoring can be explained. In addition to this, the attention is drawn to those critical parts of the primary equipment, which are subject to aging and wear. The descriptions of FAGS applications is included because they are mentioned in Chapter 11 'Wide area protection" as counter measures to maintain power system integrity in case of the occurrence of multi contingencies.


Generally, time-based or usage-based maintenance is a suitable strategy if degradation is gradual and pre dictable. However, curative maintenance is also requir ed as numerous defects cannot otherwise be pre vented or detected. In the case of sorne parts, the possibility of failure is constant, even if there are very few signs of aging. However, in the longer term, there will always be some kind of degradation process involved. For example, in the case of static parts, such a process rnay take 50 years or more. However, if maintenance is only performed when necessary, based on the condition of the component (condition based maintenance, or CBM), overall savings on maintenance tasks can be achieved. Indeed, field experience has shown that savings of 20-30% are possible. The condition of a component is estimated through inspections, diagnostic tests, monitoring systems and (partly) dismantling one or more samples. When app lying CBM, there rnust be at least one condition indi cator and proven expertise in the assessment of de gradation. The key issue is to detect degradation before failure occurs and apply an 'expert-rule' to define what will happen next and when. Condition monitoring includes acquisition, recording, processing and visualizing measured quantities to allow early detection of faults in important equipment such as circuit-breakers, power transformers or instru ment transformers. According to international surveys conducted by CIGRE,the operating mechanisms and the electrical control circuits in circuit-breakers are the primary source of serious faults, i.e. failures causing operational disruptions. The most common sources

45 .' .ll

of failure are the mechanically actuated parts such as

5.2 Switchgear



electro-mechanical relays and signaling contacts in the electrical control circuits and in operating mecha- nisms for the primary equipment



In order to increase the internal system reliability the


electronic hardware and software is self-monitored.

.. '

C o n d i t i o n m o n i t o r i n g r e q u i r e s c a r e f u l e v a l u a t i o n

he large quantities of measured data because only the combination of status acquisition with intelligent assessment procedures results in a knowledgeable diagnosis and initiation of the necessary maintenance steps. Special algorithms for·reducing the data and calculating trends are basic for a monitoring sys tem. The P-F curve for the condition degradation over time (Figure 5-1) represents i.e. qualitative connection between the condition of a component and the time. As a result of wear, the fault mechanism starts at a specific time t,, i.e. the condition deteriorates until time t 2 when the degradation is detected at point P, which is designated a "potential fault". In general, it can be assumed that from this time the state of the system continues to deteriorate, usually with increas ing speed until the fault (point F) actually occurs at time t3. A typical example for such a response is the aging mechanism of oil/paper or plastic insulation or leakage in gas-insulated switchgear installation. The objective of condition monitoring is to detect the degradation at point P with sufficient assuracy, so there will be sufficient time, to take appropriate action to prevent the fault within the time interval between point P and point F.

Z CBM Indicator Starting point of degradation Detection point of degradation



Distribu::ion networks are operated predominantly up to 123 kV. Power transmission systems and ring mains r:: und urban areas operate with 123, 245 or 420 kV. depending on local conditions. Over v ry large diSLances, extra high powers are also transmitt ed at 765 kV or by high-voltage direct-current sys tems. Switchc ar installations can be placed indoors or out doors. SF5 gas-insulated switching stations have the importc-;t advantage of taking up little space and being c.;affected by pollution and environmental fac t o r s . Indoor i--:stallations are built both with SF6 gasinsulat ed equipment for all voltage ratings above 36 kV and also wi:1 conventional, open equipment up to 123 kV. SF6 :echnology, requiring very little floor area and building volume, is particularly suitable for supply1ng load centers for cities and industrial complexes. Th1s kind of equipment is also applied in underground installations. Outdoor switching stations are used for all voltag.e levels from 52 to 765 kV (Figure 5-2). They are built outside cities, usually at points along the cross-coun try lines of bulk transmission systems. Switchgear for HVDC applications is also predominantly of the out door type.

o f t


A switchgear installation contains all the apparatus and auxiliary equipment necessary to ensure reliable operation of the installation and a secure supply of electricity. Three-phase AC high-voltage switchgear installations with operating voltages of up to 800 kV are used for distributing electricity in towns and cities, regions and industrial centers, and also. for po er transmission. The voltage level employed IS determin ed by the transmission capacity and the short-circuit capacity of the power system.

Figure 5 - 7 Condition degradation over

Transformer stations comprise not only the HV equip ment and power transformers but also medium- and






Figure 5-2 220 kV outdoor substation

low-voltage switchgear and a variety of auxiliary services. These must additionally be accounted for in the station layout.

' ' I

Depending on the intended plant site, the construetion of a switchgear installation must conform to IEC requirements, ANSI Standards or particular national codes. The starting point for planning a switchgear installation is its single-line diagram. This indicates the extent of the installation, such as the number of busbars and branches, as well as their associated apparatus. The most common circuit configurations of high and medium-voltage switchgear installations are shown in the form of single-line diagrams in chapter 5.3.

5.2.1 Classification of switchgear installations Switchgear installations in terms of substations are commonly classified by function, which is related to the voltage level. While there are no utility wide standards, typical classifications are as follows: • Distribution (3.6 - 36 kV): Substations transmitting power to the final retail outlet.



• Subtransmission (175 -145 kV): Substations transmitting power to distribution substations and to bulk retail outlets. • Transmission (72.5 - 765 kV): Substations transmitting power between major substations of interconnecting systems, and to wholesale outlets. The voltage levels are further divided into: • High voltage (HV): 115 - 245 kV




• Extra high voltage (EHV): 300 - 765 kV • Ultra high voltage (UHV): greater than 765 kV • Direct current systems can be classified as follows: • Low voltage (24 - 250 V): Auxiliary power in power plants and substations, control circuits and, occasionally, utilization power in some industrial plants. • Medium voltage (300 - 600V): Transportation industry • High voltage (greater than 600V): Long distance bulk transmission, submarine, and major system interconnections.

5.3 Single line diagram and busbar configuration The busbar configurations for high- and medium-valtage switchgear installations are governed by operationa! considerations. Whether single or multiple busbars are necessary will depend mainly on how the system is operated and on the need for sectionalizing, to avoid excessive breaking capacities. Account is taken of the need to isolate parts of the installations for purposes of cleaning and maintenance;and also of future extensions. When drawing up a single line-diagram, a great number of possible combinations of incoming and outgoing connections have to be considered. The most common ones are shown in the following diagrams.




r: \


5.3.1 Definition of Switchgear





@ 48

•II• 1111




Mechanical switching device, providing an isolating distance in the open position. It is capable to open or close a circuit if either a negligible current is switched or if there is no significant change in voltage between the terminals of the poles.

Circuit Breaker

Mechanical switching devices are able to make, carry and interrupt currents under normal conditions in the network and carry and close onto currents under specified abnormal conditions in the network, e.g. in the case of short circuits.

Draw-out Circuit Breaker

Mechanical switching devices as above but withdrawable to provide in the open position an isolating distance with the affect that separate disconnectors are not necessary.


Mechanical link to outgoing or incoming overhead lines or cables (line feeder) and transformers, reactors respectively (transformer, reactor feeder).

Earthing switch

Mechanical switching devices for earthing and short circuiting circuits. They are capable of carrying currents for a specified time under abnormal conditions, e.g. short circuits.

Current transformers

The primary winding is incorporated in the HV line and carries the current flowing in the network It has various secondary cores for protec,.on and metering with a rated output of 5 to 60 VA depending on the rated burden at 1 or 5 A.

Inductive voltage transformer

Inductive voltage transformers are transformers of low output with which the voltage is proportional to and in phase with the primary voltage. They are used to transform the HV to be measured to a secondary voltage to be fed to measuring and protection devices, e.g. primary rated voltage 110 000 h/3 V, secondary voltage 110h/3 V.

Power transformers

The purpose of power transformers is to transfer electrical energX from systems with one voltage U1 to systems of another voltage U2.





L .•

Surge arrester

Surge arresters are used for protection of important equipment against overvoltage particularly transformers, from atmospheric overvoltages due to lightning and switching over-voltages.

5.3.2 Common circuit configurations

--.----.----" 1









t) t) t) t) Single busbar

Double busbars in U connection Low-cost, space-saving arrangement for installations with double busbars and branches to both sides.

Suitable for smaller installations. Sectionalizer allows the station to be split into two separate parts and the parts to be disconnected for maintenance purposes. II I BPB







Composite double bus/bypass bus Double busbars Preferred tor larger installations. Advantages: cleaning and maintenance without interrupting supply. Separate operation of station sections possible from bus I and bus II. Busbar sectionalizing increases ope rational flexibility.

This arrangement can be adapted to operational requirements. The station can be operated--with a double bus, or with a single bus plus bypass bus, which is connected to line and transformer feeders. The bus coupler can be used as line circuit breaker via the bypass.





Double busbars with draw-out circuit-breaker

Double busbars with bypass busbar (US)

In medium-voltage stations, draw-out circuit-breakers reduce downtime when servicing the switchgear; also a feeder disconnector is not necessary.

The bypass busbar is an additional busbar connected via the bypass branch. Advantage: each branch of the installation can be isolated for maintenance without interrupting supply, with the bus coupler acting as line circuit breaker.


) Two-breaker method with draw-out circuit breakers


Draw-out circuit-breakers allow to built very econo mical medium-voltage stations. There is no need for busbar or feeder isolators and a bus coupler. For sta tion operation, the draw-out breaker can be inserted in a cubicle for either bus I or bus II.



Triple (multiple) busbars

For vital installations feeding electrically separate net works or if rapid sectionalizing is required in the event of a fault to limit the short-circuit power. This layout is frequently provided with a bypass bus.

I, I:

I, 'i

"-":r "--L "-"-----":r"--L "-c

5.3.3 Special configurations, mainly outside Europe





11/2-breaker method

Fewer circuit-breakers are needed for the same flexi bility as above. Isolation without interruption. All brea kers are normally closed. Uninterrupted supply thus maintained even if one busbar fails. The branches can be throughconnected by means of linking breaker C.

Double busbars with shunt disconnector

Shunt disconnector "SD" can be used to by-pass the CB of each line feeder that it can be maintained with out supply interruption. In shunt operation, the bus coupler CB acts as the line CB. Cross-tie method

With cross-tie disconnector "DT'; the power of line A can be switched to branch A,, bypassing the busbar. The busbars are then accessible for maintenance.

Two-breaker method with fixed switchgear

Circuit-breaker, branch disconnector and instrument transformers are duplicated in each branch. Busbar interchange and isolation of one bus is possible, one branch breaker can be taken out for at any time without interrupting operation.

Ring busbars

Each branch requires only one circuit-breaker, and yet each breaker can be isolated without interrupting the power supply in the outgoing feeders. The ring bus bar layout is often used as the first stage of 1 lf2-brea ker configurations.





5.3.4 Configurations for load-center substations

Double-feed station




,....-------, -----------d


,r , !



Single-feed station


A and B = Main transformer station, C = Loadcenter substation with circuit-breakers or switch disconnec tors (SD). The use of switch-disconnectors instead of circuit-breakers imposes operational restrictions.

Ring stations

Switch-disconnectois are frequently used in load-center substations for the feeders to cables or transformers. Their use is determined by the operating conditions and economic considerations.






1 52

H connection with circuit-breakers


H connection with switch-disconnectors


' l_


H connection with three transformers

., Ring main cable connection allowing isolation in all directions


Cable loop




Simple ring main cable connection

5.4 Substation Structure

5.4.1 Circuit Breaker Bays/Feeders Circuit breaker bays are structural elements for feed ing, distributing and interconnection of the power flow:

Overhead line and cable bay BB I

Bay unit earthing (GIS)




Q1li Q2 Q

9\_ Q 8

Q 15

:::::=c:= I I

BBliJ==r= BB II


Transformer Bay

Q1 v

Generator Bay





Q 0

Q 5



\ Q8

00: Circuit breaker, 07, 02: Busbar disconnectors, 05, 08, 075, 025: Earthing switch, SA: Surge Arrester, T: Transformer, G: Generator, GB: Generator breaker (desig_n tio_n, numbers according to DIN).

Line and cable bay: The earthing switch 08 eliminates capacitive charges and provides protection against atmospheric charges on overhead lines.





Stationary unit earthing switches are used in SF6 gas insulated switchgear (GIS) to provide temporary earth ing to avoid danger in case of maintenance. Transformer bay: Feeder disconnectors are usually not provided because the transformer is disconnected at both high voltage and low voltage sides. The earth ing switch 08 is recommended for maintenance work



, 5.4.2 Bus coupler bays In the configurations in chapter 5.4.1, the tie-breaker branches are shown in a simple form. Experience shows, however, that more complex coupling arrange ments are usually needed in order to meet practical

requirements concerning security of supply and the necessary flexibility when switching over or dis connecting. Division into two bays is generally required in order to accommodate the equipment for the breaker bran ches.

B BIIrr ::,r=::::cJ BI


Q 1\



Q1 Q2Q1\,)Q2 QO

Bus Coupler


Bus Sectionalizer





=r:=:::::c:: TG I Q



lQ 2Q



6 Tie Bus Coupler and Sectionalizer

5.4.3 Connections of Instrument Transformers


Q1 Q2

00 T1



•'-I•• 54



881 88 II

The instrument transfor mers are usually placed beyond the circuit-breaker QO, with voltage transfor mer TS after current trans former T1. This is the cor red arrangement for syn chronizing purposes. Some kinds of operation require the voltage transformer beyond the bay dis connectors, direct on the cable or overhead line.

If the instrument transformers cease to function when the bypass is in operation line protection of the branch must be provided by the instrument transfor mers and protection relays of the bypass. This is pos sible only if the ratios of all instrument transformers in all bays are approximately equal. The protection relays of the bypass must also be set for the appro priate values. Maintenance d the bay instrument transformers is easier and can be done during bypass operation. If capacitive voltage transformers are used which also ad as coupling capacitors for a high frequency telephone link, this link is similarly inopera tive in the bypass mode.

5.5 Switching Equipment

5.5.1 Circuit Breakers High-voltage circuit-breakers are mechanical switch ing devices capable of making, carrying continuously and breaking electrical currents, both under normal circuit conditions and, for a limited period, abnormal circuit conditions, such as in the event of a short cir cuit. Circuit-breakers are used for switching overhead lines, cable feeders, transformers, reactor coils and capacitors. They are also used in bus ties and in instal lations with multiple busbars to allow power to be transmitted from one busbar to another.

Specially designed breakers are used for specific duties such as railways, where they have to ex tinguish longer-burning arcs (longer half-wave) in 16 2/3-Hz networks. Breakers used with smelting fur naces frequently operate with reduced actuating force and lower breaking capacity. This leads to less wear in spite of the high switching frequency and to long seNice inteNals.

5.5. 7. 7



Breaker tripping

operation Circuit breakers (CB) use the energy of an electric arc for short circuit current interruption as explained in Figure 5-4: Shortly after energizing the tripping coil the main contact starts to travel with very high speed from its closed position (1) into its open position (4). The arc starts burning as soon as the fixed and moving contacts separate (2) and continues to burn until the short circuit current (1 5 ) becomes zero (3). The very high arc temperature (1 0000 °K) causes the arc quenching medium, which may be oil, compressed air or SF6 gas, to become fully ionized plasma and to generate a very high blasting pressure. This effect is used to cool the arc down (self blasting principle) and to accelerate the mov·1ng contact (single pressure breaker). The plasma is conductive and makes the current flow to continue. If the travel distance of the main contact is long enough at the zero point of the current and if the arc has been cooled down to the extent that the dielectric strength of the arc quenching medium has regained its insulating withstand capability between the open contact, the transient recovery voltage occurring across the open contact. cannot re-ignite arc The CB has successfully tripped the short cir cuit current.

Figure 5-3 420 kV Circuit breaker with current trans formers (ABB) in air insulated substation (AIS)


The decision whether the current can be interrupted or not is made at the critical contact position (3). If the


distance between the contact opening is not big enough at current zero then the current is interrupted at the next current zero point after another 20 ms. This means that the arcing time can vary between approx. 15 and 35 ms depending on the contact separation in relation the proximity to the next current zero point


Arc quenching chamber with fixed and moving contact IU/111/UIIIU/1


niiiiiihlim» Mliiiii!mm niiiiiii11mm









----&C:"-- -.------- ----






Main contact

== ============== No2uxiliary swilch cont


Figure 5-5 Short circuit current interruption

Figure 5-4 AC current interruption process

There are mainly four critical factors that determine the interrupting capability of a circuit breaker: 1. Contact speed provided by the CB operating mechanism, which may be a spring drive, or a hydraulic drive, or a combined spring/hydraulic drive, or a compressed air drive in case of an air blast CB. 2. Blasting pressure provided by the arc quenching medium and the shaping of the fixed contact noseI 3. Magnitude of fault current 4. MagnitudE? and rate of rise of the transient recovery voltage


The first two critical factors are related to the CB ope rating condition, and the third and fourth factors are related to the fault and network condition.

The process of the short circuit current interruption (Figure 5-5) starts with the contact separation at t0. As long as the short circuit current Is continues to flow the voltage occurring over the open contact is the voltage drop across the arc UsA As soon as the arc extinguishes at t, because of the fact that the driving current Is has reached its zero point, the transient recovery voltage UR appears across the open contact with a fast rise, high amplitude and frequency. The high values of transient recovery voltage last for approximately 3 ms only (E) until the low frequency recovery voltage Us appears (S). Voltage level and frequency of the transient recovery voltage are influence by the line inductance (LL) and line capacitance (CL). Circuit breakers are subject to a number of switching duties depending on location and network conditions with varying characteristics of the transient recovery voltage. The most important ones are: • Short circuit current interruption • Short-line faults interruption • Out-of-phase switching • Small inductive current switching in connection with transformers disconnected from the load • Capacitor current switching in connection with capacitor banks.

5.5. 7.2 Requirements for control of circuit breakers Phase-discrepancy monitoring

Breakers with a single-pole operating mechanism are equipped with phase-discrepancy monitoring to assure that all three poles have closed after thE com pletion of a closing operation. If one or two. p les have remained in the open position, the mon1tonng detects this phase discrepancy and, after a preset waiting time of about 2 seconds, a tripping of the clos ed poles is initiated. Anti-pumping control

' The anti-pumping control prevents repeated, un desied operation of one or more breaker poles if an existing OFF command is followed by several ON commands. They must then close only once followed by a lockout, i.e. it must remain in the OFF position regardless of whether and how long control com mands are applied. Non-stop motor operation

DepPnding on the design and the type of switchi g cycle performed, the pump or the compressor requir es a specific period to restore the consumed energy. If there is a leak in the system, the motor will run more often or will run continuously. Continuous run ning is detected and reported as a fault SF6 gas monitoring

The breaking capacity of a gas-insulated circuit-brea ker is dependent on the gas density in the breaker chamber. This is measured by a temperature-com pensated pressure gauge. If the gas pressure fall.s below a specified value, an alarm is triggered, and 1f it falls further below a second spezified value the breaker is blocked. Local/remote control

To allow work on the breaker, it can generally be con trolled from the local control cubicle; control can be switched from remote to local by a selector switch. Energy monitoring

The air or oil pressure is monitored and controlled in pneumatic and hydraulic operating mechaniss by a multiphase pressure switch. The pressure sw1tch has the following functions: • Control of compressor or pump motor • OFF blocking, ON blocking, autoreclosure blocking, dependent on available pressure. A pressure control is not required for spring mecha nisms. They have a gate control, which monitors and controls the tension of the spring (spring travel) as measure of available energy for tripping and closing operation. A closing operation is only enab ed if there is enough energy stored to allow a tnpp1ng opera tion immediately after closing onto a fault without the need to recharge the spring. Autorec/osure

A single- or three-pole autoreclosure is selec:_ted de pending on the type of power system eart 1ng, the degree of interconnection, the length of the lines an.d the amount of infeed large power plants. The tnp commands of the network protection (overcurrent and line protection, are accordingly evaluated diffe rently for the tripping action of the breaker. Circuit-breakers for three-pole autoreclosure only require one common mechanism with one actuat!on

cylinder, a!tovving one Open-Ciose-_Open ope at1ng cycle without recharging the operating mechan1sm.


For single-pole autoreclosure, these breakers have a hydraulic spring mechanism with three actuation cylinders, which are controlled separately. This allows any pole to be tripped independently. Power is fed to the three poles from one power unit. Single phase autoreclosure is intended to trip short-time faults and restrict them in time and without allowing larger system units to fail for any length of time. Single-pole tripping improves network stability and prevents the network from going out of phase. At the same time, breakers with single-pole autoreclosure can be ope rated as three-pole autoreclosure by opening and closing the three poles together. Circuit-breakers with separate poles and single-pole actuation are equally suited for single-pole and three pole autoreclosure. switching

The graph in Figure 5-6 shows how synchronous switching is performed for switching shunt reactors. Voltage withstand Voltage withstand characteristic corresponding to tam'" Arcing time window for synchronized switching


Circuit breakers operation in high voltage networks can be sometimes the source of undesirable transient overvoltage and overcurrents. This is particularly true for reactive load switching, e.g. shunt reactors, shunt capacitors, unloaded power transformers and un loaded transmission lines. High switching transients can either exceed the maximum permissible values causing the protection devices to respond or endan ger the long term endurance of the HV switching equipment in the network. The traditional measures to limit the switching over voltages and overcurrents has been the application of surge arresters to protect transformers against over voltages as well as closing and opening resistors, which were associated with the circuit breakers to switch no-load lines, no-load transformers and capa citor banks.


increasingly important as a substitute for closing and opening resistors. Examples of applications of syn chronized switching include closing overhead lines under no load without closing resistors, shunt re actors and switching capacitor banks in transmission networks.

Synchronized switching of circuit-breakers, in which every breaker pole is synchronously actuated by a suitable control unit at the instantaneous value of the current or the phase-to-earth voltage, are becoming

interruption Target for contact separation


Figure 5-6 Synchronized switching with shunt reactors The interruption of shunt reactor current, which is very small compared to rated interrupting current of the CB, normally leads to current chopping before current zero. This develops high overvoltages in the shunt reactor. These may exceed the voltage with stand characteristic and cause re-ignitions of the cir cuit breaker and produce steep transient recovery voltages. Such transients cause aging of the reactor winding insulation. If the tripping impulse is synchro nized such that the CB contacts separate within the arcing time window and the current is interrupted exactly at current zero (+/-some ms tolerance) such voltage transients are avoided.


· Operating cycle of circuit breakers

Auxiliary switches are devices, or parts of devices, in or on switchgear apparatus, which are mechanically dependent of the latter. For safety reasons they indi cate the position of the switchgear with complemen tary pairs of contacts, one in the normally open (NO) and the other one in normally closed (NC) position.

Circuit breaker operating mechanisms have provisions for energy storage in terms of mechanical springs, air pressure or nitrogen pressure in the case of hydraulic drives to conduct duty cycles of close and open ope rations. As a general safety rule it has to be assured that the stored energy must allow an open operation after a closing operation without the need to re charge the energy. For spring operating mechanism, which may have separate springs for closing and opening operations, this means that one OCO cycle must be assured without the need to rewind the opening spring after the closing operation. The follow ing duty cycles are standard requirements. Opening time

Nominal operating cycle without autoreclosure 0-t-CO-t-CO Definitions Auxiliary switches

Nominal operating cycle with autoreclosure The interval of time between the instant the auxiliary contact release or the contactor pertaining to the switching device attains its operating value and the instant the main contact separates to open the cur rent path in all poles (Figure 5-7). Total break time

The interval of time between the instant the auxiliary contact release or the contactor pertaining to the switching device attains its operating value and the termination of current flow in all circuit breaker poles. Arcing time

The interval of time between the arc initiation upon the separation of first pole to open and the arc extin guishing after the termination of the current flow in the last pole (Figure 5-4). Closing time

The interval of time between the pick-up of the auxi liary release circuit or contactor pertaining to the switching device attains itS -operating value and the instant the main contacts voltage close the current path in all poles (Figure 5-7).

0 - t 0 - CO - t- CO '?

• 0 = Opening operation • C = Closing operation • CO = Closing operation followed by an opening operation in the shortest make-break time characteristic of the circuit breaker. • t = Time interval depends on the experience an utility has made with the self-extinguishing time of arcs against earth on specific overhead HV lines that are caused by lightning strokes. This time is approx. 3 minutes. During this time it is allowed to recharge the energy storage.

• t0 = Minimum dead time as it is stated by the circuit breaker manufacturer (0.3 s +/-1 0 %). Monitoring of circuit breakers

Reliability of high-voltage circuit breaker (CB) is cru cial for the electric power system. Although circuit breaker manufacturers are continuously working on new features and improvements to extend the life time of CBs, cost effective maintenance is still one of the major issues when discussing CB performance, life cycle costs and reliability. Some estimations indi cate that more than half of the total substation main tenance costs are spent on CBs, and 60 % of that is spent on disassembly, overhaul, re-assembly and re comm1ss1on1ng.


Various diagnostic methods have been suggested over the years that the costly maintenance can be related to actual CB condition rather than to the ser vice time or switching duty. The objective is to avoid unnecessary maintenance and waste of money. These diagnostics are based on off-line. measure ments of main contact resistance, timing and tra vel/velocity, and operating coil currents. More sophi sticated methods are measurements of contact acce leration, dynamic resistance measurements and vibra tion testing. Such tests are well known and widely used for periodic or preventive maintenance. Online monitoring of CBs is very rarely used because of the rather high expenses for sensors, evaluation equipment and communication, despite of the fact that approx. 10 % of circuit breaker problems and fai lures are attributed to improper maintenance. Online condition monitoring could, however, eliminate too early or unnecessary off-line testing and overhauls and make "just-in-time" maintenance possible. Such cost issues appear in a different light if IEDs, which are to be installed for numerical protection and/or control anyway, are also utilized to collect data from online measurements rather than to install a separate condition monitoring system on each CB. Some of the measurements, which are recorded by the digital fault recorders integrated in the protection relays, can be used for diagnostics to judge the wear


7.4 monitor




of CB main contacts and arc quenching chambers. Using the infrastructure of a Substation Automation System, CBs can be monitored continuously from remote at very little extra costs. The associated CB monitoring software shall feature the ability to indicate the need for maintenance, which will extend maintenance cycles, avoid un necessary maintenance, and enhance the reliability of CBs. It shall recognize and report incipient CB opera tion or maintenance problems before they become critical. This will give the user the chance to conduct preventive maintenance only if needed rather than scheduled, or forced outage basis. This strategy results not only in cost saving for maintenance but also in increase of the availability of transmission lines. Rapid or auto-reclosure

Is employed to interrupt faults of short duration, especially in overhead transmission networks: e.g. for eign bodies (birds, branches) between the lines, contact between sagging lines due to high winds, presence of earth faults or atmospheric overvoltages. If the fault persists after auto-reclosure cycle that has been initiated by means of appropriate relay logic the affected line or section is definitely isolated from the network


Fault statistics reveal the following critical CB components: Cause of Failure




Mechanical faults with power transfer/interrupting chamber



Dielectric faults of the interrupting chamber or insulation to earth



Control and auxiliary components





Operating mechanism



SF6 Leakage (with SF6 CBs only)



From this fault statistic it is apparent that the monito ring of the following components contributes to the prevention of faults: • Operating mechanism functioning • Arc interruption chamber, wear of nozzles and contacts • Main contact movement, switching times and contact travel speed • Control circuitry The majority of data, which are needed for mechani cal performance monitoring, can be acquired from digital fault recorders, which are integral part of numerical protection relays (Figure 5-7).


slowly, called sparking. This creates high frequency radio noises, that may cause electromagnetic interfe rence (EMI). Disconnectors can carry currents under operating conditions continuously and under abnormal condi tions, such as short circuit for a specified time (1s, 3s).


More than 10 different designs are in use around the world. The most important are rotary disconnectors, two-column vertical break disconnectors and single column disconnectors. Earthing switches are used for earthing and short circuiting de-energized station components. Earthing switches can withstand currents during a specified time (1 s, 3s); under abnormal conditions, such as a short circuit, but they are not required to carry conti nuous operating currents.

5.5.3 Switch disconnedors

!! c:


.:;;c: .. T1!




Closing coil current

Auxiliary contact B, early close

CB closing time


Figure 5-7 Circuit breaker mechanical performance monitoring

5.5.2 Disconnedors and Earthing Switches Disconnectors are used for galvanic isolation of net works or sections of switchgear installations. As an independent air-insulated device, they form a visible isolating distance in their open position. They are sui table for switching small currents (<0.5 A) distance or also larger currents, if the voltage does not change significantly between the contacts of a disconnector pole during switching (commutation currents). During opening, disconnectors generate a lot of low energy discharges between the contacts that open

High-voltage switch disconnectors are switching devices that make, carry and break operating currents and also carry and in part also make short-circuit cur rents. In their isolating open position, they also form an isolating distance. These devices are used as follows: • Transformer switches for smaller power supplies in the distribution network for switching magnetizing currents and commutation currents (e.g. 100 A at up to 2.5 kV voltage difference) when changing transformers or the power supply, • Line switches at one end of an overhead line • Busbar section switches • Switches for short cable length 3A).



5.5.4 Instrument transformers Instrument transformers are used to transform high voltages and currents to values that can be unified or measured safely with low internal losses. With induc tive current transformer (CT) the primary winding car ries the load current while with voltage transformers (VT), the primary winding is connected to the service voltage. The voltage or the current of the secondary winding is identical to the value on the primary

61 Current transformers

side in phase and ratio except for the transformer error. Current transformers operate almost under short-circuit conditions while voltage transformers operate at no-load. Primary and secondary sides are nearly always electrically independent and galvanical ly insulated from one another as required by the ser vice voltage. Above a service voltage of 110 kV, instru ment transformers are frequently manufactured as combined current and voltage transformers. In modern substation automation systems, current and voltage transformers can be replaced by sensors. They offer the same accuracy as conventional instru ment transformers but due to the lack of an iron core they are not subject to magnetic saturation effects. The output signal, AID-converted, is strickly proper tiona! to the primary current or voltage and process ed by the digital bay control and protection unit. Definitions and electrical quantities A distinction is made between CT cores for measure ment purposes that are used to conned instruments, meters and similar devices and transformers for pro tection needs for connection of protection devices. Instrument transformers are classified according to their measurement precision and identified accor dingly. They are used as shown in the tabJe below:

Depending on the design of the primary winding, current transformers are divided into single-turn transformers and wound-type transformers. Single turn transformers are designed as outdoor inverted type transformers, straight-through transformers, slip over and bar transformers. Wound-type transformers are bushing transformers, post-type transformers and miniature transformers and also outdoor post-type and tank transformers with oil-paper insulation. Definitions for current transformers

• Primary rated current: the value of the primary current that identifies the current transformer and for which it is rated. • Secondary rated current: the value of the secondary current that identifies the current trans . former and for which it is rated.


IEC Class

ANSI Class

Precision measurements and calibration



Accurate power measurement and tariff metering



Tariff metering and accurate measuring instruments



Industrial meters: volta.ge, current, power, meters







Ammeters or voltmeters, overcurrent or


The primary winding is incorporated in the line and carries the current flowing in the network. It has various secondary cores. The current transformers are designed to carry the primary current with respect to magnitude and phase angle within preset error limits. The main source of transmission errors is the magnet izing current To ensure that this and the resulting transmission errors remain small, the current transfor mers without exception are fitted with high-grade core magnets. The core material are made of high alloy nikel-iron. In special cases, cores with an air gap are used to influence the behavior of a transformer core in the event of transient processes.

Current transformer cores for protection

voltage relays



• Burden: impedance of the secondary circuit

expressed in ohms with the power factor. The burden is usually given as apparent power in volt amperes, which is assumed at a specified power factor and secondary rated current. • Rated burden: the value of the burden on

which the accuracy requirements of this standard are based. · • Rated output: the value of the apparent power

(in volt amperes at a specified power factor), which the current transformer yields at secor>dary rated current and rated burden.

The positive signs of the primary and secondary cur rent must be specified in accordance with the agree ment on connection labels. The composite error in general is expressed as a per centage of the rms values of the primary current as given by the following equation: 100

• Current error (transformation ratio error): the




HT-f( T


Knls-Ip) dt


deviation of a current transformer when measu ring ·a current intensity and derived from the devia tion of the actual transformation from the rated transformation. The current error is given by the equation below and expressed as a percentage.

Kn: Rated transformation ratio of the current transformer · IP : Rms value of the primary current IP : Instantaneous value of the primary current I, : Instantaneous value of the secondary current T : Duration of fundamental period • Rated limiting current (IPL): the value of the

Kn: Rated error IP : Rated primary current 1 5 : Rated secondary current • Phase displacement: the angular difference

between the primary and secondary current vectors. The direction of the meter is specified so that on an ideal current transformer the phase displacement is equal to zero. The phase displace ment is considered positive when the secondary current meter is ahead of the primary current meter. It is usually expressed in minutes or in centiradians. Note: the definition is strictly speaking only applicable to sinusoidal currents.

lowest primary current at which the composite error of the current transformer at the secondary rated burden for measurements is equal to or greater than 1 5 %. Note: the composite error should exceed 1 0 % to protect the device fed from the current trans former against the high current values occurring if there is a fault in the network. • Overcurrent limit factor (FS): the ratio of the

rated limiting current to the primary rated current. Note: if a short-circuit current flows through the primary winding of the current transformer, the load on the instruments connected to the current transformer is smaller in proportion to smallness of the overcurrent limit factor.

• Composite error: in its stationary state, the

composite error Ec based on the rms value of the primary current is the difference between the instantaneous values of the primary current the instantaneous values of the secondary current multiplied by the rated transformation.

• Rated accuracy limit current: the value of the

primary current up to which the current trans former for protection needs meets the require ments for the composite error.



• Accuracy limit factor: the ratio of the

primary rated accuracy limit current to the primary rated current. • Thermal rated continuous current: unless

otherwise specified, the thermal rated continuous current is equal to the primary rated current. • Current transformer with extended current measuring range: the thermal rated continuous

current must be equal to the extended primary rated current. Standard values: 120 %, 150 % and 200%. • Rated short-time thermal current: the rated

short-time thermal current (1s) must be given for every current transformer. Note: if a current transformer is a component of another device (e.g. switchgear installation), a time difference from one second may be given. • Rated peak short-circuit current: the value of

the rated peak short-circuit current (ldyn) must in general be 2.5 lth· Only in the event of deviation from this value must ldyn be given on the name plate. Selection of current transformers

The choice of a current transformer is based on the values of the primary and secondary rated current, the rated output of the transformer cores at a given accuracy class rating and the overcurrent limit factor. The overcurrent limit factor must be adjusted to the load current of the consumer. Rated output and rated burden of current transfor mers (at 50 Hz).

When selecting the current transformers, not only the output but also the overcurrent limit factor of the transformer must be considered. The overcurrent limit factor is given on the nameplate. In the case of measuring and metering cores, the overcurrent limit factor should be as small as possible, e.g. 5 or 10 to protect the connected instrumentation against excessive overcurrents or short-circuit currents. Because the overcurrent limit factor only applies for the rated burden but actually rises with a smaller bur den or smaller transformer load in approximately an inverse ratio, the operating burden of the connected instrumentation including the required connection lines must be equal to the rated burden of the trans former so far as possible to protect the measuring mechanisms from destruction. Otherwise, the second ary circuit should include an additional burden. Protective cores for connection of protection relays, in contrast to the measuring cores, must be selected so that their total error is not too large even if shortcir cuit currents remain in the range in which the protec tion relays should function accurately according to their settings, e.g. 6 to 8 times rated current. There fore, the protective core must be designed so the product of the rated output and the overcurrent limit factor is at least equal to the product of the power requirement of the secondary transformer circuit at rated current and with the required overcurrent iimit factor. This is particularly important if a large primary conductor cross-section is required to meet the ther mal short-circuit stresses. In such a case, a current transformer for higher rated current should be select ed, where the primary winding number and also the output will be lower because the load current is less than the rated current. or a special transformer can be used.






Rated burden at 5 A in Q






Rated burden at 1 A in Q






Rated output in VA


The transformer output at 16.7 Hz must be multiplied with the factor 0.33 and at 60 Hz with 1.2.

I. I ! Voltage transformers Definitions for voltage transformers . '?

Example: Transformer for 400/5 A 15 VA 5 P 1 0 Power requirement:

Overcurrent relay 8 VA Differential relay 1 VA Lines 3 VA Total power requirement 12 VA The overcurrent factor is then 15 · 1 0/12 = 1 2.5, i.e. the current transformer is correctly selected. An overcurrent relay set to 8 In will trip, because the current in the above case to 12 times the rated cur rent increases in proportion to the primary current. The direct current component occurring at the begin ning of a short circuit results in transmission errors by core saturation with fully displaced short-circuit cur rent. Specially dimensioned cores with a high over current limit factor (e.g. 200) or the a high transfor mation ratio for the protective core can remedy this. The above selection criteria also apply for current transformers in enclosed switchgear installations. Current transformers according to international stand ards (e.g. ANSI) are in principle selected under similar criteria. Transformer dimensioning is made easier under the above provisions by using the following short overview with tables.

• Primary rated voltage: the value of the primary voltage that identifies the voltage transformer and for which it is rated. • Secondary rated voltage: the value of the secondary voltage that identifies the voltage transformer and for which it is rated. • Rated transformation ratio: the ratio of the primary rated voltage to the secondary rated voltage. • Burden: the admittance of the secondary circuit given in Siemens with indication of the power factor (inductive or capacitive). Note: The burden is usually given as apparent power in volt amperes, which is assumed at a specified power factor and secondary rated voltage.

• Rated burden: the value of the burden on which the accuracy requirements of this standard are based. • Rated output: the value of the apparent power (in volt amperes at a specified power factor), which the voltage transformer yields at secondary rated voltage and rated burden. • Thermal limiting output: the value of the appa rent power - based on the rated voltage that can be drawn at a secondary winding at primary rated voltage without exceeding the limit values for over temperature (dependent on the rated voltage factor). Note 1 : the limit values for measurement deviations may be exceeded here. Note 2: if there is more than one secondary winding, the thermal limiting output is given for each winding. Note 3: the simultaneous load of more than one secondary winding is not allowed without special consultation between manufacturer and purchaser.



• Rated thermal limiting output of windings for

ground fault detection: the rated thermal limiting output of the winding for ground fault detection must be given in volt-amperes; the values must be 15, 25, 50, 70, 100 VA and their decimal multi ples, based on the secondary rated voltage and a power factor of 1. Note: because the windings for ground faull detection are connected in the open delta, they are subject to load only in the event of mal function. The thermal rated burden rating of the winding for ground fault detection should be based on a load duration of 8 h. • Rated voltage factor: the multiple of the ,. primary rated voltage at which a voltage transfor

mer must respond to the thermal requirements for a specified load duration accuracy class. • Voltage error (transformation ratio error):

the deviation of a voltage transformer when mea suring a voltage resulting from the deviation of the actual transformation from the transformation. The voltage error is given by the equation below and expressed as a percentage.

. I Inductive voltage transformers

Inductive voltage transformers are transformers of low output with which the secondary voltage is prac tically proportional to and in phase with the primary voltage. Voltage transformers are used to transform the system voltage to be measured to a secondary voltage to be fed to measuring and protection devi ces. The primary and secondary are galvanically sepa rated from each other. Inductive voltage transformers are supplied in the fol

• Phase displacement: the angular difference

between the primary and secondary voltage vectors. The direction of the vector is specified so that on an ideal voltage the phase displace ment is equal to zero. The phase displacement is positive when the secondary vector is ahead of the primary vector. It is expressed in minutes or in centiradians.


Note: the definition is strictly speaking only applicable to sinusoidal voltage.


lowing designs: • Two-phase isolated voltage transformers for connection between two phases, ratio 60001100 V, for example. Two voltage trans formers in V connection are normally used for measuring power in three-phase networks. • Single-phase isolated voltage transformers for connection between one phase and ground, ratio V. Three transformers 11 0000 I II 100 I connected in star are required for measuring power in three-phase networks. If single-phase isolated voltage transformers have an auxiliary winding for ground-fault monitoring, in three phase networks, this must be measured for the ratio of 1OOV3 V. The "open delta" in the three phase set can also have a fixed resistance for damping relaxation oscillations (resulting from ferro-resonances in insulated networks with small capacitances).


Here: Kn : rated trar.sfo mation ratio UP :actual primary voltage Us : actual secondary voltage when UP is subject to measuring conditions.





• Three-phase voltage transformers with the measuring windings connected in star"and an auxiliary winding on the 4th and 5th limb for ground-fault detection. The auxiliary winding has a voltage 100 V in the event of a ground fault.


I Capacitive voltage transformers

At higher system voltages up to 765 kV voltage transformers that operate under the principle of the capacitive voltage divider can also be used. The capa citive voltage transformers are designed for connec tion of all standard operational instrumentation and they are also approved for tariff metering.

Inductive voltage transformers are selected by the pri mary and secondary rated voltage and the accuracy class and rated output of the secondary windings in accordance the requirements of the devices to which they are connected.

Figure 5-8 shows the line diagram of a capacitive vol tage transformer. Network protection relays with tran sistorized circuits for the shortest closing times are also securely fed from capacitive transformers, parti cularly if the transformers have a sampling device that damps all transient oscillations of the transformer in the shortest time.

If there is a winding for the ground fault detection, its rated thermal limit output must be given. For the short-time withstand, the rated voltage factor and the specified load duration at increased voltage are requir ed.






C1. .Cn Capacitve

1 High voltage terminal

voltage devider

2 Medium voltage choke coil 3 Transformer 4 Secondary terminals


5 Terminal box trimming winding 6 Carrier HF terminal


7 Carrier HF coupling

YYYtYYYYt Y 2 3 100% ( 811 810 89 88

0 3

4 . 0 5 %


8 Damping device






3 5 5 -<

87 86







1 o.o5%



1 II

o . 1 5 % 8




, L



' 81




Figure 5-8 Basic diagram of capacitive voltage transformer

67 Non-conventional transformers

Capacitive voltage transformers also have the advan tage of being suitable for coupling high-frequency power-line carrier systems, e.g. for telecommunica tions, remote-control installations and similar purpo ses. The required supplementary elements (choke, surge arrester) can be installed in terminal boxes.

In contrast to conventional transformers,non-conven tional current and voltage transformers are distinguish ed by compact size and low weight They are gene rally not saturable and have high transmission band widths. The measured values are best transmitted by fibre-optic cables, which are practically immune to electromagnetic fields (EMC) The non-conventional type of measured value acquisition and transmission requires only limited output in the area of 0.1... 5 VA on the secondary side.

When selecting capacitive voltage transformers, pri mary and secondary rated voltage, rated frequency, rated output and class are the essential features. In addition, the rated thermal limiting output of a ground fault detector winding, rated voltage factor and the specified load duration at increased voltage must be considered.

Non-conventional transformers consist of a measure ment recorder, a measured value transmission line bridging the potential difference between high volt age and ground potential and an electronic interface at ground potential for measured-value processing and connections to protection devices in the station con trol system.

Capacitive voltage transformers are selected similarly to the inductive transformers, but the capacitances of the high-voltage capacitors (C 1), of the intermediate voltage capacitor (C2 ) and the rated capacity (Cn) must also be given. A dimensioning example for a capaci tive voltage transformer is shown below:

Measurement recorders can be divided into active and passive systems depending on the method used.

110 OOON3 V

Primary rated voltage Secondary rated voltage • for measurements • of winding ground fault detection

110N3V for 100/3


Rated output

75 VA, Cl 0.5

Rated voltage factor

1.9 U0, 4 h

Thermal rated burden rating

120 VA. 8 h

Rated capacity

4.400 pF ± 1 0

% Rated frequency

50 Hz

The properties with transient processes are also important with capacitive transformers (interaction with network protection). SF 6-insulated switchgear installations also include inductive and capacitive vol tage transformers.

68 transformers



Hall-effect elements, Rogowski coils without an iron core or specially designed bar-type current transfor mers with linear characteristics are used for current detection. Voltage acquisition is generally done using resistive or capacitive voltage dividers. In substation technologies for rated voltages below 52 kV and also for GIS installations for higher voltages,active non-con ventional transformers offer very attractive solutions. However, in outdoor substation technology for trans mission networks, the electrical measured quantities must still be converted to a digital or analogue opti cal signal at high-voltage potential. This requires devic es for providing the required auxiliary energy at high voltage potential. This energy requirement-may either be taken from the high-voltage that is being monitor ed or by optical means, either by solar cells or by energy transmission via fibre-optic lines. Passive non-conventional transformers Passive measurement recorders do not require auxili ary energy at high-voltage potential. They are nor mally completely constructed of dielectric materials. 7 transformers




Linear electro-optic effects (Pockel effect) linked to specific classes of crystals are used for voltage meas urement with optical voltage transformers. The physi cal principle of the Peckel effect is a change of the polarization state of light that is sent within an elec trical field through a transparent material. The change in polarization is linearly proportional to the applied electrical field. Passive optical current transformer

An optical current transformer uses the Faraday effect in crystalline structures for passive measurement of currents. Again monochromatic light is sent polarized into a solid body of glass, which surrounds the cur rent carrying conductor. Reflection from the beveled corners of the glass container directs the light beam around the conducting line before it exits again on one side. The magnetic field around the conductor rotates the polarization plane of the light, whose phase differen ce is proportional to the magnetic field intensity H. Because the light in the glass body completely sur rounds the current path as a line integral along a clo sed curve, the phase difference at the end of the path in the glass body is directly proportional to the cur rent A polarization filter at the exit point of the light from the glass only allows one subcomponent of the light generated by the rotation to pass. It is fed to the processing unit through fiberoptic cables. The inten sity of this subcomponent scale for the polarization change and so for the magnitude of the current Based on the same principle, an alternative is a fiber optic semi-closed loop around the conductor where the injected polarized light is reflected at the mirrored end nearby the injection point. Therefore, the light travels forwards and backwards. trough the loop

around the conductor showing a change of the pola rization angle proportional to the current. The for ward and backward traveling compensates for near ly all disturbing effects like temperature changes etc. Cable connection to protection devices Protection devices and systems in conventional secondary technology are generally directly linked to the primary instrument transformers with standardi zed current and voltage outputs according to IEC 600445-1, IEC 60186 typically 100 V or 1 A (Figure 5-9). The specification of the output ratings is based on the requirements of analog protection devices, which require relatively high input power ratings in VA. The long secondary cables require special pre cautions against electromagnetic interferences (EMI) by specifying relatively high signal levels. Combined electronic CTNT sensors, however, produ ce a digital signal, which has to be converted into a analog signal before it can be transmitted via parallel cables to numerical protection and control devices. These devices require on one hand a much smaller input power for analog values compared with what was formerly required, typically 0.1 VA to 1 VA (Figure 5-9). On the other hand, the serial signals have to be converted first from digital into analog and in the numerical devices from analog into digital, which is technically not very feasible. Apart from this, such sig nals are very sensitive against EMI, and they cannot be transmitted over longer distances. These small signals can also be provided with a sup plementary amplifier that generates current and vol tage signals that are feasible for conventional secon dary technology (Figure 5-9). Such amplifiers, how ever, reduce the dynamic response behavior of the instrument transformer.


5.5.5 Serial connection to protection devices

5.5.5 Innovative HV switchgear technology

From technical considerations, the best solution is a direct digital/digital fiber optic process bus connection rather than low-level and non-electric signals that might have to be amplified to conventional values like 1 A or 100 V thus requiring expensive amplifiers and loosing information like bandwith by principle (Figure 5-9). The main obstacle for the acceptance of such a solution has been that this link could only be a vendor specific proprietary solution because of the lack of International Standards that assure the inter operatibility between IEDs from various vendors as well as sensors/actuators from various vendors. This problem has been addressed by the new IEC 61850 standard.

5.5.5. 7 Modern design concepts The application of processors and modern informa tion processing technology in substation and net work control systems and also in secondary systems of switchgear installations, fast data bus systems that transmit over fiber-optic cables instead of copper wires and newly developed sensors for current and voltage enable revolutionary designs that lead to smaller and more compact installations with a simul taneous increase in availability and ease of mainte nance in the area of high- and very high-voltage equipment and switchgear installations. Electro mechanical protection Electro static protection

IEC60044-1, IEC60186

·: ........

lA I I

' '

Voltage amplifier


Low /eve/ converter

IEC60044-7 IEC60044-8


Numerical protection & control

Numerical control

Sensor/actuator for switchgear control


Fiber optic Process Bus

Figure 5-9 Interfaces between instrument transformer and protection/control devices

I! . Process electronics (sensor technology, PISA)

result a range of combination switchgear has been developed in the last few years.

Decentralized distributed microprocessor based modules (PISA = J:rocess lnterface for 2ensors and duators) can be used for direct control of the pri mary components of switchgear installations. At the same time, these modules enable all parameters, such as switch position, gas density, storage pro perties of operating mechanisms, to be recorded where they signify current status of the equipment and therefore provide the necessary prerequisites for monitoring modern switchgear installations.

Another possibility for reducing the space required for outdoor installations significantly is to use hybrid installation designs. In this case, gas-insulated switch gear is used in which many primary components (cir cuit-breakers, transformers, discor'1nectors etc) are installed in a common gas insulated housing. Only the busbars and, depending on the basic design, the associated busbar disconnedors are installed out doors.

Examples of equipment used for this purpose are inductive robust proximity sensors for detecting contact position of circuit breakers and disconnectors, gas density sensors for SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) installations and circuit-breakers. Powerful micro computers are used for the preparation and prepro cessing of the sensor signals. Complex auxiliary switch packets in operating mechanisms are no longer need ed because the software can multiply signals without problems. The main advantages of this technology are therefore the ability to reduce the quantity of moving components, the smaller dimensioning and standardization of mass-produced components as is already done other industries. For the transmission of sensor data fiber optical cables are used and for the communication the trahs msslon protocol according to the Standard IEC

All new switchgear components are distinguished by consistent integration of non-conventional sensors (in this case primarily current and voltage sensors), pro cessor controlled mechanisms and connection to the bay control with fiber optics. This yields the following: • increased availability • less space required • shorter project runtimes and • extended maintenance intervals with a significant increase in ease of maintenance. Figure 5-7 0 Slide-in switching module with LTB Circuit breaker (CB) and integrated SF6 current transformer (CT), disconnector (Of), earthing earthing switch (ES) and surge arrestor (SA) for145kV

61850. Innovative solutions Compact outdoor switchgear installations

A significant step toward reducing the space require ments of switchgear installations has been made by combining primary devices into more and more com


pad multifunctional switchgear units, This concept is not new and has already been implemented many times in applications such as outdoor switchgear installations with draw-out circuit-breakers. The implementation of non-conventional current and vol tage transformers now makes it possible to combine a large number of functions in one device. As a


Figure 5-10 shows a design for compact outdoor switchgear installations for Un ± 145 kV with trans verse life tank circuit-breakers (LTB) and integrated SF6 current transformers. The illustrated compact and prefabricated switchgear with prefabricate busbar connections makes it easy to set up simple secondary substations and H-configurations economically and quickly. The circuit is disconnected on both sides of the circuit-breaker by the module moving to the side.

Another variation of a compact switching module for use up to 1 70 kV is shown in Figure 5-11. The dis connector functions are realized with a draw-out cir cuit-breaker. This means that the conventional dis connectors are replaced by maintenance-free fixed contacts and moving contacts on the circuit-breaker. An option is to install conventional or optical current and voltage transformers and earthing switches. The circuit-breaker can be simply withdrawn for mainten ance, or if necessary, quickly replaced by a spare brea ker. The main advantages here are also significant space savings, smaller bases, suited for single busbars and H-configurations. Figure 5-7 7 Compact switching module for 170 kV with draw-out circuit breakers (CB), disconnector (Of) and current transformer (CT) SF6 I Air Bushing

SF6 voltage & current transformer






Figure 5-72 Plug And Switch System PASS




·• Hybrid switchgear installations

Two insulation media, i.e. air and SF 6 , can be combin ed in high-voltage installation with the modular prin ciple of SF6 -isolated installations. This type of installa tion is referred to a "hybrid installation': Figure 5-12 shows a hybrid switching device for vol tage levels of up to 550 kV. The name "Plug And Switch System" - PASS - indicates the philosophy of this concept. The highly integrated components form a complete bay comprising SF6 gas-insulated circuit breaker, busbar disconnectors (2 disconnectors in ca se of a double busbar arrangement), maintenance earthing switch, current and voltage transformers. This modular pre-tested switching units allow that in new installations and in retrofit projects compact bay units can be erected and commissioned very quickly. They are connected to secondary equipment of the substation by prefabricated cable links, which include both the auxiliary voltage supply cables and the fiber optic cables to the station automation system.

The saving of space amounts to as much as 60 % in new installations. For retrofit projects, the space requir ed by the switchgear installations is generally dictated by the existing busbars and the gantries. In this case, the advantages of the PASS solutions are primarily in the drastically reduced cabling requirements and fast installation and commissioning.


The 11/2 circuit-breaker method can also be success fully implemented in hybrid design ( Figure 5-13). In addition to saving up to 60% in surface area requir ed, PASS is also characterized by easy replacability. It can be connected to the overhead lines as easy as conventional installations.

5.5.6 SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) 5.5. 6. 7 General The range of application of SF6 gas-insulated switch gear extends from voltage ratings of 72.5 up to 800 kV with breaking currents of up to 63 kA and in spe cial cases up to 80 kA. Both small transformer sub stations and large load-center substations can be designed with SF6 technology. The distinctive advantages of SF6 gas-insulated switch gear are: compact, low weight, high reliability, safety against touch contact, low maintenance and long life. Extensive in-plant assembly and testing of large units and complete bays reduces erection and commissio ning time on the construction site.

Figure 5-73 275 kV Hybrid substation 1112 CB arrangement with Plug And Switch System (PASS)

GIS equipment is usually of modular construction. All components such as busbars, disconnectors, circuit breakers, instrument transformers, cable terminations and joints are contained in earthed enclosures filled with sulphur hexafluoride gas (SF 6) (Figure 5-14).


r- . . ;. Voltage Transformer

' · . j ..


Disconnector I Earthing Switch :

1 \

HV Cable with SF6 I Oil Bushings


Circuit Breaker

Control cubicle


Figure 5-74 745 kV SF6 Gas insulated switchgear (GIS)

Up to ratings of 170 kV, the three phases of GIS are generally in a common enclosure, at higher voltages phases are segregated. The encapsulation consists of non-magnetic and corrosion-resistant cast aluminum or welded aluminum sheet.



l. SF6 gas as insulating and arc-quenching medium Sulphur hexafluoride gas (SF6) is employed as insula tion medium in all parts of the installation, and in the circuit-breaker it is also_used as arc-quenching medi um. SF6 is an electronegative gas, its dielectric strength at atmospheric pressure is approximately three times that of air. It is incombustible, nontoxic, odorless, che mically inert with arc-quenching properties 3 to 4 times better than air at the same pressure.


Commercially available SF6 is not dangerous, and so is not subject to the Hazardous Substances Order or Technical Regulations on Hazardous Substances (TRGS). New SF6 gas must comply with IEC 60673. Gas returned from SF6 installations and apparatus is dealt with in IEC 60480. SF6 is considered as strong greenhouse gas. With its contribution to the green house effect below 0.1 %, the proportion of SF6 is low compared to that of the other known green house gases (carbon oxide, met hane, nitrous oxide etc.). To prevent any increase of SF 6 in the atmosphere, its use should in future be confined to closed systems. Devices suitable for processing and storing SF6 for GIS are available for this purpose. The gas pressure is monitored in the individually seal ed gas compartments and in the circuit-breaker hous ing. The low gas losses (below 1 % per year) are taken into account with the first gas filling. Automatic make-up facilities are not necessary. Gas Density Monitoring

All enclosed compartments are filled with SF6 gas once at the time of commissioning. This includes allowance for any leakage during operation (less than 1 % per year). All the gas compartments have gas fil ling valves, making gas maintenance very easy, most of which can be done while the station remains in operation. For gas treatment with the switchgear in operation, there are two gas filling valves provided per gas compartment (Figure 5-16) that the gas can be treated by circulation through a gas treatment device from outside the gas compartment. The gas maintenance may be necessary if the moisture con tent in gas is becoming critical due to condensation. The gas is monitored by gas density monitor or sen sors which are mounted directly on the components (Figure 5-16). Presssure [PI102 kPa]

The isolating gas pressure is generally 350 to 450 kPa at 20 oc_ In some cases this can be up to 600 kPa. The arc quenching gas pressure in circuit breakers is 600 to 700 kPa. Outdoor apparatus exposed to arc tic conditions contains a mixture of SF6 and nitrogen N2, to prevent the gas from liquefying. The pressure temperature relationship of pure SF 6 gas is shown in Figure 5-1 5.


[of kgfm3]

Nominal arc quenching gas pressure in CB


Figure 5-75 Pressure/Temperature diagram of pure SF6 Gas

- 60

- 40

- 20






[ T I 0C]


Figure 5-76 SF6 Gas Schematic Diagram l ··,


The insulating capability of SF6 gas is dependent on the gas density in kg/m3. For monitoring the gas den sity, the relation between gas pressure, density and temperature has to be taken into account as shown in Figure 5-15. This interdependence makes it difficult to measure the gas density directly. There are two measuring principles available: • A temperature compensated pressure switch with two contacts, one for the indication of a non urgent low density alarm to alert the maintenance crew for refilling the gas compartment concerned and an urgent alarm for isolating the gas compart ment from high voltage, as the insulating capability is no longer assured. For circuit-breakers there is a third contact necessary to alert the operator that the circuit breaker is no longer capable to interrupt short circuit currents. This contact operates before the other two respond to decreasing gas density. Based on the same principle, there also monitors available on the market that deliver continuously measured gas density values. • An electronic gas monitoring sensor that can directly indicate the gas density in kg/m3 by means of an feasible measuring principle that is independent of temperature variation. Such moni tors are today still expensive but they may be econorr1ical in the future. Components Reference is made to the typical layout of a GIS sta tion in Figure 5-14 and gas schematic diagram Figure 5-16. The busbars are separated by barrier insulators at each bay and form a unit with the busbar disconnec tors and the maintenance earthing switches. The circuit-breaker operates on the self-blast princi ple. Conventional puffer-type breakers use the mechanical energy of the actuator to generate the breaker gas stream while the self-blast breaker uses


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Gas barrier insJator Busbar gas cor-,partment Feeder gas coMpartment Circuit breaker gas compar::ment Voltage transfc'mer Gas filling valv:: Gas density rrc:;nitor/sensc'

the thermal energy of the short-circuit arc for this pur pose. This saves up to 80 o of the actuation energy. Depending on :heir size, the breakers have one to four breaker gaps per pole. They have single- or tri ple-pole hydraulic spring mechanisms. The current transformers for measuring and protec tion purposes are of the toroidal core type and can be arranged before or after the circuit-breaker. depen ding on the protection concept. Primary insulation is provided by SF,: gas, so it is resistant to aging: Iron free current transformers using the Rogowski coil principle are used with SMART-GIS. They allow quan titative evaluation of short-circuit currents and so make it possible to create a contact erosion image of the circuit-breaker. Also fibre optic CTs could be used as an alternative, if available.

Voltage transformers for measurement and protec The surge arresters are generally of the gap-less type tion can be equipped on the measuring windings and contain metal oxide resistors. If the installation is and an open delta winding for detecting earth faults.. bigger than the protected zone of the line-side arre ster, arresters can also be arranged inside the installa Inductive voltage transformers are contained in a tion. It is generally advisable to study and optimize the housing filled with SF6 gas. Foil-insulated voltage trans overvoltage protection system, particularly with dis tances of more than 50 m. formers are used, with SF6 as the main insulation. Capacitive voltage transformers can also be employ ed, usually for voltages above 300 kV. The high vol tage capacitor is oil-insulated and contained in a hous ing filled with SF6 gas. The low-voltage capacitors and the inductive matching devices are placed in a sepa rate container on earth potential. Capacitive tapings in conjunction with electronic measuring ampli- fiers are also available.

Electro-optical voltage transformers using the Pockels principle are also used with SMART GIS. The cable sealing end (pothead) can accommodate any kind of high voltage cable with conductor and connection facilities for testing the insulation of the cables with DC voltage. If there is a branch dis" connector, it is sufficient to open this during testing. Maintenance earthing switches, which may be requir ed during servicing, are usually placed before and after the circuit-breaker. Normally mounted on or integrated in the disconnector housing, they are ope rated by hand or motor only if the high-voltage part is not under voltage. The maintenance earthing switch after the circuit-breaker may be omitted if there a high-speed earthing switch on the line side. SF6 outdoor bushings allow the enclosed switchgear to be connected to overhead lines or the bar termi nals of transformers. In order to obtain the necessary air clearance at the outdoor terminals, the bushings are properly separated using suitably shaped enclo sure sections.

Each bay has a control cubicle containing all the equip ment needed for control, auxiliary power supply. The gastight enclosure of high-grade aluminum is of low weight so that only light foundations are requi red. The enclosure surrounds all the live parts, which are insulated from the enclosure by SF 6 gas at a pres sure of 350 to 450 kPa. Barrier insulators divide the bay into separate gas compartments sealed off from each other. This mini mizes the effects on other components during plant extensions, for inspection and maintenance. The flang ed joints contain non-aging gaskets. Any slight leak age of gas can pass only to the outside but not into adjacent compartments. Each switching device is provided with an easily accessible operating mechanism (arranged outside the enclosure) for manual emergency operation. The contact position can be seen from reliable mechani cal position indicators. SMART-GIS A characteristic of SMART-GIS is replacement of con ventional secondary technology, such as transformers, contactors and auxiliary switches with modern sensor technology and actuators. Inductive proximity swit ches and rotary transducers detect the position of the switching devices; the SF 6 gas density is calculated from the gas pressure and temperature or measured directly.




5.5.7 Surge arrestors


Actuators control the trip solenoids and the electric motors of the mechanisms. Specially designed sen sors detect current and voltage. Rogowski coils and electro-optical voltage transformerswithout ferromag netic components are generally used for this purpo se. To ensure secure transmission of signals, fiber optic cables instead of the conventional hard-wired connections are used within the bay and station con trol system. The process is controlled and monitored by decen tralized distributed microprocessor based modules (PISA= _Erocess Interface for $ensors and 6ctuators), which communicate with one another and with higher-order control components via a process bus.

5.5.71 pesign, operating principle The operation and design of the surge arrester has radically changed over the last twenty years. Arresters with spark gap and with series-connected silicon carbide (SiC) resistors have been replaced by surge arrester technology without spark gap and with metal-oxide resistors. The former porcelain housing is also being replaced more and more by polymer insu lation.


All sensors and the entire electronics for data proces sing and communications are selfmonitoring and software routines continuously check the hardware in use. Timer controls can be set for important data. Critical states can be avoided before they affect operation and maintenance. This results in reduced reserve and redundancy requirements in the system and improved economy of operation. ·

a log I

a b c d

lower linear part knee point· strongly linear part upper linear part ("turn-up area")

A Operating point (at continuous persistent voltage) Figure 5-7 7 Current/voltage characteristic of a metal oxide surge arrester

The gapless arresters are based on metal oxide (MO) resistors, which have an extremely non-linear U/1 cha racteristic and a high energy-absorption capability. They are known as metal oxide surge arresters, MO arresters for short.


The MO arrester is characterized electrically by a cur rent/voltage curve (Figure 5-17). The current range is specified from the continuous operating range (range A of the curve, order of magnitude 10 ·3 A) to a mini mum of the double value of the rated discharge cur rent (order of magnitude 1 Q3 A). The MO arrester L.

corresponding to the characteristic changes from the high-resistance to the low-resistance range at rising voltage without delay. When the voltage returns to the continuous operating voltage Uc or below, the arrester again becomes high-ohmic The protective level of the MO arrester .is set by its re sidual voltage UP. The residual pea'k value of the vol tage appears at the terminals of the arrester when a surge current flows. A surge current with a front time of about 1 [.IS, and a time to half value up to 10 tS and a current up to 10 kA represents very steep over voltage waves, and the associated residual voltage is comparable to the front spark over voltage of a spark-gapped arresters. Surge arresters are protective devices that may be overloaded under extreme fault conditions. In such cases, e.g. when voltage leaks from one network level to the other, a single-phase earth fault occurs in the resistor assembly of the arrester. The pressure re lief ensures that the housings do not explode. The earth-fault current of the at the arrester site must be less than the guaranteed current for the pressure re lief of the relevant arrester.

5.5.72 Application and selection of MO surge arresters

Surge arresters are used for protection of important equipment particularly transformers, from atmosphe ric oveNoltages and switching oveNoltages (Fig. 5-18). MO arresters primarily selected on the basis of two basic requirements: • The arrester must be designed for stable continuous operation, • Must provide sufficient protection for the protected equipment.

Figure 5-7 8 Typical 7 45 kV transformer (T), bay with circuit breaker (CB) surge arresters (SA) and current transformer (U)


characteristic and it is decisive for the selection of the arrester with reference to temporary overvoltages. During the operating duty test of an MO arrester type, a test voltage is applied immediately following the surge current for a period of 1 0 s to the test


Stable continuous operation means that the arrester is electrically and mechanically designed for all load cases that occur under standard operation and when system faults occur. This requires that the electrical and mechanical requirements are known as precisely as possible. The magnitude of the maximum power frequency voltage, magnitude and duration of the temporary overvo/tages and the anticipated stresses caused by switching and lightning overvoltages must all be known. In addition, the stress caused by short circuit current forces and special environmental con ditions, e.g. temperatures over 45 °(, installation in earthquake regions etc, are very important.

lEOs may monitor the operation of surge arrestors and provide the information via the Substation Auto mation System to a remote monitoring or asset mana gement center.



The rated voltage U, of an MO arrester is the refe rence value to the power frequency versus the time

'· ;

.1. I



3 2



maximum phase to ground voltage at power frequency in normal operating conditions (1 p.u. = peak value)


For MO arresters, the continuous operating voltage U, is defined as the maximum power frequency voltage that the arrester can withstand continuously. The peak value of the continuous operating voltage of the arre ster must be higher than the peak value of the ope rating voltage. On one hand, it is determined by the power-frequency voltage that corresponds to the maximum voltage in the network; but on the other hand, permissible harmonics of the voltage must be considered In normal networks, a safety margin of 5% over the system voltage at power frequency is suffi cient.




When selecting the arrester by its electrical data, there must be an appropriate margin between the protec tion level of the arrester and the insulation levels stand ardized for he applicable operating voltage to meet the requirements of the insulation coordination (Figure 5 -19). Parallel connecting of MO resistor columns allows every technically necessary dimension of the energy absorption capability to be implemented at equivalent protection levels. Doubling the number of columns can reduce the protection level and almost double the energy-absorption capability.

. t

peak value of maximum phase to ground voltage of an adjacent phase in case of a ground fault

cE earth fault factor (=14)

d Switching impulse voltage (limited by surge arrester to UPS)

UPS Switching impulse protection level of surge arrester UwL

Rated lightning impulse voltage (BIL) for equipment standard values

UwS Rated switching impulse voltage (SIL) for equipment standard values · Figure 5-7 9 Arrester selection for /ow-resistance earthed transmission network for ± 245 kV with earthing factor CE= 1.4

5.5.8 Transformers





Cooling system


A Figure 5-20 Large power transformer comprising primary/secondary cooling systems and tap changer with surge arrester (SA) on the primary voltage side U 7

The purpose of transformers is to transfer electrical energy from systems of one voltage U, to systems of another voltage U2 . The transfmmers can be differentiated according-to their manner of operation (Figure 5-21).

• Power transformers, the winding of which are in parallel with the associated systems. The systems are electrically independent. The transfer of power solely by induction.

• Autotransformers, the windings of which are connected in line (series winding RW and parallel winding PW). The throughput of power is partly by conduction and partly by induction.


5.6 Voltage and Power Factor Control


• Booster transformers, the w!nding of which are

electrically independent. one winding being connected in series (RW) with one system in order to alter its voltage. The other winding is connected in parallel with its associated system (Excitation winding 8/11). The additional power is transferred purely inductively.





5.6.1 Transformer control and voltage regulation One of the most important operational requirement is that the ratios of the power transformers can be adapted according to load variation by means of a on-load tap changer control (OTPC) (Figure 5-20) devices. This transformer control enables • to maintain the system voltage within a narrow range • to adjust the real power and reactive power flow in interconnected networks






Power Transformer

Figure 5-27 Different types of transformers Change over switches

HV side

LV Side

Change over switches are used in grids with small variations of loads and they cover a range of ± 5 % voltage adjustment of the voltage level that has to be guaranteed. The change over operation is only done locally and manually operated in 2 x 2 steps of 2.5 % each with the transformer disconnected from the system voltage.


d On-load tap changer (OLTC)







The connections of transformers shown in Table 5-1 are those usually employed for linking the windings of three phase transformers.


Delta Star


Interconnected star ""(




Table 5-7 Transformer connections

For maintaining the voltage on the consumer side, the transformer windings on the upper voltage side are provided with taps which are connected in a vary ing sequence. On-load tap changers or change-over switches allow to change the partial windings. Transformer connections


and rectifier plants for DC supply

The on load tap changer is used in grids with fre quent short term load variations. The range of volta ge adjustment is ± 16 % of the voltage level that has to be guaranteed. The range is divided in 2 times 16 steps with 1 % voltage range each. As the adjust ment of the taps has to be conducted under load, the tap changer is equipped with a spring drive and motor for rewinding the spring after operation. This type of operation is called step-by-step switching.





i '


.------------., 1


5.6. 7.3 OLTC control Local control

The tap changer can be manually operated via a crank directly at the transformer (emergencf opera tion). In addition to the mechanical operation a elec trical operation via push buttons is provided as well. For each tap that is intended to be changes a sepa rate command has to be given. This feature assures that not several steps can be changed with one com mand and that the voltage regulation is made step by-step.



Control box at the transformer

I_-----Station control level

Network contro level

Figure 5-22 Transformer tap changer diagram for local, station and remote control


Higher/Lower mechanical Station and remote control

Apart from local control, the electric control of the tap changer can also be made from the substation con trol room and from a remote network control center. A local/remote change over switch assures that no simultaneous control operation can be initiated from all three control levels. During OLTC operation a flag on the screen in station control room or in the network control center indica tes that the tap changer is changing its tap position. For the OLTC remote indication a strip of sliding contacts is available at the operuting mechanism, which are provided with a chain of resistors, e.g. 3 Q for each step. A DC voltage supply e.g. with 6 V DC is connected to the resistor chain that the voltage drop proportional to the tap changer position can be measured by an position indication instrument In addition to the position indication, the voltage level that has to be guaranteed can be displayed at sta tion control level.

Local/Remote switch


Drive motor

[@] A



rn 0

Contact resisters inactive Voltmeter Remote indication: "Motor is running" Tap position indicator mechanical Higher/Lower electrical Contact resistors active Tap position indicator, electrical Start indicator Transducer for electrical tap changer position indication

83 Automatic control


Voltage regulation by means of tap changers can also be done automatically. The principal components of such a system are a voltage regulator, a set-point adjuster, a measuring device for load-dependent set point correction, and for long lines, a means for com pensating the voltage drop. This latter device can be contained in the voltage regulation or be installed separately. Measuring units are available for the follow ing operating conditions:

Oc= U2 roC The rated power of a capacitor as stated on its name plate is always in relation to its rated voltage U,and rated frequency f,.

• Parallel busbar operation,

In three-phase networks, the capacitors, always three of the same size, are connected in either star or delta. If • C1 is the capacitance in one phase with star connection

• Parallel network operation,

• (12

• Networks with widely varying active and reactive power components.

then for the same reactive power:

The choice of measuring units thus depends on the operating conditions. The control system is connect ed to voltage and instrument transformers at the vol tage level that needs to be held constant. Simultaneous manual/automatic operation is prevent ed by selector switch. If transformer are operated in parallel on one line, special precautions have to be taken to avoid loop currents flowing between the transformer which could cause damage to the transformer.

5.6.2 Power capacitors The term power capacitor is mainly applied to capa citors having a rated frequency of 50 or 60 Hz which compensate the reactive power at points of heavy demand in public and industrial networks. This gene ral designation also includes "urnace capacitors" and "medium-frequency capacitors'; which cover the high reactive power requirement of melting furnaces and inductive heating coils, and also "welding machine capacitors" and "fluorescent lamp capacitors" used for compensating welding transformers and the bal lasts of fluorescent lamps.


The reactive power of a capacitor is determined by its capacitance, the rms value of the operating voltage and the system frequency:

is the capacitance in one phase with delta connection

c, = 3 c,2 Voltage and frequency increases and total harmonic distortion of the voltage or the current place additio nal stress on capacitors. Capacitors must be able to carry continuously 1.3 times the current flowing with sinusoidal rated volta ge and frequency at an ambient air temperature cor responding to its temperature class. With this loading, the voltage must not be higher than 1.1. U, with no tra]lsient over-voltages taken into account.

5.6.2. 7 Compensation of reactive power Only the active power produced by the active current (IR) in Figure 5-23 a) is utilized at the point of con sumption. The reactive power produced by the reac tive current (IL) does not contribute to the conversion into useful power and is therefore not counted by the active power meter. However, the reactive power has an unfavorable effect on the electrical-equipment in that it constitutes an additional load on generators, transformers and conductors. It gives rise to additio nal voltage drops and heat losses. Static reactive-power (var) compensation in systems with the aid of thyristors is described in chapter 5.7.

It is economically sound to draw the reactive power from capacitors, Figure 5-23 b). These are loc2ted in the vicinity of the largest reactive loads (motors and transformers) in order to relieve the transmission net works, including transformers and generators, from the corresponding share of the reactive current. If the capacitors are properly positioned, by reducing the reactive current (IL) in this way, it is possible in many instances to connect additional loads to existing sup ply systems without having to increase the power or extent of the network.






IL lc

t t f


With full compensation as shown in Figure 5-23 b) the generator (G) supplies only the current IR for the purely active load (R) and active current lcR for the capacitor loss resistance Rc. Figure 5-23 c) shows the reactive before compensa tions with Oc = P tan


And after compensation with Oc = P tan Q 1) must be avoided as this gives rise to capacitive reactive power, which stresses the conductors in the same way as inductive reactive power, and in addition, unwelcome voltage increases can occur.

5.6.3 High voltage reactors u



5.6.3. 7 reactors



Current-limiting reactors are reactances employed to limit short-circuit currents. They are used when one intends to reduce the short-circuit power of networks or installations to a value which is acceptable with regard to the short-circuit current carrying capability of the equipment or the breaking capacity of the cir cuit-breaker. Since the reactance of a series reactor must remain constant when short-circuit currents occur, only the air-core type of construction is suitable. If iron cores were used, saturation of the iron caused by the short circuit currents would result in a drop in the induc tance of the coil, thus seriously reducing the short cir cuit protection.

Figure 5-23 Active and reactive currents in an electrical installation, a) uncompensated, b) compensated with capacitor, c) power vector diagram Voltage drop and voltage variation The rated impedance is the impedance per phase at rated frequency. The resistance of a current-limiting reactor is negligible and in general. amounts to not more than some 3% of the reactance XL·






The rated voltage drop !:!. U, is the voltage induced in the rea'ctor when operating with rated current and rated reactance: !:!. U= I, XL

When the vditage drop is referred to the system vol tage, the rated voltage drop is denoted !:!. u, and usually stated in %. !:!.

u, =!:!. u v3 I Un 100%

For given values of reactance and current. the voltage variation U"' in the network. i.e. the difference be tween the network voltage before and after the reac tor, is also dependent on cos

7.2 Reactor

9 j

) )



Figure 5-24 Vector diagram of reactor; a) normal operation, b) short circuit operation

U,: System voltage before reactor U2 : System voltage after reactor U'f: Voltage variation in the system U2 K: System voltage after reactor during short circuit I, : rated current IK : Short circuit current


0 )



t t a)








lI b)




1I c)

9 )

j j


1- r

Figure 5-25 The most common reactor circuits, a) branch circuit b) group reactor circuit c) busbar reactor circuit



' l_

. '?

The scheme shown in Figure 5-25 under a), with the reactors in the branches, is the most commonly used. The circuit shown in b), with one common group reactor in the supply feeder for several branches, is often chosen for reasons of saving space. The costs of purchase and operation for the same degree of protection are higher than with reactors in the bran ches. In power stations with a high short-circuit power, it is usual to fit busbar sectionalizing reactors together with bypass circuit-breakers, as shown in c). In normal operation, the closed circuit breaker and isolators pro vide a permanent connection between the busbar sections. In the event of a fault, the circuit-breaker opens, and the reactor prevents that both generators feed into the fault and limits the short-circuit current magnitude approximately to that of the individual systems. reactors


Shunt reactors in long EHV lines, mainly 400 kV and above are applied to compensate the effects of line capacitances and to limit the various types of over voltages. The example in Figure 5-26 shows the occur rence of closing overvoltages, which are caused as soon as the line is energized with the circuit breaker closing at t 0. Before closing the line voltage UL = 0. The closing overvoltage is rising fast to its maximum value OM and after approximately 10 ms the overvol tage OM = OLand line voltage OL becomes equal with the source voltage 05. The maximum value of 0 M and the rate of rise depends on the source impedance X 5 and capaci tance C 5 as well as the line impedance ZL and capaci tance CL. The characteristics of the line ZL and CL depend on voltage level and length of line.

The higher the voltage level and the longer the line distances are the higher are the closing overvoltage. In certain cases the value for OM can be more than 3 times 05 without any measures for limiting the peak value to less than 2 times 05.

Such a measure can be the lateral compensation by shunt reactors at both end to prevent pre-charges of the open line and/or closing resistors on circuit brea kers (CB+CR). The closing resistors contact is closed shortly before the main contact closes to limit the line energizing current inrush and is opened immedia tely after the main contact has closed. Its insertion time is not more than 3 ms. The closing resistor value is between 0.4 to 1 kQ. Shunt reactors of suitable size must be permanently connected to the line to limit the temporary funda mental frequency over voltages. Such line reactors also serve to limit switching over voltages to some extent However, reactive shunt compensation increas es the surge impedance of the line and thereby reduces the surge impedance loading (SIL) level that is, the load at which a flat voltage profile along the line can be achieved. These permanently connected shunt reactors also consume active power, which is a continuous loss to the system. Such disadvantages can be overcome with the aid of thyristorized controlled shunt reactors (CSR), which offers all the advantages of the permanently connect ed shunt reactor but only when it is required thus reducing the continuous reactive power drawn as in the case of a fixed shunt reactor. CSR automatically goes of the circuit during increased line loading to limit the power frequency dynamic over voltag s.


optimization of the control system for short term and long term operation, namely power system damping and power flow optimization.

Closing EHV transmission lines


---® ·--· ----·----r Transformer• reactor Generation Plant


CJ ,. l 1


reactors 400 kV Transmission line

The technological basis for the development of FAGS devices is a yoltage ource onverter (VSC) with high power ratings. By converting direct current to alternating current quantities, with respect to magnitude and phase, a VSC acts like a voltage sour ce injecting an AC-voltage or AC-current in series or in parallel to transmission devices. Additionally. this technology opens new possibilities with the combi nation of conventional equipment and power elec tronic based components for rapid power flow and voltage control Figure 5-27 and hence the functiona lity of existing devices can be optimally extended. i



Figure 5-26 HV transmission with shunt reactors to limit switching overvoltages OM 5.6.4

The shunt reactors are switched off sometimes to increase the power transfer capacity of the transmis sion line during heavy load conditions. This, however, involves the risk of oveNoltage during sudden load throw off.


vsc star point connections

Series connections

Figure 5-27 Examples of voltage source converters (VSC) confk;;urations

5.6.4 FACTS Taking into account the actual structure and opera tion of the interconnected power systems the demand grows to utilize the network capacity in a more effective and flexible way. That means to increase the utilization of existing transmission facili ties in sense of enhancement of technical and eco nomic performance and more flexible adaptation to changing environments.


Much research has been directed to point out the operational benefits of flexible AC Iransmission System (FAGS) controllers for steady state operation as well as the power system dynamic improvement. Using existing networks more effectively is the main objective in the framework of FAGS device applica tions. Most of these applications are focused on the

The VSC modules can also be placed on high volta ge potential (Figure 5-28) as well as on low voltage potential, which will reduce the insulation level and hence the equipment costs (Figure 5-29). Against this background the definition of Flexible AC Transmission System devices is expanded to encom pass intelligent network nodes. These are optimized power electronic assisted substation systems aimed at power flow control as well as voltage control and active filtering for more effective network utilization in a deregulated environment and large system exten sions projects. In modem power systems the trend to transmit power through given corridors is rapidly evolving. The reason for this is the lack in the right of way for new


transmission lines, mainly because of environmental issues. In addition to this, due to deregulation and reconstruction of the electric power industry, the need rises to transport large blocks of power between partners, through defined line corridors without involving other partners. Thus, it is necessary to operate the existing transmission systems more efficiently and control power flows without risking the security of the system and the quality of energy delivery.

Figure 5-28 FAUS installation at high voltage potential


In this new environment in transmission system ope ration and in combination with the rapid develop ment in power electronics, FACTS devices can play a Figure 5-29 Facts at low voltage potential


5.7 Static Var (reactive power) compensation (SVC) ,--::·


5.71 Applications

5.72 Types of compensation

In recent years, the control of reactive power has .gain ed importance alongside active-power control. The use of mechanically switched choke and capacitor banks has improved the reactive current balance in the networks. This has reduced transmission losses and kept stationary voltage deviations within the pre set limits. In addition to this equipment, thyristor-con trolled reactive-power compensators (SVC=$.tatic ar ompensator) have also been implemented. They read virtually instantly and also offer the following advantages:

5.72.1 Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR)

• Very quick and infinitely variable reactive power conditioning

Features of this type are:

• Improvement of voltage stability in weak networks

• Continuous correcting range

• Increase of static and dynamic transmission stability and attenuation of power swings

• Generation of harmonics

• Enhancement of transmission capacity of lines • Quick balancing of variable non-symmetrical loads • Lower losses

• No transient influence

To avoid stresses due to harmonic overswingings, the parallel capacitor banks have to be enhanced by fil tering circuits.


• Increased static and dynamic stability and reduced power fluctuations • Increased transmission capacity • Balancing of unsymmetrical loads • Continuous regulation of power factor Equipped with electronic components, SVC systems respond almost instantaneously. SVC systems allow infinitely variable control across a whole band of reac tive power. Also, the stability of networks can be improved.


An inductance (reactor bank) (RC) is controlled by thy ristors as shown in Figure 5-30 a). The reactive power in this case can continuously be changed between zero and the maximum value by controlling the thy ristor valves (THV) via the control unit (THC) in rela tion to the system voltage. In many cases, this confi guration is operated together with a parallel-switched capacitor bank This occurs when the entire reactive power range also includes a capacitive component.

5.72.2 Thyristor switched capacitors (TSG) Thyristor-switched capacitor banks are switched ON and OFF, path by path as shown in Figure 5-30 b). In order to avoid transients, the thyristor gates are fired only if thyristor voltage is zero. The feature of this method are: • Stepwise control • No transient interference • losses






THV 1-

RC 1-I--

THC a)





Figure 5-30 Types of static var compensation, a) Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR), b) Thyristor switched capacitor, c) Thyristor switched capacitor/thyristor controlled reactor (TSCITCR)

THC 5.72.3 Thyristor switched capacitors/ thyristor controlled reactor (TSCITCR)

Often a combination of both methods provides the best solution as shown in Figure 5-30 c). This com pensator allows low loss thyristor control of the enti re capacitive and reactive power correcting range. A smoothly varied output of reactive power is obtained by changing the phase section control of the TCR part. As soon as the TSC range has been compensa ted by the TCR, the capacitive part is disconnected and the compensator works as reactor. Features of this method are: • • • •

Continuous adjustment No transient interference Slight generation of harmonics Low losses


5.8 References






[1] Switchgear Manual· © ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen Mannheim, 1Oth revised edition, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 2001 [2] KP. Koppel. B. Stepinski, H. Ungrad, K-P. Brand · New Sustation Concepts, 5th Conf. on Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI), Manila (1984) SF6

[3] K-P. Brand, H. Jungblut · The Interaction Potentials of SF6 Ions in SF6 parent Gas Determined from Mobility Data, Journal of Chemical Physics 78, 4, 1999-2007 (1983) [4] K-P. Brand ·Dielectric Strength, boiling Point and Toxicity of Gases- Different Aspects of the same Basic Molecular Properties IEEE Trans_ on Electrical Insulation El-17, 5, 451-456 (1982) [5] K-P. Brand, W. Egli, L. Niemeyer, K Ragaller, E. Schade· Dielectric Recovery of an Axially blown SF6 -Arc after current Zero: Pt./11 - Comparison of Experiment and Theory IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science PS-10, 3, 162-172 (1982) [6] K. Ragaller, W. Egli, K-P. Brand ·Dielectric Recovery of an Axially blown SF 6 -Arc after current Zero: Pt./1- Theoretical Investigations, IEEE Trans. on Plasrna Science PS10, 3, 154-162 (1982) [7] E. Schade, K Ragaller ·Dielectric Recovery of an Axially blown SF 6 -Arc after current Zero: Ptl- Experimental Investigations, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science PS-1 0, 3, 141-153 (1982) [8] K-P Brand · A Model Description of the !on Mobility in SF6 at elevated Pressures, Proc 15th lnt.Conf.on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG) Minsk (1981), Part I, 301-302 [9] K-P Brand, J Kopainsky ·Model Description of Breakdown Properties for Unitary electronegative Gases and Gas mixture, Proc 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), Milan (1979), Paper 31.05 (4 pages) [10] K-P. Brand, J Kopainsky ·Breakdown Field strength of Unitary attaching Gases and Gas mixtures, Applied Physics 18, 321-333 (1979) [11] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky ·Particle Densities in a decaying SF 6 Plasma Applied Physics 16, 425-432 (1978) Sensors


[12] F. Engler et al. ·Test and Service Experiences on Gas insulated switching Systems and Substations with intelligent Control, Cigre 2000, Paper 34-101 (7 pages), Paris, September 200 l




6 The Functions of Substation Automation

6.1 Introduction 6.2 Process Connection 6.2.1 Sensors and Actuators Instantaneous analog process inputs (current, voltage) Other analog inputs Binary process inputs Binary process outputs Other binary outputs Analog outputs Analog data from unconventional sensors Binary data from unconventional sensors Binary process outputs to unconventional actuators 6.2.2 Pre-processing of data Pre-processing binary data Pre-processing of analogue data

6.3 Operative Functions 6.3.1 Monitoring and supervision functions Process state display Process overview display System configuration display Event list and handling Alarm annunciation and handling Measuring and metering Blocking list Disturbance recording Archiving 6.3.2 Control Functions Control management functions 6.3.3 Protection and safety related functions Main protection functions Protection related functions Interlocking 6.3.4 Distributed automation support functions Distributed Synchrocheck Busbar image Station wide interlocking 6.3.5 Distributed Automation Functions Switching Sequences Breaker failure Automatic protection adaptation Reverse blocking

95 95' 96 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 101

6 Table of content

104 104 105 106 106 107 108 109 109 111 111 111 112 118 119 126 127 128 128 128 129 132 132 132 132 133

. ?






6 Table of content

Load shedding Power restoration Voltage and reactive power control lnfeed switchover and transformer change

6.4 System Configuration and Maintenance Functions

6.4.1 System Configuration and Adaptation , 6.4.2 Application Software Upgrade and Maintenance 6.5 Communication Functions

6.5.1 Data Exchange within the Substation 6.5.2 Data Exchange with External Systems 6.6 Network Operation related Functions

6.6.1 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) 6.6.2 Power Application Software (PAS) 6.7 References

133 134 134 135 136

137 137 138

138 138 139

139 139







6 The Functions of Substation Automation

6.1 Introduction This section describes the functions typically perform ed by a substation automation system. We start with the data connection at the process side and the pro blems resulting from real physical data inputs and outputs. We continue with the operative functions control, monitoring, supervision and automatics including pro tection, and then take support functions like commu nication, configuration and system maintenance relat ed functions. These functions are described indepen dently from the realization by physical devices and technologies; only examples refer to some extent to implementations.

6.2 Process Connection Each control and monitoring system needs input data from the process, and outputs to control the process. This process interface is the connection between the Process




'":!ay ...... . . , : : :--

On one hand the process interface allows to transfer information from the SA system to the process and vice versa, on the other hand it is the barrier between the control system equipment and the hostile envi ronment of the process. The high level of electromagnetic disturbances led classically to interface solutions with relatively high voltages and currents as physical transfer medium between process and SA system. To save power as well as cabling effort and space, the latest develop ments allow to locate electronic sensors for voltage, current and gas density measurements as well as for position indication, and actuators for switchgear con trol like circuit breakers and disconnectors into a shield ed box directly integrated into the switchgear, so call ed "intelligent" primary equipment. In this case a seri al bus interface (normally an optical process bus) can be considered as the process interface (Fig. 6-2). Since the shielded boxes provide some functionality,





Substation Automation System



switchyard, being the process to be monitored and controlled, and the substation automation system (Figure 6-1).

rotection Cubicles l..b==!O!lfii;J!!!IIi

rN" 7rk control centre

Figure 6-1 Process connection between HV switchyard and substation automation system HVLine bav.


IL ··-

. ?


Intelligent Primary Equipment


Substation Automation System

Drive control & monitoring circuitry



·Q51 ·QO


1 Proce

- - -· ss bu


- - -;..1

Star coupler


_. :_

\ Proces l1 Bus


- - - - - lnterbay bus '=====d

cou pl er

, ' ....




Network Centre

Sampling AD-Conversion Signal Processing -Q9

Signal Filtering

at least the AID conversion and serial communica tion, they act at least similar to conventional I/O cards. Preprocessing of data for maintenance purposes and more functionality can be added. Therefore, the pro cess interface is moved directly into the process, i.e. to the switchgear. Another change regarding the process interfaces is the introduction of non-conventional sensors and actuators, e.g. based on fiber optics to generate opti cal signals that are related to the magnitude of the primary current rather than a magnetically transfor med current. To make signal processing not compli cated, all these non-electrical sensors should produce signals that are directly proportional to the primary source signals. Non-conventional actuators allow to operate the drives of the switching devices directly via a serial link also(optical process bus).

6.2.1 Conventional Sensors and Actuators


The most important inputs from the process are the currents and voltages from different places in the switchyard, and the positions of switches and trans-


·- · m - - - = t





Figure 6-2 Process connection between intelligent primary equipment and substation automation system former tap changers. The most important outputs are the control of switches and tap changers. Additionally other physical quantities like temperature, gas pres sure etc have to be monitored, and binary as well as analog control outputs to different other equipment may be necessary. This leads conventionally to the following kinds of sensors and actuators respective interfaces to them: • Currents and voltages from the switchyard:

Current transformers (CT) and voltage transformers (VT) directly located in the switchyard deliver cur rents in ranges from 0 to 1 A or to 5 A, respective voltages in the order of 100 or 200 V AC Voltage transformers are sometimes also called Potential Transformers (PT). • Switch positions: Auxiliary switches are mecha

nically connected with the main contacts. With the help of the station battery (auxiliary voltage) of 1001110/220 V DC they deliver binary information to the SA system. A switch position is normally indicated by two contacts: one is closed if the switch is closed, and a second one is closed if the switch is open.



.I Instantaneous analog process inputs (current voltage)

This double indication shows a moving switch in the so-called intermediate position if both contacts are open. For disconnectors and earthing . switches it is physically impossible that both contacts are closed at the same time in normal operation, so this must be regarded as an error. The same is true for the intermediate position, if it lasts longer than the switch movement tirr,e (often called running time). For circuit breakers in high voltage switchyards often each of the three phases has its own drive. It may then happen that one phase is in a different state than the others (phase discrepancy). If the contaQ:s of the phases are connected in parallel (logic OR) to get one double indication again, then the 1-1 state may happen, and may be cleared e.g. by an open command. If however this state lasts too long or can not be cleared, then again this is a serious error (permanent pole discrepancy). • Other indications or alarms: Similar auxiliary switches like for switch positions are used, but each indication has one contact only: single indication. • Commands: Tripping or closing coils have to be supplied with power. Again normally a process auxiliary voltage in the range of 1 00/110/200 V DC is used, and up to 1 A currents have to be switched by the auxiliary contacts.



For other physical quantities special sensors are used, which normally deliver proportionai outputs in the range of 0...20 mA or +-10 V DC Other ranges (e.g. 0...10 mA, 0... 20 V) are also sometimes used. For sen sor failure supervision 4...20 mA is also often used, where 4 mA corresponds to a physical value of 0, while 0 mA indicates that the sensor has failed, e.g. because of a broken wire. These electrical quantities have to be fed into the SA system, and there encod ed into binary information, which is suitable for fur ther processing.

The analog process inputs are transferred to a sui table signal range by appropriate signal transformers, which additionally provide the galvanic isolation from the process. The analog signals are filtered by an anti alias filter, which suppresses multiples of the sampling frequency, and finally converted to binary samples by means of an AID converter (Figure 6-3). Also high frequency damping filters are sometimes used to suppress disturbing spikes, depending on the func tion to be performed. After this conversion further fil tering with digital filters is made if necessary. Important criteria here are the .accuracy of the AID conversion related to the measuring range, and the sampling frequency, which may possibly influence the functionality that is based on the signal data. Both, amplitude and phase relations are needed. If different phases must be compared, then they need a time synchronization accuracy in the order of some micro seconds, providing the accuracy needed by the func tions considered. A timing jitter of 25 [!S leads to an accuracy of about 2 %. The information content of samples may be also represented as phasors, i.e. as a value with an amplitude and a phase angle with the same accuracy.

In pure control systems, where only RMS values of currents, voltages and power values are needed, dedicated measurand transducers are sometimes used to preprocess and calculate the needed values from VT and CT inputs. They deliver the needed analog qu9ntities to the control system either via some serial link, or as mA or V signals similar to e.g. pressure sen sors. inputs



Because of electromagnetic disturbances the mA or Volt inputs have to be galvanically isolated, e.g. by iso lation amplifiers (Figure 6-3), before they can be fed directly to an AID converter. The needed sampling rate is normally much slower than for the voltage and current inputs. Very often sampling is done directly in the application function. Examples are the so-called PT sensors for temperature with different characteristics (PT20, PT100, etc.).


Most of the sensors have a linear characteristic, but for some of them a non-linear characteristic has to be applied to get the correct physical value (non linear scaling). Binary process inputs The process voltage, which indicates either an open or a closed contact, is normally connected to optical couplers for galvanic isolation (Figure 6-3). Thereafter a discriminator determines the 0 or 1 state. Note that the 1 state may denote a closed contact (normally open, NO-contact) as well as an open contact (nor mally closed, NC-contact). The contact inputs may be grouped to double indications or, e.g. in case of trans former tap changer position, to multiple indications representing digital numbers. These digital numbers may be binary coded, BCD coded, or even have some other code like Grey code. The appropriate decoding has to be made in the substation automation system e.g. by the tap changer controller.

may happen. An often-used solution is reading back the state of a second contact which is mechanically coupled to the operating contact. With this contact arrangement, the proper functioning of the control circuit can be supervised by conducting operation simulations e.g. once a day without activating the operating coils. Usually, a contact has to separate each side of the operating coil,-so that in normal state the coil is com pletely isolated. This assures that even a short circuit cannot lead to unintended switching (Figure 6-14). Several contacts in series lead to additional time delays. For protection trips, which must be fast, there fore often only one heavy-duty relay (contact) is used. These single command relays are then over-dimen sioned to get a very high reliability. This applies only for circuit breaker opening, which is not considered as unsafe as other switching operations.







7.4 outputs




Binary command outputs to the process are perfor med via relays whose contacts can directly switch the trip/close coil currents, so called heavy-duty contacts (Figure 6-3). The problem here is that these contacts may burn or melt together, if they switch relatively high currents. These command outputs are safety cri tical. because an unintended operation of a switch may cause physical damage or endanger human beings, which happen to be nearby the switch during opera tion. To minimize the risk two separate output chan nels that are connected in series must be used to supply the operating coil current. In line with the for mer RTU based solutions one is called the Select channel, which selects the switch, and the other Execute channel, which switches the load current. Both contacts have to be supervised, so that a relay (contact) failure is detected before any second failure

Other binary outputs may be provided for local or remote state and alarrn indications. For these outputs signaling relays are used, which are normally not safety critical and must switch only low currents in the mA range. They may however also be used to ope rate the heavy duty relays mentioned above to provi de an additional barrier against electromagnetic inter ference.

6.2. 7.6 outputs


For analog outputs normally + -10 V or +- 20 mA outputs are used. If an EMI barrier is Jlecessary, addi tional separating amplifiers are provided. In a modern sutslstation, there is normally no need for analog out puts, as mostly serial interfaces and LCD or Led based displays are used.

.. Analog data from unconventional sensors Unconventional sensors for voltage and current are not based on the magnetic transformer principle but on electro-optical effects. Their output is either an optical amplitude or the plane angle of polarized light modulated according to the AC voltages and currents from the electric power process. Semi-conventional devices are capacitive voltage dividers providing a small voltage signal proportional to the AC process voltage. Rogowksi coils provide di/dt according to the AC process current and need an integration algo rithm to obtain the current signal. Common to all these sensors is that they do not provide the com mon signals of the order of 1 A, 5 A, 100 V. or 200 V, partly no electrical signals at all. Converting the out puts to small electrical signals as defined in IEC 60044 is possible, but small signals are both subject ed to electromagnetic interferences and not compa tible to conventional lEOs e.g. for protection. To over come these problems, the most convenient way is to provide these signals as telegrams over a serial Binary process outputs to unconventional actuators

6.2. 2

link (optical process bus) as foreseen by IEC 61850. As a result, these values are already EMI proof, pre filtered (at least for anti-aliasing) and AID converted. The new requirement is an adequate serial interface in the IEDs for protection etc. The same holds for all other analog input?.

6.2. 1.8 Binary data from unconventional sensors Also binary data may be produced by sensors as optical or low level electrical signals not fitting into the 110/220 V DC scheme. The most convenient way again is to provide these signals as telegrams over a serial link (optical process bus) as foreseen by IEC 6 1 8 5 0 .

The principles of unconventional actuators integrated into the switchgear are very dedicated depending on the type and design of controlled equipment The common interface is again the serial link (optical pro cess bus) as foreseen by IEC 61850. All safety meas ures must now be handled by the actuators themsel ves and their controlling electronics. General remarks


Conventional process interfaces, sensors and actua tors, input and output are harmonized by standard ized common current and voltage levels. Unconven tional ones have to be harmonized by standardized communication protocols like IEC 61850. As interme diate step e.g. for retrofit, signals from conventional sensors and actuators may be converted directly nearby the switchgear and the resulting data trans mitted as for unconventional ones.


Preprocessing of

data processing data


Binary data is used for two different purposes: show ing the current state e.g. of switches, alarms etc., and logging of occurred events for later fault analysis. For the second purpose, a time stamping resolution of 1 ms is required. The time stamping accuracy de pends beneath this resolution also on the device internal time stamping accuracy as well as on the time synchronization accuracy between different devices. In prindple this time stamping accuracy should therefore also be 1 ms. The accuracy is however very cost sensitive. Depending on the purpose, accuracy up to 10 rns may be considered as sufficient for some functions.


Communication Interfaces

Process Interfaces

Line bay

... 1-r-1 • ... [][] ...

f1 . . Bl

Local MMI












Intelligent electronic device (lED) for protection and control

Bl Binary Input BO Binary Output AI Analog Input Fl Filter AD Analog/Digital Converter

Figure 5-3 Process connection to a typical/EO Debouncing

Sensors for binary data are often contacts, which may bounce for several milliseconds. Also mechanical vibrations of short duration caused e.g. by circuit breaker operations may sometimes lead to contact bouncing. In order to avoid wrong position indica-

tions, these contacts need debouncing, but without jeopardizing the time stamping accuracy. This is nor mally achieved by taking the slope of the first change for time stamping and then waiting for some time whether the new state gets stable. If it becomes sta ble, then the earlier time stamp is further processed with the new state. Otherwise the time stamp and

Figure 6-4 Principle of debouncing

- -----




No change of position

; lv 6


Auxiliary contact

Position has changed


VA\ 100

Time stamp

Time stamp


the change are suppressed. Figure 6-4 illustrates this method. It has to be noted that it causes an additio nal delay for the communication of the change of state. If a fast reaction is needed, contact debouncing should be avoided. It must however be kept in mind that even for an optical input debouncing cannot be avoided if the source in the process is a mechanical contact. Oscillating Some process phenomena like waves of lake water actuating special contacts for water level indication may lead to oscillating, i.e. repeated opening and clos ing of the contact within a time span of 100 ms or even longer. The oscillating may also be caused by a broken wire of an input signal, which flatters due to air circulation. These changes may lead to unneces sary load of the communication system as well as unnecessary triggering of processing functions. Oscillation should therefore be suppressed, but an nounced to the operator. This feature is called anti oscillating or oscillation suppression. It is often imple mented by counting the changes within a fixed time interval. If this counter reaches a pre-set limit, the oscillating state is set, and the communication as well as the processing of any further state changes are suppressed. If the counter value declines below this limit (plus sometimes an additional hysteresis value), the oscillating flag is reset and new values are sent and processed again. Pre-processing of analogue data The preprocessing of analog values after the conver sion from analog to digital data depends on the kind of value, and the purpose. As already stated in, the prerequisite in each case is that the analog inputs pass through an anti-alias filter in ordei to prevent any negative impact of the sampling frequency. The current and voltage samples are stored into a buffer. Different filtering algorithms may be applied to

this buffer depending on the kind of function, which has to rely on them (mostly protection). These fil ed values may then be used by the various functions. A common application for measuring purpose is to cal culate voltage and current RMS values, frequency, active and reactive power, as well as the power fac tor COS!p.

The measuring process at a certain point in the pro cess possibly leads to a calculated value like the RMS values mentioned above. This value at a certain point of the process, or sometimes this point itself is called measurand. The following general measurand hand ling functions refer to electrical measurements as well as to non electrical measurements from sensors or transducers, but normally not to the raw sampled values, which are handled specially e.g. by protection functions. Scaling The measurands coming from the AID converter are some integers, depending on AID converter accuracy between 8, today mostly 12 up to 16 bits wide. Application functions need an application value in some engineering unit. The conversion of the inte gers to engineering units (e.g. Volts or Megawatts) is called scaling. The resulting value then normally has a floating-point data type. Sometimes also calculated values have to be scaled. A power value calculated as U * I* cos IP might already have a floating-point for mat, but has to be normally scaled to the MW range. The scaling process has to consider the converter characteristics across the converter measuring range. Most converters have a linear characteristic, but not all. Therefore, in special cases also other than linear conversions might be necessary. Linear conversion is mostly performed by providing an offset b and a factor a, so that the scaled value s (floating point) can be calculated from the measured value m (integer) as ·-

s =a* m +b. If the communication capacity is small and the value must be transmitted as compact as possible, the sen der scales the value down to a minimum number of


digits for communication, and the receiver scales back to the engineering units. If the communication capa city and processor capabilities are not an issue, then scaling to floating point values is performed as near to the process as possible, i.e. immediately after AID conversion and measurand calculation. Limit supervision and dead band suppression The obtained measurands as well as other measur ands coming via transducers can be supervised on warning or alarming limits. Normally two limit pairs (warning and alarm) can be defined for each measur and, each pair consisting of a low and a high limit. If the measured value crosses the limit, the value gets an appropriate warning or alarm state attached. This may also be logged by a time stamped event. Measurands are often oscillating quite a lot. If this happens near an alarm limit, this may lead to a flood of events, which can be reduced by defining a hyste resis value. If once an alarm state is reached e.g. by crossing a high alarm limit, then it is only reset if the measurand value is lower than the hysteresis value below the alarm limit. This is illustrated in Figure 6-5 . In case of voltage supervision e.g. on an overhead line, normally the voltage should be kept within a narHigh alarm Hysteresis


.·-7 ---------- --······-···--···-··-------·--------

1/ -·-- ..:-: -. -·-------- - C7\•----------------. -- ---·- --- --·---

High warning

-·--------- - --------- ------------ ---·- --

1 ---,.,...-·---- --

-- ·-·-·-·--···-·-- --···------- -· ---------

-- -------------------- - ------- 1':-:-:...- -

Low warning ·

Low alarm Zero deadband

Time Warning







Figure 6-5 Measurand limit supervision with hysteresis and zero deadband

row range around nominal value of the line voltage. If the line is taken out of operation, the voltage value becomes zero. As this is below any low voltage limit it would lead to an alarm, although it is a normal ope rating state. Therefore the alarm handling is mostly combined with a zero dead band suppression. A configurable range around zero can be exempted from the alarm zone, even if the value zero as such would be within an alarm zone. Oscillation suppression for communication The same cause of frequent measurand value oscilla tion that leads to the introduction of the limit value hysteresis might create flooding of the communica tion system with measurand values. Appropriate filter ing before sending is therefore needed, but without sacrificing the measurand accuracy at the receiver. The simplest method, only sending if the difference between the new and last value sent is bigger then some parametrizable delta value, very often jeopard izes this accuracy to reduce the communication load. As an advantage it makes a hysteresis on limit super vision superfluous. Other often-used methods are the following: • Cyclic sending with cycle times between some seconds up to some minutes, depending on how often an accurate measurand value is needed by the receiving function: the measurand is accurate at least at the time it has been sent (in the order of the measurement input chain accuracy). • Summation of the absolute changes with a samp ling rate of 100 ms up to 1 s. If this sum reaches a parametrizable delta value, then the last actual value is sent, and the delta sum is reset to zero. This method reacts fast on big changes (in the order of the sampling rate), and values with better accuracy are sent more often due to the absolute sum of deviations. The product of time (measu rand age) and value change stays constant. • Combination of both of the methods mentioned above, mostly together with a large time cycle. The cyclic sending allows bigger delta values with out obtaining too 'old' values at the receiver end, . '

and assur es updat ing even in the case of mess age losse s. Measurand Accuracy

The accuracy of a measurand depends on the accu racy of the whole chain from the sensor up to the measurand application, e.g. an application for display or storage. In earlier times the small communication bandwidth allowed to use only the minimum num ber of bits that were absolutely needed for the trans mission of the measurand value. Today the sensor is often the most determining part of the accuracy chain. However, when considering the purpose of the measurand, the 'age' is as important as the accuracy of the actual value, as already mentioned in the pre vious section. A typical measurement chain for an RMS voltage measurand in an SA system looks as follows:

It must bkept in mind that the calculated quantities derived from several measured values normally have an inaccuracy range in the order of the sum of all the inaccuracies. This is valid for sums of values, but also a good estimation for products and divisions, if the contributions othe individual values are in the same order of magnitude as the final value. Therefore, in ths linear conversion chain the maxi mum inaccurac/ results in the sum of all inaccuracies; which is for this example around 0.706 % at nominal value (0.5 + 0.1 + 0.006 + 0.1).




Instrument transformer: transforms kV to range of +1-200 V

Relative accuracy at nominal value 0.5 %

Ar accuracy of 0.5 % in average, is normally use:: for plausibility check of measurands me·;: details see in chapter 5.

Interposing transformer from 200 V to 10 V

Relative accuracy at nominal value 0.1 %

Ac-l5 as barrier against disturbances as ::ell


Influences frequency range only; no influence on the RMS value.

AID converter 16 bit

Conversion inaccuracy can normally be neglected. The inaccuracy depends on the bit range that is used for the measurand range (e.g full 16 bit signed used for needed range = > accuracy is 2·14 = 0.006 %)

An 3 bit measurand (either for transmission, or r'om AID conversion), leads to an accuracy of 2.5 %, a 12 bit measurand (11 bit + sign) to 0.25%


Can be neglected, if the result is a 32 bit floating point (accuracy better than 16 bit integer)

32 bit floating point has a mantissa of 24 bits -

Communication oscillation suppression delta

Depending on the delta: to get a sufficient communication load reduction, often around 0.1 % of the measurand normal/nominal value is needed

The inaccuracy of cyclic sending is zero at the moment of sending. If the maximum change rate of the measurand is not known, no accuracy can be estimated in between.

6.3 Operative Functions


Operative functions are all those functions, which directly enable an operator to control the substation. These are the typical SCADA functions: Supervision, £:ontrol nd Qata cquisition. The data acquisition part of SA systems contains some

substation specific functions and performance attributes, which are nor mally not needed in standard industr:al SCADA sys tems. The same applies for the specific and safety related switch control functions. If a network control center remotely controls a sub station, then with the exception of the


comm a tion the n contro center the toring data acquis functio SCADA might implem

d at the substation. This monitoring part could be completely implemented locally with the possibility of remote operator access to the sub station data. Another possibility is to have only the data acquisition function implemented at the substa-

tion, and the HMI and archiving related functions are located in the remote control center, which might cover a number of substations. For special purpose applications like asset management even a separate remote monitoring center can be used. The following sections describe the operative functions in detail.

6.3.1 Monitoring functions

and supervision

The main purpose of monitoring and supervision func ti o n s is • to show the state of the process, i.e. the switch yard and the control system itself,

Il • ·'




• to inform about the development of possible dangerous situations and, • to archive data for later evaluation either of the process performance, or for later failure analysis if some failures or dangerous incidents have occurred. All those functions except disturbance recording are standard SCADA functions, i.e. they are not specific for control of substations, although some of their pro perties like time stamp accuracy of 1 ms are specific for power system applications. Figure 6-6 Process state single line diagram for local substation operation and supervision

Incoming feeder(=EO1) BB1 .


Tr 101 (.



· '•' ':; 'Tr 102 (aE03) I

..... ,...."


>:·,Q1_, ' . \




The typical monitoring functions are • Event management • Alarm management • Data storage and archiving • Disturbance recorder/fault data retrieval • Log management

6.3. 7. 7 Process state display There are different methods to browse through the process state of a system: Zoom and pan: one can move a window across a

virtual picture of the whole system (panning) and can zoom in an area to see more details, or to get an overview out of an area respectively navigate to an other (sub-)area. This is typically used for big systems or geographical views in a geographical information system (GIS), and mostly if one wishes to navigate into a neighboring area.

Hierarchical windows: starting from a high level overview window showing the complete system you navigate with a mouse click to windows showing the wanted subarea of the system with more informa tion details. This is typically used if geographical neigh bourship is not so important. but you need fast navi gation to any subarea or even specific information categories, and information condensing to higher levels. It is easy to change the way of presenting infor mation in different layers of the hierarchy

The following examples Illustrate the hierarchic win dow approach. The actual state of the whole switchyard is shown in a graphical overview, and in more detailed pictures by

Figure 6-7 Process overview example of a small system with busbar coloring Main





L Monday (W7) ;! I= · *= UWBaden - ---··----· --------- - -- ---------·--------- _:_ _ .... -- -------:



·I:J:IIl i

---- 1 -- ---o


v v





.. ·.·,



means of a single line diagram that contains all sub station equipment (Figure 6-6) This state typically comprises

• Positions of switches (circuit breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches etc)

or earthed. Apart from this, the different voltage levels can be distinguished with different colors, or parts of the substation with different power infeeds can be distinguished by appropriate colors (Figure 6-7). Process overview display

• Voltages (kV) and currents (A) at busbars: lines, and transformers

In contrast to the state display showing the state of one voltage level in detail, the overview display provid-

• Active power (MW) and reactive power (MVAr)

Figure 6-8 System configuration d1sp/ay for a small SA system

The single line diagram may be enhanced by a bus bar coloring function to show in different line colors whether a part of the switchyard is under voltage, not energized,

e s a n o v e r v i e w o f

the whole substation. Only the schematically connected power sources, loads, and the power flows are shown. This may be combined with a busbar coloring function as we:l. One can also combine the overview display and the process state display by means of zoom and pan functions in the HMI. It should however be considered that some overview data is normally not displayed on detailed pictures and vice versa. Main


--·------------------- --



!17-01-28 14:59

Supervision Ack. System configuration display The system configuration picture displays the state of the control system itself. In the case of missing data it allows the operator to find the reason of the pro blem, e.g. a faulted secondary device or communica tion link. It shows (group) alarms on device or com munication line level, and allows to go from here deeper into detail alarms. It further allows to modify the online state of the control system, e.g. for main tenance, and to retrieve diagnostic information from the devices. This display is specific for the actual system (Figure 68). Sta!Wns


Tuesday (WS)




Alann P7-01-lB 10:12:32'

E :.Quiiioin& HA7

Q9 Ear11uw. pom!Wn indica!Wn


L o c a l A r e a N e t w o r k ( L A N )

I M a l r i x P r i n l e r




'' ·


Figure 6-9 Typical event list Event handling



The event list contains a time stamped log of all events that have occurred in the system in chronolo gical order (Figure 6-9): • changes


• Alarms appearing disappearing • Limit violations


• Operator's actions: commands and acknowledges etc Each event can be directly printed O!,!t on a log printer (logger). It contains the time when the event happen ed, an identification of the object (device or signal) to which the event belongs, and the specific signal state, which has been caused by the event. Sometimes there are different log printers provided for system

and process events, or for different parts of the pro cess. In modern systems this feature is however sel dom used because of the availability of highly reliable disks of big storage capacity. This avoids the problem of running out of paper, which is by far more often a problem than loosing some events on the disk. Due to restricted storage capacity, the event list is often kept in a ring buffer. If the ring buffer is full the oldest events are overwritten. New events must never be lost, even in the case of power supply failu re. Therefore, all events are also stored on nonvola tile storage media. The high capacity of modern sto rage devices allows to keep much more events than in the past. Nevertheless some, at least today manual, overflow management, e.g. with yearly transfer to a tape or CD, is necessary. Other external applications


for specific data evaluations should also have access to this data e.g. for maintenance or planning purpo ses.

6.3.1 .5

The display function for the event list has often incor porated filtering capabilities. In case of a failure only those events are displayed which have occurred in

the fault related time window or are identified by a fault expert system. For power failure analysis a time stamping resolution of 1 msec and accuracy between 1 and 20 ms is need ed to assure the chronological order of the events. For power network failure analysis the same accuracy is necessary between different substations. Therefore, substations are time synchronized by means of satel lite clocks like GPS or as often in Europe by radio clocks like DCF77. In addition to this, the control system must contain special means for time synchro nization of all its devices. Figure 6-7 7 Typical alarm list :E6 (1) • MicroSCAOA

I!!I Ef


k7 ,8


'" Alarrr. comes Alarm goes


Alarm com Acknowledge


Figure 6-7 0 Alarm acknowledgement state transitions

6.3. 7.5 Alarm annunciation and handling Alarms are generated if a system state requires the at tention of the operator. The operator has to acknowl edge the alarm to indicate that he has noticed it.





control system related alarms have to be separated from switchgear related alarms.

An alarm has the following states (Figure 6-10): • acknowledged • unacknowledged • Alarm, alarm)

Normal, Alarm,



• Normal, unacknowledged (process alarm state disappeared, pending alarm) The last alarm state is also called a "transient" or "fleet ing" alarm, as the process alarm state disappeared before it could have been acknowledged. A change from unacknowledged to acknowledged should only be made by an authorized operator. The purpose of alarms is to alert operators either by activating a horn, flashing lights or symbols on a screen etc. If an acoustic alarm is triggered, then its acknowl edgement only quits this acoustic alarm, but does not acknowledge the single alarm(s) causing it. If a substation is unmanned, alarm occurrences can be sent by E-mails or SMS to the operator in charge, or pagers can be triggered depending on urgency. For availability reasons this is sometimes done via special tele-alarm systems. In order to assure an immediate recognition of alarms they are shown on process displays additionally to the alarm list. These alarm overview pictures are mostly substation specific. The alarm list however is a standard representation, which contains an entry for each alarm. This entry shows as a minimum the time when the alarm happened, the alarm descrip tion, and the current alarm state. The alarm list has similar filtering capabilities as the event list, and addi tionally allows acknowledging alarms (Fig. 6-11). Special additional alarm attributes like alarm classes, priorities or sections provide additional filtering possi bilities. They are needed especially in cases where one failure would cause a lot of follower alarms, or where

The hierarchical grouping of alarms into function or region specific group alarms together with the priori tizing and filtering provides a quick overview in case of floods of alarms occurring. These group alarms can be shown on the process overview, process single line pictures, or on customer specific alarm overview pictures.

for operator information, plausibility checks and statistics. Instruments, which measure power for metering and billing purposes, must fulfill certain legal requirements to assure correct measurements and to prevent manipulation. The same applies for the data acquisition chain from the instrument transformer up to the billing application. One of these legal require ments is that data used for billing must be archived for some years. Another requirement is that the metering process must be certified by legal inspec tion to prevent manipulation in the course of the acquisition of the metering data, i.e. it must be sealed in some way. A new challenge for the metering business are the unconventional sensors. The solu tion may be extra channels for metering or, more convenient, special coding for meter data on the common communication system.

6.3. 7.6 Measuring and metering The ultimate objective of the normal operation of the power system is to supply power in the most cost effective way. The analog data from the process not only shows the current state of the process, but also provides the input for load and power consumption profiles. For billing purposes the amount of the power delivered needs to be measured. This function is call ed metering, in contrast to measuring, which is main ly used

6.3. 7.7 Blocking list There are various situations during operation when it is necessary to block operations. • For maintenance work it may be necessary to block down-going commands. There are special measures available as described in Nevertheless, sometimes an explicit blocking is needed.

• In special failure situations it is necessary to block up-coming process indications or measurands. Some of the automatics for this have been described in Also here sometimes addi tional explicit blocking is needed.

• If a mess is printed, or a printer is defect, then explicit blocking of printers is necessary. • For some maintenance activities the blocking of communication lines may be necessary by taking them out of use. For all these explicit blackings there should exist an oveNiew showing which blackings are currently set because at first each blocking prohibits some func tion, and second it is normally set because of a pro blem which should be fixed. For this reason there


exist graphical blocking oveNiews and blocking lists. For process devices any blocking is mostly also shown in the process diagrams like bay single line diagram with some mark. latest however in the operation dia log. The blocking list provides a tabular oveNiew of all blocked objects, and enables to de-block them. It has similar filtering criteria as the alarm and event list. However, normally its contents should be short, so that filtering is not necessary.

Figure 6-17 Disturbance record with fault evaluation report

l!!lr.J £I

lndactic 650 \1/iE ve 001030.FLT

File Opliom 'w'"ndiiw , Help

lillf!t u t (rns]





l fi@j§t;JitiAII .!IillJ.@ Page Width 200



§P 001030.FlT


Automatic Fauij Location

1. Event:


. Station name

Station Event date and

r- - -- -- - -- -- - -- number

Event number Line name Line length Event file ; Duration of recordmg






2. Trigger Type of trigger (3) Trigger

FLT2.0ff i

= Preda (31)

=I = 11-Jun-1918:55:44.410 = 30 = Preda (31) = 94.5 km

= C:\1650\EVENTS\001030.EVE

= 1029.2 ms (-200.0 ms .. 829.2 ms)

= Digital signal


mr .;......------"'--"'-' -1-llll·-----

signal 3. Faul1 Location: , Fau11type = R- 0 , Fault duration = 70.8 ms (-28.3 ms .. 45 ms) i Region with stable impedance, variations<= 3.1 % - · - · - Impedance at16.7 ms = 8.43 Ohm, 71° primary ; Distance to fault = 24.7 km (± 3.1 % = ± 0.8 km) , Faul1 resistance big, about 24 % of total loop resistance

110 I


6.3. 7.9 Archiving

Certain process conditions may also cause the blocking of control, e.g. if the gas pressure on a GIS circuit breaker is too low for safe operation it is . blocked. The blocking list described above, however, only concerns manual blackings out of operative rea sons, and not those that are caused by the process conditions. Process condition related blackings are indicated in the alarm list. Disturbance recording The disturbance recording function records the instantaneous values (samples) of the currents and voltages to visualize fast analogue changes around a failure (trigger) for later analysis of network problems (Fig. 6-12). In some way it is the analog equivalent to the binary event log. It stores analog data sampled with rates of 600 up to 20 000 samples per second, depending on the time resolution required. Because of the fast response time and high data throughput required, the recording is normally performed near to the process, and directly after AID conversion of the analog data. In addition to the analog values, also sta tes of binary signals are sampled and recorded in pa rallel input channels if applicable. · The analog and binary values are constantly sampled and written into a ring buffer. As soon as a predefined event like a fault has triggered the recording function, the recorded data around a time window before and after the trigger is frozen in the buffer. Thereafter, another buffer is activated and the procedure is restarted for a possible next recording. This continues until all memory buffers are full. In order to avoid loss of recorded data the files have to be retrieved and stored somewhere else, e.g. on a station level hard disk or transmitted to a remote substation monitoring system. A standard storage format of this data on disk is the COMTRADE format (IEC 60255-24 resp. IEEE Std C37.1111999). Dedicated evaluation soft ware is used to view the recordings and to conduct fault evaluations like the determination of the dis tance to a line fault to ground.

Event logging and disturbance recording files are used in conjunction with archived fault h1story for fail ure analysis. Additionally, also the power system per formance during normal operation can be archived for performance analysis and planning purposes. Typical information for this purpose is the consumed power per minute, hour, day or even longer, trends of power consumption, temperature profiles etc This archiving activity is done either cyclically or event dri ven in so called history buffers. Here also the problem of restricted storage place has to be considered in some way, e.g. by means of data condensing hierar chies like minute values per hour, hourly values per day, daily values per month etc. Other, more sophisti cated compression methods are also applied, e.g. linear approximation of the curves within a predefin ed accuracy bandwidth.


The archived data can be used to create reports and trend diagrams, which can be shown on the screen or printed as hardcopy. Apart from this, dedicated evaluation programs needed for special analysis tasks may require a data import/export function with a standardized format for the data exchange between the substation automation system and these pro grams.

6.3.2 Control Functions Control functions are used for the normal day to day operation of the substation. They are performed via an HMI (human machine interface, e.g. screen and keyboard) that is located either locally in the substa tion or even in the bay, or remotely at a network con trol center. The HMI presents the process state to an operator and enables him to control the process (Figure 6-13). The response time of the operational functions and the correlated communication is typi cally a second (human reaction time scale). It is often distinguished between monitoring and supervision functions thaf retrieve data from the process for per formance analysis, and the control functions that initiate actions on the process. Nevertheless monito ring and process state display is the prerequisite for conducting substation control.


. ?

t- -_.

Cancel j

·: -><:?:





·iiiiW Figure 6-7 3 Human Machine Interface (HMI) for SIS control and monitonng

Commands that directly control the process can cause severe damage if they are issued wrongly. Therefore, control functions have to be protected against unauthorized access, and safeguarded that no dangerous and unnecessary or unprompted com mands can be issued. Examples of such safety related control functions are: • Access control and operator identification • Operative control


• Control of switches (commands and back-indications) • Control of transformers (raise/lower commands on tap changer, tap position) • Management of spontaneous change of positions • Parameter setting

112 Control management functions The operator's access to functions, especially to ope rational functions, has to be restricted by a set of rules, which are defined in the access security mana gement as indicated below. They concern human user's access only, while the access security between the different devices is handled at system configura tion time. The Authentication: The control system shall sup port user authentication for user access in order to ensure that only authorized users are permitted to use the application. The user authentication process allows the system to differentiate between user res ponsibilities and roles (for example substation opera tors, administrators, maintenance sta1t, etc) and then to select role specific access rights. Under certain cir cumstances, e.g. for sensitive information retrieval or high security control an encryption procedure may be used in addition to authentication.

• A create privilege allows the user to create certain classes of application objects. • A delete privilege allows the user to delete application objects.

Access control is a function that provides the capabi lity to restrict an authenticated user to a pre-deter mined set of functions and object properties. Access control is implemented using the following privileges: ·

• A view privilege allows the user to acquire details concerning the existence of an object and the object definition. • A set/write privilege allows the user to set attribute values of an object.






• A g et /r e a d

pri vil eg e

allows the user to get attribute values of an object. • An execute privilege allows the user to execute the permitted application service. Each system function and system object may provide access types for user roles with an allocated set of access rights. The sets of access rights may be defin ed by: • The type of action: e.g. control of the process, control

of the system, maintenance of the system,· etc • The area of expertise: e.g. operation,

protection, control. etc. • The level of competence of the user: e.g.

manager, substation operator, administrator, etc. • The concerned part of the substation, when a substation controlled by one system is shared by different utilities: the bays or diameters, equipment. or voltage level concerned. Access control privileges may be altered dynamically to resolve conflicting requirements of multiple users. Control can be performed at a lot of places in the system, on various system hierarchy levels as well as on multiple work places at the same level. The

lowest level is the primary equipment itself, the next higher ones are the bay and the substation level or a remote operator place for the substation, and the upper level might be one or more remote network control centers. The access from these control loca tions must be coordinated for safety reasons. Allo cating the higher access priority to the level that is clo ser to the process normally does this.

An operator at bay level is authorized to take over the right for bay operation by putting the bay into the local mode, e.g. by physically turning a key locked local! remote switch into its local position. This auto matically blocks commands from higher system levels in the control hierarchy of this bay, e.g. from substa tion level or network control centers. The same pro cedure is applied on all hierarchy levels. In addition to this, a split of the control system into certain regional sub-systems is possible. If an operator takes over the responsibility for a certain region, this blocks all the other operators on the same hierarchical level to con trol that region. This may happen dynamically, in con trast to the statically allocated access priorities de scribed above. For synchronization purposes on the same level it may be sufficient if the initiation of a control action e.g. by selecting an object blocks all other control actions. Control functions

Control functions are either used for directing the power flow during normal operation of the substa tion, or for maintenance of some primary equipment They enable the operator or an automatic function to control the controlled object like switchgear or trans former and any auxiliary equipment in the substation, i.e. to: • open or close a breaker, disconnector or earthing switch, • raise or lower a transformer tap changer, • set a low voltage (LV) equipment to ON or OF-f. For safety reasons the controi functions normally include a "Select" step before the "Execute': to check whether the control action is valid and the correct device has been selected, and to eventually res rve the required resources.



The "Execute" command is subject to miscellaneous conditions that assure that there will be no damage if the control action is conducted: • Correctly working control device. The self

superJision of the control device will detect failures and block the control function if necessary. • Interlock validity. Interlocking is a parallel

function that delivers a state to enable or disable a control action. The control circuit may contain an interlock override switch (hardware or software) for manual control in interlocked condition. • Synchrocheck validity. When closing a breaker,

the synchrocheck function will verify voltage synchronism before the breaker is closed. This function may also be overridden in certain cases. • Locked (blocked) state. A controlled object

may be locked if the associated part of the substation has been put into the maintenance mode. This for example prohibits any control of the breaker if some repair work is carried out on the line. Note that locking an object is also a control action. • Control privilege. This privilege of an

operator is checked if he wants to control an object. • Substation and bay mode. The substation

must be in the remote mode to enable control from remote (i.e. from network control center) or in the local mode to enable control from the substation level. The bay mode must be in remote mode to enable control from the station level or from the remote control level. · • State of the controlled item. The control


action shall be physically possible without causing damage, i.e. sufficient gas pressure in a GIS switch and sufficient stored energy is available to perform · the Intended operation successfuiiy. It shail further be assured that the controlled object has a valid position for the intended command, i.e. it must be impossible to initiate an "OFF" command on a disconnector that is already in the open position.

If the controlled object is in an unknown state (e.g. phase discrepancy which causes a double point state with 1-1 value) the object has to be tripped and blocked. This last check can be suppressed if the object has one common operating mechanism for all phases. The control command is cancelled if one of these conditions is not met, or if a cancellation order is received form the control point. Figure 6-14 illustrates where on the control path which conditions are checked. Control dialogs

Control dialogues are used to open and close all kind of HV or MV switches. They are aiways performed as a two-step process with a select and an execute phase. They mostly are initiated at station (HMI) level as shown in Figure 6-15, from there the commands are sent across the communication link down to bay level, and then from bay level to the process (Figure 6-14). For safety reason it is a principle, that a command within the dialog shall only be allowed, if all condi tions as described above are fulfilled. This means that de-blocking is only possible for a manually blocked command, for a command that is blocked by the pro cess de-blocking can only be made (if at all) by an override. Some process conditions are only checked if the switch is selected for operation. In this case the ..Select" step might be allowed, but the ..Execute" command is later blocked, so that normally only a cancellation of the command is possible. Figure 6-15 shows an example of the Select/Execute diaiog, which-appears after the selection of the switch E1 QO. It only allows to select the Close command. The Open command is dimmed, because the switch is in the open position. After verification of the correct

selection.the operator can click the "Execute" button.

Substation and bay mode state

Correctly working control device

For safety reasons it is important that this two-step procedure is performed at each control level. For cir cuit breakers mostly all the check conditions de scribed above apply, while for disconnedors and earth-ing switches no synchrocheck function is requir ed. Figure 6-15 shows one way of working.

Interlock validity Synchrocheck validity

Control authority


Integrated In case of unconventional actuators connected by process bus Locked (blocked) state

An example for the hardwired two-step control cir cuit for disconnedors and earthing switches is shown


State of the controlled Item (breaker)


Figure 6-74 Influencing commands from station HMI to switchgear

in Figure 6 -16. The Select open respective Select Go contacts determine the turning direction of the motor. The Execute contacts then conned the DC supply to the motor. If the motor becomes too hot, the thermal

Figure 6-7 5 Control principle "Select" before "Execute" ------------------- -------- --·--

. llOkV . Substation


lllCOminu feeder(=E04) BB1 Q1




·z. Q51

Q51c ... - 'Q52 ObjectMiiU



QOQ5 ,

ao:_.·.· r_;


+125VDC Parameter switching

Protection parameters are normally configured in such a way that they provide safe operation in· all situations. An overload protection relay thus has to be set to the safe side for high ambient temperatures in summer, although at low temperatures in winter the line transfer capacity could be much higher than in summer. Numerical protection relays allow to select various parameter sets, e.g. adapted according to the actual weather condition. The switching of the para meter sets can either be conducted by the operator or automatically by means of a simple activate/deac tivate command for each parameter set, or by an integer setpoint that identifies the active parameter set. Important is that the identification of the active parameter set is read back and compared against the intended activation. This check-back can be perfor med by an operator, or it should be done automati cally in case of automatic switching.

Drive supervision

Figure 6-7 6 Control Circuit for disconnectors and earthing switches

contacts disconnect the DC supply, and an alarm is initiated by the drive supervision contact. For safety reasons all relays have an extra contact, which is mechanically coupled to the switching contact to supervise their correct working in order to detect a faulted, e.g. melted contact that might cause a wrong, unwanted and possibly dangerous motor operation.

If parameter sets are switched from remote, it should be kept in mind, that a faulty communication link dis ables the reset to a "safer" parameter set. Self-moni toring features of the relay can however handle this. Synchronous or point-on-wave switching Transformer control


Transformers are often equipped with automatic on load tap changer control, which has the task to keep the secondary voltage within a preset voltage range and to minimize the circulating current between pa rallel transformers (master-follower and others). The automatic control can be switched off to enable manual control of the transformer: after the selection of the transformer it is possible to either raise or lower the tap changer position step by step. All con trol conditions. except synchrocheck and interlocking apply in a transformer specific way.

Voltage withstand characteris tic Arcing time window for synchronize d switching

Circuit breaker operation can sometimes cause unde sirable transient overvoltages and overcurrents in high voltage networks. This is particularly true for reactive load switching, e.g. shunt reactors, shunt capacitor banks, unloaded power transformers and unloaded transmission lines. In these cases, the mag nitude of the switching transients can -either exceed the maximum allowable switching insulation level (SIL), or it may endanger in the long-run the electric endurance of the HV equipment in the network The traditional measure to protect transformers or reactors against overvoltages caused either by light-

Voltage withstand characteristic corresponding to tamin

Tripping impulse

Transient recovery voltage

without synchro nized switching

interrupti on Target for contact separation Ran ge of conta ct sepa ratio n Figure 6-7 7 Synchronized switching for shunt reactors

ning strokes or by switching operations is the instal lation of surge arresters. Switching oveNoltage can further be caused by high current inrush on long transmission lines or capacitor banks. The measure against such oveNoltages is to equip the associated circuit breaker with closing resis tors to limit the inrush current. The most modern technology for switching surge control to substitute closing and opening resistors on circuit breakers is the synchronized or point-on-wave switching. The function Synchronous switching avoids oveNol tages by closing or opening of the circuit breaker exactly at the current zero point. The example (Figure 6-17) shows synchronized opening for shunt reac t o r s .

sion lines. The desired degree of compensation depends on the operating conditions of the network in terms of load profile. Therefore shunt reactors are frequently operated. The interruption of shunt reactor currents, which are very small in comparison with the rated short circuit current of the circuit breaker, may lead to current chopping. This generates high oveNoltages in the shunt reactors, which may exceed the voltage with stand characteristic of the CB and cause re-ignition of the arc in the interrupting chamber. This generated steep front voltage waves stress the insulation of the shunt reactor winding and may lead to aging and finally to failures of the insulation. Therefore the-opti mal solution is toavoid current chopping by means of synchronized or point-on-wave switching. As all synchronous switching needs very exact timing, there are, despite the advantages, up to now not many commercial implementations


Shunt reactors are quite commonly used to absorb reactive power, which is generated by long transmis-

.. .







6.3.2. 7.5. 7 Synchronized Closing The objective of synchronized closing is that the main contacts of the breaker are closed exactly at the instant of equal potential on both sides of the contact to avoid or minimize pre-arcing during the closing operation. Therefore, the instantaneous voltage va6.3.3 lues on both sides of the open breaker contacts have to be compared to calculate the optimal instant of contact touching before the closing operation is initiated, considering the specific breaker closing time. This calculated instant of closing shall be reached within a tolerance of +/- 0.1 ms to minimize prearcing that occurs in the course of the closing opera- tion before the moving and the fixed contact touch.

tad traveling time is continuously monitored. The settings of the function are adapted from breaker operation to operation accordingly. Synchronized switching and synchrocheck Less demandi:1g and powerful but serving also the minimal purpose of connecting only voltages, which are in phase as defined by specified limits for U, and cos cp, is the very common synchrocheck (see M,

6.3.3 Protection and safety related functions Protection and safety related functions need to be fast and autonomous, and they interact directly with ·

As the line potential has to be compared with the busbar potential the associated VT has to be selected in relation to the actual busbar configuration. This information may either be provided from the station level or already be available at the bay level.

the process and the process data without the interterence of the operator. This means on the other hand, that they must work safe and reliable. The dedicated functionality (i.e. without data acquisition or operator interface) relates either to a specific piece of The high accuracy required for comparison of the val- primary equipment or to a bay. The processed data tage samples can be achieved either by synchronized belong either to the specific primary equipment or to sampling or by asynchronous samples that are time a bay. There is an HMI provided for parameterization, tagged with the same accuracy as applied for waveor for disabling and enabling of the function. In form reconstruction. This depends on how the tuncprinciple three classes of these functions can be distin- tion is implemented and on the selected communi- guished: cation implementation (bus/protocol), in case the vol• Protection: this is the active safety level, which tage values have to be retrieved via serial communisupervises the process for dangerous situations cation. The sample time accuracy should be better and responds to clear them by tripping the than 50 f!S. associated circuit breaker(s). • Interlocking: This is a passive safety level for all kinds of commands. It identifies dangerous operations and blocks commands, which might The objective of synchronized opening is to assure become dangerous. that breaker contact separation occurs exactly at the optimal instant near to current zero, so that the short • Auto-matics: these are sequences of actions circuit current can be extinguished within the performed automatically, after some trigger minimal arcing time. The calculated instant of contact separaimpulse has started them. They may be triggered tion shall be obtained within an accuracy of 1 ms. either by an operator or by another automatic Current information from the bay CT is needed to calfunction like protection, or by the process culate this instant of time. ------condition supervision. In the last case, normally the condition supervision is an integral part of the automatic function. Each automatic function 6.3.2. 7 .5.3 Common functionality should have its own safety checks, and reside on Since the successful timing is determined by the the top of underlying interlocking and protection mechanical behavior of the specific breaker, the confunctions.




6.3.2. 7.5.2 Synchronized Opening (Tripping)


i' I.

l· I

i t. .



63.3.1 Main protection functions

This protection concept comprises the following devices.

In general within a substation the protection of pri-. mary objects is used: protection of a line, a busbar, a power generator or a transformer. Therefore, the main protection function is dedicated to the object to be protected, although a lot of protection fur,ctions like overcurrent protection can be used for different object types. Here a short overview is given. More details can be found in the vast protection literature. Protection concept for a substation A typical concept for a substation comprising line, transformer and bus coupler is indicated in Fig. 6-18.

1. Overcurrent protection 2. Distance protection 3. Autoreclosure relay 4. Differential protection 5. Directional earth fault protection 6. Overload protection 7. Frequency relay 8. Voltage relay 9. Earth fault indication relay 10. Busbar protection system 11. Buchholz protection, thermal monitoring





Auxiliary 'f" line 1 I


0 0



: Auxiliary line •


Overhead line


Bus coupler

Recommended basic protection Optional protection


Figure 6-7 8 Protection concept for a substation



• Medium voltage (300 - 600 V): Transportation industry • High voltage (greater than 600 V): Long distance bulk transmission, submarine, and major system interconnections

6.3.3.·1.2 Line protection Alternating current (AC) lines are commonly classified by function, which is related to voltage level. While there are no utility wide standards, typical classifica . tions are as follows: • Distribution (3.6 - 36 kV): Circuits transmitting power to the final retail outlet. • Subtransmission (17.5 - 145 kV): Circuits transmitting power to distribution substations and to bulk retail outlets. • Transmission (72.5 - 765 kV): Circuits transmitting power between major substations of interconnecting systems, and to wholesale outlets. Transmission lines are further divided into: • High voltage (HV): 115- 245 kV • Extra high voltage: (EHV): 300 - 765 kV • Ultra high voltage (UHV): greater than 765 kV · Direct current systems can be classified as follows: • Low voltage (24- 250 V): Auxiliary power in power plants and substations, controJ circuits and, occasionally, utilization power in some industrial plants

Most faults experienced in a power system occur on the lines connecting generating sources with usage points. A line protection relay protects a line against all kinds of overload, especially caused by short cir cuits. There are seven protective techniques com monly used for isolating faults on power lines: • Instantaneous overcurrent • Time-overcurrent • Directional instantaneous and/or time-overcurrent • Step time-overcurrent • Inverse time-distance • Zone distance • Pilot relaying or line differential The most common function is the simple overcurrent protection, the most sophisticated the impedance based zone distance protection, the most selective but demanding from the communication infrastruc ture is the line differential protection (Table 6-1). Several fundamental factors influence the final choice of the protection applied to a power line: 1. Type of circuit: cable, overhead, single line con figuration, parallel lines, multi-terminals etc. 2. Line function and importance: effect on seiVice continuity, realistic and practical time requirements to isolate the fault from the rest of the system.

Type of fault

Protection of MV lines

Protection of HV & EHV lines

• Short circuits

• Overcurrent delayed or undelayed

• Differential

• Earth fault short circuits

• Directional time over current

• Distance

• Differential

• Signal comparison

• Distance

I · • Phase comparison

• Direction comparison I Table 6-1 Short circuit and earth fault protection for medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV)


and extra high voltage (EHV) transmission lines

3. Coordination and matching requirements: com patibility with equipment on the associated lines and systems. Economic factors and the relay engineer's preference based on his technical experience must be added to these three considerations. Because of these many considerations it is not possible to establish firm rules for line protection. Transformer and reactor protect!on

i .

A transformer protection relay protects a transformer or a reactor against internal and external faults (Table 6-2)

Differential relays are the main form of fault protec tion for transformers rated at 10 MVA and above. In principle they work similar to the line differential pro tection, and compare all currents entering and leaving the transformer. Transformer differential relays are subject to several factors that can cause misopera tion: • Different voltage levels, including taps, which result in different primary currents in the connecting circuits. • Possible mismatch of ratios among different current transformers

i '


• For the small transformer with two win dings (< 10 MVA) the differential protection relay ( I) serves as rnain protection against internal short circuits. It is complemented by the Buchholz protection (BU). The first time overcurrent protec tion (> I) serves as back-up protection, while the second overcurrent protection (>I) protects against overload. The sensor (cp) monitors the temperature of the insulation oil.

• Magnetizing inrush currents, which the differential relay sees as internal fault.

Internal faults

External faults

• Coil short circuit

• Line short circuit

• Winding short circuit

• Earth short circuit

• Winding hot spot

• Overload

• Earth fault, earth short circuit

• Overvoltage

• Damage of tap changer

• Overexitation (for generator block transformers only)

• Oil leakage at the transformer tank

The selection of the appropriate transformer protec tion is influenced by the rated capacity, the number of windings as well as by the treatment of the star point. Therefore it is impossible to specify a protection solu tion that is generally valid. Two typical examples are explained below (Figure 6-19):

• For the large transformer with three win dings (>100 MVA) a differential protection relay (M is provided as well for the main protection against internal short circuit. It is complemented by the ground fault protection relay (GF) in the star point of the star winding and the two Buchholz

• A 30° phase shift introduced by transformer delta connection


In addition to the differential protection standard pro tection functions like overcurrent protection, earth fault protection, and distance (impedance) protection are applied as back-up or reserve protection (Table 6-3).

Table 6-2 Faults that endanger the operation of transformers and reactors



j_ Protection for a small 2 windings transformer Figure 6-19 Typical transformer protection schemes Type of failure

• Short circuit, earth short circuit • Earth faults

Protection for a large 3 windings transformer > 100 MWA Protection function

• Differential protection (M) • Time overcurrent protection (R) or • Distance protection (R) • Earth fault protection • Buchholz protection

• Winding short circuit • Overload • Oil leakage • Overload

• Overcurrent protection • Overioad protection with thermal image

• Overexitation

• Overexitation protection (B)

(M) Main protection), (R) Reserve or back-up protection, (B) Block transformer protection


Table 6-3 Protection functions for transformers

protection relays (BU). The distance protection relay (>Z) anc the time over current (>I) serve as back up protection (> 1). The remaining overcurrent protection relays serve as overload protection. The sensor (S) monitors the temperature of the insulation oil.

Several of these conditions do not require that the unit be tripped automatically, since, in a properly attended generator station they can be corrected while the machine remains in service. These condi tions are signaled by alarms. Other conditions, how ever, such as faults, require prompt removal of the machine from service. Generator protection

Modern design practices and improved materials lead to low frequency of failures in generators, yet fail ures can occur and may result in severe damage and long outages. For this reason, abnormal conditions must be recognized promptly and the trouble area must be quickly isolated. Abnormal conditions that may occur with generators include the following: • • • • • • • •

Faults in windings Overload Overheating of windings or bearings Overspeed Loss of excitation Motoring of generators Single phase or unbalanced operation Out of step

Internal faults

• Stator



For any particular hazard, the initial operating and maintenance costs of protection schemes and the degree of protection must be carefully weighted against the risk encountered if no protection is applied. The amount of protection that should be applied will vary according to the size and the impor tance of the machine. Internal faults in the generator generally develop as ground fault in one of the phase windings and may occasionally involve more than one phase. Differential protection is the most effective scheme against multi phase faults. In differential protection, the currents in each phase on each side of the machine are com pared in a differential circuit. Any current deviation is used to disconnect the generator from the power network (Table 6-4).

External faults

• External short circuit • Earth fault

• Unbalanced load

• Coil short circuit

• Pole slipping

• Winding short circuit

• Stator overload

• Earth fault • Double earth fault

Table 6-4 Faults that endanger the operation of a generator

• Rotor overload • Voltage rise • Frequency decline • Motor operation (dangerous for steam turbines)


As it is impossible to provide a protection scheme that is generally valid, there are two typical examples shown in Figure 6-20: • The protection scheme for a small generator (35 MVA) comprises:

• The protection scheme for the big generator comprises: • Stator earth protection (U0 >) • Generator motoring protection (P) • Loss of excitation protection (-jX)

• Differential protection ( I)

• Plant decoupling protection (P>)

• Generator motoring protection (P)

• Stator overload protection (1 5 >)

• Under-frequency protection (f<)

• Underfrequency protection (f<)

• Stator overload protection (I>)

• Over-voltage protection (U>)

• Over-voltage protection (U>)

• Pole slipping protection (c)

• Loss of excitation protection (- jX)

• Back power protection 2 (P)

• Unbalanced faults protection (12 >)

• Rotor overload protection (IR>)

• Stator earth fault protection (U0 >)

• Unbalanced load protection (12 >)

• Rotor earth fault protection (RE)

• Distance protection (Z>) • Stator earth fault protection (U0>)

Figure 6-20 Typical generator protection schemes


Protection scheme for a small generator

Protection scheme for a big generator

. .

For big generators the protection schemes are always duplicated and both schemes are completely sepa rated, and each scheme is provided with a separate auxiliary power supply. For safety reason it is not recommended to keep a generator in operation if one of the two protection systems is out of service for a longer time. · It should be noted that very often the differential pro tection covers not only the generator but also the · attached step-up transformer as one single genera tortransformer block protection. Busbar and breaker protection


The busbar of a transmission substation is the most sensitive node in the network. Due to the merging of many supply circuits, high current magnitudes are involved. Busbar failures due to lightning strokes or connectors melting because of overload are relatively Figure 6-27 Decentralized protection scheme

rare. But if a fault occurs, the damage can be wide spread by causing disastrous cascade tripping of generators and lines and finally the collapse of large parts of the power system. The term busbar protection is related to special pro tection schemes that acquire short circuit and earth fault currents within the area of the busbar in HV and EHV substations. The task of a breaker failure protec tion function is to detect that a breaker has failed to clear a fault on the busbar, and to trip all the remain ing breakers feeding into the busbar section con cerned to clear the fault. Busbar and breaker failure protection respond in a similar way to busbar faults, therefore both protection functions are usually inte grated in one common protection scheme. Differential protection is the most sensitive and relia ble method for protecting station busses. However, problems can result from a large number of circuits

busbar Substation Automation


Control room

L i n e

Switchya rcl P r o t e c t i

o n

lnterbaybus Bay Protectio n

Q 1




QO\ T1 T1.


T1 Double Busbar


T1 •


A busbar protection scheme has to fulfill the follow ing requirements to ensure save and reliable opera tion.

involved and different energisation levels encounter ed in these circuits for external faults. For example, if there is an external fault on one circuit of a six-circuit bus, five of the current transformers may supply vary ing amounts of fault current, but the sixth and faulted circuit must balance out all the others. Consequently, this circuit is energized at a much higher level - near saturation or with varying degree of saturation - giving rise to high false differential currents. For the same reason, DC saturation is also unequal, which is more serious than AC saturation, because a relatively small amount of DC from an unsymmetrical fault wave will saturate the CT core and appreciably reduce the secondary output. Busbar protection schemes have to be very reliable to prevent unnecessary tripping, and selective to trip only those breakers necessary to clear the bus bar fault. The clearing time is important to limit the dama ge caused by the fault current and the power resto ration time is crucial to maintain the power system integrity. Modern decentralized numerical busbar protection schemes are not sensitive against CT saturation phe nomena by proper algorithms and detect the faults single phase or multiphase very reliably. In addition the sensitivity of the protection must be combined with its capability to identify the direction of a fault on each line in order to preserve the tripping selectivity. The digital technique takes these constraints into account (Figure 6-21).


For selectivity reasons the busbar protection needs a dynamic image of the busbar (busbar topology), i.e. which switches are connected in the single line topo logy, and which switches are currently open or closed. If an error is detected within the substation, e.g. by applying Kirchhoff's law to the nodes, or by direction comparisons, then according to this actual topology the minimal necessary busbar part is isolated.

As auto-redosure and synchrocheck functions are activated in connection with a protection trip, these functions are considered to be protection related func tions. Synchrocheck functions are also used in the cause of a normal circuit breaker closing to prevent connecting of two voltage sources being out of phase. Synchro check is a blocking function, which is based on ana logue values of voltages on both sides of a circuit breaker. More details can be

• Fast fault detection • Fast and selective operating time irrespective of station size and configuration • High dependability to avoid false tripping • Minimum CT performance requirements • High through-fault stability even if CTs saturate • High stability in case of external faults in the vicinity of the substation These tasks are often fulfilled with two algorithms running in parallel. Protection related functions Autoreclosure, synchrocheck A successful protection operation trips the circuit breaker, which leads to power interruption in some part of the power network. This jeopardizes its main functionality, which is to supply power. In case of a lightning stroke the cause of the protec tion trip very often disappears soon after tripping the breaker, because the fault arc extinguishes if the line is de-energized. Therefore it is a standard practice to activate an auto-reclosure function after Jripping to restore the power supply after some 100 ms (fast or rapid auto reclosure). This time also depends on the dead time of the circuit breaker (see Chapter 5). If, however, the fault arc has not been cleared, the pro tection will immediately trip the circuit breaker again. The attempt to reclose may be repeated several times in intervals of several seconds or even minutes to allow e.g. a thin tree, which may have fallen onto the line, to burn out Such longer lasting auto-redo sure operations may cause the voltages on both sides of the line to get out of phase. Therefore a syn chrocheck function should be used to assure closing of the circuit breaker with both voltages in phase. Further, during minutes also manual operations or some sequence based automatics can interfere, the refore also the interlocking (e.g. running isolators) should be checked.

found in The more demanding version is the synchronized or point on-wave switching (seE Interlocking The purpose of interlocking is to prevent destruction of switchyard apparatuses or hazard to human beings by blocking dangerous switching operations.

Figure 6-22 Bay interlocking indication

The bay level (local) interlocking considers the positi ons of switches within a bay to decide if other swit ches of this bay might be switched. If any switch is moving, i.e. it has an intermediate position, it is for bidden to operate any other switch (often in the whole switchyard), because switches, especially dis connectors and earthing switches, loose their isola tion capability during the switching operation. The interlocking function produces release and block indi cations, which are used as constraints for the control functions (Figure 6-22).

The main difference between bay interlocking and station wide interlocking is the scope of input signals to be considered. But there are general rules based on electro-technical principles applicable in both cases. The section "Station wide interlocking" in describes more details to interlocking and to these rules.



6.3.4 Distributed automation support functions


• Distributed synchrocheck, • Station wide interlocking.

6.3.4. 7 Distributed Synchrocheck





Distributed automation support functions are opera- bay, where the bay VT output can be directly connectting with data directly from the process and supply ed to these devices. Nevertheless, the output of the decision data to other functions, which act directly busbar VT providing the busbar voltage either directlocally on the process without the interference of the ly or via a busbar image remains to be switched to operator. In contrast to the local process automation the appropriate bay. (support) functions they use input data from the whole switchyard. The core functionality (i.e. without New fast and high capacity communication media data acquisition or HMI) uses data from several bays. nowadays allow transferring the needed busbar valThere is an HMI for parameterization, or tor disabling tage across the communication bus in digital form, and enabling of the function. avoiding any needs for physical switching. Due to the There are essentially two automatic support functions:


time delay caused by the communication special means are however necessary to synchronize the time of the voltage data retrieved from the two sources, bay ar:d busbar, with accuracy around 20 [.tS.


ll I[·.· I



I [

The upcoming communication standard IEC 61850 will be an enabler for the implementation of this cost

effective function, as it has the features to achieve Distributed synchrocheck is essentially the same funcaccuracy and to provide the necessary this tion as the local synchrocheck, however the data of communication band·.vidth in a standardized way. at least one voltage transformer is coming via the communication system. This may be the voltage from the busbar, or from another bay, if no voltage transformers are available at the busbar (respective not on Busbar image all bus bar segments). The determination of which VT has to be taken to obtain the correct busbar voltage If the busbar voltage transformer has been omitted in is often called busbar image (See the switchyard to save costs in the primary system, a busbar image function has to be applied to deterTraditionally one synchrocheck device was used per mine which line is actually connected to the busbar. substation or voltage level. For closing a circuit breaThe VT of this line is taken as the busbar voltage ker with synchrocheck the corresponding line voltage source e.g. for synchrocheck or for the busbar VT output as well as the busbar voltage VT output voltage measurement. This busbar image is based on the were connected via relay contacts to this synchrotopology of the substation single line, i.e. the check device. The result of the voltage comparison tary state of all switches as well as their static connecmomenwas fed back to all bays inclusive that one concerned. tions. This busbar image can naturally also be used to This VT output switching was rather dangerous and determine the voltage at the busbar, even if there is had to be made in a very controlled and supervised no busbar VT available (Figure 6-23), and to show way, because if accidentally two VT outputs were this calculated busbar voltage at station leveL conneeted, the VTs could be destroyed. Using this hardwired solution, power may be accidentally fed It should be noted that such a busbar image is not back from the loaded to the unloaded only needed for busbar protection but also for other line. With the numerical bay level protection or control distributed functions like distributed synchrocheck or devices the synchrocheck became a function at each station wide interlocking.










i I


! Cable


Overhead line

Bus coupler

Distance protection Autoreclosure



Distributed synchrocheck Station wide interlocking The purpose of interlocking is to prevent destruction of switch yard apparatuses or hazard to human beings by blocking dangerous switching operations. Station wide interlocking takes the position of swit ches in more than one bay into account. This con cerns all bays around the busbar, bay circuit breaker by-pass situations, as well as special loop situations across several bays. Interlocking rules

The whole interlocking is based on some general rules, which can be classified as follows: • Safety rules for operation: these are the

minimum rules to assure that no damage is done to equipment and human beings during operation. • Safety rules for maintenance: these are

the rules necessary to assure safe earthing and

Figure 6-23 Distributed synchrocheck for autorec/osure after a line earth fault trip

unearthing for maintenance work, as well as safe operation during maintenance work. • Loop rules and switching sequences:

these assure safe handling of switching in feeder and busbar loops, as well as avoid unnecessary switching operations. • Protection selectivity rules: these assure that

even in case of by-pass situations any fault can always be cleared by tripping one single circuit breaker only. These rules are of course not valid for ring bus configurations and breaker-and-a-half configurations, where lines share more than one circuit breaker and no by-pass is used. • Fault avoidance rules: these rules avoid situations, which might lead to dangerous situations, e.g. caused by induced voltages. There are stronger ru!es for G!S than for ,t..IS, due to higher induced voltages in neighboring parts. In the following the specific rules of the various clas ses are described.



Safety for operation

Protection selectivity

• No switching is permitted while a switch is running because a running disconnector does not isolate. So a next switching operation has to wait until the switch has reached its end position again.

• Each feeder must be disconnectable by one circuit breaker only. • Do not connect two feeders directly.

e Do not connect live and earthed parts. This leads

to a short circuit. • Do not connect two power sources by disconnector. The power flow will damage it. • Do not interrupt power flow by disconnector. The power flow will damage it. • Do not enlarge parts with unknown states.

Safety for maintenance • Earth/unearth only isolated nodes or isolated circuit breakers. • Do not switch a disconnector near a partly earthed circuit breaker, or if itself is only partly earthed. • Do not close a partly earthed circuit breaker near an earthed transformer.

• Do not close a bypass disconnector on to a busbar if other feeders are already connec.1ed to the busbar. • Open a bypass disconnector in parallel to a closed CB only, if the bus coupler is closed. This shall

i !

I ..

indicate that the protection of the line has been switched to the bus coupler circuit breaker.

Failure limitation • Connect active potential via a disconnector only to a loop (same potential at both sides) or to an open circuit breaker (weak version for AIS:




to an isolated node). • Connect a feeder via a disconnector only to an open circuit breaker, or (in case of a bypass disconnector) to an isolated busbar part. • Do not open a bypass disconnector in a live feeder, if the bypassed circuit breaker is open.


• Do not transfer earth potential (by closing disconnectors or circuit breakers) to unearthed parts.

Loop rules and switching sequences • Avoid disconnector loops in a feeder • Do not open busbar switches (i.e. all switches located on busbar, bus couplers or bus sections) during a busbar transfer. This shall assure to first finish the busbar transfer, before conducting other switchings. • Close an unearthed circuit breaker only if the disconnectors on both sides have the same position. Otherwise the disconnectors would be blocked, so that the circuit breaker has to be opened again.


• Open or close a disconnector near an unearthed circuit breaker only if the circuit breaker is open, and the disconnector is not part of a busbarbusbar connection.

• Do not open a bypass disconnector, if the resulting busbar part will not be isolated. • Do not open a busbar disconnector if not both resulting parts will be isolated. • Do not close a busbar disconnector if not both sides are (weak for AIS: at least one side is) isolated. Topology based interlocking versus Boolean algebra The implementation of an interlocking scheme is classically done with Boolean algebra expressions, whose inputs are the auxiliary switches that indicate the positions of the switches, and where the res-ult is a release condition. These Boolean algebra expressions are constructed from the knowledge of intended switching sequences within a substation, and according to the general rules applied to the specific single line diagram of a plant bearing in mind the dangerous situations.


If we consider the simple bay in the Figure 6-24 then e.g. the switching of the line side disconnector QC1 is only allowed, if the line earthing switch QE1 is opet:l, and the circuit breaker QA1 is open. This can be writ ten in Boolean algebra as follows: QC1.release: = QE1.open AND QA1.open The advantage of Boolean algebra is that it is only based on logical AND and OR operations, and can therefore be efficiently implemented. The disadvan tage is, that • for big switchyards the station wide interlocking conditions become quite complex, • in highly meshed systems even not all meaningful switching sequences can be supported, • an undefined position of a switch i.e. in case of phase discrepancy due to operating mechanism failure can not easily be handled. In contrast to this, the topology implementation approach codes the general rules into a kind of ex pert system, which is then applied to the substation single line and the current position of the switches. The advantages are: • all possible substation states can be handled, • any switch yard topology with arbitrary complex rings can be handled, • even switches in unknown handled,

restricted to one lED handling all station level inter locking'tasks.

The Figure 6-24 is used to illustrate the difference: As here we want to indicate also the opened and closed state of a switch, we use symbols often used on net work management single line displays. Within this simple feeder it is assumed that the line side disconnector QC1 is closed (filled rhomb), and the busbar earthing switch QH1 is closed. The topo logy interlocking then would distribute the active line potential to one side of the circuit breaker, and the busbar earth potential up to the busbar side of the busbar isolator QB1. Now we can use the general rule 'Do not connect live and earthed parts' to see that the line earthing switch QE2 must be interlocked, and the rule 'Do not transfer earth potential (by clos ing disconnectors or circuit breakers) to unearthed parts' to see that the busbar disconnector QB1 must be interlocked. The Boolean algebra for the QB1 e.g. considers this (and the state of circuit breaker QA1) by means of the switch states as follows: QB1.release == (QH1.open AND QE1.open AND QE2.open AND QA1.open) OR (QH1.closed AND QE1.closed AND QE2.closed)

state can be

• only the single line topology must be configured - much less engineering errors can occur, less engineering work is to be done. • If a switch is blocked the rule that has been violated can be indicated to the operator.




• I


The disadvantage however is, that the expert system approach needs much more processing power. With the advances in computer technology this is more and more acceptable. For cost sensitive systems the use of a topology-based implementation can be

Figure 6-24 Simple Feeder with potentials for topology interlocking

Note: the switch naming above follows the new IEC standard IEC 61346, Plant designation.



6.3.5 Distributed Automation Functions

that they are station level oriented. Station level oriented sequences can be implemented by a distributed sequencer, where a station level sequencer coordinates several part sequences executed at bay level.

6.3.5. 7 Switching Sequences Breaker failure

Switching sequences contain a number of switching steps to put a switchyard into the wanted operational state. All switching steps are performed autonomously one after the other. The result of an opera- tion is tested; and the sequence continues only if an operation has succeeded and reached its intended position. Before a sequence is started, certain checks are made to assure that the action is allowed and has the prerequisites to be finalized. Safety, however, can and must not rely on the switching sequence itself. Safe operation can only be assured by the appropriate interlocking constraints on the control command that is sent to the individual switches. As soon as a blocking condition is detected the switching sequence is aborted.


r, i

If a breaker, which is tripped by some protection (e.g. line protection), does not open because of an internal failure, the fault has to be cleared by the adjacent breakers. The adjacent breakers may include breakers at remote substations (remote line ends). For this purpose the protection trip starts the breaker failure protedion. It then supervises if the fault current disap- pears or not If not, a trip signal is sent to all adjacent breakers after a preset delay. This function needs fast detection of trip signals and fault curre1ts and very fast reset in case of a disappearing fcJJit current. The delay is settable s100 ms. The trip transfer time shall be in the order of 5 ms. Automatic protection adaptation

Often a sequencer that operates autonomously incorporates a step mode for testing. The operator has The protection specialist may change the protection to acknowledge the sequence after each step befo- parameters (settings) if this is needed by static or prere it is continued, even if it was successful. The step dictable power systemreconfiguration. mode allows the operator to have better control over the sequence, because he can abort it after each step. If the concitions for protection are dynamically changThis function is mostly used for training purposes. ing during operation, the parameters of the protection may oe changed by local or remote functions. Typical switching sequences are Very ofter, not single parameters are changed but complete, pre-tested sets of parameters are swiched. • Disconnecting a bay (line, transformer, ...) • Earthing a bay • Bypassing a line circuit breaker • Connecting a bay (line, transformer, generator) to a specific busbar • Connecting a line in bypass mode

The chance of conditions is detected and communcated by soe other functions. The parameter switching is then performed in the order of 1 00 ms up to some seconds.

Very often the need to adapt the configuration is detected outside the protection lED and then com• Transferring some or all currently connected municated to it, e.g. by a command to·-change the bays with or without power interruption to parameter set. Therefore the availability of the communication is crucial for the working of this type of protection. It is recommended that the protection Attention is drawn to the fad that some sequences device contains a safe fall back configuration which is mentioned above concern one bay only, while other automatically enabled some configurable time after a sequences involve more than one bay, which means loss of communication. • Closing or opening a bus coupler or bus section

another busbar.






'? Reverse blocking When a fault occurs in a radial network the fault cur rent flows between the source and the fault location: • The upstream protections are triggered • The downstream protections are not triggered • Only the first upstream protection has to trip One possibility to reach this goal is to have longer trip delay times at the higher levels of the radial network. · This leads however to extremely long delays on the higher levels. The reverse blocking function is a distributed function in the power network that eliminates a fault in a mini mum and constant time, wherever it occurs in a radi al electric network. It offers a full tripping discrimina tion and a substantial reduction in delayed tripping of the circuit breaker located nearest to the source (the first upstream protection/breaker). It concerns phase over-current and earth fault protections of different types: definite time (DT) and inverse tirne delay IDMT (standard inverse time SIT, very inverse time VIT and extremely inverse time EIT).

Only the first upstream protection has tripped the related breaker in a minimum and constant time. Depending on the applied time delay based fault discrimination scheme the block command has to be communicated within the order of 5 ms (transfer time). Load shedding When loss of generation or sudden connection of big loads occurs on a network the variation of frequency depends on several dynamic factors in interaction. This can be the quantity of spinning reserve, the limi tations of the prime mover system and the speed of governors, the inertia of the power system or the sensitivity of customer load. This phenomenon is par ticularly important on isolated power systems where the largest generating unit represents a high propor tion of the total demand. On these kinds of power systems, well-tuned load shedding plans can avoid many blackouts. In general, undue variation of fre quency or voltage within a power network can be re gulated by disconnecting (shedding) a certain amount of the load, and thus "win" enough power for the remaining load.



Figure 6-25 Radial network with reverse blocking

When a protection is triggered by an over-current (Figure 6-25) • it sends a blocking signai to the upstream protections • it trips (opens) its associated circuit breaker if it doesn't receive a blocking signal issued by a downstream protection.

Conventional load shedding works with hard-wired relay logic and therefore is static In case of system voltage or frequency decline, the scheme activates tripping of pre-selected circuit breakers regardless of the actual load conditions. Microprocessor based load-shedding schemes, however, are in the position to take the actual load into account and to dynami cally select only those feeders up to that amount of load to be opened, which are needed to regain the frequency. stability (Figure 6-26). Parameters to this function are the priority of the load,

and if the load is currently allowed to be shed or not. These parame ters can be downloaded e.g. from a central place whenever they change due to new operation envi-



Dynamic Load Shedding Selection


Dynamic selective feeder tripping according to actual loads

Transmission network

current per feeder

voltage and frequency (f)

Distribution network Figure 6-26 Dynamic load shedding scheme

ronment. If then the load shedding is triggered, they guide the selection process of the load shed ding, together with the measurement of actually exi stent load (Figure 6-27). The reaction time for shedding should be in the range of 100 msec, while a possible change of shed ding parameters is in the order of the human opera tor's reaction time (1-5 sec). restoration


After a fault has been cleared by a protection trip, the auto-rec\osure function tries to restore power per breaker/feeder. Sometimes this does not work because of a static fault, e.g. a permanent short circuit on some line, or a broken transformer. A busbar fault may lead to tripping of all connected bays. Some times a bigger power network disturbance happens so that at several places circuit breakers are tripped by protection functions or by load shedding. In these cases the load restoration function tries to restore power to the load per busbar or per substation.


The reconnection of feeders and consumers is made in a proper sequence according to some predefined

priority and according to the network conditions. This means that on substation level the load restoration consists of the execution of certain pre-defined switch ing sequences, which are selected according to the fault situation and consider the actual load situation before the fault. The reaction time should be within a range of the human operator response time or switchgear opera ting time scale, i.e. around 1 s per switching step. Voltage and reactive power control The voltage on a busbar in the power network de pends on the position of the transformer taps and on the amount of reactive power to be moved around. By controlling both the voltage is kept at its nominal value or in a very small well-defined range. The con trol is made by changing.the tap positions or by step wise switching of capacitor or reactor"' banks. Very often only one of these means is available for such a control function in the substation under considera tion.

Any actions are started by deviations of voltage or reactive power from their set points. For more than



f (Hz) f

f f


Lim 1 Lim 2

+-----....... P(MW)

---:-----------.. t (s) I

r--------t First attempt: Load optimised

step 1

Load of priority 1 shedded

. Load
L----or----+---------- -

t (s)

Figure 6-27 Automated load shedding

one transformer, it is considered additionally if the cir culating reactive current is above its accepted limit. The detection that actions are necessary must be fast, but response time is limited by the switching mecha nism. The actions should however show results befo re any protection function trips. This needs careful harmonization of the set points e.g. with the trans former differential protection or over/under voltage protection functions. lnfeed switchover and transformer change Both, infeed switchover and transformer change, are a fast switchover of power source or of load to assu re continued working of critical loads like motors in one of the following cases: 1. Busbars with multiple infeeds have to be switched over to a backup infeed in case that the main infeed is disturbed or lost. The switch-

over has to take place bumpless in such a way that no problems regarding the synchronization of lines and loads (e.g. motors) appear. 2. In case of parallel transformers, the load of an overloaded, endangered or faulted transformer has to be switched over to a healthy, parallel running transformer. The switchover has to take place bumpless in such a way that no problems regarding the synchronization of lines and loads (e.g. motors) appear. This includes besides opening and closing circuit breakers also a proper setting of the tap position of the transformer. The bumpless performance means reactions·raster than 100 msec. A typical example of a high-speed power transfer scheme consists of a H-type busbar configuration with two high voltage infeeds, and a single busbar with a section coupler on the medium voltage side.

Each section of the medium voltage busbar has three cable feeders and three motor feeders (Figure 6-28). In normal operation each is fed via one transformer.


In case that one of the two line circuit breakers of line F1 or F2 is spontaneously tripped because of line or transformer faults, the high speed power transfer scheme assures that supply for both busbars is main tained without extensive stress of the motors. This


6.4 System Configuration and Maintenance Functions requires that the CB of the MV bus section is preci sely closed at the instant when the voltages are syn chronous taking in consideration the motors slowing down. After the fault has been eliminated the re transfer of the loads can be automatically conducted.

This functi on is prima rily used to maint ain powe r sup

ply to vital auxiliaries in power plants and sensitive industrial processes.

Figure 6-28 High speed busbar transfer

Line F1

line Protection

A substation automation system normally consists out of a set of standard software packages, running on a distributed system, and a lot of substation and customer specific configuration data, function para meters, and specifically developed software. In the ideal case all software is stable, and any necessary adaptations during operation or for eventual later sys tem modifications and extensions can be just done by configuration and parameterization; this means by adaptation of the appropriate data, which describe the switchyard, the control system and its functions, line Protection

High-Speed Busbar Transfer Transformer Protection




and its connections to its environment The System Configuration and Maintenance functions are a sub


set of the engineering functionality, which is needed during commissioning, and during operation and maintenance of the system. Note however, that the limits between software and data are fluent and depending on the view point. So on one extreme a Java program is just data for the Java compiler. On the other extreme a selection of options for a data object can completely change its behavior. Therefore this set


functions cannot described.





In any case these functions must mark all the objects (data or software) describing a system instance with revision information. This must as a minimum identify the revision and contain the date of the last change. As this is normally not done for a single item of a configuration data base, this data must be structured into entities with a common purpose, which then have a common revision index. This allows to track changes during the life time of the system. Normally more than this absolute minimum in revision history and change tracking should be provided, otherwise error tracking and removal, and adaptation and enhancement of a system will be a Sisyphus work.

6.4.1 System Configuration and Adaptation The system configuration consists of all data describ ing the individual configuration of a system. It exclu des those data which are normally changed/adapted during operation. In some cases, e.g. for the limits of certain measurands, it might depend on the opera tion philosophy of the customer if these are opera tional parameters or configuration parameters. Configuration parameters normally have to be resto red during replacement of hardware, and they are changed only, if the system is modified or if they con

parameters as well as their physical storage often fol lows the physical (lED based) structure of the auto mation system, and only within this structure, there might be function related substructures. Additionally to this lED based structure there must exist a system configuration description, which contains the system related configuration data holding the single lEOs together in the system. A typical example is a com munication connection scheme with connection information.


System configuration functions allow to store, load and modify configuration data in a systematic way, and to keep the version or revision history.

6.4.2 Application Software Upgrade and Maintenance It may happen, that errors found in a base software package cause a replacement by a newer version, or that the new hardware implemented after a hard ware defect is not 100 % compatible, so that other drivers or a newer operating system version has to be installed. Sometimes these modifications can be done on top of the existing system. But mostly the repla cement of some base software requires a reinstalla tion of all correlated packages, and especially of the system specific data. Sometimes, some system speci fic data have to be converted into a new physical for mat, or even some new configuration parameters have to be set, before the new package can fully per form its task It is important, • that these new versions of a functional package are compatible with the rest of the system soft ware and data, • and that a systematic backup process and installation procedure allows to re-install the complete system software and system con figuration data afterwards. For application related functions, the standardization of parameter formats and archiving in an implemen tation independent way can also lead to better upward compatibility in case that new software ver

tain errors. Therefore the structuring of configuration

sions of the application have to be installed.


65 Communication Functions


Communication functions are suprort functions, which are necessary due to the fad, that • either the system is widely distributed and the communication performance is not sufficient when all functions would individually and directly access the same data source, • or devices from several manufacturers or different implementation generations have to be connected with different protocols.

6.5.1 Data Exchange withithe Substation Data exchange within the substation is needed in dis tributed systems, or for coordination purposes within redundant systems, respectively between parts that have been physically separated because of reliability reasons. A typical communication function within the substation enables data exchange between the con trol devices or the station level devices at one side, and the protection devices on the other side. This task has become simpler since the IEC 60870-5103 standard exists for the serial connection of protection devices to a substation automation system. Another usage for communication functions is to inte grate devices with 'third party manufacturer' specific protocols like DNP3, Modbus etc Only with the upcoming lrC 61850 standard for communication within the substation it can be expect ed, that the communication as a special function gets invisible at least for new systems.

6.5.2 Data Exchange with External Systems


The data exchange with external systems is the clas sical task of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), arJd the Network Control Center (NCC) is the classical external system. This ata exchange functionality has been allocated to the gateway function of modern SA

systems. It provides binary and analog process relat ed data as well as time stamped events for a net work control center. For this functionality the standard protocol is today IEC 60870-5-101, which is especial ly designed for slow speed, unreliable modem or power line carrier connections. With the advent of high speed wide area networks e.g. through optical cables contained within the earthing rope of trans mission lines, there is a shift to the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol, which is a TCP/IP based variant of 101. In future, the new communication bandwidth capa bilities together with the IEC 61850·protocol could make a gateway function superfluous. A simple bridge, router, or (for security) firewall device could then be sufficient. It should however be kept in mind, that at least for control not everything of the lower level shall be directly accessible at all higher levels. A control coordination, data concentration and data filtering, perhaps in specially designed firewalls, will always remain. New functionality and new needs lead to a second kind of wide area connection directly to substations: connections from maintenance centers. These com munication functions are already now mostly based on TCP/IP connections, because maintenance func tions are not time critical. Therefore here the slow speed of modem connections and higher protocol overhead is acceptable. IEC 61850 will also here sim plify life further by standardizing also the application level, especially for new asset management and power quality functions.

6.6 Network Operation related Functions

6.6.1 SupeNisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)


The term SCADA is used for the basic data acquisi tion, supervision and control functionality of any con trol system, and therefore is also the basic functiona lity of an SA system. The appropriate SA related func tions are described in 6.1, 6.2.1, and 6.2.2. This func tionality naturally supports the appropriate SCADA functionality at network control level. In some cases the network control center can even shrink to a set of remote terminals at the SA systems. At present, it is normally the other way around, i.e. the SA system is the data acquisition part for the NCC.

6.6.2 Power Application Software (PAS) The term "Power Application Software" is used for all applications that support the network operation of a power system under normal working conditions, and these applications run normally in network control centers (NCC). The SA system delivers the basic data needed for the power application functions like RTUs to NCC systems for energy management (EMS), automatic generator control (AGC), energy scheduling etc The performance of the data transmission has to be tuned according to the functional needs. AGC e.g. requires only a few but critical measurands with a maximum allowed data age of 4-10 s. If the NCC communication cycle time is in the order of 3 s, then this data must be available at the SA gateway func tion not later than every second. On the other side, each central function can in princi ple be distributed to a lower level, if the devices at this level are interconnected with sufficient communi cation capacity. This possibility has to be further explored with the upcoming high bandwidth wide area communication networks 0/VAN).



6.7 References


[1] Walter A Elmore (Ed.)· Protective Re(aying Theory and Applictions, Marcel Dekker, New York (1994) [2] Helmut Ungrad, Wilibald Winkler, AndrejWiszniewski ·Protection Techniques in Electrical Energy Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York (1995) [3]1EC 61850-5 Communication networks and systems in substations- Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models [4] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky, W. Wimmer · Mikroprozessor-gestOtzte Verriegelung von Schaltanlagen mit beliebiger Sammelschienenanordnung (Microprocessor-aided interlocking of substations with arbitrary busbar arrangement), Brown Boveri Technik 74, 5, 261-268 (1987) [5] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky, W. Wimmer · Topology-based interlocking of Electrical

Substation, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery PWRD-1, 3, 118-126 (1986) [6] K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· An Expert System for Topology based interlocking in digital Substation Control, CIGRE SC34 Colloquium, Brasil, 21-26 September 1991, Paper 02-10 [7] K-P. Brand, D. Weissgerber ·Adaptive Load Shedding for industrial power networks, CIGRE SC34 Colloquium, Stockholm, 11-17 June 1995, Paper 34-209 [8] B. Sander, S. Laderach (Eiektrizitatsgesellschaft Laufenburg/Switzerland), H. Ungrad, F. liar, I. De Mesmaecker, (ABB Relays AG/Switzerland) ·Adaptive protection based on interaction between protection and control, Cigre Paper 34-205, September 1994 Session in Paris


7 Substation Automation Structure

7.1 Introduction 7.2 Station Level

72.1 Human Machine Interface (HMI) 72.2 Local Control and Station Level Automatics 7.2.3 Substation Database and Archive 72.4 Process Data Access 7.2.5 Time Synchronization 72.5.1 Local time Global time 7.2.6 Remote Control and Monitoring Communication Gateway 72.6.2 Remote Control Functions Monitoring Functions 72.7 Data Exchange between Station Level and Bay Level

7.3 Bay Level 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4

Bay Level Control Bay Level Protection Bay Level Monitoring Human Machine Interface (HMI)

7.4 Process Level 74.1 Hardwired Terminals Binary Switchgear Position Indication Analog Process Status Indication Commands 74.2 Remote Input/Output (1/0) Units

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7 Substation Automation Structure


· 71 Introduction The previous chapter dealt with the functions typical ly available within a substation_ Already there we distinguished between bay level functions, which only provide and work on data from one substation bay, and station level or system level functions, which need or provide data across several bays. This chap ter is more focused on the operational and physical separation between 1. the station level, often located in a special. if necessary shielded room and providing an overview across the whole station, and 2. the bay level, which is usually close to the switchgear, allows the operation within one bay only e.g. for conducting maintenance work on this bay or on a single switchyard object (apparatus).

3. the process levei. which is close to or even integrated in the switchgear, allows only the operation of a single switchyard object (appa ratus) and provides the interface between the substation automation system and the switch gear. Both, the functional structuring as well as the opera tional/physical structuring, are in principle indepen dent from the communication and physical structure of the SA system (except the HMI part allowing the operator interaction). However, due to technical limi tations, cost and especially reliability considerations, each meaningful control system architecture should also have some relation to these levels.

Figure 7-1 Substation Automation structure Network Control Center NCC

> Q)

....1 1:










Iiiii HV equipment



> Q)


....1 t/1 t/1 Q)



0 .... D..






GIS or AIS Switchgear Instrument Transformers Power Transformers Surge Arresters

7 2 Station Level


Figure 7-2 Operator workplace

The station level provides the Human Machine Interface (HMI) as central place for substation opera tion. This is normally located in a central room, which should be shielded against electromagnetic distur bances from the switchyard. Further also all general purpose hardware, screens and printers are concen trated on station level. This commercial equipment needs air conditioning and AC supplied by a special uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The rest of the substation works with 110 or 220 V DC, which is supplied by the station battery, directly in the switch yard environment. Consequently, all general manage ment and station level functions like event logging and printing, archiving and history data stonng are located at station level, as well as more complex sta tion level automatic functions that can easier be implemented on powerful, general purpose compu ters.

operational and communication software, so that this PC is normally located in the operation room. In case that this also applies for the telecommunication equipment. all can shrink down to one

Also the interfaces for the communication with remo te centers for network control, monitoring or main tenance are usually physically located at the station level. The station level equipment is often separated into two rooms: •. the operation room providing comfortable working conditions and noise protection for operators is equipped with the Human Machine Interface that consists of scr€ens, keyboards, tablets or mice, printers, and in earlier times also a control panel (Figure 7-2), • and a communication equipment room, where the computers,..backup printers, and communication equipment reside, which may be more noisy. Due to the miniaturization of electronics the PC hosting the HMI software can also run parts of the


room where equipm may integra one de

least for small substations.






ed on one general-purpose computer, the



72.1 Human Machine Interface (HMI)

ly needed work places are realized as terminals, which are associated to this central station level computer. The central station computer provides the

The human machine interface (HMI) seNes to operate and supeNise the substation. In modern substa- access to the process and conducts the archiving, log- tion automation systems it comprises one or several ging and station operator places. Each operator place has one or, in kept automation functions. It has to be in mind, however, that all station level automatic rare cases, even two to three screens, a keyboard, and functions must be coordinated with the operator's a mouse. Sometimes also functional keyboards or actions whether taken on station or on bay level. graphical tablets are used, but the mouse in combination with active buttons on the screen pictures is more and more standard practice, so that 72.3 Substation Database and Archive functional keyboards are no longer required. Exceptions to this are screen-based HMis in The large storage capacity that is available on station ,, harsh environment. which level by means of hard disks, tapes and nowadays must be sealed against dust or humidity. Here often touch screens are used, or specially designed functio- CDs, naturally leads to a system architecture, that locates the data archive for all archiving nal keyboards. functions on station level. Also the data for engineering and A printer for screen hardcopy and reports supple- system configuration as well as for maintenance are ments the operator place. In earlier times, also event usually stored on this level. if not even higher to allow log printers have been used in order to overcome the central administration for a lot of substations. Depen- limited computer storage capacity by "storing" event ding on the purpose, either data files or relational history on paper. The disadvantage was that the prin- databases are used for data storage. Because of per- ters could run out of paper. In view of the huge starformance requirements actual process status data is age capacity that is today available on modern hard very often held in manufacturer specific real time disks in combination with the advent of high capacidatabases implemented in the RAM memory. New ty backup media like CDs or tapes as well as of the technologies like object oriented databases, OPC (OLE, possibility to use high speed communication links to i.e. Object Linking and Embedding, for Process Con- maintenance centers the event log printer is slowly trol) for process data access, as well as the increasing outdated. computer performance will change this present prac- tice resulting in an object oriented data storing concept that provides data access via multiple views res72.2 Local Control and Station Level pective different usage aspects.


Depending on size, complexity, and required reliabi72.4 Process Data Access lity, station level automatic functions may reside on a



separate station levellED with the same reliability and All station level functions need to haveprocess data. This has access to the environmental quality than the bay leveiiEDs. These to be enabled via specific com- functions may also be implemented into the station munication functions depending on the kind of data HMI computer or another station level general-purto be accessed as well as on the pose computer, which then normally needs special tocol to be communication promeasures like redundancy to obtain the needed avaiused. In order to decouple the station level functions from the communication protocol. a lability. If all needed functionality can be concentrat- process access layer is implemented in between.





. '?'

GPS Master clock

In SCADA systems a central process database is typi cally used provided with relatively slow wide area communication links. Its state is regularly updated from the process via the communication system, and the process related information is used by all station level functions. Industrial control systems with high speed LANs rely in contrast on distributed process databases that are located in the bay level controllers and are accessed from the station level functions via LAN. The latest SW development harmonizes both ap proaches by standardizing an API (Application Pro gramming Interface) to process data. The OSF (Open Systems Foundation) has set up an industry standard interface for accessing the process: OPC/DA (OLE for Process Control/Data Access). It hides the details of data access, and can itself offer communication-bas ed access to the process data via remote procedure calls. The OPC history data access provides the same service for certain kinds of archived data.

72.'-J Time Synchronization 72.5. 7 Local time As it has been explained already in the functional description chapter, a lot of functions need time stamped data, and time synchronization is therefore a very important system support function. A lot of dif ferent methods for time distribution and time syn chronization are applied. Two general methods can be distinguished: Time synchronization via a separate synchro nization pulse: This method needs a separate wire or optical cable for the distribution of the synchro nizing pulse once a second or a minute to all IEDs concerned.


lnterbay bus 1

Master clock lnterbay bus 2

Figure 7-3 Time synchronization via /nterbay bus

Time synchronization via communication bus ses: A master clock that is located at each communi cation bus maintains the correct time. The clocks of all connected IEDs that need a synchronized time are synchronized via the master clocks. This may either be done by broadcasting time telegrams from the master clock, or by slave clocks that are regularly asking for the valid time (Figure 7-3).

72.5.2 Global time If time synchronization is needed between several substations, then a common external master clock has to be used. This can be located at a network con trol center to synchronize the clocks of all connected substation automation systems and RTUs. The·even more accurate method mostly applied today is, to use a publicly available radio clock time master for synchronization, like the GPS satellite system or the DCF77 radio time sender. The corresponding time receivers are then located in the substations, typically at station level.


72.6 Remote Control and Monitoring


72.6. 7 Communication Gateway The communication gateway provides data access and control from a network control center. It needs a physical coupling to the wide area communication connection used by the NCC, and a protocol con r ter, which interprets the messages according to the NCC protocol and translates these to actions in the Substation Automation system. The protocol conver ter can either be a dedicated device that is connected to the station communication system, or it can be a SW function that is integrated into some station level computer. In each case, it is located at station level as well, possibly in a special communication equipment room together with tele-protection, tele-alarm and tele-monitoring related communication equipment

72.6.2 Remote Control Functions The remote control function is used to operate the power network The response time for control actions should be within the order of seconds. Since the communication bandwidth for remote connec tions (Wide Area networks, WAN) and dis urbances of communication used to be a problem in earlier times, dedicated communication protocols have been invented for control, which were optimized for error detection and efficient coding, and contained a "Select before Operate" procedure for the safety criti cal commands. This two step control procedure together with high redundancy enabled the operator to check whether the selection of a switch was correct before he initiat ed the command, and assured that commands were transmitted in a safe way. The disadvantage, however, was that due to the lack of internationai Standards, each manufacturer of net work control systems or Remote Terminal Units used his proprietary protocol. This lasted until the year 2000 when the IEC 60870-5-101 standard was


ready to be used worldwide.

New communication technologies together with high bandwidth communication media of high quality e.g. with optical fibers are virtually disturbance free and will in future allow tc use other protocols, which are derived from standard commodity technologies. As an intermediate step, IEC 60870-5-101 was upgrad ed to be used on high-speed Wide Area Networks (WAN) in IEC 60870-5-104.

72.6.3 Monitoring Functions The monitoring functions provide an overview on the condition of the substation equipment. the control system equipment. and on all events and disturbanc es that occur in the substation. The process condi tions are naturally also taken into account for the con trol actions. Pure monitoring functions are usually used for asset condition monitoring, or for detailed disturbance ana lysis after a fault. This means that time is not critical for remote data transmission, and it may last in the order of minutes to hours rather than seconds. On the other hand, the amount of data that is archived in a substation is much bigger than just some limited state information. If cost and bandwidth is a problem, monitoring data can be exchanged via dial-on demand systems, i.e. a permanent data link is not required. This is the reason why dedicated communi cation links for monitoring are often separated from those used for control purposes. The protocols used are derived from commercially available protocols at the physical and link layers, and complemented with manufacturer specific protocols at the higher levels. The application of the modern communication tech nologies will however lead to a merge of control and monitoring related protocols based on commercially available stacks - like it is envisaged in the new sub station communication standard IEC 61850.

72.7 Data Exchange between Station Level and Bay Level The station level functions rely on data exchange with the bay level functions - sending down commands as well as configuration parameters and data, and retriev ing the process state and locally captured fault and


1, -



Figure 7-4 Bay control and protection cubicles in a control building

disturbance data. Up to now this has been conducted on the basis of manufacturer specific communication protocols often derived from existing protocol stacks and adapted at application layer to the specific needs. Depending on the manufacturers tradition, master/ slave protocols or multi-peer protocols have been used (see chapter 8 for an explanation of these com munication modes). This also had an impact on the implemented control system architectures. Master/ slave based protocols lead to star structures with a central master, while multi-peer protocols allow the distribution of functions between bay level devices and also distribution of station level functions to dif ferent devices. The new IEC standard IEC 61850 har monizes these practices and leads to a new flexibility for control system users as well as to improved main tenance quality.

7.3 Bay Levei The physical bay level is close to the switchyard equipment, i.e. • In the case of medium voltage equipment this is the medium voltage cubicle. Modern control and protection IEDs can be incorporated directly into this cubicle in order to save material for a separate cubicle as well as cabling costs. The IEDs' built-in HMI can be used directly to safely operate the bay. .,_ • In the case of high voltage switchgear it has to be distinguished between air insulated substations (AIS) and SF6 gas insolated substations (GIS). GIS is normally housed in a building for protection against rain, temperature variations, wind and dust.


73.3 Bay Level Monitoring


Protection and control cubicles for GIS are located in the building directly next to the switchgear to keep cables short between cubicles and switch gear. The building is further used as shielding of the outer world, e.g. station level devices, against electro-magnetic interferences. In the case of AIS special bay level housings or shielded kiosks are built near the bay. Despite of the fact that serial communication links are provided between the station level operator places and this bay level kiosks to save cabling costs, a significant amount of cabling remains between the bay kiosks and the primary equipment (Figure 7-4).

73.1 Bay Level Control The bay level control function allows to operate a bay locally. All bay related measurands, alarms and rele vant state information are displayed here, and control commands can be initiated by means of a control panel normally located at the same place as the bay level cubicles. This HMI may be also integrated in the bay control unit (BCU) as touch screen or.screen with functional buttons (see 7.3.4).

The state information and alarms necessary for ope ration and maintenance are displayed in the bay, as described in 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. Additional monitoring functions might also be located in bay level cubicles, but there is normally no dedicated HMI provided as the condition evaluation is conducted either on sta tion level or even higher levels. For more accurate performance and failure analysis, high resolution disturbance and event recorders may be installed on bay level, often retrieving data from several bays.

73.4 Human machine Interface (HMI) The bay level HMI allows local control of the bay, and performing of all control actions, which are essential to isolate the bay from the rest of the substation, so that maintenance work can be conducted on the pri mary equipment

73.2 Bay Level Protection level, as the classical objects like lines, transformers and generators are all allocated to switch bays, so that they can be isolated from the substation busbar by tripping the corresponding circuit breaker.


Digital microprocessor based protection relays can be placed into the bay cubicles as well. Typically,the state of a relay and some important alarms are shown with some LEOs at its front side. Often numerical protection relays have a LCD based builtin HMI, which allows checking the last events and the activated protection parameters. Sometimes this is done additionally or instead with a plugged-in laptop computer and spe cial parameterization software.

Figure 7-5 Bay level control via built-in LCD display

Alarm annunciators indicate causes of failures, and the state of the protection and control equipment It further displays the current position of the switches, and bay related measurements. The control panel can either consist of a LCD panel that is integrated into the control device (Figure 7-5), or it can merely comprise some LEOs as in the case of protection devices.


G-1 !

Station HMI

7.4 Control cubicle

Process level

Protection cubicle

Bay level

Station level

Figure 7-6 Local bay level control via cubicle

For HV or EHV transmission substations the HMI can be located in a completely separate control panel with mimic and key interlocked operation over swit ches or push buttons, complimented with alarm LEDs, analog measurement instruments, or digital LED bars for the indication of the measured values of voltage, current, frequency, active and reactive power (see Figure 7-6) A separate control panel operating on 220 V DC has the advantage that the switchgear can be operated even if the controllED is out of operation. In such an emergency situation the functionality of the local con trol cubicle is degraded, i.e. the interlocking and syn chrocheck functions are not active.

74 Process Level The process level comprises: • Hardwired cable connections to the primary equipment. • Auxiliary switches indicating the switchgear positions. • Electromechanical control relays with associated solenoids to transfer the switching commands into mechanical switching operations, or IEDs

• Connection of conventional or electro-optical CTs and VTs for voltage and current measurements. • Sensors for non-electrical measurements like gas density, oil and gas pressure, temperatures, vibrations etc., providing electrical signals or serial telegrams. • Serial communication links if applicable. Operation at this level means direct manipulation of the switchgear (Figure 7-6). With the advent of the unconventional sensor technologies for voltage and current measurement, electronic sensors are directly located in the switchgear, so that the hard-wired pro cess interface becomes an electronic serial process bus interface (Figure 7-7). A prerequisite for achieving ge neral acceptance for this new technology is how ever the availability of a world standard for process bus communication, as it is coming with the standard IEC 61850. If this kind of technology is widely accepted, then, apart from unconventional sensors, also other archi tectural changes are possible. They range from·-sim ple remote inputs and outputs to reduce the cabling up to additional functions incorporated in the sensor electronics, which support e.g. maintenance and asset management. These are then called intelligent sen sors and actuators, and the whole concept is known as intelligent switchgear.


Actuator for 01

Line Protection 1

Actuator for circuit breaker control


Bay Controller Line Protection 2

Sensors for current & T1 voltage measurement

Busbar Protection

Process Bus Phase 1


Figure 7-7 Bay protection and control with intelligent primary equipment

7.4.1 Hardwired Terminals

74.7.3 Commands

The conventional way for the exchange of data from and to the switchyard is to use hard-wired connec tions to terminals and marshalling kiosks, which allow distributing the switchgear state and position to diffe rent control locations. Cables installed in underground cable channels conned the marshalling kiosks with the bay level equipment.

The terminals are wired to the opening and closing coils of the primary equipment. The needed power for operation is supplied via the cable to the bay level from the auxiliary DC power supply from the station battery.

74. 7. 7


7.4.2 Remote Input/Output (1/0) Units


Position Indication The most common way is to wire potential free contacts to the terminals of the control or protection cubicles. The substation automation system then uses the auxiliary DC power supply from the station bat tery to convert the contact position into an electrical signal as input to the bay level binary input of the electronic cards respectively its interposing relays.


7.2 Indication





The outputs from VTs (100 or 200 V) and CTs (1 or SA) are wired to the terminals. Caution must be taken not to overload these connections, otherwise the instrument or interposing transformers could be de stroyed.

A way to reduce cabling and enlarge the number of inputs and outputs (1/0) of the electronic equipment is to use remote 1/0 units, short RIO. They can be located close to the process terminals, and they are connected to bay level equipment via a serial process bus. Because of the severe electromagnetic interfer ences that occur close to the switchgear, the process bus should consist of optical fibers only. Modern sensor technologies especially for voltage and current transformers need electronics for sensor information evaluation. This means that the electronic equipment of the sensors and actuators merges with the HV switchgear, and that only the optical process bus remains as process connection. In this case we use the term Process Interfaces for Sensors and Actors (PISA) rather than Remote 1/0 units (RIO).


8 Substation Automation Architectures

8.1 Introduction 8.2 From conventional control to intelligent automation

8.2.1 The Impact of Computer Technology 8.3 Communication within the Substation 8.3.1 Design Aspects for Communication Communication Requirements 8.3.2 Communication Modes Master/Slave Communication Periodic process state transfer Peer-to-Peer Communication Multi-peer Communication Client-Server Communication 8.3.3 Time Synchronization 8.3.4 Performance of Communication 8.3.5 Safety and Availability Aspects 8.3.6 Communication Media 8.3.7 The User Benefits Derived from serial communication 8.4 From Remote Terminal Units (RTU) to Substation Automation 8.4.1 The Impact of communication technology on Network Control 8.4.2 From Centralized SCADA to Decentralized Automation 8.5 The Integration of Protection and Control Systems 8.5.1 Motivation for the Integration of Protection and Control 8.5.2 Safety and Reliability Aspects 8.6 Allocation of Functions 8.6.1 Criteria for the Allocation of Functions 8.6.2 Remote Control Function 8.6.3 Local Control Function 8.6.4 Local Automation 8.6.5 Safety and Reliability Criteria 8.6.6 Availability Criteria 8.7 Integration of Primary Equipment 8.7.1 Process Bus 8.8 Asset Management Support 8.9 Dependability 8.9.1 General 8.9.2 Functional Redundancy 8.9.3 Physical Redundancy NCC Connection Station level Inter Bay Communication Bay level Redundancy on process bus Availability calculation examples 8.10 References


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8 Substation Automation Architectures


8.1 Introduction In the previous chapter we looked onto substation automation system structures from the switchyard geography and from the operator location point of view. Here we will have another look from the up grade possibilities of existing conventional systems to typical communication structures, and from the relia bility and availability point of view of these structures.

• is realized within its own dedicated hardware, • needs its own inputs and • delivers its own outputs to the process and to its own HMI (Figure 81). The local control cubicle serves additionally as a mar shalling point for wiring the data from the switchgear to all devices which need it, using contact multipliers, separation amplifiers etc.

8.2 From conventional control to intelligent automation Conventional Control means that the substation con trol functionality is implemented by means of devices


like electromech_anical relays and push buttons only. The main characteristic from the system structure point of view is that each function

For bay level control as well as central control from station level this means a lot of cabling, parallel wiring

Bay Protection

Bay Control

Bus bar Protection









> II)

Local Control






ttl ttl



( J 0..



Figure 8-7 Conventional substation controi and protection

-._ GIS or AIS Switchgear

For bay level control as well as central control from station level this means a lot of cabling, parallel wiring and marshalling from the switchyard primary equipc ment to the appropriate control panels. Interlocking is implemented - if at all existing and not handled by rigorous working procedures - by means of electro mechanical relays and contacts with application of the Boolean algebra approach. If additional functionality is required like event record ing, fault recording, measurement trend logging etc. physically separated, dedicated devices have to be used and wired to the process. CAD systems are used to engineer all the electromechanical equip ment as well as the wiring and cabling between them. Protection devices are typically connected to control or monitoring devices with two or three con tacts, providing information of a protection function start, a trip, and of the state of the protection device.

8.2.1 The Impact of Computer Technology

• With growing processing .;:Jnd memory capacity of microprocessors more intelligent functions can be added. • This intelligence allows a much higher degree of self-supeNision of an lED, thus enhancing the system safety and availability. • Multiple processing of the same data by different functions saves raw data connections previously each function needed its own inputs. However, digitalization of analog data introduces other categories of problems to be handled: • Serial communication introduces additional delays. • Instead of CAD based connection engineering for wires and cables now signal engineering and communication system design is necessary. • The information processing hardware must withstand the harsh environment in the substation, especially the electromagnetic interferences.

The advent of the microprocessor in the substation allows to process data in digital form. Therefore, the data must be converted to digital form, before it can be processed. For all binary data like alarms and switch positions this is not a big problem, because this data is already available at (relay) contacts. For analog data the analog/digital converters (ADC) are used to con vert measured values to digital samples. The advan tages of providing data in digital form are:

This leads to the following typical structure for IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) used at bay or process level close to the process (Figure 8-2):

• Digital data cannot be distorted by aging of the hardware. Data gets and stays much more accurate than before. No calibration or testing is necessary after commissioning. But the super vision of the ADC may be recommended at least

• An EMI barrier against disturbances and over voltages consisting e.g. of opto-electric couplers or separating relays and interposing transformers shields the 1/0 from the outside world.

fm protection. • Data in digital form can easily be exchanged by serial communication. This reduces the former bundles of cables to a thin serial bus, usually in form of optical fibers.

• An internal bus connects the central processing unit (CPU), the needed RAM, ROM, EEROM or flash memory and the serial interfaces for communication at one side, and digital as well as analog 1/0 modules at the other side.

• A local HMI, either built in or via a serially connected PC allows to configure_the lED.







Line bay



Process Interfaces




Communication Interfaces

Local MMI




G •

.. [][] .. .. ..



j- ...-,

Bl Binary Input BO Binary Output AI Analog Input Fl Filter AD Analog/Digital Converter

• SA • SMS

... Intelligent electronic device (lED) for protection and control

Figure 8-2 Typical bay levellED structure

In spite of the fact that a microprocessor is able to perform a iot of functions, some redundancy must be kept in the data acquisition part as well as in the hard ware performing the functions to assure the required availability. The ever-growing communication bandwidth makes the communication-related problems treatable. The new bus technology together with multi-purpose processing capacity allows separating availability issu es from the functional issues, and both can be tai lored as needed.


This fact allows structuring a modern substation auto mation system according to the operational needs as it has been described in the previous section, and in accordance with the physical layout of the substation.

The resulting principle system architecture is shown in Figure 8-3. The data is acquired at the proces's level by means of remote 1/0 units (RIO) and intelligent sensors and actuators (PISA= j)ocess )nterface for ensors and 8ctuators). The process bus connects them to the bay level equipment, where the bay related protec tion and control functions including the bay level HMI are located. The bay level units talk either to each other or to the station level servers via the interbay bus. The station level functions implemented on the station servers talk via gateways either to network control centers or monitoring centers, and to each other. The station level control unit performs station level process related tasks like switching sequences.


External systems

HMI components


Station bus


Station level lnterbay bus

Bay level

;··t :.


. . fJ ::-.:\ :

Process level

Figure 8-3 Basic substation automation system architecture This architecture leads to a high degree of dependa bility. Functions for lower hierarchical levels are imple mented in appropriate parts of the control system and remain operative even if devices on higher levels or other parts in the same hierarchical level become faulty. Further, the environmental conditions are the harsher the closer the hierarchy level is to the process, which requires an appropriate physical design of the used components.

• The bay related control and protection functions as well as the safety related functions like station level interlocking are executed on bay level. If the process bus is an internal bus inside the lED and no external process bus exists, and the EMI barrier (relays, opto couplers etc.) is internal as well, then the IEDs can directly be connected to the process. But the devices must withstand the harsh environ ment of a HV or MV switchyard and must be able to be built directly into bay level cubicles close to the switchyard.

The system is divided into the three hierarchy levels described already in the previous section:

• The process level comprises the connection to the switchyard (the process) via cables from the bay level 1/0s, via remote 110 devices (RIO), or via sensors and actuators (PISA) with integrated electronics, which may additionally contain sqme process related functionality. All these devices are either located in the vicinity of the switchyard, or are even integrated into the HV or MV switchgear.

• On station level there are the HMI and archiving functions, and the connections to the external world: to a network control center (NCC), to tele alarm systems, remote work places, protection maintenance systems, asset management systems, office systems etc Also devices with control func tions covering more than one bay are related to the station level. Station level devices can some times be placed in office type environment, how ever, for EMI reasons industry versions are often needed.

Each level contains a bus to allow communication between devices in the same level and in adjacent levels.



'? '?

8.3 Communication within the Substation


• The station bus is mainly used for HMI connec tions to terminals and printers, as well as interface to office environments, and for the supervision tasks between servers. • The inter-bay bus connects bay devices to station level (vertical communication), and additionally allows real time communication between bay devices (horizontal communication). • The process bus connects actuators, sensors, intelligent peripheral units and remote 1/0 units with time critical real time data to the bay level processing units. This structuring is also a logical concept. If the data transmission capacity of the bus used and the com munication protocols allow it. several of the logical busses may run on the same physical bus. Very often, the station bus and the inter bay bus com munication are implemented on one and the same physical bus. Other groupings are possible as well, if it is required with regard to the scope of functiona lity and if the bus capacity allow this. The extreme is that all communication runs on one physical commu nication system. In such a case, however, the reliabi lity of the system has to be analyzed at communica tion system level as well, and very often the commu nication system itself has to be structured according to the operational levels and groupings respectively. As is shown in [6]. even at the current state of 100 MB Ethernet this might also be forced by performance reasons.


One of the special features of a SA system is the pos sibility of accurate station-wide time synchronization, which may even be region wide if radio or satellite clocks are used as substation level time sources. The time master can in principle be coupled to each level. In most cases it is connected to inter-bay bus level, and then all devices are synchronized from here via the communication system.

8.3.1 Design Aspects for Communication Communication Requirements As already stated by CIGRE [10] and taken up in IEC 61850 part 5, the communication requirements for communicating functions can roughly be classified with three criteria: 1. Maximum allowed age: the maximum age allowed for using the data by the (receiving) function. This corresponds roughly to the response time and can be considered as a worst-case response time that can be tolerated. This means, that this response time must be guarantied in normal operation, and that it must be detected and handled appropriately by the receiving function in the rare cases when it can not be kept. 2. Data integrity: the degree of communication safety in case of disturbances. Here three levels are identified: • High integrity is needed, if the

data directly influence the process (e.g. a command); • Medium integrity is needed, if the

data indirectly (via a human operator) influence the process (e.g. an alarm which leads to an operator interaction); • Low integrity can be used, if the data does not have any influence on the process, like monitoring data used for later analysis only. 3. Exchange method: Spontaneous means that data is communicated as soon as any change happens. On request means, it is only acquired if needed by some function or human being iike an operator or maintenance engineer. The following table illustrates this classification for some typical kinds of data exchanged in a SA System.

Data type

Maximum allowed age

Data integrity

Exchange method






Alarms are urgent process changes that must be brought to the attention of an operator, to perform corrective actions





Commands directly act on the process

Process state data

2 s (binary), 5-1 0 s Medium (measurands)


Gives the operator an overview on the process state

Time stamped events

10 s


On request

Sequence of event data is used for later analysis of a problem

Interlocking data

5 ms (fast block)

High (directly influences the process via commands)


Used to prevent dangerous commands

Interlocking data (state information), other Automatics

100 ms

High (directly influences the process via commands)

On request (upon a command)

Used for Interlocking to prevent dangerous commands; or for automatics like load-shedding

Trip from protection

3 ms

High (directly influences the process via trips)

Used to clear dangerous situations Spontaneous by fault in the power system or in the switchgear


Table 8-7 Classification of communication functions

8.3.2 Communication Modes Master/Slave Communication

The architecture shown in Figure 8-3 allows in princi ple that each device connected to a bus can com municate with other devices. But a completely free sending of messages from any device at any time leads to telegram collisions on the bus, and thus to communication disturbances. Therefore, the sending of messages has to be regulated by communication media access mechanisms to restrict the communica tion access or allow the handling of collisions. This has a big impact on the possibilities to distribute a function between the physical devices. The most common communication modes are discussed in the following. Observe that these modes might be used on link level for media access as well as on applica tion level for application communication. We focus here on the second aspect.

One master accesses a lot of slaves. The slave devic es are only responding if they are polled, i.e. they are not allowed to send information spontaneously. This avoids message collisions, and the master can per fectly determine how the communication bandwidth is distributed between the slaves respective the diffe rent kinds of data. However, no direct communica tion betweeslaves is possible.


The Master /Slave mode is the standard mechanism used for the communication of substations/RTUs to a network control center, which is the master. In sub station automation systems, the station level device is usually the master. This restricts however the com munication to a data flow between station and bay level only. This means further, if the master fails, the whole system is down. Periodic process state transfer The process state data are periodically sent. via the communication bus. It is marked with the source address, thus facilitating data distribution on the bus to many possible users


simultaneously. A bus mana ger controls the access of IEDs to the bus. This is a generalization of the master-slave communication mode, and all bus participants can hear and use all process data. It is applied in some process busses like MVB (IEC 61375) and WorldFIP. The advantages are that no data collisions can occur, so that the full bus bandwidth can be utilized, and that the maximum data age is deterministic and determined at the engi

neering phase. However, the disadvantages are that • some additional measures are needed to avoid the single point of failure: a defect of the bus manager, • the bus capacity is always fully utilized, even if the data values have not changed at aiL Communication


With this communication mode, two peers can freely talk to each other at any time This mode is typical for a full duplex physical point to point communication link. If applied on higher level across a bus with more than two devices, collisions can occur at the lower level which must be resolved on the lower commu nication stack levels. A typical highlevel peer-to-peer protocol is TCP, the Transfer Control Protocol that is used for Internet communication. Communication


Also in this mode, each device is a peer that can free ly talk to any other peer. By using a multicast or broad cast mechanism, it can even transmit one message to several other peers at the same time. Again, this

be solved on the lower communication stack levels. Note, that protocols with periodic sending ( allow multi-peer communication that is collision free by definition. If a packet switched network is used with point to point duplex lines between the routers, e.g. in the case of Internet or with Ethernet switches, no collisions occur on the link as well. However, as queues within the routers have to be build up instead, the lack of buffers might lead to message losses like due to collisions. communication


This mode is a variant of the master slave mode, which is e.g. applied in the world wide web for the HTIP protocol. or for accessing remote data bases. A server offers data, and the clients can ask for these data. The differences to master slave are, that not only one client (master) can talk to several servers, but also a server can simultaneously be connected to several clients. The server can even spontaneously send data to the client as soon as the client has esta blished a connection. Again, collisions that might occur on the physical bus must be resolved on lower protocol stack levels.

8.3.3 Synchronization


The standard time stamp resolution within a substa tion is 1 ms. If the SA system is a distributed system, then either all changed data have to be transmitted to a central time stamping device within 1ms time, or the clocks of all devices must run synchronously with 1ms accuracy. For this last concept either a separate time synchronization 'bus' is used, which sends a time synchronizing pulse from a central master clock to all I

devices that conduct time stamping, or the central master clock synchronizes the individual clocks of all devices connected to the communication bus. If an other bus is connected via a gateway, then the gate way clock is used as master clock on the connected bus. The gateway clock thus separates the time set ting mechanisms of the different connected bus seg ments (see also 7.2.5).

15 8

mode leads on a bus system to collisions that must

The concrete time synchronization method within a bus is specific for a bus and protocol type. In case of

· a master/slave bus, synchronization simply means sending time telegrams from the master to all slaves. In case of an Ethernet based peer-to-peer communi cation system like IEC 61850, specialized time servers are provided with the SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol from Internet ) protocol. Each slave asks for the current time as often as needed to assure accu racy of its own clock, and special mechanisms are applied to compensate for the communication time delays.

becomes a single point of failure that can block the entire system. Especially it sh'ould be investigated if some of its devices have failure modes that may block the whole communication system e.g. by con stantly sending rubbish on the bus.

8.3.4 Performance of Communication The challenge for a SA system that performs real time functions is to guarantee the maximum allowed age of data, to identify outdated data, and to react accord ingly. This means, that communication throughput alone is not sufficient to judge the suitability of a communication system for real time communication. It may be that a relatively slow master slave system, where the performance is calculable in advance, has a higher communication related reliability than a faster communication system, that is subject to colli sions causing stochastically varying response times. The performance that is really needed and measures taken to guarantee the maximum allowed age depend on the actual requirements of functions to be performed. To summarize the performance requirements in a simple sentence: The actual communication system throughput capacity must be higher than needed for normal operation (at least 10% higher), and high enough to guarantee the maximum age required in the worst case load scenario to be handled.

8.3.5 Safety and Availability Aspects The availability of a communication system depends on all devices that belong to the communication system. As the communication system serves for some specific purpose, the availability is handled as a common system requirement on functional level (see 8.9). It should however be noted, that only careful system design can prevent that the communication

. '


The term "Safety related" to a communication system has two aspects: • No communication message failure shall lead to unsafe actions • No lost or late message is .allowed to lead to unsafe actions. The first point can be tackled in two ways: 1. by using communication error detection mechanisms, 2. by making the transmission media immune against disturbances to reduce the number of bit errors.

The standard IEC 60870-5-1 provides guidelines, to specify how safe the communication of certain types of data should be within a control system, and de fines three integrity classes, which roughly corre spond to the three classes also used by CIGRE and the standard IEC 61850. For each integrity class the safety is specified in terms of the allowed residual error rate, i.e. the probability that a communication error is not detected. The so. called Hamming distance gives the figure how many errors can be detected in one message. Today all pro cess buses use typically a Hamming distance of at least 4, sometimes 6, to detect transmission errors. For normal telecommunication environments this is sufficient for medium integrity, but not for high inte grity. And within substations the error rate is normal ly higher than in Tele-communication environments. Therefore glass fibers have to be used, and special redundant communication procedures are introdu-




ced, like Select before Operate for issuing commands as known from network control protocols.

only protection against electromagnetic disturbances, but also special care for adequate earthing of the cable shielding.

But even if the residual error rate is small enough, In order to avoid earthing problems and to keep the messages could be lost due to buffer overruns or bit error rate due to electromagnetic disturbances overloaded routers and switches. Therefore, lost · practically at zero, optical cables are recommended mes sages as well as the loss of a message source within the switchyard environment Glass fibers can must be detected. Also here the methods used are cover a distance up to 2000 m or even more in depen dent on the bus and protocol types. spe cial cases without loosing transmission speed, while plastic fibers could be used for shorter What is important and protocol independent is the lengths of some tenth of meters. As plastic fibers provision of a means that informs an application pro are ageing relatively soon in comparison with the gram, that such messages have been lost. In the long life of SA systems, it is highly recommended to stand ards IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 61850 this is use glass fibers instead for all distances. realized by the provision of data quality attributes, which indi cate beneath the invalid flag also a topical flag to indi cate that the data is up to date. It 8.3.7 The User Benefits Derived from depends on the application, however, to define serial communication what up to date means and to take actions if the data is not up to date. Further, the application must be designed in such a way that missing or With careful print design, input isolation and device late information does not lead to an unsafe state shielding, microprocessors and related electronics can respective that the probability of an unsafe state is nowadays be installed close to the process. Data in digital form allows easy serial communication. So dis sufficiently low. tributed systems can be built, which keep the cabling to the process straight forward and short, and after wards distribute the data with serial busses 8.3.6 Communication Media preferab ly in optical form to all places where they are needed. This new system architecture saves Apart from the RS232C standard for serial connec space for cabling as well as for central electronic tions of modems the industry process busses often cubicles, which are eith er obsolete or significantly used the RS485 standard with shielded twisted pair smaller. The physical signal marshalling is replaced by cables. Later the Ethernet bus came up using coaxial the logical signal marshal ling, which means that the cables to enable higher bit rates. In order to achieve complexity is the same or even higher. On the other better HF shielding, higher mechanical flexibility and hand, the electrical CAD systems are replaced by multiple connections in one cable, Ethernet has switch powerful signal engineering tools. The physical ed back to twisted pair cables. Therefore, communi wiring and connection work that remains is cation links for Ethernet with a speed of ;;;:100 straightforward and can be executed much faster. Mbit/s are using shielded twisted pairs or fiber optic cables only rather than coaxial cables.


Within the substation environment long electrical cables, however, are sensitive against induced high transient voltages and currents, which requires not

Another big advantage of general purpose micropro cessors that are capable to perform all kinds of func tions is that functionality and availability aspects can




8.4 From Remote Terminal Units (RTU) to Substation Automation be separated to a large extent from each other. Distributed systems inherently have a 'built-in' redun dancy, however system level oriented rather than function oriented like in a classical system. A failure of a station level unit leaves the bay level functionality working, and a failure of bay level devices just leads to failed functions of the bay concerned, whle the other bays and the station level functions continue to work. If there are certain critical devices that perform func tions where failure cannot be tolerated, hardware redundancy can be added as needed. A typical example is a duplicated system at station level, while all bay level (control) units are single devices. For the same reason, duplication of protection devices is very common at least for HV substations. General-purpose microprocessors even allow that different kinds of functions can be performed on the same device. This feature can be used for new redun dancy concepts. However, as especially protection is a 'traditional' business, people are used to the 'one function-one-device' concept and they do not easily accept the new system architectures that are possi ble. The ever increasing communication bandwidth for wide area communication enables direct access to SA systems from remote, e.g. for secondary and/or pri mary system maintenance as well as for planning purposes, network monitoring etc This new possibi lity enables different parties or even companies to share this access and to offer various kinds of main tenance services. The Internet offers a widespread and cheaply available communication medium all over the world, under the condition that security aspects are solved.

The centralization of network operation needs remo te access to the substations. In case of conventional substation control systems, this is implemented just by adding a remote terminal unit (RTU) in the sub station, which takes the needed data from some marshalling kiosk and transfers it to the network con trol center, respective connects commands from the network control center to some output contacts at the process. The RTU itself has, apart from pure com munication handling, only the tasks to time stamp incoming data, and to assure the safety of outgoing commands by means of 1 out of N criteria super vision and the select before operate principle. So, essentially it is just a digital conversion and serializa tion device.


The advances in microprocessor technology lead also to more and more functionality of the PLC (Erogram mable Logic ontroller) type within an RTU, e.g. it becomes programmable with function charts accord ing to IEC 61131. Advances in communication tech nology lead to distributed RTUs. These typically con sist of some core device containing the NCC protocol processing and the PLC functionality, and remote 1/0 cards for binary as well as analog data. Also a direct connection of CTs and VTs via analog inputs can be added to omit separation amplifiers and transducers (Figure 8-4). Thus, the RTU becomes a very basic SA system. Nevertheless, its central or master slave relat ed architecture normally causes some restrictions to its functional capabilities, performance and availability. Therefore, in a complete SA system, the RTU functio nality is reduced to a station level gateway to the net work control center (NCC), which could run even independent from the station level HMI,thus enhanc ing the overall system availability.



i '·

. ...:v

Network Control Center




Protection Bay 1,


-·ijir--------- 4i&'ii .A.i....v 110 , .·-''i , Bay ti,

- Protebtl ff: Bay 'Nt\i':

1/0 Bay N

Figure 8-4 Distributed RTU with station level HMI


8.4.1 The Impact of communication technology on Network Control

8.4.2 From Centralized SCADA to Decentralized Automation

When SCADA systems were introduced, RTUs were connected to network control centers via specific modems, which, due to the physical media used and implementation technology available, had narrow bandwidth from 20 Bit/s up to 2.4 kBit/s. The upcom ing wide area communication technology like optical cables, PDH and SONET respective SDH, or Gigabit Ethernet allow today bandwidth from 10 Mbit/s up to some Gigabitls. Therefore it is today technically feasi ble to use commercially available, standardized com munication protocols with high data throughput also on wide area connections.

The growing processing capacity at substation level as well as increasing wide area bandwidth allow prin cipally to distribute most of network control center SCADA functionality down to the substation automa tion systems. In some cases the NCC system can be reduced to a workplace consisting of a simple remo te terminal that is capable to communicate with all substations. Ho\!Vever, this does not always make sense. If it is for example required to compare the history of events in the two substations at both ends of a line in correct time sequential order, then the cor related event logs have to be merged - and this is more than a simple terminal functionality. Apart from this, the overall system data archiving facilities have to be taken into account if new structures are set up. But for a lot of functions their distribution down to SA level is useful, e.g. that station level switching sequen ces can be initiated with one command from the NCC, or inter-substation interlocking can be made via direct communication via the connecting transmission lines between the SA systems concerned rather than via the NCC system or the common telephone net

The telegram coding efficiency is no longer an out standing protocol property. Therefore, new standards like IEC 60870-5-104 and IEC 61850 are technically feasible and reduce drastically the interfacing effort and enhance the application versatility. TCP/IP based protocols also open the ways for new applications like remote monitoring and maintenance, and online connection to asset management and planning appli cations. Their networking facilities with automatic re routing allow further highly reliable communication networks.

8.5 The Integration of Protection and Control Systems

Historically there was one device per function. This not only concerns protection and control functions, but different protection functions as well. Numerical relays lead to multi-functional devices that perform several protection functions in parallel. Only for relia bility and


availability reasons more than one protec tion device is required like main 1 and main 2 for transmission lines. In the utility organizations protection personnel used to be separated from operation personnel. This caus ed functions to be separated to different physical devices in order to set up boundaries between the various areas of responsibility - even if this is techni cally no longer necessary. It was claimed that reliabi lity of protection is crucial - but this is true for control as well.

8.5.1 M o t i v a t i o

n for the Integration of Protection and Control The occurrence of protection events - starts, trips, as well as problems with protection devices themselves - is critical for substation and network operation. So at least protection-monitoring data should be shared between operation and protection maintenance. Therefore the first step towards the integration of protection and control responsibility is, that monito ring data needed from the protection units are trans ferred to the substation automation system by means of serial interfaces. This minimal form of inte gration is widely accepted and is supported by the communication standard IEC 60870-5-103.

A third step is the physical integration of control and protection functions in the same device. This saves cost and maintenance efforts (one device instead of two), but leads to the question whether the protec tion function reliability is affected by the additional control functionality sharing the same HW resources.


8.5.2 Safety andReliability Aspects Both, for protection and control functions, the requi rements for reliability and immunity against their envi ronment are equally high. This means, that from the general implementation point of view there are syn ergies that can be exploited by using the same system platform for both functions. There are how ever also differences: control does only work. if a command can be communicated, while a protection device has to perform its local protection function also, if no communication exists. Therefore, a protec tion system must be designed in such a way that disturbances in its communication subsystem do not affect the working of the protection itself. How this is achieved, depends on the implementation strategy. For the first numerical protection devices special ope rating systems had been developed to assure that sufficient processing power to perform a protection function was always available. Nowadays, where a lot of processing power is relatively cheaply available, more and more commercially available real time ope rating systems are used. The separation of communication from function like proted1on can be done on hardware level. The com munication relies on its own hardware resources, while the protection function is designed in such a way that it can never be blocked by the communica tion part.

A next step is to coordinate operational states with protection parameterization, i.e. to combine operatio nal actions with adaptation of protection functions. A line can transfer more power in winter than in sum mer. So, the ambient temperature measurements that are available at an SA or NCC system could be used to adapt the protection parameters accordingly via the communication links, which is an example for so-called adaptive protection.

Nevertheless, the use of a common HW and SW plat form for protection and control is beneficial also to the control part, as it allows implementing backup protection functions directly in the control unit. !f this backup protection provides alternative protection algorithms to the main protection, this leads to an improvement of protection availability without the need of additional physical devices, i.e. without having more maintenance effort





· 8.6



8.6 Allo cati on of Fun ctio ns

Most of the substa tion autom ation functio ns are dis tribute d; at least

to the extent that the protection func tions are distributed. They consist of an input/output processing function part on process level. a ·proces sing function part on bay level, and an HMI function part on station or bay level. Those par-s of a function that must be allocated to one physical device and cannot further be distributed are called logical nodes (LN) according to IEC 61850. One physical device may host several logical nodes. On the other hand, the same logical node type can be instantiated on dif ferent physical devices. All functions are implemented in te system by means of communicating logical nodes. The physical communication path is provided by the physical communication connections between the devices, to which the logical nodes are·allocated. We use the term horizontal communication for data exchange between logical nodes in the same level, and vertical communication for data exchange be tween logical nodes on different levels.

r---r---1 overcu"ent I Distance

Physical Devic


I protection I I protection


r------.. r,sx;n::'!-..-r._- - --S: !_ i!_ c! !i! 2!/.







,DJ.s!_af!.Cf! !!.l'!!t!!_C_E"!_n1 :Ove'fcurrelit- - -

IJT>lf!Et.i.Of2 _ _ _ _I

r,CJ;.rr::_-uf!-l-!a-- _ !e _n X



The left column of Figure 8-5 lists several logical nodes. Each of the remaining columns illustrates by crosses in boxes how these logical nodes are used to implement the functions Synchronized or point of wave CB switching, distance protection and over current protection (vertii:al boxes). Horizontal boxes indicate the physical devices, which host the logical nodes. The functional specification of the functions defines their implementation by means of logical nodes and interfaces between the logical nodes; especially also what kind of data does the client logical node need.

8.6.1 Criteria for the Allocation of Functions

r------Logical Nodes, 1

and communication services. This allows an easy sig nal engineering by just putting together logical nodes and allocating them to physical devices. The Fig. 8-5 gives some examples, how logical nodes can be used to implement functions.

I I I I 1

:1 - - -

- .I

The basic criteria for function allocation are the requir ed reliability and the communication needs in terms of bandwidth and maximum allowed age of data, in relation to the communication system available. A function be allocated close to the process as possibleshould to satisfy both as the communication needs as well as the reliability requirements. As mentioned in the previous part, a function can be implemented by several logical nodes that reside as close as possi ble to the location where they are used. If we take the overcurrent example of Figure 8-5, the logical nodes representing the bay CT and circuit breaker should be placed as close to the associated primary devices as possible as they typically belong to the process level.

Figure 8-5 Functions and logical nodes

The overcurrent logical node shouldbe placed at the bay level, where it can acquire data from the bay CT and has access to the circuit breaker.

For all common functions in substations the standard IEC 61850 identifies the logical nodes and their inter face to other logical nodes providing data objects

The HMI LN is placed in the HMI device- a station level PC, a bay level control panel, etc as needed.






This allocation of the functions into the various levels has then to be matched with the physical substation layout, which reflects the reliability considerations for the substation, environmental conditions, installation costs, communication and lED performance aspects as well as operational considerations.

8.6.2 Remote Control Function The remote control function allows operating of the substation from one or several remote network con trol centers. The interface to the NCCs therefore resid es on station level. It uses, however, the same control function parts to perform a control function as used for station or bay level control, provided that it is al lowed to do so. The coordination with station level and bay level control has to be provided.

8.6.3 Local Control Function Local control can be performed from station level, from bay level, or directly at the primary equipment. For the first two the associated HMI logical nodes should reside at the relevant levels as illustrated in Figure 8-6.

8.6.4 Local Automation Local automation can either concern a bay, or the whole substation. The allocation of HMI logical nodes or just of the executing LNs to the relevant levels is to be done accordingly. Examples for general automatic functions are shown in Figure 8-6 on the left, and for a voltage regulator function on the right. Voltage Regulator


LN for station level functions

LN for


Interlocking on Station Level Automatic Process Control means Generic Node for all .............undefined functions ,......"'-',

Interlocking on Bay Level

bay level



Changer Controller


Figure 8-6 Interaction of LNs for the command function and (automatic) transformer control function HMI

8.6.5 Safety and Reliability Criteria From the safety point of view all logical nodes can be classified as follows: • Active safety: if the process 8.6. 5

(switchgear) is in an unsafe condition, active safety functions clear the fault This is the classical task ot protection. • Passive safety: these functions prohibit

(block) actions, which lead to an unsafe state of the process or could cause possible damage of equipment or endanger people.

CB Circuit



T h i s i s t h e c

la s si c al t a s k o f

interlo cking and blocki ng functi ons. • N o t

s a f e t y r e l a

Sel ect

t e d


" )

a r e


i : l

c r


Contro l circuit for comma nds

I· ·


" C

Ii i

n o r m a l l y


0 ( )



Indication for circuit breaker position

a l l o t h e r f u n c t i o n s . From the architecture point of view it is important, • that safety related functions can not be blocked by other functions, • that a single failure e.g. within the needed resour ces (processor, memory, 1/0 channels, support functions, communication) of any function cannot lead to unsafe behavior, • that all logical nodes, which supply data for safety related functions either to block them, or to influence their safety related behavior, have to be regarded as safety related. The Figure 8-6 gives an example: The command out put of the circuit breaker controller (CBC) is a function that may cause damages in the process, if it is activ ated wrongly. The interlocking function (I L) providing passive safety should prohibit this to happen at the operational level. If, however, this happens accidental ly due to interlocking failure, the protection functions

(active safety) should clear this fault Therefore the logi cal nodes CBC, CB, DIS, and IL have to be regarded as safety related, while HMI is not safety related, as long as it can not block or affect otherwise any of the other LN's. The safety of commands also assured by the spe


F i g u r e 8 7 C o m m a n d s e q u e n c e

cont ext

as shown in Figure 8-7 A Select command is sent from the HMI to logical node CBC. The CBC, after checking if a command is allowed at all, for wards this select request to the CB lED. After success ful selection of the CB lED the Selected response is distributed back Now the operator at the HMI is al lowed to give the Operate command, but only for exactly the same switch.




I ·:



Starting from successful Select up to the Command termination, which happens either if the switch has successfully reached the intended position, or after a run time supervision timeout, the CBC is in the Select ed state. This state can be used to block during this time all further commands, which influence the inter locking conditions for this switch. This principle en hances the safety even further. It has already been used with RTUs as so-called 1 out of N blocking cri teria. As shown in Figure 8-7, the response of the CBC to the

Select request has to wait until the response from the next lower level arrives. Sometimes, especially if the client is not an HMI logical node, buta network cial command procedure. Most protocols fulfill only the requirements of IEC 60870-5-4 integrity class 12, while commands must fulfill the integrity class 13. This is reached be sending at least two telegrams before a command is executed. This two step approach, call ed 16 Select before Operate (SBO), might look in 6 this


control center, waiting times might get very long. In that case the select from CBC to the CB can be delay ed to the Operate phase of CBC. In any case, all pos sible blocking conditions already checked at the Select request including interlocking have to be rechecked when the Operate command arrives.


8.7 Integration of Primary Equipment

8.6.6 Availability Criteria The availability aspects have to be addressed by appropriate measures depending on the importance of the substation, or on the functions of the substa tion respectively. The single failure criteria is also a general rule for ·availability: • No single failure shall block several functions at once (weak form). • No function shall be blocked by a single failure (strong form). Naturally the criteria have to be specified to define what it means that a function is blocked. In a distri buted, multi level control system the control function is often assumed to be available, even if one bay can no longer be controlled. Only if more than one bay can no longer be controlled, the control function is blocked (failed). There are principally two ways to achieve a high func tional availability: 1. To use highly reliable components and duplicate only those, where it is absolutely necessary for safety reasons or single-point-of-failure criterion. 2. To use commercially available (cheap) components in a redundant architecture. Both methods may lead to the same operational availability. The first one might cause slightly higher investment costs, but only if not every part of the second solution has to be duplicated. The second solution, as a contrast. needs much more spare parts and repair efforts, i.e. higher maintenance costs. In practice a mixture of both methods might be used, or the commercial parts may be hardened for industrial applications. The burn-in phase is therefore a must for components in substation automation to get all com ponents to the bottom of their individual reliability bath tube curve. If non-industrial components are used, then the first 3 to 6 months of system opera tion have to be considered as burn-in phase with a higher failure rate in the beginning.



Chapt er 6 descri bes the conne ction of a subst ation autom ation syste m with conve ntiona l curren t and voltag e transf ormer s and auxilia ry switch es. Apart from this, new electr onic senso r and actuat or princ i ples have been devel oped, which provid e the data in digital form alread y. Also proces

s interface optimiza tion leads to primary device oriented grouping of sig nal interfaces, which then can directly be converted to serial form. They may even be directly incorporated into the primary equipment. This development requir es the introduction of the process bus into the system architecture.

8.7.1 Process Bus The process bus is next to the process, i.e. it has the highest requirements for electromagnetic interferen ce (EMI) withstand capability. Apart from this, it needs a very high throughput capacity with minimum delay, if voltage and current samples have to be transferred for measuring, metering and protection purposes, which are very demanding requirements. One of the first process bus solutions was based on IEC 61375, the Multi Vehicle Bus MVB. This is a cyclic bus with deterministic cycles ranging frorn around 1 ms up to 1 s. The bit rate is 1.5 MBit/s, which can be nearly fully used for data transfer due to the cyclic nature of the bus. In view of the fact that the MVB is a standard that ori ginates from train control it is not widely accepted as process bus solution. A process bus concept can how ever only be successful on the market if a widely accepted standard for electrical and mechanical inter faces enables to connect switchgear, transformers and protection and control equipment from different manufacturers. The new standard IEC 61850 is de signed to fulfill all these requirements.




8.8 Asset Management Support


Modern asset management systems need condition related data from all primary and secondary equip ment in the substation. The SA system allows to acquire such data and to transmit them to one or several centrally located disturbance evaluation and c:sset management systems. This means, that this nor mal data acquisition, archiving and logging facilities of the SA system are used for the data acquisition as well. In cases where maintenance activities are need ed relatively fast, these may binitiated by means of dedicated evaluation functions at substation level in conjunction with the alarming facilities. The open sys tem features of modern SA systems and the Internet based communication possibilities will allow to inte grate this data exchange even more into asset and maintenance management concepts. The upcoming interfacing standards IEC 61968 be tween distribution automation andmanagement func tions, and IEC 61970 for power application functions at network level will accelerate this process. The imple mentation of the data exchange into an open com munication architecture must, however, be done in such a way that neither the power network opera tion can be endangered, nor the database can be accessed by unauthorized people.

8.9 Dependability 8.9.1 General


All hardware and software components of the Sub station . .utomation system are designed and manu factured in such a way that they meet the high avai lability requirements. This means a high reliability (long MTIF times) as well as short down times (low MTIR) in case of a fault. (see chapter 12 for general definitions with regard to reliability).

Short down times are achieved by means of • extensive diagnostic functions down to replacement module (circuit board) level with associated reporting, • a modular hardware design, • fast reconfiguratiqn and restart after repair, • automatic restart after a power supply failure, • combined with an efficient repair. The basic distributed architecture allows very high system availability and functional redundancy for the most important SA function, namely control, even if no explicit redundancy is used. If the NCC connection function runs on another hardware than the SCS ser ver for station level operation, then only the power supply modules of a passive star coupler of the inter bay bus must be redundant. This assures that there is no single point of failure for the control function of the complete system (although control of one single bay may tail). Apart from this, all functions are de signed for graceful degradation in case that a com munication connection or one of the connected devi ces fails. From an overall system point of view, also the power supply for the SA system should be redun dant, i.e. by means of a redundant station battery. Even in a non redundant system critical data like com mands and interlocking states are secured for safety reasons by two hardware channels from/to the pro cess and appropriate information redundancy on the communication system. These two channels as well as the timely updating of needed information are supervised, and a fault leads to an invalid state or blocking of command execution. Even if a part of the system fails, the system-wide functions can continue to operate safely, but eventually with restricted scope of function (graceful degradation). Note that such an invalid state or blocking shall only be reset by human intervention, to avoid that a second failure can endan ger the safety. If a higher availability is needed, then redundant (dupli cated) devices or modules can be used. It should however be kept in mind that redundancy introduces more hardware, i.e. the overall failure rate and there fore repair activity is duplicated, and that redundant devices mostly need some additional, often not re-



dundant hardware for supervision and switchover. Redundancy can be introduced: • At station level by redundant and HMI devices.


• At the inter-bay bus by redundant power supplies and duplicated lines between star couplers and to station level. • At bay level by redundant control devices and several protection devices. • At process bus level by duplicated PISAs/RIOs together with duplicated protection devices. In this case each protection system needs its own physical process bus. A prerequisite to achieve higher availability is that even inactive redundant hardware parts (spares, standby parts etc) are regularly supervised and repair ed in case of a failure. Experience with electronics shows that the failure rate on unused equipment is as high as on normally used (not overloaded) equip ment. As indicated below, there are different possibilities how redundancy can be used or which class of redundancy is needed in the system under the consi deration of the length of the down time and loss of historical data. The choice depends on the availability required, the functions considered as well as the struc ture level. What kind of redundancy is the recom mended will be explained further below. • Spare parts: diagnosis and repair of faulty parts

inclusive reloading of configuration data by trained people can be done in less than 2 hours in case of bay or process level devices, less than 4 h for station level devices. But, the traveling time to site

should be short. • Cold standby: a standby hardware device exists,

which is physically connected and preconfigured (but it may be used for other purpose). In case of a failure the operational software is started

manually. Start up time is in the order of 5 to 1 0 minutes, archived data on the failed part, which has not been secured, is probably lost.


• Warm standby: a standby part constantly

super vises the active (hot) component. In case of a failure it takes over automatically. There is a small risk that time stamped events may be lost, but all archived data is preserved, and commands are reusable after 1 0 - 30 sec. If the failed system is repaired and put to standby mode again, its archive and configuration data is automatically updated. • Hot standby: a standby part constantly super

vises the active (hot) component. In case of a failure it takes over. No time stamped events are lost, no archived data is lost, and commands are reusable after 1- 5 sec. If the failed system is repaired and put to standby mode again, its archive and configuration data is automatically updated. In the case of bay devices where the switchover times are usually below 100 ms, this switchover is called bumpless. • Duplicated Components: two devices are

running in parallel (hot). This means: commands are always usable at least on one of them. But configuration data, event- and alarm lists as well as archived data may be and mostly are different, resulting from different operations at the systems. Further a special management for common resources (e.g. serial connections, event loggers) is needed. The two hot systems may supervise each other to give an alarm if the other system fails. Warm and hot standby systems need a manual switch over function to be able to perform maintenance. This allows a controlled shut down of the hot system and the communication, so that even on a warm standby system no events are lost, and the data integrity of the shut down system for later upcoming is guaran .



169 Net wor k

cont rol cent er

Operator Remote workplace workplace

8.9.2 Hardcopy Printer



Alarm/EVent Printer Ethernet (TCP/1 P)

Protection Protection Unit · Unit

Third party Protecti on

Transmission level

Distribution level

Figure 8-8 Functional redundancy configuration

It has to be kept in mind, that availability considera tions always refer to the availability of a function with in the whole system. This concerns usually the control function, if not other functions are specified. Control as a system function is regarded to be available even if one bay has failed, as this has only seldom an impact on the interlocking scheme. If this would be the case, it could be circumvented by means of the interlocking override function.

8.9.2 Redundancy



The Figure 8-8 shows a single SA system, where the SCS server and the station level HMI use another hardware device than the NCC server. Both servers are completely independent from each other, al though they supervise each other. Further, the interlocking function across the interbay bus is com-

pletely independent from all station level units. This concept in conjunction with a redundant power sup ply in the star couplers (which are the possible single point of failure in this system) assures a very high availability for the control function. The NCC control io:; functionally redundant to station level control, which is, on the other hand, functionally redundant to bay level control. If the availability of control from the NCC is an issue, then installing a separate remote work place at the NCC, which is directly connected to the SA server, could enhance this. This workplace can be used e.g. over the telephone network in case the NCC server connection is disturbed. The separate protection devices, which are connect ed to the NCC server, are not relevant for the control function, they are however not available if the NCC server fails. Usually, remote control is the more impor tant function. This is the reason why they are connect ed to the NCC server.

. '-?

In case that the station level operation is most impor tant, they might be connected to the SA server instead. The time synchronization task of the clock master (CM) could also be taken over by the SA server, but possibly with less synchronization accuracy against absolute time. An alternative would be to duplicate the satellite/radio master clock Due to the interlocking override functionality, the con trol can be regarded as available even in case that one bay control unit fails.

• Two serial lines at the server: The NCC


always sends on both lines and selects one receiver. The NCC server listens and responds on both lines to all received requests, but uses only one line (on which it receives requests) for activating commands. • Two NCC servers: in this case a hot-hot confi

8.9.3 Physical Redundancy Physical redundancy means duplication of critical devic es. This can be done in different ways, depending on the level of system/function availability required. It has to 9e noted that physical redundancy of the secon dary equipment should be accompanied by a dupli cation of the auxiliary power supply, e.g. a battery backup system or uninterruptible power system (UPS). This is, however, not investigated here any fur ther, as it is normally outside the delivery scope of a secondary system itself. Nevertheless, this aspect has to be taken into account for the sake of the overall availability, as it does not make sense to have a high ly redundant SA system and the system power supply is a single point of failure. ·

8.9.3. 7 NCC Connection Dependent on the needs of the network control cen ter different levels of redundancy can be employed: • Double NCC connection (lines) with its own modems, but one server line interface only:

Two modems on two NCC connection lines from the NCC server are connected to one serial inter face of the SA system. This serial interface sends to both modems, its receiver is connected to the modems with a switch, which is controlled by the NCC server via the RS232 control wires. The server switches its receiver to another modem, if it does not receive any signal for a certain time. Further it switches the receiver e.g. once a day to supervise, if both lines are working.

8.9.3. 3

guration with supervision is used, as there is no problem with event lists and archives. The NCC sends on both lines and selects one for receiving. Both servers respond to received requests, but only one of them executes received commands. In case that one server does no longer receive messages, the other one gets the command responsibility. For better transparency (e.g. if the connection of the command responsible server to the NCC is lost, this can only be detected by the NCC) the NCC could have the possibility to determine which of the two servers shall execute the commands. Note: a redundant NCC server which is connected to only one NCC line connection normally makes no sense from the system availability point of view. It may, however, make sense if NCC server and SCS server run combined on the same hardware, thus also offer ing a redundant station level HMI. In this case, a warm or hot standby solution is recommended (see also next chapter). Station level Here it can be distinguished between SCS server re dundancy and HMI (terminal) redundancy. • In case that consistent configuration and archives are important, a warm standby configuration is chosen. in case that under no circumstances time stamped events shall be lost, a hot standby system is needed. • In case that configuration and archive consistency

is not so important, a duplicated hot-hot system



can be applied. This allows to have different confi gurations on both servers, e.g. for testing configu ration changes/extensions or new functions only on one server, while operation is performed by the other server. The process database on both systems is always up to date, so that in case of a shut down of one server the other one can continue giving commands without interruption. The management of common resources like disturbance archive, NCC connections, event log printers etc must however be specified and engineered on a per project base. Archives may be different (although equivalent) even if both systems are operating, and holes in one archive during shut down are not automatically filled on system startup. Event lists are different, because e.g. commands and alarm acknowledges are logged only on the executing system, and opera tional parameters like measurand limits and dead band may be different if they are interactively changed during operation of the system. • In case of HMI devices like terminals and printers always duplicated components shall be chosen. If more than one physical device (PC) exists, pre ferably an HMI terminal should run on each of them (e.g. one on the hot system and one on the standby system). Additional terminals can be added as X-Terminal devices at the station bus. The supervision of the HMI hardware like screen, keyboard and mouse has to be done by the human users.

The Figure 8-9 shows a standard configuration, where NCC server and SCS server are running on the same physical server. The redundancy is configured as a hot standby system. Therefore each physical ser ver is connected to an alarm unit, the master clock, and with a fall back switch to the NCC line and to the serial communication to bay devices with master slave protocol. Printers and a third HMI are connec ted to both servers with the station bus. This means that the printing function is not redundant, but has a high reliability, as no (electromechanical) switches are used. The redundatlcy of the time synchronization is assured (except for the satellite/radio clock itself), because the SCS server can take over synchroniza tion in case that the inter-bay bus master clock fails, Networ1<: control center

Operator wor1<:place 2

! ...

although eventually .with reduced accuracy. If a high accuracy across the system is needed to fulfill its func tionality (e.g. for distributed synchrocheck), then a second bus master clock should be used. If high accuracy against absolute time is mandatory, even the satellite/radio clocks themselves should be dupli cated. Inter Communication


The behavior of inter bay communication depends a lot on the type of bus that is used, and how it is phy sically implemented. The following example assumes that the communication network distributes messa ges only on physical level. Schemes with redundant communication might have to be designed different ly, if the physical network includes switches and rou ters, which are also complex electronic devices. An appropriate example is shown in Figure 8-13. The inter-bay communication scheme discussed below consists physically of star couplers that inter connect the bay and station level devices by means of optical links (Figure 8-9). Within the passive star couplers the physical bus consists of wires with an availability of practically 100 %, and for each connect ed device there is one opto-electrical converter. So the common points of failure of the star coupler are: • The power supply. This can and should

be duplicated, and (if possible) each power supply supplied from another power source. • A common mode failure of the opto electrical converters to the bus. This probability can be neglected,

if the couplers are carefully designed. • A failure on one line (e.g. permanent light), which blocks the whole star coupler. This is prevented by appropriate

design of the star coupler converter modules. Operator wor1<:place 1

Remote wor1<:place

Optional Operator wor1<:place

.,:...} .

··· scs -> · HMI system: .:

Protection Protection Uriit Unit

Third party Protection

Protection Unit

Transmission level

Distribution level

Figure 8-9 Hot Standby Configuration

The optical glass fibers have practically an availability of 100 %, unless they are endangered by a special environmental aspect like frequent construction work. In such a case the links to the station level devices and betvveen star couplers should be duplicated and laid in separately routed cable channels, and they should be supervised to detect interruptions. Bay level The usage of redundant control units is possible, al though in most cases not necessary. A functional redundancy (e.g. emergency circuit breaker control with use of protection devices) is sufficient in most cases, if redundancy is needed at all. Apart from this, a possibility for either direct switchgear control or a backup panel can already provide the means for emergency control. Redundant protection, however, is necessary at least on HV transmission level. On the functional level this means the usual duplication of protection device as

a main1, main 2, and backup protection. This practice results not only in physical but also in functional redun dancy, if different protection algorithms are employ ed for the main 1 and main 2 protection. Redundancy on process bus If a process bus is used, it should be redundant, in particular in case of redundant protection, and also the most critical PISAs (for VT and circuit breaker) should be duplicated. A simple way is to provide a dedicated process bus and dedicated PISAs for each bay device together with redundant bay devices. More sophisticated ways of how to achieve redun dancy depend on the process bus type.


If redundancy on PISA level is considered, then the failure rate of the PISA has to be compared with the failure rate of the sensor. Often the PISA electronics has a much higher reliability than the sensor. Then redundancy makes only sense if also the sensors are duplicated.


Network Control Center

Nc' ·' ( wr

.- . -







star coopier Bay 1




Bay; -






Figure 8-7 0 SA configuration for Availability calculation i,.•. Availability calculation examples Availability normally refers to a function. Therefore it must be defined what system availability really shall means. In the following example the availability cal culations refer to the availability of the control func tion from station level or from remote. It is further assumed that the control function is considered as available, if one, but not more than one bay is no long er controllable from station level or from remote. The calculation uses the form of availability diagrams, where the components that are used together to perform a function are put in series, and the redun dant components are put in parallel. The first system is described in chapter 8.9.2, Figure 8-9. The configu ration is however reduced to that shown in the Figure 8-10.


We assume 18 bays with bay controllers (BCU), one station level SA seNer and one NCC seNer inclusive gateway function. The system needs one star coup ler with 20 lines, which works on the physical level of the communication stack and therefore has a high reliability. To enhance this reliability even further, i.e. to fulfill the single failure criterion, a redundant power supply is used in the star coupler. The following table lists typical MTIF times in hours of the used compo nents. It is a typical example for a system built from

. '?

h i g h l y r e l i a b l e c

omponents as currently available from protection system manufacturers.

diagram. The rest of the star coupler is passive and can therefore be neglected.

In the following the availability diagrams are shown for the single parts, up to the whole system.

Mean time to failure (MTIF) is the statistical time until the component needs repair. MTIF with repair means the statistical time until a second failure appears at the same time before the first fault is fixed and the whole system is declared unavailable, despite of im mediate repair of any faulted components (e.g. within 8 hours).

The bus system (Table 8-2) consists of the star coup ler with redundant power supply. The opto-electronic converters on both sides of an optical line are from the availability point of view combined with the opti cal line to an 'optical connection'. This is put in series with the connected components, i.e. not seen at the star coupler availability

The availability diagram Table 8-2 show- the calcula ted J'.'ai!abi!ity of the redundant power supply of the star coupler, which is a critical part of the bus system: • The resulting mean time to failure (MTIF) of the system (without any previous repair of failed redundant components) is 342 years.


Device type



"Star coupler Pows:·

1 500 000



11 750 000


8.51 063829787234E-8


Failure rate(lh }

"NCC Server"

251 000



"SCS Server"

251 000



87 600




850 000



"NCC Modem"

100 000



"Industrial-proof Ethernet switch" *)

438 000


2.2E-6 *)

"HMI Console"

*) it should be noted that with the fast increasing use of switches in industrial applications, the MTIF will be improved


• All 749 999 hours (= 65 years) a repair has to be performed.

• If the repair can be made within an a mean time to repair (MTIR) of 8 hours, the MTIF with repair that can be achieved is

• Availability:

321 065 years.

• The corresponding availability with repair is 99.99999999 %. • If a repair is only done in the case the system fails, i.e. if both power supplies have failed, the corre sponding availability without repair is

MTIF with repair: 8

years 99.9887 %

In case that fibers could be damaged, or faster aging plastic fibers were used, this would have to be taken into consideration accordingly. NCC gateway single MTTF(h):710n (y): 8.113858180MTTF for repair(h): 71077 MTTR(h)8.0 MTTF(y) with repair: 8.113668881 Availability(%): with repair: 99.98874566 no component repair: 99.98874593 opt.connection NCCModem NCC Server MTTF(h):11750000 MTTF(h)100000 MTTF(h)251000


and the corresponding MTIF is 342 years, as mentioned under the first bullet. Bus system MTIF(h)3000000(y): 342.4657534 MTTF for repair(h): 749999 MTIR(h)8.0 MTTF(y) with repair: 32106512.61 Availability(%): with repair. 99.99999999 no component repair. 99.99973333 star coupler PS MTIF(h):1500000



star coupler PS MTIF(h):1500000

Table 8-2 Availability of a redundant star coupler

The diagram in Table 8-3 shows the availability of the NCC server, which is connected to the star coupler via optical fibers, i.e. two opto-electric converters plus the connecting glass fibers, with an assumed availability of the fiber of 100 %.

Table 8-3 Availability of a network control center (NCC) server

Table 8-4 shows the availability figures for the HMI part, which consists of the SA server and the HMI console, and is connected to the star coupler similar as the NCC server above: • MTIF with repair: 7 years • Availability:

99.987 %

HMI part single MTTF(h)64579 (y): 7.372134185MTTF for repair(h): 64579 MTTR(h)8.0 MTTF(y) with repair: 7.371955975 -Availability(%): with repa1r: 99.98761347 no component repair: 99.98761377 opt.connection MTTF(h):11750000

SCS Server MTTF(h)251000

HM! Ccn c!c MTTF(h)87600


Table 8-4 Availability figures of the human machine interface (HMI)


· The Table 8-5 shows the availability figures of bay control units (BCU) which are also connected via the optical fibers to the star coupler: •

MTIF with repair: 90


• Availability:

99.99899074 %

=CU+opt. MTfF(h):792658 (y): 90.48615641MTfF for repair(h): 792658 MTIR(h/;8.0 . MTIF(y) with repair. 90.48609895 Avallab11ty(%): With repa1r. 99.99899074 no component repair. 99:99899074 BCU MTfF(h):850000

opt.connection MTIF(h):11750000

Table 8-5 Availability figures of the bay control units (BCU)

From the availability figures of the individual compo nents the availability of a small system, where the NCC gateway function runs on the SA seNer, is shown in Table 8-6. It has not been taken into account that control from NCC could be possible even without the HMI console, and that the SA seNer could run with out modem to NCC. so the calculation below is a worst case consideration. For the bay controllers we assume that the system is available if not more than one of them has failed. Therefore the (n-1) of n condition is maintained. • MTIF with repair: 8 years • Availability: 99.9887%

=ingle System MTTF(h): 64127 (y): 7.320463234 MTTF for repair(h): 26239 MTTR(h): 8.0 MTTF(y) with repair. 8.112543568 Availabllily("h>): with repair. 99.98874410 no component repair. 99.98752636 BCU+apt MTTF(h):839285 (n-1) ofn: 18

Bussr. tem MTTF(h): 3000000

In the diagram we find two MTIF times.


• The second one, MTIF with repair of 8 years, is the resulting system MTIF, if any failure is repaired within in average the MTIR of 8 hours. • MTIF between any repairs 26239 hours = 2.99 years

The second MTIF is longer,.because of the high pro bability that the system remains available during the repair of a redundant component, e,g. during the replacement of a star coupler power supply, or a bay control unit For the single system above these figu res are more or less identical, due to the fad that the most critical part is the sta!ion level NCC gateway. If, however, independent seNers for the NCC connec tion and for the station level HMI are provided instead, as shown in the Figure 8-10, this is regarded for the control function as redundancy, and the cor responding availability figures obtained are indicated in Table 8-7. • MTIF with repair: 30 903 years 2.13 years • MTIF for repair: 99.99999704 % • Availability: =unci.Redundancy MTTF(h): 112405 (\1): 12.83171046 MTTF lor repair(h): 18658 MTTR(h): 8.0 MTTF(\1) wilh repair. 30903.51988 Availabilily(%): with repair. 99.99999704 no componenlrepair: 99.99288343 BCU+opl.

MTTF(h): 839285

(n-1) oln:


Table 8-7 Availability figures with separate HMI and Gateway server to NCC

NCC gateway single MTTF(h):7f077

Table 8-6 Availability figures of a small SA system

• The first one of 7 years is the system MTIF, if it is operated without any repair until it fails entirely.


The availability with repair has drastically gone up, however the average time between any component repairs (MTIF for repair) has gone down, because of the fad that the quantity of components involved has increased. In order to obtain real redundancy for remote control, a redundant station HMI is installed at the NCC as shown in the Figure 8-12.

! •

Network Control Center

A Protection Bay 1

Control Bay1

ProteCti<).ri BayN ····.··

Figure 8-11 SA system with NCC GW and station HMI redundancy

Network Control Center_.•••


I .? F:t"t'

Remote HMI :·· Modem

L_Telephone networ1<

:a ;mA-r

Aif Modem/ NCC (GW) server

C server

t m- ·· '

Star coupler

45 Protection • Bay;1

Control Bayt

Figure 8-12 SA system, functional redundant with remote HMI at NCC

It is assumed that this is PC based, having the same MTIF as the SCS server with HMI and two modems. The resulting availability figures are indicated in Table 8-8.

• MTIF with repair:

47359 years

• MTIF for repair: • Availability:

1.63 years 99.9999807 %


=ingle Sys, rem.HMI MTTF(h): 130945 (y): 14286 14.94816226 MTTF for repair(h): MTTR(h): 8.0 MTTF(y) with repair: 47359.69576 Availabilily(Ok): with repair: 99.99389098 99.99999807 no component repair: BCU+opl MTTF(h): 839285 (n-1) of n: 18

Vsus system MTTF(h): 300000J .

SCS server+opt MTTF(h): 245280

SYS500MMI MTTF{h): 87600 .

Remote PC+Modem MTTF(h): 61000

CC gateway single MTTF(h): 71077

Table 8-8 Availability figures with redundant NCC workplace for control

As can be seen, this measure changes the availability figures only marginally, but it provides genuine redun dant remote control. The calculation in Table 8-9 is made for a system where both, NCC server and SA server run on the same but duplicated computers (Figure 8-11). A seri al switch and a modem are used at each server but the NCC connection between the two PCs has to be switched over. The resulting availability figures are: • MTIF with repair:

23 years

• MTIF for repair:

1.42 years

• Availability:

99.99599444 %

Due to the relatively low MTIF of the serial switch the overall availability of control from NCC is much lower than for the system with remote HMI above. On the other hand, there is also only one communication line required. This example shows the high impact of com mon/voting equipment in case of redundant com munication. The provision of either a more reliable switch or a second communication line to avoid swit ching can help to obtain reliability figures that are clos er to the above ones. Only a slightly higher availability could be achieved if the HMI part (screen, keyboard etc.) or the modems would be switched (e.g. by manual plugging) bet-


MTTF(h 901 (y): 5.924858153 MTTF forrepair(h): 12498 MTT h :8.0 MTTF(y) with re air: 22.79846674 Availa · ): with repair: 99.9 9444 no component repair: 99.98458863 BCUll MTTF ):839285 (n-1)o n: 18


Bus em MTT (h):3000000

Serial Swtlch MTTF(h):200000

HM arts MT F(h): 9

Modem MTTF(h):100000 -

HMI part single MTTF(h):64579

Modem MTTF(h):100000

Table 8-9 Availability figures for SA and NCC server on the same but redundant PC

Network Control Center q;_

NCC(GW) server -

Switch A••I'W'Switc h -- • ., 'Proteeti.on Control --Bay 1.. Bayl

: scs serJci'


Switch.' {witc_..h.).liiii.-


Protection Bay N


Bay·N_ -

Figure 8- 7 3 Ethernet ring configuration

ween the two computers. An automatic switching would further reduce availability due to the common component System availability for Ethernet based station level communication equipment

For the calculation of system availability for an Ether net based station level equipment it is assumed that the bay control units and the station level hardware as such have the same MTIF as in the previous examples. This might not necessarily be true because of the fact that the reliability of commercially available Ethernet chips is relatively low. This can also be seen from the fact that Ethernet based routers and swit ches for office environment have a MTIF between 5 and 20 years. Only recently special industrial swit ches for redundant Ethernet rings with an MTIF around 50 years have appeared on the market but with continuous increasing MTIF. We consider in the following calculation a redundant Ethernet ring confi guration (Figure 8-13) with such a switch at each con nected control device. All these switches are connect ed with glass fibers to a ring. Again the availability of the glass fiber itself is regarded to be 100 %. Thus

from the availabiiity modeling point of view, this is similar to a 1 out of n BCU configuration plus switch at the lower layer, and PC plus switch at the station layer The protection IEDs are disregarded for the con trol function. A bus system as such is, however, no longer needed, as all communication goes around the ring, which is regarded as faulty only if at least two switches ha;e failed (1 out of n of Bay).

= NCC gateway

MlTF(h)61473 (yl: 7.017524239\ATTF for repair(h): 61473 MTTR(hJl.O MTTF(y) with repair: 7.017276565 Availability(%): wi1h repa1r: 99.98698749 no component repair:99.98698795 Switch


NCC Server MTTF(h)251000

NCC Modem MTTF(h)100000

=CU+SWitch MTTF(h):289052_ M: 32.99689440MTIF for repair(h): 289052 MTTR(ht8.0 MTTF(y) with re_pair. 32.99668946 . . Availability(%): with repa1r. 99.99723239 no component repe1r._ 99.99723241 SWitch BCU MTIF(h):438000 MTTF(h):850000


Table 8-7 0 Availability figures of an Ethernet based station level equipment




with the substation and often also a station level HMI with the distributed 1/0 units (Figure 8-4).

From these components we calculate the availability for those configurations above with the highest avai lability. • MTIF with repair:

The central unit further hosts the control specific logic functionality, as long as it is not faster than 100 ms, and the distributed 1/0 units are connected either point to point or via star couplers, as well as the bay level protection devices. We further assume 18 bays which leads to 18 distributed 1/0 units and protection

7379 years

• MTIF for repair: • Availability:

1 years 99.99987%

=_Sv.ltem, rem.HMI

MTTF(h): 95102 (y): 10.85641651 MTTF forrepair(h): 8873 MTTR(h) 8.0 MTTF (y) wilh repair 7379 092508 Availability(%): wilh repair. 99.99998762 no component repair. SYS500MMI SCS se!Ver+SwOCh BCU+Swil:h MTTF(h) 87600 MTTF(h): 157680 MTTF(h): (n-1) ofn: 18


Remote PC+Modem MTTF(h): 61000

E_NCC gateway MTTF(h): 61473

Table 8-11 Availability figures of a complete system including communication availability

The result is clear: system MTIF (with repair) decreas es from 43000 years down to 73UO years. Further, the MTIF between repairs goes down from around 14000 h (1.6 y) to around 8800 hours (1y). These re sults show the high impact of the communication system reliability on the overall system availability. However, the general availability also in this case is for most applications good enough.

8, Systemavailabi/ity of a distributed RTU


In order to have a system that is comparable to the SA systems described above, it is assumed that the RTU is distributed to save cabling costs. This means, that a central unit handles the communication via mo dem to the NCC, and via serial interface or Ethernet to a local HMI.

An RTU based control system can be central, or dis tributed. The distributed RTU is a system with a cen tral point that connects the network control centers

devices, which corresponds to the number of the bays of the SA systern. In view of the high processing power required at the central part. we assume a higher integrated device with more electronic chips and therefore -regard the MTIF by 25% lower than for a bay unit. For the dis tributed 1/0 units that are simpler we assume a 25 % higher iviTTF. Further, we assume point-to-point opti cal connections to the distributed 1/0 units. This might not be practical for 20 or more connections, but it leads to better reliability figures than if an additional central star coupler or switch was implemented.

All these assumptions lead to the following availabi lity figures. For the distributed 1/0 unit with optical connection: MTIF with repair: 110 years MTIF for repair:

110 years



=tO unit+opt. MTTF(h)9 867 (y): 110.0305008MTTF for repair(h): 963867 · MTTR(hJl.O MTTF(y) with repair: 110.0304320 .. Availability(%): with repair:99.99917001 no compoQent repair:99.999170..e,1 oot.connection IOunit MTTF(h)1050000 MTTF(h)j 1750000

Table 8-12 Availability figures for 110 unit in distributed RTU system

. =RTU system MTTF(h):l16230 (y): 13.26829202/ITTF for repair(h): 21854 MTTR(h)8.0 MTTF(y) with re air: 74.07761248 Availallility(%): with repa1r: 99.998 6719 no component repair:99.99311758

Vlo unit+oflt. MTTF(h) 020565 (n-1)ofn:


RTUbase MTTF(h)650000

Modem MTTF(h):l 00000

SCS server MTTF(h)251000

HMI console MTTF(h)86500

Table 8-7 3 Availability figures for a redundant control via NCC and local HMI

The RTU system with redundant control via NCCI modem and via local HMI. • MTIF with repair: years


• MTIF for repair: years • Availability: %



Further for the comparison of the architectures it was not considered how the synchrocheck functionality is implemented in a system with distributed RTU. Very often one central device is taken for synchrocheck, which is then switched to the relevant CB that has to be closed. This synchrocheck device would, however, introduce a further single point of failure, which does not exist in a distributed SA system, where the syn chrocheck function runs on each BCU or protection device.

If we compare RTU based systems with an SA system that incorporates functional redundancy, we find that the MTIF of RTU based systems without repair is slightly better (13 years instead of 12 years), but the MTTF with repair is drastically lower (74 years instead of 30903 years) due to the RTU base being the one single point of failure. We must further consider, that the SA system addi tionally includes a (backup) protection, and a syn chrocheck function within each bay unit. Both is not considered here for the availability calculations of the RTU system. The protection could have an impact on the control functionality if the control of a bay is to be blocked as soon as the protection is out of order. This has not been considered in all configurations, because the impact would have been the same.




8.1 0 References


[1] G. W. Scheer, D. A. Woodward·Speed and Reliability of Ethernet networks for Teleprotection and Control, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc (SEL), 2001 [2] G. W. Scheer, D. J. Dolezilek ·Comparing the reliability of Ethernet network topologies in Substation control and Monitoring Networks, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc (SEL), (Western Power Delivery Automation Conference 2000, Spokane, Washington), 2000 [3] L. Andersson, K.-P. Brand, W. Wimmer · The impact of the coming standard /EC67850 on the life cycle of Open Communication Systems in Substations, Distribution 2001, Brisbane, Australia, November 2001 [4] L. Andersson, K.-P. Brand, W. Wimmer · The communication standard IEC67850 supports flexible and optimised substation automation architectures, Integrated Protection, Control and Communication Experience, Benefits and Trends, Session IV - Communication for protection and control. (pages IV-17 to IV-23), New Delhi, India, 10-12 October 2001. [5] T. Skeie, S. Johannessen, 0. Holmeide · Highly Accurate Time Synchronization over Switched Ethernet In Proceedings of 8th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'01), pages 195-204, 2001. [6] T. Skeie, S. Johannessen, and C. Brunner· Ethernet in Substation Automation, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 22(3): 43-51, June 2002 [7] K.-P. Brand, K. Frei, 0. Preiss, W. Wimmer ·A coordinated Control and Protection Concept Medium Voltage Substations and its Realization, CIRED 1991 [8] 0. Preiss, W Wimmer · Goals and Realization of an Integrated Substation Control System, DPSP&C 1994, Peking, 1994 [9] EWICS TC7, Dependability of critical computer systems, Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1988 [10] CIGRE - Technical Report, Ref. No.180 · Communication requirements in terms of data flow within substations. CE/SC 34 03, 2001, 112 pp. Ref. No




9 Asset Management Support

9 Asset Management Support 9.1 Setting new business goals 9.1.1 T&D Business Perspective 9.1.2 The Impact on Industrial Customers

9.2 Maintenance 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4

Kinds of Maintenance Change of Paradigm for Maintenance Principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance Benefits of RCM in the Electric Utility Industry

9.3 Power system monitoring 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4

Data acquisition Substation monitoring changes data into information Disturbance recording for fault location and power quality assessment Power system condition assessment for better knowledge

9.4 Monitoring of Substation Automation System 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4

Different levels of monitoring Self-supervision of devices Supervision of communication The connection to central monitoring systems

9.5 References

184 185 185 185

9 Table of Content

186 186 186 186 187

187 188 189 189 192

192 192 193 194 194



9 Asset Management Support


Asset management in the broadest sense is the opti mal management of all assets of a company accord ing to the company goals. In this book we consider transmission and distribution (T&D) utility companies, and restrict to the assets necessary to supply power to the utility customers, i.e: • The power network consisting of lines and substation primary equipment • The protection system • The network control system • The substation automation systems (SA) The protection system can be seen as part of the SA system, and the network control system is outside the scope of the book, but its asset character may be treated similar as the SA system. Therefore, the asset

management support discussed in this chapter is focused on: • The power system • The protection system • The SA system The task of utilities is to supply power. The focus of the detailed company goals might change due to deregulation. Government owned utilities put the focus on reliable power supply, while privatized utili ties will focus rnore on return on investment The asset management policy is influenced by the com pany goals, policies and resulting strategies. Figure 9-1 tries to give an overview on the depen dencies between utility activities to illustrate the diffe-





Figure 9-7 Facets of asset management in relation to utility specific activities


9.1.1 T & D Business Perspective

rF-nt facets of asset management Thin arrows deno te goal setting and planning process dependencies, while thick arrows denote possible information flow during day to day business. Asset management in the narrower sense focuses around maintenance of the power system, power system development planning, and the coordination of these activities with operation to assure retrieval of data about equipment state and strain for optimized maintenance and new planning, as well as coopera tion between maintenance and operation for mini mal power interruption and safe working procedures.

9.1 Setting new business goals The focus on return on investment (ROI) caused by deregulation leads to a trend to seek for more effi cient, more accurate, more economical ways of pro viding T&D services: • The implementation of communication networking within and between substations allows for faster access to intelligent electronic devices (lED) via high-speed wide area networks and communi cation via public networks, providing the means to obtain more data about equipment state and equipment usage. • The microprocessors used in relaying, SCADA systems and other equipment provides more, and more accurate real-time information from the substations to maintenance and planning centers. This will drive automation down to distribution level. with major system architectures focused on distribution optimization. The formation of independent system operators ISO and power exchange organizations represents a pro found change in the way electricity is brought to mar ket

Today, utilities show a growing need for support and training services when tackling substation automation and integration programs. This results in the change of equipment specification from yesterday's largely utility specific requirements to today's national and international standards. In future, the needs for long term maintenance agreements, commissioning, and installation and design services will extend these requirements.


9.1.2 The lmpad on Industrial Customers The quality and reliability of power supply is of vital importance to the utility customer business. The impact of voltage sags, surges and outages on po wer systems can be translated into heavy economic impact in terms of lost production time and product waste. The topic is prominently addressed in interna tional organizations like IEEE, lEE, Cigre and CIRED. The reason for all the interest and concern is the con tinuing increase in overall load sensitivity. Industrial operations of modern plants are built around sophi sticated electronic controls that are negatively affect ed by poor power quality. Further a lot of industrial processes rely on energy for a specific period of time, otherwise the production process will be disturbed resulting in high losses. While today most customers work with their local utility to resolve power quality issues, it is unclear if this arrangement works in dere gulated electricity markets. A possible solution is the accurate monitoring of power quality, and including quality requirements into pricing as well as penalties. Another solution is that the industrial customer builds up his own emergency power generation and swit ches over the power supply to obtain the needed power quality at least for his most sensitive proces ses. Maintaining power quality to the_level needed is not only a consequence of correct operation, but also of maintenance. In the following, a closer look will be taken into maintenance and the supporting monito ring functions in the operational part.


9.2 Maintenance

or periodically as good as possible, and based on the result it is dedded when the preventive maintenance has to take place. The advantage of preventive maintenance is that it can be scheduled in advance at times when the influ-


ences on operation are minimal, and that failures are avoided and the impact of outages due to the mainThe task of maintenance is to handle any failures that tenance activities is kept at minimum. The additional influence the power system operation. These are faiadvantage of condition based maintenance is, that lures in the primary equipment as well as in the conunnecessary maintenance or diagnostics are avoided. trol and protection equipment, and also in power These activities not only cost money, but can even system design and protection or control system cause outages resulting from errors during the main- design respectively. Failures are typically caused by tenance process itself.

9.2.1 Kinds of Maintenance

• component aging • human (operation or maintenance work) errors

9.2.2 Change of Paradigm for Maintenance

• system design errors of power system, protection system or control system

T&D equipment design and maintenance requirements have significantly changed over the past years. • environmental influences and incidents like These changes have been driven by the enormous thunderstorms, or power demand exceeding increase in the number and types of equipment that generation. must be maintained, the increasing complexity in All failures that directly influence the business goals equipment design, and the availability of new mainhave to be handled and repaired as fast as possible, tenance techniques. Maintenance strategies have also been responding to changing equipment to keep losses by power system unavailability as small as possible. This kind of maintenance is called performance expectations. This includes the growing awareness of the extent to which equipment failure repair or corrective maintenance. affects safety and the environment as well as the If the aging of components is known, aging parts can relationship between maintenance and product or service quality, and the increasing pressure to reduce be replaced before the equipment as a whole fails. This is called preventive maintenance. Preventive costs. maintenance can be done in different ways: Under this condition, a new strategic approach to • Scheduled maintenance: worn out parts are maintenance that has been successfully applied in cleaned or replaced periodically, i.e. the maintethe commercial aviation and nuclear power industries nance time is scheduled in advance. Typical is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). examples for secondary equipment are replace ment of batteries and cleaning or replacement of 9.2.3 Principles of Reliability Centered dust filters. For complex primary equipment often a diagnosis is done at the start of maintenance to Maintenance determine, tf the aging caused in service was really Traditionally, equipment maintenance is performed as big as expected, and whether replacement is


really necessary. This is called detective main-

on a time-driven basis (scheduled maintenance) with

tenance. Typical examples are the replacement of circuit breaker contacts or transformer oil.

equipment replacement based primarily on age with a limited knowledge of the actual equipment performance and usage.

• Predictive or Condition based maintenance: the actual load of an equipment respective its actual condition is measured either permanently

The type of maintenance policy to select for specific equipment for transmission and distribution depends








on reliability and on economic and customers' busi ness related availability considerations, which take the consequences of failures into account. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is the defini tion of equipment maintenance procedures on an as needed basis as opposed to time-driven basis. RCM can establish an effective maintenance program while keeping the needed degree of reliability and availabi lity of the system, eliminating ineffective preventive maintenance tasks, and prioritize condition based maintenance tasks. RCM makes use of analytical techniques to determine applicable and cost-effective preventive maintenance tasks that address dominant equipment failure modes that are critical to system performance. RCM establishes preventive maintenance tasks to avoid or at least to mitigate the consequences of fail ures and not always to attempt to prevent the fail ures themselves. All preventive maintenance tasks defined by RCM are technically and economically fea sible. Thus, this methodology of selecting and prioriti zing maintenance tasks translates into substantial reductions in routine work that together with the eli mination of unproductive tasks, leads to more effect ive and less costly maintenance.

es the line availability by 1 %, and costs around 50 k$ per year. Thus, it saves around 43 200 k$, i.e. mainte nance pays off.


If, however, with 40 000 k$ a second line could be built, this would enhance the availability e.g. by 4% saving 1 72 000 k$ per year, even without any pre ventive maintenance. Any availability improvement on a redundant line due to preventive maintenance is much smaller than 1 %, as long as not additional costs (like having to replace a circuit breaker) can be pre vented.

9.3 Power system monitoring For once neglecting outages as a result of wrong human operation, there are basically three reasons for power interruptions: • The breakdown of a utility asset through normal wear and aging under working conditions. • The outage of an asset being effected by an external event or fault.

9.2.4 Benefits of RCM in the Electric Utility Industry The objective of every utility is to supply reliable power at the least costs. Reliable power and mini mum cost are usually economic opposites. Higher reliability generally involves increased investment and maintenance costs. However, RCM should lead to reduced power delivery failure rates without increas ing maintenance costs. Thus, RCM has the potential of improving reliability whilst simultaneously reducing costs. An examples with fictive figures might illustrate this: A power line in the transmission backbone is critical for the whole power flow. A loss of the line might cause costs of 500 k$ per hour due to not delivered

power and penalties. Preventive maintenance increas-

• A temporary system disturbance where the external influence disappears, e.g a lightning stroke causing an earth fault on a line. Condition monitoring mainly addresses the wear

and aging caused by normal or temporarily abnormal working conditions. This is done first in that they sup port the evaluation of the actual condition of assets, and second, in that they might explicitly support the prediction of the further evolution of a detected pro blem, and the probability of breakdown. Power system monitoring in a narrower -sense addresses faults and problems in the network. As these are often cleared by the protection system, and this also delivers necessary data, it is often also called protection monitoring, although it additionally delivers power system problem diagnosis data like

fault locations on a line.

9.3.1 Data acquisition


The trend within data acquisition goes to intelligent electronic devices (lED) for protection or control. Besides their primary functions, they host more and more additional functionality. Many of these additio nal functions provide a sound foundation for basic monitoring systems, are cost-effective and may com prise (Figure 9-2):


• Disturbance recorders • Event recorders • Statistical value evaluation • Power quality analysis With computing power making its way into the pri mary equipment together with new sensor techno-

logy, more and more intern al data from

high voltage equipment can be made available to the outside at reasonable costs like

• Switching currents • Manufacturing data • Original value of key performance criteria

• Switching counters • Thermal information

This kind of data is the source of valuable condition information and exploited for building up condition monitoring.

• Quality of isolation media • Timing curves of switching operations


. ..., _

'>.olli .. IT

o oe '•·


Uo0• :>"',"' •

1 • '- .,.. '"" o •


!Advanced analysis :tools , 1: f.


; ,.,_ .11




Figure 9-2 Typical example of data acquisition from various lEOs in a substation

Event printer 9.3.3

...................................... Star coupler lnterbay-Bus

Figure 9-3 Substation monitoring system

9.3.2 Substation monitoring changes data into information Substation monitoring systems are often defined and understood as functional and even physical subsets of substation automation systems, with mostly the control functionality not being included. This is how ever a rather restricted perception that does no justi ce to the importance of the monitoring applications, and neglects the currently growing interest in condi tion monitoring applications as well as the increasing need for business related information. Therefore, a more general definition of monitoring is better suited to describe the state-of-the-art monitoring approach: Substation monitoring is a station or network mana gement technique, which exploits the regular evalua tion of the actual operating condition, in orderto minimize the combined costs of power transmission/ distribution operation and maintenance. This means effectively, that it might cover condition monitoring as well as protection system monitoring at least at the concerned substation.



Monitoring systems are scalable solutions ranging from single IEDs respective an add-on communica tion kit for existing single IEDs up to complete stand alone systems with one or several PCs for decentra lized as well as centralized data evaluation and failure analysis. It archives the data which is collected from the IEDs like numerical protection devices through a substation wide bus. A typical structure of a local system (i.e. within a substation) is shown in Fig. 9-3. The data is presented after analysis on dedicated SMS operator displays (Figure 9-2).

9.3.3 Disturbance recording for fault loca tion and power quality assessment In the last decades, the power systems have been monitored in order to be able to determine the exact type of fault, to find the proper ways to clear the faults, and to check the reactions of the protective devices. This was mainly done for reporting purposes, i.e. extracting the exact picture of the fault. to include these data in reports. Another goal for this monito ring system was network engineering oriented, that is




improving the theoretical models of the electrical net works, thus studying the appropriateness of the "cal culated behavior of the network" against the "actual behavior of the network". 9.3. 3

These monitored data was used as well in litigation context, where the responsibility between several actors in the electrical networks was to be looked into for cost assignment in particularly severe conse quences of faults on the electrical network. In some cases a very accurate analysis of the fault was requir ed to know the exact values of the electrical para meters just before the faults, to see whether such piece of equipment was right to have failed to work or not. With the power quality concerns, the goals are diffe rent. If the use of the data for internal engineering purposes are still valid, a new approach is to evaluate the level of quality of the electrical supply, giving information on which legal contractual agreements can be based upon, and providing data which can be

issued to the public This is particularly true with the deregulation occurring on the markets, where legal interfaces have to be defined to more than one actor in the Energy market. I:'

When a disturbance record file is uploaded from a fault recording system, it can automatically be evaluat ed and the result of the analysis printed in the form of a "short fault report': and faxed to the protection engineer (Figure 9-4). This kind of automatic fault location and analysis even helps to bring the system faster back into operation. Under a fault recording system we understand here a system with dedicated recorders with mostly higher resolution than those integrated in protection devices.

Figure 9-4 Disturbance recording and fault evaluation




Figure 9-5 Central retrieval and evaluation of event and fault records

Figure 9-6 Power system monitoring structure


Central EValuation Statio "


Functionality Central System • Archiving I Management of the files from different Stations • Evaluation of Disturbance Records - Merging of records -Analysis I Computation I Documentation • Remote HMI

SMSSystem r--M-o-de-m'-----,1-A lnte rba y- Bus I




Functionality Station SMS • Automatic Collection of Data • Archiving I management offiles • Summary reports • Device HMI • Data Transfer (on request, automatic, Data Compression) • Collection of Disturbance Record files from Foreign devices





9.3.4 Power system condition assessment for better knowledge Precondition for condition based maintenance is to know more about the equipment, its load, and the operation conditions. For this many data has not only to be gathered, but also to be evaluated, correlated, and after evaluation some configuration data in the system to be modified. A central power system moni toring therefore offers some or all of the following features (Figure 9-5):

What the Figure 9-6 does not show is, that from the central system the evaluated data is again distributed: to office work places via intranet LAN, or to mainte nance personnel via mail. fax, SMS, pager etc


• Direct access to substation monitoring and automation system supervision data • Parameter setting from remote • Assessment quality



• Historical data base for enterprise resource planning • Visualization of critical areas via geographical information system (GIS) • Identification of weak spots in combination with lightning data base • Support of maintenance and asset management systems The results of monitoring systems are not needed for direct power system operation, but more for mainte nance and planning. Therefore they are often gather ed separately from the network control centers, al though some of their data should also be correlated with data gathered in network control centers. Therefore, typical Power system monitoring (PSM) systems might look like Figure 9-6.


Local SMS systems, substation automation systems, or even directly protection devices or disturbance recording systems are connected to some central place via wide area connections. These wide area nents is however limited both because of costs and technical feasibility for reliable switchover. Apart from this, the increased quantity of redundant devices would decrease the mean time to failures (MTIF) for repairs in the system. As is shown in chapter 8, the decrease in availability is, however, relatively small if the failed component is not replaced as fast as pos sible (see system MTIF without repair in contrast to MTIF with repair). Therefore, all these systems have to be supervised carefully to detect any degradation in time. The


connections can be set up on demand by the center, i.e. via modems, and therefore do not need perma nent connections like an NCC. But also other kinds of wide area connections like routed packet switched networks are possible.

• Protection related information as input for protection system supervision and fault location

9.4 Monitoring of Substation Automation System 9.4.1 Different levels of monitoring The Substation Automation System or any dedicated Monitoring System is supervising both the phenome na in the power network and the allocated switch gear. These phenomena may require fast response by protection or automatics, or actions by the opera tor e.g. an acknowledgement of the related alarms. They also produce non time-critical data for mainte nance and planning. The loss of the substation automation system would have a severe impact on the operation of the power system. Same holds to a much larger extent for the network control and management system. The deg radation of monitoring systems would affect the asset management and cause problems at least mid term. Highly sensitive components should be duplicated to avoid that a single failure can block the functionality of a complete system. The redundancy of camporesult will be an input for the utility asset management system. In the following two sections, the basic monitoring procedures for systems are explained.



(EMI). Reliable and often redundant power supplies contribute to the robustness of lEOs.

9.4.2 Self-supervision of devices Each intelligent electronic device (lED) has a lot of interacting components. The design should be made in such a way that all components have a high MTIF, and that the complete arrangement is insensitive against electromagnetic interferences


Figure 9-7 Typical/EO self-supervision and local communication supervision

193 !




Nevertheless, self-supervision is necessary. AJD con version that might be subjected to aging should be supervised by means of a reference signal. Watch dogs should supervise the response times from pro cessing algorithms. If memories are used for the sto rage of data, checksums should be used to detect any failure. Loss of power supply should be monitor ed as well. The question, how many percent of the device should be covered by selfsupervision, is very academic A typical example for self-supervision of an lED is shown in Figure 9-7

• Self-supervision of communicating devices • Supervision, if all nodes in the communication network are still operative and responding • Detection of errors in telegrams at least on the receiver side • Supervision on communication overload and acceptable response times • Counting of lost messages and detected errors

9.4.3 Supervision of communication

9.4.4 The connection to central monitoring systems

Communication is the backbone of any system and should, therefore, be supervised in any case. A stable communication is not only needed for safe operation but also for the transfer of the results from the lED self-supervision to higher monitoring levels. The com munication medium in substations normally consists of interference free fiber optical cables or of screened wires. Communication problems occur in the senders and receivers or in communication devices in be tween, e.g. star coupler, routers, switches, etc All this communication equipment is subject to self-supervi sion according to 9.4.2. There are different levels of communication supervision, i.e.

1 94


. i i

Self-supervision of devices or a substation automati on system is required. If, however. a substation is not manned, than it can only be used to shut down parts of the system. Thus self-supervision enhances the safety for operation errors, but it does not improve the availability, i.e. that one is able to do what is requir ed at a certain point in time. Therefore, also the results of this self-monitoring should be permanently supervised. In case of unattended substation auto mation systems this is normally performed by the associated network control center, which then has to pass the information of failures to the maintenance staff. The centralized power system monitoring sys-

Mechanical Protection, no supervision

Self supervision

Self supervision and remote supervision

MTTF (years)

50 years

50 years

50 years


24 hours

3 month

24 hours

Error detection.time

3 month

1 hour

1 hour

Availability (%)








Table 9-7 Comparison of availability and safety depending on supervision types




tem with direct automatic link to maintenance staff as mentioned above would do this as well. It even could supeNise remotely the protection devices by gathe- · ring the results of the permanent self supeNision in order to increase the protection system availability. This is usually cost efficient even if there are no distur bance recorder data available from these devices. An example for the improvement of safety and availabi lity by self-supeNision and remote supeNision is shown in the Table 9-1. The calculations are based on a simple Markov model considering the mean time to failure (MTIF), mean time to repair (MTIR), and the error detection times due to either self-supeNision or periodic manual tests.


In Table 9-1 the MTIF for the JED is in all cases assum ed to be identical, i.e. 50 years, to see the effects of self supeNision and remote supeNision. It is further assumed that if no supeNision is done, then failures are only detected in the course of periodic mainte nance every 6 months. This leads to an average error detection time of 3 months. In the case of JEDs with self-supeNision, but no remote monitoring, the MTIR is assumed to be 3 month, as the periodic inspection time has to be added to the delay of repair. Apart from this, the error detection time of the self-super vision is assumed to be 1 hour. Any delay in commu nicating this by remote monitoring is within the 24 h MTIR. It can be seen immediately that the self-super vision alone mainly enhances the· safety. In order to obtain a similar degree of improvement of the availa bility, at least daily supeNision is necessary in addition. And it should be kept in mind that the availability of protection is the security of the power system.


9.5 References


[1] F. Engler, A.W. Jaussi · Intelligent substation automation - monitoring and diagnostics in HV switchgear installations, ABB Review 3/1998 [2] R. ltschner, C. Pommerell, M. Rutishauser · GlASS - Remote Monitoring of Embedded Systems in Power Engineering, IEEE Internet Computing, May/June 1998 [3] Xiaobing Qiu, Wolfgang Wimmer · Applying Object-Orientation and Component Technology to Architecture Design of Power System Monitoring, PowerCon 2000, 4th International Conference on Power System Technology, Perth, Australia, December 4-7, 2000 [4] I. De Mesmaeker, H. Ungrad, G. Wacha, W. Wimmer · The role of SMS in enhancing protection and control functions, CIRED 93, Birmingham, 1993 [5] K P. Brand, H. Singh, H. Ungrad, W. Wimmer · Enhancement of distribution protection by communication, 2nd Int. Symposium, Singapore, 1991 [6] V. Lohmann · Integrated Substation Automation System Support: New Maintenance Strategies for T&D Equipment, Electrical Engineering Technical Exchange Meeting at Saudi Arabian Oil Company, November 1998

'., II

[7] V. Lohmann, I. De Mesmaeker, B. Eschermann · New Maintenance Strategies for Power Systems supported by Substation Automation, Cigre Conference June 1999 in London/UK [8] V. Lohmann, 0. Preiss · Less Impact of Power Failures Due to Substation Automation, CIRED Conference, 1999 in Nice




New Roles of Substation Automation


Impact of the Deregulation of the Power Industry

10.1.1 Reshaping the Business 10.1.2 Working Plants Harder Enhancing System Thermal Capability Maintaining Voltage Stability 10.1.23 Real Time Network Analysis Post Fault Actions 10.2 Motivation for Modernizing Substations 10.2.1 Contribution of IT to Provide New Opportunities 10.2.2 Efficient data exchange for up-to-date information 10.2.3 Advanced Power System Management 10.2.4 Typical estimates of benefits and costs 10.2.5 Cost comparison SA versus conventional 10.2.6 Capturing benefits 10.2.7 Reorganization 10.2.8 Upgrade steps towards advanced power system management 10.2.9 Summary and conclusion 10.3 Policy for substation refurbishment 10.4 Business related impact of SA 10.4.1 Better Information 10.5 References

198 198 198 199 199 199 200 200 200 200 201 204 204 205 205 206 207 207 208 209 210

10 Table of content




10 New Roles of Substation Automation


10.1 Impact of the Deregulation of the Power Industry Over the past decade the electricity supply industry has been subjected to dramatic changes. World-wide the trend is to restructure vertically integrated utilities catering for generation, transmission and distributions into smaller "unbundled" companies. The new plant owners are pushed to minimize costs through great er utilization of existing assets. This can be achieved by reducing operating security margins. As a matter of fad, this new operation philosophy is enabled by the rapid advances, which are made in the field of digital technology applied for protection, control and communication. These developments drive significant changes in power system management, substation automation and broadband communications. Various aspects of the utilities needs have been dis cussed in the Cigre 99 London Symposium on the subject: 'Working Plant and Systems harder'Enhanc ing the management and performance of plant and power systems is being addressed widely at many international conferences. The overall conclusion per ceived is that there are a lot of new technologies available, which will help planners and operators to find new solutions to maxirnize the use of the power systems and adapt to the fast changing environment.

10.1.1 Reshaping the Business


The final decade of the 20th century saw unprece dented changes in the structure of the electricity industry as the "deregulation fever'' spread around the globe. With deregulation of this historically con trolled market, shareholder and customer interest became a key factor in the competitive free market as corporate officers traded unbundled business sec tors internationally for the highest stakes. These board room-level issues have overshadowed the ever changing responsibilities for the engineering busi-

• Better modelling and more detailed technical analysis. Using these techniques it is often possible to assign enhanced ratings to transmission equip ment, and hence increase system power transfers. • Better analysis of system conditions. As a result of increased power transfers across the system there is a reduction in operational "margins for error'. This means that accurate prediction and analysis

ness that continues to develop new technology to meet the demand for more electrical energy. The engineering decision-making process now must con sider, in addition to engineering and financial issues, the impact on the local and global environment in the form of environmental studies and life-cycle assess ments. Consumers now regard electricity as an essen tial ingredient to improve the quality of life, and the industry faces the challenge of satisfying the demand for energy in a manner that has minimum impact on the environment. The large interconnected national and international transmission systems that bridge geographical and political boundaries continue to offer the opportunity to optimise and share the use of energy efficient resources. In the increasingly competitive arena there is signifi cant pressure on power providers for greater syst_em reliability ard improvement of customer sat1sfad1on, while similar emphasis is placed on cost reduction. These cost reductions focus on reducing operating and maintenance expenses, and minimizing invest ments in ne.v plants and equipment. If plant invest ments are [CJ be made only for that which is absolu tely necessary the existing systern equipment must be pushed :o greater limits in order to defer capital investments

10.1.2 Working Plants Harder Enhancing Lhe management and performance of plant and power systems is being discussed widely at many interrational conferences. The overall conclu sion perceived is that there are a lot of new techno logies available, which will help planners and opera tors to find new solutions to maximize the use of the power systems and adapt to the fast chanqing envi ronment. The innovations which can be developed and imple mented to enable to work the system harder include

..i i

the following:

of power system conditions are vital. • A reduction in the timescales in which the control engineer can act. To this end better alarm cata analysis is required, together with automatic instead of manual actions. In addition to the pressures to "work the system har der:there are also

pr es su re s to re du ce th e

overhead costs of the system operation function. This implies a need to use more efficient working practices, for example telecommand and sequence switching and extensive automatic voltage control equipment.



Monitor can be applied which uses the same mathe matical model as that used to derive the rating sche dule but it collects real-time data from outstations along the routes of selected With increasing environmental pressures the circuits. In a similar way, an on-line Transformer options for building new transmission lines are Thermal Monitor collects data and provides ratings very limited, even rebuilding or raising towers for for selected transmission system transformers. increased ground clearance can present considerable problems in ob taining the necessary In both cases the data collected are fed back to consents. Existing overhead line rating schedules are a master station located at the Control Center based on probabilistic methods, in many countries which has the cable and transformer models. The with four rating seasons covering the twelve results obtained are available in the control room. months of the year. These assume fixed values of Because the data is collected in real-time, it is not Vv'ind speed, temperature and isolation for each necessary to apply the same factors of safety that rating season. On certain days however, these need to be applied to probabilistic ratings, hence ratings may be enhanced if actual meteorological higher rating are generally produced. As the data is used. In the UK considerable research installation of the out stations and monitoring has been carried out and tools have been equipment is relatively expensive, its application is developed that can provide at the day ahead stage, limited to certain critical circuits. weather related iine ratings for critical circuits. Uprating up to 20 % can be possible on over 50% Maintaining Voltage Stability of days. [6]

10. 7 .2.1 Enhancing System Thermal Capability

Transformer and cable ratings can also be based on rating seasons. In the case of cables there are usually two rating seasons, the actual ratings being derived from data provided by the manufacturers. Cables and their surroundings have long thermal time constants and therefore quite large overloads can be sustained for up to several hours. An online Cable System

I .

A system that is heavily voltage constrained requires a great deal of analysis to ensure that it is operated within security standards whilst out-ofmerit genera tion costs are kept to a necessary minimum. To exploit the increased thermal capability it may be required to install capacitive compensation for provid ing an appropriate margin to voltage instability. Analysis




The real time network analysis (RTNA) is an invalua ble tool for the control engineer, especially if the system is being operated at or close to its limits. Whilst off-line studies give accurate results they can never fully reflect the real system because of such factors as demand estimating errors, changes to the scheduled generating plant and transmission system reconfigurations. If real time data is used the RTNA can, in certain circumstances, give significant enhanc ements to system capability. The quality of the state



estimation using the RTNA depends on the accuracy of the existing metering and the representation of adjacent and lower voltage systems.

1 Actions



Frequently it is necessary to identify post-fault actions such as re-switching a substation or rapidly reducing MW generation to mitigate the consequences of cre dible system faults. Utilities specific procedures spe cify maximum numbers of actions considered per missible within a given timescale. Generally, manual actions in less than 10 minutes are not considered feasible. If these actions could be carried out auto matically then the timescales could be reduced, which allows greater short term ratings to be utilized allow ing system transfers to be increased. Certain automa tic schemes are often installed but these only cater for a small number of eventualities. Also, these sche mes tend to be hard wired, inflexible and expensive to install. Advanced automatics may overcome these limitations in the future.

10.2 Motivation for Modernizing Substations

Over the past thirty years the following key technolo gies and marketing developments have affected the entire electric power transmission and distribution world: • The invention and large-scale application of microprocessors • The development of high-speed digital communications

• Setting parameters • Disturbance records • Statistics • Trends • Condition related data • Non-urgent indications

• Substation automation • Feeder automation However, for working plants harder the moderniza tion of exiting substations is a prerequisite. In addition to this, utilities will in future need more comprehensive service and support.

10.2.2 Efficient data exchange for up-to-date information The prerequisite for the provision of up-to-date criti cal operating information to engineers and account managers is an efficient communication network. This must be capable not only to support remote control from network control centers but also retrieval of data on loading, interruptions, voltage disturbances, and other electrical events from all substations throughout the utility service area for the protection, maintenance and planning departments.

1. Real time communication between the network control centers for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management systems (EMS) as well as between the various substations for control actions: ..·-P·QSition status • Commands • Interlocking • Automated functions

• The world-wide implementation of Internet networking.

2. Non-real time communication to transmit data to the back-office departments for protection, engineering, and maintenance as well as for planning and asset management:

• Energy management and power system management

It is recommended to split the communication system into two partial networks:

10.2.1 Contribution of IT to Provide New Opportunities


All of them have become great enabler with regard to new business opportunities, challenging market needs and new requirements, in view of the fad that the pressure on utilities for cost reduction and pro ductivity improvement requires new concepts for

• Actual process values s u p p l y . .

10.2.3 Advanced Power System Management There are three area where information technology (IT) applications can contribute significant benefits in terms of advanced power system management (Figure 10-1): 1. Enhanced power system operation, which results in higher reliability of power supply 2. Substation automation which assures higher availability and flexibility of power

3. Onli ne po

wer system monitoring to work systems harder and to save maintenance costs 10.2.3

Figure 70-7 Advanced Power System Management Overview

Power .·Optimisation

Substation Automation

Substation Automation

····power Distribution ·

·fio l'er · Transrriission AI

·;Power System· The objective of the Advanced Power System Management (APSM) concept is the optimization of the power system performance in tf'rms of reliability and availability at minimal operation and maintenan ce costs. 10.2.4

It comprises a distributed concept consisting of • Power supply optimization, substation automation and demand side management · on consumer level • Wide area communication network as link between the process level and the network control and power system management level • Enhanced power system operation modules to provide data and information for energy manage ment and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems • Online power system monitoring to provide data and information for Asset Management as well as Engineering and Maintenance The main obstacle to realise this vision was the mul

Demand side Management


·Power, . Consumers 201

titude of proprietary communication protocols that

have limited the capacit y for data transmi ssion and the interop

erability between the numerous vendor specific protection and control IEDs. With the intro duction of the new international communication standard \EC 61850 all requirements for communica tion capability and compatibility, interoperability be tvveen vendor specific devices and forward compa tible engineering standards this vision is going to become reality. For further details please refer to chapter 13.

10.2.4 Typical estimates of benefits and costs The estimated first cost benefits indicated as per Table 10 -1 are for a new substation construction comparing conventional substation design with auto mated substation design. [1] These figures serve as a model for cost comparison only. The substation con figuration assumes a 138/15 kV transformer, 6-13 kV circuit breakers, breaker & 112 arrangement, and 2 times 6 position feeders of 15 kV metal clad distribu tion switchgear.

Table 7 0-7 Estimated benefit/cost for SA retrofit of medium sized utility


Eliminated items







8 000

48 000


12 000

60 000

Control Panels


Relay Panels



5 000

20 000


8 000

28 000

Taxation relays



3 500

7 000


1 600

8 600

Feeder relays



2 500

25 000


8 000

33 000



2 000



2 000


16 000

18 000


6 000



24 000


24 000

48 000




2 400


32 000





18 000

18 000


30 000

48 000

Fault iecorder



25 000

25 000


4 000

29 000

Sequ. event rec



18 000

18 000



22 000




3 000

6 000


1 600

7 600

141 200

336 600

Control building



Total in US$

195 000


· • PC human machine interface (H'/11) with all necessary software, drivers, net:lork managment.

The estimated costs to provide fud substation auto mation for this arrangement would range from $100 000 to $200 000 and induce

• Local Area Network (LAN) with :lterfaces for all IEDs Programmable logic contro er (PLC) and remote 1/0 modules. •

Full compliment of IEDs with pr;'ilary and secon dary protection schemes on all r-ajor equipment. For most economical arrangemeIEDs are

located nearest to the eqipmenc :hey protect.

• Full drawing management software package for all substation physical, schematic, wiring, arrange menand other technical drawings at the site with as built changes, forwarded to drafting for revision and returned to the substation via included wide area network management software.

• Transformer management sense'S and software.


• Full system configuration, tesinstallation, documentation and commissioning. It is obvious that the benefits exceed the implemen tation costs for new substation construction. The esti mated implementation costs may vary according to the level of redundancy required and conservatism with respect to the use of traditional mimic style con trols. The least cost system will locate lEOs nearest the controlled equipment and use only one HMI (PC). Table 10-2 indicates typical benefits and costs for substation a·utomation at a medium sized utility with 116 total substations. 16 bulk power substations, 40 medium sized distribution substations, and 60 small distribution substations. [1]

Table 7 0-2 Estimated benefits/cost "Jr SA retrofit of medium sized utility

Benefit Item

Est.$ Est.$

Cost Item

Reduces time to find and fix prot ms 800 000

2 250 000

Small SIS with IEDs


Reduced SCADA O&M 000 000

34 800

Medium S/S with IEDs


Reduced metering O&M 920 000

46 400

Large S/S with IEDs


Transformer monitoring


Reduced protective relay O&M 320 000

232 000

Reduced SER & Fault recording 040 000

11 600

Remote operation via modem

174 000

Predictive maintenance

718 504

Transformer load optimization Reduced trouble shooting

Total estimated Cost

1 437 008 153 000 16

Reduced training costs

50 000 40

Drawing management

116 000 16

Small SIS Medium S/S Large S/S


Total estim ated bene fits (US $) 5 223 413 Total subst ation s S/S 116




10.2.5 Cost comparison SA versus conventional


The costs benefits as per section 1 0.2.4 refer to the following cost structure for conventional protection and control of a typical distribution 138/15 kV sub station with 6 feeders 138 kV and 12 feeders 15 kV [1].

In this specific case the estimated costs for SA are smaller than indicated in the Graph 10-1.

Cost Items


The main savings are achieved with the following cost items:

Control Panels Protection Panels Metering Panels Feeder Protection Relays Cable Conduit Wiring Control Building Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Fault Recorder Sequence of Event Recorder Annunciator SAT. Commisioning


• Wiring substituted by fibre optic cables


• Less cable conduits

2 9

• Annunciaters and fault recorders are integrated in the IEDs for protection and control


13 9 13 8 6

2 9 100

Total costs

Table 7 0-3 Cost splitting of conventional control and protection for a 7 3817 5 kV SIS

• Reduced space requirements for the control building • RTUs are no longer required The cost benefits for SA compared with transmission substations of 245 kV, 420 kV and 525 kV are even more significant due to the vast space requirement and the large amount of wiring and cable conduits required as shown in Graph 10-2.



I ;


The comparisons of the installation costs reveal that SA is the most cost effective solution in every case.

Graph 7 0-7 Cost comparison between conventional control and protection and SA for a 7 3817 5 kV SIS

Cost Comparison conventional control and protection versus substation automation (SA) I






• SAT, Commisioning

o Annunciator o PC-based SA System, t-MI


& SW

1!1 Sequence of Event Recorder")


•Fault Recorder*)

o Remote


Term inla Unit (RTU) j

•Control Building EIWiring ..)

200'000 150'000

: Cab!e Cendu!t

o Feeder

Protection Relays

o Metering



•Protection Panels

o Control Panels








Installation Costs Conventional Control & Protection versus Substation Automation 1'800'000


1'600'000 1'400'000 1'200'000 0 (/)

1'000'000 800'000 600'000 400'000 200'000 0 115115 k\1

2451123 kV


420/123 kV

Conventional ----Substation Autorration

525/123 kV


Graph 10-2 Installation costs for conventional control and protection versus SA for various voltages

With higher system voltages the impact of the instal lation cost for conduits and wiring becomes the main driver for the steeper increase of the installation costs.

1 0.2.6 Capturing benefits The business case for doing any sizable automation implementation will likely be based on the strategic and tangible benefits mentioned previously. It is likely that a large percentage of these estimated benefits might be based on reduced operation and mainte nance costs resulting from reduced manpower and streamlined business processes. In order to capture these benefits it will be necessary to make changes in the organization as the automation functions and improved business processes are deployed.

10.2.7 Reorganization Utility departments that will be impacted by the tran sition from conventional non-automated substations

to fully automated substation environments will inclu de metering, protection, SCADA, and maintenance. These groups have enjoyed the autonomy associated with the use of independent special purpose systems requiring specially trained groups of employees. New substation automation systems Will Incorporate digi tal processing and client-server technologies that will make most of the activities associated with the "old school" obsolete. Metering personnel will no longer need to design and maintain systems with dedicated meters. Meter ing functions will be performed by certified IEDs and made available to all network applications from a- real time database._Tbeintegrated database will re cord historical data for billing, trending and analysis. Protection engineers will enjoy remote access to the configurations, reports and historical performance of

. ' . r


10.2. 8

those devices via direct network or modem commu nications. Travel time for information gathering, cali bration and routine maintenance will be minimized or eliminated. All documentation required to support the system will be incorporated into its integrated database. As built changes to documents and draw ings will be made online at the same time that hard ware and software changes are made. SCADA RTUs will not be required. The SA platform will filter the required analog and status information from the network and emulate the EMS protocol through a gateway that will appear as an RTU to the EMS. Control through the SA will be transparent to the EMS. Routine substation maintenance will be minimized. Fault duties of major substation equipment will be monitored and alarms will be sent when maintenance thresholds have been exceeded. Many of the lEOs and communication devices will have self-diagnostic capability. Maintenance will become predictive and not periodic any longer. The resulting staff required to support the substation will be reduced considerably.

1 0.2.8 Upgrade steps towards advanced power system management The application of modern IT solutions with imple menting lEOs is the state-of-the-art for new sub stations. The benefits of advanced power system management can, however, only be exploited if the legacy electro-mechanic control and protection sys tems in existing substations are substituted with modem IEDs, and if access is provided for data retriev al via modern communication networks. Even if a modern wide area networks (WAN) is avai lable for real-time data exchange, there remains the decision to be taken for the most feasible step-by step retrofit strategy for the substitution of the legacy equipment. The strategy as outlined below for a sub station with conventional control and protection systems suggests nine upgrade options depending on the required scope of functionality (Figure 10-2):

SCADA/EMS • System operation • Energy Management • Power Quality


I ·-

Figure 7 0-2 Nine upgrade steps towards advanced power system management

Utility Back office • Engineering • Planning • Maintenance



1. Remote terminal (RTU) permit remote control from supervisory control systems (SCADA) in network control centers and numerical protection offers more functionality and the acquisition of condition related data. 2. Central control system with IEDs enhances the functionality of a RW and integration of digital fault recording reduces the costs for finding and fixing of faults. The serial link with the IEC 870-05-103 or IEC 61850 respectively proto col is used to conned the protection lED with the RTU. 3. Decentralized control system with IEDs close to the primary equipment offers significant cost reduction for secondary cabling and the data retrieval via modem allows cost-effective main tenance and parameter adaptation from remote. 4. Interaction of IEDs for control and protection via an ·Inter-bus allows more complex control and protection functions to improve the flexibility and availability of substations. 5. Substation automation systems enable local operation of substations, comprehensive substation monitoring and the provision of a substation database for data processing. 6. Substation monitoring systems enable comp rehensive substation monitoring and the proces sing of data to protection related information like fault location and short reports. 7 Inter-station automation based on wide area protection and optimization system 0/1/APS) is applied for advanced energy management, load shedding and controlled disconnection (islanding) of subsystems to maintain power system integrity and local power restoration. 8. Network level system for centralized retrieval and transmission of data enables the mainten ance and protection engineer to evaluate data from many substations. 9. Corporate information systems in terms of WAN and broad band technology allows the exchange of data and information between substations, SCADNEMS and utility back-office in order to insure that the right information is transmitted to the right people at the right time. Figure 70-3 Modern substation automation system



10.2.9 Summary and conclusion Significant benefits are available today for utilities to build a business case for integrated substation auto mation. The modular architectural concept provides a smooth migration path for utilities by initially targeting resources to the highest benefit sites,and then adding future sites as new business cases develop. The con solidation of substation automation computing and communication resources in the substation also pro vides a natural configuration for extending distribu tion automation (DA) services. Ultimately, true distri buted processing in the substations will make large scale advanced DA control and monitoring applica tions possible.


10.3 Policy for substation refurbishment Modern SA system comprise intelligent electronic devices (lED) for protection and control and provide an infrastructure to collect, to process and to transmit data and information, which can be utilized for cost effective condition monitoring of circuit breakers, power transformers, instrument transformers etc (Figure 10-3). NetlNOrk

control center Station computer (HMI)

1 1::




Control panel

Protection panel





10. 4

In the past, utility engineers often struggled with the fact that too little data was available when they attempted to analyze problems within their power systems. They also did not have enough information to predict or ascertain the level of maintenance need ed and of when it would be required for the major equipment located within their substations. As IEDs have made their way into substations, the same engineers may be suffering from data overload. They may even have more data than can be processed and assimilated in the time available. Today the challenge is to automatically convert data to information, which frees up manpower to imple ment corrective or preventive maintenance. There are basically two strategies where SA can contribute benefits to achieve more power in terms of better uti lity performance: 1. Better information, productivity

for higher

2. Intelligent automation for higher availability The prerequisite, however, is an efficient corporate communication network for easy access from remo te to primary equipment condition related informati on and for real-time interaction between substations. The World Wide Web as an information source and its commercial application has created a mass market where the technology costs are shared by millions of developers and companies. They have, however, to be complemented by special safety and security measures to make them feasible to be used for the power business.

20 8

ii ..

Sure the answer cannot be: because SA exists and therefor€ one has to make it happen! The imple mentation strategy should rather be based on a busi ness pull and technology push, not the other way around. Business requirements should always be the leading arguments.

1. What can be gained with the implementation of SA? 2. What are the criteria the decision to implement SA should be based on7


The most important aspects of a profitable business are cost efficiency and reliable information. As explain ed above, SA systems are valuable sources of process data and information, which can be transmitted to a commonly shared database, where they are proces sed and evaluated to provide reliable business infor mation. Business benefits must be real and tangible and it should be possible to quantify the expected results with a relatively high accuracy/certainty. From a busi ness point of view, the following points are clear ad vantages (Figure 10-4) for the justification of the im plementation of SA:


1. Better information, which result in higher productivity 2. Intelligent automation, which assures higher productivity and higher availability





1 0.4 Business related impact of SA With privatization and deregulation of the power business in mind pure technical arguments as men tioned above are not convincing enough for the justi fication of SA Therefore, the following questions should be raised:



Figure 10-4 Substation automation (SA) leads to more power

More power in this context means: • Technical performance improvements • Less customer interruption MVA hours of lost power delivery

time and

10.4.1 Better Information

• Lower maintenance costs by changing from periodic to predictive maintenance practice • Power system performance data provide reliable input for system extension planning • Business performance improvements • Decreasing operation costs by reducing staff numbers • Increased productivity and cost effectiveness • Decreased maintenance costs due to less frequent and preventive maintenance • Decreased capital expenditure because of lower installation costs The prerequisite, however, is efficient communication for easy access from remote to primary equipment condition and SA system status related information and fast inter-station communication (Figure 10-5).


Apart from monitoring the condition of primary equipment and thereby avoiding power interruptions, an elaborate post fault analysis supported by moni toring systems is equally important. It has been observed that a large proportion of major blackouts of electric power systems is caused by pro tection system failures. In the case of conventional protection relays, such failures are hidden and only exposed during the rare occasion of system distur bances. It is therefore important to capture as much information as possible during a system disturbance from associated fault and disturbance recorders and protection relays. The subsequent settings refinement of the parameter is a corrective measure to prevent similar faults from happening again, or, at least, mini mize impact of unavoidable faults on the power sup ply system.

Figure 70-5 Communication network for access to substation related information


.EMS/SCADA .Centre 1

Operation I Maintenance Centre

Planning I Asset Management Centre

Systemwide Master Clock

SA Substation 1

SA Substation 2

SA Substation 3

lntersubstation real time SA communication Substation n


1 0.5 References

i ..


[1] Ryan Bird ·,1ustifying Substation Automation, Black & Veatch http/ /tasnetcom/justa.shtml [2] V. Lohmann, H. Kattemoelle · Enhanced Customer Values enabled by Synergies between Protection and Control in HV Substations, lEE International Conference on Power System Control and Management in London/UK, April 1996 [3] V. Lohmann, J. Bertsch · Information Technology (IT) and the Application of Numerical Protection and Control Devices to enhance management and Utilization of Power Networks, International Distribution Utility Conference, Sydney/Australia, November 1997 [4] V. Lohmann · Integrated Substation Automation enables new Strategies for Power T&D, Southern Africa Power System Conference in Johannesburg/South Africa, November 2000 [5] V. Lohmann ·Advances in Power System Management Conference on Global Participation in

Indian International Grid, Energy Management and Convergence, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. and Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Mumbai/lndia, August 2001 [6] REIarp, MA. Lee, C. Proudfoot · Working the Protection Engineer Harder, Cigre Symposium June 1999, in London/UK, Paper No. 320-1




11 Wide Area Protection

11.1 Role of Wide Area Protection

11.1.1 Wide Area Power System Disturbances Cascade line tripping control Voltage collapse control Undamped power swings control Loss of synchronism cor,trol Large frequency variatiotcontrol and load shedding 11.1.2 Measures against Power Systems Disturbances Exchange of information, signals and measurements Possible common studies Principal recommendations about International defense plans 11.1.3 Conclusions



215 215 216 217 218 219 222

Table of content

222 223 224 225

11.2 Achievements with WAPS on power systems 11.3 Power system phenomena with possible WAPS solutions

226 227

11.3.1 Angle instability (transient and small signal) Transient angle instability Small signal angle instability 11.3.2 Frequency instability 11.3.3 Voltage Instability 11.3.4 Cascade line tripping

228 228 228 229 230 231 233

11.4 Classification of WAPS

11.4.1 Classification of WAPS according to its input variables Response-based vs. event based 11.4.2 Classification of WAPS according to its impact on the power system 11.4.3 Classification of WAPS according to its operating time 11.5 Detailed description of the various WAPS

233 233 234 234 235

11.5.1 Generation rejection 11.5.2 Turbine fast valving 11.5.3 Fast unit and pumping storage unit start-up 11.5.4 AGC set-point changes 11.5.5 Underfrequency load shedding Description and main characteristics Improvement of system stability Potential problems or harmful impact on equipment system 11.5.6 UndeNoltage load shedding 11.5.7 Remote load shedding 11.5.8 HVDC fast power change 11.5.9 Automatic shunt switching (shunt reactor/capacitor tripping or closing) 11.5.10 Braking resistor 11.5.11 Controlled opening of interconnection 11.5.12 Tap changers blocking and set-points adjustment

236 237 237 237 237 237 238 239 239 240 240 240 241 242 243

211 Improvement of system stability Reduction of set-point of LTC 11.5.13 Quick increase of synchronous condenser voltage set-point


Table of content


11.6 Voltage stability assessment guidelines 11.6.1 Off-line studies and on-line studies 11.6.2 Voltage stability margins and criteria 11.6.3 Voltage stability assessment PV-based margin computation QV-based margin computation 11.6.4 On-line VSA functional requirements Introduction Contingency selection and screening Voltage security evaluation Voltage security 9nhancement General requirements 11.6.5 Contingency definition 11.6.6 Contingency selection 11.6.7 Contingency screening 11.6.8 Contingency analysis 11.6.9 Voltage stability criteria 11.6.10 Security monitor Security monitor capabilities Direct (scan rate) monitoring 11.6.11 Security enhancement On-line determination of preventive actions On-line determination of remedial actions 11.6.12 Modeling and data requirements Modeling requirements 11.6.13 VSA Data Requirements Model Data Requirements Default data 11.7 On-line VSA execution modes 11.71 On-line VSA execution control requirements On-line VSA execution trigger VSA execution abort Execution control Validity of VSA results 11.7.2 Study mode execution control requirements 11.8 On-line VSA user Requirements 11.8.1 General VSA user requirements User interface environment User interaction Save case capability User documentation 11.8.2 Operator requirements Operator interaction Security related information provided for the operator

244 244 245 245 245 246 247 247 248 249 249 250 250 250 251 252 252 252 253 254 254 254 255 255 256 256 257 257 258 258 259 260 260 260 261 261 261 261 261 261 262 262 262 263 263 263 263





.. Applications of the on-line VSA function Direct (scan rate) monitoring 11.8.3 Operations planners/engineers user requirements 11.8.4 Manager user requirements 11.9 Interface requirements

11.9.1 Consideration of existing automated operating orders 11.9.2 Interface with EMS functions 11.9.3 Interface with EMS services 11.10 The implementation of Wide Area protection

11.10.1 System Set-up Hardware system set-up System protection center 11.10.2 Voltage Instability Prediction Options for guided control actions Control of On Load Tap Changers Load Shedding 11.10.3 Interaction with SA and SCADA systems Wide area protection on network level Disturbance Recording Communication to SCADA/ EMS Communication to power system monitoring Communication to station level WAPS communication to bay level Substation monitoring system Protection adaptation 11.11 References

263 264 264 264

11 Table of content

265 265 265 266

266 267 267 268 269 272 272 273 274 274 276 276 276 277 277 277 277



11 Wide Area Protection


11 .1 The Role of Wide Area Protection Power systems are planned, built and operated in such a manner that customers should not be affect ed; within given limits, by possible contingencies. Even if a power system is planned to withstand cre dible contingency, it may be affected by more severe disturbances, resulting from multiple and simulta neous outages. Beyond such occurrences of credible contingencies, a power system may also be affected by more severe disturbances, resulting from multiple and simulta neous outages, with possible conjunction of protec tion or regulation failures leading to severe electro mechanical and slow transient phenomena with sta bility problems, vo!tage collapse and large frequency deviation. Even if the probability of such disturbances is very low, the result may be a system collapse for the whole network or a large part of it To face such severe perturbations, the utilities adopt special defensive measures under the name of "defence plans": these measures, which must be automatic and very fast, are intended to keep the spread of disturbances inside the network of each utility. or even in the whole interconnected power system. In this respect, whereas interconnecting powe(systems result in better security in case of limit ed outages or imbalances between generation and demand, it provides conditions for a wider propaga tion of complex incidents.


The reason is that most of the measures adapted by the companies/countries in the frame of defense plans have been conceived, more or less, in a scope confin ed to each company/country and the ultimate action may be to open interconnections at boundaries. Even if the achievement of an overall coordination is very · difficult due to both technical reasons and high costs, it is however suitable to improve the coordination of defence plans because the electric phenomena do not stop at boundaries.

Definitions: Defence plan: A set of measures to be taken to pre vent major incidents or to limit their consequences. Credible contingency: any single or multiple outage of system components taken into account, such as losing any single-circuit line, losing any double-circuit line, losing any generator, etc. States of the system:

In the times of deregulation and globalization of the power industry it is for sure that an increase in power exchange between companies and countries will occur. This contributes to making the interconnected power systems less able to face large incidents if appropriate measures are not implemented. This evolution leads to a new conception of defence plans and to a proposal concerning more coordinated defence actions between companies/countries. A group of experts on "Defence Plans Against Major Disturbances" elaborated some suggestions and re commendations, which are summarized below, for a better international coordination of defence plans and the normal and emergency control actions to prevent system incidents or to limit their consequen ces in large interconnected power systems as in the case of the European System (East-West Inter connection). These suggestions and recommenda tions are based on the reflections of the Group, start ing from the answers to a Questionnaire distributed to all the companies/countries who are members of UNIPEDE (International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy, Paris/France). In view of the fad that: • the interconnected power system should be planned to withstand credible contingencies with or without activating any emergency measures or or defence plans, tested both from static and dynamic points of view (suitable reliability criteria), • appropriate agreements, which regulate the common use of the operational reserves should be taken into account to cover some defined outages in operation planning and operations stages, a set of preventive and curative coordinated measur es should be foreseen in terms of defence plans to prevent major incidents or limit their consequences.

• Normal: following any credible contingency, all loadings are within the continuous capabilities of system components, with voltage and frequency within prefixed operational limits and overall demand is supplied. • Alert: the system is in acceptable conditions, but, if at least one credible contingency occurs, the system will enter the emergency state. The alert state requires short-term or immediate action: the existing conditions are such that

action s must be taken rapidl y to preve nt unacc eptab le

overloading, voltage conditions, frequency changes or compo nent outages caused by pro(ections operation. • Emergency: loading, voltage or frequency un acceptable conditions already exist on the system. Or the demand has been lost, or the system is split. Actions must be taken immediately to bring the system into an acceptable condition.

11.1.1 Wide Area Power System Disturbances A list of the most severe phenomena which can cause major incidents may be the following: • Cascade line tripping, • Voltage collapse, • Undamped power swings, • Loss of synchronism, • Large frequency diminution. Some of these phenomena are often present together. In the following, for sake of simplicity, each of them will be dealt with separately along with its control measures. This approach is based on preven tive and curative actions for controlling phenomena which can deteriorate the system performances and control




The cascade line tripping may affect tie-lines be tween a part and the rest of the power system, when this part is importing or exporting much power. It may occur after multiple line fault and/or multiple genera ting unit tripping and/or during an expected extreme increase of the consumption, or as a "transfer effect" between parallel tie-lines when some of them trip, which increases load flows on the remaining ones.


The protective relays whose activation is responsible for the cascade line tripping can be overload relays ("static overload") installed in order to prevent over heating of the lines or distance protective relays "tran sient overload': when these relays are not blocked against power swings. The dynamics depend on the relays involved: from several minutes for the static overload relays, to less than one second for the distance protective relays activation. The consequences can be voltage collapse, undamp ed power swings, loss of synchronism, or a direct net work splitting. Present situation

The list of the actions taken can be classified accord ing to two categories. The first category includes the following preventive actions: e

Each company follows security rules, in planning and operating stages; this contributes obviously to prevent such problems from occurring,

• The majority of utilities use power swing blocking relays, while some use out-of-step relays, • Others use preventive (or early) automatic load shedding or unit shedding to avoid cascade line tripping. Based on the monitoring of the breaker position of determined lines. The second category includes curative actions such as: • Fast manual (5-10 minutes) load shedding (some times by remote control from Control Centers). • Fast manual action on generators power set points and starting fast power reserves (gas cause an uncontrolled and widespread blackout

turbines, Hydro units).

215 Recommendations

To avoid cascade line tripping it might be desirable to adopt the following criteria:

• Protection systems on major transmission lines and interconnections should be coordinated with the adjacent system, acmrding to the following requirements: • Signal links between both ends of the lines to facilitate speed and selectivity when disconnecting faulty lines. • Single-phase automatic reclosing systems on all important lines, following single phase faults. In the case of polyphase faults, automatic 3-phase reclosing systems at both ends of international tielines and important internal line (phase displace ment between 20°- 60° depending on the length of the line and on eventual stresses concerning the shaft of big generating units). • Synchronizing equipment on all major network interconnection points (inter national and internal) • Power swing blocking relays to prevent transient overloads; in such a case out of-step relays suitably located are recom mended to eliminate loss of synchronism of system areas. • Settings of overload relays (on the main lines and/or transformers) agreed with neighboring utilities. • Periodically updating of protection set tings and coordination, for example every year and whenever major changes in generating resources. transmission, load or operating conditions are foreseen. The observance of these criteria • allows correct removing of faults, • avoids tripping of lines due to untimely tripping command of distance protections, • permits quick reclosure of important connections in case of temporary faults,


• guarantees a high degree of connection in the absence of more severe phenomena like loss of synchronism or rapid voltage collapse.

• enables. the implementation of Wide Area Protection Schemes (WAPS) or Special Protection Schemes (SPS) such as unit shedding and/or load shedding in interconnected operations. • requires the extension of the coordination between neighboring companies for off-line detection of potential critical situations, by means of dedicated planning or operation-planning studies, and exchange of data. If necessary due to particular network structure and conditions, it could be indispensable to use signals coming from neighboring companies or to send trip ping orders to neighboring companies. In case of degraded network or heavy operating con ditions in terms of power flows, suitable automatic fast disconnection of load or generation can avoid cascade line tripping as consequence of transient or static overloads after some lines have tripped due to fault. The implementation of such WAPS also provides eco nomical advantages because it enables to work the transmission network harder, still with appropriate security margins in case of emergency conditions. Particular attention must be paid to the reliability and dependability aspects of such WAPS. Voltage collapse control The voltage instability (or voltage collapse) phenome non may affect a part of the power system, especial ly if this part is importing much power or is connect ed to the rest of the system with rather long lines. It may occur after multiple line tripping, and/or multiple generating unit tripping, and/or during an unexpected increase of the consumption. The consequence is a voltage decrease in some seconds or minutes in the affected part, with risks of line tripping due to protection operation, generator tripping and large black-outs. Present situation The list of the actions taken can be classified accord ing to two categories. The first category includes preventive actions con sisting in planning MVAr reserve margins and con trolling voltage profiles, with respect to security rules: • Adjusting schedule,


• Adoption of WAPS, like load shedding (in inter connected operation) submitted to particular network conditions and/or events (e.g. important lines tripping, low voltage values in some particular critical busses). To realize such control actions on-line exchange of agreed measurements and/or signals between neighboring companies may be necessary.

• Adjusting voltage set points on generators and synchronous compensators. Manually or under automatic secondary voltage control, • Adjusting taps on some transformers, • Switching on/off shunt capacitors or reactors. Such measures are taken by all the utilities and aim at managing correctly reactive resources. The second category includes curative actions, taken in order to face a voltage collapse which is occurring: • Blocking on load tap changers (OLTCs) on trans formers, used by the majority of utilities; some initiate blocking automatically, otherwise it is manually conducted. In some cases OLTCs blocking is applied in a preventive way. • Reduction of voltage references of OLTCs is used by some European utilities. • In some special cases, early load shedding auto matically ordered following important lines trip.

• Extension to all the countries/utilities of the OLTCs blocking, the diminution of OLTCs voltage references.

7 7. 7. 7.3 Undamped power swings control Undamped electromechanical oscillations between two parts of the power system can be of a "local type" (local oscillation mode) or of a "global type" (inter-area oscillation mode). In the first case, the oscil lations have high amplitude only on the electrical quantities, mainly real power and frequency, of a single power station or a small area. In the second case, the oscillation's amplitudes are relatively high on real powers and frequencies in two or more areas of the system.


Taken into account that power systems are operated under increasingly stressed conditions, the ability to maintain voltage stability has become a growing con cern. Along with the need for coordinating reactive resources and operation measures in critical areas involving areas of the grid common to more utilities. Recommendations • Coordination between neighboring utilities on reactive margins management and voltage profile control, particularly if some problems are detected during off-line studies. • Use of agreed procedures between neighboring utilities for coordination of manual curative actions, particularly in structurally critical arecas.

This phenomenon can be due to structural reasons and may happen without apparent initial causes (no special events) or can be the consequence of losing important inter-area lines. The main structural rea sons are: high load flows along long lines, high reac tive absorption on generators, fast primary voltage regulator of the units without suitable Power System Stabilizers (PSSs). In both the cases (local and global), the consequen ces are large swings, having an oscillation period from about 0.4 s (local oscillations) to about 10 s (inter-area oscillations), on system quantities with risks of generating unit tripping, operation of distance pro tective relays, and network splitting.



., Present situation

7 7. 7.7.4 Loss of synchronism control

The list of the actions taken can be classified accord ing to two categories. The first category includes preventive actions con sisting of:

• The respect of real power transfer limits (according to the security rules),

The loss of synchronism (or out-of-step) phenomena may occur after a large disturbance (severe short-cir cuit, multiple lines tripping, multiple generators trip ping...). It may appear suddenly or after a series of divergent swings. The loss of synchronism can affect a single genera ting unit, an entire power plant, a region, or several reg1ons.

• The respect of reactive power absorption limits and low voltage limits on generators, • Around two third of companies/countries use WAPS on their important generators. The second category includes curative actions taken in order to face a power swing phenomenon which is occurring: • The reduction of real power transfers and/or the increase of reactive power generation on concern ed power units and synchronous compensators, • The initiation of moderation on HVDC lines. • As a last resort, the disconnection of a radially connected parts of the system. Concerning curative actions it is worth noting that around one third of companies/countries provide manual actions and another quarter rely on automa tic actions.

The risk is greater when the network is not very mesh ed or when power flows are high. The consequences are: • Large transients (frequency, voltage amplitude, real power,...) both on the generating units and on the network with serious risk of units fast disconnection and network splitting due to the distance protections operation; • Large disturbances for customers (frequency deviation, voltage dips); • Risk of fast spreading throughout the power system (in a few seconds); • Problems in supplying generating unit auxiliaries, due to large variations of frequency and voltage of the units. Recommendations Present situation


To avoid undamped electromechanical oscillations it might be desirabie to adopt the following criteria: The list of the actions taken can be classified, once • Providing each impprtant power unit of all coun again, into two categories. tries/utilities with WAPS, taking care of both local oscillation modes and inter-area oscillation modes, The first category includes preventive actions, such with (if necessary) an on-line automatic updating of as: WAPS measurements. • Security rules followed by each country/utility, in • Increasing the coordination between neighboring planning and operation stages; this contributes utilities for off-line detection of potential critical obviously lo preventing such phenomena from situations, by means of dedicated planning or occurring operation planning studies concerning this parti • Fast valving, which is used by some utilities cular dynamic behavior of-the-interconnected • Other utilities use preventive (or early) automatic system. load shedding or unit shedding either to avoid the • Making agreements concerning operating rules, loss of synchronism or to avoid the event (multiple such as power transfer limits (short term remedy), if line tripping) which could lead to a loss of problems are detected. synchronism.

The second category includes curative actions on the generators and/or on the network with reference to the units: • About half of the European utilities disconnect generators by out-of-step-relay or under-voltage protection or power derivative relays; such actions may be fast (1 or 2 electric cycles) or delayed (back-up of a network action); • Generating units without fast valving are often rapidly tripped.

As far as the actions on the network are concerned, there are: • Out-of-step relays on some lines • Blocking of distance protective relays against power swings. Recommendations

To avoid loss of synchroni sm the following may be desirable : • Implem

enting of WAPS as unit shedding and/or load shedding in interconnected operation, when necessary due to particular network structure and conditions. • Using of fast valving on thermal units: this action must be coordinated with all the electrical protec- . tions of the units and the adjacent network. The effectiveness of this action is confined to small areas including few power plants. • Utilizing, in the case of loss of synchronism of large system areas and in the presence of swing blocking relays, out-of step relays suitably located in the network or network splitting along pre defined sections (another type of WAPS). • Preventing automatic reclosing during out-of-step conditions. • Increasing of the mutual cooperation between neighboring utilities, or more generally to the overall interconnected system, intending to study possible risks and remedies by specifying the scenarios and the type of data to be exchanged to perform common dynamic studies for verifying by simulations the effectiveness of the actions implemented and, eventually, their improvement.


7 7. 7. 7.5 Large frequency variation control and load shedding If, in spite of the control actions taken to maintain the network interconnected, a network separation oc curs, or in case of a controlled network splitting as well as in case of a large deficit in the interconnected system, it is essential to control the frequency varia tion in both the separated parts of the interconnec ted system by balancing generation and load. Parti cular attention must be paid to the frequency dimi nution, especially when it is not completely controlled by the frequency regulation. In such a case, a com mon and coordinated automatic underfrequency load shedding scheme should operate. Present situation

The comparison of the different measures in various countries leads to some general results which are stat ed as follows: • The primary spinning reserve is mainly in the range 2-3% of the demand all the time. • Network splitting on underfrequency conditions at boundaries of a company is made by many utilities. • In the range between 50 Hz and about 49 Hz, all countries activate available power reserve such as spinning reserve, pumps shedding, change from pumping to generation mode, start of hydro units and gas turbines, changes of HVDC links operation mode, etc. • In nearly all European countries the first step for load shedding is about 49 Hz; only in Switzerland. Belgium and Yugoslavia the first step is respectively 49.5, 49.4 and 49.2 Hz. In Italy the first seven load shedding steps depend on frequency (f) and the rate of change of frequency (df/dt) or pure frequency criteria: this means that 4-28% of the demand can be shed at 49.1 Hz depending on df/dt value. Most of load shedding is done from 49 Hz to 48 Hz. In some countries there are ome additional steps down to 47.5 Hz. Most of the thermal units are disconnected from the grid on this threshold in order to save their auxiliary supply. • Generally a load shedding is operating without intentional time delay. Time delays, depending on special situations in the grid, are allowed only by Portugal, some NORDEL and some IPS partners.

219 General principles

try/utility isolated from the rest of the system. On the other hand, a close coordination of underfrequency load shedding plans is recommended because the international interconnected grid is in general so close meshed that a sudden and severe power imbalance will not be restricted to the national borders.

Schematically, one could say that a load shedding plan has been conceived, more or less in each coun try/utility, to meet requirements related to a frequen cy drop concerning a part or the totality of the coun

As an example, two different situations can be consi dered referring to the size of the affected system. In fad, the power imbalance can concern a part of the

interconnected network, involving more than one country/utility which has been isolated due to an initiating incident or the power imbalance can ap pear in a larger part of the interconnected system (one example of this category could be a large loss of generation occurring inside the overall interconnected system itself). To comply with all the possible situations and pertur bations the following main principles should be taken into account from the "system dynamic behavior" point of view: • The frequency range from 50 Hz up to 47.5 Hz is to be considered, because most thermal units are specified for a minimum frequency of 47.5 Hz. If the frequency drops below 47.5 Hz, the thermal units have to be disconnected. This frequency range can be divided into three regions, namely: 50 to 49 Hz, 49-48 Hz, below 48 Hz. • From 50 Hz to about 49 Hz, the first action to restore normal frequency conditions has to be initiated by the primary and secondary frE>quency control. Each country/utility has to provide a suffi cient spinning reserve according to adopted rules, that is a reserve equal to a suitable percentage of the respective power demand at all time. In other

single power station happens, the frequency in the partially interconnected network should not drop below 49 Hz (where load shedding starts). Of course it is not good enough to have a sufficient amount of primary spinning reserve, but "seen · from the network" the primary frequency control loop should have suitable dynamic and static characteristics in terms of • Transient statics, responsible for the mechanical power variation in the first instants after a perturbation or respon sible for the speed-of-response, • Ratio between the minimum frequency value during the transient and the new steady-state frequency value, • Peak time (corresponding to the minimum frequency), • Permanent statics. • Sealing time (corresponding to the reach ing of the new steady-state condition). Seen from the power stations, it is desirable that at · least the 50 % of the primary reserve of all the units is available within 5 s and 100 % within 30 s. In addition to the primary and secondary frequency control, every possible measure should preferably be taken in an automatic way, to stabilize and norma lize the frequency, like:


words, if an outage of a single power unit or a

thermal power stations due to the operation of minimum frequency protection. From this point of view, it is worth noting that presently the most common setting value is 47.5 Hz (instantaneously or with a delay 'Of 2-4 s), but some units are tripped at 48 Hz, others in the range 47-46.5 Hz. • The interconnected partners should abstain from isolating their networks from the neighbors before common load shedding has been effected. This means that when load shedding may become necessary, for instance in case of multiple outages or network splitting, every partner of the network should participate in load shedding. The first aim

• Shedding of pump storage units, • Starting of hydro units and of gas turbines, • Quick increasing power or changing from export lo import on DC links, • Demand side management (or switching-off of customers having particular contracts). • From about 49 to 48 Hz a common load shed ding scheme should operate, in order to stop the frequency drop and to stabilize grid operation before thermal power stations trip. The first thresh old (49 Hz) should give sufficient time-for the operation of primaryfrequency control. For shed ding pumps in appropriate sequence and, more generally, taking all the measures cited in the pre vious points and facing some defined outages. The last threshold (about 48 Hz) should permit the the frequency stabilization before the tripping of

must be to keep the network interconnected as long as the frequency is above 48 Hz. Recommendations about load shedding The automatic load shedding plan of the inter connected power system should be adequately coor dinated, in the range 4948 Hz, so that the amount of the demand shed in the various interconnected net works (which must be approximately equal to the power imbalance) and the related setting values should not determine overloads on the lines or other network problems, which can cause other perturba tions, network splitting and the collapse in some parts of the interconnected system.

To satisfy such basic requirements it is necessary that:· • The load shedding plan should operate strictly coordinated in all countries/utilities, sharing out the risk among the partners. This mutual help under emergency conditions is in accordance with the proposal of sharing the primary reserve rele vant to the primary frequency contra!. • The operating time of the different load shedding devices should be harmonized, otherwise only the fastest ones would operate. This means that the load shedding should not be intentionally delayed (or delayed as little as possible). • The load should be divided into small portions. For this purpose it should be shed on suitable voltage levels of the system. • The maximum load shedding amount should be about 40 % - 50 % of the total demand. This amount is reasonable because, if too little load is

shed, the desired effect could not be reached. Conversely, if more than about 50 % of the load is shed, voltage instability owing to increasing voltage values (due to the· presence of many EHV lines) and consequent frequency collapse may appear. • An adequate common load shedding scheme depends on the structure of the network of each partner. There are networks with production and load at the same place and networks having a load center and a production center far away. To unify the approach of interconnected partners the following three ranges of frequency scale with related portions of load are suggested:

Range 1

49.0 - 48.8 Hz =1 5 % of instantaneous load Range 2

48.7 - 48.4 Hz =1 5% of instantaneous load Range 3

48.3 - 48.9 Hz =1 5 % of instantaneous load Within these frequency ranges, every interconnected partner could be free to decide the number of thresh olds. It is particularly recommended that the first fre quency threshold (49 Hz) is the same for all inter connected partners. • The frequency thresholds and related amounts of demand to be shed could be verified by per forming an ad-hoc study including • A choice of a suitable set of operating conditions (typically peak and minimum, winter and summer demand) • A choice of a set of severe disturbances in terms of power imbalance and the absence of sufficient primary spinning reserve, taking also into account critical sections (in terms of structure and power flow) along which the interconnected systems could be separated (the sepa ration involving more han one country/ utility) and loss of units after the sepa- - ration as experience in real incidents occurred in the past Finally, it should be noted that the realization of a common load shedding plan, as suggested above, would require appropriate modifications of the present situation.

221 ,..

• Also, behavior of voltages, reactive power flows and influence of automatic voltage regulations have to be considered.

11.1.2 Measures against Power Systems Disturbances 11.1.2

power Recommendations about restoration

The following paragraphs describe some reflections from the recommendations above concerning coor-


It could be important to coordinate not only the load interconnected utilities.

dination of problems among

shedding scheme itself but also the main steps for restoring the grid to normal Exchange operating of information,conditions signals ' and measurements I after commori load shedding occurred. Of course, this t

item is not relevant to the classical restoration phase is essential after a complete black-out, which is outsideItthe scope for common operation of interconnected grid to exchange this subject, but it is limited to the particular restoraimportant information between neighbors, e.g. relating to tion after load shedding. • The non-availability or loss of important lines Such a coordination, involving the roles of the • Temporary weak points in the power generation Opera- tors and Control Centers as well as ! exchange of signals and possible mutual agreements, could be • Major disturbances in the power generation based on the following main suggestions: This information allows the partners to estimate the security of the grid operation and should • The dispatchers whose network is involved in be given as common load shedding, should restore the grid to early as possible. normal conditions in very close cooperation, e.g. The continuous exchange of signals is useful to apply by exchanging information about the respective to control actions. Normally every partner operating situation of the grid, before isolated receives indications concerning the parts of the network are synchronized or before operating situation in the neighboring the shedded load is reconnected to the network. networks for his own measuring equipme nt abo ut: • The reconnection of the shedded load should take place in taking the transmission capacity • Deviations of the scheduled power of the respective network into account. exchange • Changes of reactive power flows


and voltage • If it is possible to synchronize isolated parts of conditions in the vicinity of the borders of his the network within a short time, more generation neighbors capacity should be activated and the supply of the • The load of the tie-lines disconnected customer should be restored under the following conditions: Usually the values of reactive power, voltage and tieline load have only local importance and • Reconnection of load should take place concern bila- only if the frequency has increased to teral operational conditions of only about the nominal value, two partners. For getting more reliable information as redundancy • Reconnection of load should be initiated it is suggested that two partners establish a permain small suitable portions nent exchange of information concerning their subonly. stations next to the common border as follows: • It ought to be considered that depending on the



duration of the interruption and because of special • Signals of tie-lines breakers demand (e.g. by heating or cooling !] equipment) • Voltage values of busbars the load after reconnection can be higher than before the disturbance happened. • Real and reactive power values of the tie-lines




. .

Moreover, it is suggested to exchange signals of breakers of the internal lines going out from the sub station next to the common border. In particular cases it may be advisable to exchange additional information continuously, e.g. power flow values of special lines, phase displacement of voltage in special busbars and so on, which can cause opera tional restrictions of the grid or a possible operation of defence plans in one or more than one country. Furthermore, the·neighboring partners should inform (minimum once a year or more often in cases of big changes) each other about the impedance values of their whole grid giving at least the lumped impedan ce to the substation next to the border to the normal grid situation. This way every country/utility is able to take into account the influence of the neighboring networks on their own grid with regard to static security calculations and on-line security analysis, and the relative data set can be adjusted according to the presentday information from the neighbors.

7 7. 7.2.2 Possible common

studies Types of common studies In the planning phase each utility/country usually per forms studies on a regular basis with a several years outlook. The aim is to define the necessary measures to be taken in the system to meet the future require ments and to determine the necessary investments.· In the operation-planning phase each utility/country usually performs studies on a regular basis (e.g. each week, each month, etc.). The aim is to adapt the actual maintenance schedule for the generation and transmission system.

The increase of the mutual cooperation among the partners of the interconnected system, in particular between neighboring companies, could require some common studies on the system static and dynamic behavior for an off-line detection of potential critical situations (or possible risks) during planning or ope ration-planning phases. In particular, such studies should identify all the possi ble control actions to counteract cascade line tripping, voltage instability, undamped power swings, loss of

olds and the correlated amount of demand to be shed by the common automatic underfreq uency load shedding scheme. Besides, they should indicate the most important informatio n, measure ments and signals that have to be exchange d on-line, which can activate the opera tion of defence plans in one or more than one coun try. Data required to perform common studies To perform such studies it is necessary to know: • Network structure, parameters and operating conditions. • The parameters of the dynamic components indicated below • Generators • Loads • Voltage regulators

eWAPS • Frequency regulators • Supply systems and controls • Capability dynamic limits • Secondary voltage control • Load frequency control • On load tap changer regulations

• Special system components (SVCs, FACTs) • The parameter of system protection like • Line and transformer protections • Generator protection against external faults • The parameters and characteristics of defence plans. Procedures for data exchange The procedures of data exchange can have Se\f.eral different forms, but according to existing experience it is suggested to proceed in several steps: • Each partner prepares data of his system for a defined time interval (e.g. 5 years outlook). • All partners send their data in agreed form to

synchronism as well as to verify the frequenc thresh- '

one chosen partner.


• The chosen partner, who may be the same each time or not collects all data and prepares the "data- book" both in written form and in computer form. • This data-book is sent back to all partners involved. • Each partner approves his data in the "data-book". This way the prepared data are valid for an agreed in teNal of time (until the next data exchange) and seNe as a base for all computations of common interest. The higher form of this organization is having all data on one

commonly accessible computer. In all the · cases, the maintenance of the data base is required. Same procedures may be used for the exchange of fixed data for short-time studies (e.g. on-line analysis) completed by some information, signals and measur ements coming from neighbors. Principal recommendations about International defense plans Based on the recommendations explained in detail above the following principles can be summarized: • The main aim is to avoid network splitting (islan ding) and demand disconnection in cases of over load, large voltage drop, large frequency drop

and system instability. Another aim is to assure a controlled and limited separation of the network.

defence plans and to take into account that the extension of the interconnected grid can lead to wide spread and severe incidents. Apart • The majority of the utilities have from the need for coordination modified their defence plans between neighboring utilities, there following large incidents over is also ·a need for the systematic the last ten years, mainly by international coordina tion of the updating load shedding schemes various control actions, and for a and adding WAPS. common definition of defence plans philosophy as well as a common !n order to pursue the planning and operational-planning objectivesoJJbeJics.t item, it is of vital analysis related to possible defence importance for an interconnected plans operation. system to coordinate all the control techniques that are appro priate to In view of the fact that each utility control the system in normal and follows coordina ted security rules, in emergen cy conditions. On the other planning and operation stages, these can be considered as the most hand, the need is evident important pre ventive actions taken to counteract phenomena that could cause widespread and severe disturbances. In addition to this, it is recommended to coordinate the defence plans for controlling alert and emergency states of the system, as mentioned in detail above. Among those suggested actions, the most important and urgent ones in an international context, .and having the same degree of priority from the point of view of network security (even if for different rea sons), are the following: • To implement the blocking of OLTCs. In order to reduce the probability for a voltage collapse. • To provide each important power unit of all countries/utilities with WAPS, mainly taking care .I

of inter-area oscillation modes. • To coordinate with neighboring utilities the settings of overload relays and more generally of all the protective devices on the-main lines and/or transformers in the vicinity of the boundaries. • To install WAPS, as unit shedding and/or load shedding in interconnected operation, where it

is necessary because of particular network topology and conditions and to exchange information on defined events (e.g. important lines tripping, low voltage values in some particular critical busses, etc). It could also be necessary to interchange signals coming from neighboring utilities or to send tripping commands to neighboring utilities. for continuous updating and 2 improving the existing 2

• The use of power swings blocking relays to prevent transient overloads. In such a case, out of-step relays suitably located in the network, or network splitting along predefined sections (a type of WAPS), are recommended to avoid loss of synchronism of system areas.


• To coordinate the automatic load shedding plan of the interconnected power system in the range 4 9 4 8 H z . • To conduct common studies on the system dyna mic behavior during planning and operational planning stages, for off-line detection of possible critical grid topology and operating conditions and for the determination of the relevant control measures as well as of the most feasible informac tion, measurements and signals to be exchanged on-line.

11.1.3 Conclus ions In view of the fact that the power systems are to be planned, built and operated in such a manner that customers should not be affected, within given limits, by possible contingencies and not suffer consequen ces from a defined list of "credible contingencies" this generally leads to the adoption of planning and ope rating rules ensuring that the power system will remain viable if one (sometimes several) system com ponent (line, generator, substation) are lost.

Beyond such occurrences of credible contingencies, a power system may also be attacked by more severe disturbances, resulting from multiple and simulta neous outages, in conjunction with possible protec tion or regulation failures. Owing to that, the need aris es for the implementation of special defensive meds ures in order to avoid the spread of the disturbances not only in the network of each utility but also in the whole interconnected power system. However, most of the measures presently taken by the utilities in the context of defence plans are con fined to each utility and the ultimate action may be to open interconnections at boundaries. Even if it is very difficult to achieve an overall coordination because of technical obstacles and costs, it is advisable to extent the present coordination of defence plans as the electric phenomena do not stop at system bounda ries.

dents unless approp riate counte rmeas ures are imple mente d.' This leads to a new conce ption of defen ce plans and to more coordi nated defen ce actions amon g utilitie s.

As far as

defence plans are concerned, the new approach should be based on preventive and curati ve actions for controlling phenomena that can dete riorate the system performances and cause an un controlled and widespread blackouts. More precisely, the objectives of the such a defence plan should be the following • To provide all the measures necessary to maintain the power S)'Stem interconnected as long as possible after the occurrence of greatest number of phenomera, e.g: • Thermal overloads, • Trarsient overloads, • High and instantaneous voltage drop,

• SID':; and continuous voltage decline, • Loss of synchronism of small areas, • Frecuency drop. In the process of globalization and deregulation of the power industry, the power exchanges between utilities will increase. This causes the interconnected power system less capable to withstand large inci-

It is of vital importance to avoid the cascade line tripping, if necessary due to particular network structure anc conditions by means of WAPS for unit and/or load shedding. It is indispensable to keep the po.ver systems interconnected as long as possible as it is of utmost importance to all the partners, both to the weakest ones in terms of available pm'Ier and also to those partners who are normally exporting power. The implementation of such WAPS provide economical advantages as it is possible to stress the transmission network considerably, and to keep up the security margins even in emergency situations. • To initiate controlled network splitting aimed at isolating the phenomenon in case of loss of synchronism involving larger system areas. Such type of WAPS should be implemented on the





I '


11.2 Achievements with WAPS on power systems


condition that the network splitting does not cause other disturbances, e.g. cascade line tripping in the neighboring countries. • To control the frequency variation in all the separated section of the interconnected system by balancing generation and load, if a controlled network splitting or network separatior. could not be avoided, or in case of a large deficit in the interconnected system Particular attention must be paid to frequency decline because of insufficient frequency regulation: In such a case, a common and coordinated automatic load shedding scheme should be activated

The task of the power system planner is to find a technical and economical trade-off between investments, operation costs and customer service quality. WAPS play a significant part in this trade-off and are mainly used on a power system to: often conceived by operational planner specialist to cope with • operational difficulties imposed by particular power system characteristics, • operating conditions that involve heavy energy transfers due to generation co-ordination, • higher exposure to multiple faults than what was originally planned and

Finally, the increase of the mutual cooperation among the partners of the interconnected system, in particu- lar between neighboring utilities could require:

hydro generation located far away from load centers

temporary solution before a new transmission line is constructed. • Increase the power system security particu larly towards extreme contingencies leading to system collapse. Extreme contingencies

usually refer to events resulting in multiple campo. nents removed or cascading out of service such as the loss of transmission lines on a common right of-way or faults with delayed clearing (stuck brea ker or protection system failure) on a bus section. Extreme contingency evaluations are usually con



• special operational problems imposed by long UHV transmission systems with

All examples of those situations are often mitigated by WAPS.

• Common studies on the system dynamic behavior • Operate power system closer to their limits. In many power systems, the operative safety marfor an off-line detection of potential critical gins began to decrease quickly as a consequence Situations (or possible risks) during planning or of restrained possibility of network development operation-planning phases. A list of data to be caused by environmental problems or as a conseexchanged and a procedure as proposed above quence of financial difficulties in following the that enable to conduct such studies. schedule of the transmission expansion planning. • The coordination of the main steps for restoring the grid to normal operating conditions after • Increase power transfer limits while maincommon load shedding has been executed. Such taining the same level of system security. a coordination should comprise the roles of the WAPS may be used to postpone some transOperators and Control Centers as well as the mission expansion projects to cope with scarce financial resources while maintaining the same exchange of signals and possible mutual agreements. level of power system security. In many power utilities, \fl/.f'>..PS is one of the key elements in the power system planner's toolbox to meet system performance requirements.



• Improve power system operation. WAPS are

In order to achieve the objectives mentioned above, a number of preventive and curative actions has been recommended.

• The on-line exchange of agreed measurements and signals.



I! I;




r· j




• In temporary installation to compensate for delays in the construction program, e.g. as a

ducted to determine their effects on power system performance and to measure the robustness of the power system. The use of WAPS to increase power system security is a world-wide acceptable practice to counter extreme contingencies, when experience proves that these events occur too frequently and/or causes system collapse. It is recognized that it is not feasible or possible to predict or prevent all multiple contingency events that could occur randomly and could lead to power system collapse. When the complexity of a system is

relative ly low a smal number of WAPS are probab ly sufficie nt to

protect the system adequately. However, large systems must call upon a set of coordinated measures whose design and operation must involve high levels of complexity. This is necessary to ensure the system is able to cope with all possible major incidents. Defence plans should be defined as a set of coordi nated defensive measures whose main purpose is to ensure the overall power system is protected against major disturbances, to limit the consequences of these low probability and unexpected events, and to prevent system collapse. Defence plans are thus mainly used to increase power system security.

11.3 Power system phenomena with possible WAPS solutions

The use of WAPS is most frequently justified for loss of network integrity characterized by one or more of the following phenomena: • Angle instability (transient and small signal) • Frequency instability · • Voltage instability • Cascade line tripping The structure of the system and its type of inter connection with its neighbors are significant factors in the analysis of the phenomena. Indeed some of these phenomena can be amplified or attenuated according to the various characteristics of the system. System structures can be roughly divided between: • Densely meshed transmission systems with dispersed generation and demand or • Lightly meshed transmission system with localized centers of generation and demand The type of interconnection can be classified as: • Transmission system which is part of a larger interconnection or • Transmission system that is not synchronously interconnected with neighbors or is the largest partner in the interconnection. Table 11-1 highlights the dominant phenomena for each type of system and makes it possible to appre ciate the relations between these two aspects.

A defence plan can be considered as an additional level of protection, designed to initiate the final attempt at stabilizing the power system when a widespread collapse is imminent. At pre5ent, very few power systems are equipped with such a defence plan and depending on the power system design they differ significantly. Individual WAPS based on generation rejection, load shedding, shunt switching or system splitting must be regarded as basic actions, that can be used within a defence plan.

The main purpose of this section is to identify if an WAPS is required and to determine the type of WAPS that will prevent a loss of network integrity. The deci sion is based on the type of instability and the-struc ture of the power system on which the WAPS is to be applied. After a severe disturbance some of these phenomena will occur together, but for simplicity, each will be discussed separately. The discussion will consider the possible WAPS actions that can be used 227 for controlling them.

. ?



Densely meshed system with dispersed generation and demand

Lightly meshed system with localized centers of generation and/or demand

System in a large interconnection

Small signal stability Thermal overload No large frequency variation

Transient stability Small signal stability Voltage stability

System not interconnected or by far the largest partner

Thermal overload Large frequency variation

Transient stability Voltage stability Large frequency variation

Table 11-1 Dominant phenomena in relation to power system types

Table 11-1, presented at the end of this section, lists the types of WAPS most likely to be used to limit the consequences of transient angle instability, frequency instability, voltage instability, and instability resulting from cascade line tripping. Particular WAPS solutions are described in detail in section 11.5.

11.3.1 Angle instability (transient and sma·11 s1. gnaI,) Transient angle instability


The transient stability of a power system describes the ability of all the generators to maintain synchro nism when subject to a severe disturbance such as a heavy current fault, loss of major generation or loss of a large block of load The system response will invol ve large excursions in generator angles and signifi cant changes in real and reactive power flow, bus vol tages and other system variables. Loss of synchro nism can affect a single generating unit, a power plant consisting of multiple units, a region of the net work or several regions connected together. The loss may appear suddenly (during the first swing) or after a series of divergent swings. The risk of loss is great-

er when the system is loosely meshed or the power flows are high. The main consequences are large disturbances for customers (voltage dips, frequency deviations) and/or large transients (real power, volta ge, frequency etc.) on the generating units and on the system. The latter may significantly increase the risk of fast disconnection of units and system separa tion due to incorrect line protection operation. To prevent loss of synchronism, rapid and massive actions based on the direct detection of the contin gency are often required. The following WAPS func tions have proven to be especially effective in this role: • • • • .I..,

Generation rejection and fast valving Dynamic braking Reactor switching near generators Automatic load shedding


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,·nstabl·z,·ty Small signal stability refers to the ability of the power system to maintain in synchronism when subjected to small disturbance. Power systems contain many modes of oscillation due to a variety of interactions of

its components. Many of the oscillations are due to generator rotor masses swinging relative to one an other. Power systems having several machines will exhibit multiple modes of oscillations. These electro mechanical modes usually occur in the frequency range of 0.1 to 2.0 Hz. Undamped electromechanical modes can be of a local type (frequency range of 0.7 to 2.0 Hz) or of inter-area oscillation mode (frequen cy range of 0.1 to 0.7 Hz). In many systems the damping of these electrome chanical modes is a critical factor for operating in a secure manner. Counter-measures used to solve small signal stability problems rely for the most part on closed-loop controls. Closed-loop controls provide dynamic control of electric system quantities and fall outside the scope of this book. Examples of closed loop control devices include generator excitation con trol, power system stabilizer and static VAr, compen sators (SVCs). WPS are associated with non continuous-controls and are not normally used to improve the behavior of the system in the case of small signal stability problems.

11.3.2 Frequency instability Frequency stability describes the ability of a power system to maintain the system frequency within an acceptable range during normal operating conditions or after a severe disturbances that have caused cas cade line tripping, splitting of the system

other band. For example,. the composite curve indica tes that operation between 58.5 Hz and 579 Hz is permitted for ten minutes before turbine blade dama ge is probable. If a unit operates within this frequen cy band for one minute, then nine more minutes of operation within this band are permitted over the life of the blade.

i n t o i s o l a t e d a r e


as, or major outages of generating plant. If, despi te of the control actions taken to maintain the net



59++"-+"-,...._--i+ i}


Time in minutes

work integrity, network separation occurs, it is impor tant to keep the frequency under control. Generators can operate without restriction within ± 0.5 Hz from normal frequency (50 or 60 Hz system) and for a limit ed time outside these values (according to manufac turer's constraints). Figure 11-1 illustrates typical steam turbine limitations during abnormal frequency conditions. The curve is derived by considering the worst case limitations spe cified by five turbine manufacturers. (Note: steam tur bines are generally the weakest type of turbine when considering underfrequency operation.) In this figure, time spent in a given frequency band is cumulative but independent of the time accumulated in any

Figure 11-1 Steam turbine limitations during abnormal frequency conditions

A major problem for a steam turbine is the frequen cy drop resulting from a sudden loss of generation. In a large interconnected system, this is particularly onerous if immediately prior to the disturbance signi ficant power transfer is taken place from one·region of the network to another. If an interconnection or a power plant outage occurs in a region with a gene ration shortage, a severe underfrequency disturban ce will result. Under-frequency operation (frequency deviation >-2.5 Hz) can lead to the damage of ther mal unit turbine blades and to life period reduction.


. ,

• Changing the operating mode of a hydro gene rator from a synchronous compensator to a synchronous generator.


Consequently, 'to protect the unit, the time duration for underfrequency operation is limited. In some situa tions, the frequency drop can be so deep, that under frequency relays will disconnect thermal units from the network, which· increases the power deficit. The other problem associated with operation at low fre quency is the effect on the output of plant auxiliaries (fans, boiler .feed pumps) and the reduC:ion this caus es in the output of the main generating unit. If we now consider the region of the network with a surplus of generation and assume that the inter-ties used to transfer power to the remote loads are sud denly tripped, the "local" system frequency will start increasing. If the frequency increases above a pre-set value (normally 61 Hz on a 60 Hz network) the governors may go into an over speed mode and close their main valve. If the over-frequency is not reduced within a pre-set time period the unit will be tripped because of the unstable boiler condition. The problem of overfrequency is less troublesome than underfrequency because tripping of the unit will cause a frequency reduction. However, if the reduc tion is insufficient, further units will need to be trip ped, or if excessive an underfrequency will result. Load shedding WAPS are used on most power system networks to control the frequency. Types of WAPS that have proven especially effective in the control of frequency are: • Underfrequency load shedding used to stop or reverse a frequency drop. This must occur before the thermal power plants are underfrequency tripped. The main objective is to hold the system frequency above a pre-set level (58 Hz on a 60 Hz network) and keep the network interconnected with the power plants on-line. • Automatic tripping of interconnection lines by underfrequency relays.


• Start-up of a unit in a hydro power plant, normally initiated when the 60 Hz frequency drops below 59.5 Hz.

(short-term) while loads fed through Load Tap Changers (LTCs) restore over one to several minutes (long-term). The same holds true for thermostatically controlled loads. This is also the time scale on which field (and in some cases, armature) current limiters ad to protect generators from thermal stress, thereby removing voltage support. Although the simplest voltage instability scenario is a . load increase above the maximum deliverable power, most experienced voltage incidents were caused by

• Islanding of thermal power units with local loads. The purpose of this measure is to keep the thermal units in service prior to the splitting of islanding of the system. After the split, these units should maintain supply to the consumers within the islanded area. • Overfrequency tripping of some or all of the units in hydro power plants (f > 61.5 Hz) to avoid thermal unit tripping. • Automatic load restoration initiated by the ope ration of overfrequency relays, designed to correct a frequency overshoot following the operation of. an under-frequency load shedding. The main influencing factors for frequency variation can be summarized as: the power deficit (P), the load damping constant (D) in the power deficit-area and the inertia constant (I) of the units. The frequency deviation in a large interconnected system can be expressed as: .M(%) =- P(%) (1-e-lff) K

where K = 1/D and T = M/D

11.3.3 Voltage Instability Voltage stability is concerned with the ability to main tain steady acceptable voltages at all buses under normal conditions, and after being subjected to a disturbance. Voltage stability results from the attempt of loads to restore above the maximum power that the combined generation and transmission system can deliver to them. This maximum power is directly influenced by electrical distances between generation and load centers, as well as by the reactive power limitations of generators. Voltage instability takes on the form of a progressive drop of voltages at the transmission level under the effect of load restoration. In turn, the sagging voltages may result in a system collapse causes by generators loosing synchronism and indudion rnotors stalling. A distinction is made between short and long-term voltage instability according to the time scale of load restoration. Induction motors restore their active

power consumption in a time interval of one second a large disturbance. Voltage instability may be caused by a variety of single or multiple contingencies. With respect to long-term voltage stability, the main con cern is the loss of transmission facilities (mainly be tween generation and load centers) or the tripping of generators (mainly those located close to the loads and supporting the voltages of the latter). With res pect to short-term voltage instability, the slow clear ing of a fault may cause an induction motor dominat ed load (e.g. air conditioning) to become unstable.


The main factors influencing voltage stability are: c System strength (long electrical distances between

generation and load centers) • Lack of fast reactive power reserves (generators, synchronous condensers and SVCs) • Lack of other reactive power reserves such as capacitors, etc.

• Fast increase of generator voltages (througn AVR set-points)

• High power transfers and high loading conditions.

• In the last resort, load shedding

• Low power factor loads

A proper amount of load shedding, at the proper location and with a proper tuning is very effective in stopping a voltage instability process. The objective is to restore a long-term equilibrium (operating point) for the system. It is also aimed at avoiding the system to reach a point where collapse occurs due to loss of synchronism, motor stalling, etc. Low voltages at transmission buses in load centers are typical signals but other variables may enter the decision logic as well.

• Load characteristics, in particular load power restoration through LTCs The following actions can be taken against voltage instability: • Shunt compensation: automatic switching of shunt capacitors or tripping of shunt reactors, • Emergency control of LTCs: blocking, return on a predefined position, decrease in voltage set-point. • Automatic tripping of interconnection lines (if it is acceptable to the area which imports power). • Modulation of HVDC power

In many cases, the required amount need not be large to restore an acceptable voltage profile for fre quency instability resulting from a lack of spinning reserve, but shedding must be fast enough. However, for voltage instability the location plays an important role.

• Fast unit start-up

11.3.4 Cascade line tripping Cascade line tripping refers to an uncontrolled sequence of transmission line disconnections trigger ed by an incident at a single location. In some situa tions, a severe disturbance on a transmission system can initiate major oscillations in real and reactive power flows and instability in voltage levels. These oscillations may initiate the operation of some pro tection devices or control equipment, which can occasionally result in uncontrolled cascade line trip ping. Overload or thermal problems may also cause cascade line tripping. Cascade line tripping will affect inter-ties between regions of the power system and will be particularly problematic when one regiqn is importing power and another exporting. In such situa tions the consequence of a disturbance may spread over a wide system area and could result in the loss of supply to a large number of consumers. Cascade line tripping is most likely to occur after the

11.3.4 protection has responded to a fault or faults by trip-



ping a double circuit tie-line, multiple lines in the vici nity of the fault, one/more generating units or a bus bar in a substation. Alternatively, cascade line tripping can occur during an unexpected extreme increase in consumption or as a transfer effect between parallel ties-lines, when one of them trips due to a fault or incorrect protection operation. This increases the power flow on the remaining lines and may result in load encroachment into the backup characteristics of distance relays or may be detected as an overload · condition by a time delayed phase overcurrent relay.

high speed unit or communication aided protection schemes. The dependability, security and selectivity of the protection relays and schemes, including where appropriate their communication systems, are of para mount importance in reducing the risk of cascade line tripping. However, improving the performance of conventional equipment protection may not comple tely eliminate the phenomena that leads to cascade line tripping and an WAPS may be required. The following types of WAPS are used by some utilities: •

The system dynamics will determine which, if any, relays are involved: i.e. zone 3 elements in a distance relay will normally operate in approximately 1 s, time delayed overcurrent relays set to detect an overload will normally operate in several minutes. To prevent cascade line tripping, it is important to ensure ade quate coordination margins exist between the opera ting characteristics of all the non-unit protection relays used on the network and also where possible to use


WAPS actions

CT• 0... :J







a: 0











• Power swings blocking of distance relays The following tables shows an overview of the most used WAPS actions to counteract power system phe nomena:


?6 Q")Vl











:J c:









: (\) .::






- o c






(]) c:










(]) 0


(\) c: u










u _c: ·-




E-o (])

(\) c:

01 '+-(])






C .-

-a C:_c:







Vl +--'


Transient instability



001 -



-i3 0




Power System








c: c:



Ui.s :J-o

·- 0





• Gas turbine start-up


t (\)

Preventive automatic load shedding or generation rejection based on the circuit breaker status (open and closed) on some important tielines.





0 '+-





::0 X

Frequency instability - Frequency diminution

X ..

- Frequency rise








Voltage instability




Cascade line tripping






Table 11-2 Most used WAPS actions to counteract power system phenomena



11 .4 Classification of WAPS

Normally, WAPS ad after a disturbance such as a fault


on transmission facilities, loss of generation or loss of large load. The system response to such a disturbance normally involves excursions of frequency, voltage and generator angles. The WAPS provides the requir ed stabilizing force necessary to preserve the system stability. All WAPS consist of three main parts:


• Actions to perform (such as generator or load tripping). Figure 11-2 illustrates the general structure of WAPS. Generally, WAPS refer to controllers having some or all of the following characteristics: • WAPS usually employ laws,

discrete, feed forward

• WAPS are nominally "sleeping systems" and operates infrequently, • The control action taken is, in most cases, predetermined, and • WAPS can be an·ned or disarmed depending on the power system conditions. There are numerous ways to separate and classify WAPS. The three classifications used here are 1. the type of WAPS input variable, 2. the impact of the WAPS on the system and 3. a classification according to WAPS operating time.

11.4.1 Classification of WAPS according to its input variables As shown on Figure 11-2 , WAPS refer to a special class of controls that do not provide dynamic control of electric system quantities (open-loop or feed-for ward controls). However, some of WAPS for example

11.4. 3


Direct detection

Power System Disturbances

• Inputs (level of physical magnitudes, status of circuits breakers, etc.) • A decision-making system that, based on the inputs, initiate some actions

Electric variables

PCM'er System

Wide Area Protection S tstem {WAPS) Switching or non-


continuous actions on: •Generator


Decision <(




•Load •Line •Set point


Figure 77-2 General w1de Area Protection System (\NAPS) Structure


under-frequency load shedding, operates in steps. The power system response from each step is thus taken into account before the next step in the WAPS is activated. Classification of SPS according to their con trol variables may be subdivided into two categories: 1. response-based WAPS and 2. event-based WAPS.

11.4. 1.7 Response-based vs. event based WAPS Response based WAPS use electric variables (voltage, frequency etc) and initiate non- continuous stabilizing actions after the disturbance has caused the measu red variables to significantly degrade. The objective is to correct the deterioration of these variables l:;>y an action, which is generally local. Two examples of this type of WAPS are under-frequency load shedding and under voltage load shedding. This type of WAPS could be used if the robustness of the system is suf ficient to allow these WAPS to ad before the system is unstable (therefore mainly for "slow phenomena"). The variables used are selective according to events

of different severity and different type. For this class whose misoperation or failure to operate would of WAPS, the effect of unintended operation is genehave a significant adverse impact outside of the rally limited because its actions are restricted and local area. The corrective action taken by the WAPS localized. This type of WAPS is simple and secure. Its along with the actions taken by other protection reliability depends extensively on the selectivity of the systems are intended to return power system chosen variables and their behavior. parameters to a stable and recoverable state.


E v e n t

based WAPS are designed for operation only • Type II: An WAPS which recognizes or anticipates upon the recognition of a particular combination. of abnormal system conditions resulting from extreme events and are thus based on the direct detection of me contingencies or other extreme causes, and the event (e.g: the loss of several lines in a station). whose misoperation or failure to operate would have a significant adverse impact outside of the Pre-planned actions could be local or local area. In the application of these systems, their remote. This type of WAPS is generally used for events whose security is the prime concern. severity largely exceeds the robustness of the system or when the speed of phenomena concerned is too • Type Ill: An WAPS whose misoperation or failure high to allow the use of a response based WAPS. to operate results in no significant adverse impact These WAPS are rule-based, with rules developed outside the local area. It should be recognized that from off line simulations. They are generally high a Type Ill WAPS may, due to system changes, speed because their actions must be carried out become Type I or Type II. before the behavior of the system is not too degraded and instability of the system cannot be avoided. Design and operating criteria contingencies are They may be very effective since rapid control action contingencies the system is designed to withstand, may quench electromechanical dynamics before they for example a three phase fault with loss of a line. become stability threatening. Extreme contingencies are more serious but less common than design criteria contingencies, for example The reliability of "event-based" WAPS is the loss of all the lines in a corridor. One or more of often considered a concern, but good design and adequate the following conditions arising from a fault or distur- levels of redundancy can ensure high reliability. The bance shall be deemed to have a significant adverse relative effect of a failure to operate versus unintendimpact: ed operation must be weighed carefully in selecting design parameters. Examples of event-based WAPS System instability

are generation rejection and/or remote load sheddynamic t"esponse; ding instigated by the tripping of a transmission line.

• Unacceptable system •

Equipment tripping e





Voltage levels in violation of applicable


emergency limits

to its impact on the power system • Loading on transmission facilities in vio- WAPS can also be classified according to the severity lation of applicable emergency limits and

• of the contingency and its impact on the system. This Unacceptable loss off load. kind of classification makes it possible to consider the various WAPS installed in a system according to their relative importance and to require different perfor11.4.3 Classification of

WAPS according

mance levels for their dependability, security and

operating time maintenance criteria. WAPS may be sub-divided into

to its


three types:


Figure 11-3 illustrates the approximate time frame associated with each WAPS listed • Type 1: An WAPS which recognizes or anticipates and shows the relationship between the duration of major power sysabnormal system conditions resulting from tern phenomena and the time frame of WAPS actions design and operating criteria contingencies, and

· most likely used to limit their consequences. The time scale is logarithmic, full line represents the typical ope rating range for each WAPS while the doted part indi cates the overall potential operating range.

11.5 Detailed description of the various WAPS actions

Also indicated in Figure 11-3 are the important areas at the extremes of the duration spectra which are not covered in this document, but which deserve men tioning since they represent Important areas of acti vity that could also be classified under the general subject of automatic actions but not under the sub jed of switching WAPS. First extreme is the important area of electro-magnetic switching transients c:mcern ed with overvoltage and automatic measures taken mainly to protect .equipment (protection system, over voltage protection and system separation). The other extreme in the duration spectrum concern manual operation and automatic actions taken to help sys tem operation after power system changes.

There has been a marked increase in the use of WAPS, particularly to withstand design criteria contin gencies, as economics and regulatory problems have led to less robust transmission system. While impro ving system stability, the application of WAPS imposes duties on system and equipment that must be based on a prudent assessment of the benefits and costs. This Section presents short descriptions of the various WAPS actions available to improve system stability and reliability whilst discussing potential problems or harmful effects on the power system. The intention is to provide a starting point for detailed investigation of a particular WAPS and to help designers of a new WAPS to select the most suitable type of WAPS to counter a specific phenomena.

Electromagnetic switching transients

Transient stability (angle & voltage) Small signal stability

Power system operation Long term stability

Long terni voltage stability



Figure 11-3 WAPS time frame related to power system phenomena


A large variety of WAPS are now in service, but most are based on one or more of the following actions: • • • •

Generation rejection Turbine fast valving/generator runback Gas turbine/pumping storage start-up Actions on the AGC such as set point changes • Under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) • Under-voltage load shedding (UVLS) • Remote load shedding • HVDC fast power change • Automatic shunt switching (shunt reactor/capacitor tripping or closing) • Dynamic braking or braking resistor • Tap changers blocking and set points adjustment • Quick increase of voltage generator set point

The majority of actions described above can be initiat ed by a local detection system or by a wide area detection system. Detection is considered local when all the information required by the decision-making process is available at the same location where the realization of the action is performed. Generally ,,ocal WAPS" are considered the most dependable type of WAPS because they do not rely on telecommunica tions facilities for their operations and are also consi dered the most secure because their actions are generally limited and localized. Under-frequency load shedding is probably the best known of this type of WAPS. Local WAPS are often distributed throughout a region of the network and together fulfil the desired level of action (for example: under-frequency load shedding). High dependability is achieved by diversi fication; failure of one local \fi/APS in a distributed sys tem will not detrimentally affect the operation of the other WAPS.


In a wide area detection system, the action is initiated by information acquired at one or more key buses

located elsewhere in the power system. This type of WAPS is generally used to counter complex and large phenomena that may cause danger to the integrity of the whole power system. They are consequently of a higher level of complexity than the local WAPS and strongly depend on telecommunication facilities. De pendability is the principal concern whereas the im pact of unintended operation is generally significant.

11.5.1 Generation rejection Generation rejection is one of the most widely used types of WAPS. Generation rejection schemes involve tripping of one or more generating units and most of them are event-based (based on event direct detec tion such as a line trip). The practice of generator trip ping is used on all kind of units but especially on hydro-generator units. This is because they are quite rugged as compared to thermal units and the risk of damage to the unit from a sudden trip is less. Generation rejection improves transient stability by reducing the accelerating torque on the machines that remain in service after a disturbance. The con cept behind the generation rejection is to increase the electrical power output of the remaining generators and thus to reduce their rotor acceleration. Efficiency depends on the location of generator participating to primary frequency controls. Generation rejection can also be used to reduce power transfers on certain parts of a transmission system and thus solve over load or voltage stability problems. For example, in a remote generating area with a limited number of transmission lines, generation rejection may be used after the loss of critical line to reduce the overload of the remaining lines. Normally the power shortage in the load area is reduced to zero by bringing the spin ning reserve on-line and increasing its output power to that provided previously by rejected units. The main negative aspect of generation rejection is that it subjects the rejected unit to sudden changes in electrical and mechanical loading, which may result in over-speed, thermal stresses and a reduction in the shaft life due to shock initiated fatigue.

11.5.2 Turbine fast valving Turbine fast valving is applicable to thermal units and involves closing and reopening of steam valves, in order to reduce the accelerating power of generators

11.5.3 Fast unit and pumping storage unit start-up

that remain connected to the network after a severe transmission fault. It is an alternative to generation rejection when a slower reduction in generator out put is acceptable. Generation rejection is usually used on hydro units and fast valving on steam turbines. The advantage of fast valving is that the unit remains synchronised, and for temporary fast valving, it reco vers its pre-disturbance power level. Fast valving can not be used on hydro turbines due to the water Inertia. Fast valving assists in maintaining system stability fol lowing a severe fault by reducing the turbine mecha nical power. Fast valving has been found to be an effective and economical method to address mainly transient stability. For maximum gains with fast val ving when transient stability is involved, the turbin driving power should be reduced as rapidly as possi ble. Momentary or sustained fast valving could be used. Momentary fast valving is the rapid closure of inter cept valves only and immediate full eopening at a slower rate. Since the unit is restored to full load, this method is an aid to stability when strong post-con tingency transmission system is available. Sustained fast valving is the rapid closure of main and intercept valves, an immediate partial reopening finally fol lowed by full reopening at a predetermined rate with in minutes after the disturbance. Since the unit is not immediately restored to full load, the postcontingen cy transmission system need not to be as strong as for momentary fast valving and additional stability margins can be provided. Potential problems resulting from turbine fast valving are that a slow power reduction to a pre-defined level may lead to transients on the turbine. Use of fast valving has been limited mainly because of the co ordination required between characteristics of the power system, the turbine and its controls and the energy supply system (boiler). There are several potential problems that must be considered in the application of fast-valving.

Power support by fast unit\e.g. gas turbine) or pump storage start-up could be used when frequency is low or the risk of voltage collapse caused by inade quate generation is high. The latter may rf,'sult from the tripping of important tie-lines that interconnect regions of high generation to regions of high demand. WAPS that initiate gas turbine or pump sto rage start-up are very efficient in recovering from these stressed situations. The gas turbine start-up process takes several minutes or tens of minutes and consequently provides a solution to long term critical situations. (In long term voltage stability, tap changers blocking could be used to give enough time to start the gas turbine.)


11.5.4 AGC set-point changes For satisfactory operation of a power system, the fre quency should remain nearly constant. The main ob jectives of automatic generation control (AGC) are to regulate frequency to the specified value e.g. 60 Hz) and to maintain the interchange power between the area at their scheduled values. AGC perform its tasks through control of the load reference setpoints of a selected group of generator units in the power system. In interconnected power systems under normal con ditions, actions of AGC is confined to its individual area to held system frequency constant and to main tain interarea power transfers at their scheduled levels. Due to the lack of generation in a certain area caused by a combination of line trips, set-point chan ges an AGC could be used to correct for the genera tion/load mismatch. In such a situation, other areas may assist the affected area by allowing system fre quency to depart from its pre-disturbance value or by permitting the inter-area power transfer to deviate from scheduled values.

11.5.5 Under-frequency load shedding Description and main characteristics The most common type of WAPS is an under

frequency load shedding (UFLS) scheme. Schemes


7 Improvement of system stability

of this type are used to preserve the security of both the generation and the transmission system during disturbances that initiate a major reduction in system frequency. Such schemes are essential, if a utility is to minimise the risk of total system collapse, maximize the reliability of the overall network and protect system equipment against damages. In the event of a loss of generation or the loss of a tie-line used to import power, UFLS schemes are employed to reduce the connected load to a level that can be safely supplied by available generation. Load shedding is initiated by under-frequency relays designed to trip blocks of load when the frequency drops below discrete frequency thresholds and/or the rate of change of frequency exceeds preset df/dt values. Load shedding is generally done in several steps to prevent excessive load dropping and to allow the frequency to recover before the next step. The settings for load shedding relays and their appli cation philosophy are mainly based on turbinegene rator under-frequency operation limitations and power plant auxiliary performance. Turbine genera tors must be disconnected from the system if the fre quency drops below 55 to 575 HZ (60 Hz system), the exact value depends on the type of turbine. Main objectives of UFLS :;chemes include: • Protecting the generating equipment and transmission facilities against damage. • Achieving a near equilibrium betvveen generation and load following loss of generation. • Providing for equitable load shedding among utility serving load. • Minimizing the risk of total system collapse in the event of system separation or generation loss. • Permitting rapid load restoration and re-establishment of interconnections.

The UFLS enables the frequency to recover to a nor mallevel and makes it possible to maintain the net work integrity. Because generating units can operate continuously within ± 0.5 Hz from normal frequency, it is desirable that the UFLS restores the frequency fol lowing a disturbance to a value within this range. This minimises the potential for turbine loss of life. The main requirements for a UFLS scheme are: • they should coordinate with underfrequency protection of generating unit; • they should minimize the risk of further separation, loss of generation, or excessive load shedding accompanied by excessive over frequency conditions and • they should arrest frequency decline and leave the system in such condition as to permit rapid load restoration and re-establishment of inter connections. On large interconnected systems, close coordination of different UFLS schemes are necessary because an interconnected grid is generally closely meshed and a sudden and severe power imbalance will not be restricted to utility borders. To comply with all possi ble situations and perturbations, the UFLS plan must satisfy the following basic requirements: • The load shedding plan should be adequately coordinated throughout the interconnected members to prevent unbalanced load shedding, which may cause high transmission loading and extreme voltage deviation. • A uniform off-nominal frequency plan should be adopted throughout the interconnected system, sharing the risk among the partners and providing for equitable load shedding among utilities serving load. • The operating time of the different load shedding devices should be uniform, otherwise only the fastest ones would operate (this means that no intentional time delay must be added) The load shall be divided into small amounts and the maximum amounts reachable should be about 40 % to 50 % of the total demand.

238 Potential problems or harmful impact on equipment system Special attention must be paid to establishing the amount of load that can be disconnected by UFLS. If, following a UFLS action, the system or areas of the s tstem have a power surplus (caused by over-shed ding), the system frequency will increase to an over frequency condition and generating units may be dis

connected by over-speed protection. Methods of limiting over-frequency frequency include highspeed automatic load. restoration, braking resistors and fast HVDC power change. Due to the tripping of generators and the operation of UFLS, large voltage variations often come with large frequency deviations. When loads are shed sud denly during an under-frequency

event, shunt capaci tors that remain in service may

cause serious over voltages. The same situation may also happen on long UHV transmission lines because of the high levels of charging current. Because of this, shunt capacitors on the subtransmission system should ei ther have automatic over-voltage protection or be tripped by underfrequency relays. If the over-volta ges are severe enough, they should be tripped as an integral part of the UFLS scheme. When available, shunt reactors on EHV transmission system could also be switchedin by over-voltage relays used to control these overvoltages.

11.5.6 Under-voltage load shedding Power systems with heavy loading on transmission facilities an united reactive power control can be vul nerable to voltage instability. In some unplanned or extreme situations, when all others solutions have fai led, load shedding when voltage collapse is imminent may preserve the system stability. Undervoltage load shedding (UVLS) is analogous to under-frequency load shedding and provides a lowcost mean of pre venting system collapse. An UVLS scheme uses under-voltage relays to moni tor the voltage level in a substation. Normally, an under-voltage relay will operate and trip a feeder cir cuit breaker when the input level reduces below a

seconds. It is expected that after the shedding, the voltage will recover to an acceptable value. Developing appropriate settings for the UVLS is a challenging problem. Load shedding is often initiated in steps to avoid over shedding and the selection of appropriate time step is an important factor in effec tive under-voltage load shedding.


UVLS plans should be examined to determine if acceptable over-frequency, overvoltage, or transmis sion overloads might result and all potential unaccept able conditions should be mitigated. For example, if over-frequency is likely, the amount of load shed could be reduced or automatic over-frequency load restoration could be provided. On the other hand for over-voltages, the load shedding program could be modified (e.g., change the geographic distribution) or mitigation measures (e.g. coordinated tripping of shunt capacitors or reactors) could be implemented to minimize that probability. If transmission capacities are exceeded, the relay settings (e.g. location, trip, or time delay) could then be altered or other actions be taken to maintain transmission loading within the capabilities. Coordination with other systems is also a primary concern to assure selectivity in power system opera tion. It is imperative that under-voltage load shedding plans are coordinated with: • Generation control and protection systems. • Under-frequency load shedding programs and manual load shedding programs • Load programs.


• Transmission protection and control programs (e.g., timing of line reclosing, tap changing, over excitation limiting, capacitor bank switching, and other automatic switching schemes). • Other system protection and control devices used to interrupt electric supply to customers (coordi nation between the time delay of UVLS relays, the time settings of consumers minimum voltage relays, and the break - time of automatic reclosing of the feeders provided witf:dJIJLS). Finally, the characteristics and locations of the loads to be shed are more important for voltage problems than they are for frequency problems and a careful pre-set threshold for a time of greater than a few


choice of the type of load to be shed must be made.


11.5.7 Remote load shedding


Remote load shedding is similar in concept to gene ration rejection but at the receiving end of the power system. Remote load shedding is a dormant system design to operate after extreme contingencies affec ting the system's transmission capacity (e.g. loss of several transmission lines), whose severity largely exceeds the robustness of the power system. This kind of extreme contingencies endanger transient, dynamic or short term voltage stability. In these cases, rapid and massive actions based on the direct detec tion of the extreme contingency are required. Remote load shedding is one of the means that could be used to maintain power system stability in that situa tion. The components of a remote load shedding system can be categorized as follows: • Inputs: mainly direct detection of the disturbance • A central co-ordinating system: usually

required to decide the proper action (quantity and localisation offload to shed) • Output: feeders tripping

Remote load shedding involve direct tripping of low priority industrial/commercial load or residential load. Remote load shedding can employ the same load shedding relays used to perform underfrequency load shedding. These relays could have a dual func tion, allowing both the direct execution of remote load shedding orders and the execution of load shedding as a function of local frequency conditions.

11.5.8 HVDC fast power change HVDC transmission link is a highly controllable device and it is possible to take advantage of this unique characteristic to improve transient stability of the AC system. Power flow on HVDC links can be modulated by controlling the converters. HVDC modulation can provide powerful stabilization with active and reactive power injection at each converter.

these oscillations are not attenuated, system instabil ity could occur. The DC power can be controlled to improve transient stability by rapid discrete power level changes or to improve damping by use of con tinuous proportional control. The DC power can be either ramped down or ramped up (taking advanta ge of short-term overload capability) to assist power system stability. 'The beneficial effect of DC modula tion on the AC system is similar to the effect of gene ration rejection or load shedding. HVDC controls modulation may be used to: • regulate reactive power, • support dynamic AC voltage, • damp frequency oscillations and • improve transient stability. The controllability of HVDC links is often cited as an important advantage of DC systems. This controllabi lity can be valuable in improving dynamics perfor mance of AC system but only if DC control systems perform adequately for various disturbances and system conditions. These controls, which could be quite powerful must not interact unfavourably with other high performance controls and systems. HVDC control robustness is therefore a major concern. When the DC line is the major connection between two AC systems, the rapid modulation of the DC link could be effective in attenuating transient disturban ces. A problem with this control method is that a disturbance in one AC system will be shared by both AC systems. That is, a disturbance on one system will appear as a sudden load change on the other system. Unless there is some mutual benefit, the un faulted system may not care to share the disturban ce of the other system. Rapid modulation would also require reactive power compensation capability on the AC system near each converter to maintain pro per voltage during the DC power flow modulation.

During a transient disturbance such as a fault on an interconnected power system, generator rotors swing to new angle in response to accelerating power. If can be installed at the HV busbar in a substation, or at the tertiary winding of a transformer in an EHV/HV substation. Depending on the measured voltage level they can be tripped or reconnected. Capacitor banks are installed in many substations to improve the power factor of the consumers load or for feeder vol tage control. They are automatically switched in accordance with the busbar voltage level. This is nor mally achieved using a minimum voltage relay. Shunt reactors on the HV busbar in a power plant improve the transient stability of the generating

11.5.9 Automatic shunt switching (shunt reactor/capacitor tripping or dosing) WAPS are widely used to control the voltage levels in a substation. This is achieved by automatic switching of shunt reactors and capacitor banks. Shunt reactors

units. They ad like reactive power consumers and determi ne which generating units need to produce more reactive power. This results in a more favorable tran sient stability condition during a short-circuit fault Switching out shunt reactors following a severe con tingency also greatly improves transient stability. Two basic performed:




• Over-voltages control: The closing of shunt

reactors (or the tripping of shunt capacitors) could be used to deal with overvoltages

create d by event s that cause a major reduct ion in the powe r previo

usly flowing on the power system (e.g. generation and/or load losses). • Under-voltages control: The tripping of shunt

reactors could be used to deal with under-voltage created by events that mainly affect the system's transmission capacity (e.g. multiple loss of lines).

11.5.10 Braking resistor Dynamic braking is the concept of applying an artifi cial electric load to a portion of the power system. It

has been generally studied and applied as a switch ing in of shunt resistors. This is normally for a fixed insertion time and occurs immediately after a fault has been cleared on the system. The components of an WAPS used for dynamic braking can be catego rized as: • a resistor,



• a switching equipment and • a system.


The control system is generally referred to as the ':Accelerating Power Level Detector" (APLD). A typical control system is shown in the Figure 11-4. A signal representing the total electrical output power of those machines, whose accelerating power is to be monitored, is fed into the control system. For a short duration, and only for sharp changes in electrical power, the difference between the second and the first blocks approximates to accelerating power. The accelerating power signal is further passed through a second order low pass filter to form the APLD output. This output is compared with an accelerating power threshold set-point, and if it exceeds the (positive) threshold, the braking resistor would be energised after a short delay. The braking resistor would only be energised for a sudden reduction in the electrical power input. The Figure 11-4 shows a typical control system with typical parameters.

0.5 < Tc < 5








APLD lag Figure 7 7-4 Accelerating power level detector (ADLP)




..+ a.roOs + ro0 0







1 ..


During system fault conditions, the machine output power drops as a result of the depressed system vol tages. The machines in the vicinity of the fault accele rate during this time. During the fault and also after the removal of the fault, the speed gain continues to increase the angle differences between these and more remote machines, which may lead to loss of synchronism. The drop in machine output power may trigger the energisation of the braking resistor. The increased power demand from the braking resistor now opposes the speed increase acquired during the fault incident and reduces the machine angle diffe rences. This generally improves stability for faults in the vicinity of the braking resistor. A sensitive trigger setting may lead to the energisa tion of the braking resistor for more remote faults. This may reduce the stability of the system. During a fault machines electrically close to the fault tend to accelerate more than the machines remote from the fault. Simultaneously the energisation of braking resi stors tends to retard the acceleration of the machines close to the fault more than those machines that are remote from the braking resistor. Consequently, if a braking resistor is energized for a remote fault, it tends to increase the angle difference between the machines close to the fault and the machines close to the braking resistor. This increases the likel"1hood of instability. The sudden shocks from the switching in braking resistors on the turbine can result in high levels of shaft torque. Studies must be carried out to ensure there are no adverse effects on the shaft fatigue-life resulting from the combined effect of a fault, its clear ance, the switching in, or out of the braking resistor and the possibility of unsuccessful auto-reclosure.

11.5.11 Controlled opening of interconnection


Controlled system separation generally represents the last measure toward saving the power system

Tripping tie-lines is not without risk. If the inter connection is supporting the individual system, then tripping the tie-lines will almost certainly mean total collapse for that individual system. If the individual system is supporting the interconnection, then trip ping the tie-lines will put the interconnection at great er risk. Unless sophisticated relaying is implemented, there is no way for an individual relay to discriminate between the two conditions. However, the ultimate decision rests with the individual system. From an overall system perspective the preferred option is to not trip interconnection lines.

following a major disturbance involving loss of gene ration or imminent instability between areas. Con- · trolled system separation is applied when specific load and generating areas can be defined within a large interconnected system. The instability between areas is usually characterized by sudden change in tie-line power. The instability is detected by monito ring one or more of the following quantities: • sudden change in power flow through specific tie-lines, • rate of power change, • change of bus voltage angle. As interconnected systems grow, it becomes more difficult to define system separation points that will be applicable for all possible system emergencies. Controlled separation as a planned method to achie ve power system stability is not widely applied main ly because it is difficult to define points of separation that will be acceptable for all system conditions. Controlled system separation is mainly used in power system where load and generation are reasonably matched and transmission tielines to external power system are easily definable. The opening of inter-area transmission interconnec tions shall only be initiated after the coordinated load shedding program has failed to arrest frequency dec line and intolerable system conditions exist. When an operating emergency occurs, a prime con sideration shall be to maintain parallel operation throughout the interconnected power system. This will permit rendering maximum assistance to the power system(s) in trouble. Because the facilities of each power system may be vital to the-secure ope ration of the interconnected system, every effort shall be made to remain connected to it. However, if a power system determines that it is endangered by remaining interconnected, it rnay take such action as it deems necessary to protect its own system.

When machines of two areas are electrically separat ed, pole slip protection should split the systEm at a location designed to improve the generation, - load balance in each of the two isolated systems. Pole slip protection operates significantly slower than distance protection and consequently, distance relays may operate and prevent the pole slip relay from tripping at the desired location. Effective pole slip protection depends on the success of power swing blocking elements in conventional distance relays. Most pole slip protection relays have a lens characteristic and the time taken for the impedance vector to pass through the lens is the criterion used to decide if a pole slip condition as

occurred. To initiate a trip, the impedanc e locus can enter the lens from the left or the right, but must

traverse completely through to the opposite side of the lens.

11.5.1 2 Tap changers biocking and setpoints adjustment The main goal of on-load tap-changers (OLTC) ope rating on power transformers is to supply the con trolled side of the transformer (normally the lower voltage) - with a voltage level within a given range, according to the dead-band and the set-point value. Typically as load increases the OLTC will ad to raise the tap position in order to maintain the voltage level. The time delay between steps varies between 1 0 se conds and 4 minutes. This ensures that following a minor disturbance the load voltage is restored to an acceptable value within a few minutes. Following a severe disturbance, the voltages will be

substations. The OLTCs applied to transformers at dif ferent voltage levels all operate on local criteria and all independently start the tap changing process de signed to re-establish the controlled voltage. If the voltage reductions start to progress towards a volta ge collapse the bulk system voltages will slowly de crease whilst the OLTCs are trying to restore distribu tion system voltages. The transmission system will be further stressed until a new steady state is achieved or voltage collapse has occurred. Depending on the number of levels of cascaded tapchangers, and their settings, this process may take from a few to tens of minutes.


During a period of voltage collapse the OLTC will detect a low voltage and after an appropriate time delay raise the tap position of the transformer. Assuming no change in the load demand on the transformer during this period, the load can often be considered as constant power as long as the tap changer can maintain a constant load voltage. If the primary voltage level drops, the current flow in the transmission system is increased to maintain the load power. This increase in current flow will further redu ce the transmission system voltage making a voltage collapse more likely to appear. It is common, at least in Europe, to have controlled OLTCs on both EHV/HV transformers (connecting transmission and subtransmission networks) and HV/ MV transformers (connecting subtransmission to dis tribution levels). Sweden has even up to four levels of OLTCs in cascade. The delays in tapping are usually set to shorter values as one goes higher in voltage. Tap-changer blocking or set-point adjustment can be beneficial to preserve system stability in stressed situations that are close to voltage instability. The effect depends on the load characteristics and the degree of shunt compensation. It is also necessary to control the tapchanger that is closest electrically to the customer. Generally, just lowering the voltage at

reduced over a regional area that may affect many

the sub-transmission or medium voltage level, will



make the situation worse, since the tapchanger nea rest the consumer will try to reestablish the load vol tage. This means that the reactive power losses will increase in the distribution system at the same time as the reactive power generation from shunt devices will decrease. In some cases, tapchangers can have a beneficial effect. Consider for instance a case where a transfor mer is supplying predominantly motor load with power factor correction capacitors. The OLTC keeps the


supply voltage high and hence does not affect the real power consumption (which is relatively inde pendent of voltage). This also maximizes the reactive support from the power factor correction capacitors.

7 7.5. 7 2. 7 Improvement of system stability Normally, where the real power loads have some vol tage dependency, appropriate control actions can be used with the OLTC to reduce the severity of the vol tage collapse. Blocking operation of the OLTC has been widely offered as a method to reduce the negative effect on the system. Load voltage reduction can also be used to reduce the loading on the sys tem. This is similar to peak shaving systems based on voltage reduction, widely used at many utilities. There fore the on-load tap-changer may be both a cause and a partial solution to the problems of· voltage collapse. The simplest method to eliminate the OLTC as a con tributor to voltage collapse is to block the automatic raise operation during any period when voltage collapse appears to be a concern. The decision to temporarily block the tap-changer can be made using locally derived information or can be made at a cen tral location and the supervisory system can send a blocking signal to the unit. This action may result in a period of low voltage on the affected loads. The effect of reduced supply voltages in the whole servi ce area must be weighted against the possible alter native of complete disconnection of some customers in a smaller area. Tap-changer blocking will be more effective for voltage decays slower than the transient time frame. It will also be more effective on loads that have a relatively high voltage dependency.

Local blocking schemes are implemented using vol tage relays and a time delay to sense the voltage level on the high voltage bus at the substation. The threshold voltage is usually chosen to be a level that is less than that which occurs during maximum acceptable overload conditions. Blocking is initiated if the abnormal undervoltage condition exists longer than a predetermined time. The time period may vary from one to several seconds. The OLTC is unblocked when the voltage has recovered to an acceptable level for a predetermined period of time, typically 5 seconds. Since the blocking action will be removed if the voltage recovers, usually a single phase-phase voltage measurement is adequate for this scheme. A coordinated blocking scheme can be utilized to block operation of OLTCs in an area where voltage instability is imminent. The coordinated scheme can be accomplished with undervoltage schemes acting independently (as described above) in a coordinated fashion at various stations within a region, or it can be a centralized scheme that recognizes a pattern of low voltages at key locations. In a centralized scheme, the OLTC blocking can be implemented in substations throughout the affected region, even if the voltage at all locations is not yet below a specific threshold. The key to operation of a centralized system is the reliability of the communication system. The data needed for decision making must be collected at the central location for analysis. Control decisions must then be sent to each affected transformer location.

7 7.5. 7 2.2 Reduction of set-point of OLTC As already mentioned, a m;re advantageous use of OLTCs than just blocking them consists of decreasing their voltage set-points. A larger load relief can be achieved. in this way. As for the blocking of OLTCs the effectiveness is largely dependant on the characte ristics of the power system, such as the type of load, the degree of shunt compensation and the number of OLTCs on lower levels.


An interesting strategy for controlling OLTCs is as follows: • In a secure state, all OLTCs are controlled as usual. The HV voltage set-points are chosen to minimize real losses in the subtransmission networks. • In emergency conditions, EHV/HV and HV/MV OLTCs are blocked, keeping the minimum possible transformer ratio for EHV/HV transformers.

• In an alert state, where credible contingencies would lead to voltage instability, the MV voltage setpoints of HV/MV OLTCs are decreased while EHV/HV OLTC set-points are increased. The objective is to reduce reactive losses and get more reactive support from shunt elements :n the sub-transmission networks.

11.5.1 3 Q u i c k

increase of synchronous condenser voltage set-point Synchronous condensers can generate or absorb reactive power depending on the control of their ex citation system and are an excellent form of voltage and reactive power control devices. The reactive power production of synchronous condenser is not affected by the system voltage and voltage regulator (AVR) can automatically adjust this reactive power to maintain constant terminal voltage. While AVR is con trolling the terminal voltage, the reactive power out put can be increased until heating limit is reached. The action of the AVR is instantaneous and quite effi cient in case of voltage collapse, if the synchronous condenser is located near the load demand. Following a severe event that is leading to voltage decline, the synchronous condenser AVR performs a fast corrective action. In order to optimize the effi ciency of the synchronous condenser to counteract voltage instability, automatic increase of its voltage set-point could be used as supplementary action. The voltage set-point is increased according to a steep ramp until the synchronous condenser reactive power reaches some percentages of the compensa tor capability or after some maximum time (e.g. 30 s). This WAPS differs from secondary voltage control because it is faster as needed to counteract voltage instability following the loss of several transmission lines and could thus be considered as primary vol

11.6 Voltage stability assessment guidelines


Recognizing that voltage stability is a serious concern, which must be examined during planning and ope rational studies, there is a requirement to develop practical study procedures, security margins, and cri teria. The traditional approach to planning for voltage security relied on ensuring that pre-contingency and post-contingency voltage levels were acceptable for the system states under study. As a result, utilities have developed suitable voltage criteria which specify acceptable voltage limits. These criteria are largely based on equipment tolerances and although they ensure safe voltages, they generally provide no assu rance that sufficient voltage stability margin exists. Put it simply, a system may have very healthy pre-contin gency and post-contingency voltage levels, but be dangerously close to voltage instability. The relatively recent concerns for voltage stability have motivated the development of some study gui delines The methods adopted will depend largely on the utilities' experience, policies, and regulatory requi rements. For example, if studies show that voltage instability may occur when reactive reserves on spe cific generators reach certain values, the utility may use such measures as direct indicators of voltage security. The success of any such method depends on an unders'"wnding of the mechanism of, and proximity to, voltage instability for the particular system under a wide variety of possible conditions. This chapter pro vides some generalized guidelines for developing and applying security assessment methods.

11.6.1 Off-line studies and on-line studies Voltage Stability (VS) margin is a measure or how close the system is to voltage instability. The approa ches needed to assess margin will differ slightly be tween offline studies (such as operation planning) and on-line studies (such as application of on-line vol tage stability assessment tools in the EMS environ tage control systems.





In the off-line environm ent, such as operation plan ning, it is necessary to determine the margin for all design contingen cies (such as single element outa ges, double outages of lines on the same tower lost by LLG faults, or double elements lost through brea ker failure) for system conditions with all elements in service and for condition s with one or

more elements out-of-service. Studying conditions with one element out-of-service is necessary to provide margin for the uncertainty of operating conditions. Because of main tenance and forced-outages, the actual system is rarely in state with all elements in-service. Often, for study purposes, each out-of-service element is com bined with each design contingency, to form a set of double contingencies, which may include unrelated elements such as loss of a line plus a generator. Care must be taken in this case to account for the pre-con tingency system readjustment which would normal ly occur for creating a new base case with one ele ment out-of service. For on-line studies, the system state and topology is known (or at least approximately known) through system measurements and state estimation. There fore, it is necessary to study only the criteria contin gencies for all elements in service. As a result, fewer scenarios need to be examined and, less margin may be required than for offline studies, in which the system uncertainty is greater. Off-line VS study tools have matured over recent years (Figure 11-5) and now on-line analysis tools are being developed to compute VS margins, verify that criteria is met, and suggest remedial actions neces sary to meet the criteria. One important aspect of practical VS assessment is the consistency between on-line and offline assessment methods. While the two approaches may examine different scenarios and require different margins, the basic procedures, and models used should be consistent. This is essen tial to ensure that the results obtained from off-line studies can be compared to on-line results. For example:

• For procedures: The use of PV, QV. or time domain simulations, should be consistent in on-line and off-line studies. The definition of how margin is measured should be also equivalent.

• For Models: The representation of loads, gene rator capabilities, field current limiters, switched shunts, ULTC should be equivalent in on-line and off-line studies. In the absence of on-line analysis capability, the off line study results must be translated into operating limits and indices that can be monitored by the ope rators. The next section describes some technical gui delines for VS assessment, which can be applied for either off-line or online studies. The present industry practice is to use deterministic methods for stability assessment. With today's analytical methods and computer hardware, it is possible to assess a wide range of conditions and contingencies in reasonable computation times. However, probabilistic assessment methods and criteria may become necessary as inter connected models grow, controls become more complex (including remedial action schemes), and deregulation increases the volume and uncertainty of energy transactions.

11.6.2 Voltage stability margins and criteria In general, VS margins are defined as the difference between the value of a Key System Parameter (KSP) at the current operating condition and at the voltage stability critical point. Different utilities may use diffe rent KSPs from two main categories: • PV-based KSPs, such as an area load or power transfer across an interface • QV-based KSPs, such as reactive power injection at a bus or group of buses Voltage stability criterion defines how much margin is deemed sufficient for voltage security of the system. It can be stated as "the system must be operated such that for the operating point and under all cre dible contingencies, the VS margin remains larger than x% (or y MWIMVAr) of the KSP':

For example, when the KSP is defined as the area load, and the criterion is defined as 7% of this KSP,

v Pre-Contingency


the system must remain voltage stable under all con tingencies when the area load is increased by 7 % above the given operating level. In addition to the criterion for VS margin, utilities may establish other operating criteria for voltage security, including: • Voltage decline/rise criteria, which specify thet bus voltages must remain within + x% and - y% of the nominal (or pre-contingency) values under all contingencies. • Reactive reseNe criteria, which specify that the reactive power reseNe of individual or groups of VAr sources (generators and controllable shunts) must remain above x% of their reactive power output (or y MVAr) under all contingencies. The combination of the above criteria define the ope rating limits, or, in other words, voltage secure opera ting range of the system. As with any criterion, the VS criteria must be selected to provide adequate security without unduly restric ting system operation. It is common to select different sets of criteria for different categories of contingen cies. For example. the system may be required to have 7% load increase margin under single contin gencies and only 3 % load increase margin under double contingencies. The criteria appropriate for a given system can only be determined after extensive analysis of the system in order to establish the KSPs and the sensitivities of the system stability to changes in KSP values.

11.6.3 Voltage stability assessment

7 7.63.7 PV-based margin computation With the KSP being defined as the system load, the process of calculating VS margins for the base case and the contingency cases is as follows (the same process applies to VS margin calculation with other KSPs):

11.6.3. 2

Post-Contingency Margin Pre-Contingency Margin


Figure 7 7-5 PV curves and VS margins

1. Calculate VS margin for the base case using Static Analysis. For PV CuNe computation, the system load is increased step by step and at each step (load level) the power flow is solved. The voltage stability critical point is reached at the load level beyond which power flow solution does not exist. The increase in the system load from the initial operating point (P0 ) to the voltage stability critical point (nose of the PV cuNe Pm) is the VS margin for the base case (see Figure 10-3). At each load level, a generation dispatch scheme is used to supply the increased demand for active power and power flow solution is obtained with loads modelled as constant MVA and control of ULTCs and switchable shunts enabled. 2. Calculate VS margins for all the contingency cases using Static Analysis. At each load level, after solving the power flow for the base case, the contingencies are applied one by one and the power flows are solved. The last load level where the post-contingency power flow solution exists (Pem) is the post-contingency critical point and the increase in the pre-contingency system load from the initial operating point to this point is the VS margin for that contingency (see Figure 11-5). Post-contingency cases are solved with loads modelled as voltage dependent. Depending on the time frame within which system performance is to be evaluated, and the actual



performance is to be evaluated, and the actual system operation policy, a generation dispatch scheme (e.g. governor response, AGC, etc) is used to balance the post-contingency powers and the control of ULTCs, automatically switched shunts and manually switched shunts are enabled or disabled.


3. Calculate VS margins for a few selected critical contingency cases using Time Domain Simulation. The

approach is the same as that of step 2 above, except that the voltage stability of the system following a contingency is determined by time-domain simulation over an appropriate time frame (which may range from several seconds to tens of minutes.) Starting with the solved cases corresponding to the different load levels, the system is disturbed by applying the contingency, and the system dynamic res ponse following this contingency is calculated. If the time-domain simulation shows that the system reaches its post-contingency steadystate equilibrium point after a finite time period, the system is post-contingency steady-state equi librium point after a finite time period, the system is stable. If the steady-state equilibrium of the post-contingency system does not exist, time domain simulation will show that the bus voltages continue to decrease and therefore the system is voltage unstable.

more parts of the system. When the KSP is selected as the reactive load at a group of buses, the same procedure determines the "Generalized" QV margin of the system. However, traditionally, the QV margin at a given bus, under pre- or post-contingency conditions, is comput ed by the following procedure: 1. A fictitious synchronous condenser (generator) with unlimited reactive power is placed at the bus to control its voltage. 2. The scheduled voltage of the condenser is varied from Vmax to Vmin in discrete steps. 3. At each point (scheduled voltage) the power flow is solved and the MVAr output of the condenser



is calculated. 4. The plot of MVAr output versus the scheduled voltage of the condenser is the well-known QV ! .

curve for that bus (see Figure 11-6). The amount of MVAr absorbed (negative of MVAr output) at the minimum point (bottom of the curve) is the MVAr margin at the bus. Q


An operating point is voltage secure if • the VS margin of all contingencies meet the margin criterion, • the pre- and post-contingency voltages at that operating point meet the voltage decline/rise criteria, and • the pre- and post-contingency reactive reserve of specified sources at that operating point meet the MVAr reserve criteria. QV-based computation


In the above PV-based approach, the key system parameter defined for margin computation does not have to be limited to area load or interface flow. The KSP can easily be selected as any combination of real and reactive load, as well as generation, in one or

v Figure 17- 6 QV curve

The reasons for popularity procedure are:

of this

a) It is easy to use conventional power flow programs for this procedure. L

b) The power flow solution at each voltage level converges easily because of the fictitious con denser controlling the voltage. Generally, the complete curve is computed, showing the stable and unstable operating regions.

i l

The PV-based approach, with conventional power flow techniques, determines the stable part of the curve. Experience with VSTAB has shown that in this approach, repeated solutions with automatically ad justed step size, can reliably find the critical point (nose of the curve). Although continuation method can be easily applied to compute the unstable part of the PV or QV curve as well, in practice this is not necessary for determining the VS margin. The advantages of PV-based KSPs over QV-based KSPs are the following: a) The PV-based KSPs, such as area load increase or power transfer across an interface, provide the system planners and operators with a direct and physical measure of voltage security of the system and show how much load or interface how an increase can be safely accommodated by the system. b) In the QV approach, the way the system is stressed, i.e. injecting reactive power at one bus alone, is completely artificial and has no relation with the way the system is operated. It provides· only an artificial measure of robustness at a given operating point. Small changes in the operating point can have significant impact on this measure due to the non-linearity of the power system. c) The voltage stability of the system can not be assessed completely by computing QV curves at a limited number of buses. In theory, the QV curve at every bus in the system has to be com puted to give a complete picture of voltage stability margins. On the other hand, one PV curve computation with a global load increase can reveal the general stability margin of the system. Additionally, a model analysis at the nose of PV curve will identify those buses in the system where the voltage instability occurs.

11.6.4 On-line VSA functional requirements


This section specifies overall functional requirements for on-line oltage tability 6ssessment (VSA). It is developed in a format that may be used as a gene ric starting point by an utility or an independent 'iYS tem Qperator (ISO) to deve!op procurement specifi cations for on-line VSA. It is also helpful as a start ing point for use by the system suppliers to develop detailed design specifications.

7 7.6.4. Introduction


The on-line Voltage Stability Assessment (VSA) pack age must determine the voltage security of the system in its given condition. The system is deemed voltage insecure if any credible contingency would cause violation of Voltage Stability (VS) criteria. Different utilities have different VS criteria and diffe rent needs for on-line VSA. In general. the VS criteria may specify the required VS margins in terms of load increase, transfer increase, or other key system para meters, as well as required VAr reserves in different parts (zones) of the system. The list of contingencies to be considered may have to be screened and/or augmented based on opera ting system conditions. If the system is found to become voltage insecure for any credible contingency, preventive or corrective control actions must be sought to improve voltage security of the system. Preventive control actions move the system state to a voltage secure operating point Corrective control actions would maintain vol tage stability of the system in cas.e severe or unfore seen contingencies happen. Even if the system state is voltage secure, it is desi rable to know how far the system state can move away from its operating point and still remain volta ge secure. This is particularly true in the Transmission Open Access environment where computation of



Available Transmission Capability (ATC) must take into account adequate static, dynamic, and voltage :;tabi lity margins. When needed, control actions, similar to the preventive controls for contingencies, should be found to expand the secure re-gion around the ope rating point. Based on the above requirements, the on-line VSA package must provide the following basic functions: • Contingency selection and screening • Voltage security evaluation • Voltage security enhancement Besides assessment of the voltage security of the present system state, the on-line VSA must assess voltage security of forecasted future states, and any specific state specified by the operator. Contingency selection and screemng It is impractical and unnecessary to analyze in detail the impact of every conceivable contingency. Generally, only a limited number of contingencies might impose immediate threat to voltage stability and these might be quite different from the contin gencies critical for transient :;tability, thermal overload, or voltage decline. It is required, therefore, to define a credible list of contingencies and provide the capabi lity to both augment and screen the contingencies and select those most likely to cause problems, so that they will be assessed in detail. Voltage security evaluation


The operators need- to know whether the system operating conditions meet the VS criteria. The VS cri teria may specify how far the system should be from the borderline of voltage instability in terms of load increase, transfer increase, or other forms of stress, when subjected to any of the selected contingencies. There might be other criteria that must be met as

well, such as required MVAr reserves in different parts of the system and limits on post-contingency voltage declines. There are also cases where computation of VS must be carried out in response to postulated conditions (e.g., to determine if a requested transmission service can be accepted). In addition to evaluating the voltage security of the given system's operating point, it is also necessary to know the voltage secure region around this opera ting point. This information is useful when, for exam ple, the system load is increasing or transfers are being increased, and the operator wants to know how much the load or transfer can increase while the system remains voltage secure. This is particularly important for determination and posting of the ATC. These computations involve detailed analysis of all the selected contingencies at several system states. Static analytical techniques (power-flow based) can perform these computations in a majority of cases, but dynamic analytical methods (time-domain simu lation) may be occasionally required. Voltage security enhancement If it is found that the system does not have sufficient voltage stability margin for one or more of the select ed contingencies, actions must be determined to modify the system state in such a way as to create sufficient margin. These preventive control actions will be taken before any contingency happens (pre-con tingency system state). The on-line VSA should provi de different control action alternatives, such as capa citor/reactor switching, generation re-dispatch, etc., and determine the impact of eilch control action on voltage security of the system. In the event of multiple (or severe) contingencies, special corrective control actions may be necessary to prevent voltage instability. These generally affect

Change Monitor

customers (interruption of service or degradation of power quality) and therefore are reserved for use in response to very severe system disturbances. An . example of a control action of this type is coordina ted load shedding. The on-line VSA must be able to determine the best setting (location and minimum amount of required load shedding) for remedial action schemes involving automatic load shedding. The on-line VSA must validate the effectiveness of the control actions. For corrective controls, this may require time-domain simulation of the events and control sequences. For acceptable performance in an on-line application, special time-domain simulation techniques are needed, which are computationally much faster than the conventional methods and still capture the dynamics and timings important to volta ge stability.

7 7 .6.4.5 General requirements The on-line VSA function must operate in conjunction with the EMS environment to monitor the state of the power system periodically, on demand, and upon occurrence of significant changes in the state of power system, in order tp ensure power system security against occurrence of predefined specific or generic contingencies. It should also be available in a study mode. On-line VSA must allow automatic selection of speci fic contingencies from a predefined contingency list, based on actual system conditions. Generic contin gency definitions must also be accommodated; on line DSA should provide the capability to construct relevant contingencies based on the existence of recognizably vulnerable or stressed operating condi tions in the system, and the nature, location, and degree of stress. This means that additional contin gencies should be automatically added to the select ed list of specific contingencies based on system con ditions. Automatic contingency augmentation capa bility should also be provided to account for depen-


Contingency Screening

Contingency Analysis


·--········C: ·-·-·------

Steady-State Analysis ----------- _1


- -- ---·


Dynamic Simulation

--- ----- -- -- ----------


Voltage Security Monitor

Operator Console

.....-- 1---'----'------, Security Enhancement

Figure 77-7 On-line VSA Model

dent contingencies (e.g. active arming for load shed ding). The operator should be notified when contin gencies are added or augmented automatically. The operator should have the capability to designate one or more specific contingencies to be selected regard less of the system conditions. The operator should also be able to designate one or more specific con tingencies to be subjected to full processing (i.e. not be subjected to screening). The selected contingencies should be dassified ·into two groups, namely voltage stable (secure) and vol tage unstable (insecure) contingencies. Capability should exist to rank the contingencies according to indices or measures relevant to each of a predefined set of voltage security criteria.



The VSA function must determine the relevant operating limits (line loading limits, interface flow limits, export/import limits, and load change limits) to ensure voltage security of the system in the event of occurrence of any of the contingencies designated by the operator, the severe contingencies determined automatically through screening and ranking, or both. The VSA function should compute indices quantifying the degree (margin) of voltage stability or instability

11.6.5 Contingency definition A contingency consists of one or more events occurring simultaneously or at different instants of time, with each event resulting in a change in the state of one or more power system elements. A contingency may be initiated by a small disturbance, a fault, or a switching action. The following types of switching actions should be supported in the definition of a contingency:

of the system for contingencies designated by the • Breaker opening/closing operator, the severe contingencies determined automatically through screening and ranking, or both. • Shunt capacitor/reactor insertion and/or removal Trends and evolution of system-wide indices, as well Series capacitor insertion or as indices per designated zone or area, should• be bypass available based on prior VSA executions to indicate • Generator tripping • Load shedding whether system voltage security is improving or degrading. • Transformer tap changing Provisions should be available to accommodate auto-


• FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) device connectivity and operation

matic determination of preventive measures, and cor• Automatic transfer tripping (armed redive actions. Figure 11-7 shows the main camporemedial action) nents (modules) of on-line VSA. The Change Monitor


triggers event oriented execution of the VSA function On-line DSA must provide the capability to automatibased on, status and analog data received from cally determine the initiation of some or all of the SCADA. Alternatively, the available EMS Real-Time switching actions based on a combination of system Sequence Control (RTSC) may be augmented to conditions or events. include triggering of on-line VSA execution through an EMSNSA messaging mechanism. Contingency The capability should be provided to include one or selection and contingency screening are configured more contingency type attributes or flags in the defiseparately to allow inclusion or exclusion of screening nition of a contingency to designate whether or not as suitable for the utility. If desired, they may be comthe contingency must be subjected to time sirnula- bined into a single module. Contingency analysis for tion or static analysis. voltage stability assessment may be configured to use either static (steady-state) analysis or dynamic 11.6.6 Contingency selection simulation, depending on the characteristics of the contingencies of interest to the utility. Voltage securi- The Contingency Selector should ad as a filter so that ty monitor determines the secure operating limits or only relevant and appropriate contingencies are prooperating regions to ensure adequate voltage stabicessed each time VSA executes either in real-time or lity margin. The security enhancement module assists study mode. Starting with a list of pre-defined conin determination of preventive and/or remedial tingencies, the intent is to avoid unnecessary processactions against voltage instability threat. ing of any pre-defined contingency that can be pre-

screened as irrelevant or non-critical under present operating conditions. In case the contingency list includes one or more groups of "similar" contingen cies, whose relative severity can be logically establish ed based on actual operating conditions,_ the Contingency Selector should be able to select the n most severe contingencies in each such group (with n user-adjustable; default n ='1). Moreover, the Contingency Selector should have the capability to generate new contingencies (add to the list) based on operating conditions as determined by a set of rules. These specific conditions must be recognized


automatically based on the operating data (SCADA) and the results of other functions (such aStatic Security Analysis). The Contingency Selector should also be able to augment a contingency definition based on active arming of remedial action schemes. It should also recognize "must select" contingencies. The must-select list should be dynamic; for example, it should automatically include any contingencies that required remedial action arming in the previous VSA execution.

The Contingency Selector rules should be applicable to any power system data quantity that Contingency Selector can obtain or derive from the EMS and/or VSA database. To support both real-time and study VSA, this

includes data from SCADA the State Estimator, Static Security Analysis, OPF, and any Operating Orders coded in the EMSNSA environ ment. Different rules should be possible for real-time and study analysis. Mathematical operations applica ble to Contingency Selector's current and past data quantities must be supported. Logical as well as alge braic statements should be possible. The Contingency Selector must support rules that check whether each contingency's related data quan tities represent a certain status and/or range-of-ope ration condition that warrants activation or deactivati on of the contingency. In real-time mode, these checks should be possible on an instantaneous, trend, rate-of-change, or time-duration basis. This should include the ability to construct rules that com bine multiple power system conditions via one or more logical statements. The Contingency Selector should also activate/deactivate contingencies based on Static Security Analysis results, using generic or user-defined rules.

11.6.7 Contingency screening


Contingency screening may be required to reduce the number of contingencies selected by the Contingency Selector before carrying out further de tailed analysis. A number of voltage stability indices may be comput ed via computational short-cuts to help rank the se lected contingencies in an approximate order of seve rity, or identify harmless contingencies that need not be subjected to further analysis. Alternatively, rule based criteria may be used as experience that is built up with the system. Finally, the contingency screening module may be entirely disposed of if the Contin gency Selector adequately filters the list of possible contingencies. The design of the on-line VSA should be flexible and modular to accommodate easy adaptation of contin gency selection and screening to the specific utility requirements. In particular a number of screening and ranking criteria should be provided for selection by the user. The user must have the capability to include or exclude screening separately in the study mode and in the real-time sequence execution of online VSA.

11.6.8 Contingency analysis The Contingency Analysis module should provide the capability to select the method of analysis most sui table for the utility. Both static (steady-state) analysis and dynamic simulation methods should be provid ed. (Note: Contingency Analysis as defined here must not be confused with Steady-State Security Analysis which deals only with steady-state contingencies. Here the contingencies are of a dynamic nature, but the method of analysis may be static or dynamic). 253




ficient voltage stability margin as defined by the vol tage stability indices should be defined.


Static analysis may include power flow methods, sen sitivity analysis, as well as traditional local analysis (e.g. V-Q and P-V curves). Dynamic simulation should pro vide for analysis of both fast and slow dynamics, pre ferably with automatic time step adjustment It should accommodate generator and governor dynamics, field current limiting dynamics, load restoration dyna mics, tap changing time delays, AGC, and prime mover dynamics. The user must have the capability to designate the analysis method to be used for all contingencies, or on a per contingency basis. In the latter case the method of analysis may be included as part of the contingency definition as specified in 11.6.5. The results of contingency analysis must include classification of each contingency as voltage stable or unstable. Depending on the method of analysis selected, a measure of voltage stability margin should also be provided. Moreover, if the method of analysis permits, sensitivity of the stability margin with respect to designated operating parameters of interest may be computed. The capability must exist for iterations between the Contingency Analysis module and the Security Monitor. Both manual and automatic iterations should be provided for. In automatic iteration, the Security Monitor will modify designated parameters (e.g., system load) and trigger a run of Contingency Analysis. This will permit the Security Monitor to determine secure operating limits or regions in terms of operating parameters which are of interest to the operators, rather than in terms of indices which may be meaningful only to the analysts.

11.6.9 Voitage stabiiity criteria Voltage security (or insecurity) of the power system should be assessed based on voltage security criteria


of interest to, and accepted by, the utility. Lack of suf-

The user must have the capability to have a contin gency which results in islanding or necessitates auto matic load shedding beyond a designated threshold, to be identified explicitly or labelled as insecure even though the remaining part of the system meets vc>l tage stability requirements.

11.6.10 Security monitor Security Monitor must support voltage security analy sis, in both the real-time and study modes, by inter preting and presenting to the user the VSA contin gency analysis results from the following perspec-· tives: 1. Which contingencies result in voltage insecurity? 2. Which of the insecure contingencies are the most limiting (for the system as a whole or for specific zones and areas under study), and where? 3. What is the overall voltage security condition of the power system as a whole, or of specific zones or areas under study, as measured by one or more individual or composite voltage security indices? 4. Is the overall voltage security condition of the power system getting better or worse as evi denced by tracking appropriate voltage security indices? 5. Do projected short-term operating conditions, such as scheduled interchange or interface flows, suggest that the overall voltage security condition of the power system is going to get better or worse? Security Monitor should also provide the capability for direct (scan rate) monitoring of voltage and genera tor reactive power and reactive reserve for design ated generators or plants.

7 7.6. 7 0. 7 capabilities

Security monitor

Security Monitor should have the ability to apply mul tiple user-specified rules to assess the voltage secu rity condition of the power system. The rules should operate on the pre- and post-contingency power system. The rules should operate on the pre- and

post-contingency power system data and/or the vol tage security indices that Security Monitor must cal culate using the Contingency Analysis module. The rules must allow multiple conditions associated with the data and indices to be combined via one or more logical statements. Security Monitor must be capable of establishing the margins, sensitivities and other signatures that it needs in order to calculate the various operating limits of interest to the user, such as those needed for computation of available transmission capability (ATC). The VSA Operating limits may be assumed to be of the box type (i.e. maximin limits). However, the capa bility to determine secure operating regions (interde pendent operating limits or simultaneous transfer limits) must be provided for each pair of operating parameters designated by the user, with a third para meter selected by the user to produce a family of operating regions. The user must have the ability to review Security Monitor's results via tabular and graphical displays. Presentations should include the insecure contingen cies ranked in order of severity and convenient means of comparing contingencies on the basis of their relevant voltage security indices, operating limits, and remedial actions. A convenient means of tracking the overall voltage security condition of the power system must also be included. The user must have the ability to review Security Monitor's voltage security index definitions and secu rity assessment rules. On-line modifications of these definitions and rules must be possible in the study mode.

7 7 .6.



The Security Monitor should provide the capability to monitor for the operator designated bus voltages, as well as generator and static var system reactive power and reactive reserve. Depending on the design of the interface between the on-line VSA and the SCADA systems, this capability may require either opening a window into the SCADA system from the on-line VSA environment. or scan rate (or multiple scan rate snapshot) data transfer from SCADA to the on-line VSA. Reactive power and reactive reserve monitoring capability should be provided for individual units, groups of units, and power plants for which SCADA scan rate data is available. The capability should be able to graphically display the selected monitored quantities and their trend with time. The capability should also be available to have composite voltage security indices computed and displayed accordingly.

11.6.11 Security enhancement 0.2




monitoring The on-line VSA is expected to run normally as part of the real-time sequence, starting the State Estimator (SE) solution as explained in Section 11.6.11. It may


be set to execute following each SE solution or a multiple thereof.' Therefore, in its normal execution, the on-line VSA results are based on system snap shots obtained once every few minutes (5 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the specific implementa tion; 20 minutes being a reasonable reference value). Direct monitoring of specific bus voltages or generat ing unit reactive power refers to scan rate (or mul tiple scan rate) monitoring of such quantities, and would be best classified as a SCADA Function. The relevant data update periodicity would be in the range of 2 seconds to 30 seconds depending on the implementation (1 0 seconds being a reasonable refe rence value).

Security Enhancement includes both Preventive and Remedial Actions. The VSA functions should assist the operator in determining the needed security enhancement measures.




11.6. 11.1 On-line determination of preventive actions

rections to that decision should be made and the re sults tested until an acceptable condition is arrived at.

The preventive actions will consist of manipulating a coordinated set of "controllable parameters" in the pre-contingency state consisting of the following:

7 On-line determination of remedial actions

• VoltageNAR rescheduling • Network switching


• Generation rescheduling • Start-up of certain units (e.g., synchronous condensers) • Adjustment of interface flows across spec;fically designated interfaces • Adjustment of HVDC and FACTS device control set points • Curtailment of certain loads (interruptible loads, load control schemes, etc) Mechanisms for arriving at the final preventive action decisions may consist of one or a combination of the following: a) User-suggested preventive actions, b) Rule-based preventive actions, and c) Preventive actions obtained through a security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF). The information available from the base-case VSA execution run may provide sensitivity data and limit data that are helpful in preventive action considera tions. The sensitivity data could be in the form of a "sensitivity matrix" that relates incremental changes in the "cu,,trollable parameters" to the incremental chan ges of "output variables". The latter may include vol tage security indices and/or physical variables of inte rest (line flows, inter-area transfers, bus voltages). Limit data is obtained for specific critical variables (e.g. interface flows across designated transmission corri dors) by the Security Monitor using several iterations with the Contingency Analysis module to arrive at the exact limit. The limits could be of the "box" type, i.e. upper and lower limits for a given variable, or in the form of operating regions (interdependent limits or simultaneous transfers).





Once the decision for preventive action is made, a simulation check should be made to verify that the resulting conditions would be secure. Otherwise, cor-

The main objective of on-line remedial action deter mination is to determine appropriate arming for the remedial action schemes in case the preventive actions and/or the present active arming is not ade quate to ensure system security. The proper arming for individual contingencies can be determined sepa rately. The corresponding remedial action may invol ve shedding different combinations of load groups at one or several substations depending on the contin gency, and the actual operating conditions. Often many different arming schemes are possible to ensure voltage stability. If the impact on the post-con tingency operation is the same, then for operatorls convenience, it is desirable to have VSA recommend only incremental changes with respect to the existing active arming. However, when the number of required incremental changes (in a single VSA execution, or cumulatively over successive VSA executions) ex ceeds a threshold (user-enterable), it would be advis able to have VSA ignore the existing active arming, and determine a new arming scheme. Accordingly, for on-line determination of remedial actions, provi sions must be available for both "Flat Start Arming" and "Incremental arming" as defined below. In Flat Start Arming, the VSA is performed assuming that all remedial action schemes are initially disarmed. For those contingencies that cause voltage insecurity, an "optimal" subset of arming schemes is sought with the objective to arm the smallest amount of load shedding to achieve the desired voltage stability mar gin. This may be determined through the sensitivity analysis, whereby the changes in voltage stability margins are related to various possible control actions. Flat Start Arming is performed following a large change in system operating conditions, on demand, or once every n (user-enterable) VSA cycles. In Incremental Arming, the current arming state is retained and is automatically considered by the on line VSA. Depending on VSA results, an armed sche me may be disarmed if the corresponding voltage stability margins are high enough, and vice versa. The


incremental arming patterns are determined so as to minimize the number of changes in the active arming, while ensuring system stability. Any sensiti vity derivatives computed in this case are evaluated with the existing active arming. The operator must, in any case, have the capability to request a graphical comparison of the existing active arming and the one recommended by the VSA func tion. In the study mode, the engineer/analyst should be able to study possible remedial action arming options that would lead to system security. Both flatstart and incremental arming capabilities must be provided. The VSA system must have the tools to allow easy modification of the arming patterns.

11.6.1 2 Modeling requirements



This section specifies modelling and data require ments of the VSA function. Some of these require ments may be in line with the utility's existing EMS models and data; others may have to be added for on line VSA purposes.

7 7.6. 7 2. requirements



The VSA will require the following classes of modek • Models


• Device/System Models • Models • Models


• the inner external (or buffer zone), where the identity of the external network model elements is preserved, and • the outer external, where reduced models are used. Depending on arrangements for data exchange with other transmission control centers, little or no real time data may be available about the external model. There may be a need to change the external model occasionally based on available scheduling informa tion, seasonal variations, etc. One or more external models may be required to account for various ope rating conditions in the system based on scheduling data or seasonal variations. For both the internal and external subsystems, busses are grouped into zones. Power transfPr interfaces from any zone to an adja cent one must be easy to identify for the purposes of interface flow and transfer computations. Device Static Models

The static models are load-flow models of device/ele ment representations. The following static models should be supported at a minimum: • Lines: represented as pi-sections, possibly with unsymmetrical line charging


• Device Models

and configuration of bus arrangements in substa tions. The main purpose is to be able to adequately represent switching operations in contingencies and possible remedial action schemes. The external model network may consist of two subnetworks, namely:


Load Fault/Control

A description of the requirements for each model type is presented below. Network Models

There are two types of network models that will have to be present, namely, internal and external models. The internal model includes representation of lines, generators, transformers, loads, DC converters and shunt/series devices, as well as the status of breakers,

• Transformers: represented as pi-sections where by the various impedance/admittance components may be explicit functions of tap settings. Three winding transformers must be properly modelled, including any associated tap changers • Phase-shifting transformers: represented by complex tap ratios, allowing both shift in angl and change in voltage magnitude • Generators: represented as a real-power source together with a reactive power capability curve as a function of terminal voltage • Shunt elements: represented by their impe dances/admittances

257 Load Models Load models should include the following features:


• Non-linear voltage dependence either as in the ZIP standard model (i.e. combination of constant impedance, constant current, and constant power) or as a gEOneral polynomial in voltage

• DC lines: represented as real-power injections, with defined MVAr vs. MW characteristics

• Large induction motor loads

• Static Var Compensators {SVCs): represented by static gain and maximum/minimum limits

• Slow thermostatically driven loads (heating/ cooling)

• Loads: represented by the ZIP model. i.e., as a combination of constant impedance (Z), constant current (1), and constant real/reactive injection (P) components

This modelling requirement includes the following: Device/System Dynamic Models

• Relay models: for those relays which may operate due to a disturbance, e.g. load shedding relays

The device dynamic models to be considered are as follows: Fault/Control Models

• Modelling of control actions in remedial action schemes

11.6.13 VSA Data Requirements

• Generator dynamic models including the following: • Machine mechanical dynamic equation (swing equation with damping) • Machine electrical dynamic equations • Excitation systems of various types • Governor systems of various types • Selected prime mover models (selection to be based on response times) · • Power system stabilizers • DC Line dynamic models including various controls • SVC dynamic models • FACTS devices including modelling of their connectivity and time delays

VSA data requirements consist of data for the above models, additional data needed by the VSA system as a whole, and specific real-time data needed exclu sively by the on-line VSA function.

7 7.6. 73.7 Model Data Requirements Network model These include connectivity/topology information for lines, transformers, shunVseries devices, and genera ting units. Additional network data will include: • Limits on bus voltages for each voltage level for normal and emergency operation • Bus configurations in substations as functions of breaker status (for internal network)

• ULTC transformers: to include time delays associated with tap-changing controls

• Zone data

Flexibility must be provided to accommodate user supplied device models easily. Device static model The following data will be needed: • Line pi-section impedances/admittances data • Line thermal limits, both normal and emergency

258 • Transformer limits, both normal and emergency • Phase-shifting transformer data and limits, both normal and emergency • Transformer limits, both normal and emergency • Phase-shifting transformer data and limits, both normal and emergency • Generator static data: minimum and maximum ratings, nominal terminal voltage, reactive power capability curve as a function of terminal voltage and coolant conditions

• Transformer pi-section data including tap settings with impedance/admittance components as explicit functions of tap settings • Shunt element impedances/admittances and ratings • DC lines: voltage levels, ratings • Loads: default ZIP load partition ratios at nominal voltage (for the Z, I, and P components), load limits, and default power factors Device/system dynamic model The following device dynamic model data require ments must be met as a minimum: • Generator dynamic model data:

• Machine mechanical parameters: inertia constant and damping coefficient • Machine electrical parameters: transient/sub-transient reactances and time constants, saturation model data • Excitation systems: data for each model available in standard power system stability analysis programs such as EPRI's ETMSP • Governor systems data for each model available in standard power system stability analysis programs such as the EPRI ETMSP • Selected prime mover model data (selection to be based on response times) • Power system stabilizer gains, time constants and limits • DC line dynamic model data including those for various controls and their parameters - • FACTS device data (compatible with those available in EPRI ETMSP) • ULTC transformers and phase-shifters: time-delays associated with tap-changing controls

Flexibility must be provided to accommodate data for the user-defined models in a flexible user-friendly manner. Load models Load model data should include the following as needed: • Percentages of Z, I and P for each load bus and for real and reactive powers independently (percentages specified for nominal base case conditions) • Coefficient for polynomial representation of loads as function of voltage • Large induction motor loads data • Slow thermostatically driven load data (including time delay, time constant. gain, and sensitivity factors) Switching/control modes The switching/control data requirement may include the following: • Relay model data including timing of breaker operation, protective action schemes, etc • Model data of control actions in remedial action schemes. Also, this may include threshold values for various arming schemes. Default data The VSA system should have the capability to fill in missing data using appropriate default values. It must also detect and flag erroneous data based on _rea sonability checks. The user must be able to fill in the correct information and must have the option to use default data.


11.7 On-line VSA execution modes


The VSA function must be able to execute periodi cally, on demand, and upon occurrence of significant changes in the state of the power system. It should also be available in the study mode.

11.71 On-line VSA execution control requirements In the on-line mode (referred to also as real-time exe cution mode) the VSA must execute in conjunction with the real-

time sequence control (RTSC), which coordinates execution of the network security appli cation functions available in the EMS environment. Figure 11-8 shows where on-line VSA fits in the EMS real-time sequence. The EMS RTSC design is expected to provide the fle xibility for the operator to have an execution of the State Estimator (SE), and possibly the Steady-State Security Analysis (SSA) function be automatically trig gered to precede each VSA execution.


VSA On-line VSA execution trigger The following triggering mechanisms for on-line VSA execution should be available: 1. Periodic Execution: It is expected that the provisions in the EMS RTSC will allow the user to specify the execution periodicity of the on-line VSA based on absolute time (e.g., on the hour, 20 minutes past the hour, etc), time lapse since the last VSA execution (e.g., 20 minutes after the last VSA execution), or multiples of periodic State Estimator executions (e.g. after every other SE execution). For each utility the existing EMS RTSC capabilities will be used to trigger periodic on-line VSA execution. 2. Event-driven Execution: The on-line VSA must execute upon changes in the operating state of the power system detected by a "Change Monitor" that triggers the RTSC execution. These changes should include the following: • Changes in system topology • Variation of load, generation, or interface flow level beyond designated thresholds • Changes in the arming pattern of auto matic corrective devices, whenever applicable • Changes in the status of reactive resources (ON/OFF) • Changes in the status of generator AVR, blocked transformer taps, etc., where tele-metered • Change of state (ON/OFF) of stabilizers on the machines

State Model




SSA =Steady-State Security Analysis VSA = Voltage Stability Analysis DAS = Dynamic Security Analysis Old = Operating Limits Determination


Figure -11-8 Real-time Sequence VSA Execution



The user must be able to specify a time delay associated with each group of event triggers, so that VSA execution starts only after the system has settled down to a steady-state and the corresponding base case is available from the State Estimator. - 3. On-demand Execution: The operator must be_ able to request execution of on-line VSA at any time. In case VSA is already executing, the opera tor must be accordingly notified, and should be given the option to have the requested on demand VSA execution queued or ignored.


7 7.77.2 VSA execution abort The operator should be able to abort VSA execution at any time regardless of the triggering mechanism that started the execution. It should be possible to assign execution and abort priorities based on the type of triggering mechanism that started the current VSA execution, and the source of the incoming execution or abort request. For example, it should be possible to have any periodic VSA execution aborted by any event trigger, and have any periodic trigger ignored or queued when an event triggered VSA run is executing. It should also be possible to have a forced execution mode such that if VSA has not run to completion for a period of time (specified by the user, and longer than normal VSA execution periodicity), a forced execution is start ed ignoring subsequent execution abort requests (except for manual abort).

1 7 .71.3 control


The operator should be able to use a simple display block diagram to include or exclude contingency screening for on-line VSA execution. The operator should also have the possibility to observe the online VSA execution results (interface flow limits, genera tion limits, etc.) and authorize or prevent their use by other EMS functions. The operator should also have the capability to enable automatic transfer of the on line VSA results for use by other EMS or SCADA applications. The analyst/engineer must have the possibility to enable/disable either static analysis or time simulation for Contingency Analysis for all contingencies. If both are enabled, the contingency type flag described in 11.6.5 will prevail.

1 7 .7.7.4 Validity results

of VSA

The on-line VSA should have the capability to deter mine (and warn the operator) when the results of the most recent VSA execution are no longer valid due to changes in the system or arming conditions. It is nor mally expected that the Change Monitor will initiate

VSA execution under these conditions. However, it is also possible that the VSA executions triggered by the Change Monitor do not run to completion for some time due to frequent changes in system condi tions. The operator should then be notified that the available VSA results are no longer valid.


11.72 Study mode execution control requirements In the study mode, the user must be able to execute the VSA function using a save case steady-state or system snapshot. The real-time VSA mode should continue while stu dies are being executed. The user must have the capability to modify the save case conditions, choose an existing contingency list, add, delete, or modify contingencies, modify arming schemes, include or exclude contingency screening, and change VSA exe cution parameters and thresholds. The user must also have the possibility to select or construct a specific contingency to be analyzed without processing or modifying the contingency list.

11.8 On-line VSA user Requirements The user requirements for the integrated VSA func tion are stated in this section. Subsection 11.8.1 pre sents some general user requirements. Specific requi rements for various user groups (operators, opera tions planners/engineers, and managers) are present ed in sections 11.8.2 through 11.8.4.

11.8.1 General VSA user requirements This section presents user requirements common to all users, i.e., operators, operations planners/engi neers, and managers.




7 7 .8. 7. 7 User interface environment

The VSA should have an effective and user-friendly graphic user interface with point and click features, pull-down menus and Windows. Modem graphics should be used for the quick assessment of complex situations. The VSA user interface should provide facilities for effective and efficient monitoring of the various indi ces, margins and trends together with provisions for implementation of preventive action recommendati ons, and arming of automatic corrective actions (such as comparison of sting and recommended arming). The VSA should be able to store the results of inse cure cases and the associated state estimator base cases automatically when these appear in the online mode (controlled by the real- time sequence control). These cases should be archived for future analysis and consideration by the Engineer. In both on-line and study modes, the possibility must be provided to show the run time since the start of the VSA execution, as well as the progress of the VSA run (e.g., screening in progress, the number of con tingencies processed so far, the number of remaining contingencies to be examined, etc). A waiting symbol on the screen is required and copy output capability is required for both tabular and graphical displays.






interaction The following display capabilities must be provided as a minimum: • Displays that indicate the available VSA execution control parameters, their current value, and their default value.


• Displays that graphically show the variation of a voltage stability index with a given interface flow, the critical interface flow limit for a single contin gency, and its envelope curve for all contingencies processed during VSA execution. • Displays that show the unacceptable (insecure) contingencies for the previous VSA executions.

• Displays that indicate the "new" insecure contin gencies that were not identified as insecure in the previous VSA run, and the previously insecure contingencies that are no longer insecure.

7 7 .8.7.3 Save case capability The user must be able to request the on-line (real time) or study mode VSA data and results to be saved. A save case should include the following data and parameters: 1. The pre-contingency steady-state base case. The base case may have been generated under real time sequence control (State Estimator solution, possibly augmented by other VSA or EMS satellite functions, to provide a VSA base case), or via a study power flow solution. 2. Additional status and analog·data needed by the rule base (e.g. remedial action arming status). 3. All VSA execution parameters (tolerances, thresh olds, etc) and configuration (e.g. screening bypass). 4. The contingency list selected/produced by the Contingency Selector. 5. SA results generated according to the execution parameters. The user must have the capability to call up a menu to select the VSA results to be saved. This should include the capability to select a variable category, and item, as follows: • Screening results (contingencies discarded or retained). • Ranked lists of severe contingencies along with the value of the ranking index for each ranking index used. • Overall VSA summary results, including grouping of contingencies into voltage stable (secure) and unstable (insecure), final ranking of severe contin gencies, interface flow limits, recommended remedial action arming, etc Security related information provided for the operator As a minimum, the following security-related infor mation should be provided to the operator: User documentation The VSA user documentation should address, among other things, the following items: 1. What each function is supposed to do. 2. Low to adjust data, parameters, options, etc, and what happens once those adjustments are made. 3. Descriptions of how to accomplish various tasks using the system and how to use its features. These need to be very clear step by-step instructions. 4. The documentation should be self-contained and not reference other publications, except for general information. On-line "Help" facility is required to explain to the user all commands, functions used, its and any other fea tures of the VSA package.

11.8.2 Operator requirements The on-line VSA environment should be easy to understand and manipulate. Specifically the following facilities should be provided: · Operator interaction The on-line VSA environment should be easy to understand and manipulate. Specifically the following facilities should be provided: 1. The on-line VSA must be initially consistent with operating orders (see Section based on off-line analysis. New features, whether based on indices or the use of modem graphic facilities, should take into consideration the structure and contents of the current operdling orders so that the transition to the on-line VSA is smooth and credible. 2. The operator should have the ability to include or exclude screening in on-line VSA execution.



1. Operating limits associated with a prescribed set of contingencies, i.e. generation limits, VAR support limits, voltage stability margins, reactive margins, etc 2. Transfer limits on important individual or simul taneous interfaces

3. Coordinated action to affect various transfers securely against voltage instability threat. 4. Sensitivities of changes in the voltage stability limits/margins to specific operator actions (if available). 5. Time trends associated with expected system changes which would allow the operator to estimate the time available for intervention with a given operator-initiated measure. 6. Warning when the current VSA results are no longer valid due to changes in the power system conditions. This can be implemented via an appr priate alarm that indicates that system conditions have changed and that prior VSA results are no longer valid.

7. System trend information indicating whether things are getting better or worse. This trend information is to be based on changes in key system indices and customized for indices applicable to the utility. Applications of the on-line VSA function The operator should be able to utilize the on line VSA for the following applications: 1. Compute the VSA limits needed to determine Available Transmission Capability. This will be reali zed by incorporating VSA limits along with-ther mal limits, Steady-State Security Analysis (SSA) limits,-and Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) limits in an Operating Limit Determination (OLD) function. The OLD function (which is not part of VSA) may accommodate box-type operating limits or inter-dependent limits (operating regions).





2. Outage dispatching for possible outages of gene rators, lines, transformers and reactive groups. This entails a study mode application of the VSA function. 11.8.4

3. Incorporation of critical contingency

results in relevant on-line application software like the optimal power flow. 4. Preventive actions: list of possible preventive measures for operator decision together with the "cost" associated with each measure. 5. Arming: Arming recommendations for coor dinated automatic corrective action to ensure "vigilance" against the contingencies of concern. 6. Corrective Action: following the possible occurrence of critical contingencies, a list of potential corrective measures should be made available.

4. Capability to perform model

reduction/equiva lence for operator's use. The model reduction capability may be an off-line tool, but the VSA should offer the possibility to test the impact of choosing different external models, and compare them. 5. Capability to compare cases with other utilities through standardized inputs and outputs and the I.

ability to interface with time-simulation stability

I programs. (This will be a feature to be specified l

7 7 .8.2.4 Direct


separately for each utility's VSA specification if needed.)


monitoring Using a window into the SCADA system, or other wise, the operator should be able to monitor design ated bus voltages, as well as generator and static VAr system reactive power and reactive reserve for indivi dual units, groups of units, and power plants for which SCADA scan rate data is available. The capability should be provided to graphically dis play the selected monitored quantities and their trend with time, along with relevant computed composite voltage security indices.

I 6.





These include all of the user requirements stated in Sections 11.8.1 and 11.8.2 for the operators), except Section, plus the following: 1. Ability to adjust certain system parameters:

this may apply to selection of fewer or more contin gencies, together with the ability to construct system scenarios for study purposes. 2. Ability to include or exclude time domain simulation for Contingency Analysis.





through appropriate graphical means that focus on the key parameters associated with various i.

comparisons (e.g., indices, margins, sensitivities and trends). Provisions should exist for efficient and easy-tocarry out database maintenance, including the ability to define specific and generic contingencies, and .to modify the contingency list, the network, dev1ce models and the rule base.

11.8.4 Manager requirements 11.8.3 Operations planners/engineers user requirements




3. Ability to recreate an actual event and study its validity against measured data.

This category of user requirements includes the fol lowing:

are study reports based on Engineer's activities in cases of severe events on the system

1. Summary reports on system


performance as provided by the voltage stability indices and their corresponding time evolution 2. Reports on actual vs. computed results to assess validity of the results. These



3. Reports on critical events 4. Summary logs of critical variables




11.9 Interface requirements

This section addresses the main VSA interface requi rements with other au omated functions.

11.9.1 Consideration of existing automated operating orders The operating orders involving determination of the interface flow limits and/or arming of remedial action schemes may be available in an automated environ ment at the utility. In this case, most probably an automated table look-up process is available. Since the states in the look-up table cover only sample operating conditions, usually interpolation, extrapola tion or scaling follows the table look-up process to adapt the table look-up results to the prevailing ope rating conditions. The VSA rule base should be a[Jie to accommodate such rules. VSA should interface with the Automated Operating Order subsystem to obtain information regarding selected contingencies, interface flow definitions, interface flow limits, and the arming scheme. It should provide the capability to compare the operating limits, and arming, obtained by applying the operating orders, with those obtain ed based on VSA execution.

1.9.2 Interface with EMS functions On-line VSA should be capable of using the output results of existing host-EMS functions such as State Estimator, Dispatcher Power Flow, and Optimal Power Flow to establish the power system conditions to be analyzed by VSA. These conditions may take the form of a power flow solution that represents the state of the actual power system or the state of a projected or study version of the power system.

In the real-time mode, VSA must typically interface with State Estimator results. Other options exist, however, that depend on host-EMS capabilities. For example, if actual security violations are detected by State Estimator, Optimal Power Flow may execute automatically to determine appropriate corrective

Security Analysis function . in which case, if the correc tive action is projecte d to give rise to a power system state with conting ency problem s, Optimal Power Flow may run once more to determi ne appropr iate preventi ve action. This means that the user

may wish to run VSA on a established from:

power flow solution

1. Actual real-time conditions, as reflected in the State Estimator solution 2. Conditions corresponding to "steady-state" corrective actions, or 3. Conditions corresponding to "steady-state" preventive actions. VSA implementation should allow the user to coordi nate VSA execution with the host-EMS real-time sequence accordingly. In the study mode, VSA should typically interface with Dispatcher Power Flow results. Host- EMS studies using Optimal Power Flow may also be possible. Therefore, VSA implementation must allow the user to demand the execution of VSA on any study power flow solution that can be created or retrieved via host-EMS facilities. action. The host EMS may then run its Steady-State

Further, in real-time or study mode, VSA should use both the power system model and the power flow results of the EMS function to generate and initialize the VSA power system model that will serve as a base case and hence starting point for subsequent VSA processing.


VSA should also be capable of using the output results of the host-EMS real-time and study Steady State Security Analysis functions. For example, for a given power flow solution,the corresponding Steady State Security Analysis results may help VSA deter mine the relevant contingencies it should analyze. VSA should use real-time sequence results as they are generated in response to the existing demand, event, and periodic execution mechanisms that serve steadystate security analysis in the Host EMS. In addition, however, VSA should be capable of using the output results of host-EMS functions such as remedial action arming status, the Operating Orders, etc, to determine if a change in the status of breakers


11.1 0 The implementation of Wide Area protection


and/or corrective device arming should trigger execu tion of the real-time sequence solely for VSA purpo se. In this case, the flexibility to execute a subset of normal real-time sequence should be provided, e.g. execution of State Estimator without subsequent execution of Optimal Power Flow and Steady-State Security Analysis. The ability of existing EMS functions to access VSA output results should also be provided. This should include the use of recommended operating limits (interface flow limits) and recommended corrective device arming status and associated threshold levels.

11.9.3 Interface with EMS services VSA should interface with EMS services to obtain real-time or study power flow solutions, correspon ding power system models, and the other results from SCADA and Automated Operating Orders that it needs. These services should provide facilities to output VSA user messages such as convergence or voltage insecurity warning messages, and provide EMS access to VSA results such as interface flow limits. To permit direct (scan rate) monitoring of designated voltage or reactive power quantities, data interface to SCADA should have the capability to transfer selected SCADA telemetered or computed data to VSA every scan cycle (e.g. 2 seconds) or a userselectable mul tiple thereof (e.g. every 10 seconds).

Wide area protection is still an important topic since system wide collapses occur fre(juently in many power systems. Since several years much effort has been taken to indicate voltage stability]. The propos ed indicators are designed for the implementation in control centers and base on SCADA data. Two major kinds of indicators can be distinguished. The first ones are the sensitivity-based indicators, the minimum sin gular value of the load flow Jacobian. This kind of indicators only consider the actual state of the system and does not predict any influence by discontinuous elements like reactive power limiters or under load tap changing transformers. The second ones are all types of power respectively stability margin calcula tions in the sense of calculating the difference be tween the actual system's state and a point on the stability boundary. The continuation power flow is the best-known algorithm for this application. All discon tinuous and steady-state effects influencing voltage stability are modelled. However, the nowadays application of all these approaches has the drawback that the basic SCADA data assumes that the system is in a steady-state equilibrium. For slow changes in the system, like changes of the load over day, this assumption is suf ficient However, a typical voltage collapse mostly occurs after cascaded contingencies or faults, which lead to an unstable system's state. This unstable state is a dynamic transient process of several seconds up to tens of minutes, which make the voltage stability problem hard to handle with the nowadays steady state approaches. In spite of a good theoretical knowl edge, there are no practical realizations considering the system dynamics for voltage stability assessment. Pre-calculations of the stability for one or a combina tion of two contingency events address only a part of the problem. This needs a huge calculation effort and the system's state, for which a case is calculated, must fit most exactly to the actual system's state. For unex pected contingency cases this approach is not useful.




Conclusively, the major drawbacks of all these approa ches lie in the not appropriate steady-state system view. The solution for this is a departure from the SCADA-based approach to a transient measurement system. Such a measurement system together with the voltage stability assessment and stabilization algorithms will be called wide area protection system in the following. Phasor measurement units (PMU), which are weil known since several years, build the technical base for the wide area protection system. They offer pha sors of voltage and currents together with a satellite triggered time stamp in time intervals down to 20 ms. Single installations of such units are in an experimen tal stage at many utilities. Also voltage stability indica tors are proposed on phasor measurements for con tinuous changes of power systems. This chapter con centrates on the stability prediction after cascaded outages. The described algorithms are designed es pecially for the opportunities that are offered by the transient system's view.

11.10.1 System Set-up 11.1 0.1.1 Hardware system setup The PMUs must be installed throughout a critical area of the system. Critical area of the system e.g. in the sense of voltage stability means to look on critical paths from generation to load areas or dedicated transmission corridors. This critical area is the result from a system assessment, e.g. with the help of model analysis [11] together with critical contingency screening algorithms. For such a critical area an inter nal model with appropriate neighbouring models at the boundaries must be formulated.


PMUs with several input channels are able to measu re the primary voltage and currents at a substation at the feeders and lines. The analogue values are trans formed in to digital samples by the analogue digital converter and processed in the microcomputer. They are synchronized via GPS with an accuracy of 1 11-sec (Figure 11-9).

Current Primary Voltage

Figure 17-9 Principle of the phasor measurement unit (PMU)

Accuracy: 1







System Protection






-- ---

:-,.JJ . Phasor rsnaps hot

.. Figure 7 7-7 0 Set-up of a wide area protection scheme with PMUs

The measured data is transmitted from the PMUs to a central system protection center (SPC) where the evaluation algorithms are running. The PMUs are located to make the critical area completely obser vable. Together with network data, the information of neighboring stations can be calculated as well. There fore, PMUs have to be installed only at each fourth substation in the critical area. The communication between the PMUs and the system protection center can be realized via satellite, fibre optics or other per manent available communication channels. Because of the time stamped information, the snapshots show all transients and the dynamic behavior of the system. Figure 11-10 shows the typical system set up.


7 7. 70.7.2 System center


The incoming data from the PMUs must be prepro cessed and arranged in a database structure. The system model for the actual situation is generated via

state calculation considering the actual grid topology. On this base the stability status is determined in terms of the power margin (PM) of the critical area. Optimized stabilizing actions are initiated accordingly. To let the system protection center operate in real time, it receives information in the following form: • Cyclic data: snapshot of the power system in predefined time intervals (20 - 250 ms). • Event triggered respectively contingency driven data: containing the update of the network topology according to contingencies. In order to deliver a result both in normal steadystate aQd contingency operations the functional structure of the system protection center has been designed as depicted in Figure 11-11. As long as no contingency has been detected and the power system is in a steady state, the power mar-



new and utilizes the capabilities of the dynamic system view of the wide area protection system. It will be presented and explained in detail in the follow ing section. The results of the power margin and stabilizing action calculations are displayed on a VDU. The stabilizing actions can be used for automatic in a closed-loop power restoratior procedure.

l:•t::=::=:=::::: ,--------



11.10.2 Voltage Instability Prediction



Contingency .':=!·.' ; Detection





TVSI Transient Voltage State Indicator

Figure 7 7-7 7 Principle of instability monitoring

gin is calculated all the time for the snapshots of the power system supplied with the cyclic data. The power margin is computed by the continuation power flow (CPF). On this model stabilizing actions are calculated, if the available power margin is too low. To be prepared against the most critical contingencies in the sense of (n-1), a cyclic pre-calculation of the power margin and stabilizing actions is carried out. This is performed for all contingencies in a contin gency list for an actual power system snapshot. Thus power margins and stabilizing actions for all proba bly worst contingencies, which can occur in the cur rent system's state, are already prepared. When the calculation for the whole contingency list is finished, the next snapshot is processed the same way. If a contingency occurs, either pre-calculated results are taken or the transient voltage stability prediction is triggered. The transient voltage stability prediction needs no pre- processed information, therefore it can follow any contingencies also cascaded ones. Whereas the power margin calculation on an actual system state and the pre-calculation is more or less standard, the transient voltage stability prediction is

Voltage stability is concerned with the ability of a power system to maintain acceptable voltages at all buses in the system under normal conditions and after being subjected to a disturbance. The main fac tor causing voltage instability is the inability of the power system to meet the demand for reactive power. A disturbance like an unexpected branch outage may cause a progressive and uncontrollable decline in voltage. The static analysis allows examina tion of a wide range of power system conditions and can identify the weakest lines which are the key con tributing factors ir voltage stability analysis. The voltage stability study may be limited to identify areas prone to voltage instability and to obtain infor mation regarding now system voltage stability can be improved most Effectively. Operation near the vol tage stability limiTs is impractical and a sufficient power margin is needed. Practically, the idea of P-V cuNe is used to determine the maximal MW margin at load buses to avoid voltage collapse. The maximum power Pm, which can be transferred is reached if the load impedance is equally low as the line impedance. With increasing load power the vol tage will decline gradually until P/Pm = 1. The effect of decreasing vo age is to monitor the operating point at actual status moving to the right The opera tor is to be alerted when it passes a threshold point and he is informed about the safety margin leftlmtil instability will occur. Once it passes the instability limit, load shedding is automatically initiated. To find the weakest branch the N-1 post-contingency load flow is analyzed. After the outage of a specific branch the bus loads are increased along with the




P = Pm, Voltage collapse Precisely calculated instability limit Actual status 11.10.2

Vs = fixed source voltage Vr = variable load voltage P = Power delivered to load Pm = maximum power

Vr/Vs 1.0

0.8 0.6 0.4

0.2 0.0





Figure 11-72 PV Curve of a transmission line

proportional increase of bus generation to meenhe demand. Even if the power system is stable after a contingen cy, a transition takes place that brings the power sys tem to a new the stable equilibrium. Right after the contingency, it is not possible to determine with clas sical steady-state based stability indicators if the system state trajectory will end in a stable equilibrium. The elements of the power system which cause this delay of the collapse, are under load tap changing transformers (ULTC), reactive power limiters of power units with temporary overload characteristic and dyna mic loads with a load recovery characteristic after vol tage drops. If conventional voltage stability indicators are applied to the power system in such a transient phase, the results are faulty or the voltage in-stability is detected too late, because the actual load is not the load, which is demanded seconds later. Also it will not be detected if power units are in reactive power overload or if ULTCs are in a stable tapping position.


Therefore the transient voltage stability prediction has been invented to assess the voltage stability correctly after contingencies during the transient phase.



P/Pm = 1.0 Maximum power delivering capability

The idea of the method is to make a prediction from the beginning of the transient phase into the future until the steady- state operation point is reached. For this steady state operation point the stability can be determined by calculating the power margin (Figure 11-1 3). If no steady-state operation point is available the system will run into a collapse. The presented approach maps the actual measured system's status right after a contingency on an expected equilibrium point in the near future. The advantage of the whole process is, that the sta bility can be indicated directly after the contingency during the transient phase. If no equilibrium can be found, this model can be used to determine stabili zing actions, which bring this model and therefore the real system back to a stable operation point The time between the early detection of an instability, seconds after the contingency, and the occurrence of the expected voltage collapse can be used to take these actions. Possible actions are load shedding, blocking of ULTC-tapping, activation of reactive power, change of voltage set-points of voltage con trolling devices (FACTSdevices, ULTC, secondary vol tage control, Automatic Generation Control (AGC) or controlled islanding.

Network model:

E =v;l +ZNEltl

E =v;z -



1.:1, t2

0-------c=J--., E ZNET







Maximal power transfer IZNETI IZappl


+ZNE/n vu, t2


Power margin 85 Proximity to voltage collapse Safety Margine: AS = aefg - abed

!JS =SforecastMAX-l<: xlt


Load increase


g PIP m

Figure 7 7- 7 3 Power margin algorithm

The algorithm for the power margin LiS calculation is based on the network model above with the voltage source E, the line impedance ZNrr and the load impe dance Zapp· The maximal power transfer capacity is reached if line and load impedance become equal. The power margin calculation predicts the proximity to the voltage collapse by taking the gradient of the voltage decline caused by the current It, at the instant t, into account and estimates the situation at the instant t2 with the assumed current t2 . The algorithm has four steps. A flow chart is shown in Figure 11-13. 1. While the ystem is running in a steady-state situation the steady-state values of bus voltages V0 and load powers P0 and Q0 must be traced and contingencies as changes in the topology must be detected. 2. The parameters of a dynamic load model, which describe the voltage dependency of the power, are determined. For this a sliding window of values of voltage V and load P, Q at each bus is evaluated. These values are the output of the state calculation in the SPC.


3. The determined load parameters together with the base loads P0, 00 and voltage V0 are fed into a power flow calculation considering also under load tap changers and power margins of devices. This power flow model represents exactly the steady-state behavior of the completely modelled dynamical system. The convergence of the power flow leads to the steady state solution respectively to the equilibrium point of the dynamic system. This equilibrium point is the predicted state of the system, which might be tens of seconds in the future. If the power flow does not converge and no equilibrium is found the transient phase will end up with a collapse. 4. If the power flow converges the power margin is calculated with the continuation power flow. The system set-up traces continuously the ·state values of the system like voltages, currents and active and reactive power. From the current measurement at the minimum at one end of a line, the outage of the line is detected (Step 1). After that a sliding win dow of measured bus voltages and feeder loads is collected (Step 2).






7 7. 7 0.2. 7 Options for guided control actions

11.10.2. 2

Examinations of the many voltage collapse incidents worldwide generally show that the disturbance prog resses in two phases. The first slow phase consists of a gradual voltage decline over a period of many minutes. If certain actions are initiated at that time the final situation will be much less severe. Following detection of power system conditions, that require corrective actions the system protection cen ter would identify suitable locations and options of counter actions. The selection of adequate control actions is based on power system conditions and the kind of recognized contingencies. The extensive system wide measurements are used to optimize locations and size of actions. Coordination of wide area protection with conventional control and protec tion is vital to the reliability of transmission networks. The following typical actions would be issued in case the power system approaches instabilities (Fig. 11-14). • Alerting the system operator by indication of the remaining safety margin VS and by providing on line guidance to counteract. this situation. In addi tion, corresponding information is produced as input for the energy management system (EMS). • Control actions can be initiated if the safety margin VS reaches a pre-set critical level to avoid voltage instabilities to occur, e.g. Adaptation of the power factor by compensating the lack of reactive power by means of FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems). • Blocking of the OLTCs (On-line Tap Changer Controller) in order to avoid over compensation of the voltage. • Generation adaptation in order to maximize the active power output from synchronous machines to compensate the lack of reactive power. • Load adaptationby means of intelligent load shedding, which takes the actual load condition into account.


II Provisions to enable the appropriate action require ments aie typically identified in the course of analyti cal system studies, taking into account the set of con tingencies, operation policies and procedures as well as current power system load, as well as network an generation conditions. The close cooperation of wide area protection with conventional control and protec tion is vital to the reliability of transmission networks. The following provisions have to be provided to counteract a collapsing voltage condition: • Implementation of static VAR Compensation (SVC) in areas deemed to be at risk. • In order to maximize the reactive power output from synchronous machines, it is necessary to overload stator and rotor field circuits temporarily. These possibilities can only be applied in connec tion with numerical generator protection relays which provide the features for automatic para meter adaptation. • It may also be advantageous to reduce generator active power output in order to maximize reactive power levels. • Implementation of adaptive line protection devices on critical lines to prevent tripping on overload.



• Controlled system separation by islanding part of the system.

7 7. 7 0.2.2 Control of On-Load Tap Changers On load tap changers when equipped with automa tic voltage regulators (AVR) operate progressively tap up if the primary side voltage decreases thus accele rating the voltage collapse. In order to prevent this, two options are possible, but they must be applied to all transformers with OLTCs down to the distribution level. • Blocking the OLCT in case a risk situation has been identified; unblocking ensues once the voltage recovers to an acceptable, stable level. A centrally coordinated scheme is feasible if adequate com munication links are available and if numerical



System Operator Guidance (Display)

1-.. · AS Online Analysis

Post-Fault AS

Automated corrective control options

Decision Making Logic

Load Tap Load Islanding Shedding


Changer Control


Controlled Load Generation Tap Changer Cos

dS: Safety margin as proximity to voltage collapse

Figure 7 7-7 4 Options for corrective control actions

transformer protection relays are installed which can respond to a prioritized blocking signal from the SPC. • Adaptation of the AVR set point, this is more advantageous than simple blocking as it reduces the load.

7 7.7 0.2.3 Shedding

i ' '




The most common form of protection against volta ge instability is undeNoltage actuated load shedding. It is the final defence in avoiding voltage collapse. Highly reactive loads are shed once the voltage drops to a predetermined level for a preset time. It has to ad automatically in order to avoid operator delays in case of rapid voltage collapses. Such a scheme requir es careful design as it must distinguish between a

genuine voltage collapse and a voltage depression for other reasons, e.g. transient fault, aftermath of clear in a total loss of voltage supply. In comparison with conventional load shedding sche mes numerical technology offers new solutions as outlined in Figure 11-1 5. Conventional load shedding schemes are static and inflexible. The algorithm for shedding loads by trip ping the feeder circuit breakers selected is based on an assumed load pattern, which will more or less deviate from the actual load situation. Load shedding is performed in accordance with a priority list of con sumers that are selected to be disconnected from power supply. Intelligent load shedding schemes, however, are much more flexible as they obtain actual





Dynamic Load Shedding Selection


Dynamic selective feeder tripping according to actual loads

Transmission network


current per

voltage feeder and frequency (f)

Distribution network Figure 1 1-7 5 Intelligent load shedding scheme

ment of all load currents from the numerical overcur rent protection relays, which are implemented in the feeders of the distribution network. The measure ments of the actual busbar voltage and the power frequency allow to determine the actual sum of loads involved, the frequency deviation (f) and the gradient of the frequency deviation (df/dt). This additional in formation enables to differentiate between patterns of priorities depending on the actual load condition (L P) and to compute an adapted shed table, which assures that not more consumers than needed are disconnect to restore the equilibrium between total load and delivered power. Apart from this, the final release computation for the dynamic selective feeder tripping takes also the frequency deviation and the gradient of the frequency deviation into account. During the load shedding operation the degree to which load must be shed is monitored by success or failure of the actions in order to reduce the severity of the power system disturbances, which are caused during its initial phase as indicated below Fig. 11-16.


In this example, the load shedding is activated after the detection of a rapid frequency drop due to power

shortage. After the disconnection of the first priority category consumers, the intelligent load shedding scheme detects a further decline of the frequency, which is not as rapid as the first one. In a second attempt the second priority consumers are discon nected and the restoration of the equilibrium bet ween load and power is monitored until it is balanc ed. This procedure does not only check in a closed loop the success of the initiated load shedding but it also prevents the system from becoming instable as result of a load shedding operation.

11.10.3 Interaction with SA and SCADA systems

7 7. 7 0.3. 7 Wide area protection on JJetwork level The interaction of wide area protection and monito ring application on network level with the various protection, monitoring and control systems is shown in block diagram (Figure 11-17).

f (Hz) f



Lim 1

f Lim 2

-t------4---..,.- --------- t (s) p (MVV)

Second attempt: Load is Load of priority 2 shedded re-balanced-1'-------;-_.:;.t.a J I:::::::::::::::::::::=:==::::::::::: :.......--

'-----.--+-----------.t (s) Figure 7 7- 7 6 Load shedding procedure Figure 7 7-77 Interaction of WAPS with protection, monitoring and control systems

Network Level

Station Level



Remote Control

Bay Control

Load shedding


Ull Phasors


Generator Transformer Busbar, Line, Disturbance Protection Station Protection Recording


7 7. 7 0.3.2 Disturbance Recording

The WAPS application on network level is consisting of three applications, that mainly collect and process phasor measurements from certain locati()ns of the network (Figure 11-10): 1. Phasor Evaluation: The phasors are measured

by the phasor m asurement units (PMU) Figure 11-9 located at certain stations and sent to WAPS directly or via the local protection centres (LPC). The phasor evaluation is responsible for collection, pre-treatment, storage and providing of the phasors for further processing by other appli cations. 2. Voltage Instability Predictor (VIP) will take

the phasors from phasor evaluation, calculate and display the instability factor of the network (VS) continuously (Figure 11-13). The operator can supervise this factor and take counter steps in order to protect the network from voltage collapse. These operational steps can also be taken by the system automatically (Figure 11-14). 3. Automated Control Application will define precise actions to be taken based on the results of the VIP (e.g. load shedding Figure 11-15). If the system is running in operation mode 'Automatic" the Automated Control will issue the commands, which are necessary for perfor ming the actions and send them to related SA systems and devices. If the system is running in operation mode "Manual" the actions will be displayed on the monitors and can be used as guidance for further operation steps. The operator will then issue the necessary commands manually. The operation mode of the system can be selected by the operator. This allows optimum utilisation of the results calculated by the system and optimise the operation of the power system.


Disturbance recording comprises fault location and recognition of the nature of the faults, which helps to find and fix problems faster. Fault recorders should be installed at several locations of the network. The disturbance files of the recorders are collected and processed by the substation monitoring system in order to detect faults and to locate the faulty area. The faults and their locations are displayed on SCADA monitors in the network control center and an alarm is issued. The operator can take counter measures to maintain the power supply and can advice the line maintenance crew immediately to remedy the fault.

7 7. 7 0.3.3 Communication to SCADAIEMS Since the network related applications are running on WAPS as well as on existing EMS, both systems should be able to exchange data via a communica tion link. This link can be a serial line with RTU emu lation at WAPS side that it can easily be integrated into existing EMS, as the EMS will see the WAPS as a RTU. The WAPS sends the commands from the Automatic Control Application (ACA) to EMS for execution by the Automated Generator Control (AGC) or by other relevant EMS applications. The network instability fac tor (VS) can also be provided as input to the power application software (PAS) for further processing. Apart from this data available from EMS may be used by the WAPS.

7 7. 7 0.3.4 Communication to_ power system monitoring Power system monitoring ensures reliability and inte grity of the power delivery by around-the clock moni toring of the power system. The WAPS delivers inva luable information about the transients a"nd the dyna mic behavior of the network and allows the identifi cation of weak spots in the sense of sensitivity against voltage and frequency declines on a conti nuous basis.

11.1 0.3.5 Communication level

to station

The network level WAPS should have direct commu- · nication links to all substation control and automation systems as well. The main data exchange could be the following: • Receiving fault record files from disturbance recording application. These files will be used by the fault evaluation applications. • Receiving asset condition data (conditions of circuit breakers, transformers etc.) from monitoring application. These data could be used by the asset management applications. • Sending command to Substation Automation systems (e.g. load shedding, TAP changer blocking etc.). • Providing network information to be used in adaptive protection. WAPS communication to bay level All phasor measurements shall be transferred to the network level WAPS. Therefore a dedicated commu nication link has to be established to all Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), which are located on the bay level. This configuration allows the acquisition and process ing of phasors centrally, from where monitoring can be done and actions can be issued networkwide. Further more PMUs can be placed at the locations over all the network and linked to system protection center directly. Station level equipment is not neces sary for phasor measurement and treatment If local phasor monitoring is required at station level, the phasor measurements can be transferred to the local SA as well.


7 7. 7 0.3.7 Substation monitoring system

Substation monitoring systems enable condition monitoring, which mainly addresses the wear and ageing caused by normal or temporarily abnormal working conditions. First, in that they support the eva luation of the actual condition of assets, and second, in that they might explicitly support the prediction of the further evolution of a detected problem, and the probability of equipment breakdown. The condition related data of the monitored equip ment will be collected from monitoring units proces sed, displayed and forwarded to power system moni toring applications at network level. Asset condition related data and information will be transmitted to the back-offices for engineering and maintenance.

7 7. 7 03.8 adaptation


Application for adaptive protection monitors the ope ration conditions of associated lines, busbars, trans formers and generators at station level. In certain cases, it is necessary to adapt the prevailing protec tion scheme to new network topology. The adaptive protection application would recognise such cases and issue necessary instructions for adapting para meters to the related protection devices.


11.11 References


[1] Piere Cholley, Peter Crossley, Vincent Van Acker, Thierry Van Cutsem, Weihu Fu, Jose Soto lndiar'iez, Franc liar, Daniel Karlsson, Yasuhiro Kojima, James McCalley, Marian Piekutowski, Goran Rundvik Roberto Salvati, Olof Samuelsson, Gilles Trudel, Costas Yournas, Xavier Wayrnel, System Protection Schemes in Power Networks, Cigre Study Committee Task Force SGF 38.02.19, Final draft v5.0 Conference lnternationale des Grandes Reseaux Electriques (Cigre), 2000 [2] Christian Rehtanz · Online Stability Assessment and Wide Area Protection based on Phasor Measurements, Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control V, August 26-31, 2001, Onoomichi, Japan [3] Claudio (anizares · Voltage Stability Report, http:!/www.power.uwaterloo.ca [4] Defence plans major disturbances, Large Systems and International Connections Study Committee 40.01 SYSTDEP, UNIPEDE, Paris/France


12 Standards and Quality Definition for Substation Automation

12.1 lntrodLJ,ction

12.2 12.3




12.1.1 The meaning of standards 12.1.2 The limits of standards 12.1.3 The structure of standard information 12.1.4 Dynamics of standards 12.1.5 Standards for substations Standards for switchgear Standards for substation automation Standards for switchgear 12.2.1 SF6 isolation gas for GIS Quality 12.3.1 General 12.3.2 Reliability General MTIF and MTBF 12.3.3 System availability General Automatic recovery Graceful degradation and error recovery/backup 12.3.4 Maintainability 12.3.5 Security and Safety Electrical Engineering Standards 12.4.1 Basic electrical standards Basic definitions Electric Relays Electric Insulation Standard Withstand capability of inputs and outputs of devices Auxiliary supply 12.4.2 Grounding in Substations for low frequencies 12.4.3 Grounding in Substations for fast transients Environmental Standards 12.5.1 General 12.5.2 Switchyard Environment 12.5.3 Weather and Climatic Conditions Temperature Humidity Barometric pressure 12.5.4 Pollution and corrosion 12.5.5 Mechanical and seismic 12.5.6 Electromagnetic emission


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Table of content

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12 Table of content


12.6 Substation automation system 12.6.1 Device Standards 12.6.2 Information technology standards 12.6.3 Communication standards Introduction Data integrity General network req'-lirement Protocols 12.6.4 Communication Protocols Modern Interface Protocol Communication with Network Control Center Communication within the Substation 12.6.5 EMI immunity Introduction and general approach Conducted disturbances Radiated electromagnetic disturbances 12.7 Dedicated communication beyond substation boundaries 12.71 Power line carrier 12.7.2 Tele-protection 12.8 Power quality 12.9 Data and software standards 12.9.1 Disturbance recorder data 12.9.2 Function block programming · 12.10 Documentation and designations 12.10.1 Documentation 12.10.2 Graphical symbols 12.10.3 Classifications and designations 12.10.4 Designation and identification 12.10.5 Relationship between standards 12.11 System and project management 12.11.1 Introduction 12.11.2 System management and development process 12.11.3 Project execution process 12.12 Verification of Standard conformance 12.12.1 Application criteria i2.12.2 Conditions to be met 12.12.3 Equipment functioning 12.12.4 Exceptions 12.12.5 Test points for EMI tests 12.13 Project Requirements and tests 12.14 References

. ?

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12 Standards and Quality Definition for Substation Automation

12.1 Introduction

product meets the level defined in the standard, the producer has fulfilled his obligations. The compliance with standards results in mutual trust of all involved parties.

1 2.1.1 The meaning of standards

Although products like substations automation systems may be very application specific per station, customer, region or country, the relevant International standards to be applied have to be part of any indi vidual specification apart from some very basic com monly agreed standards. Therefore, these standards have to be referenced, they may be negotiated if needed, and should be in any case part of the con tract.

Standards define common rules how procedures, devices, systems, etc have to be. All people who refer to the same standards provide their products with the same features. Therefore, all these products are comparable and should provide the same minimum reliability. Standards define some kind of minimum functiona lity and quality of the products. They are based on the basic requirements and needs of the application do main of the standard. Standards are produced today mostly by international bodies like the International Standard Organization (ISO) or the International Electric Commission (IEC). In the standards itself, there are parts with strict rules, which shall be followed and which can be verified. Other parts are recommendations only but they may be declared as mandatory in many specifications. Some rules are not issued as standards as such but represent by its common use so-called de-facto stand ards. Local and regional standards exist by history but their importance is fading in a global world. If new local or regional standards appear today, they are normally complying entirely with the corresponding International Standard. On the other hand, local or regional standards might be submitted to an interna tional standardization authority like IEC to be declared as international standards if applicable and accept able. Many standards have been declared by govern mental authorities as mandatory to guarantee a com mon quality, security and reliability level. The users or juridical bodies may make claims if the standards are not fulfilled. Standards protect also producers. If a


12.1.2 The limits of standards Standards are very comprehensive and mandatory for consumer products. For industrial applications like in substations, standards may not cover all needed performance and quality requirements as they are required for a specific substation automation system. Sometimes, those requirements go beyond the International standards, or there may not even exist a standard for a specific application domain or a dedi cated feature. Then the missing standards have to be substituted by "best practices'The final goal is always that a system is running safely and reliably in its spe cific environment and performing its specified func tions. Therefore, standards cannot replace specifica tions but should be integral part of them.

12.1.3 The structure of standard information In this chapter, you will find a short introduction to the application area per section. Relevant standards will be listed and complemented by short descriptions or comments if needed or helpful. As seen from the beginning, relevant standards are referenced all over the book



Standards itself are not allowed to be published in any book but have to be ordered from standard organizations like IEC itself for copyright reasons. Big companies may have a special contract giving for their employees access to the database of the stand ardization body and, therefore, directly to the full text of standards.

The goal of this book is to list the most important International standards applicable for Substation Auto mation Systems but this list may not be complete as new Standards are being created permanently. Therefore, no liability can be taken if this list is incom plete. Reference is made to the versions of the Standards, which are known at the time when this book has been written, but standards are living and may be updated from time to time. Therefore, if Inter national standards are applied, only the latest ver sions should be used.

12.1.5 Standards for substations Standards


12.2 Standards for switchgear 12.2.1 SF6 isolation gas for GIS The following standard defines the quality of SF6 to be used for GIS equipment, which may contain mois ture and decomposition products that are produced by discharges (overvoltages) and arcing (switching of circuit breakers). · IEC 60376 Specification and acceptance of new sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 )

switchgear There are many standards referring to the mechani cal and electrical design of the switchgear and the switchyard environment. These standards are outside the scope of this book as long as they have no im pact on the substation automation system. Only some switchgear standards referenced somewhere in this book are listed here for the sake of completeness.

This standard applies to new and unused sulphur hexafluoride and gives the properties and methods of tests that are applicable to sulphur hexafluoride if it is supplied for use in connection with any electrical equipment.

72. 7.5.2 Standards for substation

This standard gives guidance to operational and maintenance personnel as to the tests reqllired to check the condition of sulphur hexafluoride gas in electrical equipment and to enable a unified method of analysis to be used whenever possible.



A collection of standards for substation automation systems is found in IEC 61850-3 Communication networks and systems in substations - General requirements.

1 2.1.4 Dynamics of standards

7 2. 7.5. 7

tem requirements and communications and refer to system production and testing. As mentioned above, not for all aspects and features standards exist.

The standards applicable for substation automation systems and their components cover a wide range of aspects from general quality to electric and electronic design, performance issues, software quality, and en vironmental requirements. They deal also with sys-

12.3 Quality

IEC 60480 Guide to the checf<jng of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ) taken from electrical equipment

Since the topic of this book is substation automation all following sections refer to it

In minimum, there will be some definitions helping to set up requirements. For some parts, there exi5t clas ses with no default application. In theses case, the conformance to particular level of these classes as defined in IEC 60870-4 Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 4:

12.3.1 General This section refers to quality requirements such as . reliability, availability, maintainability, security, and others that apply to substation automation systems.

Performance requirements Classes have to be specified by the user, stated by the producer, or negotiated between both parties.

12.3.2 Reliability General Reliability according to IEC 60870-4 is defined as a measure of an equipment or a system to perform its intended function under specified conditions for a specified period of time. The substation shall continue to be operable, accord ing to the "graceful degradation" principle, if anyone SA component fails. There should be no single point of failure that would cause the substation to be in operable. This is a matter of system design. The relia bility requirements shall be met as described in the sub-clause 3.1 of IEC 60870-4. The reliability class severity (R1, R2 or R3), as defined in 3.1.2 of IEC 60870-4, has to be agreed between the producer and the user. MTTF and MTBF The Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) is a basic mea sure of reli;bility for omponents and systems. It is the mean time expected until the first failure of a piece of equipment occurs. No reference is made to any repair.

The Mean Iime 6_etween Eailures (MTBF) is a basic measure of reliability for components and systems but including the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR). MTIR can be described as the time (often in number of hours) that passes in average until a faulted com ponent or system is repaired. Therefore, MTBF = MTIF + MTIR


MTIF, MTIR and MTBF are statistical values indicat ing average figures, which are experienced over a long period of time taken from large number of units. For electronic devices the difference between MTIR and MTIF is normally so big, that for many practical reasons (except availability calculation) MTBF and MTIF can be considered as identical. The MTIR cannot be stated by the system supplier alone as it is not independent from a specific sub station and the repair organization. It depends on the accessibility of the substation, the strategic spares available, the maintenance concept and facilities of the owner of the substation automation system as well as on the maintenance contracts if applicable. The system supplier should clearly specify the MTIF of the equipment delivered, including the reference to the method of calculation. There are rules how to calculate MTIF for systems and devices based on its individual components. If there is seNice experience of a reasonable number of devices installed, the MTIF can be calculated out of the number and operating times of the installed de vices taking the number of devices into account, which have been returned for repair or replacement.

.. ·


There exist no International standards for MTIF requirements in substations but they are specified in most user specifications.

12.3.3 System availability General Availability of a unit or a system according to stand ard IEC 60870-4 is its ability to perform its required function at any given moment.




Availability is measured by the ratio of uptirn.e of the SA to the total service time, as defined in the sub clause 3.2 of IEC 60870-4. The uptime is the time during that the SA is able to perform its vital func tions. What is vital has to be defined according to the importance of a function in the context of the sub station and power network operation. For example, if secondary protection exists, failures of the primary protection are not being considered as contributing to downtime of the SA As a second example, the fail ure of an HMI is not considered as downtime of the SA if an alternative point of control exists. The availability requirements shall be as described in the sub-clause 3.2.1 of IEC 60870-4. The availability class severity (A1, A2 or A3), as defined in the sub clause 3.2.2 of IEC 60870-4, has to be agreed bet ween the producer and the user.

7 Automatic recovery System and data backup may be provided for the SA. Where backup is provided, a single unit failure in the SA shall neither cause loss of data nor prevent normal operation of the system. After repair, switching back to the normal configuration may require manual intervention. Critical communication links for SA func tionality may be redundant or with alternate routing in order to avoid system outage due to the damage in the information transmission infrastructure. There are no standards available but user requirements may have to be covered by the system design.

7 Graceful degradation and error recovery/backup


Increasing error rates should not cause a sudden system outage but result in graceful degradation of functionality. There should be facilities for error re covery to restore reliable operation of the SA There are no standards available but user requirements may have to be covered by the system design.

12.3.4 Maintainability Maintainability according to IEC 60870-4 is the abi lity of the system or equipment under given condi tions of use, after detection of a failure, to be restor ed to full worldng order and to be maintained during normal worldng operation. More details see in sub-clause 3.3 of IEC 60870-4. The maintainability requirements shall be as describ ed in 3.3.1 of IEC 60870-4. The maintainability class severity (M1, M2, M3 or M4), as defined in 3.3.2 of IEC 60870-4, has to be agreed between the produ cer and the user.

12.3.5 Security and Safety Security according to IEC 60870-4 is defined as its ability to avoid placing the system in a potentially dangerous or unstable situation. It deals with the consequences of failures, arising out of malfunctions of the equipment, undetected infor mation errors as well as information losses. More de tails can be found in sub-clause 3.4 of IEC 60870-4. In the context of industrial automation in process industries, the term safety is used according to the definition above while security is the ability to avoid intrusion and disturbances from the outside world, e.g. from hackers, intruders or air plane crashes on the substation. Therefore in this book mostly the term safety is used instead of security. Safety in industrial automation as defined in IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical/ ·electronicallprogrammable electronic safety related systems

may be used in futuere for SA systems as well.

12.4 Electrical Engineering Standards

12.4.1 R,asic electrical standards Basic definitions IEC 600381EC Standard Voltages

The different voltage levels found in electric power systems are not classified in any standard as low vol tage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), extra-high voltage (EHV), or ultra-high voltage (UHV). To avoid too many alternative solutions and too close voltage levels, in IEC 60038 recommended sequen ces of voltage levels are given, but without any refe rence to any voltage level term.

7 2.4. 7.2 Electrical Relays IEC 60255 Electrical relays

This standard series covers a wide range of require ments but has to be complemented by IEC 60068, IEC 60870, and IEC 61000 if applicable. These stand ards are described elsewhere below. Electrical Insulation Standard IEC 60071 Insulation coordination Part 1 (IEC 60071-1): Definitions, principles, Part



and rules Application


guide This standard specifies the procedure for the selec tion of the withstand test voltages for the three phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase and longitudinal iso lation above 1 kV. IEC 606641nsulation coordination for

equipment within low-voltage systems. This standard specifies the clearance, creepage dis tances and solid isolation up to 1.5 kV. Withstand capability of inputs and outputs of devices IEC 60801 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment

This standard is often referenced but withdrawn and being replaced mainly by the series IEC 61000 (see below). IEC 60870 Telecontrol equipment and systems

In this standard some specifications and requirements are also found, but the more general reference to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is given in IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility

In this standard series, dedicated electromagnetic withstand capabilities are specified for pulses and electromagnetic interferences.

7 Auxiliary supply ·


• connection to a power supply device, interposed between the power source and the equipment;

12.4.1 .5.1 Gene ral

This section specifies the characteristics of the power supplied to substation automation equipment. Stand ards like the following provide specifications.

• auxiliary stand-by or back-up supply, which provides power for operation of the equipment in case of maintenance or failure of the main power supply.


IEC 60870-2 Telecontrol equipment

and systems for components - Part 2: Operating conditions The power may be provided by • direct connection to the power source;



? Voltage range

For this section, only direct current (DC) and alternat ing current (AC) supplies having the same general characteristics as those exhibited by the public net work supply at 50 Hz or 60 Hz and DC supplies are considered. The voltage range for DC supplies should be as detailed in IEC 60870-2-1, table 1. The voltage range for AC supplies should be as detailed in IEC 60870-2-1, table 5. Voltage tolerance

Values for voltage tolerance are specified in IEC 60870-2-1 Telecontrol equipment and systems for component - Part 2: Operating conditions Section 7: Power supply and electromagnetic compatibility

The classes of voltage tolerance for AC supplies shall be as defined in IEC 60870-2-1, table 2. The classes of voltage tolerance for DC supplies shall be as defined in IEC 60870-2-1, table 6. The relevant classes have to be agreed between the producer and the user. Equipment operating with DC supply shall not sustain damage if the input voltage falls below the lower limit specified or is reversed in polarity. Voltage interruptions

The performance of the substation automation equipment shall not be affected under the condition

of an interruption of the DC supply for a duration of up to 10 ms. No damage shall be caused to the equipment by supply interruptions of any duration, nor shall the equipment respond to an interruption in a manner that could cause danger to other equip ment or personnel.

The relevant standard for AC power supply is

72.4. 7.5.5. supplies

IEC 61000-4-11 Electromagnetic

The nominal frequency of AC supplies should be with in the tolerances defined in IEC 60870-2-1, table 3.

compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-7 7: Testing and measurement techniques Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage varia tions on AC input power port immunity tests re questing no affe'ction of voltage dips of .'\U 30 % for 1 period and .'\U 60 %for 50 periods and of voltage interruptions of .'\U 100 %for 5 periods and .'\U 100% for 50 periods. The relevant standard for DC power supply is IEC 61000-4-29 Electromagnetic



The harmonic content of AC supplies should be with in the tolerances defined in IEC 60870-2-1, table 4. 72.4. DC supplies The earthing arrangements for DC supplies should be as defined in IEC 60870-2-1. table 7. Ripple voltage (as defined in 4.3.3 of IEC 60870-2-1) should be within the tolerances defined in standard IEC 60870-2-1, table 8.

compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-29: Testing and measurement techniques

7 2.4. 7 .5.5.3 Ripple on DC supplies

Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage varia tions on DC input power port immunity tests reque sting no affection of voltage dips of .'\U 30% for 0.1 s and .'\U 60 %for 0.1 s and of voltage interruptions of .'\U 1 00 % for 0.05 s.

Ripples on DC power supplies may impact electronics and shall be, therefore, limited. to 10 % Un according to IEC 61000-4-17 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-7 7: Testing and measurement techniques - Ripple on DV input power port immunity test. quality


12.5 Environmental Standards

12.4.2 Grounding in Substations for low frequencies Any substation has to have an earthing grid to cope· with the high currents, which may flow in case of earth faults. The design of the grid has to provide a reliable grounding for normal operating conditions at nominal frequency (50/60 Hz), in order to limitran sient ground potential rises and to prevent danger for people and damage to equipment. There are diffe rent standards, i.e. IEC 60621-2 Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy-duty conditions (including open cast-mines and quarries). Part 2: General protection requirements IEEE Std 80-1986 IEEE Guide for Safety in

AC Substation Earthing

12.4.3 Grounding in Substations for fast transients Lightning and switching surges produce fast tran sients, i.e. high frequency traveling waves of currents and/or voltages up to 50 GHz along wires. Normally, they do not harm people and heavy equipment but any kind of electronics. Additionally, such surges pro duce also radiated disturbances. Both require a pro per high frequency earthing and shielding. Standards describing these requirements are mentioned in the following. IEC 60801 Electromagnetic compat1b!lity for indus

trial-process measurement and control equipment

This standard is withdrawn but being replaced mainly by series IEC 61000 (below). Therefore, the following two standards or standard series are valid, i.e. IEC 60870-2-1-Tefecontrol equipment and systems for components - Part 2: Operating conditions - Section 1: Power supply and electro magnetic compatibility IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

12.5.1 General This section refers to the climatic, mechanical, and electrical influences that apply to the substation auto mation system. It contains a number of references to IEC normative documents but with frequent refer ence to IEC 60694 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and control gear standards and IEC 60870-2-2 Telecontrol equipment and systems for components - Part 2: Operating conditions Section 2: Environmental conditions (climatic, mechanical and other non-electrical influences)

These standards list a number of classes for environ mental climatic conditions, and each class provides severity levels (or set of levels) for the various envi ronmental climatic parameters. The equipment resi dent in the substation is expected to meet virtually the complete range of environmental classes. Process level equipment is often installed in outdoor locations, the bay level equipment in outdoor or sheltered loca tions, and the station level equipment in sheltered


indoor locations. Where applicable, the classification and severity level of environmental climatic conditions as defined in IEC 60870-2-2, which are acceptable by the sub station automation system, shall be stated by the supplier. Where equipment forms an integral part of high voltage switchgear and control gear (e.g. com ponents of the process bus), IEC 60694 shall apply. The user shall take care of the local environmental conditions.

12.5.2 Switchyard Environment IEC 60068 Environmental testing

This standard defines in many parts any kind of envi ronmental testing concerning heat, moisture, radi-









ation, vibration, acceleration, salt mist temperature, damp, heat, shock, bump, etc IEC 60721 Environmental classification


12.5.4 Pollution and corrosion The following standard is applicable as a guideline to take care of corrosive and erosive influences.

This standard series defines environmental parame- IEC 60654-4 Operating conditions for industrialters and a limited number of their severities within process measurement and control equipment the range of conditions to be met by electro-technical Part 4: Corrosive and erosive influences. products, when they are transported, stored, installed Particular attention has to be taken to the effect of and used. solid substances (e.g. sand, dust) since they may also affect the thermal behavior of the substation automation equipment. Corrosive influences (e.g. salt) are 12.5.3 Weather and Climatic Conditions important as they may affect in short-term the conductivity and/or isolation capacity of the equipment Temperature and in long-term they may destroy contacts, electroThe substation automation equipment shall operate nics and metallic structures. satisfactorily over an air temperature range as recomWhere equipment forms an integral part with high mended in IEC 60870-2-2, table 1. voltage switchgear and control gear, clause 2 of During storage and transportation the substation auto- IEC 60694 shall apply. mation equipment shall be able to withstand an air temperature range as recommended in standard 12.5.5 Mechanical and seismic IEC 60870-2-2, table 2.






I I.


Note that air temperature is as defined in sub-clause Mechanical and seismic qualification of substation automation equipment shall conform to national and 3.3.1 of IEC 60870-2-2. international standards according to its location and Where equipment forms an integral part of high vol- service. Where applicable, the classification of toletage switchgear and control gear, clause 2 of stand- rable mechanical conditions and seismic stress shall ard IEC 60694 shall apply. be stated by the producer, as defined in clause 4 of IEC 60870-2-2. Humidity The communications equipment shall operate satisfactorily with a relative humidity as recommended in IEC 60870-2-2, table 1. Where equipment forms an integral part of high valtage switchgear and control gear, clause 2 of standard IEC 60694 shall apply.

The local requirements have to be provided by the user. Where equipment forms an integral part of high voltage switchgear and control gear, clause 2 of standard IEC 60694 shall apply.



12.5.6 Electromagnetic emission

Substation automation equipment may also be the source of various kinds of electromagnetic disturbanThe substation automation equipment shall operate ces in a wide frequency range, that may be conductsatisfactorily between air pressures as recommended ed through power supply lines, control lines or directly radiated by the equipment. The substation autoin sub-clause 3.3.2 of IEC 60870-2-2. mation equipment shall meet the requirements of Where equipment forms an integral part of high val- CISPR 22 classes A and B (EN 5022A and EN 50228) tage switchgear and control gear, clause 2 of standor FCC rules part 15 for class A and B digital devices ard IEC 60694 shall apply. (USA). Requirements are found in the standards Barometric pressure



7 Data integrity

CISPR 22 Information technology equipment -

Radio disturbances characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement and in the federal rules (US) FCC rules part 15 Radio frequency devices

and in the standard series IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

12.6 Substation automation system 12.6.1 Device Standards Substation automation systems comprise intelligent electronic devices (lED). These IEDs have to fulfill a lot of the standards mentioned already above. In addi tion, the devices have to fulfill also the following standards as far as applicable.

12.6.2 Information technology standards Since there are more and more devices in substations that perform information technology tasks, especially also in the area of communication, the following equipment standard series may be applicable. IEC 60950 Information technology equipment


12.6.3 Communication standards

7 2.6.3. 7 Introduction Communication is the backbone of any substation automation system. Therefore, it has to fulfil a lot of strong reliability requirements. Since it connects all devices of the system it has to fulfil also standards, which allow a mutual communication (protocols).

The SAS communication system shall deliver timely and reliable data under the stress of transmission and procedural errors, varying delivery delays, and equip ment failures in the communication facilities. It thus must provide


• detection of transmission errors in the harsh substation environment; • recovery from link congestion; • optionally provide support for link media and equipment redundancy. The integrity and consistency of the data delivered by the SAS shall be as defined for integrity classes 11, 12 and 13 (sub-clause 3.5 of IEC 60870-4). The use of a specific integrity class shall be determined by the application that uses the delivered data.

7 General network requirements Geographic requirements

The communication network within the substation should be capable of covering distances up to 2 km as stated in IEC 61850-5 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 5: Communication Requirements for Functions and Device Models Numbers of devices

The communication network within the substation should be capable of seNing all typical bay configu rations in a high voltage switchyard, including sys tems with 1112 circuit breaker arrangements and ring busbars. More details on substation configuration see in IEC 61850-1 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7: Introduction and Overview IEC 61850-5 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 5: Communication Requirements for Functions and Device Models

289 Communication with Network Control Centers Proprietary protocols


7 Protocols There are a lot of private and standardized commu nication protocols. Therefore, a dedicated section is allocated to the protocol standards.

12.6.4 Communication Protocols

• etc

72.6.4. 7 Modem Interface Protocol EIA 232 E Interface between data terminal equipment and data circuit-terminating equipment employing serial binary data exchange

This is the actual version of the well-known RS232C connector. It specifies signal voltage, signal timing, signal function, a protocol for information exchange, and a mechanical connector. It is intended for short distances up to 15 m and the communication is du plex or half-duplex. ElA 485 Electrical characteristics of generators and receivers for use in balanced digital multipoint systems

This is the actual version of the well-known RS485 connector. It specifies signal voltage, signal timing, signal function, a protocol for information exchange, and a mechanical connector. It is intended as serial link (point-to-point-duplex) for long distances up to several km or as bus (half-duplex). Further to the interface standards above there exist also interface standards from ITU (CCITT), which con cern different aspects like functional characteristic or electrical characteristic separately, however mostly the packaging in the RS standards are used. As an exam ple the RS232C is identical to ITU V24 (functional) + ITU V28 (electrical) + ISO 2110 (mechanical).


The protocol standards from ITU like X25 are very sel dom found in the area of substation automation, and their usage outside the substation is more and more replaced by TCP/IP. Therefore they are not mentioned further.

IEC 61970 Energy management system applications programming interface

This standard defines the ammon lnformation Model (CIM) and is intended to be used for model ing network information in the Energy Management System (EMS). The users' request for seamless com mu:lication between this system and the substations requires some compatibility between modeling in IEC 61850 and CIM. The feasibility of such compati bility was proven already.

• RP570/571 (ABB) • lndactic 33/35 (ABB) • 8fW (Siemens) • DNP3.0 (GE-Harris, DNP User group) • WISP (GE) • Modbus (different users especially in the power plant area) Definitions are found in the literature or have to be asked for from the suppliers or user groups. Standard protocols (IEC) IEC 60870-5-101 Te/econtrol equipment and systems for components - Part 5: Companion standards - Section 707: Companion standard for basic tete-control tasks

This protocol is on dedicated communication lines between Substation Automation Systems or RTUs and Network Control Centers. IEC 60870-5-104 Te/econtrol equipment and systems for components - Part 5: Companion standards - Section 7 04: Transmission protocols Network access for /EC 60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles.

This protocol allows to transfer data according to standard IEC 60870-5-101 over a communication network IEC 60870-6 Te/econtrol equipment and systems for components - Part 6 (TAS£2) lntercenter protocol

This protocol is intended for communication between network control centers. Therefore, it is often called ICCP Qnter enter ommunication Qrotocol)_ It is used in some few cases for substation-Nee links also. IEC 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations

This protocol developed for communication in sub stations may be used for substation-NCC links as well. • Communication within the Substation 7 Proprietary protocols or proprietary used standards • SPA (ABB)


( b u i l d i n

g automation protocol; used in substations by ABB in a dedicated way) • MVB (railway traction protocol; used in substations by ABB)

Protocols - Section 7 03: Communication Standards for Substations, Companion Standard for the Informative Interface of Protection Equipment.

• Profibus (automation protocol; used in substations by Siemens)

Some companies are using this standard against its original purpose not only for protection information but also for control and have added private exten sions to the standard. The comprehensive standard for communication in substations is the standard series

• DNP3.0 (remote control protocol; used

in substations GE-Harris, DNP User group) • UCA.2 (utility communication architecture by EPRI/IEEE used in substations also)


IEC 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations

•IEC 60870-5-101/104 (remote control

protocol; used in substations by SAT) Definitions are found in the literature or have to be asked from the suppliers or user groups. The MVB used by ABB in Substation Automation is an IEC Standard from the area of traction (trains), i.e.

This is the standard for all communication tasks with in the substation, i.e. for control,.protection, monito ring, etc Also new protection devices are offering preferentially the more powerfuiiEC 61850 instead of IEC 60870-5-103.

bus - Part 7: Train communication network

This standard series is much more than a communi cation protocol only. Therefore, it is described in a separate chapter (Chapter 13). Standard protocols (IEC) Proprietary protocols

The informative interface for protection devices in substations is defined by

For communication with third party IEDs having pro prietary protocols, protocol conversion is needed. This conversion is outside the scope of any standard but needs the information about both involved stand ards.

IEC 61375-1 Electric railway equipment- Train

IEC 60870-5-103 Te!econtrol equipment and systems for components - Part 5: Transmission

12.6.5 EMI immunity

7 2.6.5. 7

Introduction and general

approach ....


Substation automation equipment shall be designed and tested to withstand the various types of induced conducted and radiated electromagnetic disturban ces that occur in substations. Sources for disturbances are, for example: • lightning and switching surges, • discharges and strokes in gaseous isolation media, like the common SF6, producing fast transients, • traveling waves in GIS, producing fast transients.




Referenced Standard

IEC 61000 levels according to IEC TS 61000-6-5

Signal Ports


IEC 61000-4-4

Fast Transient4 IEC 61000-4-5

Surges 1.2/50(s (a) Line to line Line to ground

Connections to HV equipment and telecom

MV Substation

HV Substation

MV Substation

HV Substation

4 2 kV

X 4 kV

3 2 kV

4 3 kV

3 2 kV

4 3 kV

2 1 kV 3 2 kV

3 2 kV 4 4 kV

2 1 kV 3 2 kV

2 1 kV 3 2 kV

2 1 kV 3 2 kV

2 1 kV 3 2 kV

3 10V

3 10V

3 10V

3 10 v

3 10V

3 10 v

2 0.5 kV 1 kV

3 1 kV 2.5 kV

2 0.5 kV 1 kV

3 1 kV 2.5 kV

2 0.5 kV 1 kV

3 1 kV 2.5 kV

4 30V Cont. 300V for 1 s

4 30V Cont. 300 V for 1 s

33 10V Cont. 100 v for 1 s

4 30V Cont. 300V for 1 s

IEC 61000-4-6

Damped Oscillatory differential (b) common (b) IEC 61000-4-16

Conducted common mode disturbances 0 Hz to 150 Hz4

AC l/0 Power Ports

Connections in field

Conducted disturbances induced by RF3 IEC 61000-4-12

DC l/0 Power Ports


Not defined

(a) For connections to telecom network or remote equipment, also surge waveform 10/700 (s with a 4 kV peak shall be tested, (b) Test frequency 1 MHz. For GIS, higher frequencies have to be considered. Experience: at least up to 50 Ghz.

Table 12-1 Levels of EM/ immunity to be tested for ports of devices in substations

Equipment installed in Referenced Standard

MV Substation

Level 2 IEC 61000-4-8

Power frequency magnetic field

IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated electromagnetic filed 80 iviHz- 3000 MHz310






Test value


3 Aim continuous

Applicable only to CRT monitors according to clause B.2 of CISPR 24


100 Aim continuous 1000 Aim for 1 s

Applicable only to apparatus containing devices susceptible to magnetic fields, e.g. magnetic field sensors



10 V/m

This level normally allows the use of portable radiating equipment at 1 m to 2m distance from installed equipment

6 kV conact 8 kV air


6 kV conact 8 kVair

3 Aim continuous 100 Aim continuous 1000 Aim for 1 s

3 . ..

IEC 61000-4-2

Electrostatic discharge

Test value

HV Substation

Higher test values shall be adopted to equipment installed in a severe electrostatic environment

Table 12-2 Levels of EM/ immunity of devices against radiation and discharges in substations

The general immunity requirements for industrial environment are considered not sufficient for sub stations. Therefore, dedicated requirements are defin ed in IEC TS 61000-6-5 Electromagnetic interference (EMC) - Part 6: - Generic standards -Section 5: Immunity of power station and substation environ ment

The contents of this Technical Specification (TS) will remain unchanged until 2005. At this date, this TS will be transformed either to an International Standard, or reconfirmed, or withdrawn, or replaced by a revised edition, or amended.

There are differences in requirements between medi um voltage (MV) substations and high voltage (HV) substations (AIS and GIS). The term HV is taken for voltages of 36.5 kV or above, MV for all voltages below. A different limit between HV and MV can be agreed upon between the utility and the manufactu rer influencing the EMC test level to be used for the SA equipment. Special mitigation measures on site may create a "protected environment" and reduce the immunity requirements. This may include shielded cables pro perly grounded and fiber optical links. The use of any kind of such measures has to be included in the pro duct specification. In this case, all proofing tests shall be made with these measures.

Details of these requirements and testing procedures are given in other parts of the series IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

The most important cases and documents are refer enced below. Very often, different test levels are de fined in these test standards. Dedicated level refer ences according to IEC TS 61000-6-5 are made if applicable. The conformity to the standards has to be proven by type tests. Criteria for acceptance are sum marized in 12.12. The levels for ports are summarized in Table 12-1. The requirements for device enclosures regarding radiated disturbances are summarized in Table 12-2. Conducted disturbances Induced disturbances Radio frequency fields may induce disturbances that are conducted by wires in the substation. The equip ment shall meet either the standard IEC 61000-4-6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields

or IEEE (37.90.2-1988 Trial-Use standard withstand capability (SWC) tests for Protective relays and Relay systems Surges Levels of surges to be withstand are specified in IEC 61000-4-5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity. Oscillatory waves Damped oscillatory waves shall be tested with lMHz according to IEC 61000-4-12 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-7 2: Testing and measurement techniques - Oscillatory waves immunity test Common mode disturbances For common mode disturbances, of the folloyYing standard is valid IEC 61000-4-16 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-7 6: Testing and measurement tech niques - Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 750kHz




293 Fast transients


For fast transients and bursts, in HV substations gene rally class 4 with 4 kV and a repetition rate of 2.5 kHz is requested according to

IEC 61000-4-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Part 4: Testing and measurement tech niques - Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test.

7 Radiated electromagnetic


The equipment shall meet either level 3 (1 0 V/m) of IEC 61000-4-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techni ques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test or IEEE (37.90.2-1988 Trial-Use standard withstand capability (SWC) tests for Protective relays and Relay systems Regarding radiated, radio frequency, electromagnetic fields. The specific requirements (IEC standard or IEEE standard) shall be agreed between manufacturer and user. Criteria for acceptance are summarized in 12.12. Power frequency disturbances

Communications equipment may be subjected to va rious kinds of electromagnetic disturbances induced by power supply lines, signal lines or directly radiated by the environment The types and levels of distur bances depend on the particular conditions in which the communication equipment has to operate. Reference should be made to level 4 (30 V conti nuous and 300 V for 1 s) of IEC 61000-4-16 Electromagnetic compatibility

(EMC)- Part 4-16: Testing and measurement tech niques - Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 750kHz For magnetic fields also to the following two stand ards are applicable.

IEC 61000-4-8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic field immunity test This standard is applicable also for CRT monitors according to clause 8.2 of CISPR 24 (EN 55024) Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurements The magnetic field requirements cited above are complemented by IEC 61000-4-10 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-10: Testing and measurement techniques - Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test In addition to these tests, it is known that to a certain degree induced power frequency voltage will occur on all copper circuits inside the substation, especially caused by primary fault currents that are flowing in and around the substation. This common mode effect, resulting from magnetic flux linkages, causes almost equal voltages being induced in each of the cable cores. With the introduction of serial data communications, injected current tests on the cable circuits are requir ed to ensure that the equipment is capable of with standing typical induced voltages without interfering with its correct operation. The substation equ1pment shall operate correctly in the presence of a power fre quency voltage in accordance with Table 12-3. The induced transverse voltages at power system fre quency are benchmark values for a substation en vironment. and represent acceptable operating with stand levels for equipment design. The equipment should be tested using an injection network to combine the required communications signals with a povvgrJsequency interference signal. With the interference suitably injected, the magnitude of the communications signal levels should be reduc ed to the receive level claimed by the manufacturer and correct operation of the communications equip ment should be maintained.


Unbalanced communications (V]

Balanced communications (1% unbalance) [V]

Balanced communications {0.1 % unbalance) (V]


Length of communications circuit [m]


1 to 10





10 to 100





100 to 1000





Greater than 1000





*) The unbalanced class of communications circuit covers such cases as RS232. For practical reasons, such communica tions systems are considered to be run over very short distances within the substation or to link equipment to intelligent test equipment such as portable computers. It is not proposed that they be practical for substation applications covering distances above 20 m. Standard balanced circuits are of the class associated with PTO circuits where up to 500 V of common mode voltage is balanced to within 1%. In addition, techniques such as transformer coupling can achieve impedance balancing to within 0,1%.

Table 12-3 Power frequency voltage classes Electrostatic discharges Handling with sensitive electronics implies always the risk of electrostatic discharges, which may result in mal-functions of the lED of in destruction of electro nic components. The risk is increasing with decreasing air moisture level. The related standard is · IEC 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility

(EMC)- Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test

12.7 Dedicated communication beyond substation boundaries 12.7.1 Power line carrier Apart from modern wide-band communication net works, the narrow-band Qower jine 93rrier (PLC) systems must not be neglected yet since PLC systems provide economical communication links over long distances, e.g. for very long HV overhead lines of more

than 1000 km without the need of any repeater, and electronic PLC systems have increased the band width up to 64 kBit/s. The relevant standards are IEC 60353 Line traps for a.c. power systems IEC 60481 Coupling devices for power line carrier systems IEC 60495 Single sideband power line carrier terminals IEC 60663 Planning of (single-sideband) power line carrier systems

1 2.7.2 Tele-protection Tele-protection allows to block or activate remote protection actions, e.g. on the other side of a long line. Therefore, it applies also for modern micro processor based distance relays. IEC 60834 Tete-protection equipment of power systems - performance and testing (series).

12.8 Power quality


At least in deregulated markets, power quality is a negotiable issue between power suppliers and con sumers. Power quality may be based on a lot of fac tors, where frequency deviations, harmonics and reactive power content belong to the well-known and accepted ones. New measurement technologies offer a lot of additional figures about the power qua


lity but there is not a general agreement what total power quality really means. Therefore, the mentioned standards (mainly about harmonics) are only the first steps toward a general power quality standard. IEEE 519:19921EEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems IEEE 1459:2000 IEEE Trial Use Standard Definitions for the

Measurement of Electric Power Quantities Under Sinusoidal, Nonsinusoidal, Balanced or Un balanced Conditions

IEC 60255-24 Electric relays- Part 24: Common

IEC 61000-4-7 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and measurement techni ques - Section 7: General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumen- · tation for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto.

IEEE Std C37.111-19991EEE Standard common

format for transient data exchange (COMTRADE) for power systems format for transient data exchange

12.9.2 Function block programming Basically, functions in substation automation may be programmed nearly in any programming language. It is very convenient for the user to program not by coding lines but to use high-level functions blocks ("function block language") as used by program mable controllers. The related standard series is IEC 61131 Programmable controllers

1 2.1 0 Documentation and designations 12.1 0.1 Documentation IEC 61082 Preparation of documents used in

the electro-technology This basic document describes how to compose documents used in the electro-technology and is, therefore, also applicable for the domain of sub stations. IEC 61355 Classification and designation of

documents for plants, systems and equipment This standard series is applicable to the classification of documents for substation and substation automa tion systems also.

12.9 Data and software standards


12.1 0.2 Graphical symbols

12.9.1 Disturbance recorder data

Symbols for electrical diagrams, also especially for protection devices/functions are defined in

A standard storage format of disturbance recorder data (COMTRADE format) is defined in the following two related (i.e. identical) standards:

IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams Parts 2 to 11 are available by IEC in database form.

12.10.3 Classifications and designations IEC 60750 Item designation in Electro-Technology

(Standard withdrawn and replaced by IEC 61346) The following commonly used DIN standards are based on the IEC standard above and give some more details: DIN 40719 T1 Schaltungsunterlagen:

Begriffe, Einleitung DIN 40719 T1 Schaltungsunterlagen:

Kennzeichung von Betriebsmitteln This standard series provides also the designat:on for switchgear, e.g. the well-known Q-numbering for switches. These standards are now being replaced by IEC 61346-1 Industrial systems, installations and

equipment and industrial products- Structuring principles and reference designations - Basic rules IEC 61346-2 Industrial systems, installations and

equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations - Classification of objects and codes for classes The German version now replacing DIN 40719 is

12.10.4 Designation and identification


More definitions for use in documentation are defin ed in IEC 60445 Basic and safety principles for man machine interface, marking and identification Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors, including general rules for an alphanumeric system IEC 61175 Designations for signals and connections IEC 616661ndustrial systems, installations and

equipment and industrial products Identification of terminals within a system

12.10.5 Relationship between standards

DIN EN 61346-1 lndustrielle Systeme, Anlagen

-Plant objects (e.g.bay) -Designation of object

und Ausrustungen und lndustrieprodukte -

e.g. Drawings

Strukturierungsprinzipien und Referenzkenn zeichnung - Teil 7: Allgemeine Regeln

Symbols For diagrams

DIN EN 61346-2 lndustrielle Systeme, Anlagen

und Ausrustungen und lndustrieprodukte - Struk turierungsprinzipien und Referenzkennzeichnung Teil2: Klassifizierung von Objekten und Kodierung von Klassen The standard IEEE Std C37.2-1996 Electrical power system

device function number and contact designation provides the device functions numbers as issued by IEEE especially for protection. The equivalent IEC graph ical symbols are found in IEC 60617 mentioned above.

Data exchange between objects

Set of documents

'II\ Object oriented structuring of documents

Figure 72-1 Relationship between standards for designation and documentation, as used by Project management and Engineering Tools (example System and project management


1 2.11 System and project management

certification to be used depends on the kind of busi- ness. The applicable standard for the substation automation business is ISO 9001. ISO 9000:2000 Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary


12.11.1 Introduction No standards but requirements for the complete area of system and project management are found in IEC61850-4 Communication networks and systems in substations - system and project management

1 2.11.2 System management and development process

ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems -


sets out the requirements for an organization whose business processes range all the way from design and development, to production, installation and service. ISO 9001

ISO 10001:1997 Quality management systems Guidelines to quality in project management

An additional quality assurance is the certification of project managers by an internationally accepted organization like IPMA Qnternational _Eroject ManaSystem management and development are business gernent sociation) or PMI (..Eroject Management processes addressed also by ISO 9000 (9001, 9002, )nstitution). 9003) series with its three quality assurance models (see below). They are used to certify the quality standard of organizations. The type of certification to be used depends on the kind of business. The applicable standard for the substation automation business is ISO 9001. Regarding the software development process dominating today's development the following standard applies: ISO 9000-3 Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards- Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO 900 7 to the Development Supply, and Maintenance of Software

12.11.3 Project execution process Project execution contains project management, design and engineering, and production and testing. No dedicated standards exist for the substation automation execution process. For project requirements see chapter 12.13 below.


General standards addressing the business processes are the ISO 9000 (9001, 9002, 9003) series with its three quality assurance models. They are used to certify the quality standard of organizations. The type of

12.12 Verification of standard conformance

1 2.12.1 Application criteria The criteria listed shall apply to the equipment being directly tested, and any device linked to the equipment via direct or remote connections. Examples of connections are current loops and voltage circuits (DC, audio, carrier or microwave). Serial, parallel, optical fiber and radio frequency connections are included.

12.12.2 Conditions to be met The equipment shall be considered to have passed the tests if - during, or as a result of, the tests - all of the following conditions are met for the equipment and the connected devices:


• no malfunction occurs;

12.12.5 Test points for EMI tests

• no occurs;

Tests shall be included for:




• no change in calibration beyond normal tolerance is caused by the test;

• power supply inputs to each device;

• no loss or corruption of stored memory or data occurs, including active or stored settings;

• permanently connected substation computers;

• system resets do not occur, and manual resetting is not required; • established communications are not permanently lost; • if disrupted, established communications automa tically recovers within an acceptable time period; • communication errors, if they occur, do not jeopardize the protective or control functions; • no changes in the states of the electrical, mecha nical, or communication signal outputs occur. This includes alarms and status outputs; • no erroneous, permanent change of state of the visual, audible, or message outputs occurs. Momentary changes in these outputs during the tests are permitted; • no error outside the normal tolerances for data communication signals (SCADA analogues) occurs.

• alarm and auxiliary 1/0 connections; • keying and output connections between bay equipment and telecommunications interface equipment; • all metallic connections to any Ethernet hub, including power supply inputs, alarms, and ports utilizing balanced twisted pair inputs; • stimulus and response; • response depending on background load. Items excluded from testing in most conventional test are • non-metallic connections, such as fiber; • temporary connected maintenance computers; • connections that, as stated by the manufacturer, must be less than 2 m in length. But these items shall be properly tested in a compre hensive test of a Substation Automation System also.

12.12.3 Equipment functioning During and after the tests, the equipment and the connected devices shall bE! completely and accurate ly functional as designed, unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer.

12.12.4 Exceptions Exceptions to the acceptance criteria pertinent to the equipment shall be stated in the manufacturer's spe cifications for the equipment.

12.13 Project Requirements and tests Standards are part of any specification. But the--sub station automation system to be delivered has to ful fil all features specified in addition. These specifica tions are verified in the factory 6cceptance est (FAT) and in the ite 6cceptance Iest (SAT) according test plans agreed between the supplier and customer (see chapter 21 of this book).




1 !

1 2.14 References


[1) Switchgear Manual,@ ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen Mannheim, 10th revised edition, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 2001 [2)1nternational Electricity Cornrnission (IEC): wv\lw.iecch [3) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): wvwv.ieee.org [4) Deutsches lnstitut fUr Normung (DIN): wvwv.din.de [5) International Standard Organization (ISO): wvwv.iso.org



13 The System Standard IEC 61850 for Substation Automation

13.1 IEC 61850 for interoperability in substations 13.2 lnteroperability and open systems 13.3 IEC 61850 as system standard for substations 13.4 Structure 13.5 Approach

302 302 303 303 305

13.5.1 The communication approach 13.5.2 The model approach 13.5.3 The engineering approach

305 306 307

13.6 Seamless Communication for Utilities


13.6.1 Network Control 13.6.2 Teleprotection

308 308

13.7 Benefits 13.8 References !

13 Table of content

309 310

13.8.1 Introduction 13.8.2 Read more

310 311








13 The System Standard IEC 61850 for Substation Automation


I • -·1I


13.1 lnteroperability in substations The objective of the new international standard IEC 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations is the interoperability between IEDs

that originate from various suppliers, to enable the unrestricted exchange and usage of data to perform their individual dedicated functionality. lnteroperabtlity is the ability of two or more

intelli gent electronic devices from the same vendor, or dif ferent vendors, to exchange information and use that information for correct cooperation. · Note: The scope of IEC 61850 is interoperability but not interchangeability. lnteroperability is a prerequisi te of interchangeability, which is the ability to replace a device from the same vendor, or from different vendors, utilizing the same communication interface and as a minimum, providing the same functionality, and with no impact on the rest of the system. If dif ferences in functionality are accepted, the exchange may require some changes somewhere in the system also. Interchangeability implies standardization of func tions and, in a strong sense, of devices, which are both outside the scope of IEC 61850.

13.2 lnteroperability and open systems

Open to free information exchange between devices form different suppliers: Not only


terminal based access of human beings is request ed but also the exchange of understandable infor mation between devices and the mutual use for its own or common purposes. Functions from devices of different supplies may be combined to common modes of operation like sequences. This feature is called global interoperability and is the basic require ment for any kind of open systems and, therefore, the key for any modern communication standard. The term global refers to the requirement that there shall be one common standard world wide for the global business emerging today, i.e. no split between the IEC and ANSI world is accepted.



free I

Open to follow the state-of-the-art in commu nication: Despite the requested long-term stability of the communication system, advantageous deve

lopments in communication technology may result in favor to use a more modern one. To safeguard all the costly applications the standard has to be future proof by approach. Any technological update shall have no impact on the application. Open to support different and changing system philosophies: There are different

philoso phies, what functions are allocated to which devices. Some utilities prefer decentralized solutions, other

Systems with interoperable data exchange are ;,open systems'In the past, substation automation systems had been interoperable or open by standardized vol tage and current levels used at the device interfaces, e.g. 110/220 V, 1/SA, 20 mA, 10 V, etc. Today, the serial communication has to be open. As. seen in Figure 13-1, systems may be open to different direc tions.

302 Figure 73-1 openness

ones more centralized solutions, some prefer to have a high level of integration of functions in one box. other ones prefer dedicated devices for any func tion. Therefore, the communication standard has to support the free allocation of functions. Open to support state-of-the-art system tech nology;Depending on the state-of-the-art in system





technology of the application domain preferred system structures may change. For example, some sensor technologies prefer passive fibers, other ones full serial communications resultiY"Jg in different places for process interfaces, New functions may emerge over the time. Therefore, the communication stand ard has to support not only the free allocation of func tions but also to provide extension rules.


Open to easy communication engineering and maintenance: A device is defined by its allocated

functions. A system is defined by its devices and the connections in between. Therefore, a communication standard has to have some means to describe these properties. If such a description is part of the standard the system may be extended and modified civer the complete life cycle with any tool using this formal description, also by different suppliers. All these kinds of openness are supported by stand ard IEC 61850.

13.4 Structure


The Standard IEC 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations

comprises the following parts: IEC 61850-1 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 1: Introduction and overview

The part 1 gives a short overview and introduction about the standard including history, goal. basic con cepts and the document structure IEC 61850-2 Communication networks and systems in substations- Part 2: Glossary

The standard uses terms from different areas, i.e. from substation automation, information technology and communication. To support the reader, all impor tant terms are collected and shortly explained in part 2.

1 3.3 IEC 61850 as system standard . for substations This standard is not only the most advanced and uni versal standard for communication but also a comp rehensive system oriented standard for substation automation systems, in view the fad that it standar dizes not only the communication in terms of a se lected ISO/OSI stack but also the system related aspects like • Recommendations for system and project management • Domain specific data model including rules for functional (object) extension, • Domain specific system services • Substation configuration language, • Conformance testing.



IEC 61850-3 Communication networks and systems in substations- Part 3: General requirements

The devices of substation automation systems and of its communication reside mostly in a harsh, dedicated environment. All standards applicable for·the general requirements of substations are collected in part 3. IEC 61850-4 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 4: System and project management

To improve the confidence between suppliers_ and users of substation automation systems and its com munication, rules for handling are neeaed for system and project management Recommendations are given in part 4.







IEC 61850-5 Communication networks and

systems in substations - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and devices models

Communication in substation follows the state-of the-art in communication technology, but its only pur pose is t:::> support all functions to be performed in substations. Therefore, a lot of requirements arise from these functions, i.e. from the domain substation automation. All these requirements are collected and defined in part 5. IEC 61850-6 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical Substations related to lEOs

The impact of interoperability is that devices from dif ferent suppliers have to be combined to one system by the system integrator with his dedicated engineer ing tool. Therefore, the complete system with its en tire devices and communication links has to be de scribed in a formal way in the engineering process. The XML-based ubstation onfiguration descripton .Language (SCL) for IEC 61850 compliant systems is standardized in part 6. IEC 61850-7-1 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-1: Basic communi cation structure for substation and feeder equip ment - Principles and models

Part 7 defines - based on the requirements from part 5 - the object oriented data and service model need ed in substations. Part 7-1 introduces the principles of modeling. IEC 61850-7-2 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-2: Basic communi cation structure for substation and feeder equip ment - Abstract communication service interface



For interoperability, not only data have to be standar dized but also the access to these data called servi ces. In part 7-2, all general and domain specific servi ces are defined. IEC 61850-7-3 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7-3: Basic communi cation structure for substation and feeder equip ment - Common data classes

Part 7-3 combines all common data attributes to common data classes to be used in part 7-4. This combination facilitates both the overview for the rea der and the implementation for the software en gineer. IEC 61850-7-4 Communication networks and . systems in substations - Part 7-4: Basic communi cation structure for substation and feeder equip ment - Compatible logical node classes and data classes

Part 7-4 shows the content of standardized data to be exchanged in the substation. It uses terms well known to any user of switchgear: The user can check if he finds in the standard all data items he needs. Extension rules show how to overcome application limits. IEC 61850-8-1 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 8-7: Specific commu nication service mapping (SCSM) - Mapping to MMS (ISOIIEC 9506 Part 7 and Part 2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3

The abstract data model and services have to be rea lized by the application layer of the communication stack. The standardized procedure how to do this is called "mapping" and given in part 8 and 9. Part 8-1 specifies the mapping of common services between client (mostly an HMI) and server (lED) and of the communication of eneric Qbject Qriented ubsta tion Events (GOOSE) between devices (IEDs).

1 3.5 Approach

IEC 61850-9-1 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 9-1: SpeCific commu nication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over serial unidirectional multidrop point-to-point link

Part 9-1 specifies the mapping of analog samples over serial unidirectional multidrop point-to-point link, e.g. the serial communication between an electronic voltage or current transformer/transducer and bay units e.g. for protection. IEC 61850-9-2 Communication networks and systems in substations- Part 9-2: Specific commu nication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over !SO/IEC 8802-3

Part 9-2 specifies the mapping of analog samples over bi-directional, bus type serial link As an add-on to part 8-1 it allows e.g. the multi-use of data, changing parameters of the electronic transformers/trans ducers and the transmission of supervision data, commands and trips. IEC 61850-10 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 10: Conformance testing

To guarantee interoperability according to the global standard IEC 61850 between all suppliers and to minimize the risks for system integration, the compli ance with the standard has to be tested in the same way all over the world. Therefore, the conformance testing is standardized in part 10.

13.5.1 The communication approach


The communication technology is changing very rapidly while substations have lifetimes of 30 years and longer. The functionality of substation automa tion is, therefore, changing very rarely. Normally, addi tional functionality is added over the years. Therefore, the standardization has to be focused not so much on the fast changing communication technology but more on the domain specific object data model. Such a domain specific object model consists of objects, i.e. part of functions, which are very common in sub stations like breakers, controllers, and protection, which exchange data with each other. All these data have attributes like time stamps or the validity of data, which have to be known or set for a proper opera tion of the substation automation system. The access and exchange of data is defined by standardized ser vices. The 7-layer ISO/OSI model describes state-of-the-art communication. The layers in decreasing order are (Figure 13-2): (7) Application Layer (Words of the communication with semantic meaning like voltage, position, indication, time) (6) Presentation Layer (Language or coding like ASCII, double bit indication 16 bit analog) (5) Session Layer (Start/stop talking, who of the partners is allowed to talk) (4) Transport Layer (Connection exists, sequence numbers/order, completeness) (3) Network

Layer (Address like phone


(2) Data Link Layer (Length of telegram, error .. _ detection/correction) (1) Physical Layer (Medium/connectors, frequency/level of electrical/optical pulses)

As these layers may change fast corresponding to the changes in the state-of-the-art for communication.


They are not suited very well for long-term standardi zation purposes. Nevertheless, they have to be defin ed in order to achieve common plug properties (Figure 13-2).


The communication stack or some layers of it could be substituted in the future for example by a wireless physical layer or a multi Gigabit link layer. The benefit from the decoupling is that all investments into appli cations are safeguarded, as the object model and the correlated services have not to be changed if the communication is changed and only the mapping of data and services to the stack has to be adapted. ·

In order to enable long term oriented standardization, the approach that has been taken for the IEC 61850 (Figure 13-3) is that the domain specific applications (i.e. object model, services) is decoupled from the communication stack. This allows always the imple mentation of the state-of-the-art in communication; i.e. presently the stack with MMSITCP/IP/Ethernet with optical physical layer is selected.

13.5.2 The model approach To identify the communication requirements and the data modeling requirements, all functions in the sub station have been split into smallest objects (Logical nodes, LN), which communicate with each other and contain all information to be transmitted. The alloca tion of Logical Nodes to multiple devices and control levels is completely free to support any feasible system philosophy of the user. Multiple instances of Logical Nodes may be implemented in the system.

It should be noted that mapping to the full stack is used for Client-Server connections only. For time criti cal communication, i.e. the eneric Qbject Qriented ystem _Events (GOOSE) like trips, blackings, and all indications for automatics, the messages are mapped directly to the Ethernet link layer. Same holds for the analog sampled values.

0) I







(6) Presentation _ (4) Transport

(2) Data link (1) Physical



TH 1


·F A




(5) Session


(4) Transport


·-I-·-I-. (3...)..N_e_tw_._o_rk

Data unit (1 Field) FCS F


Figure 73-2 Communication over a 7-layer /SOlOS/ stack





_ ..,.(..,6..,)_P_re_s_e_n_ta_ti_o_n..... -1

Data unit

PH = Presentation Protocol Control Information SH = Session Protocol Control Information TH = Transport Protocol Control Information NH =Network Protocol Control Information


Data unit

Data unit


(7) Application






PH Data unit


(5) Session


(7) Application

(3) Network I

Incoming Frame Reduction

Outgoing Frame Construction

(2) Data link



1 ,...... 1


-- (1) Physical 1

F =Flag A =Address C =Control FCS = Frame check sequence

i L


The function model is always implemented as soft 13.5.3 The engineering approach ware package in devices. Therefore, the function model has to be complemented by a device The data model with all its options used, the alloca model. (Physical Device, PD), which describes all the tion of LNs to devices, all the communication links, common properties of the device. Logical Nodes are and the allocation of functions to the switchgear as grouped in Logical Devices (LD). The common per the substation single line diagram are described device pro perties are described in the Logical by means of a standardized Substation Configuration Node LPHD (Logical Node of the Physical Device). ·description Language (SCL) that is based on XML. An example of such a model is shown in Figure 1 3- This language is used to exchange data between 4. the system configuration tools of different suppliers during the engineering process. It allows easy exten dibility and maintainability of a substation automation system over a long time (Figure 13-5).

Application (Objects,Services)



Sampled values

Sate-guarding investments

Client- Server communication


Long-term definitions



Application Domain Substation






Stack Interface --'-




Abstract Interface

Adaptation per





Ethernet Link Layer

TCP IP --·--


Stack selection following state-of-the-art ·communication technology

Ethernet Physical Layer with Priority tagging Figure 73-3 The approach of IEC 67850: Splitting the Application Model from Communication Stack


13.6 Seamless Communication for Utilities


All communication capabilities f the involved IEDs are provided to the system configurator as configura tion files by communication from the IEDs, on dedi cated data media, or from an lED database. The allo cation of the functions to the single line diagram and all needed communication links are added. Using this information, the system configuration file can be engineered and loaded (back) into the IEDs. Dedi cated device tools may be needed to configure the functions and marshal the data inside the lED but all have to support the import and export of configura tion files in the SCL format for system engineering.

13.6.1 Network Control ·The basic models and services may be used for utili ty communication tasks also beyond the substation since communication concepts of network control and substation automation have been merged with industrial communication technologies (MMS, TCP/IP). Broadband communication systems of utilities using TASE.2 and IEC 60870-5-104 are today mostly based on TCP/IP networks as used by IEC 61850 also. Seamless communication requests only a har monization of the data models used at network level i=

PO "Bay Unit"

LD for the device



8> (§) @) LD "Bay control"

LD "Line protection"



Figure 13-4 Device model according to IEC 67850 with the Logical Nodes LLNO (Common properties), PD/S (Distance), PTOC (Timed overcurrent), CSWI (Switch controO. C/LO (Interlocking), LPHD (Physical device information)


. ?

. '?

Engineering environment

Engineering Workplace

lED Capabilities (LN, DO, etc)



System Confi


. ConlfEigDurator


File transfer remote


File transfers and

File transfer

SA system

Association, relation to Single line diagram, preconfigured, reports, etc


parameterization with IEC61850 services ;_

§!' B) .


·.;J2J] -,-_

- --:;..,.,.-- .---

Figure 13-5 SCL exchange during engineering process

13.7 Benefits ommon Information Model (CIM) according to IEC 61970) and used at substation level (IEC 61850 data model). IEC TC57 already proved the feasibility of this concept.

1 3.6.2 Teleprotedion The data model and the services of IEC 61850 pro vide already the functionality for line protection sche mes (refer to Logical Node PSCH) as releases and blackings for distance protection and other schemes used to increase the selectivity of protection. The transmission of samples as needed for line differen tial protection is outside the substation basically the same as inside. This provides seamless communica tion also for protection.



The main benefits of the standard result from the fact that IEC 61850 is a • global system standard for lnteroperability between devices from various suppliers that are installed in a substation. This allows optimizing the selection of devices for dedicated applications and will improve competition. • future proof standard because of the split between the application model and the communication stack This allows modifying and extending the application (functions, data) without touching the communication stack. Reverse, any update of the communication stack according to state-of-the-art in communi cation technology will have no impact both on functions and databases.




• comprehensive standard for all functions in

substations including rules for functional exten sions_ This allows to cover all types of substations and to evolve substation automation systems with increasing requirements. • standard with a comprehensive standardized Substation Configuration Description Language (SCL). This allows for easy engineering and maintenance of substation automation systems.

1 3.8 References

13.8.1 Introduction [1] L_ Andersson, K-P. Brand · The Benefits of the coming Standard !EC16850 for Communication in Substations Southern African Power System Protection Conference, Johannesburg, November 8-9, 2000 [2] R. Dinges ·Standardisierung in der Schutz- und Stationsleittechnik (Standardization in Protection and Substation Automation) ETG-Fachtagung "Schutz- und Stationsleittechnik'; NOmberg, 23124.10.2001 [3] K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer·Der Standard IEC 61850- Offene Kommunikation in Schaltanlagen im deregulierten Strommarkt (The Standard /EC 6-1850- Open Communication for Substations in the deregulated Electric Energy Market) Bulletin SEVNSE 93, 1 (2002) 9-13



1 3.8.2 Read more


[4] Ch. Brunner, A. Ostermeier · Serial Communication Between Process and Bay Level- Standards

and Practical Experience CIGRE 2000, Paper 34-106 (9 pages), Paris, September 2000 [5] J. Haude, A. Janz, Th. Rudolph, Th. Schaffler, H. Schubert · A pilot Project for testing the Standard

Drafts for Open Communication in Substations - First Experiences with the future Standard IEC 67850 CIGRE 2000, Paper 34-109 (6 pages), Paris, September 2000 [6] 0. Preiss, A. Wegmann· Towards a composition model problem based on /EC67850, Preceding of the 4th Workshop on Component-Based Software Engeneering, Toronto, May 14-15, 2001 [7] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· The Communication Standard IEC67850 supports flexible

and optimised Substation Automation Architectures 2nd International Conference on Integrated Protection, Control and Communication - Experience, Benefits and Trends, Session IV. Paper 3, New Delhi, India, October 10-12, 2001 [8] L. Andersson, K -P. Brand, W. Wimmer · Some Aspects of Migration from present Solutions

to SA Systems based on the Communication Standard IEC 61850 2nd International Conference on Integrated Protection, Control and Communication - Experience, Benefits and Trends, Session IV. Paper 4, New Delhi, India, October 10-12, 2001 [9] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer · The Impact of the coming Standard IEC 67850 on the

Life-cycle of Open Communication Systems in Substations Transmission and Distribution 02001, Brisbane, Australia, November 11-14, 2001 [10] Eric Udren, Steven Kunsman, Dave Dolezilek ·Significant substation communication

standardization developments Paper presented at the Western Protective Area Distribution Automation Conference (WPDAC), Apri/2002 [11] Ch. Brunner, G. Schimmel, H. Schubert ·Standardisation of serial/inks replacing parallel wiring

to transfer process data - Approach, state and practical experience CIGRE 2002, Paper 34-209 (6 pages), Paris, September 2002 [12] R. Baumann, K-P. Brand, Ch. Brunner, W. Wimmer · Der Standard IEC 67 850 in Schaltanlagen

als Kern einer durchgangigen Kommunikation!osung fUr den Netzbetre1ber (The StanEfard IEC 61850 in Substations as nucleus of a transparent Communication Soiution for Network Operators), Bulletin ElectroSuisse 94, 3 (2003)


14 Phase Models of Substation Automation Systems

14.1 The concept and limits of life cycles and phases 14.1.1 Life cycles Cycles and metacycles From cycles to phases 14.1.2 Two kinds of life cycles for substation automation System or manufacturer life cycle Project or customer life cycle Related standards 14.1.3 Responsibilities 14.1.4 From device to system 14.2 System or manufacturer life cycle 14.2.1 Market observation and continuous development 14.2.2 Concept and design 14.2.3 The impact of platforms and application modules 14.2.4 Prototypes and testing 14.2.5 First production and conformance certification 14.2.6 Production with quality control 14.2.7 Change requirements and updates 14.2.8 Outphasing and continuation 14.3 Project or customer life cycle 14.3.1 Acquisition and offer phase Sales activities Requirement Specification Specification Evaluation Design Specification and tender Offer Evaluation 14.3.2 Project Execution Project manager Organization Tools 14.3.3 Project Execution Phase I (Factory) Set-up of Project Management Refinement of System Design 14.3.4 System Production Prerequisites System engineering SW Engineering HW Engineering Production of adaption of software Production of hardware System integration

315 315 315 315 315 315 316 316 316 317 317 317 317 317 317 317 317 317 318 318 318 318 318 319 319 319 319 319 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 321 321 321 321


Table of content



Table of content System in,tegration Factory Acceptance Test (FAD Factory Acceptance Test (FAD 14.3.5 Project Execution Phase II (On-site) Shipping of the system Commissioning on-site . Site Acceptance Test (SAD 14.3.6 Maintenance Phase Warranty period Life cycle maintenance Decommissioning 14.4 References


321 321 321 321 321 322 322 322 322 322 322


14 Phase Models of Substation Automation Systems

14.1 The concept and limits of life cycles and phases 14.1.1 Life cycles Cyc!es and metacyc!es From cycles to. phases


If we cut off any cycle we get a linear sequence of phases with start and end. Despite the complexity of real life cycles, the resulting phase model is a good guideline in structuring both system development and project management (see Figure 14-2).

Every individual, organism, organization, product, and system show an important feature of life, i.e. they appear, exist for some time and disappear. They are replaced by identical successors, or by ones transfor med by evolution. Substation automation systems also show such a life cycle.

Idea for new solution



The strictness of the life cycle concept for substation automation is limited since there may be a conti nuous development (updates) of systems and com ponents by the manufacturer or a stepwise upgrade of installed systems on-site. This may results in some kind of meta-cycles and short cuts (see Figure 14-1). Problems New requirements

No upgrades possible

Figure 74-2 Phases derived from cycles

14.1.2 Two kinds of life cycles for substation automation Problems,


Idea for


new soluti on

Any product or system has its life cycle inside the manufacturer from design over production to out phasing. Any project delivered to a customer has its dedicated life cycle from acquisition over delivery to maintenance. System or manufacturer life cycle . Figure 74-7 Cycles and metacyc/es

This cycle goes from market supervision over design and development to production, resulting in a pool of solutions. The solutions itself (products, systems) may either be maintained, updated from time to time or out-phased. This cycle is driven by the product and






7 4. 7 .2.3 Related standards


The standard IEC 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations provides in its part 4 (IEC 61850-4 System and project management) recom mendations for some aspects for both types of the life cycles.

and system business of the manufacturer. Key factors are customer needs realized in development accord ing to state of the art, competitive cost for both deve lopment and production and, finally, the related mar ket success (see Figure 14-3).

14.1.3 Responsibilities During the life cycles alternating responsibilities may appear. For the system life cycle inside the manufac turer, sales people, product manager, and develop ment engineers are involved. Typically for the project life cycle is the interaction of manufacturer, system integrator and customer. Very often, the manufactu rer of the main components and the system integra-

7 4. 7 .2.2 Project or customer life cycle This cycle starts also with market supervision in the background. It goes then from customer specification over manufacturer offer, production, and commission ing to operation. It is continued by some maintenan ce time until decommissioning. Looking for replace ment closes this cycle. This cycle is driven by the power business of the customer. Key factors are the production and transmission cost of power, the policy for investment in infrastructure, the cost and mana gement of assets and, finally, the related market suc cess (see Figure 14-4).

Figure 74-3 Detailed System or Manufacturer Life Cycle (example). OM = Order manager, 80 = Business development, E = Engineering, F = Fabrication, OH = Order handler, PL =Project management, PM= Product management, T = Technical staff, S = Sales people Product Management Decision for Actions

Strategic Marketing Functional Strategies

PRS Project Requ.Spec


maintenance (Information) PM

SID Akquisjtion

Promotion Market obser vation









--· I I



URS Update Requ.Spec.

Project develop ment










team PMIS.Eff



(Missing issues)

MRS . Market Requ.Spec PM

Product develop· ment










Offers Deliveries

















. Informati

Concepts Documents




on 1

about existence 1


Competitive Product Pool

Introduced Products

Hardware, Software, Services, Tools, Ucensable Know-how, Documents, Information

Streamlined product pool


tor are the same. In any case, a clear definition or negotiation of responsibilities is essential for substa tion automation projects.

14.1.4 From device to system Substation automation is a system composed of pro ducts and interconnected by· communication. There may be dedicated life cycles for platforms, devices, product families, etc At any time, a system has to exist but maybe with changing components. The sys tem as such will also have a life cycle defined by a system generation. Without special comments, the text will refer always to substation automation sys tems as whole.

14.2 System or manufacturer life cycle 14.2.1 Market observation and continuous development Close contacts with the customers, continuous obser vation of the market, and fast following the needs of the customers is at the beginning of this cycle (see Figure 14-3). It is the joint task of sales and product management. To monitor the trends in technoloqy is mainly the task of the development. Its impact to-solutions has to be closely discussed with the product management.

cycle as shown in Figure 14-3 more complicated. The most visible process is the life cycle for products but behind we have the life cycles for platforms, applica tions, and system concepts. All these cycles may be completely asynchronous. Important is the conti nuous compatibility best provided by internal and external standards like IEC 61850 de-coupling the application from the implementation of the commu- nication stack. ·

14.2.4 Prototypes and testing In this phase, the feasibility is verified and basic fea tures are tested internally. Also testing against appli cable standards may be included. If all products are part of systems, the system behavior has to be includ ed also. System testing implies testing of functiona lity, behavior and performance over several commu nicating devices. Therefore, the guidelines for com munication testing in the substation domain found in the report of the CIGRE Task Force TF34.01 (2002) are necessary but not sufficient for a comprehensive system testing in any case.

14.2.5 First production and conformance certification Normally, the first series has to be out for approval regarding performance testing in independent labs or conformance testing according to important stand ards. Conformance testing according to IEC 61850 is found in part 10 of this standard (IEC 61850-1 0).

14.2.2 Concept and design

14.2.6 Production with quality control

Defining solutions or a solution pool with benefit labels for customers and competitive market prices has to be the joint effort of product management development and sales. ideas have to be transfor med to solutions by design and development.

Over the product lifetime, the system and their com ponents are produced continuously under state-of the-art quality control (standard ISO 9001). This pro duction keeps the pool of solutions filled.

14.2.3 The impact of platforms and application modules

Experience from projects and production, from pro gress in technology, and the extension of market requirements, may trigger changes. These changes will result in updates of devices and systems.

The split of products and systems in the basic plat form and the application makes the manufacturer life


14.2.7 Change requirements and updates



14.3 '




; /


Fixing deviations







I .; Fixing on-site problems

I I I \ \ \ \







Figure 7 4-4 The project or customer life cycle

14.2.8 Outphasing and continuation If all updates regarding technology, production cost (market price!), and functions are exhausted, devices and systems will be out-phased. Recommendations for out-phasing procedures will also be found in IEC 61850-4. As long as the business is continued, next generations of devices and systems have to be intro duced continuously.

• Collect information about utility environment, needs and coming projects. • Propose solutions in the sense of consultative selling with benefits for the customer. • Respond fast on project specifications issued by the customer.

14.3 Project or customer life cycle

7 4.3. 7.2 Requirement Specification

14.3.1 Acquisition and offer phase

The customer has to define in the specification his requirements as precise as possible. Precise means not in any case specifying all details. It could be a description of the switchyard, a definition of all func tions needed, some performance figures like availabi lity, and life cycle cost. In this case, the selection of

7 4.3. 7. activities 318

beginning of this cycle also (see Figure 14-4). Now the focus is on the early identification of coming pro jects. There are three checkpoints:



For manufacturers,close contacts with the customers, continuous obseNation of the market and fast follow ing the needs of the customers is important at the

devices and configuration for the substation automa tion system may be left to the manufacturer. Only if the statements of the customer are clear and leave no room for interpretation of his needs, the customer will get comparable offers. Guidelines for specificati on and a sample specification are given in chapter 16. The following points should be in the checklist: • Problem and process needs

• Financial (budgets) and time (schedule) goals • Switchgear to be controlled • Functions and performance • Physical boundary conditions like space restrictions and environment • Logical boundary conditions like connections with other systems • Life-cycle expectations • Standards to be followed

• Cons

ulting and maintenance needs if applicable The result of this phase will be a specification (see chapter 21) made by the customer or a consultant in charge.

7 Specification Evaluation

• develop a project schedule and calculate a competitive price, • write the offer text as precise as possible and close to the specification to avoid any misinter pretation by the customer, • explain deviations, • tender a maintenance contract if applicable. The result of this phase will be an offer issued by the manufacturer for the customer.

74.3. 7.5 Offer Evaluation The customer has to check any offer for compliance with the requirement specification, i.e. for • functionality and performance, • reasons for deviations if any, • for delivery and price conditions, • for maintenance and life cycle cost if applicable. The result will be an order by the customer. Only in the worst case, none of the offers may be accepta ble. This is an indication for some problems left in the specification. In this case, an updated specification should be issued.


The manufacturer has to evaluate the specification for content and completeness. Points for the checklist are • functions, signals and performance requirements, • HMI requirements, • connection requirements with other systems, • project plan and time schedule, • life-cycle aspects, • commercial, legal and financial aspects. Design Specification and tender Now the manufacturer has to translate the evaluated specification to fit to his soiution pooi, preferentially to his set of pre-defined and pre-tested standard solu tions. He has carefully • transform the requirements into functions and its standard system design as far as possible,

14.3.2 Project Execution The project execution may be a very complex task depending on the size and complexity of the project. The project manager and its team have to perform this task. They have to be supported by the orga nization and proper tools. Project manager The project manager is fully responsible for all aspects of the project including the results. Therefore, he has to have many skills, e.g. • he is an entrepreneur regarding his complex project (manager), • he has to know all legal aspects of the contract where his project is based on (law), • he has to know the context or process back ground of his project (power system),


7 Refinement of System Design The order has to be reviewed by the project team and checked for deviations from the offer. Points for the checklist are listed below.


• he has to know all functions and implementations of the substation automation system at least regarding his project (domain specialist), • he has to have close contacts with the customer based on mutual trust (personal relationship), • he has to have close contacts to his base organization (full support),

• Clarification of discrepancies • Refin€ment of the design if applicable • Setting up a test plan if applicable and not yet included in the offer • Asking for approval of the customer if applicable • Revision handling

14.3.4 System Production

• he has to be able to lead a team (team coach) including conflict management.

7 4.3.4. 7 Prerequisites

7 Organization

Besides the project management tools, competitive system production for a project needs a lot of tools or a tool set for

The project manager may have all skills requested but he cannot do all by himself, especially in complex pro jects. He needs a team of experts (resources) cover ing all aspects over the long run of his project. He has to know where he can get fast additional support in his base organization.

7 Tools The project manager needs a tool, which allows con trolling the progress of his project and its financial sta tus. It has to indicate milestones, to allow planning of resources, to follow the schedule, to manage the resources, and to monitor the financial status at any time. A remote access of the customer to some aspects of the project status may increase the trust of the customer in the supplier and its project manage ment.

14.3.3 Project Execution Phase I (Factory)

7 4.3.3. 7 Set-up of Project Management The sales people have to pass the received order to project management. Thfirst steps to do are to • install a project manager, • review and detail the time schedule if applicable, • allocate resources and define a project team,

• System Engineering, • Software Engineering, • Hardware Engineering, • Device and system configuration, • Documentation, • Testing.

7 System engineering The standard IEC61850 Communication networks and systems in substations has standardized also a

Substation automation system configuration de scription language (SCL in IEC 61850-6). This is a for mal

description of the substation automation system from the communication point-of-view. It includes the allocation of functions and devices to the switchgear also. Important is the production and archiving of all requested project documents in electronic form. This should include also all project specific programs and data. A part could be configuration and engineering files (SCL) according to IEC 61850-6.

7 SW Engineering

SW engineering may include the writing of programs but it means increasingly configuring and combining 320 • ask for approval of the customer if applicable.

existing modules.

Configuring refers to instantiation and setting para meters of functions and data objects including pro cess connections, and services per data. Combining means to set up the communication with all its para meters. HW Engineering Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

HW engineering comprises the cubicle layout inclu- . ding the allocation of devices to cubicles and its local wiring.

The factory acceptance test has benefits both for the manufacturer and for the customer.

A second step takes care of the allocation of the cubicles to the substation and its substation-wide wiring or cabling. This includes both cables for data and power supply. Data may be completely transmit ted over serial links, which are implemented as opti cal fibers, but it means HW also. Production or adaptation of software The result of SW engineering is implemented similar as the result of HW engineering in the devices and system. Action items are • buying SW licenses if applicable, • writing programs or activate these in SW libraries, • production or collection of relevant documen tation, • filling up data bases. Production of hardware The result of HW engineering has to be produced including the following steps. • Buying devices

The manufacturer can fix all problems with the back up of all his techrical facilities and experts resulting in much less problems than at commissioning on-site. By the acceptance of the customer, he has reached an important milestone in project execution, which is often related with some payment. The limit of facr.ory acceptance test is that not all components anc interfaces of the system may be available in the factory. Especially, the switchgear is missing and has w be simulated as good as possible. The key for a successfully performed FAT is the test plan negotiated between the manufacturer and customer.

14.3.5 Project Execution Phase II (On-site)

7 4.3.5. 7 Shipping of the system

7 System integration

After the FAT, the material from the factory has to be shipped to the site of the customer. Then, the recep tion of the material on-site has to be organized and supervised.

• Preparation of test set-up including data and power interconnection (cabling) • Production or collection of relevant documentation • Pre-Testing of the system (Pre-FAT)


The customer or one of his representatives is witnes sing the FAT. Therefore, he may see in time, if all his requirements are fulfilled not only on paper but also by the running substation automation system. He may help clarifying last misunderstandings, and request fixing deviations.

• Producing of cubicles

• Integration of HW and SW as far as not yet covered in the previous steps


Since this phase is outside the direct control both of the manufacturer and of customer, it has the covered by a proper insurance and an appropriate contract.


7 Commissioning on-site


On-site, the system has to be erected according to the site plan and has to be properly assembled. Some parts like building of houses and cabling may be excluded from the project contract and provided locally. These contracts need to be known to the system provider in advance since they may refer to crucial interfaces. After erecting and connecting all parts, the system has to be set in operation (commis sioning).

Spare parts, diagnosis and replacement procedures influence the availability and safety of the system. The main task during this period is a fast response of the manufacturer in case of failures. The meaning of "fast" has to be defined also in the contract.

All functions have to be tested by the commissioning team. If the FAT was very comprehensive, nearly no problems should appear.

7 Site Acceptance Test (SAT) The site acceptance test (SAT) is a crucial milestone both for the manufacturer and for the customer. The key for the SAT is the test plan negotiated bet ween the manufacturer and customer. The customer is witnessing the SAT. Therefore, he may proof that all his requirements are fulfilled not only by a test set-up but by the real system connect ed with the switchgear and all other external equip ment and systems, e.g. with the network control system. He may proof also that the system operates as specified in its dedicated environment. All devia tions will be fixed immediately if possible or accord ing proper negotiations. If the SAT is successfully passed, the manufacturer will get according to the contract nearly all of the out standing price. Some very small amount of the price may be kept for the warranty period but all that is a matter of the contract.

14.3.6 Maintenance Phase Warranty period


Every manufacturer has its standard warranty period. If this figure is valid or some extension of this period is accepted has to be part of the contract.

7 Life cycle maintenance Maintenance after the warranty period is the task of the customer. In more and more cases, this mainte nance is delegated to the manufacturer by a mainte nance contract. The maintenance over the life cycle includes also extensions or upgrades if applicable.

7 Decommissioning Every system has a limited life cycle. If all possibilities for upgrades are exhausted, the system will be decommissioned. If the customer continuous his busi ness he will replace the decommissioned system by a new one.

14.4 References

[1] ICE 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations


[2] IEC 61850-4 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 4: System and project management [3] IEC 61850-6 Communication networks and systems in substations- Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to lEOs [4] IEC 61850-10 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 10: Conformance testing [5] ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality management systems- Requirements [6] CIGRE TF 34.01 (2002) Conformance Testing Guideline for Communication in Substation (to be published by CIGRE in 2003)


15 Benefits of Substation Automation



Introduction Enhanced power system operation to improve performance

15.2.1 A new approach to predict voltage instabilities 15.2.2 Options to counteract power system collapse

15.3 Substation automation to increase reliability and flexibility 15.3.1 15.3.2 15.3.3 15.3.4 15.3.5 15.3.6 15.3.7

Integrated protection and control to accelerate response to problems Under-frequency initiated load shedding to avoid blackouts High speed power transfer fer uninterrupted power supply Adaptive line distance protection to improve selectivity and flexibility Bay oriented busbar protection to maintain system integrity Integrated generator bay protection and control Power transformer protection control and monitoring

15.4 Power system monitoring to work systems harder and to save costs 15.4.1 Data acquisition 15.4.2 Disturbance recording for fault location and power quality assessment 15.4.3 Power system condition assessment for better knowledge

326 326 327 328

15 Table of content

328 328 330 330 331 331 332 333

334 335 335 336


15 Benefits of Substation Automation


1 5.1 Introduction The benefits of Substation Automation that are sum marized in this chapter shall allow more manage ment and business performance oriented readers an easy to read overview. For more detailed information especially on the technical issues, the reader may refer to the dedicated chapters that prGvide compre hensive information and argumentation.

Figure 15-1 Wide Area Protection and Monitoring Scheme


15.2 Enhanced power system operation to improve performance Due to the pressure to improve the performance of the power systems in order to satisfy the ever-increas ing demand for electric power, the networks have to be operated closer to the limits of their power trans mission capacity. This, however, causes higher risks for wide area disturbances to occur due to the lack of

0 1. Decreasin

0. 0. 0.


0. :Shed load 0. 0.0





PIPm 1.0

Maximum power capability

Power- voltage characteristic

Figure 15-2 Voltage instability prediction and load shedding reliable assessment of the actual power system sta bility limits. A Wide Area Protection System 0/VAP), which com plements existing protection and control systems, pro vides new solutions for power system monitoring and for the detection of incipient abnormal system conditions early enough that predetermined defen sive actions can be initiated either manually by the operator or automatically in emergency situations to counteract system instabilities and to maintain power system integrity (Figure 15-1). Phasor measurement units (PMU) that are installed at critical locations throughout the transmission network sample voltage and currents phasor to deliver accu rate and actual real time data about the power system stability conditions. They are synchronized via the global positioning system (GPS) satellites so that simultaneous snapshots of phasors can be taken,

which are collected at the protection center. This approach allows to measure by gathering a large amount of measurands what has to be estimated otherwise, and it results in power system state meas urement rather than power system state

estima tion.

15.2.1 A new approach to predict voltage instabilities The power transfer capacity of transmission lines is defined by its specific PowerNoltage characteristic WAP allows monitoring the voltage decline depen ding on theJoad for voltage instability prediction and to asses the safety margin for the power system ope rator as critical operating information. In case of rapid voltage decline, under-voltage initiated load shedding is automatically conducted in the substation to main tain power system integrity (Figure15-2)



15.2.2 Options to counteract power system collapse As soon as loss of synchronism occurs in the net work. violent transients are induced on the genera ting units located inside or at the border of the out of-step area and consumers have to stand with large disturbances. The strategy against transient instabili ties to be chosen is to initiate load shedding on fre quency criteria and to isolate out-of-step areas as fast as possible and thus save the rest of the grid. With such a strategy WAP is the solution to • detect instabilities,


• provide early indications for slower actions enabling a possible re-synchronization, • initiate rapid action in emergency situations to avoid the spreading of disturbance, • disconnect the out-of-step areas only with high selectivity. Examples of predetermined defense options accord ing to (Figure 15-3) are described with more techni cal details in Chapter 11.

1 5.3 Substation automation to increase reliability and flexibility To exploit all the benefits of advanced power system management the automation of local operations is required as well as the collection, the evaluation and forwarding of data on the power system status and plant condition to higher-level systems. But not only to the network control center but also to all the staff involved with engineering and maintenance at the right time.


In this context, substation automation provides the remote basic control and monitoring functions for

transmission and distribution level substations. Solu tions for substation automation reflect the structure and requirements for reliability and availability of a spedfic substation (Figure 15-4). At station level, they comprise substation automation systems (SA). An ideal system platform offers a set of function modules, which can easily be extended by the user stepwise by adding further higher-level func tions to the basic power system control and monitor ing systems. On the bay level, they include a range of application specific solutions for control, automation, protection, and monitoring of lines, transformers, cable feeders, bus-couplers, bus section couplers and busbar confi gurations. The Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) for protection and control are integral part of these solu tions. The SA system including the capabilities of the specific IEDs lays the foundation for all the higher level remote functions such as advanced power system management and the condition monitoring of the equipment while it is in service.

15.3.1 Integrated protection and control to accelerate response to problems SA concepts with integrated protection and control can further be enhanced with functionality for auto mated real-time corrective control actions beyond autoreclosure in order to avoid shortage of power supply due to spontaneous faults. In this context pro tection relays have seized just to protect single objec ts by reliable detection of faults and initiation of se lective tripping the associated circuit breaker (CB). Programmable automatics for power restorations can enhance its functionality, e.g. for by-passing faulty sec tions of a substation, and for transfer of loads to sound areas in a substation or on to lines as well as for load shedding. So the power flow can be re-estab lished faster, resulting in higher power availability.

·Phasor Measurements E MS Voltage I frequency .----1----. Safety Phasor Evaluation


Voltage instability prediction

margin AS

If !J. S or !J. f < x %

• •

Defence actions against collapse


15.3.1 A S : Safety margin as proximity to voltage collapse

Emergency control schemes


Loa d



Tap generatio


changer control Figure 75-3 Wide area protection options to mainta1n power system integrity


l!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Split of power Changer blocking

Load Generation Power flow system adaptation adaptation control


Network Center I SCADA

Figure 75-4 Substation Automation System with lEOs for




protection and control



Corporate-information system (CIS)_ In t ra n e t






ill_ "l:L..





I :. :I_




.I,.!"........................................................................-(--- ::::::...;

Switch yard

Gate way




:..1 IL j


-- --------- - - - - - -_,..,.-===:::: Local workplace process database

Maintenance Server



Station Bus Ethernet TCP /IP

:_J iji

Star coupler




Cabling Cabling

- =----



. !


This integration also enables more effective usage of lines by allowing switching protection parameter sets e g. depending on weather conditions. This is one prerequisite to the effective usage of a line's power bearing capacity.

15.3.2 Under-frequency initiated load shedding to avoid blackouts When tripping of power generation occurs on a net work, the variation of frequency depends of several dynamic factors in interaction such as the quantity of spinning reserve, the limitations of the prime mover system and the speed of governors, the inertia of the power system or the sensitivity of customer load. This phenomenon is particularly important on isolated power systems where the largest generating unit represents a high proportion of the total demand. On these kinds of power systems, many blackouts can be avoided with the aid of well-tuned load shedding plans.

Conventional load shedding with hard-wired relay logic is static In case of system voltage or frequency decline, the scheme activates tripping of pre-selected circuit breakers regardless of the actual load condi tions. Microprocessor based load-shedding schemes, however, are in the position to take the actual loads into account and to dynamically select only those feeders to be opened, which are needed to regain the frequency stability (Figure 15-5)

15.3.3 High speed power transfer for uninterrupted power supply This is another typical example enhancing the power availability for an industrial process. In case of a trans former fault the load is transferred to a second trans former fast enough that the industrial process can continue without interruption (Figure 15-6). For a more detailed description refer to chapter

F1gure 15-5 Dynamic load shedding via !ED IntelIIgent Ioad shedding unit

132 kV

Se!ective tripping according to actual loads

132 kV




II ..1 I




J----------. .









Line F1 Line Protection

Line Protection


High-Speed Busbar Transfer Transformer Protection

Figure 75-6 High speed busbar transfer

1 5.3.4 Adaptive line distance protection to improve selectivity and flexibility

15.3.5 Bay oriented busbar protection to maintain system integrity

The term "adaptive" is related to a protection philo sophy, which permits automated adjustments of pro tection settings to make them more attuned to the prevailing power system conditions. A typical exam ple is adaptive distance protection (see Figure 15-7).

A transmission substation busbar is a very sensitive node in the network. Due to the convergence of many supply circuits high current values are involved. Busbar failures due to lightning strokes or connect ors melting because of overload are relatively rare, but when a fault occurs the damage can be wide spread by causing disastrous cascade tripping of generators and lines and finally the collapse of the entire power system.

Transmission corridors often comprise lines that are running parallel over long distances. Load shifting from one line to another as a preventive or corrective measure, has to take into account the mutual impe dance between the parallel lines. In addition to this, the allowed power transmission capacity of one of the lines may have to be increased by corresponding adaptation of the protection setting.

Busbar protection schemes have to be very reliable to prevent unnecessary tripping and selective to trip only those breakers necessary to clear the ousbar fault. The clearing time is important to limit the dama ge caused by the fault current and the power resto ration time is crucial to maintain the power system integrity.

It is crucial that the communication links between sta tion 1 and 2 are of very high quality with regard to reliability

and real time behavior.








& t

15.3.6 ....


(: --······················

------1 1-Station 2

Station 1

........._f-, .,----...................---.,



•• I

'P1 t= n} l;l•- --


Figure 7 5-7 Adaptive distance protection for parallel transmission lines

A bay oriented numerical busbar protection with communication to a central evaluation unit· can be upgraded to a complete station protection scheme to contain in addition to the busbar protection function also line or transformer protection functions and even station level interlocking. This integration of functions can further be used for fast auto-reclosure of those busbar sections and transmission lines that are not affected by the busbar fault. Thus the same hardware provides in addition to the busbar protection a back up protection or main 2 object protection, thus en hancing the reliability of the station and reducing costs for spare parts and maintenance (Figure 1 5-8).

1 5.3.6 Integrated generator bay protection and control 332

In case of extending existing power plants by one further generator unit an integrated solution forge-

Figure 75-8 Bay segregated busbar protection


GP Figure 7 5-9 Power generator block control, protection and monitoring system nerator protection and control together with SA may. be more cost effective than to extend the legacy power plant control system.

1 5.3.7 Power transformer protection control and monitoring

A solution with numerical control and protection IEDs for HV bay control (BC), transformer protection (TP), generator protection (GP) and combined MV con trol/protection (C/P) also allows monitoring of the complete bay which comprises generator, DC exita tion system, generator circuit breaker, auxiliaries with regulation transformer 6.3/22.0 kV, generator block transformer 22/400 kV and the 400 kV switchgear (Figure 15-9). The voltage figures are typical exam ples only.

Periodic, off-line tests play an important role in eva luating the general condition of transformers. But more and more utilities wish to have better informa tion and are turning to a sophisticated process to collect information while the equipment is still in ser vice. This on-line monitoring of the transformer aims at improved reliability, at early stage detection of pro blems, and at reduced maintenance cost

Again, more functionality with less hardware enhan ces the system reliability and reduces maintenance costs.

But in the majority of cases, there are neither com munication links nor suitable sensors available for transformer monitoring from remote, which is an ob stacle to install remote monitoring. The installation of a modern transformer protection IED together with a load tap changer control lED in conjunction with







1 5.4 Power system monitoring to work systems harder and to save costs 15.4

a cheep wide-area communication like Internet is a cost effective package for remote control of the tap changer, load dependent control of the cooling sys tem, and for load adaptive protection as well as for remote transformer monitoring. The benefits are optimized transformer load control and better exploitation of the transformer capacity (Figure 1 5-10).

For once neglecting outages as a result of wrong human operation, there are basically three reasons for power interruptions: • The breakdown of a utility asset through normal wear and ageing under working conditions. • The outage of an asset being effected by an external event or fault. • A temporary system disturbance where the external influence disappears. Condition monitoring mainly addresses the wear and aging caused by normal or temporarily abnormal working conditions. Firstly, in that they support the




Figure 15-10 Transformer online monitoring and remote control via Internet

Transformer protection

Transformer control

evaluation of the actual condition of assets, and secondly, in that they might explicitly support the prediction of the further evolution of a detected pro. blem, and the probability of breakdown.

1 5.4.1 Data acquisition The use of intelligent electronic devices (lED) for pro tection and control in substation automation provides from the data acquisition point of view a sound foun dation for basic monitoring systems. It is cost-efficient and relatively easy to enhance with additional, speci fic monitoring task functionality. This may comprise (Figure 15-11) • Disturbance recorders, • Event recorders, • Statistical value recording, • Power quality analyzers, • General purpose programming capabilities. With computing power making its way into the pri mary equipment like the ABB PASS, more and more internal data from high voltage equipment can be made available to the outside at reasonable costs like • Switching counters, • Thermal information, • Quality of isolation media, • Entire timing curves of switching operations, • Switching currents, • Manufacturing data, • Original value of key performance criteria. This kind of data isthe source of valuable condition information and exploited for introducing condition monitoring from remote. For more details on condition monitoring and asset management please refer to chapter 9.

1 5.4.2 Disturbance recording for fault location and power quality assessment


In the last decades, the power systems have been monitored in order to be able to determine the exact type of fault, to find the proper ways to clear the faults, and to check the reactions of the protective devices. This was rather done for reporting purposes, that means extracting the exact picture of the fault, to include these data in reports. Another goal for this monitoring system, was engineering oriented, that is improving the theoretical models of the electrical net works, thus studying the appropriateness, between the "calculated behavior of the network" regards of the "actual behavior of the network': The monitored data was used as well in litigation context, where the responsibility between several actors in the electrical networks was to be looked into for cost assignment in particularly severe conse quences of faults on the electrical network. In some cases, a very accurate analysis of the fault was requir ed to know the exact values of the electrical para meters just before the faults, to see whether such piece of equipment was ,right" to have failed or not. With the power quality concerns, the goals are diffe rent. While the use of the data for internal engineer ing purposes is still valid, a new requirement is to eva luate the level of quality of the electrical supply for giving information, on which legal contractual agree ments can be based upon, and providing data that can be issued to the public This is particularly true with the deregulation occurring on the markets, where legal interfaces have to be defined between, more than one actors of the _energy market.








Such data can be derived from disturbance record ings, which are either conducted by dedicated devic es or by IEDs with integrated disturbance recorders, which belong to substation monitoring or substation automation systems as described in Chapter 9 (Figure 15-13).

1 5.4.3 Power system condition assessment for better knowledge Centralized retrieval and transmission of data, and transforming data and information into knowledge enables the maintenance and protection engineer to asses the condition of the entire power system. Such a system is a decision support tool for the sub stitution of time-based maintenance policies by con dition oriented and reliability centered maintenance concepts and offers the following benefits:




'j ·- ----·. -1\

/\-A f\



Figure 15-13 Disturbance recording and power quality assessment


vv.,. v




'E· t;r '

·.· ,.,....... ··




• Protection related information as input for protection system evaluation


• Direct access to substation monitoring and automation system in emergency cases or for getting dedicated analysis data . • Parameter setting from remote making protection system maintenance more efficient • Assessment of power quality • Historical data base for enterprise resource planning • Visualization of critical areas via geographical information system (GIS) • Identification of weak spots in combination with lightning data base • Support of maintenance and asset management systems


" -- • .:>.1.-·· ·..

l I

Figure 7 5-7 4 Central retrieval and evaluation of event and fault records


16 Guide to SA System Specification

16.1 Introduction 16.2 Specification of user specific requirements 16.2.1 Crucial Questions to be addressed by the Specification 16.2.2 Example of a SA System Specification 16.3 Addressing IEC 61850 in the specification

340 340 341

16 Table of content

344 344


16 Guide to SA System Specification


16.1 Introduction One of the prime objectives of this book is to guide utilities being the users of SA systems to elaborate a technical system specification, which reflects their specific needs and requirements in terms of • operation philosophy, • performance, tenders • availability, eva• maintainability, etc The Specification should be comprehensive enough to provide the vendors of SA systems with a clear picture of the utility specific scope of functionality and preferences as well as of the required system struc- ture. Further, utility specific boundary conditions have to be included as well.

pen that a solution is selected that does not represent the state-of-the-art or is not optimised. On the other hand, the specification should allow enough flexibility that reputable manufacturers' standard technology can be used that assures comprehensive, safe and cost-effective substation automation solutions.

,I .

Any effort spent into the elaboration of this specification is well invested as it results in high quality that are submitted by the vendors and make the luation and decision making process for contract award easy.

16.2 Specification of user specific requirements

The technical change of substation control, forcasted A substation automation system shall provide on one in the beginning of the eighties, started slowly but hand all the functions that are required for the has been more rapid in the last few years. The origired and safe operation of the primary cor- nal question of whether microprocessor technoequipment logy should be applied in HV substations, has comthat is contained in a specific substation as well as for pletely given way to the question of how it should the adequate protection and condition monitoring. be applied, which is crucial for a SA system imple- On the other hand it has to incorporate compatible mentation to succeed. But the specification should interfaces for the connection the switchgear (process of the substation with not restrict the vendor to a specific solution and be interface) and to one or general enough that vendors can design cost effecmore network control centres (tele-control interface). tive solutions to meet the customer requirements. The scope of functionality of a substation automation system depends on the following aspects: The descriptions and recommendations contained in Chapter 6: The functions of substation automation Chapter 7: The substation automation structure Chapter 8: The substation automation architecture


provide comprehensive background knowledge and address the most common users requirements and needs. It is recommended to specify mainly the tunctiona! requirements rather than giving preference to any vendor specific solution. Otherwise, it may hap-

• Size and significance of the substation as well as the range of voltage levels concerned. • Operational processes available to the ].Jser for testing commissioning and operation, as well as for maintaining bulh the substation and the SA-system. • Availability requirements as a criterion related to the substation's criticality and significance in the grid or for consumers.



• Integration of the substation control functions into the user's network management concept, with a varying number of network control levels and a different distribution of functions between network control centres and substation control.

Self-monitoring of devices and communication by checking each function constantly whether all of its corresponding functional partners are available will have an impact on the system availability and safety.

• Decoupiing of the renewal cycles between substation control, power system management and transmission technology.

The requirement to provide for easy future exten sions or upgrade of the system functionality at com petitive prices will most probably make the supplier to use standard modular components.

• In case of retrofit, the integration into the user's existing substation environment in terms of inter faces to the existing equipment and coordination with secondary devices dedicated for protection and monitoring that are not substituted by new IEDs and have to be integrated in the new substation automation system. These influencing factors require the software and hardware components of a substation automation system to be very flexible with regard to combination and parameterisation.


16.2.1 Crucial Questions to be addressed by the Specification The check list on the following pages shall assure that the answers to the most crucial questions is given to the vendors of SA systems.

Due to the numerous influencing factors and the required flexibility, no suggestion should be made for a certain hardware architecture or a certain data trans- · mission procedure for internal communication but IEC 61850 should be referenced as indicated in section 16.3. Therefore, the focus should be on the descrip tion of the functionality and performance require ments to allow for solutions with high economic effectiveness and availability. The required availability of the individual functions depends on the significance of the substation and the primary reseNe strategy of the user. These require ments should be specified by the user to allow for redundancy of function modules, or complete func tions, as well as for the exchange of data, if applica ble. These requirements may also result in the combi nation of several functions in one lED, but such details should not be specified. The detailed project specific execution should be offered by the supplier according to his expertise and the capabilities of his products.



What are the utility specific data?

• Name, address, type of business • Responsible person

Where is the location and what are the environmental conditions?

• Geographical location • Environnemental site condition e Location in the power grid

What is the type and size of substation (SIS) that has to be covered by the SA system?

• • • • • •

How shall the substation automation system be integrated in the power system management?

• Communication to network control centers • Communication to engineering and maintenance centers • Common data model and allocated functions if applicable

What is the role and importance of the substation in the power system?

• The impact of loss of power supply from specific lines • Sensitivity of customers supplied

What are the availability requirements for the SA system?

• Indication of specific availability figures, or "low'; "medium·;,high" • Trouble shooting from remote (access, response time) • Availability of spares

What are the general requirements for the SA system, i.e. the boundary conditions?

• New S/S or refurbishment of conventional control and protection of an existing substation • Details about the control building, switchyard layout, cable trenches, lengths of cables • Details of the grounding system and EMI condition s • Outdoor or indoor installation of the kiosks • Air conditioned relay and control rooms, yes/no • Auxiliary power supply

What kind of process interfaces are available?

• Conventional CT and VT • Non-conventional sensors and actuator with sample rates and accuracy classes • Pre-processing of data in cases of "intelligent" switchgear • Integrated lED functionality in cases of "intelligent" switchgear


Transmission or distribution S/S Voltage levels Single line diagram Type of switchgear bays Air insulated (AIS) or gas insulated (GIS) S/S New or extended S/S

342 What is the scope of functionality?

• Operative functions for control, protection, monitoring, and automation • Functions for parameterization, testing and diagnostics • System configuration and maintenance procedures • Communication including the related standards • Remote access

What is the required performance?

• Response times for HMI • Response times for specific automation functions • Response times for protection • Other quality attributes

What kind of standards and quality measures are required?


• International standards to be applied • Specific utility standards What additional aspects have to be considered?

• Utility specific requirements • Quality assurance • Preferred system architecture • Homologated protection devices and schemes • Extendibility and maintainability • Maintenance concept • Maintenance contract

What are the delivery requirements?

What are the commercial conditions and ! ega! commitments?

• • • •

Scope of delivery Time schedule Acceptance tests Approval process

• • • •

Others Payments Liabilities Legal issues

• General contractor What are the contractors and buyer's responsibilities?

• • • •

Subsupplier System integrator Work to be supplied locally Contributions of the utility personnel

More information needed?

• Project management organization • System and product development philosophy of the supplier (information about new functions, conditions for SW update, etc) • Others




,16.2.2 Example of a SA System Specification The example of a substation automation system spe cification enclosed in chapter 21 :Annex' is to be con sidered a guidance only. For the various requirements specified, a comprehensive description is available in this book.

If a Substation Automation system is needed very soon, the proprietary protocols may still be the right solution, in particular for extensions of existing SA systems. Nevertheless, it may be advisable to address IEC 61850 in the specification for migration scena rios if applicable. In any case, the following parts of IEC 61850 may be helpful for writing the specification: IEC 61850-3 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 3: General requirements

16.3 Addressing IEC 61850 in the specification The standard IEC 61850 (see chapter 13) will be completely finalized in 2003/2004, and compatible products and systems will be available for delivery by 2004/2005, but the first readers of this book will find the following references to this standard already in 2003.


IEC 61850-4 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 4: System and project management IEC 61850-5 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and devices models

For future projects, IEC 61850 should be a key requi rement both for retrofit and new substations (see chapter 13).

17 Strategy to Cope with the fast Changing Technology

17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7

Introduction Vendor commitments Availability of Spares on Site Use of standardized communication Use of a standardized system description language Functional specification References

346 346 346 346 347 347 347

17 Table of content



17.1 Introduction

17.3 Availability of spares on site

Substations are living very long, and although ·their secondary system might be exchanged two or three times during the substation life time, its life time . remains in the order of 10 to 15 years. During this time, the system has to be maintained. This means in minimum the replacement of failed parts, and very often also extension of the system either by new bays or new functions.

A conventional way to protect investments against a fast changing technology is to order a reasonable stock of spare parts. There is a trade off between the numbers needed, the related cost and the aging of spare parts meaning at least the expiration of the warranty. If there are too many spare parts any improvement of the system over the time might be restricted. Also the costs of keeping spares for 10 years or longer are quite high, and there will always remain a risk that there are not enough spares. So normally only an amount of spares to bridge delivery time span should be kept on site, and a contract with the manufacturer should assure spares for the remain ing lifetime. As the manufacturer can make these contracts with many customers, his cost in minimizing the risk to run out of spares is much lower. He can further decide himself if it is better to keep original parts, or compatible parts with new technology, even if they require a bit more adaptation effort at their first implementation.

For conventional systems, extensions were not a big issue as the electromechanical parts lived quite long. For the other parts, manufacturers were selected and contracts made that assured delivery of spare parts for this time, thus shifting the solution of problem to keep spares available to the manufacturers. However, with the introduction of mainstream digital technolo gy, where every year a new HW generation or ope rating system version appears on the market, the solution of the problem becomes more difficult. There are different approaches to handle this pro blem. Some are more organizational, others more technical.

17.2 Vendor commitments


Vendor commitments, as already done now, should be part of the negotiations. For numerical technology they result normally in steps. For a very short period (e.g. 2 years), originally parts will be available. After this time, compatible parts may be delivered. Someyears later, devices with compatible functiona lity will be produced only. Part of the negotiation will be the length of these steps and the way of informa tion of the manufacturer about product replacement strategies and backward compatibility of products respective product versions. Recommendations are found in IEC 61850-4. Do not forget that in a system the communication has to stay compatible if only some parts are exchanged.

17.4 Use of standardized communication The use of international standards like IEC is always recommended for long-term compatibility. As men tioned above, the key for system maintenance is a standardized communication, i.e. for substations IEC 61850. The standard IEC 61850 has also the advan tage that it is based on a concept, which separates the application layers from the basic communication layers, thus allowing to exploit the benefits from the technical advances in communication (especially the lower layers of the stack) without loosing compatibi lity on the application level. The selection of lower lay er standards like Ethernet and TCP/IP, which have al ready proven backward compatibility across a de velopment time of 10 years or more, supports this strategy further.

1 7. 5 Use of a standardized system description language

17.6 Functional specification


. To cope with the fast changing technology and not to specify the past. it is strongly recommended to spe To avoid starting any re-engineering for updates and cify functions, quality and interfaces of systems only extensions from the scratch, a standardized system but not boxes and softwnre (see Chapter 16 "Guide description language in form of computer read to SA System Specification"). able files shall be used. The Substation Configuration description Language (SCL) language of the standard The system description language mentioned above IEC 61850 is such a language. As this language is can be part of this functional specification. It describes manufacturer independent. it would allow with the needed functionality and its connection to the relati vely low effort to replace devices from one switchyard in a form, which can be relatively easy manufac turer with functional compatible ones used by a manufacturer to derive his system solution. from another manufacturer, beneath allowing to use technically advanced and functionally compatible It can then be complemented by a more detailed devices of the same manufacturer. description of each function block

17.7 References

[1] Standards see chapters 12 and 13 of this book [2] I EC 61850-4 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations - Part 4:

System and Project Management

[3]1EC 61850-6 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations- Part 6: Substation Automation System Configuration Language

[4] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer · The Impact of the coming Standard IEC 67 850 on the Life-cycle of Open Communication Systems in Substations

Transmission and Distribution 02001, Brisbane, Australia, November 11-14, 2001




18 Trends and Outlook

18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5

Changes in the Power Industry The Impact of Future Trends in Technologies Dedicated look at Internet technologies Prospects in the Substation Automation Business References

350 350 350 352 352

18 Table of content


18 Trends and Outlook 1.


18.1 Cha,nges in the Power Industry There are a lot of indications that the future_ power systems will be much more decentralized than today, i.e. moving towards an Energy Web with the power network as connection of a lot of small, distributed energy generation units, comparable with the Internet based World Wide Web. Maybe also other energy forms like Hydrogen will compete the electric power.

drastically, and, at least in technically developed coun tries, each home will be accessible by communication with relatively high bandwidth at reasonable costs. The new communication technologies via radio and with Web technologies will also push the use and coordination of distributed generation e.g. with micro turbines, by allowing centralized control and mainte nance of these units from several competing compa nies.

18.3 Dedicated look at Internet technologies

18.2 The Impact of Future Trends in Technologies Besides new energy sources and media, the commu nication capacity and processing power will increase

Internet technologies belong also to mainstream technologies and comprise not only data communi cation but also higher-level information handling tech-

;,f· f,§tecti a- c· ·'-Ma1htenanC:"e ,·

':.- :: _.:


Faul evaluation

. Simul tion se "6es . Training .)Ei}·. , .

SA/SMS Systems



Fault data Disturbance recordings


Disturbance recorders

Network Control Systems


Fault evaluation report (manual evaluation)

Maintenance Asset Management Systems

Figure 78-7 Non time-critical services for power system management

Fault location, Short fault report, (automatics) Customers, Maintenance staff etc


Utility (asset owner)

.... --or-de Monitoring data







Service Company, Maintenance management system

Figure 18-2 Maintenance procedures supported by Internet

nologies. As mentioned above, they will support the access from and to any private home, to all offices and factories at reasonable costs. As impact on industries including power system management, the Internet provides some alternatives to the existing information and control channels. In chapter 13 was mentioned, that also modern com munication standards like IEC 61850 are using TCP/IP, which is the core element of Internet for information routing. A mapping of IEC 61850 to Internet will be possible in the future as well. The Internet client may replace the HMis from today. Critical are real-time applications or applications, which need a well-defined response time or data through put. This is important especially for communication between devices constituting a distributed automa-

tion function. The feasibility of Internet technologies for such applications cannot be claimed today but has to be carefully evaluated in the future. The access security is also critical but there may be solutions from the home banking business. The studies in WG 15 of IEC TC57 address already the security aspects for all communications in power system applications. Non time-critical applications today like status super vision, maintenance services, post-mortem fault ana lysis, asset management, meter reading and billing are already in the trend using Internet technologies. Distribution automation or the distributed generation according to the concept of virtual utilities may also cause some challenges in Internet technologies. Some of those applications are oulined in Fig. 18-1 and Fig. 18-2.


18.4 Prospects in the Substation Automation Business


The topics mentioned above, the distribution of ener gy generation and the general availability of low cost communication channels with high bandwidth might influence the substation business as follows: ·

• Central gathering of statistical and maintenance information can be taken over by central monitor ing systems via Internet in combination with asset management.

A consequence of deregulation is that consistent metering information from substations has to be dis tributed to a lot of different business partners: Trans mission companies, Distribution companies, Genera tion companies, Power Trading companies, etc. This needs a lot of communication connections in a stand ardized way, which is enabled by the technology trends in communication.

More decentralized power systems may result in smaller substations, but the requirements for automation will strongly increase.

• Communication between substations can lead to higher safety, e.g. if the Interlocking scheme knows the states of switches at the other end of a line, or automatic load restoration schemes can initiate switching sequences in the neighboring station. • Network control functions might be allocated down to substation level, some substation functions to the switchgear.

The conclusion out of all these trends is that the importance of substation automation will be increas ing in the future.

• Fast communication links might cause pure SCADA on network level to become superfluous. Remote control of the substation can be done with remote HMI or Web browser directly.

18.5 References [1] Steve Silbermann · The Energy WEB, Wired Magazine, Issue 9.07. July 2001 [2] Georg Hellack, Wolfgang Wimmer· lnternet-Technologien in der Energietechnik

(Internet Technologies in Power System Technology) ETG-Tagung, Eisenach, 2001 [J] R. Baumann, K-P. Brand, Ch. Brunner, W Wimmer

Der Standard IEC 61850 in Schaltanlagen als Kern einer durchgangigen Kommumkations losung fur den Netzbetreiber (The Standard IEC 61850 in Substations as Nucleus of a transparent Communication Solution for Network Operators), Bulletin ElectroSuisse 3 (2003)





19 References

Chapter 2


[1] Volker Lohmann (BBC/Switzerland), Andrew C. Bolton. (ESGOM/South Africa) Gas insulated switchgear developed for 765 kV, Modern Power Systems, February 1985, published by United Trade Press Ltd. London/UK


[2] Eric Engelbrecht (ESCOM/South/Africa), Bernhard Sander, Hermann Schachermayr (BBC/Switzerland) Integrated control for ECOM's 800 kV ALPHA Substation, Transmission and Distribution, Modern Power Systems, October 1987, published by United Trade Press Ltd. London/UK [3] Klaus-Peter Brand, JUrgen Kopainsky, Wolfgang Wimmer · Topology based interlocking of electrical substations, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery PWRD-1, 3, 118-126 (1986)

Chapter 3 [1.1] Olle I. Elgerd · Electric Energy Systems Theory, 2nd ed., Mac Graw Hill, 1982 [1.2] Olle I. Elgerd, Patrick. D. van der Puije ·Electric Power Engineering, 2nd ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997 [2.1] Walter A. Elmore (Ed.) · Protective Relaying Theory and Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York (1994) [2.2] Helmut Ungrad, Wilibald Winkler, Andrej Wiszniewski · Protection Techniques in Electrical Energy Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York (1995) [3] Switchgear Manual, © ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen Mannheim, 1Oth revised edition, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 2001

Chapter 4 Ryan Bird ·Justifying Substation Automation, Black & Veatch, http//:tasnet.com/justa.shtml

Chapter 5 Switchgear [1] Switchgear Manual· ©ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen Mannheim, 10th revised edition, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 2001 [2] KP. Koppel, B. Stepinski, H. Ungrad, K-P. Brand· New Sustation Concepts, 5th Conf. on Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI), Manila (1984) SF6 [3] K-P. Brand, H. Jungblut · The Interaction Potentials of SF 6 /ons in SF 6 parent Gas Determined from Mobility Data, Journal of Chemical Physics 78, 4, 1999-2007 (1983)



19 [4] K-P. Brand ·Dielectric Strength, boiling Point and Toxicity of Gases- Different Aspects References of the same Basic Molecular Properties IEEE Trans. on Electrical Insulation El-17, 5, 451-456 (1982) [5] K-P. Brand, W. Egli, L. Niemeyer, K Ragaller, E. Schade · Dielectric Recovery of an Axially blown

SF6 -Arc after current Zero: Pt.!II- Comparison of Experiment and Theory IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science PS-10, 3, 162-172 (1982) [6] K Ragaller, W. Egli, K-P. Brand ·Dielectric Recovery of an Axially blown SF 6 -Arc after current Zero: Pt./1- Theoretical Investigations, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science PS-10, 3, 154-162 (1982) [7] E. Schade, K Ragaller · Dielectric Recovery of an Axially blown SF 6 -Arc after current Zero: Pt./ - Experimental Investigations, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science PS-10, 3, 141-153 ( 1982) [8] K-P. Brand ·A Model Description of the /on Mobility in SF6 at elevated Pressures, Proc 15th lnt.Conf.on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG) Minsk (1981), Part I, 301-302 [9] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky · Model Description of Breakdown Properties for Unitary electronegative Gases and Gas mixture, Proc 3rd Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), Milan (1979), Paper 31.05 (4 pages) [10] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky ·Breakdown Field strength of Unitary attaching Gases and Gas mixtures, Applied Physics 18, 321-333 (1979) [11] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky ·Particle Densities in a decaying SF 6 Plasma Applied Physics 16, 425-432 (1978)

Sensors [12] F. Engler et al. · Test and Service Experiences on Gas insulated switching Systems and Substations with intelligent Control, Cigre 2000, Paper 34-101 (7 pages), Paris, September 200

Chapter 6 [1] Walter A. Elmore (Ed.) · Protective Relaying Theory and Applictions, Marcel Dekker, New York (1994) [2] Helmut Ungrad, Wilibald Winkler, Andrej Wiszniewski · Protection Techniques in Electrical Energy Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York (1995) [3]1EC 61850-5 Communication netvl/orks and systems in substations- Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models ·

354 (4] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky, W. Wimmer · Mikroprozessor-gestatzte Verriegelung von Schaltanlagen mit beliebiger Sammelschienenanordnung (Microprocessor-aided interlocking of substations with arbitrary busbar arrangement), Brown Boveri Technik 74, 5, 261-268 (1987) [5] K-P. Brand, J. Kopainsky, W. Wimmer · Topology-based interlocking of Electrical Substation, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery PWRD-1, 3, 118-126 (1986) [6] K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer ·An Expert System for Topology based interlocking in digital Substation Control, CIGRE SC34 Colloquium, Brasil.. 21-26 September 1991, Paper 02-10 (7] K.-P. Brand, D. Weissgerber · Adaptive Load Shedding for industrial power networks, CIGRE SC34 Colloquium, Stockholm, 11-17 June 1995, Paper 34-209 [8] B. Sander, S. Laderach (Eiektrizitatsgesellschafl: Laufenburg/Switzerland), H. Ungrad, F. liar, I. De Mesmaecker, (ABB Relays AG/Switzerland) ·Adaptive protection based on interaction between protection and control, Cigre Paper 34-205, September 1994 Session in Paris



Chapter 8 [1] G. W. Scheer, D. A. Woodward · Speed and Reliability of Ethernet networks for Teleprotection and Control, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc (SEL), 2001 [2] G. W. Scheer, D. J. Dolezilek ·Comparing the reliability of Ethernet network topologies in Substation control and Monitoring Networks, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc (SEL), (Western Power Delivery Automation Conference 2000, Spokane, Washington), 2000 [3] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· The impact of the coming standard IEC67850 on the life

cycle of Open Communication Systems in Substations. Distribution 2001, Brisbane, Australia, November 2001 [4] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· The communication standard /EC67850 supports flexible and optimised substation automation architectures, Integrated Protection, Control and Communication Experience, Benefits and Trends, Session IV - Communication for protection and control. (pages IV-17 to IV-23), New Delhi, India, 10-12 October 2001. (5] T Skeie, S. Johannessen, 0. Holmeide · Highly Accurate Time Synchronization over Switched Ethernet. In Proceedings of 8th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'01), pages 195-204, 2001. [6] T Skeie, S. Johannessen, and C. Brunner· Ethernet in Substation Automation, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 22(3): 43-51, June 2002 [7] K-P. Brand, K Frei, 0. Preiss, W. Wimmer· A coordinated Control and Protection Concept Medium Voltage Substations and its Realization, CIRED 1991 [8] 0. Preiss, W. Wimmer· Goals and Realization of an Integrated Substation Control System, DPSP&C 1994, Peking, 1994 . . [9] EWICS TC7, Dependability of critical computer systems, Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1988 [10] CIGRE -Technical Report, Ref. No.180 · Communication requirements in terms of data flow within substations. CE/SC 34 03, 2001, 112 pp. Ref. No




Chapter 9 [1] F. Engler, AW Jaussi ·Intelligent substation automation- monitoring and diagnostics in HV switchgear /nsta!lations, ABB Review 3/1998


[2] R. ltschner, C. Pommerell, M. Rutishauser 0 GLASS - Remote Monitoring of Embedded Systems in Power Engineering, IEEE Internet Computing, May/June 1998

References [3] Xiaobing Qiu, Wolfgang Wimmer 0 Applying Object-Orientation and Component Technology to Architecture Design of Power System Monitoring, PowerCon 2000, 4th International Conference on Power System Technology, Perth, Australia, December 4-7, 2000 [4] I. De Mesmaeker, H. Ungrad, G. Wacha, W. Wimmer 0 The role of SMS in enhancing protection and control functions, CIRED 93, Birmingham, 1993 [5] K.-P. Brand, H. Singh, H. Ungrad, W. Wimmer 0 Enhancement of distribution protection by communication, 2nd Int. Symposium, Singapore, 1991 [6] V. Lohmann Integrated Substation Automation System Support: New Maintenance Strategies for T&D Equipment Electrical Engineering Technical Exchange Meeting at Saudi Arabian Oil Company, November 1998 °

[7] V. Lohmann, I. De Mesmaeker, B. Eschermann ° New Maintenance Strategies for Power Systems supported by Substation Automation, Cigre Conference June 1999 in London/UK [8] V. Lohmann, 0. Preiss · Less Impact of Power Failures Due to Substation Automation, CIRED Conference, 1999 in Nice

Chapter 10 [1] Ryan Bird ·Justifying Substation Automation, Black & Veatch http/ /tasnet.com/justa.shtml [2] V. Lohmann, H. Kattemoelle 0 Enhanced Customer Values enabled by Synergies between Protection dnd Control in HV Substations, lEE International Conference on Power System Control and Management in London/UK April 1996 [3] V. Lohmann, J. Bertsch · Information Technology (IT) and the Application of Numerical Protection and Control Devices to enhance management and Utilization of Power Networks, International Distribution Utility Conference, Sydney/Australia, November 1997 [4] V. Lohmann ° Integrated Substation Automation enables new Strategies for Power T&D, Southern Africa Power System Conference in Johannesburg/South Africa, November 2000 [5] V. Lohmann ° Advances in Power System Management Conference on Global Participation in Indian International Grid, Energy Management and Convergence, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. and Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Mumbai/lndia, August 2001 [6] RT Earp, MA. Lee, C. Proudfoot 0 Worldng the Protection Engineer Harder, Cigre Symposium June 1999, in London/UK Paper No. 320-1


Chapter 11

' 19

[1] Piere Cholley, Peter Crossley, Vincent Van Acker, Thierry Van Cutsem, Weihu Fu, Jose Soto lndianez, Franc liar, Daniel Karlsson, Yasuhiro Kojima, James McCalley, Marian Piekutowski, Goran Rundvik, Roberto Salvati, Olaf Samuelsson, Gilles Trudel, Costas Yournas, Xavier 'vVaymel, System Protection Schemes in Power Networks, Ogre Study Committee Task Force SQF 38.02.19, Final draft vS.O Conference lnternationale des Grandes Reseaux Electriques (Cigre), 2000


[2] Christian Rehtanz · Online Stability Assessment and Wide Area Protection based on Phasor Measurements, Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control V, August 26-31, 2001, Onoomichi, Japan [3] Claudio Canizares · Voltage Stability Report, http:/ /www.power.uwaterloo.ca [4] Defence plans major disturbances, Large Systems and International Connections Study Committee 40.01 SYSTDEP, UNIPEDE, Paris/France

Chapter 12 [1] Switchgear Manual, @ ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen Mannheim, 1Oth revised edition, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, 2001 [2]1nternational Electricity Commission (IEC): www.iecch [3]1nstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): www.ieee.org [4] Deutsches lnstitut fUr Normung (DIN): www.din.de [5] International Standard Organization (ISO): www.iso.org

Chapter 13 [1] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand ·The Benefits of the coming Standard IEC16850 for Communication in Substations Southern African Power System Protection Conference, Johannesburg, November 8-9, 2000 [2] R. Dinges · Standardisierung in der Schutz- und Stationsleittechnik (Standardization in Protection and Substation Automation) ETG-Fachtagung "Schutz- und Stationsleittechnik'; Nurnberg, 23./24.10.2001 [3] K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer · Der Standard IEC 61850 - Offene Kommunikation in Schaltanlagen im deregulierten Strommarkt (The Standard IEC 61850 - Open Communication for Substations in the deregulated Electric Energy Market) Bulletin SEVNSE 93, 1 (2002) 9-13






19 (4] Ch. Brunner, A. Ostermeier ·Serial Communication Between Process and Bay Level - Standards References and Practical Experience CIGRE 2000, Paper 34-106 (9 pages), Paris,"September 2000 (5] J. Haude, A. Janz, Th. Rudolph, Th. Schaffler, H. Schubert · A pilot Project for testing the Standard

Drafts for Open Communication in Substations - First Experiences with the future Standard /EC 67850 CIGRE 2000, Paper 34-109 (6 pages). Paris, September 2000 (6] 0. Preiss, A. Wegmann· Towards a composition model problem based on IEC6785Q Preceding of the 4th Workshop on Component-Based Software Engeneering, Toronto, May 14-15, 2001 (7] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· The Communication Standard IEC61850 supports flexible

and optimised Substation Automation Architectures 2nd International Conference on Integrated Protection, Control and Communication - Experience, Benefits and Trends, Session IV, Paper 3, New Delhi, India, October 10-12, 2001 [8] L. Andersson, K.-P. Brand, W. Wimmer · Some Aspects of Migration from present Solutions to SA Systems based on the Communication Standard /EC 67850 2nd International Conference on Integrated Protection, Control and Communication - Experience, Benefits and Trends, Session IV, Paper 4, New Delhi, India, October 10-12, 2001 (9] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· The Impact of the coming Standard IEC 61850 on the

Life-cycle of Open Communication Systems in Substations Transmission and Distribution D2001, Brisbane, Australia, November 11-14, 2001 [10] Eric Udren, Steven Kunsman, Dave Dolezilek · Significant substation communication

standardization developments Paper presented at the Western Protective Area Distribution Automation Conference (WPDAC), April 2002 [11] Ch. Brunner, G. Schimmel. H. Schubert · Standardisation of serial/inks replacing parallel wiring

to transfer process data - Approach, state and practical experience CIGRE 2002, Paper 34-209 (6 pages), Paris, September 2002 [12] R. Baumann, K-P. Brand, Ch. Brunner, W. Wimmer · Oer Standard IEC 61850 in Schaltanlagen

a/s Kern einer durchgangigen Kommunikationlosung fOr den Netzbetreiber (The Standard /EC 61850 in Substations as nucleus of a transparent Communication Solution for Network Operators), Bulletin ElectroSuisse94, 3 (2003)






Chapter 14

[1] ICE 61850 Communication networks and systems in substations [2] IEC 61850-4 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 4: System and project management [3] IEC 61850-6 Communication networks and systems in substations- Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to lEOs [4] IEC 61850-10 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 7 0: Conformance testing [5] ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality management systems- Requirements [6] CIGRE TF 34.01 (2002) Conformance Testing Guideline for Communication in Substation (to be published by CIGRE in 2003)

Chapter 17 [1] Standards see chapters 12 and 13 of this book [2]1EC 61850-4 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations- Part 4: System and Project Management [3]1EC 61850-6 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations- Part 6: Substation Automation System Configuration Language [4] L. Andersson, K-P. Brand, W. Wimmer· The Impact of the coming Standard IEC 67 850 on the Life-cycle of Open Communication Systems in Substations Transmission and Distribution 02001, Brisbane, Australia, November 11-14, 2001

Chapter 18 [1] Steve Silbermann · The Energy WEB, Wired Magazine,Issue 9.07. July 2001 [2] Georg Hellack, Wolfgang Wimmer ·lnternet-Technologien in der Energietechnik (Internet Technologies in Power System Technology) ETG-Tagung, Eisenach, 2001 [3] R. Baumann, K-P. Brand, Ch. Brunner, W. Wimmer Der Standard IEC 67850 in Schaltanlagen als Kern einer durchgangigen Kommunikations losung fur den Netzbetreiber (The Standard IEC 67850 in Substations as Nucleus of a transparent Communication Solution for Network Operators), Bulletin ElectroSuisse 3 (2003)


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20 Glossary





Analog Digital conversion Analog/Digital Asea Brown Boveri Alternate Current Automatic Control Application Automatic Generation Control Analog Input Air Isolated Switchgear Accelerating Power Level Detector American National Standard Institution Analog Output American Standard Code for Information Interchange Available Voltage Transmission Capability Automatic Voltage Regulator

6.2 5.5 3.3.3, 6.2 11.1 11.5 6.2 3.5.1 11.5 5.2 6.2 13.5.1 11.6 11.5


Binary Coded Decimal, a number code where each decimal number is coded in 4 bits Bay Control Unit Binary Input Binary Output

6.2 6.3 6.2 6.2


Computer Aided Design Circuit Breaker Condition Based Maintenance Compact Disc Conseil International des Grand Reseaux Electriques Common Information Model International Special Committee on Radio Interference Cathode Ray Terminal (Screen) Controlled Shunt Reactor Current Transformer

21.1.18 5.5 5.1 6.3 5.1, 10.1.2 10.2.3 12.5.6 5.6 6.2, 16.2.1


Delta, Difference Distribution Automation Distribution Stability Assessment Direct Current European time radio sender Dynamic Data Exchange (between applications) Deutsche lndustrie-Norm (German Standard)

3.3.2 4.2, 10.2.8 11.6 3.3.3, 6.2 6.3 12.10.3

20 Glossary


20 Glossary


Electronic Circuit Board Extra High Voltage European Norm Energy Management Electromagnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic Interference Energy Management System Estimated

21.1.12 3.3.5, 6.3 12.5.6 5.5, 12.5.6, 6.2 6.6, 10.2.2 10.2.4


Frequency (power frequency) Flexible AC Transmission Systems Factory Acceptance Test Federal Communications Commission (US) Functional Design Specification Phase angle between current and voltage

3.3.2 5.1, 15.2.2 12.13 12.5.6 21.1.8 3.3.6


Conductance General Electric Gas Isolated Line Gas Isolated Switchgear Geographical Information System Generic Object Oriented System Event Global Positioning System; satellite system which beneath location also broadcasts the exact time

3.3.4 3.3.4 3.5.1' 6.3 15.4.3 13.5.1

HMI HV HVDC HW I, 6.3 3.3.5, 6.2 3.3.3, 5.2 17.1 3.3.6 6.2 3.3.5


Current Input Output - signal or hardware category International Electrotechnical Commission Intelligent Electronic Device, microprocessor based programmable piece of electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers International Standard Organization Independent System Operator Information Technology


Key System Parameter





Human Machine Interface; interface for an operator to operate a control system High Voltage High Voltage Direct Current Hardware

6.3, 15.2.2

3.7.2, 6.2 12.1.1

9 4.1, 10.2.3


lnductance Liquid Crystal Display Logical Device Light Emitting Diode Line-Line-Ground Logical Node Local Protection Center Low Voltage

3.3.4 6.2 13.5.1 6.2 11.6 13.5.1 11.1 3.3.5, 6.3


Motor Manufacturing Message Specification Mean Time Between Failures Mean Time ·ro Failure Mean Time To Repair Metal Oxide Medium Voltage

3.3.4 13.5.1 12.3 5.5 3.3.5, 6.3


Normally Closed: contact is closed as normal state Network Control Center Normally Open: contact is open as normal state

6.2 3.6.1, 6.6 6.2


Operation and Maintenance Open System Interconnection On-Line Tap Changer Controller On-Load Tap Changer Object Link Embedded (Microsoft) Open Data Base Communication standard

10.2 13.5.1 11.1 5.6


Real power Power Application Software Plug And Play Switching System Personal Computer Physical Device Process Interface Sensor Actuator Programmable Logic Controller Power Line Carrier Phasor measuring unit Power System Stabilizer Power System Monitoring Potential Transformer, other word for VT Power Voltage

3.3.2 6.6 5.5 4.2, 10.2.4 13.5.1 5.5 4.2 12.7.1 4.1, 15.2 11.1 21.1.10 6.2 11.6

Q Qty QV

Reactive Power Quantity Reactive Power Voltage



Resistance Reliability (used for class indications: R1, R2, etc) Regional Control Center Root Mean Square, average (integrated) values for AC current or voltage

3.3.4 3.6.1

20 Glossary




20 Glossary






svc sw







Real Time Network Analysis Real Time Sequence Control Remote Terminal Unit; data acquisition device of a network control system within a substation

10.1 11.6

Apparent power Substation Substation Automation Substation Automation System Site Acceptance Test Select Before Operate Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Substation Configuration file for Devices Substation Configuration description Language Security Optimal Power Flow Substation Control System Sequence of Event Recorder State Estimator Sulphur Hexafluorid Switching Insulation Level Short Messages Service Station Monitoring System System Protection Center Special Protection Scheme · Static Var Compensator Software

3.3.3 16.2.1 6.2 3.72, 12.13 6.3, 6.3 12.10.5 12.10.5 11.6 4.1 4.2 11.6 5.5, 6.3 6.3 6.2, 18.3 11.1 11.1 5.7 10.3

Period of alternating current or voltage Technical Committee Transport Connection Protocol/Internet Protocol; the transport level communication protocol used as base in the Internet Thyristor Controlled Reactor Technical Specification Thyristor Switched Capacitor Television

3.3.6 18.3

Voltage Uitra High Voltage Under Load Tap Changer Control Under-Frequency Load Shedding Uninterruptible Power Supply United States of America Under-Voltage Load Shedding

3.3.6 3.3.5, 5.2 11.6 11.5 4.1' 21.1.18 3.3.3 11.5

3.72, 6.6

6.5 5.7 5.7 3.2



Visual Display Unit Voltage Instability Predictor Voltage Stability Voltage Stability Assessment Voltage Source Converter Voltage transformer

11.1 11.1 11.6 11.6 5.6 6.2, 16.2.1


Wide Area Network Wide Area Protection Wide Area Protection Scheme Working Group

6.6, 10.2.8 15.2 11.1 18.3


Extended Mark-up Language


Impedance Impedance (Z)-Current (I)-Power (P) Circular frequency

3.3.4 11.6 3.3.6






20 Glossary


21 Annex


Example of a system specification 21.1.1 Utility data 21.1.2 General Requirements Scope of supply Compliance with standards Specific Utility standards 21.1.3 Site Conditions 21.1.4 Design and operating requirements General Project specific requirements Vendor's experience and local support Quality assurance and inspection 21.1.5 System design General Flexibility and scalability System hardware 21.1.6 Software design Station level software Bay level software 21.1.7 System testing 21.1.8 System functions Control unit functions HMI functions Function Assignments 21.1.9 Protection Line protection Transformer protection terminal 21.1.10 Transformer tap changer control 21.1.11 Substation Monitoring Substation monitoring system Access via the control center Disturbance analysis Terminal parameter setting 21.1.12 System performance System behavior and time response 21.1.13 System design features 21.1.14 System engineering System configuration 21.1.15 Documentation 21.1.16 Hardware documentation 21.1.17 Parameter documentation



369 369 369 370 371 371 372 372 373 373 373 373 373 374 374 376 376 376 376 377 377 378 381 387 387 388 389 389 389 389 390 390 390 390 391 391 391 392 392 392

Table of content



21.1.18 General documentation Standard documentation System specific description 21.1.19 List of project specific documents 21.2

Assessment of Wide Area Protection

392 392

393 393 393




communication functions. It shall enable local station control via PC by means of a human machine interface (HMI) and control software package, which shall contain an comprehensive range of system con trol and data acquisition (SCADA) functions. It shall include the communication gateway, inter-bay-bus, intelligent electronic devices (lED) for bay control and protection as shown in the general system architec ture in Figure 21-1.

21 Annex

21.1 Example of a system specification 21.1.1 Utility data (at least contact address) Design principles

21.1.2 General Requirements Concept of levels Scope of supply

The concept of station and bay level as indicated in Figure 21-1 results from the requirement that all pro cess and bay oriented functions are to be processed on bay level while all functions, which either concern more than one bay or need information from more than one bay are to be allocated on station level.

This specification covers the design, manufacture, ins pection, testing at the manufacturer's works and at site, packing for export, shipment, insurance, trans port and delivery to site, installation, commissioning, and maintenance during guaranty period including replacement of defective material for a period of 12 months starting from the date on which the system has been taken over or for a period of 18 months after the last delivery. The substation automation system (SA) shall comprise full station and bay protection, control, monitoring and

21.1 Bay controllED

The bay level intelligent electronic devices (lED) for control shall provide the direct connection to the switchgear without interposing and perform the fol lowing control and monitoring functions:

F1gure 2 7-7 General system architecture of a SA System

Station Level lnterbay bus

Data Exchange

Bay Level

Bay Control


Bay Protection



• Equipment status information input (single and double pole) • Double command output for switchgear control • Single output for binary information • Analog input for measured values

The bay controllED must contain all functions need ed to control a bay safely locally and from remote. In addition, it has to provide a serial interface for infor mation exchange with other autonomous lED of the bay level as well as station level and comply with the International Standard IEC 61850 for communica tions within substations. Depending on the process interface it has to prov1de also a serial interface to the switchgear (commands, position indications) according to IEC 61850.

Bay Protection Bay Protection





Bayn Bay protection /ED

The bay level I ED for protection shall provide the direct connection to the switchgear without interpos ing to perform protection, and monitoring functions. The IEDs shall allow that the protection and control functions can be combined into one intelligent termi nal, while maintaining the high availability and reliabi lity requirements together with bay independence through self-supervision.

The bay protection EHV applications must be design ed so that they can carry out their protective functions completely independent of the bay controL This requires an independent and direct process interface for measured values, information and command out put. The interface for data exchange with the station level shall be serial and comply with the International Standard IEC 61850 or with IEC 60870-05-103 in cases where IEC 61850 is not applicable. Depending on the process interface, i

has to provide an optional serial interface to instrumen t transforme rs (digital samples) and to the switchgear (trips) according to IEC 61850.

pending on the functional requirements. The inter-bay bus communication protocol shall enable indepen dent station-to-bay and bay-to-bay data exchange. The data exchange with the process level (switch gear and instrument transformers) may also be pro vided via a serial process bus and in compliance with the applicable International Standard IEC 61850. The structure of this data exchange and the resulf1ng communication system architecture shall not only meet the functionality but also the performance, avai lability and reliability/safety requirements.

2 7. 7 .2.3 Compliance with standards For design and type testing of the protection and control equipment the following standards shall be applicabie as far as relevant for the specific installation: General

• IEC 60255: Electrical Relays • IEC 60038: IEC Standard voltages • IEC 60068: Environnemental testing • IEC 60664: Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems Te/econtrol

2 1 . 1 . 2 . 2 . 4 D a t a e x c h a n g e

The communication gateway shall assure the infor mation flow with remote network control centers. It has the task of pre-processing information for the control center and performing protocol conversion. Depending on the availability requirements, the gate way shall either be an integral part of the station PC or a completely separated lED that is independent of the station PC Design responsibility

The detailed design of the SA to meet the require ments of this Specification is within the supplier's res ponsibility but subject to approval by the buyer if not stated otherwise in the Specification.


Data exchange between the bay control level and station control level, as well as between the different IEDs depends on the function assignments. Each lED shall exchange data directly with any other !ED de- CE-marking

• EN 50081-2 Emissive (Industry) • EN 50082-2 lmmun!ty (Industry)

j General for Substation Automation

•IEC 61850 Detailed

• IEC 60255-6: Measuring relays and protection equipment • IEC 60255-7: Test and measurement procedures for electromechanical ali-or-nothing relays • IEC 6068-2-3: Test Ca: Damp heat steady state • IEC 6068-2-30: Test Db and guidance; Damp heat, cyclic • IEC 60255-5: Insulation tests for electrical relays • IEC 60255-22: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment: • IEC 60255-22-1: 1 MHz burst disturbance test • IEC 60255-22-2: Electrostatic discharge test • IEC 60255-22-3: Radiated electro magnetic field disturbance test • IEC 60255-22-4: Fast transient disturbance test

• IEC TS 61000-6-5 Electromagnetic interference (EMC)- Part 6:- Generic standards- Section 5: Immunity of power station and substation envi ronment including all referenced and applicable parts of the standard family IEC 61000. . Communication

•IEC 61850 for Communication in the substation •IEC 60870-5-103 for Communication with third party protection devices having von IEC 61850 interface •IEC 60870-5-101 for Connection with the network control center Specific utility standards Specific utility internal standards have to be met e.g. dynamic colouring of the single line diagram shall comply with the utility standard. (Details have to be specified)

• IEC 60255-11: Interruptions to and alternating component (ripple) in DC auxiliary energising quantity to measuring relays

21.1.3 Site Conditions *) To be specified by the user

• IEC 60255-6: Measuring relays and protection equipment

Climatic conditions

• IEC 60255-21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment: • IEC 60255-21-1: Vibration tests (sinuosoidal) • IEC 60255-21-2: Shock and bump tests •IEC 60255-21-3: Seismic tests • IEC 60255-0-20: Contact performance·or-electrical relays • IEC 60870-3 class 2: Digital I/O, Analogue 1/0 dielectric tests • IEC 60870-3/class 2: Radio interference test


Ambient temperatures

10 to 40 oc



Humidy *) Outdoor*) Indoor*)

c to




95 % whitout condensation ··························································:·:···············

% whitout

air conditioning Seismic conditions

If applicable

Special conditions

If applicable



21.1.4 Design requirements



2 7. 7 .4. 7 General 21.1. 4

This SA shall be suitable for operation and mainte nance of the complete substation including future extensions that may be defined Jhe offered pro ducts shall be suitable for efficient and reliable opera tion and maintenance support of outdoor or indoor substations for distribution and transmission. The systems shall be of the state-of-the art for ope ration under electrical conditions present ir high vol tage substations, follow the latest engineering prac tice, ensure long term compatibility requirements and continuity of equipment supply and the safety of the operating staff. As indicated in the typical functional structure in Figure 21-2, the bay cubicles shall incorporate the control, automation, monitoring and protection func tions as far as specified, as well as self-monitoring,

signalling and testing facilities, measuring and memory functions, event recording and disturbance recording. The basic control functions are to be deriv ed from a modular standardized and type tested software library. As protection '

protection IEDs shall be directly connected to the interbay bus in order to provide unrestricted access to all data and information stored in the relays and for adapting protection parameters from remote. Deviations from this functional structure may be re quested either by the use of a process bus or by some supplier dependent optimisation of the request ed SA system.

Figure 27-2 Functional structure of SA systems

Functions Allocation Netwoli( Networ11 Control CenterNCC

Control Center Remote Communication Human-Machine-Interface Automation ·Data evaluation/Archiving Monitoring Events and Alarms Protection Status Supervision

= -


is an integral part of the SA system the

2 7. 7 .4.4 Quality assurance and inspection Quality assurance of design and development, pro duction, installation and servicing of material and workmanship shall be governed by ISO 9001.

2 7. 7 .4.2 Project specific requirements Specific functionality and boundary condition of the SA shall be adapted to the requirements, which are related to the particular voltage level and the specific substation layout. The project specific drawings are attached: • Overall single line diagram • General system architecture • Location of substation buildings • Control and operation principles • Protection schemes

2 7. 7.43 Vendor's experience and local support Only experienced and technically capable manufactu rer of control and protection systems for electricity transmission and distribution applications will be accepted. Preferred manufactures are those who have experience in deliveries of the full scope of sta tion automation systems, and services. This experien ce has to be substantiated by means of reference installations being in service under similar environ mental conditions for at least 2 years. If a new func tionality is requested, this time span may be reduced or skipped for this special functionality. In order to assess the vendor's experience with the enquiry, the vendor is required to present the follow ing with his bid: • Technical design specification and description of SA • Catalogues and brochures of equipment and devices offered • Reference list The vendor shall assure for long-term maintenance and availability of spares. Moreover, a guarantee shall be submitted for the availability of spares during the lifetime of the SA equipment (not less than10 years).

The SA system shall be full-sized pre-assembled and tested at the vendor's workshop before shipment and subject to inspection by the responsible person nel of the buyer.


21.1.5 System design 2 7. 7 .5. General


The system shall be designed so that personnel with out any background in microprocessor based tech nology is in the position to operate the system easily after they have been provided with some basic train Ing.

System control via a Personal Computer (PC) shall be mouse operated and the following HMI (Human Machine Interface) functions shall be provided (Figure

21-2): • Acquisition and plausibility check of switchgear status • Control of switchgear • Remote checking of protection parameters and optional activation of alternative parameter sets • Display of actual measured values (U, :, P, Q, f) • Display of events • Display of alarms • Display of measurands and trends • Sequenced control functions • Disturbance records and fault location • System self-supervision • Hard copy printing The offered SA shall support remote control and monitoring from NCC/SCADA centers via gateways that are either integrated into the station PC or inde pendent IEDs depending on the availability requirements. ·





The main process information of the station shall be stored in distributed databases. The system shall be based on a concept of bay oriented distributed intel ligence for availability reasons. Functions shall be decentralised, switchgear bay oriented and located as

Maintenance, modification or extension of compo nents must not require a shut-down of the whole station automation system. Selfmonitoring of single components, modules and communication shall be incorporated to increase the availability and the relia bility of the equipment and minimize maintenance.


The entire substation shall be controlled and super vised from the station level PC The individual bays shall be controlled, monitored and protected from the bay level equipment in case of maintenance or defective communication links. Clear control priorities shall prevent that operation of a single switch can be initiated at the same time from more than one of the various control levels, i.e. SCADA. station, bay level or apparatus level. The priority shall always be on the lowest enabled control level.

The offered·SA system concept shall be adaptable to various system requirements depending on the actual substation, on size, voltage levels, importance and configuration complexity. Preference will be given to suppliers who are in the position to provide protection and control devices, which can be freely adapted to the required application functionality.


close as possible to the process. scalability hardware station



System Operator

Each bay control unit shall be independent of each other and its functioning shall not be affected by any fault occurring in any of the other bay control units of the station. Each SA shall contain the following main functional parts allocated according to the functional structure (Figure 21-2): • Human Machine Interface (HMI) with process database • Gateway function for remote control integrated in the station level PC • Separate gateway for remote supervisory control via SCADA (optional) • Data exchange between the different system components via serial bus • Bay level devices for control, monitoring and protection • Bay oriented local control panels with mimic diagram (option)


• Process interface parallel wired or connected by a process bus


T h e o p e r a t o r

shall be based on commercially available PC hardware and preferably use the latest Windows operating system, high-resolution full graphics screen. Peripheral units, such as printers, shall be connected to the operator station either directly or via station level WAN. If more than one monitor is required, a second operator monitor or second PC based HMI client shall be able to be added as an option. Printers

An event printer shall be connected to the operator station either directly or via the station level LAN. Events shall be printed out spontaneously as they arri ve into the operator station. Each event shall be reported on one ine that shall contain: • The event date and time • The name of the event object

s t a t i o n

• descriptive text

The information fields above shall be structured in columns for maximum readability. An additional event or hardcopy printer may be connected to the system directly at the operator station or via the station level LAN. Any picture (or part thereof) in the operator sta tion shall be possible to be printed out, using easily accessible commands from the window menus.


• The state or value of the object Uninterrupted_power supply will come from the sta tion battery. The IEDs shall be placed together with all necessary input and output equipment either connected by par allel wires or via the process bus in panels, which can Protection and controllED's

The control IEDs shall allow select-before-operate control principles as a safety measure. They shall per form all bay related functions, such as protection, commands, bay interlocking, data acquisition, data storage, event and disturbance recording and shall provide inputs for status indication and outputs for commands, which can be d'1rectly connected to the switchgear without any need for separate interposing or transducers. .

The input boards shall be provided with binary and analogue input channels, which are galvanically isolat ed both from the SA system and individually separat ed between the channels. HV switchgear and instru ment transformers shall be directly connected with out any interposing required. To ensure a high degree of security against unwan ted operations of the primary equipment, the binary output boards shall be able to supervise the opera ting coils, e.g. for circuit breakers and isolators. If there exists a process interface with serial connec tion, the same functionality shall be provided via the process bus. The devices shall meet the requirements of the elec tromagnetic interference according to relevant parts of IEC 255 to comply with the high requirements on secondary equipment for the operation of HV switch gear.


The electronic system has to be provided with func tions for self-supervision.

either be located next to indoor gas-insulated switch- gear (GIS) or in the control room of the substation building or in the respective local relay buildings in the outdoor switchyard. Direct manual control facilities will be incorporated in the switchgear, which can be used in case of mainte nance or emergency. Direct switchgear control would be conducted without any interlocking. Local bay control via local HMI shall provide the same user safety measures e.g. bay interlocking, synchro-check as well as user guidance etc. as the station HMI. Local bay control shall be key-locked and the control either from station HMI or from remote shall be disabled if the local/remote selector switch is in the local posi tion.

Faults in a terminal have to be indicated on a front HMI and a message shall be sent to the station level HMI. The time for fault tracing and replacement of a faulty unit shall be reduced to a minimum. The super vision shall also cover the power supply system, the internal device bus and the ability of the central pro cessing module to communicate with different prin ted circuit boards. Failure of any single component within the equip ment shall neither cause unwanted operation nor lead to a complete system breakdown. The n-1 crite ria must be maintained also in worst case scenarios. Further, a single failure must not have any affect on the primary system that is monitored and controlled. Required quantity of inputs and outputs

The signal quantity is as listed below for each bay: (to be specified in the specific enquiry)


engineer for modifications. The system software shall support the generation of typical control macros and comprise a process database for user specific data storage. Application software 21.1.7

21.1.6 Software design An extension of the station shall be possible with minimal efforts. Maintenance, modification or an ex tension of components of any feeder may not force a shut-down of the parts of the system that are not affected by the system adaptation.

In order to ensure robust quality and reliable software functions, the main part of the application software shall consist of standard software modules built as functional block elements. The object specific functio nal blocks belonging to a standard library shall be documented and thoroughly tested.

27. 7.6. software

The project specific application software within the control/protection devices shall be configured in a functional block language.



level Human-machine interface (HMI)

The base HMI software package for the operator sta tion shall include the main SA functions and it shall be independent of project specific hardware version and operating system. It shall further include tools for pic ture editing and changing of configuration parame ters. The system shall be easy to use, to maintain, and to adapt according to specific user requirements. Systems shall contain a comprehensive library with standard functions and applications. Operating system

The latest Windows operating system for worksta tions shall be used for the station PC, that it supports state-of-the-art standard system features, e.g. multi tasking, security levels, data exchange mechanisms (DOE, OLE), open data base communication stand ards (ODBC) and a standardized, user-friendly look & feel HMI as well as several Windows office applica tions.

27. 7.6.2 Bay level software

21.1.7 System testing The supplier shall submit a test plan and a test speci fication for factory acceptance test (FAT) and com missioning tests of the station automation system up to the site acceptance test (SAT) for approval. For the individual bay levellED's applicable type test certifica tes shall be submitted. The manufacturing phase of the SA shall be conclud ed by the factory acceptance test (FAT). The purpose is to ensure that the Contractor has interpreted the specified requirements correctly The scope of the FAT is subject to the User's approval. The general philosophy shall be to delivea system to site only after it has been thoroughly tested and its specified performance has been verified, as far as site conditions can be simulated in a test lab. If the FAT comprises only a certain portion of the system for practical reasons, it has to be assured that this test configuration is representative to the actual installa tion and contains at least one unit of each and every type of equipment incorporated 1n the delivered system. System software


The IED system software shall be structured in various levels. This software shall be placed in a non volatile memory. It lowest level shall assure system performance and contain basic functions, which shall not be accessible by the application and maintenance

If the complete system consists of parts from various suppliers or some parts are already installed on site, the FAT shall be limited to sub-system tests. In such a case, the complete system test shall be performed on site together with the site acceptance test (SAT). Status SupetVision

21.1.8 System functions 2 7. 7 .8. 7 functions


unit Control

The different high voltage apparatuses within tre sta tion shall either be operated manually by the opera tor or automatically by programmed switching sequences. The control functions shall comprise: • Commands from different operator places, e.g. from the associated control center (NCC), station HMI, or local control panel according to the principles • Select-before execute commands • Operation from only one operator place at any control level at the same time. • Operation functions that depend on conditions from related status conditions, such as interlocking,_ synchro-check, operator mode, or external status conditions.

The position of each switchgear, e.g. circuit breaker, isolator, earthing switch, transformer tap changer etc, shall permanently be supervised. Every detected change of position shall be immediately visible on the screen in the single-line diagram, recorded in the event list, and a hard copy printout shall be produced. Alarms shall be initiated in cases when spontaneous position changes have taken place.


Each position of an apparatus shall be indicated by two binary auxiliary switches, which are opposite each other in normally closed (nc) and normally open (no) position. An alarm shall be initiated if these posi tion indications are inconsistent or indicate an exces sive a running time of the operating mechanism to change position. Same functionality has to be provid ed by an intelligent process interface if applicable. Interlocking

The interlocking function prevents unsafe operation of apparatuses such as isolators and earthing swit ches within a bay or station wide. An override function shall be provided, which can be enabled in cases of maintenance or emergency situa tions to by-pass the interlocking function via a key/ password. Measurements

Analog inputs for voltage and current measurements • Safety related functions: • Prevention of double operation • Command supervision • Selection of operator place • Blocking/de-blocking of operation • Blocking/de-blocking of updating of position indications

shall be connected directly to the voltage transformers (Vf) and the current transformers (CT) without intermediate transducers. The correlated values of active power (W), reactive power (VAr), frequency (Hz), and the rms values for voltage (U) and current (I) shall be calculated. As alternative to this requirement the connection to digital instrument transformers via process bus may be applied.

• Manual setting of position indications A high accuracy of the measurement inputs shall be • Overriding key in the local control ..···---possible(;;,; 0.25% of full scale for U and 1). To get total cubicle for the interlocking function optimal accuracy, the measuring channels shall be • Switchgear run time supervision connected to the measuring coil of the vrs and CTs. • Pole discrepancy supervision The measured values shall be displayed locally, on the station HMI, and in the control center. Threshold limit values shall be selectable for alarm indications.

377 Event and alarm handling

Events and alarms shall be generated either by the switchgear, by the control devices, or by the station level unit. They shall be recorded in an event list in the station HMI.

Alarms shall be listed in a sep rate alarm list and dis played on the screen when they occur. All or a freely selectable group of events shall also be printed out on an event printer. The alarms and events shall be time tagged with a time resolution of 1 ms. Time synchronization Presentation and dialogues General The operator station HMI shall provide basic func tions for supervision and control of the substation. The operator shall give commands to the switchgear on the screen via mouse clicks on soft-keys.

The time reference within the SA system shall be set from the station HMI or from an external clock syn chronization unit. The time shall then be distributed to the control/protection devices via the interbay bus. The time synchronization shall be performed either via the bus or via a separate wiring for the minute pulse. The required accuracy is ± 1 ms within the bay and within the station. For sampling, the time accu racy has to be better than 25 f.!S.

The HMI shall provide the operator with access to alarm and event lists to be displayed on the screen. Besides of these lists on the screen, there shall be a print out of hard copies of alarms or events in an event log. Synchronism and energizing check

• Single line diagram showing the switching status and measured values • Control dialogues • Measurement dialogues • Blocking dialogues • Alarm list, station/bay oriented • Event list, station/bay oriented including acknowledgement functionality • System status • Checking of parameter setting (optional)

The synchronism and energizing check functions shall be distributed to the control and/or protection devi ces and have these features: • Adjustable voltage, phase angle, and frequency difference. • Energizing for dead line - live bus, or live line - dead bus. • Settings for manual close command and auto-reclose command shall be adaptable to the operating times of the specific switchgear. Voltage selection

378 HMI functions

The voltages, which are relevant for the synchro check functions, depend on the station topology i.e. on the positions of the circuit breakers and/or the iso- . lators. The correct voltage for the synchronizing and energizing is derived from the auxiliary switches that indicate the positions of of the circuit breakers, isola tors, and earthing switches and shall be selected automatically by the control and protection lED.

An acoustic alarm shall indicate abnormalities and all unacknowledged alarms shall be accessible from any screen selected by the operator. Following standard pictures shall be available from the HMI: HMI design principles Consistent design principles shall be provided with the HMI concerning labels, colors, dialogues and fonts. Non-valid selections shall be dimmed out. Object states shall be indicated using different states colours and/or indications of states for:

non-functioning including the interlocking reason if applicable. System supervision display

• Selected object command • Selected on the screen


• Not updated, obsolete value, not in use or not sampled • Alarm or faulty state • Warning or blocked • Update blocked or manually updated • Control blocked • state

Normal Process status displays and command procedures

The process status of the substation in terms of actual values of currents, voltages, frequency, active and reactive powers as well as the positions of circuit breakers, isolators and transformer tap changers are displayed in the station single line diagram (Optional supported by soft keys or symbols). In order to ensure a high degree of security against unwanted operation, a special "select-before-execu te" command procedure shall be provided. After the "selection" of a switch, the operator shall be able to recognize the selected device on the screen and all other switchgear shall qe blocked. After the "execu tion" of the command the operated switch symbol shall blink until the switch has reached its final new position. The operator shall only be in the position to execute an command if the switch is not blocked and if no interlocking condition is going to be violated. The interlocking statements shall be checked by the inter locking scheme which is implemented on bay ! eve!. After command execution the operator shall receive a confirmation that the new switching position is reached or an indication that the switching procedure was unsuccessful with the indication of the reason for



The SA system shall be comprehensively self-monitored that faults will be immediately detected and

• Trend reports: • Day (mean, peak) • Month (mean, peak)

indicated to the operator before they develop into serious situations. Such faults are listed as faulty sta- tes in a system supeNision display. This display shall cover the status of the entire substation including all switchgear, IEDs, communication links, and printers at the station level etc.

• Semi-annual (mean, peak) • Year (mean, peak) • Historical reports: • Day •Week • Month • Year

21.1.8 .2.1.5 Repor ts

The reports shall provide time related follow-ups of measured values and calculated values. The data dis played shall comprise:

It shall be possible to select displayed values from the database on-line in the process display. Scrolling or easy switching between e.g. days shall be possible. Unsure values shall be indicated. It shall be possible to select the time period for which the specific data are kept in the memory. The report shall be able to be printed out on request and/or automatically at pre-selected times. ·· Trend display (historical data)

A trend is a time-related follow-up of process data. All types of process objects - input and output data, binary and analogue data - shall be able to be illus379 • Exceeding pre-set limits of analogue measured trated as trends. The trends shall be displayed in value graph ical form as column or curve diagrams, e.g. 1 0 • Loss of communication trends per screen as maximum. • Problems with IEDs Type of value logging (direct mean, sum, or differen ce) shall be possible to change on-line in the Filters for selection of a certain type or group of window. The update intervals shall also be possible events shall be available. The filters shall be designed to change on-line in the picture as well as the to enable viewing of events grouped per: selection of thresh old values for alarming purposes. • Date and time • Bay 2 7. 7 .8.2. 7.7 Eventlist • Device The event list shall contain events in a chronological • Function order, which are defined as important for the control • Alarm class and monitoring of the substation. The time of occur rence has to be displayed for each event. The operator shall be able to call up the chronologi cal event list on the monitor at any time for the whole substation or sections of it. A printout of each display shall be possible on the hard copy printer. It shall be possible to store all events in the compu ter. (The required storage capacity for events has to be specified) The chronological event list shall con tain: • Operator actions • Position changes of circuit breakers, isolators and earthing devices · 5 Indication of protective relay operations • Fault signals from the switchgear

Faults and errors occurring in the substation shall be listed in the alarm list in the station level workplace and shall be immediately transmitted to the control center at the network control center as well. The alarm list shall substitute a conventional alarm tab leau, and shall constitute an evaluation of all station alarms. It shall contain unacknowledged alarms and persisting faults. Date and time of occurrence shall be indicated.

2 7 . 7 . 8 . 2 . 7 . 8

The alarm list consists of a summary display of the present alarm situation. Each alarm shall be reported on one line that contains:

A l a r m

• The name of the alarming object

Filters for selection of a certain type or group of alarms shall hP available as for events. 2 7. 7 .8.2. 7.9 Object picture

• type of blocking

The operator shall be forced to acknowledge alarms, which shall be either audible or only

• errors shall be displayed.

• authority • local/remote control . • NCC/SA control

• Region

2 7. 7 .8.2. 7. 7 0 Control dialogues The operator shall give commands to the system by means of soft keys located on the single line diagram. The keyboard shall also be possible to be used for soft key activation. Data entry is performed with the. keyboard. levels


The activation of the process pictures of each object (bays, apparatus...) shall be able to be restricted to belong to a certain user authorization group. Each user shall then be given access-rights to the related group of objects, e.g.: • only

Faults that appear and disappear without being ac knowledged shall be specially presented in a separa te list for fleeting alarms.

A. descriptive text • The acknowledgement state •



When selecting an object such as a circuit breaker or isolator in the single line diagram, first the associated bay picture shall be presented. In the selected object picture, all attributes like

• The alarm date and time

l i s t

displayed on the monitor. Acknowledged shall be marked at the list.

• No configuration allowed • Configuration allcwed • Entire system managing allowed

• Normal operation apparatus) • Restricted operation interlock)

(e.g. open/close (e.g.


The access rights shall be defined by passwords assigned during the log-in procedure. Only the sys tem administrator shall be able to add/remove users and change access rights. Assignments


• administrator

For maintenance and configuration purposes of the station HMI, the following authorization levels shall be available:

Function Information

The following information functions have to be assign ed to the various system levels according to the table



Assignment to

Bay control or process level

Station and network control level


Bay control unit

Local control

Acquisition from the process


Suppression of fluttering information




Central function

Suppression of transient information


Intermediate status information handling


Forming of group alarms


Provision of detailed information Breaker tripped indication


Generation of audible alarms


Suppression of dependent information









Information data base management





Processing of general interrogation





Table 21-7 Assignment of information functions


. '?

• Acquisition from the process: Acquisition of

status information and alarm/fault events from the process • Time tagging: For internal information this means

tagging of the real time process; for external information tagging of the real time process. This · time must be recorded for all information messages at its source of generation with a precision of s 3 ms and a resolution of 1 ms and transmitted together with the information to each sink.

• Suppression of transient alarms: Alarms/

events that occur only for a short time and are not needed for (power) system supervision should be optionally suppressed at the appropriate location.


• Handling of intermediate status information:

For a definable time, the switch position indications neither ON nor OFF (running) and ON as well as OFF (FAILURE) may be suppressed. At the end of this time the "intermediate" position status must be processed. Normally, they are used for breaker position supervision. If the state "running" exceeds some predefined time, "running" has to be changed to "failure" as well. • Forming group alarms: Individual types of

alarms can be combined to a group alarm. Alarms that are combined into groups should be proces sed like a single point alarm. • Provision of detailed information: Preparation

of detailed information concerning group alarms on request.

• "Break er tripped " indicati on: The

informat ion "circuit breaker" from ON to OFF and the infor mation "no control by operato r" must genera te the informat ion "breake r tripped' :

wledgements, an audible alarm must generated.


• Suppression of dependent alarms: Due to the

information of an alarm hierarchy, subordinated alarms are suppressed by higher - order alarms. • Information data base management:

Information data bases are to be maintained at the suitable location for the supply of all compo nents of substation control system. The consistency and synchrony of all data have to be secured by means of data interchange.

• Processing of general interrogations: It must

be possible to retrieve information from a general interrogation e. g. during system start up, and to use the information for updating the process data base. Measured values The following measuring functions have to be assign ed to the various system levels according to the Table 21-2. • Acquisition from the process: The station

control system must be able to acquire measured values in different ways: • Digital values: serial transmission to and from numerical protection lEOs • Digital values: parallel or serial trans mission from transformer tap positions • Analog values directly wired from current transformers (CT) and voltage transformers (VT) 1A/1OOV or via the process bus • Analog values from measuring trans ducers for electrical as non-electrical values either wired as iow level signals (20 rnA, 10 V, etc.) or serially tranc;mitted via the process bus

• Gener ation of audibl e alarms : On

The acquired analog measured values are to be digi tised at source side and evaluated.

receipt of alarms requiri ng ackno

• Conversion: Physical values for display, archiving,

limit control etc, must be calculated on the basis of the digitised measured values. Furthermore, conversions for digital transmission witb a different resolution must be possible. • Calculation of active and reactive power:

If only current and voltages are acquired from the process the relevant values of active power, reactive power, frequency cos (must be calculated). • The integral of change since the last • transmission is larger than an Unbalanc individually defined quantity. e • A slow time cycle

• Limit-value monitoring: For each measured value it must be possible to have at least two limits for each user, namely either an upper or a lower limit Limit value violation produce warnings/malfunction alarms. • Measured value damping: This functions assures that measured values are only updated when the following criteria are provided: • The value changes suddenly by an individually defined quantity

monitorin g: Checking the balance of voltages and currents. Limit violations produce warnings and malfunction

alarms, if not directly handled by a protection relay. • Summation of measured values: The addition of individually measured values to a sum of measured values. It should be possible to process/ condition the sum of measured values like single measured values. • Integration: Calculation of metered measurands or mean values for defined period of time.

Assignment to

Bay control or process level Bay control unit

Functions Acquisition from the process




Calculation of active and reactive power


• Determination of maximum/minimum values: The determination of the minimum or maximum of a measured value within a defined time frame. The determination can either be applied to instantaneous values and/or to mean values. • Value substitution: If a measured value fails or is missing, it must be possible to substitute a new value either automatically or manually.

Station and network control level

Local control

Limit-value monitoring Measured value damping


Unbalance monitoring


Summation of measured values

Telecontrol Archiving










Determination maximum/minimum values


Value substitution

Central function







Table 27-2 Assignment of measuring functions




· control


The following closed-loop control functions have to be assigned to the various system levels according to the Table 21-3.

• Unit/individual control: Output of single, double and adjusting

commands to switching devices and auxilary equipment.

• Tap changing of transformers, earth-fault neutralizers: Tap changing of transformers or earth fault neutralizers start up and shut down of tap change control.

• Double command lock-out: Checking if

• Monitoring of command delay:

parallel commands are selected with the aim to avoid the output of several commands at the same time.

Command release disconnection after execution or after a defined time if commands have not been executed properly.

• Switching sequences: For various tasks, switching sequences may be stored as a chain consisting of individual controls or to simplify operating processes or to make them safer (e.g. transformer change, by isolation and earthing).

• Automatic change over switching: Switching sequences which are carried out when certain external events occur, without interference of an operator.

• Automatic acknowledgement: Command output for resetting the transient earth-fault relay after a defined time.

Assignment to

Bay control Station and network control level or process l e v e l


Bay control

Local Telecontrol Archiving Central unit control function

Unit/individual control


Transformer tap changing, earth-fault neutralizers



Double command lock out


Monitoring of command delay

X Switching sequences




Automatic change-over switchi11g


X Automatic


X Synchrocheck

X Bay



Station interlocking ! •


X operation of transform er





test Control


X Earth-fault neutralizer control X


Table 21-3 Assignment of closed-loop control functions

• Synchrochecks: Checking if the voltages on both sides of the open breaker are synchronized with regard to amplitude, frequency and phase angle within an allowed range before closing the circuit breaker. The command must only be released if these conditions are satisfied. • Bay interlocking: Mutual interlocking of switch gear within a bay ( e.g. disconnector against circuit breaker and earthing switch, or earthing switch against disconnector). • Station interlocking: Mutual interlocking of switchgear within a substation, talking several bays into consideration. (e.g. interlocking of bus disconnector against the busbar earthing switches, interlocking of the bus disconnectors of a bay depending on the bus-coupler position. • Monitoring the parallel transformer position: For transformers which are connected in parallel on the high and low voltage side, it must be constantly checked whether the difference of the transformer ratios lies within the given range. • Safety test: Command inputs from regulating equipment, automatic switching controls or controls are to be checked whether they are permissible before they are conducted. In the case of certain events like earth fault indication, lack of compressed air or faulty circuit breakers the control commands are to be blocked and an information message to be generated. • Regulating transformers: Automatic trans former tapping via control algorithm which describes the dependencies of current and voltage. It must be possible that the number instances and of action actions are documented. • Regulating earth-fault neutralizers: Automatic resetting of earth-fault neutralizers by means of a control algorithm. It must be possible that the number instances and of action actions are documented.


r System tasks functions

The following system task functions have to be assign ed to the various system levels according to the Table 21-4.

• Time synchronization: Supply of all station units with the GPS synchronized absolute time, plus monitoring of the synchronism • Information blocking: If work is carried out on individual components, command blocking is required, and it may be that also blocking of information (indications) is required to avoid higher control levels being burdened with super fluous information. Information blackings shall be set from a central point separately according to the sources or sinks. In case blackings have been set to all levels involved, this should be notified accordingly. • System configuration: It shall be possible to set individual components of the substation control system into defined states, e.g. operation, stand-by, test. This function is especially important if single components are duplicated. It must be possible to interrogate the current status of each individual component. • System information: It should be possible to interrogate the status of the functional blocks of the substation control system and to process them like the process event signals. • Self-monitoring: Monitoring of all hardware and software functions are to be performed as far as possible. If faults are detected, system fault alarms must be generated, and local indicators set at the components concerned. If necessary; process information must be marked as invalid and/or not updated as a function of systems faults. • Acquisition of metered measurements: The acquisition of metered measurands coming from external meters must be possible, either by


Assignment to

Bay control or process level

Station and network control level

System tasks

Bay control or process interface unit

Local control

Time synchronization


Information inhibition


System configuration System information




Telecontrol Archiving

Central function







Other functions Acquisition of metered measurands





Data listing


Information data base management


Protocol conversion Fault recording


Protection device interfacing



Table 21-4 Assignment of system tasks

adding up impulses offered via a time frame or by an accepted International Standard for meter readings. • Archiving: Information like measured values, metered measurands, alarms and events must be archived in a non-erasable way for later evaluation. • Event and status listing: If necessary, sponta neous or requested operational events and status print-outs as defined by certain sorting criteria, on a VDU or printer.


• Protocol conversion: The conversion of the internal representation of information and commands into other formats for network control centers.



• Fau!t recording: There are three possibilities of fault recording: • Via digital protection devices • Via external fault recording devices • Via an internal function of the control equipment • The faults must be archived in the station control system, including their time tag, and stored there for evaluations. • Protection device interfacing: The serial interfacing of the protection devices shall be possible according to international communication standard, i.e. IEC 60870-5-103 or IEC 61850.

. .


mary voltage shall not be used for more than 100 ms.mory voltage shall not be used for more than 100 ms. For the close on a three-phase faults, which last longer than 100 ms, a seal-in function shall be ap plied that prevents auto-reclosure.

21.1.9 Protection Earth fault function

The protection scheme shall be an integral part of the SA system. AIIIEDs shall be integrated for data shar ing, and meet the real-time communication require ments for automatic functions. The data presentation and the configuration of the various IEDs shall be compatible with the overall system communication and data exchange requirements.

It shall be possible to select between the directional and non-directional alternative, when choosing the earth-fault current protection function. Its operation shall be based on the measurement of the zero sequence quantities of the protected line. The mini mum operate current should be < 10 %. The mini mum operate voltage must be < 1 % of the rated vol tage. The time delay should be selectable between independent and all standardised dependent time characteristics (IEC curves).

The project specific protection requirements shall be specified accordingly. The following describes the pro tection functions in general terms. Line protection The numerical line protection devices shall be select ed for the protection of lines according to specific the network configurations and conditions. The sche me must ensure reliable isolation for all kind of faults, which might occur on the specific line. Depending on voltage level and complexity, the following line protection functions may be required. Distance function The maximum operate time of distance protection Zone 1, specified for a SIR 10 and faults within 50% of a set reach, must not exceed 45 ms (MV), 40 ms (HV), 20 ms (EHV). This shall be substantiated by isochrone diagrams, which have been measured on protection terminals connected to similar capacitive voltage transformers and to current transformer as specified. The guaranteed tripping time shall include the output relays. The minimum operate time of a protection shall not exceed 30 ms (MV), 25 ms HV. 13ms (EHV). The earth fault measurement in distance zone 1 shall be compensated for load currents. The directional discrimination shall be based on the use of phase-locked positive sequence voltage, and shall provide unlimited directional sensitivity for all unsym metrical faults. The positive-sequence memory volta ge shall be used at close three-phase fault. The me-


Separate communication schemes must be available for the earth fault function. As an alternative for high impedance grounded systems, additional sensitive earth-fault protection, operating on a watt-metric or transient (Wischer) principle, may be required, if it is required to detect transient earth faults. links


A wide range ·of permissive tripping and blocking scheme communication logics shall be available for the distance protection as well as for the directional earth-fault current protection. Scheme logics should be independent for both protection schemes with independent communication links. For EHV. the distance protection scheme shall have a logic for phase segregated communication for current single pole tripping also in case of simultaneous fault on double circuit lines Standard logics such as current reversal, weak end infeed echo and trip shall be pro vided for both protection functions. Logics operating without separate reverse directed measuring-- ele ments are not acceptable. Event and disturbance recording function A line protection terminal shall provide the user local ly or remotely with complete information on the last



. '


ten disturbances. The event recorder shall be able to store at least 1 50 time-tagged events per recorded disturbance. A disturbance recorder with a minimum of 5 seconds of recording time for at least 10 distur bances shall provide the user with time-tagged disturbance records. At least 16 analogue and 48 binary signals must be recorded, with a sampling rate that guarantees the presentation of a fifth harmonic component of any recorded analogue signal. The phasors of the pre-fault and fault currents and volta ges shall be recorded for each disturbance and avail able for further evaluation purposes. In addition service values of current and voltages as well as active and reactive power shall be available. location


The fault location function shall have an accuracy of better than 2 %. The fault location assessment shall be independent of fault resistance, load current or the supply of a data from different sources. HMI


The local human machine interface (HMI) shall be front mounted and based on a user-friendly, menu structured program, and performed by the use of a permanently installed man machine interface unit, type tested together with the line protection terminal. The terminal shall also be provided with a serial port for connecting a PC for maintenance. configuration



The monitoring, controlling and configuration of all input and output logical signals and binary inputs and relay outputs for all built-in functions and signals shall be possible both locally and remotely. It shall also be possible to configure the built-in functions with addi tional logics (AND-gates, ORgates and timers) as well as additional functions such as over-current, over voltage, etc The use of these options has to be agreed in the contract. supervision


Continuous self-supervision function with selfdiag nostic possibilities shall be included in a line protec tion terminal. terminal


protection General

The transforrrer protection terminal shall be suitable for p otectior. control and monitoring of twoor three-windinc transformers, autotransformers, reac tors, and ge;eratortransformer block units and also for applicatics with multi-circuit breaker arrange ments. The r Jmerical transformer terminal shall be designed to cperate correctly over a wide frequency range and tc accommodate for system frequency variations anc block generator start-ups. function


The differemal protection function shall be provided with 2nd hc'monic restraint to avoid tripping at magnetizing rush and 5th harmonic restraint to avoid trippin;; at over-excitation. Recovery inrush and CT saturatior shall not influence the differential func tion. The ditf-::rential protection shall have an adjusta ble restraint :.:haracteristic and be provided with an adaptive dif-::rential feature for multi-circuit breaker arrangemen-c.S as needed e.g. in the diameter of a 1 112 circuit break-::r configuration. The differential protec tion shall be stable in case of high throughfaults also in multi-circ .'t breaker arrangements. Tap-changer position indication shall be included, to provide maxi mum sensiti,rity for the differential protection. A high set unrestra -:ed differential current protection shall be included. functions


Three-phase time over-current protections,restricted earth-fault orotections, second harmonic restrained time earth-fault over-current protections, three-phase under- and over-voltage protections and neutral over voltage protections shall be available for all windings. A thermal overload protection and an over-excitation protection shall be included.


· User configuration

21.1.10 Transformer tap changer control

The protection terminal shall be provided with a pro grammable logic for trip and indications. User confi guration of the included protection, control and moni toring functions shall be possible. The basic structure shall be modular for binary inputs and binary outputs . to facilitate user adaptation. A mA transducer input module shall be possible to be added. The inputs and outputs may be connected also via a process bus if applicable .

Voltage regulation for single transformer or parallel transformers with On-Load-Tap-Changer shall either be included in the numerical transformer terminal or located in a separate tap-changer control device, which is associated with the. power transformer. In case a separate tap-changer control device is selected this shall be integral part of the SA system like any protection relay. Local HMI

The local human machine interface (HMI) shall be front mounted and based on a user-friendly, menu structured program, and performed by the use of a permanently installed man machine interface unit, type tested together with the line protection terminal. The terminal shall also be provided with a serial front port for PC connection for maintenance. Event and disturbance reporting function

The transformer shall provide the user locally or remotely with complete information on the last ten disturbances. The event recorder shall be able to store at least 1 50 time-tagged events per recorded disturbance. A disturbance recorder with a minimum of 10 seconds of recording time shall provide the user with timectagged disturbance records. At least 10 analogue and 48 binary signals must be recorded, with a sampling rate that guarantees the presenta tion of a fifth harmonic component of any recorded analogue signal. Self supervision

Continuous self-supervision function with self-diag nostic possibilities must be included in a transformer terminal.


21.1.11 Substation Monitoring It is envisaged that monitoring shall generally be applied not only to specific and individual pieces of substation but also to the complete substation. This Power System Monitoring (PSM) approach shall be come integral part of substation automation (SA) and the results shall provide the input for risk manage ment and maintenance systems. One important aspect is that the wealth of data avai lable from numerical protection devices shall be used for monitoring the condition of circuit breakers, trans formers, tap changers etc. by means of a cost effec tive data sharing approach.

2 7. 7. 7 7. 7 Substation monitoring system The substation monitoring system shall provide all information on a dedicated station level server direct ly accessible for the protection and maintenance engineer and fully independent of the control centers. The information shall be retrieved via the corporate communication network directly from a r r:note engineering center.

2 7. 7. 7 7.2 Access via the control center Remote access to the substation data shall be enabl ed from the control centers and from Engineering centers upon request. All information which are relat-


. '.:



21.1.12 System performance The updating times on the operator station under normal and calm conditions in the substation shall be: 21.1.12

ed to the condition of high voltage apparatus shall be directly accessible by the respective owners in the utility organization. The communication with control centers shall be single or redundant (option) and comply with the fol lowing protocols:


Typical values

Exchange of display (first reaction) .Presentation of a binary change in the process display

<1s < 0,5 s

Presentation of an analogue change in the process display

< 1s

From order to process output

< 0,5 s

From switching command to update of the display

< 1.5 s

(to be specified in tender) Disturbance analysis In case of disturbances, today, the protection engineers are using different kind of information to find the cause of a fault. However, it is becoming more and more important to find these failures in a very short time and to react efficiently with suitable measures to restore power supply very fast. The substation monitoring system shall provide all relevant information for fault finding, analysis, and trouble shooting. Suitable and user-friendly fault eva luation software shall be included in the scope of supply and provide short fault summaries and auto matic printouts about fault history and fault location. The protection engineer should have his own PC based system w1th direct access to the substation to evaluate all the required information for proper fault analysis independently of the network control cen ters. Terminal parameter setting It shall be possible to access all protection and control devices for reading the terminal parameters (settings). _The setting of parameters or activation of parameter sets shall be restricted by e.g. password to the au thorized protection engineer.

When DC voltage is restored after a DC auxiliary vol tage failure, the entire system must perform automa tically a start up on its own. (Automatic restart time :s: 5 min.) After each restart, an automatic general in terrogation with old/new comparison is to be carried out and changes are to be communicated to all func tional modules that require the new information. In addition to securing the parameter values in each functional module, the process data base including manual entries must also be secured against failures in order to avoid new inputs during restarts. Each action by the operator must be logged as event and result in a reaction from the system. The latter may be visible or audible, and either confirms the operator input or rejects it. Rejections must contain an explanation with easily understandable error mes sages. The starting and ending of an operator input must be user friendly at all control levels. If a local/remote transfer switch is operated, this must initiate automatically an acknowledgement and can cellation procedure.

390 21.1.13 System design features The SA system shall be designed to satisfy the very high demands for reliability and availability mncer nlng: • Solid mechanical and electrical design • Protection against electrical interference (EMI) • High quality components and electronic circuit boards (ECB) • Modular, hardware System behavior and time response


• Thoroughly developed and tested modular software • Easy-to-understand programming language for application programming • Detailed graphical documentation, IEC 611313,

of the application applicable • Built-in supervision functions • Security aspects

software, and



• Experience of security requirements

• Process know-how • Select before execute at operation • Process status representation as double indications • Distributed solution • Independent units connected to the local area network

This tool should be able to run on a standard PC and provide open interfaces for data ex-change.


• Back-up functions • Panel design appropriate to the harsh electrical environment and ambient conditions • Panel grounding immune against transient ground potential rise

21.1.14 System engineering

27. 7. 74.7 configuration


For the specific configuration and required adapta tions of a substation control system as well as for system maintenance the support of an appropriate tool is indispensable. This tool shall allow to generate and manage documents and assure a consistent data model for all functions of a substation control system. Essential components of this tool are the input and output modules as well as data management. System maintenance The process related parameters describe all types of data and information, which is exchanged between the process level, (switchgear and its auxiliaries), the bay control and station control levels, as well as the network control level. They define the possible status of process information with their physical input/out put points as well as their functional assignments. The configuration of the station HMI shall be made with the aid of the operator station in the Windows environment. The various functions shall be customiz ed with the aid of easy to use interactive c-onfigura tion tools. Configuration shall include the visual pre sentation of the object, adaptations needed in the process database, and adaptations of the communi cation configuration data. A portable Personal Computer (PC) as a service unit shall be foreseen for on-site modifications of the con trol and protection devices. The service unit shall be used for documentation, test and commissioning. The PC based engineering tool shall be used for the following purposes: • System configuration • System testing • Help functions • Program documentation • Down- and up-loading programs & System comm;ss;on1ng • Data management • Changing parameters

base peripheral




The engineering system shall be able to monitor data in the running substation control system and to pre sent changing variables on the display screen in gra phic representation.

21.1.1 5 Documentation The complete documentation of a station consists of three types: • Hardware documentation • Circuit diagrams • Control system function diagrams • Documentation of the parameters • Parameter lists • Graphical representation • Control system function diagrams • General documentation • • • •

Standard descriptions System-specific descriptions Operator manual Communication manua!

• information


• Standardized substation configuration file written in SCL according to IEC 61850-6 All documentation should be consistent and include all information required for operation, maintenance, inspection and repair of the station.

21.1.16 Hardware documentation


The hardware documentation of the control system is to be carried out according to the same structure as the documentation of the other station units and is an integral part of the complete documentation.

The identification of the inqividual components and the structure shall be in accordance with the relevant IEC standards.

21.1.17 Parameter documentation . The following information is required for complete parameter documentation. • Listing version



system software

• Information regarding the configuration tool • Information regarding the data model The parameter documentation must be complete and consistent. and contain all necessary signals and a description of the parameters necessary for the operation of the systems. It shall comprise the follow ing documentation for: • System parameters • Functional parameters • Process parameters • Operational parameters

21.1.18 General documentation

2 7. 7.7 8.7 documentation


Standard documentation is the description of systems, equipment and functions of a manufacturer, which is universally valid and which should not be adapted to a specific project. It includes: • Equipment documentation • Equipment manual


• System description • Description of functions • Operating instructions • Fault description • Service programs

21.2 Assessment of Wide Area Protection

2 7. 7. 7 8.2 System specific description The system specific description shall contain: • System specific extracts from the standard docmentation • User specific operating instructions Supplemented with actual setting values such as transfer rates etc., these descriptions shall further include user specific functions such as special tele control protocols.

21.1.19 List of project specific documents The following documentation to be provided for the systems in the course of the project shall be con sistent, CAD supported, and of similar look/feel: • List Drawings


• Control Room Layout • Assembly Drawing • Single Line Diagram • Block Diagram • Circuit Diagram • List of Apparatus • List of Labels • Functional Design Specification (FDS) • Test Plan and Specification of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) ) and of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) • Standardized substation configuration file written in SCL according to IEC 61850-6 • Logic Diagram • List of Signals • Operator's Manual • Product Manuals • Calculation for uninterrupted power supply (UPS) dimensioning


. '? '?

The following checklist shall serve an power utility to assess the needs and requirem ents for the imple mentatio n of wide area protectio n solutions . The intention is to provide a starting point for detailed investiga tions of particular WAPS in order to select the most suitable one to counter specific pheno mena.





Present power system performance


How often do instabilities occur in know power system?


No instabilities occur


Instabilities occur every more than five years


Instabilities occur less than every five years


How often?


What kind of wide area system disturbances occur?


Voltage instabilities


Frequency instabilities


Undamped power swings


Loss of synchronism







Instabilities occur often




(please fill in)

Cacade tripping Some of the phenomena occure together

Present measures to maintain power system integrity


Voltage instability control

What preventive measures are taken? 3.1

Adjusting generation schedule


Adjusting voltage set points on generators


Adjusting voltage set points on synchronous condensers


Adjusting taps on some transformers


Switching on/off shunt capacitors


Switching on/off shunt rectors


Others What curative actions are taken?



Blocking on load tap changers (OLTC) on transformers


Reduction of voltage references on OLTCs


Early automatic load shedding following important line trip




Frequency instability control


The primary spining reserve ...........% of demand maintained all the time


Network splitting on under-frequency at the boundaries of the utility


Load shedding from ........... Hz with ........... seconds time delay




Undamped power swing control








What preventive measures are taken? 5.1

Real transfer power transfer limits must not be exeeded


Reactive power absorption limits must not be exeeded


Low voltage limits on generators must not be exeeded


WAPS implemented on important generators


Others What are the curative actions taken?


Reduction of real power transfer


Increase of reactive power generation on concerned generators


Increase of reactive power generation on synchronous compensators


Actions on DC lines


Disconnection of radially connected part of the system




Loss of synchronism control What preventive measures are taken?


Security rules in planning and operation stage are to be followed


Fast valving is conducted on thermal generation units


Preventive automatic load shedding


Preventive automatic unit shedding


Others What curative actions are taken?


Generators are disconnected by out-of-step relays


Generators are disconnected by under-voltage protection relays


Generators whitout fast valving are tripped rapidly


Out-of-step relays on some lines


Blocking of distance protection relays against power swings





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Cascade line tripping control





What preventive measure are taken? 7.1

Security rules are followed in planning and operation stage


Provision of power swing blocking relays


Provision of out-of-step relays


Early automatic load shedding


Early automatic unit shedding


Others What curative actions are taken?


Fast manual load shedding by remote control from control center


Fast manual action on generators power set-point


Starting fast power reserves (gas turbines, hydro units)




Coordination of problems with interconnected utilities Exchange of information related to


Non-availability or loss of important lines


Temporary weak points in generation


Major disturbances in power generation


Deviations os scheduled power exchange


Changes of reactive power flows and voltage conditions


Load on tie-lines


Signals of tie-lines breakers


Voltage values on busbars


Real and reactives power values on tie-lines


Common studies to meet future reqirements




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Recommended compementary measures or actions for 1

Voltage instability control

1 '1

Coordination between neighbouring utilities on reactive margin management Coordination between neighbouring utilities on voltage profile control Implementation of OLCT blocking at all critical transformers Coordination of OLCT voltage references


1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3

Frequency instability control

Required Notrequ.

Automatic load shedding plan for the interconnencted power system The load shedding plan should operate in the range of 48 - 49 Hz The maximum load shedding shouid be about 40 - 50 % of the demand Coordination of the main steps for power restoration Undamped power swings control

Required Notrequ.

Facts devises (cos

3.2 3.3 3.4 4


WAPS for disconnection of part of the system Loss of synchronism control

Required Notrequ.

4.2 4.3 4.4

Implementation of WAPS as unit shedding Implementation of WAPS as load shedding in interconnected operation Suitably located WAPS as out-of-step relays for network splitting Preventing automatic reclosing during out-of-step conditions


Cascade tripping control


Implementation of adaptive numerical distance protection Single phase auto-reclosing on all important lines Synchronizing equipment on all major interconnection points Implementation of WAPS as unit sheddding in interconnected operation Implementation of WAPS as load shedding in interconnected operation

5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.5 7.6


WAPS like load shedding subject to particular network conditions/events


11 1

Required Notrequ.



Required Notrequ.

Monitoring of the dynamic behaviour of critical part of the system Required Notrequ.

Implementation of PMUs for on-line detection of critical situations Dedicated planning and operation planning studies Coordination between neigbouring utilities for using data exchange Additional measures to increase power system stability & capacity

On-line monitoring (Substation/transformer) Asset management Power quality monitoring Others Others

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Required Notrequ.
