Student Circular Nov 20

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HS Student Circular International School Manila November 20, 2009

From the HS Office:

From the Guidance Office:

Monday, Nov 23 IB2 Geography IA Draft Due IB2 Theatre Research Investigation DUE

Saturday, December 12 ACT Exam 8:00am - 1:00pm, Room 1057

Tuesday, Nov 24 Gr.9 & 10 EXAMS (HS Gym & LT) Wednesday, Nov 25 Student Late Start Gr.9 & 10 EXAMS (HS Gym & LT) 11:30-12:00 FAC Christmas Card Sale Thursday, Nov 26 Gr.9 & 10 EXAMS (HS Gym & LT) PTA Cocktail Party c/o PTA 8-10:30am Parenting Workshop (Room 1057) Friday, Nov 27 School Holiday: NO CLASSES Pre IASAS Basketball (ISM) Saturday, Nov 28 Pre IASAS Basketball (ISM) Sunday, Nov 29 Pre IASAS Basketball (ISM) Remember: November 30: BONIFACIO HOLIDAY: No Classes December 1-4: IB2 English A1 Orals December 5: SAT Exams (LT, AMR, ES Gym) December 8-11: ICARE December 17-January 4: CHRISTMAS BREAK January 5: 1st day of Classes for Second Semester

CANCELLED: Highschool Parent Coffee that was scheduled for December 8 is cancelled. Next parent coffee is scheduled for January 12, 2010. Reminder for Grade 9 and 10 students: Grade 9 and 10 students who have no scheduled exam during the exam days of November 24-26 need not come to school. We recommend that you use this time to prepare for exams that are scheduled the following day or to catch up on work that needs to be accomplished. Students who only have 1 exam in the morning, are allowed to go home after the scheduled exam. For those students who have conflict in their exam schedule, see SAM in the High School Office to schedule a make up exam. To all students: Do not forget to submit your order forms to official school photographer for Kawayan Yearbook, Tino Ley. Orders will not be processed if payment is not made.

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From the Guidance Office: The US Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs sent 2 Journals to the Guidance Office (Choosing a Career & College and University Education in the United States). For those who would like to get a copy, please drop by the Guidance Office and look for Gigi or Jasmin. These shall be given on a first-come-first-served basis.

ATAC Announcements: Congratulations to our ISM golf team who performed very well during the golf exchange last weekend in Jakarta. The two courses were very challenging and it was a great event with close to 70 players, the largest number of IASAS golfers ever participating. ISM GOLF TEAM; Girls:Erica Morihiro, Angela De Villa, Stephanie Kubota, Mika Kubota Boys: Haad Asad, Arjun Vikram, Hak Rim Kim, Jin Wook Lee, Miguel Tabuena. GOLF RESULTS: Congratulations to freshman Miguel Tabuena who won the GOLD medal in boys individual section by shooting par rounds of 72, 72 for the event. It was an incredible effort of concentration and superb golf to post these scores and win the event as a freshman Erica Morihiro scored 78, 79 to come third to claim the bronze medal in the girls section. Well done Erica! Angela De Villa made a great comeback after a difficult first round score of 90 to shoot 77 on day two and take the 5th place medal in the girls section. In the team standings ISM girls took the silver medal and the boys came 4th. Overall a great result for the ISM teams. Thanks to all players and parents for supporting this event. RUGBY: This week ISM hosted two rounds of the IRB u/20’s International Rugby series and both evenings some great rugby was on display for an enthusiastic crowd. Well done to our ISM participants in the Philippine Eagles team, Shay Neilson, Fergus Mitra, Noriyuki Fukuyama and Brian Liston.

From the Security Office:



Brannon Tanaka Grade 2 Hong Jae Jeon Grade 10 Sae Hoon Kim Grade 11 Agustin Rovira Grade 9 Nicholas Labadan Grade 4

Saturday Nov 21 JV/Varsity rugby at ISM from 9am v Brent JV/Varsity touch at Brent from 9am JV/Varsity boys’ tennis at ISM from 8am JV girls’ tennis at ISM from 1pm Aspirants/JV/Varsity Basketball at ISM from 8am As always please consult the game schedule page on the ATAC website for the latest schedules/venues and times for matches. Next weekend November 27/28 we host the IASAS Basketball exchange with Jakarta coming in to play Friday evening and Saturday. Please see schedule of matches included in last weeks and this week’s bulletin for match times.

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Come join this fun activity! All ISM community are invited Students, mums and dads of all grade! NEW DATE!! ISM SWIMATHON Saturday, December 5 at the ISM Pool from 2:30 pm Visit for details and pledge forms, or contact Andy Astfalck, Head Coach, at [email protected]

Part of the proceeds will go to charity.

Are we really living in THE AGE OF STUPID? Make up your own mind on Tuesday, 1st December in the F.A.T THE AGE OF STUPID is a 90‐minute drama‐ documentary‐animation hybrid starring Oscar‐nominated Pete Postlethwaite as an old man living in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from 2008 and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change while we had the chance? The film is supported globally by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Move ON and Tck Tck Tck and has been screened for the United Nations, Center of American Progress, EPA, The World Bank, the UK Parliament, the European Union, and the Scottish, Welsh, Swedish, Australian and Dutch parliaments. For more info,



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Gr. 9 and 10 EXAM SCHEDULE

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