Student Circular Aug 14

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HS Student Circular International School Manila August 14, 2009

From the HS Office: For the week of Aug 17 – 21 Monday, Aug 17 Tuesday, Aug 18 ISSBA Meeting with Councils 11:30 am Wednesday, Aug 19 Student Late Start IB2 Math H/S Portfolio Starts Gr. 11 Parents IB Info Evening (LT) 6:00pm Thursday, Aug 20 IB2 Math H/S Portfolio Starts Gr. 12 Parent/Student College Meeting (LT) 5:00 – 6:30pm

From the Guidance Office: Saturday, Aug 15 Peer Helper Retreat Little Theater, 8am- 3pm Monday, Aug 17 Harvard University Visit/Talk by Paolo Yap Class 2003 11:30am - 12:00 pm, Room 1057 Wednesday, Aug 19 Macalester College Visit/Talk by Steve Colee 11:30am - 12:00pm HS Guidance Office Thursday, Aug 20 Gr. 12 Parent/Student College Meeting (LT) 6:30pm

5:00 –

Friday, Aug 21 No School: Ninoy Aquino Holiday

To Grade 11 and 12 Students: Please sign in at the HS Office on or before 7:30 am on days where you have first period study hall for a quick attendance check. If we do not see you by 7:45 am we will urgently call your parents to verify your whereabouts. Monday- Block A Tuesday- Block F Wednesday – Block C Thursday – Block G Friday – Block D To all the seniors --- please be reminded that you have the privilege of using this period for study time at home. You may ask your parents to write a permission letter addressed to the HS Office for this senior privilege. ( email at [email protected] ) Until we get official notice from your parents which is then verified by the HS Office, attendance will be checked. Senior Driving:

Forms for Senior Driven Cars are available for pick up in the High School Office.

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From the Athletics Office: Welcome back to another exciting year of sports and activities at ISM. We have been fortunate to have a number of projects completed over the summer months that will improve our already outstanding sports facilities. New projects completed were: • Redevelopment of the ES Gym and MS Gym Climbing walls • Dividing curtain in the Covered Court • Outdoor storage shed at the pool • Improved ventilation and exhaust fans in pool locker rooms • PA system and floodlights for the pool • Floodlights and new fencing for the MS field • PA system for HS field and MS/HS Gyms • School records boards for track and swimming All these projects along with our new gymnastics floor installed last February will ensure our sporting facilities continue to be the best in Manila. We have a number of new faculty who will be coaching this year and I would like to welcome our new coaches and indeed all our coaches involved in the ATAC program for 09-10. It is sure to be a great year for the ISM Bearcats. New coaches for 09-10: Jenna Child – Volleyball Jason Juteau – Soccer and Basketball Steve Ayling – Soccer Kristy Semkin – Soccer Pam Makunja – Volleyball Carey Nourse – Basketball Laura Gerken – Swimming Mattie O’Farrell – MS and HS Rugby

Mike Quinlan – MS Rugby Martin Richardson – Rugby Shellie Banks – Track and Field Boston Coppedge- Softball Curt Nicholls – Softball Andrew Gelman – MS Softball Tom Nazereno – IASAS Band Sonali Hutchinson – I ASAS Original Oratory

IASAS DATES: First Season IASAS is Oct 14-18 2009: Volleyball/Cross Country @ Taipei and Soccer @ ISM ISM will host the soccer tournament this year and we are really looking forward to our school community getting behind this event. 160 housing placements are required for the visiting athletes. If you can house a pair of athletes please contact the ATAC office. Housing forms will be coming home with all HS 1st season athletes as it is a requirement for participation in the ATAC program for athletes to house when we host an IASAS event. The other BIG IASAS event we are hosting this year is the IASAS Art/Music Festival in early March. This is an outstanding event full of wonderful student artwork along with incredible music from IASAS school participants. More information about how the school community can assist with this event will be forthcoming. Please see in this bulletin the practice schedule for ATAC Seasonal sports and All Year round sports for season one. As always please check ATAC notice board, general school notice boards, ATAC website and school bulletins/circulars for important and ongoing ATAC announcements. Game schedules for teams can be accessed by logging on to the school website and following this path At ISM>ATAC>Game Schedule. This schedule is updated frequently with new fixtures added and changes to games times updated. It is the best way to keep track of weekend and mid-week games against other schools. PARENT BEARCAT DEN VOLUNTEERS: If you have some spare time on your hands and you would like to contribute to a school program that directly supports students why not consider becoming a BEARCAT DEN VOLUNTEER? This group of volunteers work in the Bearcat Den selling school endorsed merchandise and the money raised goes directly to support ISM students in the many and varied athletic/cultural activities and trips that our students are Page 2 of 6

involved in. In past years there has been a perception from some sections of the community that this group is made up of all the HS sports mom’s. This is not certainly not the case and the group welcomes parent volunteers from any section of the school ES, MS, HS and whether your son/daughter is an athlete/musician/dancer or MUN/debating participant. If you are interested and willing to join this fun group of important volunteers who contribute greatly to our school program please contact the ATAC office for more details. We hope you will consider getting involved. Go Bearcats Mark Pekin ATAC Director

From the PTA Office: The ISM-PTA is pleased to welcome everyone to SY 2009-2010! You are cordially invited to the PTA Bearcat Welcome Coffee Tuesday, September 8, 2009 7:30am in the Little Theater

From the Clinic: Welcome back to all of our children and parents, we hope you had a wonderful vacation and are settling back into school life and, if you are new to the school, a warm welcome. Please feel free to drop by to talk to us about the care of your children at any time during school hours. You will also see us at all of the sporting events, some of the dance performances and even some of the PTA events. We look forward to being part of the school team which supports the very busy life of ISM. Best wishes to all for a great new school year from ‘the Clinic Team’: Debbie Duckworth – Clinic Administrator Dr Mary Ann Bagos – School Pediatrician Keg Salazar Jr – Senior Nurse Jowell Custodio – Junior Nurse Evagne Atienza – Staff Nurse H1N1 Influenza News As part of our pandemic response plan, we are monitoring the pandemic situation internationally, nationally, locally and within the school community very closely. Although there are a number of reported cases within Manila, we are not aware of any confirmed cases within the school community. If you or your child displays flu-like symptoms, please call the school pediatrician for advice BEFORE you send any member of the family to school. Our aim is to protect the health of the school community and avoid any unnecessary disruption to our children’s education. Many thanks for your continued support and cooperation. (Dr Mary Anne Bagos, School Pediatrician: Tel: 840 8580) Debbie Duckworth Clinic Administrator

This will be a great way to meet new and returning ISM parents, meet the ISM Administration and many of the international organizations available for ex-pats in Manila. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions about ISM or the PTA before that time, please feel free to contact one of the members of the PTA Hospitality Committee: Annie Sandor - 09178042258 Celina Maxwel - 09178921028 Lisa Elizalde – 09209704134 Welcome to ISM! From Our Drug Testing Consultant

To our students, parents, and staff: Welcome back to school everybody! Part and parcel of studying at IS Manila, as you all know, is our drug testing program. We have already started our year-round program for school year 2009-2010. As always, students from Grades 7 to 10 will be our subjects for testing. The program aims to deter student from using drugs and to allow them the opportunity of saying ‘no’ to peer pressure. The program will identify students who may be hooked on or have just started experimenting with drugs. To reassure our dear parents, each case will be approached with extreme confidentiality. We will still be using the urine tests and the hair follicle tests (for High School students) with a maximum of 3 tests during the whole year for any individual student. Should you have any questions or clarifications about our drug testing program e.g. selection process, frequency of testing, etc., I encourage everybody to drop by the Drug Testing Room in the School Clinic Mondays thru Fridays (except Wednesdays) from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM and 12 noon to 3:00 PM. Dr Ruel Landrito Drug Testing Consultant Page 3 of 6

The Clinic is pleased to announce the schedule for the vaccination program for this school year 2009/10. Vaccinations are supplied and administered by GlaxoSmithKline.

If you would like more information or you wish to sign up to receive any of the above vaccines, please contact the clinic on the number/email below or call in to pick up a price list and registration form (next to the elementary canteen). Only people with a valid ISM ID may participate in this program.

Planned vaccination dates:


Price (Php)


Oct. 7, 2009 Hepatitis A and B vaccine (1st dose) hepatitis A 1125(junior)/2249(adult) each vaccination hepatitis B combined hepatitis A and B Nov 11, 2009 Feb 10, 2010 Apr 28, 2010 May 5, 2010

355(junior)/ 630(adult) each vaccination 1000(junior)/2000(adult) each vaccination

Hepatitis A and B vaccine (2nd dose) Typhoid vaccine…………………………………………….795 Hepatitis A and B vaccine (3rd dose) Influenza vaccine ………………………………………….560

(We will attempt to purchase a number of H1N1 influenza vaccines when they become available in the Philippines.)

Clinic direct number: Email:

840 8580 [email protected]

Many thanks Debbie Duckworth Tel: 840 8581 ISM Clinic Administrator Email: [email protected]

From the Security Office: From the Operations and Security Department Car stickers The car stickers for school year 2009/10 are available from the security office. For vehicles already displaying an exiting sticker, parents should submit a completed renewal form with a copy of a current LTO official receipt. For new vehicles, parents are reminded that a copy of the vehicle’s certificate of registration and a current official receipt need to be submitted with the application. Applications for vehicles registered with companies or other institutions should be supported by a letter of assignment. Each ISM family will be issued one vehicle sticker free of charge. Php100.00 to the cashier’s office.

Any additional stickers will be issued following payment of

In order to facilitate the easy recognition of authorized cars at the gates, the stickers should be affixed to the top right corner of the windshield. Further to this, old ISM stickers issued in previous years should be removed. Vehicles not displaying this year’s car sticker will not be allowed access from August 30. ID Cards Parent IDs Parent IDs issued for the school year 2008-2009 will continue to be valid for the new school year 2009-2010. Parents who require replacement school IDs due to loss or damage can acquire these from the Security Office upon payment of Php100.00 to the Cashier. School Passes School passes issued to parents’ employees and representatives need to be replaced for this school year. As of August 31, 2009, the blue bordered passes issued for the school year 2008/2009 will be invalid. Each family will be given two free school passes. Additional school passes may be obtained after paying a processing fee of Php100.00 each to the Cashier’s Office.

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Visitor’s Passes All visitors must secure a pass from the guardhouse at Gate 3. Before entry will be allowed, a telephone check will be made with the relevant office to confirm the visitor’s business within the school. Drivers, Helpers and Bodyguards Drivers, helpers and bodyguards should not wait on campus for students throughout the school day. After dropping off students, they should exit the school grounds and not return more than 30 minutes before dismissal time. Those who repeatedly fail to comply with this regulation may have their access privilege suspended. Only those vehicles carrying parents or other people with business within the school will be allowed to return to the campus before 1:45 p.m. There are designated areas for drivers, yayas, helpers and security escorts to wait for parents and students. Unless specifically authorized, they may not enter any other area. In the interests of security, and to prevent congestion at the pedestrian entrances to the covered parking area, parents are requested to emphasize to their employees the importance of cooperating with the security staff and remaining in the appropriate areas. Firearms All members of the ISM community are reminded that it is strictly forbidden for firearms to be brought onto the campus. This includes concealed weapons carried by bodyguards for close protection. Any person arriving at the school with a firearm should inform the gate guard and arrangements will be made for the weapon to be safely and securely stored during the visitor’s stay. Security Staff directions Our security team is endeavoring to make the school as safe and secure an environment as possible for all members of our community. We ask that everybody cooperates with us in this important task. In particular, all those entering our campus are requested to comply with any directions given to them by members of our guard force. In the event that anyone is unclear as to the purpose of such instructions they can seek clarification from the security office. Please note that it is the parents’ responsibility to advise their staff accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. We are looking forward to another successful year at International School Manila. Regards, Mike Flynn Director Operations & Security

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SOCCER Soccer Boys Varsity Soccer Girls Varsity Soccer Girls JV Soccer Boys Aspirants ('94-'95) Soccer MS Girls All Teams Soccer MS Midgets A ('96) Soccer MS Midgets B ('97) Soccer MS Midgets C ('98-'99) Soccer ES Midgets D ('99) Soccer ES Midgets E (00) Soccer ES Midgets F-H (01-03)

3:00-5:00pm (MS Field) 3:00-5:00pm (HS Field)

Fitness 3:00-5:00pm (MS Field) 3:00-5:00pm (ES Field) 3:00-5:00pm (HS Field)

3:30-5:00pm (ES Field) 3:00-5:00pm (HS Field)

3:00-5:00pm (HS Field) Fitness 3:30-5:00pm (ES Field)

3:00-5:00pm (HS Field) 3:00-5:00pm (HS Field) 3:00 - 5:00pm (MS Field) 3:30-5:00pm (ES Field)

3:00-4:00pm (MS Field) 3:00-4:00pm (HS Field)

3:00-4:00pm (ES Field) 2:30-3:30pm (ES Field) 2:30-3:30pm (ES Field)

3:00-5:00pm (MS Field) 3:00-4:00pm (MS Field)

3:00-4:00pm (MS Field) 3:00-4:00pm (ES Field) 2:30-3:30pm (ES Field) 2:30-3:30pm (ES Field) 2:30-3:30pm (ES Field)

2:30-3:30pm (ES Field)

VOLLEYBALL Boys Volleyball Varsity Girls Volleyball Varsity

3:00-5:00PM (HS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym)

JV Boys Volleyball JV Girls Volleyball MS Volleyball Boys MS Volleyball Girls Gold MS Volleyball Girls Green

3:00-4:30PM (Covered C)

3:00-5:00PM (HS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym) 3:00PM-5:00PM (HS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym) 3:00-4:30PM (ES Gym) 3:00-4:30PM (ES Gym)

3:00-4:30PM (Covered C)

3:00-5:00PM (HS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym)

3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym) 3:00-4:30PM (ES Gym) 3:00-4:30PM (ES Gym)

3:00-5:00PM (HS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (MS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (HS Gym) 3:00-5:00PM (ES Gym) 3:00-4:30PM (ES Gym) 3:00-4:30PM (C.Court) 3:00-4:30PM (C.Court)


3:00-5:00PM (ISM)

Middle School

3:00-5:00PM (ISM)

3:00-5:00PM (ISM)




3:15-500pm Judo Area 3:15-5:00pm (Taek Area) 3:15-5:00pm (ES Canteen) 3:15-5:00pm (3rd level) 3:150-4:30pm (MS Gym)


3:15 - 4:30PM (Aikido Area) 3:15-5:00pm (MS Gym)

2:30-500PM (Fitness Gym) 3:15-500pm Judo Area 3:15-5:00pm (Taek 3:15-5:00pm (Taek Area) Area) 3:15-5:00pm (ES Canteen) 3:15-5:00pm (3rd level) 3:15-4:30pm (MS 3:15-4:30pm (MS Gym) Gym) SEE SAILFISH WEBSITE AND SAILFISH NOTICE BOARD 3:15 - 4:30PM (Aikido Area) 3:15-5:00pm (MS Gym)

3:15-500pm Judo Area 3:15-5:00pm (Taek Area) 3:15-5:00pm (ES Canteen) 3:15-5:00pm (3rd level)

3:15-5:00pm (MS Gym)

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