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STUDY TIPS FOR ALL ---------------------------------------------------------------PRASANNA KUMAR REDDY

ACT TEST TIPS: The ACT is a widely used college admission standardized test. It has four mandatory subject tests: English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science. There is also an optional Writing test which some colleges require. General Tips

Answer the questions you find easiest first. Come back to the others later. • Don’t spend more than a minute or two on any question. As you work on a section, keep track of how much time remains. (It’s a good idea to bring a reliable watch.) Answer every question. There is no penalty for guessing. Be careful to mark only one answer choice per question. Write in the test book in any way that will help you. Consider all answer choices before you choose one. Use the process of elimination to narrow your choices. •

• • • • •

English Section Tips • • • •

Consider the writing style used for each section. The correct answer choice will be the one that works best with the writing style used. When asked a question about something that is underlined, consider how the underlined portion fits with the rest of the section. Examine each answer choice to see how it differs from the others. For items that include “No Change” as an answer choice, choose this as your answer only if you are sure none of the other answer choices are correct. Reread the underlined portion with your answer choice to be sure it is correct.

Reading Section Tips • • • •

Read the passage carefully before you read the questions. Focus on the main ideas in the passage. Underline these. Don’t get lost in the details. Try to identify how ideas in the passage are connected. Refer back to the passage as you answer each question.

Mathematics Section Tips •

Work out the problem before looking at the answer choices. When done, choose the answer choice that matches your answer. If none match, redo the problem.

Don’t overly rely on your calculator. Some problems are best worked out manually. Some don’t even require calculation. The questions focus much more on reasoning than on calculation. If you find yourself doing complicated calculations, you’re probably on the wrong track. Make sure your answer choice makes sense. A calculation error can lead you to a wrong answer choice. Check your work. •

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Science Section Tips • • • •

Given the complexity of the passages, it may help to make some simple notes as you read them. Cross out irrelevant information. Don’t be overly concerned with any technical terminology. Technical terms usually have little to do with the correct answer choice. Be watchful for conflicting viewpoints in some of the passages.

Writing Section Tips •

• • • • • •

Organization of your response is very important. Use a fiveparagraph essay that includes an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Plan your response before you begin to write it. Stay with the topic throughout your response. Vary your sentence structure and word choices. Use specific examples wherever possible. Write legibly. If you have time, check your grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling.

These tips can help you get the most out your knowledge, skills, and abilities when you take the ACT.

Building Vocabulary: Using Context Clues to Learn Word Meaning When authors write, they often include context clues to the meaning of words they use but think that some of their readers may not know. The context clue is usually presented in the sentence or paragraph in which the word occurs. Sometimes a visual such as a picture is provided. Here are six types of context clues used by authors to help the reader understand the meanings of words. An example is provided for each. 1.Definition context clue The author includes a definition to help the reader understand the meaning of a word. In the following example, “tainted” is defined as having a disease.

The people of the town were warned not to eat the tainted fish. The local newspaper published a bulletin in which readers were clearly told that eating fish that had a disease could be very dangerous. This was especially true for fish caught in Lake Jean. 2.Synonym context clue The author includes a synonym to help the reader understand the meaning of a word. A synonym is a word that means the same as or nearly the same as another word. In the following example, the synonym “pity” helps the reader understand the meaning of “compassion.”

After seeing the picture of the starving children, we all felt compassion or pity for their suffering. 3. Antonym context clue The author includes an antonym to help the reader understand the meaning of a word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. In the following example, the antonym “eager” helps the reader understand the meaning of “reluctant.”

Joe was reluctant to take on the position of captain of the basketball team. He was afraid that the time it would take would hurt his grades. On the other hand, Billy was eager for the chance to be captain. He thought that being captain of the team would make him very popular in school. 4. Description context clue The author includes one or more descriptions to help the reader understand the meaning of a word. In the following example, descriptions of President Kennedy as having charm, enthusiasm, and a magnetic personality help the reader understand the meaning of “charismatic.”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th president, improved human rights and equal rights for all people. He was a very charismatic president. People were attracted to his charm and enthusiasm. His personality was described as magnetic. 5. Summary context clue The author makes a number of statements that help the reader understand the meaning of a word. In the following example, statements about being rude, showing no respect, having poor manners, and being impolite help the reader understand the meaning of “impertinent.”

Andrea was a very impertinent young lady. She was so rude that she talked while her teacher was explaining a lesson. She showed no respect for other students. Her manners were very poor. Even her parents thought that Andrea was impolite. 6. Visual context clue The author includes a picture, drawing, She was exultant chart, graph, or other type of visual to help the reader understand the meaning of a word. In the following example, the picture and its caption that is close to the sentence helps the reader understand that “exultant” means great joy.

Peggy had an exultant look on her face.

Using the context clues provided by authors can help you learn the meaning of many new words.

Using Prefixes to Expand Your Vocabulary

What is a prefix? You must understand what a root word is in order to understand what a prefix is. A root word is a word you can change into a new word by adding a beginning and/or an ending. A prefix is a beginning that is added to a root word. For example, take the root word “purpose.” By adding the prefix “multi” to “purpose,” the new word “multipurpose” is formed. Every prefix has its own meaning. When added to a root word, a prefix changes the meaning of the root word to which it is added. The root word “purpose” means “an aim or a goal one wishes to achieve.” The prefix “multi” means “many.” The new word “multipurpose” means “designed or used for many purposes.” Learning to identify prefixes and knowing their meanings are great ways to expand your vocabulary. An expanded vocabulary will increase your listening and speaking comprehension. It will also help you communicate more effectively when writing or taking tests.

Some Common Prefixes

Here are some common prefixes. The meaning of each prefix is shown, as well as words that can be formed by adding the prefix to root words. Using these prefixes and others will expand your vocabulary. Prefix re hyper

Meaning of Prefix again over

un tri pre mis sub

not three before wrong below

Words Formed Using the Prefix replay, resend, replace hyperactive, hypersensitive, hyperventilate unclear, unsure, undecided triangle, tricycle, triweekly prepay, prepackage, predate misconduct, misspell, misunderstand subway, substandard, submarine

Some More Prefixes Here are some more prefixes and their meanings. You can add these prefixes to many root words to form new words and expand your vocabulary. Prefix ante bi equi hypo neo poly semi

Meaning before two equal under new many half

Prefix auto circum im inter omni retro trans

Meaning self around not between all backward across

To build your vocabulary using prefixes, do the following: 1. When you see a prefix whose meaning you do not know, look up its meaning in a dictionary. 2. Write the prefix and its meaning where you can refer to it easily and often. 3. Review the meaning of these prefixes from time to time. 4. Form words by adding these prefixes to root words. 5. Use these words when you speak and write.

Watch your vocabulary grow!

Confusing Pairs of Words Many pairs of words sound alike or nearly alike, but each has a different meaning. For example, affect means to influence something, while effect means the result of something. Words like these can be easily confused with each other. You must be careful to use the correct word from a pair of such confusing words when you are writing and speaking. If not, you may express something different than what you mean to express. For example, suppose you are writing about the importance of a good marriage. You write that martial bliss is a wonderful thing. The word martial refers to war. You should have written that marital bliss is a wonderful thing. The word marital refers to marriage. You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself by addressing a letter to the administrator of your school as “Dear Principle.” The word principle means a fundamental truth. You should write “Dear Principal.” The word principal refers to the head of a school. Here are some word pairs that are commonly confused. Learn the meanings of each of the words so that you use them correctly. Accept – to take something that is given to you Except – to leave out

Altar – a raised place used in religious services Alter – to change Ascent – to climb Assent – to agree Brake – a device for stopping or slowing a vehicle Break – to come apart Cite – to document Site – a place Coarse – rough Course – moving from one point to the next Complement - something that makes a thing whole or perfect Compliment – to praise Conscience – a sense of right and wrong Conscious – state of being awake Descent – coming from a higher place to a lower one Dissent – to disagree Desert – a dry, hot, sandy area Dessert – the sweet final part of a meal Device – something made for a certain purpose Devise – to invent something or develop a plan Elicit – to bring out Illicit – illegal Eminent – famous or well respected Imminent – about to happen Faint – weak Feint – a movement meant to deceive

Forth – forward Fourth – an ordinal number Here – at or in a place Hear – to receive sound through one’s ears Hoard – to save and store away Horde – a very large group Hole – an opening through something Whole – an entire thing Loath – reluctant Loathe – greatly dislike Palate – the roof of the mouth Palette – an artist’s board for mixing paints Peace – absence of fighting Piece – a portion of something Plain – clearly seen, heard, or understood Plane – a flat surface Pore – a very small opening in the skin Pour – to cause something to flow Precede – to come before Proceed – to go forward Shear – to cut the wool off a sheep Sheer – so thin you can see through it Stationary – to stand still Stationery – writing paper Waist – the part of the human body between the ribs and the hips Waste – to use or spend carelessly

Weak – without strength Week – a period of seven days Don’t be CONFUSED! Learn the meanings of these words to use them correctly.

Direction Words In Essay Test Items Most essay test items are not presented in the form of a question. Instead, they are often presented as a statement that includes a direction word. The direction word tells you what you should do when you write your answer to the item. Look for the direction word and be sure to do what it tells you to do. Here are the direction words that are most frequently used by teachers when they write essay test items. The meaning of each direction word is provided and is followed by an example of an essay test item using that direction word. Get to know what each of these direction words tells you to do. Analyze - Analyze tells you to break something down into its parts and show how the parts relate to each other to make the whole.

Analyze the factors that contribute to good health.

Compare - Compare tells you to show how two or more things are BOTH similar and different.

Compare the forms of government found in the United States and in China. Contrast – Contrast tells you to show how two or more things are different.

Contrast the Republican and Democratic political platforms. Define – Define tells you to explain the meaning of something in a brief, specific manner.

Define what is meant by “living life to the fullest.” Describe – Describe tells you to present a full and detailed picture of something in words to include important characteristics and qualities.

Describe what it was like to live in ancient Rome. Diagram – Diagram tells you to illustrate something by drawing a picture of it and labeling its parts.

Diagram a modern commercial jet airplane. Evaluate – Evaluate tells you to present both the positive and negative characteristics of something.

Evaluate the impact of rap music on American youth. Explain – Explain tells you to provide facts and reasons to make something clear and understandable.

Explain why the American Civil War occurred. Justify – Justify tells you to provide reasons and facts in support of something.

Justify the need for the federal income tax.

List – List tells you to present information about something as a series of brief numbered points.

List the ingredients needed to bake bread. Outline – Outline tells you to present the most important information about something in a carefully organized manner.

Outline what it takes to be successful in school. Summarize – Summarize tells you to present the main points about something in a brief form.

Summarize how Thomas Edison’s inventions have made our lives better. Trace – Trace tells you to present the order in which something occurred.

Trace the major events that led to America’s Declaration of Independence. Recognizing these direction words and knowing what they tell you to do will help you do well when taking an essay test.

Becoming a Flexible Reader To become a flexible reader, you need to know how to select and use a reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading. There are three important reading styles you should learn to use. Each has its own purpose. Knowing when and how to use these three reading styles will make you a flexible reader. Read to learn about the three reading styles used by flexible readers.

Study Reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension. When using the Study Reading style, you should read at a rate that is slower than your normal reading rate. Further, as you read you must challenge yourself to understand the material. Study Reading will often require you to read material more than once to achieve a high level of comprehension. Sometimes, reading the material aloud will also help you improve your comprehension. Skimming is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to quickly obtain a general idea about the reading material. The Skimming style is most useful when you have to read a large amount of material in a short amount of time. When using the Skimming style, you should identify the main ideas in each paragraph and ignore the details in supportive sentences. Because you are only looking for the main idea in each paragraph you read, a lower level of comprehension is to be expected than when using the Study Reading style. Scanning is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to quickly locate a specific piece of information within reading material. The piece of information to be located may be contained in a list of names, words, numbers, short statements, and sometimes even in a paragraph. Since you know exactly what you are looking for, move your eyes quickly over the reading material until you locate the specific piece of information you need to find. Before you begin your next reading assignment, identify your purpose for reading. Decide if you are reading for a high level of comprehension, trying to get a general idea about what you are reading, or looking for specific information. Then use the reading style that is appropriate for your reading purpose.

Good Listening In Class It is important for you to be a good listener in class. Much of what you will have to learn will be presented verbally by your teachers. Just hearing what your teachers say is not the same as listening to what they say. Listening is a cognitive act that requires you to pay attention and think about and mentally process what you hear. Here are some things you should do to be a good listener in class. Be Cognitively Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. Make sure you complete all assigned work and readings. Review your notes from previous class sessions. Think about what you know about the topic that will be covered in class that day. Be Emotionally Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. Your attitude is important. Make a conscious choice to find the topic useful and interesting. Be committed to learning all that you can. Listen with a Purpose. Identify what you expect and hope to learn from the class session. Listen for these things as your teacher talks. Listen with an Open Mind. Be receptive to what your teacher says. It is good to question what is said as long as you remain open to points of view other than your own. Be Attentive. Focus on what your teacher is saying. Try not to daydream and let your mind wander to other things. It helps to sit in the front and center of the class, and to maintain eye contact with your teacher.

Be an Active Listener. You can think faster than your teacher can speak. Use this to your advantage by evaluating what is being said and trying to anticipate what will be said next. Take good written notes about what your teacher says. While you can think faster than your teacher can speak, you cannot write faster than your teacher can speak. Taking notes requires you to make decisions about what to write, and you have to be an active listener to do this. Meet the Challenge. Don't give up and stop listening when you find the information being presented difficult to understand. Listen even more carefully at these times and work hard to understand what is being said. Don't be reluctant to ask questions. Triumph Over the Environment. The classroom may too noisy, too hot, too cold, too bright, or too dark. Don't give in to these inconveniences. Stay focused on the big picture - LEARNING.

Your Preferred Learning Style A learning style is a way of learning. YOUR preferred learning style is the way in which YOU learn best. Three learning styles that are often identified in students are the Auditory Learning Style, the Visual Learning Style, and the Tactile/Kinesthetic Learning Style. Read about each of these learning styles to identify YOUR preferred learning style. Are you an Auditory Learner?

Auditory Learners learn best when information is presented in an auditory language format. Do you seem to learn best in classes that emphasize teacher lectures and class discussions? Does listening to audio tapes help you learn better? Do you find yourself reading aloud or talking things out to gain better understanding? If YES, you are probably an Auditory Learner. Are you a Visual Learner? Visual Learners learn best when information is presented in a written language format or in another visual format such as pictures or diagrams. Do you do best in classes in which teachers do a lot of writing at the chalkboard, provide clear handouts, and make extensive use of an overhead projector? Do you try to remember information by creating pictures in your mind? Do you take detailed written notes from your textbooks and in class? If YES, you are probably a Visual Learner. Are you a Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner? Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners learn best in hands-on learning settings in which they can physically manipulate something in order to learn about it. Do you learn best when you can move about and handle things? Do you do well in classes in which there is a lab component? Do you learn better when you have an actual object in your hands rather than a picture of the object or a verbal or written description of it? If YES, you are probably a Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner. Your learning style is your strength. Go with it whenever you can. When you can choose a class, try to choose one that draws heaviest on your learning style. When you can choose a teacher, try to choose one who's teaching method best matches your learning style. When you choose a major and future career, keep your learning style firmly in mind.

Making an Oral Presentation When making an oral presentation in class, you must know your subject well and convince your audience that they have something to gain from listening to you. Here are some things you can do to make an effective oral presentation. Be prepared. Research your subject to ensure that you are knowledgeable. Practice your presentation until you feel comfortable. Make sure you can present your information within whatever time limits you will have. Anticipate questions you may be asked and prepare answers to these. Know your audience. Tailor your presentation to your audience’s level of knowledge about the subject of your presentation, what they need to know, and their interests. Be positive. Make it clear that you are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about your subject. Don’t read your presentation. Talk to your audience. Use your notes as prompts as needed. Provide examples. Try to make your presentation as concrete and “down to earth” as possible. Add appropriate anecdotes and humor to drive home a point. Use visual aids. Supplement what you say with visual aids such as handouts, charts, transparencies, and slides. Make sure that everyone can easily see the visual aids. Don’t use visual aids that are so complex that the audience will spend its time trying to read them instead of listening to you. Visual aids are supplements to what you say, not replacements for what you say. Maintain eye contact. Shift your eye contact around the room so that everyone feels that you are talking to them. Actively involve your audience. People can only listen so long without their attention wandering. Making your presentation interesting will help you to capture and keep your audience’s attention for a while, but you must do

more. Build in some simple and quick activities for your audience so that they are actively involved in your presentation. Ask questions that you are confident your audience will be able to answer. Use your voice effectively. Vary the tone of your voice and be careful not to talk too quickly. End on a high note. Leave your audience feeling upbeat about what they have just heard. Managing Your Study Time

There are only so many hours in a day, a week, and a term. You cann change the number of hours, but you can decide how to best use them To be successful in school, you must carefully manage your study time Here is a strategy for doing this. Prepare a Term Calendar

At the beginning of a term, prepare a Term Calendar. Update it as the term goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Term Calendar. •

Record your school assignments with their due dates and your scheduled tests. • Record your planned school activities. • Record your known out-of-school activities. Prepare a Weekly Schedule

Each Sunday before a school week, prepare a Weekly Schedule. Update it as the week goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Weekly Schedule. • Record your daily classes. • Enter things to be done for the coming week from your Term Calendar. Review your class notes from the previous week to see if you need to add any scho activities. • Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved during the week. • Be sure to include times for completing assignments, working on projects, and studying for tests. These times may be during the school day, right after school evenings, and weekends.

Prepare a Daily Organizer

Each evening before a school day, prepare a Daily Organizer for the next day. Place a √ next to each thing to do as you accomplish it. Here is what to do to prepare a Daily Organizer. • Enter the things to do for the coming day from your Weekly Schedule. • Enter the things that still need to be accomplished from your Daily Organizer fro the previous day. • Review your class notes for the day just completed to see if you need to add any school activities. • Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved the next day. Your Weekly Schedule should have more detail than your Term Calendar. Your Daily Organizer should have more detail than your Weekly Schedule. Using a Term Calendar, Weekly Schedule, and a Daily Organizer will help you make the best use of your time.

Math Tips Here are some “how-to’s” that will come in handy. How to Round a Number To the nearest ten If the ones digit is 5 or more, round to the next highest ten (68 rounds to 70). If the ones digit is less than 5, round to the next lowest ten (33 rounds to 30). To the nearest hundred If the tens digit is 5 or more, round to the next highest hundred (384 rounds to 400). If the tens digit is less than 5, round to the next lowest hundred (427 rounds to 400).

To the nearest thousand If the hundreds digit is 5 or more, round to the next highest thousand (7,602 rounds to 8,000). If the hundreds digit is less than 5, round to the next lowest thousand (7,268 rounds to 7,000). How to Find an Average To find the average of several numbers, add the numbers together and then divide the sum by the number of numbers. The average of 17, 30, 6, and 7 = 60 ÷ 4 = 15 How to Tell if Two Fractions are Equivalent Cross multiply the fractions. If both products are the same, the fractions are equivalent. 3 and 9 8 24

3 x 24 = 72 8 x 9 = 72

5 and 3 8 12

5 x12 = 60 8 x 3 = 24

3 and 9 are equivalent fractions. 8 24 5 and 3 are not equivalent fractions. 8 12

How to Find a Percentage To tell what percentage one number is of a second number, divide the first number by the second. Move the decimal point of the resulting quotient two places to the right. Example: What percentage is 20 of 300? 20 ÷ 300 = .067 = 6.7% How to Change a Fraction to a Percentage Divide the numerator by the denominator. Move the decimal point of the resulting quotient two places to the right.

6 15

= 6 ÷ 15 = .4 = .40 = 40%

How to Change a Decimal to a Percentage Move the decimal point two places to the right. 0.792 = 79.2% Refer to these how-to’s until you can do them automatically.

Measurement Units A measurement system is a set of units which can be used to specify anything which can be measured. There are various measurement systems used across the world. The system used in the United States is the U.S. customary system. Here are the common units used in this system along with examples to give you a frame of reference. Length Inch (in): The distance between the knuckles on your index finger is approximately one inch.

Foot (ft): One foot equals 12 inches. An official professional football is about one foot long.

Yard (yd): One yard equals three feet. A baseball bat is about one yard long. Mile (mi): One mile equals 5,280 feet. A mile is approximately the distance a championship distance runner can run in just under four minutes. Weight Ounce (oz): A slice of bread usually weighs a little less than one ounce.

Pound (lb): One pound equals 16 ounces. A loaf of white bread usually weighs a little more than one pound. Ton (T): A ton is 2,000 pounds. The famous Liberty Bell in Philadelphia weighs about one ton. Capacity Cup (c): A standard baby bottle holds about one cup of juice.

Pint (pt): One pint equals two cups. A pint of ice cream is just about right for four people to share. Quart (qt): One quart equals two pints. Motor oil typically comes in a quartsized container. Gallon (gal): One gallon equals four quarts. A large container of milk contains one gallon. Knowing these measurement units will help you in school and in everyday life.

Metaphors What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that denotes a certain object or idea is applied to another word or phrase to imply some similarity between them. Examples of Metaphors Using Words and Phrases 1. The inside of the car was a refrigerator. o A refrigerator is very cold. In this example, “refrigerator” is a metaphor because it is being applied to “the inside of the car” to imply that the inside of the car was very cold. 2. The teenage boy’s stomach was a bottomless pit. o A bottomless pit can never be filled. In this example, “bottomless pit” is a metaphor because it is being applied to “the teenage boy’s stomach” to imply that his appetite could never be satisfied (that is, his stomach could never be filled). Why Use a Metaphor? Speakers and writers use metaphors for several reasons: •

• • •

Metaphors can help readers or listeners to better understand something about the object or idea to which the metaphor is being applied. Metaphors can make speaking and writing more lively and interesting. Metaphors can communicate a great deal of meaning with just a word or a phrase. Metaphors, because they imply rather than directly state relationships, can get listeners and readers to think about what they are hearing or reading.

Some More Metaphors Depending on what you are trying to communicate when writing or speaking, just about any word or phrase can be used as a metaphor. Here are some sentences in which a metaphor is used. In each sentence, the metaphor

appears in bold print. What the metaphor implies is shown after each sentence. 1. The teacher got to the bottom of the problem. (This implies that the teacher got to the source of the problem.) 2. My dad was boiling mad. (This implies that my dad was very, very angry.) 3. His idea was difficult to swallow. (This implies that his idea was hard to accept.) 4. The homework was a breeze. (This implies that the homework was very easy to do.) 5. They showered the birthday girl with gifts. (This implies that they gave the girl many gifts.) 6. My memory of the event is foggy. (This implies that my memory of what happened was unclear.) 7. Her dog, Jake, was the sunshine of her life. (This implies that Jake was the brightest or best part of her life.) 8. Mary stole the spotlight with her performance. (This implies that Mary’s performance made her the center of attention.) 9. If I were you, I would steer clear of that topic. (This implies that you should stay away from that topic.) 10. After graduating from college, William decided to market himself as a computer specialist. (This implies that William decided to present himself as a computer specialist when looking for a job.) 11. Alice was thrilled when her idea began to bear fruit. (This implies that Alice’s idea produced results.) 12. I knew he was just joking because I could see a smile sprouting from the edges of his lips. (This implies that a smile was forming and growing.) 13. Helen and Maria hatched a plan to help Maria become president of her class. (This implies that Helen and Maria came up with a plan.) 14. Each year, a new crop of students entered Harrison High School. (This implies that each year a new group of students entered whose skills and abilities would grow during their years at Harrison.) 15. The suspect clammed up when the police began to ask him questions about where he had been the night of the crime. (This implies that the suspect shut his mouth and said nothing.)

A Strategy for Using Metaphors 1. Identify the object or idea that is the subject of what you are writing or saying. For example, suppose you are trying to describe a sunset. 2. Identify what it is you want to communicate about that object or idea. You want to bring out how beautiful the sunset is. 3. Identify another object or idea that strongly implies what you want to communicate. You decide that the idea of “painted” would be a good way to communicate the beauty of the sunset. 4. Construct a sentence in which you link the idea of painted with sunset. For example, you could write or say, “The sunset painted the sky with vibrant colors.” Congratulations! You have just used painted as a metaphor. Using metaphors when you write and speak will allow you to communicate more effectively and in a more interesting way. applied to another word or phrase to imply some similarity Metaphors What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that denotes a certain object or idea is between them. Examples of Metaphors Using Words and Phrases 1. The inside of the car was a refrigerator. o A refrigerator is very cold. In this example, “refrigerator” is a metaphor because it is being applied to “the inside of the car” to imply that the inside of the car was very cold. 2. The teenage boy’s stomach was a bottomless pit. o A bottomless pit can never be filled. In this example, “bottomless pit” is a metaphor because it is being applied to “the teenage boy’s stomach” to imply that his appetite could never be satisfied (that is, his stomach could never be filled). Why Use a Metaphor?

Speakers and writers use metaphors for several reasons: •

• • •

Metaphors can help readers or listeners to better understand something about the object or idea to which the metaphor is being applied. Metaphors can make speaking and writing more lively and interesting. Metaphors can communicate a great deal of meaning with just a word or a phrase. Metaphors, because they imply rather than directly state relationships, can get listeners and readers to think about what they are hearing or reading.

Some More Metaphors Depending on what you are trying to communicate when writing or speaking, just about any word or phrase can be used as a metaphor. Here are some sentences in which a metaphor is used. In each sentence, the metaphor appears in bold print. What the metaphor implies is shown after each sentence. 1. The teacher got to the bottom of the problem. (This implies that the teacher got to the source of the problem.) 2. My dad was boiling mad. (This implies that my dad was very, very angry.) 3. His idea was difficult to swallow. (This implies that his idea was hard to accept.) 4. The homework was a breeze. (This implies that the homework was very easy to do.) 5. They showered the birthday girl with gifts. (This implies that they gave the girl many gifts.) 6. My memory of the event is foggy. (This implies that my memory of what happened was unclear.) 7. Her dog, Jake, was the sunshine of her life. (This implies that Jake was the brightest or best part of her life.) 8. Mary stole the spotlight with her performance. (This implies that Mary’s performance made her the center of attention.)

Multiple-Choice Tests Many of the tests you take in school will be multiple-choice tests. Here are two types of items you will often find on multiple-choice tests. 1. An incomplete statement followed by several answer choices. In this type of item, the missing part of the statement can be anywhere in the statement. You must circle the letter that represents the answer choice that correctly completes the statement. Usually there are four answer choices represented by the letters a, b, c, and d. Sometimes there are more than four answer choices. Here is an example of this type of item: The first president of the United States, ____, was known as the “Father of his country.” a. Thomas Jefferson b. Abraham Lincoln c. George Washington d. Theodore Roosevelt You should circle “c” to show that George Washington was the first president of the United States.

2. A question followed by several answer choices.

In this type of item, you must circle the letter that represents the answer choice that correctly answers the question. Here is an example of this type of item: How many states make up the United States of America? a. 48 b. 52 c. 46 d. 50 You should circle “d” to show that 50 is the correct answer choice for this question. Sometimes, one of the answer choices is “all of the above.” In the following example, “e” is the correct answer choice because all of the foods shown are dairy products. Which of the following foods are dairy products? a. milk

b. ice cream c. yogurt d. cream cheese e. all of the above Other times, one of the answer choices is “none of the above.” In the following example, “b” is the correct answer choice because Argentina is the only country listed that is in South America. For “e” to be correct, none of the countries listed could be in South America.

______ is a country in South America. a. Russia b. Argentina c. Mexico d. Japan e. none of the above

Guidelines When Taking Multiple-Choice Tests Here are some guidelines that will help you correctly answer multiple-choice items. 1. Circle or underline important words in the item. This will help you focus on the information most needed to identify the correct answer choice. 2. Read all the answer choices before selecting one. It is just as likely for the last answer choice to be correct as the first. 3. Cross out answer choices you are certain are not correct. This will help you narrow down the correct answer choice. 4. Look for two answer choices that are opposites. One of these two answer choices is likely to be correct. 5. Look for hints about the correct answer choice in other items on the test. The correct answer choice may be part of another item on the test. 6. Look for answer choices that contain language used by your teacher or found in your textbooks. An answer choice that contains such language is usually correct. 7. Do not change your initial answer unless you are sure another answer choice is correct. More often than not, your first choice is correct. 8. Choose “all of the above” if you are certain all other answer choices in the item are correct. Do not choose “all of the above” if even just one of the other answer choices is not correct. 9. Choose “none of the above” if you are certain all other answer choices in the item are incorrect. Do not choose “none of the above” if even just one of the other answer choices is correct. Knowing how multiple-choice items are constructed and using these guidelines will help you improve your score on a multiple-choice test.

Basic Number Properties There are four basic properties of numbers: commutative, associative, distributive, and identity. You should be familiar with each of these. It is especially important to understand these properties once you reach advanced math such as algebra and calculus. Commutative Property a. Addition. When two numbers are added, the sum is the same regardless of the order in which the numbers are added. 3+5=8



b. Multiplication. When two numbers are multiplied together, the product is the same regardless of the order in which the numbers are multiplied. 3 x 5 = 15


5 x 3 = 15

Associative Property a. Addition. When three or more numbers are added, the sum is the same regardless of the way in which the numbers are grouped. 6 + (4 + 3) = 13 or (6 + 4) + 3 = 13 b. Multiplication. When three or more numbers are multiplied, the product is the same regardless of the way in which the numbers are grouped. 6 x (4 x 3) = 72 or (6 x 4) x 3 = 72

Distributive Property The sum of two numbers times a third number is equal to the sum of each addend times the third number. 5 x (7 + 2) = 45 or 5 x 7 + 5 x 2 = 45 Identity Property a. Addition. The sum of any number and zero is that number. 12 + 0 = 12 b. Multiplication, The product of any number and one is that number. 18 x 1 = 18 Knowing these properties of numbers will improve your understanding and mastery of math.

Parts of Speech A part of speech explains how a word is used. In traditional English grammar, there are eight parts of speech. Knowing about each part of speech will help you

use words correctly when speaking and writing. Your communication skills will be enhanced. Here are the eight parts of speech and their most common meanings: Noun: A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. Examples: (person) – Michael Jordan was a great basketball player. (place) – I left my notebook at school. (thing) – I enjoy reading a good book. A noun that names only one person, place, or thing is a singular noun. A noun that names more than one person, place, or thing is a plural noun. For example, automobile is a singular noun, while automobiles is a plural noun.

Pronoun: A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. Pronouns act just like nouns. Examples: Bob gave me the best puppy in the litter. Now that cute puppy is mine.

Adjective: An adjective is a word that describes a noun. It can tell what kind or how many. Examples: (what kind) That was a wonderful movie. (how many) Only several people attended the town meeting.

Verb: A verb is a word that shows action. A present tense verb shows action that is happening now. A past tense verb shows action that has already happened. A future tense verb shows action that will happen. Examples: (present tense) Please move the chair away from the wall. (past tense) I walked home from school yesterday. (future tense) We are going on vacation in the middle of July.

Adverb: An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It can tell how or when. Examples: (how) I try to eat my food slowly. (when) I like Jamie because he never lies.

Conjunction: A conjunction is a word that connects words in a sentence. Examples: Susan and Anna are very close friends. I will go to the park if you come too.

Preposition: A preposition is a word that links and relates a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence. Examples: I haven’t gone to the gym since Tuesday. Tom said that he was against Bill’s idea.

Interjection: An interjection is a word that expresses emotion. It is usually an exclamation that is followed by an exclamation point (!). Sometimes, an interjection is followed by a comma (,). Examples: Wow! That movie was scary. Oops, I didn’t mean to do that.

Knowing these eight parts of speech will improve your writing and speaking

Phonics Rules

What is Phonics? Phonics refers to associating letters or letter groups with the sound they represent. Mastery of phonics is an important tool for reading and pronouncing words. What Phonics Rules Should I Know? Because the English language is so complex, there are many phonics rules. Knowing the phonics rules that apply most often can be a major aid to identifying words and improving comprehension in your reading. But keep in

mind there are some words that don’t follow the rules. You will just have to watch out for these exceptions. Here are the most useful phonics rules you should know: 1. Every syllable in every word must contain a vowel. The vowels are: a, e, i, o, u, and y (although y is a consonant when at the beginning of a word). 2. When "c" is followed by "e, i, or y," it usually has the soft sound of "s." Example: city.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


When "g" is followed by "e, i, or y," it usually has the soft sound of "j." Example: gem. A consonant digraph is two or more consonants that are grouped together and represent a single sound. Here are consonant digraphs you should know: wh (what), sh (shout), wr (write), kn (know), th (that), ch (watch), ph (laugh), tch (watch), gh (laugh), ng (ring). When a syllable ends in a consonant and has only one vowel, that vowel is short. Examples: tap, bed, wish, lock, bug. When a syllable ends in a silent "e," the vowel that comes before the silent "e" is long. Examples: take, gene, bite, hope, fuse. When a syllable has two vowels together, the first vowel is usually long and the second vowel is silent. Example: stain. When a syllable ends in a vowel and is the only vowel, that vowel is usually long. Examples: ba/ker, be/come, bi/sect, go/ing, fu/ture, my/self. When a vowel is followed by "r" in the same syllable, the vowel is neither long nor short. Examples: charm, term, shirt, corn, surf.

Knowing and Applying These Phonics Rules Will Improve Your Reading.

Procrastination What is Procrastination? Procrastination is putting off or avoiding doing something that must be done. It is natural to procrastinate occasionally. However, excessive procrastination can result in guilt feelings about not doing a task when it should be done. It can also cause anxiety since the task still needs to be done. Further, excessive procrastination can cause poor performance if the task is completed without sufficient time to do it well. In short, excessive procrastination can interfere with school and personal success. Why Do Students Procrastinate? There are many reasons why students procrastinate. Here are the most common reasons: 1. Perfectionism. A student’s standard of performance may be so high for a task that it does not seem possible to meet that standard. 2. Fear of Failure. A student may lack confidence and fear that he/she will be unable to accomplish a task successfully. 3. Confusion. A student may be unsure about how to start a task or how it should be completed. 4. Task Difficulty. A student may lack the skills and abilities needed to accomplish a task. 5. Poor Motivation. A student may have little or no interest in completing a task because he/she finds the task boring or lacking in relevance. 6. Difficulty Concentrating. A student may have too many things around that distract him/her from doing a task. 7. Task Unpleasantness. A student may dislike doing what a task requires. 8. Lack of Priorities. A student may have little or no sense about which tasks are most important to do.

How Do I Know if I Procrastinate Excessively? You procrastinate excessively if you agree with five or more of the following statements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I often put off starting a task I find difficult I often give up on a task as soon as I start to find it difficult. I often wonder why I should be doing a task. I often have difficulty getting started on a task. I often try to do so many tasks at once that I cannot do any of them. 6. I often put off a task in which I have little or no interest. 7. I often try to come up with reasons to do something other than a task I have to do. 8. I often ignore a task when I am not certain about how to start it or complete it. 9. I often start a task but stop before completing it. 10. I often find myself thinking that if I ignore a task, it will go away. 11. I often cannot decide which of a number of tasks I should complete first. 12. I often find my mind wandering to things other that the task on which I am trying to work. What Can I Do About Excessive Procrastination? Here are some things you can do to control excessive procrastination. 1. Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts such as “There is no time like the present,” or “Nobody’s perfect.” 2. Prioritize the tasks you have to do. 3. Commit yourself to completing a task once started. 4. Reward yourself whenever you complete a task. 5. Work on tasks at the times you work best. 6. Break large tasks into small manageable parts. 7. Work on tasks as part of a study group.

8. Get help from teachers and other students when you find a task difficult. 9. Make a schedule of the tasks you have to do and stick to it. 10. Eliminate distractions that interfere with working on tasks. 11. Set reasonable standards that you can meet for a task. 12. Take breaks when working on a task so that you do not wear down. 13. Work on difficult and/or unpleasant tasks first. 14. Work on a task you find easier after you complete a difficult task. 15. Find a good place to work on tasks. Above all, think positively and get going. Once you are into a task, you will probably find that it is more interesting than you thought it would be and not as difficult as you feared. You will feel increasingly relieved as you work toward its accomplishment and will come to look forward to the feeling of satisfaction you will experience when you have completed the task. Preparing to Study: A Good Study Place You need a good study place to be prepared to study. You should be able to answer YES to all of the following questions: 1. Is my Study Place available to me whenever I need it? Your Study Place does you little good if you cannot use it when you need it. If you are using a Study Place that you must share with others for any reason, work out a schedule so that you know when you can use it. 2. Is my Study Place free from interruptions? It is important to have uninterrupted study time. You may have to hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door or take the phone off the hook. 3. Is my Study Place free from distractions? Research shows that most students study best in a quiet environment. If you find that playing a stereo or TV improves your mood, keep the volume low.

4. Does my Study Place contain all the study materials I need? Be sure your Study Place includes reference sources and supplies such as pens and pencils, paper, ruler, calculator, and whatever else you might need. If you use a computer for your schoolwork, it should be in your Study Place .

5. Does my Study Space contain a large enough desk or table?

While working on an assignment or studying for a test, use a desk or table that is large enough to hold everything you need. Allow enough room for writing and try to avoid clutter. 6. Does my Study Place have enough storage space?

You need enough room to store your study materials. Be sure you have enough storage space to allow you to keep your deskt or other work surface clear of unnecessary materials that can get in the way. 7. Does my Study Place have a comfortable chair? A chair that is not comfortable can cause discomfort or pain that will interfere with your studying. A chair that is too comfortable might make you sleepy. Select a chair in which you can sit for long periods while maintaining your attention. 8. Does my Study Place have enough light? The amount of light you need depends on what you are doing. The important thing is that you can clearly see what you need to see without any strain or discomfort. 9. Does my Study Place have a comfortable temperature? If your Study Place is too warm, you might become sleepy. If it is too cold, your thinking may slow down and become unclear. Select a temperature at which your mind and body function best. Having a good Study Place is important for good studying.

Using Punctuation Marks Punctuation is the use of standard marks and signs in writing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning. The marks or signs are called punctuation marks. Punctuation marks are signals to readers. When you speak, you can pause, stop, or change your tone of voice to make your meaning clear. You cannot do this when you write. When writing, you must use punctuation marks such as commas and question marks to make your meaning clear. The use of punctuation marks can be very complex. Each punctuation mark can be used in many ways. Here are the punctuation marks that are most commonly used when writing and the most typical way or ways they are used. Examples are provided for each. Period (.) - Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence (a sentence which states an idea). "That was a wonderful movie." - Use a period to end an abbreviation. "I think that Mr. Williams is a great teacher."

Question Mark (?)

- Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence (a sentence which asks a question). "Did you like that movie?" Comma (,) - Use a comma to separate three or more items in a series. "My history class meets each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday." - Use a comma to separate independent clauses in a sentence. "We wanted to go to the beach, but it rained that day." - Use a comma after introductory words or phrases in a sentence. "Certainly, I have my homework right here." - Use a comma to set off dates and addresses. "My friend Jane, who was born June 18, 1992, lives in Akron, Ohio."

Semicolon (;) - Use a semicolon when two independent clauses in a sentence are not separated by a conjunction (such as "and"). "I like pizza; Carlos also likes pizza" - Use a semicolon between independent clauses in a sentence that are separated by any of the following transitional words or phrases: accordingly, consequently, for example, for instance, furthermore, however, instead, moreover, nevertheless, otherwise, and therefore. "I planned to study Saturday morning; however, the power in our house went out due to a storm." - Use a semicolon when the items in a series of items contain commas. "I have lived in Los Angeles, California; Boston, Massachusetts; Trenton, New Jersey; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." Colon (:)

- Use a colon before a list that is preceded by a complete independent clause. Some form of the word "follow" is often used in such a case. "On our next vacation, we plan to visit the following countries: England, France, Italy, and Greece." - Use a colon to divide hours from minutes. "I have an appointment with the doctor at 10:30 tomorrow morning." Exclamation Point (!) (sometimes called an Exclamation Mark) - Use an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence to show strong emotion. "I am very upset with him!" - Use an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence for emphasis. "I have to go home right now!" - Use an exclamation mark after an interjection at the start of a sentence (an interjection is a word used to express strong feeling or sudden emotion). "Wow! That test was harder than I expected." Apostrophe (')

- Use an apostrophe to indicate a missing letter or letters in a contraction. "I don't think she will win the election." - Use an apostrophe plus the letter "s" to show possession. "Please take good care of Brad's dog." Use punctuation marks to make the meaning of what you write as clear as possible.


Reading Comprehension: The REDW Strategy for Finding Main

REDW is a good strategy to use to find the main idea in each paragraph of a reading assignment. Using this strategy will help you comprehend the information contained in your assignment. Each of the letters in REDW stands for a step in the strategy. Read Read the entire paragraph to get an idea of what the paragraph is about. You may find it helpful to whisper the words as you read or to form a picture in your mind of what you are reading. Once you have a general idea of what the paragraph is about, go on to the next step. Examine Examine each sentence in the paragraph to identify the important words that tell what the sentence is about. Ignore the words that are not needed to tell what the sentence is about. If you are allowed to, draw a line through the words to be ignored. For each sentence, write on a sheet of paper the words that tell what the sentence is about. Decide Reread the words you wrote for each sentence in the paragraph. Decide which sentence contains the words you wrote that best describe the main idea of the paragraph. These words are the main idea of the paragraph. The sentence that contains these words is the topic sentence. The other words you wrote are the supporting details for the main idea. Write Write the main idea for each paragraph in your notebook. This will provide you with a written record of the most important ideas you learned. This written record will be helpful if you have to take a test that covers the reading assignment. Use REDW to help you understand the information in your reading assignments.

Using Acronymic Sentences to Remember Information Creating an acronymic sentence is a good strategy to use when you have to remember information in a certain order. An acronymic sentence is a sentence that is created using the first letter of each piece of information to be remembered. Here is how to create an acronymic sentence. • Write each piece of information you have to remember. • Underline the first letter of each piece of information. If there is more than one word in a piece of information, underline the first letter of the most important word. • Write a sentence using words that begin with the underlined letters.

"My (Mercury) very (Venus) earthy (Earth) mother (Mars) just (Jupiter) served (Saturn) us (Uranus) nine (Neptune) pizzas (Pluto)" is an acronymic sentence that students through the years have used to remember the order of planets around our sun, from closest to furthest. If you accept recent evidence that Pluto is not a planet, you can use "My very earthy mother just served us noodles."

Here are the five most populous cities in Indiana shown in order from highest to lowest: Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Evansville, South Bend, Gary. Here is an acronymic sentence you can use to remember these cities in the order shown. "Insects from everywhere seem gross." Try to form an acronymic sentence that is funny or has a personal meaning for you. You will find the sentence easier to remember if you do this. When you remember the acronymic sentence you create, each word in the sentence will help you remember the piece of information it represents (for example, "Insects" represents "Indianapolis"). Creating acronymic sentences is an effective and fun way to remember information.

Using Acronyms to Remember Information

Forming an acronym is a good strategy to use to remember information in any order. An acronym is a word that is formed from the first letter of each fact to be remembered. It can be a real word or a nonsense word you are able to pronounce.

Here is how to form an acronym.

Write the facts you need to remember. Underline the first letter of each fact. If there is more than one word in a fact, underline the first letter of only the first word in the fact. Arrange the underlined letters to form an acronym that is a real word oranonsense wo you can pronounce. “HOMES” is an example of an acronym that is a real word you can use to remember the names of the five Great Lakes: Michigan, Erie, Superior, Ontario, Huron: In HOMES, H is the first letter of Huron and helps you remember that name; O is the first letter of Ontario, and so on. “Telk” is an acronym that can be used to remember the following animals: tiger, lion, elephant, kangaroo. “Telk” is not a real word, but you can easily pronounce it. You could also have used “kelt” as an acronym. Notice that in this example, you cannot form a real word using the first letter of each fact to be remembered.

Sometimes two or more of the facts you must remember each begin with the same firs letter. For example, the acronym “capp” can be used to remember the following fruits: pear, apple, peach, cherry. You can use the first letter “p” in the acronym to remembe either “pear” or “peach” and the second letter “p” to remember the other. Use the acronym strategy as a way to remember information.

SAT Test Taking Tips The SAT is the most popular standardized test used for admission into colleges and universities in the United States. It includes three sections: math, critical reading, and writing. General Tips •

In each section of the SAT, the questions start out easy and become increasingly difficult. Answer the questions that are easiest for you first. Be careful about guessing. For most questions, you don’t lose a point for omitting an answer, but you do lose a fractional point for a wrong answer. • Don’t spend more than one or two minutes on any one question. • Mark the test book in any way that will help you. • Keep track of time. • Bring water and healthy snacks to renew your mental and physical energy during breaks. Math Section Tips Most of the items in the math section are multiplechoice questions.

• • •

Use a calculator as needed. (Be sure to bring a calculator.) Use the test booklet for scratch work. If stuck, try substituting the numbers given as answer choices for the variables in the question.

Other questions require that you come up with your own answers and fit them into a grid.

• • •

Since there is no penalty for wrong answers here, take your best guess if you can’t figure out the answer. The answer cannot be a negative number. Do the problem again if you come up with a negative number. The answer cannot be a mixed number. If your answer is a mixed number, convert it to an improper fraction or a decimal.

Critical Reading Section Tips Some of the questions require you to read a sentence containing one or two blanks. You are required to select the answer choice that correctly completes the sentence. •

• • •

Read the sentence and try to complete it before looking at the answer choices. If what you come up is one of the answer choices, select it as your answer. Read all the answer choices before selecting one. Don’t just select the first one you come to that you think might be correct. Be especially careful when sentences include negative words (e.g., not) or prefixes (e.g., un). These change the meaning of a sentence. When a sentence contains two blanks, do not select an answer choice unless you are certain that both words in the answer choice are correct. Other questions require you to read a passage and select the correct answers to questions about the passage. Read the passage before reading the questions. • As you read a passage look for the main ideas. You can always go back to look for details. • Pay the most attention to the first and last sentence in a paragraph. Some passages are presented in pairs. In this case, read the introduction first to see how the passages are related. •

Writing Section Tips

This section includes multiple-choice questions. Some require you to improve sentences, others to find errors in sentences, and others to improve paragraphs. • •

Select an answer choice that seems simple and clear. Do not select an answer choice that seems awkward and very complicated. It is particularly important to read the questions and answer choices in this section very carefully.

This section also requires you to write a short, persuasive essay on an assigned topic within 25 minutes. • • • • •

Because the score for your essay is based on the reader’s overall impression, express your ideas clearly using examples to back them up. The standard five-paragraph essay is the best format to use. Keep your writing as simple as possible. Don’t be too “wordy.” Focus on the organization of the essay rather than perfect grammar and spelling. Avoid the use of slang.

Nothing can take the place of math, reading, and writing skills. But these tips can help you make the most of your skills when taking the SAT.

Setting Goals A goal is something you want to achieve. A short-term goal is something you want to achieve soon. Examples of short-term goals are finishing your homework and doing well on tomorrow’s test. A long-term goal is something you want to achieve at some later date. Examples of long-term goals are writing a paper and passing a class. To set appropriate goals, you must know what is important for you to accomplish. Then you must set specific and clearly stated goals. If you do not have clearly stated goals, your effort will lack direction and focus. Write your goals to have a record of them. THE THREE W'S OF GOALS Each goal you set should state WHAT you will do and WHEN you will accomplish it. Implied in each goal you set is your WILL (determination) to do it. For example, a goal for a research paper might be stated as follows: I will (your determination) finish gathering information for my research paper (what you will do) by November 20 (when you will accomplish it). CHARACTERISTICS OF APPROPRIATE GOALS Your goals should be: 1. within your skills and abilities. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you set goals you can accomplish. 2. realistic. Setting a goal to learn the spelling of three new words a day is realistic. Trying to learn the spelling of fifty new words a day is not realistic. 3. flexible. Sometimes things will not go the way you anticipate and you may need to change your goal. Stay flexible so when you realize a change is necessary you will be ready to make the change.

4. measurable. It is important to be able to measure your progress toward a goal. It is especially important to recognize when you have accomplished your goal and need to go no further. Failure to measure your progress toward a goal and recognize its accomplishment will result in effort that is misdirected and wasted. 5. within your control. Other than when working as part of a group, accomplishment of your goal should not depend on other students. You can control what you do, but you have little or no control over what others do. You may do what you have to do, but if others don’t, you will not accomplish your goal. Many times your parents, teachers, and counselors will set goals for you. Be accepting when they do. These are people who know what is important for you and are very concerned with your success. They can also help you accomplish the goals they set. SET GOALS IN SCHOOL THAT PROVIDE YOU WITH DIRECTION AND LEAD TO SUCCESS.

Similes What is a Simile? A simile is a comparison made between two things that are not alike in most ways, but are alike in one important way. In a simile, the words “like” or “as” are used to signal that a comparison is being made between the two things. Why Use a Simile? Speakers and writers use similes to emphasize a certain characteristic of a thing. The comparison made in a simile is often unusual. The listener or reader can form a mental image of the comparison. This increases understanding of what the speaker or writer is trying to communicate. Examples of Similes Using Like and As 1. Last night Bob slept like a log. In this example, slept like a log is the simile, and like is the word used to signal that a comparison is being made. The two things being compared are “slept” and “log.” A log just lies in one place and does not move. A mental image of Bob sleeping like a log would show him lying in one place without moving. This would bring out that the speaker or writer is saying that Bob had a long, deep, and undisturbed sleep and not just a nap. 2. Working on her project, Mary was as busy as a beaver. In this example, as busy as a beaver is the simile, and as is the word used to signal that a comparison is being made. The two things being compared are “busy” and “beaver.” When building a dam a beaver keeps busily working until the dam is completed. A mental image of Mary being as busy as a beaver while working on her project would show her working very hard. This would bring out that the speaker or writer is saying that Mary was putting a lot of effort into her project and would keep working until it was completed.

Commonly Used Similes Here are some commonly used similes in which like is used to signal the comparison: fits like a glove runs like a deer chatters like a monkey moves like a snail sits there like a bump on a log eats like a pig swims like a fish stood out like a sore thumb fought like cats and dogs eyes like a hawk takes it like a man sings like a bird Here are some commonly used similes in which as is used to signal the comparison: as clear as mud as strong as an ox as nutty as a fruitcake as pretty as a picture as good as gold as quiet as a mouse as clear as a bell as bright as day as light as a feather as dry as a bone as slow as molasses as deep as the ocean A Strategy for Using Similes You will often encounter similes when listening to a speaker or reading something. Follow the steps listed below to build your understanding of similes.

1. Listen or look for the words “like” or "as" as clues to a possible simile. 2. Identify the two things being compared. 3. Think about the two things being compared. 4. Form a mental image of the comparison. 5. Identify what the speaker or writer is trying to communicate. Recognizing similes will help you better understand what you hear or read. Using similes when you speak or write will improve your communication.

The RQWQCQ Strategy for Solving Math Word Problems RQWQCQ is a good strategy to use when solving math word problems. Each of the letters in RQWQCQ stands for a step in the strategy. Read Read the entire problem to learn what it is about. You may find it helpful to read the problem out loud, form a picture of the problem in your mind, or draw a picture of the problem. Question Find the question to be answered in the problem. Often the question is directly stated. When it is not stated, you will have to identify the question to be answered. Write Write the facts you need to answer the question. It is helpful to cross out any facts presented in the problem that are not needed to answer the

question. Sometimes, all of facts presented in the problem are needed to answer the question. Question Ask yourself “What computations must I do to answer the question?” Compute Set up the problem on paper and do the computations. Check your computations for accuracy and make any needed corrections. Once you have done this, circle youranswer. Question Look at your answer and ask yourself: “Is my answer possible?” You may find that your answer is not possible because it does not fit with the facts presented in the problem. When this happens, go back through the steps of RQWQCQ until you arrive at an answer that is possible. Use RQWQCQ to help you correctly solve math word problems.

Spelling Long Words: The Syllable-Building Strategy A long word is a word that has more than one syllable (i.e., multisyllabic). A syllable is a word or part of a word that is spoken with a single sound of the voice. Using the SyllableBuilding Strategy will help you spell long words such as democratic. Here is how a student named William used the steps in the Syllable-Building Strategy to learn to spell democratic. He came across this word while reading his social studies textbook. Step 1. William carefully copied the word into his notebook. He checked what he wrote to be sure that he had spelled the word correctly. Here is what he wrote.

Step 2. William then located the word democratic in his dictionary. Step 3. William used the phonetic respelling of democratic in the dictionary to help him pronounce the word. William knew that if he could still not pronounce democratic, he could ask his teacher for help. Step 4. From the dictionary, William learned that democratic was a foursyllable word. William wrote democratic leaving a space between each syllable. Here is what he wrote.

Step 5. William wrote the first syllable of democratic three times. He pronounced this syllable each time he wrote it. Here is what he wrote.

William then covered what he had written and wrote the first syllable of democratic from memory. Here is what he wrote.

He looked to see if he had spelled the first syllable correctly and found that he had. William then wrote the first two syllables of democratic together three times. He pronounced the two syllables together as he wrote them. Here is what he wrote.

He covered what he had written and wrote the first two syllables from memory. Here is what he wrote.

William then looked to see if he had spelled the first two syllables correctly and found that he had not. Therefore, he once again wrote the first two syllables of democratic three times, pronouncing them as he did so. Here is what he wrote.

William covered what he had written and wrote the first two syllables from memory. Here is what he wrote.

He looked to see if he had spelled the first two syllables correctly and found that he had. William continued this procedure for the first three syllables of democratic and then for the entire word. Step 6. Once William had correctly spelled the entire word from memory, he wrote democratic on his personal spelling list. He wrote both the entire word and the word broken into syllables. Step 7. William periodically reviewed the spelling of democratic using the following Spell and Say Review Procedure: 1. He pronounced democratic aloud. 2. He pronounced and spelled aloud each syllable. 3. He spelled the entire word aloud. 4. He wrote democratic three times. Using the Syllable-Building Strategy will make you a better speller.

Useful Spelling Rules Correct spelling is very difficult for many students because the spellings of many words do not follow rules. Even when rules apply to the spellings of words: • • • •

There are many rules to be learned. Many of the rules are very complicated. Many of the rules apply to a small number of words. Almost every rule has exceptions. Still, there are some rules that apply to the spellings of words with few exceptions, and that are not difficult to learn and remember. Learning and using these rules can improve your spelling. Here are eight spelling rules you should learn and use. 1. A word that ends with the sound of “v” is spelled with the letters “ve” at its end. *Examples: shave, above, effective

2. The letter “i” comes before “e” except after “c.” *Examples: believe, field, tried (but not receive) 3. When a word ends with “y” preceded by a consonant, form the plural of the word by changing the “y” to “i” and adding “es.” *Examples: countries, carries, ladies 4. Drop the final silent “e” when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel. *Examples: changing, notable, nervous 5. Keep the final silent “e” when adding a suffix that begins with a consonant. *Examples: useful, lovely, hopeless 6. When a one-syllable word ends in a vowel followed by a consonant, double the final consonant when adding a suffix. *Examples: topped, swimmer, hitting

7. The letter “q” in a word is followed by “u.” *Examples: quick, antique, equation 8. Do not change the spelling of a word when adding a prefix to it. *Examples: remove, triangle, misspell While some of these rules have exceptions, learning and using them will help you correctly spell many words.

A Strategy for Reading Novels A story is a fictitious tale that is written to entertain, amuse, or instruct the reader. A novel is the same as a story but it is longer and more complex. To understand a story or novel, you need to understand the six elements used by authors when they write a story or novel. Characters Characters are the first element to look for when reading a story or novel. Characters are most often people but can be animals or even fictionalized beings like those seen in cartoons or movies. The main character plays the biggest role and is often the first character to be introduced. Most often the story is seen through the eyes of the main character. Secondary characters play a smaller supporting role and are introduced throughout the story. Setting The setting is the second element you should look for when reading a story

or novel. The setting is the location where the story takes place. A story may take place in a home, countryside, town, school, or wherever the author chooses to have the action occur. The setting is usually revealed very early in a story. Time The time when the story takes place is the third element you should look for when reading a story or novel. A story may take place very recently or many years ago. Usually the time when the story takes place is introduced very early in the story. Problem The problem is the fourth element you should look for in a story or novel. The problem most often grows out of a conflict between the main character and another character in the story. But the problem can also involve a circumstance such as a hurricane, a war, or one of the many obstacles that produce a conflict in life.

Events Events are the fifth element you should look for when reading a story or novel. An event is an attempt at solving the problem in the story. In a story there are usually a number of attempts to solve the problem and these events make up most of the story. Solution A solution is the sixth and final element in a story or novel. The solution is how the problem is resolved or brought to an end. Most often the solution is revealed near the end of the story. Sometimes the solution is not revealed until the very last page or even the final paragraph of the story. Recognizing these story elements will help you better understand and enjoy a story, remember the story facts, and appreciate different writing styles used by authors.

A Strategy for Reading Textbooks SQRW is a four-step strategy for reading and taking notes from chapters in a textbook. Each letter stands for one step in the strategy. Using SQRW will help you to understand what you read and to prepare a written record of what you learned. The written record will be valuable when you have to participate in a class discussion and again when you study for a test. Read to learn what to do for each step in SQRW. Survey. Surveying brings to mind what you already know about the topic of a chapter and prepares you for learning more. To survey a chapter, read the title, introduction, headings, and the summary or conclusion. Also, examine all visuals such as pictures, tables, maps, and/or graphs and read the caption that goes with each. By surveying a chapter, you will quickly learn what the chapter is about. Question. You need to have questions in your mind as you read. Questions give you a purpose for reading and help you stay focused on the reading assignment. Form questions by changing each chapter heading into a question. Use the words who, what, when, where, why, or how to form questions. For example, for the heading "Uses of Electricity" in a chapter about how science improves lives, you might form the question "What are some uses of electricity?" If a heading is stated as a question, use that question. When a heading contains more than one idea, form a question for each idea. Do not form questions for the Introduction, Summary, or Conclusion. Read. Read the information that follows each heading to find the answer to each question you formed. As you do this, you may decide you need to change a question or turn it into several questions to be answered. Stay focused and flexible so you can gather as much information as you need to answer each question.

Write. Write each question and its answer in your notebook. Reread each of your written answers to be sure each answer is legible and contains all the important information needed to answer the question. As you practice using SQRW, you will find you learn more and have good study notes to use to prepare for class participation and tests. HINT: Once you complete the Survey step for the entire chapter, complete the Question, Read, and Write steps for the first heading. Then complete the Question, Read, and Write steps for the second heading, and so on for the remaining headings in the chapter.

The DETER Strategy for Taking Tests

To do well on a test, you must have good knowledge of the information that i being tested. But you must also have a strategy for taking the test that allow you to show what you know. The DETER strategy can help you do your best o any test. Each letter in DETER reminds you what to do. D = Directions

Read the test directions very carefully. • Ask your teacher to explain anything about the test directions you do not understand • Only by following the directions can you achieve a good score on the test. • If you do not follow the directions, you will not be able to demonstrate wha you know. •

E = Examine

• •

Examine the entire test to see how much you have to do.

Only by knowing the entire task can you break it down into parts that become manageable for you. T = Time •

Once you have examined the entire test, decide how much time you will spend on each item. If there are different points for items, plan to spend the most time on the items that count for the most points. Planning your time is especially important for essay tests where you must avoid spending so much time on one item that you have little time left for other test items. E = Easiest

• •

The second E in DETER reminds you to answer the items you find easiest first. If you get stuck on a difficult item that comes up early in the test, you may not get to answer items that test things you know. R = Review

If you have planned your time correctly, you will have time to review your answer and make them as complete and accurate as possible. • Also make sure to review the test directions to be certain you have answered all items required.

Using the DETER strategy will help you do better on tests and get better grades.

Study Groups A study group can be helpful when you are trying to learn information and concepts and preparing

for class discussions and tests. Read to learn about the benefits of a study group. Then read on to learn about how to start a study group and the characteristics of a successful study group. Finally, be sure to read about the possible pitfalls of a study group. Benefits of a Study Group A study group can be beneficial in many ways. Here are the most important benefits: 1. A support group can “pick you up” when you find that your motivation to study is slipping. The other group members can be a source of encouragement. 2. You may be reluctant to ask a question in class. You will find it easier to do so in a small study group. 3. You may become more committed to study because the group members are depending on your presentation and participation. You will not want to let them down. 4. Group members will listen and discuss information and concepts during the study sessions. These activities add a strong auditory dimension to your learning experience. 5. One or more group members are likely to understand something you do not. They may bring up ideas you never considered. 6. You can learn valuable new study habits from the other group members. 7. You can compare your class notes with those of the other group members to clarify your notes and fill in any gaps. 8. Teaching/explaining information and concepts to the other group members will help you reinforce your mastery of the information and concepts.

9. Let’s face it – studying can sometimes be boring. Interacting with the other group members can make studying enjoyable. Getting a Study Group Started Study groups don’t just happen. Here is what you should do to get a study group started: 1. Get to know your classmates by talking with them before class, during breaks, and after class. When selecting a classmate to join your study group, you should be able to answer YES for each of the following questions:  Is this classmate motivated to do well?  Does this classmate understand the subject matter?  Is this classmate dependable?  Would this classmate be tolerant of the ideas of others?  Would you like to work with this classmate? 2. Invite enough of these classmates to work with you in a study group until you have formed a group of three to five. A larger group may allow some members to avoid responsibility, may lead to cliques, and may make group management more of an issue than learning. 3. Decide how often and for how long you will meet. Meeting two or three times a week is probably best. If you plan a long study session, make sure you include time for breaks. A study session of about 60 to 90 minutes is usually best. 4. Decide where you will meet. Select a meeting place that is available and is free from distractions. An empty classroom or a group study room in the library are possibilities. 5. Decide on the goals of the study group. Goals can include comparing and updating notes, discussing readings, and preparing for exams.

6. Decide who the leader will be for the first study session. Also decide whether it will be the same person each session or whether there will be a rotating leader. The leader of a study session should be responsible for meeting the goals of that study session. 7. Clearly decide the agenda for the first study session and the responsibilities of each group member for that session. 8. Develop a list of all group members that includes their names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Make sure each group member has this list and update the list as needed. Characteristics of a Successful Study Group Once started, a study group should possess the following characteristics to be successful: 1. Each group member contributes to discussions. 2. Group members actively listen to each other without interrupting. Only one group member speaks at a time. 3. The other group members work collaboratively to resolve any concern raised by a group member. 4. Group members are prompt and come prepared to work. 5. The group stays on task with respect to its agenda. 6. Group members show respect for each other. 7. Group members feel free to criticize each other but keep their criticisms constructive. This can encourage group members to reveal their weaknesses so that they can strengthen them. 8. Group members feel free to ask questions of each other. 9. At the end of each study session, an agenda including specific group member responsibilities is prepared for the next session.

10.Above all, the positive attitude that “we can do this together” is maintained. Possible Pitfalls of a Study Group A study group can be a very positive learning experience. However, there are pitfalls to be avoided. Here are some cautions: 1. Do not let the study group get distracted from its agenda and goals. 2. Do not let the study group become a social group. You can always socialize at other times. 3. Do not allow group members to attend unprepared. To stay in the group, members should be required to do their fair share. 4. Do not the let the session become a negative forum for complaining about teachers and courses. 5. Do not allow one or two group members to dominate the group. It is important that all members have an equal opportunity to participate. The information you just read will help you decide when a study group is appropriate for you and will help ensure its success.

Taking Notes in Class

In classes, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. Th information they provide will be important for you to know when you tak tests. You must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.

Taking good notes is a three-stage process in which there are certain things you should do before class, during class, and after class. Here are the three stages of notetaking and what you should do during each stage. 1. Get Ready to Take Notes (Before Class)

Review your notes from the previous class session before you come to class This will help you remember what was covered and get you ready to understand new information your teacher provides.

Complete all assigned readings before you come to class. Your teacher will expect that you have done this and will use and build upon this information

Bring all notetaking materials with you to class. Have several pens and penci as well as your notebook.

2. Take Notes (During Class) •

Keep your attention focused on what your teacher i saying. Listen for “signal statements” that tell you that what your teacher is about to say is important write in your notes. Examples of signal statements a “The most important point…” and “Remember that . . “ Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the chalkboard.

Write quickly so that you can include all the importa information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviated words such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.

Place a ? next to information you write in your notes but about whose meaning you are not sure. 3. Rewrite Your Notes (After Class) •

Rewrite your notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences. • Make your notes more accurate by answering any questions you had when writing your notes in class. Use yourtextbook and reference sources toobta the information you need to answer your questions. If necessary, ask your teacher or other students for help. • Check with other students to be sure you did not leave out important information.

Having good class notes will help you to be better prepared for tests.

Temperature Scales Temperature is the level of heat in a gas, liquid, or solid. Three scales are commonly used for measuring temperature. The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are the most common. The Kelvin scale is primarily used in scientific experiments. Celsius Scale The Celsius scale was invented in 1742 by the Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius. This scale divides the range of temperature between the freezing and boiling temperatures of water into 100 equal parts. You will sometimes find this scale identified as the centigrade scale. Temperatures on the Celsius scale are known as degree Celsius (ºC). Fahrenheit Scale The Fahrenheit scale was established by the German-Dutch physicist, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, in 1724. While many countries now use the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit scale is widely used in the United States. It divides the difference between the melting and boiling points of water into 180 equal intervals. Temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale are known as degree Fahrenheit (ºF). Kelvin Scale The Kelvin scale is named after William Thompson Kelvin, a British physicist who devised it in 1848. It extends the Celsius scale down to absolute zero, a hypothetical temperature characterized by a complete absence of heat energy. Temperatures on this scale are called Kelvins (K). Converting Temperatures It is sometimes necessary to convert temperature from one scale to another. Here is how to do this.

3. 4. 5. 6.

1. To convert from ºC to ºF use the formula: ºF = ºC x 1.8 + 32. 2. To convert from ºF to ºC use the formula: ºC = (ºF-32) ÷ 1.8. To convert from K to ºC use the formula: ºC = K – 273.15 To convert from ºC to K use the formula: K = ºC + 273.15. To convert from ºF to K use the formula: K = 5/9 (ºF – 32) + 273.15 To convert from K to ºF use the formula: ºF = 1.8(K – 273.15) + 32.

Comparing Temperatures Here are some common comparisons between temperatures on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. ºC


TEMPERATURE Boiling point of water



Freezing point of water



Average human body temperature



Comfortable room temperature

20 to 25

68 to 77

You probably refer to temperature every day. Be sure about the scale you are using.

Test Anxiety WHAT IS TEST ANXIETY? Too much anxiety about a test is commonly referred to as test anxiety. It is perfectly natural to feel some anxiety when preparing for and taking a test. In fact, a little anxiety can jump start your studying and keep you motivated. However, too much anxiety can interfere with your studying. You may have difficulty learning and remembering what you need to know for the test. Further, too much anxiety may block your performance during the test. You may have difficulty demonstrating what you know during the test. HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE TEST ANXIETY? You probably have test anxiety if you answer YES to four or more of the following: 1. I have a hard time getting started studying for a test. 2. When studying for a test, I find many things that distract me. 3. I expect to do poorly on a test no matter how much or how hard I study. 4. When taking a test, I experience physical discomfort such as sweaty palms, an upset stomach, a headache, difficulty breathing, and tension in my muscles. 5. When taking a test, I find it difficult to understand the directions and questions. 6. When taking a test, I have difficulty organizing my thoughts. 7. When taking a test, I often “draw a blank.” 8. When taking a test, I find my mind wandering to other things. 9. I usually score lower on a test than I do on assignments and papers.

10. After a test, I remember information I couldn’t recall during the test. WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT TEST ANXIETY? Here are some things you can do before, during, and after a test to reduce your test anxiety. 1. Use good study techniques to gain cognitive mastery of the material that will be covered on the test. This mastery will help you to approach the test with confidence rather than have excessive anxiety. Employ the tips we provide at Preparing to Study. 2. Maintain a positive attitude as you study. Think about doing well, not failing. Think of the test as an opportunity to show how much you have learned. 3. Go into the test well rested and well fed. Get enough sleep the night before the test. Eat a light and nutritious meal before the test. Stay away from junk foods. 4. Stay relaxed during the test. Taking slow, deep breaths can help. Focus on positive self-statements such as “I can do this.” 5. Follow a plan for taking the test such as the DETER strategy we describe at A Strategy for Taking Tests. Don’t panic even if you find the test difficult. Stay with your plan! 6. Don’t worry about other students finishing the test before you do. Take the time that you need to do your best. 7. Once you finish the test and hand it in, forget about it temporarily. There is nothing more you can do until the graded test is returned to you. Turn your attention and effort to new assignments and tests. 8. When the graded test is returned to you, analyze it to see how you could have done better. Learn from your mistakes and from what you did well. Apply this knowledge when you take the next test.

You have to know the material to do well on a test. You have to control test anxiety to show what you know.

Tutoring and Its Benefits The purpose of tutoring is to help students help themselves and to assist or guide them to the point at which they become independent, successful learners. Tutoring is available in your home, at a local or national tutoring center, and online. How do you know if tutoring is needed for you or your child? There are many possible reasons why you or your child might need tutoring. Here are some of the most important reasons. • • • • • • • • •

Teacher or counselor recommends tutoring Grades are dropping Homework seems increasingly difficult Extreme anxiety before tests Self-esteem is dropping Loss of interest in learning Feelings of wanting to give up Resistance to doing schoolwork Reluctance to go to school

What are the benefits of tutoring? Tutoring can be beneficial in many ways. Here are some of the benefits. •

Provides personalized attention

Improves grades • Increases knowledge and understanding of subjects • Increases motivation to succeed • Provides intensive practice • Allows progress at own pace Leads to better use of study time Improves self-esteem and confidence Encourages higher levels of learning Encourages self-directed learning Reduces competition Provides praise, feedback, and encouragement Provides review of skills not mastered but no longer taught •

• • • • • • •

Review the reasons why tutoring might be needed and the benefits tutoring provides. Doing this will help you decide if you or your child should consider tutoring. Not everyone needs tutoring. But when needed, tutoring can make a great contribution to success.

Using Abbreviations To Write Notes Quickly Many of the questions you find on class tests will be based upon the information your teachers orally present in class. Therefore, you need to write class notes that completely and accurately include the most important information presented by your teachers. This is hard to do because your teachers can talk faster than you can write. It would be nice if your teachers talked slower so that you could keep up with what they are saying as you write your notes. This is not realistic though. It is up to you to write more quickly. One way to do this is to write abbreviations for words. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word used

when writing to represent the complete word. You must be able to recognize the complete word from its abbreviation. Many words have a commonly used abbreviation. Here are some examples of words that have a common abbreviation: Word department introduction junior mathematics weight

Abbreviation dept intro jr math wt

Word package negative magazine foot highway

Abbreviation pkg neg mag ft hwy

You can form your own abbreviation for just about any word. Here are three ways you can do this. 1. Write just the beginning of a long word. Here are some examples of long words that have been abbreviated by writing just the beginning of the word: Word different incorporated elementary molecular division

Abbreviation diff inc elem molec div

Word feminine population ambiguous separate hippopotamus

Abbreviation fem pop ambig sep hippo

2. Leave out the vowels when writing a word. Here are some examples of words that have been abbreviated by leaving out the vowels when writing the word: Word century mountain reason popular quality

Abbreviation cntry mntn rsn pplr qlty

Word point school clean teacher progress

Abbreviation pnt schl cln tchr prgrss

3. For words that have just one syllable, write just the first and last letter of the word. Here are some examples of words that have been abbreviated by writing just the first and last letter of the word: Word quart tick girl night link

Abbreviation qt tk gl nt lk

Word land round pack field heart

Abbreviation ld rd pk fd ht

Use common abbreviations of words whenever you recognize them. For other words, form abbreviations by using one of the three ways you just learned. Use the way that best fits the word for which you are writing an abbreviation. Do not try to abbreviate every word you write in your notes. Abbreviate those words that are important and for which you can quickly form an abbreviation. REMEMBER: YOU MUST BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE THE COMPLETE WORD FROM ITS ABBREVIATION. Knowing the context in which you wrote the word will help you recognize the complete word from its abbreviation. Using abbreviations for words will help you take good notes more quickly. Having good notes will help you do better on tests.

Using Reference Sources

As you go through school, you will need to use reference sources to find information about topics, locate facts, and answer questions. Here are five types of reference sources you should use. Each type is available in print forms, on CD-ROMs, and on the Internet. 1. Dictionary A dictionary provides information about the meaning, pronunciation, and spelling of words. Unabridged dictionaries attempt to be complete by including all words currently in use in a language. They provide extensive information about the words included. Abridged dictionaries omit words that do not regularly appear in books, magazines, and newspapers. Specialized dictionaries provide detailed information about the words that apply to a particular subject such as space, math, biology, psychology, and many more. They include technical words that are rarely used outside of the subject. 2. Thesaurus A thesaurus contains synonyms for commonly used words. A synonym is a word that has the same meaning or nearly the same meaning as another word. For example, "simple" is a synonym for "easy." A thesaurus contains many more synonyms for a word than does a dictionary. A thesaurus can help you precisely express your ideas when writing. 3. Encyclopedia An encyclopedia contains articles on a variety of subjects. The articles are written by experts on each of the subjects. In addition to articles, encyclopedias may include illustrations and diagrams, definitions of some words, and references to additional information. A general encyclopedia includes overview articles on a wide range of topics. A subject encyclopedia contains longer and more detailed articles on specific topics, events, or fields of study. 4. Almanac An almanac is an annual single-volume reference source that contains useful facts about a wide range of topics. You can learn about countries of the

world, government, historical events, and many other topics. Because almanacs are revised each year, the information is current. 5. Atlas An atlas is a collection of maps. The most common atlas contains maps that show the political and physical features of countries throughout the world. A political map shows government boundaries. A physical map shows the features of the earth's surface such as mountains, deserts, and bodies of water. You may also use a road map to learn how to get from place to place. There are also specialized atlases for such things as weather across the world, oceans of the world, and even the anatomy of the human body. Wherever you study, be sure you have access to each of these important reference sources.

A Word Identification Strategy

From time to time while reading you will see a word you cannot identify. It may be a word you think you know but cannot identify, or it may be a word that is new to you. When this happens, you should use a word identification strategy to identify and say the word. Here are the steps of a word identification strategy you can use. Each step tells one thing you should do when you come to a word you cannot identify. Continue to follow the steps until you have identified the word. 1. LOOK AGAIN at the word. As you look at the word again, say each letter in the word. This will get you to look more carefully at the word. Often, when you look at a word a second or third time, you will identify the word as a word you know. 2. READ THE SENTENCE containing the word to see if you can determine what the word means by how it is used in the sentence. Sometimes, knowing the meaning of a word will help you identify the word. 3. LOOK FOR A PREFIX at the beginning of the word. A prefix is a word part that is attached to the beginning of a word. Here are some examples of words with the prefix underlined: prepaid, unheard, rerun. 4. LOOK FOR A SUFFIX at the end of the word. A suffix is a word part that is attached to the end of a word. Here are some examples of words with the suffix underlined: lovely, tallest, spelling. 5. LOOK FOR THE STEM. The stem is what remains after the removal of a prefix and/or suffix. If there is no prefix or suffix, then the whole word is the stem. Here are some examples of words with the stem underlined: prepaid, lovely, misspelling). 6. BLEND AND SAY THE WORD. Blend together the prefix if there is one, the stem, and the suffix if there is one to say the entire word. For example: un+help+ful = unhelpful. 7. USE A DICTIONARY to help identify the word. Look in the dictionary for the word and its phonetic respelling. The phonetic respelling shows the most

common pronunciation of the word. Use the phonetic respelling to help you pronounce the word. Also, look at the definitions provided for the word. Select the definition that best fits the meaning of the word as used in the sentence. Knowing the pronunciation of the word and its meaning should allow you to identify the word. 8. ASK SOMEONE for help identifying the word. If you have reached this step and still cannot identify the word, ask your teacher, parent, or another student to help you identify and say the word. Use this word identification strategy whenever needed in your reading. You cannot understand what you read unless you can identify most or all of the words.

Ten Steps to a Good Research Paper To write a good research paper, you must be specific about your topic, know what you want to say, and say it effectively. Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper. Step 1. Choose Your Topic. When choosing a topic, choose one in which you are interested, and for which there is enough information. If your topic is

too broad, you will have difficulty completing your paper. “The Effects of Pollution” is too broad because there are so many effects of pollution. “The Effects of Pollution on Geese in the Northeast Section of Duluth, Minnesota” is too narrow. You are not likely to find much information that is this specific. “The Effects of Pollution in Yosemite National Park” is just about right as a topic. Step 2. Locate Information. Use information from a variety of reference sources. These sources include encyclopedias, almanacs, scholarly journals, books, magazines, and newspapers. Find these sources in print form, on CDROMS, and on the Internet. Step 3. Prepare Bibliography Cards. Prepare bibliography cards to document the sources of information you use when writing your paper. Your library will have style manuals to illustrate how to prepare bibliography cards for various sources of information. Step 4. Prepare Note Cards. Use note cards to record notes from each source you use when writing your paper. Number your note cards to keep track of them. Step 5. Prepare an Outline. Write an outline for your paper by organizing your notes from the note cards into topics, subtopics, details, and subdetails. Use an organization such as: I. (topic) A. (subtopic) 1. (detail) a. (subdetail)

Step 6. Write A Rough Draft. Use your note cards and outline to write a rough draft of your paper. As you write your draft, use numbered footnotes to credit sources from which you take quotations or major ideas. Step 7. Revise Your Rough Draft. Make any changes needed to be sure your ideas are clearly expressed and your writing has accurate spelling and grammar.

Step 8. Prepare Your Bibliography. At the end of your paper, provide a list of all the sources you used to gather information for the paper. Your bibliography cards will provide this information. List your sources in alphabetical order by the first word on each of your bibliography cards. Step 9. Prepare a Title Page and Table of Contents. The title page is the first page of the paper. It should include the title of your paper, your name, and the date on which the paper is due. The table of contents is the second page. It should list the main topics, important subtopics, and the page on which each is introduced in your paper. Step 10. Final Checklist. Before handing in your paper, be sure you can answer “Yes” to each of the following questions. • • • • • •

Did I include a title page? Did I include a table of contents? Did I number all pages correctly? Did I provide footnotes for quotations and major sources of information? Did I include a bibliography? Did I keep a second copy for my files?

Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper

Writing Techniques Writing is an important form of communication. Good writers use different writing techniques to fit their purpose for writing. To be a good writer, you must master each of the following writing techniques. 1. Description Through description, a writer helps the reader use the senses of feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting to experience what the writer experiences. Description helps the reader more clearly understand the people, places, and things about which the writer is writing. It is the most common form of writing. You will find descriptive writing in newspapers, magazines, books, and most other forms of written communication. 2. Exposition Through exposition, a writer informs, explains, and clarifies his/her ideas and thoughts. Exposition goes beyond description to help the reader understand with greater clarity and depth the ideas and thoughts of the writer. Expository writing, like descriptive writing, is commonly found in newspapers, magazines, books, and most other forms of written communication. 3. Narration Through narration, a writer tells a story. A story has characters, a setting, a time, a problem, attempts at solving the problem, and a solution to the problem. Bedtime stories are examples of short stories while novels are

examples of long stories. The scripts written for movies and plays are further examples of narrative writing. 4. Persuasion Through persuasion, a writer tries to change a reader's point of view on a topic, subject, or position. The writer presents facts and opinions to get the reader to understand why something is right, wrong, or in between. Editorials, letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines, and the text for a political speech are examples of persuasive writing. 5. Comparison and Contrast Through comparison and contrast, a writer points out the similarities and differences about a topic. Comparison is used to show what is alike or in common. Contrast is used to show what is not alike or not in common. Describing living conditions in 1900 and living conditions today would allow for much comparison and contrast. By using the writing technique that fits your purpose, you will be able to communicate your ideas effectively

Writing Tips: Writing a Book Report (Fiction) A book report should contain a factual summary of the book along with your reaction to the book. Book reports usually range from 250 to 500 words. Your teacher may have specific requirements about what you must include in a book report. Your teacher may even provide you with a very specific form to use. A good book report should include the following: 1. Basic Information about the Book •


• •

Author Publisher • •

Year published Number of pages

2. Summary Where the story takes place (setting) • When the story takes place (time) • Who tells the story (narrator) • Main character (protagonist) Secondary characters Sequence of important events (plot) How the book ends •

• • •

3. Your Reaction • • •

Was the book well written? If you have read other books by the same author, how does this book compare with the others? Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?

Once you have completed your book report, check to make sure you have: • • •

Correct spelling Correct punctuation and grammar A complete and accurate summary

Your book report makes it clear that you have read the entire book. As you read the book think about what you want to include in your book report. Jotting down some notes can be helpful. Write your book report as soon as possible after you finish reading the book. A book report makes you think about what you are reading. You will find this adds to your enjoyment of the book.

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