Study Tips - Rajesh Kattimani

  • June 2020
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Study Tips Rajesh Kattimani

1. "Studying regularly is the most important way to get good marks in examination." 2. "It's important to attend each and every lecture so as to have a visual memory of the topics. This way when you study them again, the topics will be in your mind" 3. "Say the words you are studying out loud so that you may hear them as you read them. Repeat this as many times as possible. Never cram. Always review what you have learned during the day. Also, when you learn something, share it with others. As I believe,"Men learn while they teach." 4. "When I study, I first prepare all the things that I'll need for reviewing. I buy some healthy food, because when I am studying, my mind works faster when I'm eating food." 5. "Evaluate yourself as to what time of the day you are most alert. Are you a morning person, an afternoon person, or a night person? For me, I am a night person, so I place my full effort in studying at night. As for my less productive times of the day, I utilize that time for scanning and skimming key terms I write in an outline key term notebook (which I made up to help me study), underline important key terms, and make an outline. The best way to study is to be neat and organized and avoid cramming. Use 3 set of colors for highlighting, e.g., red for a word being defined, blue for important key terms in the definition, and yellow for the topic being enumerated. Get enough sleep (7 hours will do). And don't go overboard with coffee." 6. "I usually study anywhere in my home. Before studying any subject, think of questions related to the topic. Think about why the topic is important, why we are studying it, and what its general applications are." 7. "To create a good Study Environment: [1] Find a place to study and keep it for study only. [2] Tool-up the environment with all study needs. [3] Control the noise level and the visual environment at acceptable levels. [4] Avoid relaxing while working; create a work atmosphere."

Study Tips Rajesh Kattimani

8. "When I study, I turn off things that might distract me such as my cell phone and computer. I usually listen to classical music." 9. "If you want to be at the top in any class, you must attend each class and listen to everything carefully. Do this even if the the teacher's statement seems boring and useless to you." 10. "I go over my textbooks at the start of the semester. I look at the table of contents and then I see the subjects listed in the index. I skim through the book to see if there are things that can help like definitions and things to think about. I also look at the end of chapters to see if there are questions. Doing all this gives me a good idea of what to expect in the class and I feel ready to go." 11. "Here is how I study for a standardized exam that has several sections. I study the first section for one hour and then take a short break. During the break I can talk to my friends or watch a TV program I like. Then I study the second section for one hour and then take a short break. I do this for as many sections as there are (this is how I am studying for the…….board exams). Have confidence when you study and don't get tense. I like to study in the morning because my mind is fresher and more open then. " 12. "Get a copy of the syllabus of the subject that you are studying. It states everything you need to know, and is also a guide to what is going to come in the examinations. Stick to your syllabus! Visit the library and the Internet and obtain notes on the topics listed in the syllabus. Study these notes and you are guaranteed to pass!" 13. "I compare my class notes with my friends' notes sometime after class. We all can fill in anything we missed in class and make our notes much better. Don't get lazy though and depend on your friends. Take good notes yourself. Also get notes from your friends when you miss class." 14. "As a Language and Public Speaking Coach, I have found that unless a student focuses on his or her purpose for studying, little is achieved. Ask yourself: "What is my purpose?" Firmly place in your mind the following: "I must understand this particular topic better." Such conscious affirmation minimizes distraction and increases the motivation to study. (56 words)"

Study Tips Rajesh Kattimani

15. "I find that using cue cards and writing all my notes on them really helps me learn the information." 16. "I take careful notes in my classes. This makes me stay alert so I don't miss anything important - especially things that might be on the test. When a teacher seems excited about something it's almost always on the test. I write that down for sure. " 17. "If you want to be a perfect and brilliant student, study smart. Do not force yourself to learn something or study something. Just relax for a while, wash your face, and than listen to your favourite music while studying." 18. "After reading a textbook chapter, videotape or audiotape yourself giving a lecture on the chapter. Whenever you have free time, watch or listen to it [like before going to sleep or while having breakfast). Watching yourself or listening to your own voice on tape helps your memory and boosts your confidence." 19. "When I work on math problems, I write each step as I do it. This makes me think carefully about what I am doing. If the answer doesn't seem right I can can back through the steps I wrote to see where I went off." 20. "I use white index cards with different colour stripes at the top to study my science vocabulary words. This is how I do it. When I come across a word I don't know, I use a card with a red stripe (stop - I have to learn this word). I write the word on the front and its meaning on the back. I keep reviewing them. When I think I know a word, I rewrite it and its meaning on a card with a yellow stripe (caution - I still need to work on this word). When I am sure I know a word I use a card with a green stripe (go on to other words, but I still have it so I can review it once in a while)." 21. "Study at the same time each day. It is best to study in groups. When I study I keep my feet off the ground. Otherwise I get sleepy. Get at least 6 hours of sleep daily and especially sleep well the night before an exam. "

Study Tips Rajesh Kattimani

22. "I came up with a neat way to help me when I'm learning about countries in the world. I find their flag on the Internet and read about how the flag came about. I just read about the flag of Peru and learned how the colours came from the Incas. They ruled Peru before Spain did. The flags are also neat to look at." 23. "I have to spend a lot of time to remember my notes when I read them. I have a technique. I draw a picture about the subject matter of my notes. This helps me to remember my notes perfectly. All the best." 24. "I expect to go to university after next year. In my senior year I'm taking advanced placement classes and the hardest elective I can find. I want to be challenged so I can smooth right into university demands. Don't take the easy way while in high school - you'll just pay for it later." 25. "Writing something 2 times is equal to reading it 10 times. So students of today, please be sure to write to come up in your life. " 26. "As a Language and Public Speaking Coach, I have found that unless a student focuses on his or her purpose for studying, little is achieved. Ask yourself: "What is my purpose?" Firmly place in your mind the following: "I must understand this particular topic better." Such conscious affirmation minimizes distraction and increases the motivation to study. (56 words)" 27. "I find that using cue cards and writing all my notes on them really helps me learn the information." 28. "I take careful notes in my classes. This makes me stay alert so I don't miss anything important - especially things that might be on the test. When a teacher seems excited about something it's almost always on the test. I write that down for sure. " 29. "If you want to be a perfect and brilliant student, study smart. Do not force yourself to learn something or study something. Just relax for a while, wash your face, and than listen to your favourite music while studying."

Study Tips Rajesh Kattimani

30. "After reading a textbook chapter, videotape or audiotape yourself giving a lecture on the chapter. Whenever you have free time, watch or listen to it [like before going to sleep or while having breakfast). Watching yourself or listening to your own voice on tape helps your memory and boosts your confidence." 31. "When I work on math problems, I write each step as I do it. This makes me think carefully about what I am doing. If the answer doesn't seem right I can can back through the steps I wrote to see where I went off." 32. "I use white index cards with different color stripes at the top to study my science vocabulary words. This is how I do it. When I come across a word I don't know, I use a card with a red stripe (stop - I have to learn this word). I write the word on the front and its meaning on the back. I keep reviewing them. When I think I know a word, I rewrite it and its meaning on a card with a yellow stripe (caution - I still need to work on this word). When I am sure I know a word I use a card with a green stripe (go on to other words, but I still have it so I can review it once in a while)." 33. "Study at the same time each day. It is best to study in groups. When I study I keep my feet off the ground. Otherwise I get sleepy. Get at least 6 hours of sleep daily and especially sleep well the night before an exam. " 34. "I came up with a neat way to help me when I'm learning about countries in the world. I find their flag on the Internet and read about how the flag came about. I just read about the flag of Peru and learned how the colors came from the Incas. They ruled Peru before Spain did. The flags are also neat to look at." 35. "I have to spend a lot of time to remember my notes when I read them. I have a technique. I draw a picture about the subject matter of my notes. This helps me to remember my notes perfectly. All the best." 36. "I expect to go to university after next year. In my senior year I'm taking advanced placement classes and the hardest elective I can find. I want to be challenged so I can smooth right into university demands. Don't take the easy way while in high school - you'll just pay for it later."

Study Tips Rajesh Kattimani

37. "Writing something 2 times is equal to reading it 10 times. So students of today, please be sure to write to come up in your life. " 38. "To make studying more interesting, I sit in front of the computer and surf the Internet on the topic or check on the topic in encyclopaedias like Britannica & Encarta. It makes the topic feel more interesting & fascinating. " 39. "To be honest I get bored when I study. That's why I study with my best friend. She's in most of my same classes. We have fun when we study and try to turn things into learning games. We keep each other going. The time goes fast and I learn a lot. Oh yeah - she's very smart." 40. "The vocabulary in my science courses is pretty technical. Here's something I came up with. When I have to learn a new word or term, I Google it. I read articles that come up that include the word. This gives me practice with the word and I get to understand it better and the ways it's used. And here's the best part - it's fun. I learn some incredible things." 41. To make studying more interesting, I sit in front of the computer and surf the Internet on the topic or check on the topic in encyclopaedias like Britannica & Encarta. It makes the topic feel more interesting & fascinating. " 42. "To be honest I get bored when I study. That's why I study with my best friend. She's in most of my same classes. We have fun when we study and try to turn things into learning games. We keep each other going. The time goes fast and I learn a lot. Oh yeah - she's very smart." 43. "The vocabulary in my science courses is pretty technical. Here's something I came up with. When I have to learn a new word or term, I Google it. I read articles that come up that include the word. This gives me practice with the word and I get to understand it better and the ways it's used. And here's the best part - it's fun. I learn some incredible things."

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