Storytelling In Lugano (2009.04.28)

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Download & View Storytelling In Lugano (2009.04.28) as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 5,341
  • Pages: 117

Presenting in Lugano Tudor Gîrba



• Every talk must start with a roadmap • So: • • •

Introduction Example presentation Slides

• • • •

© Tudor Girba


Audience Story More slides Conclusion

Lugano - April 28, 2009



About this talk

• I used to be extremely afraid of speaking in public •

In fact, I was so afraid that I could hardly speak

because I had to speak, I spent a bit of time • But, thinking about it I will share with you some of my reflections on • Today, how to do presentations

© Tudor Girba

I am actually quite nervous to talk about it here

Lugano - April 28, 2009




• Every talk must start with a roadmap • So: • • •

Introduction Example presentation Slides

• • • •

© Tudor Girba


Audience Story More slides Conclusion

Lugano - April 28, 2009



Example presentation: Assessing your software systems with better tools Tudor Gîrba -



• Context • Software assessment • Problem • Challenges • Conclusions

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009



Context evolves continuously to meet ever changing • Software requirements

Lehmann Law: As a program evolves, it becomes more complex, and extra resources are needed to preserve and simplify its structure

of total effort in a successful project is spent • 50%-75% on maintenance

© Tudor Girba

Where maintenance means the period after the first release

Lugano - April 28, 2009



Context evolves continuously to meet ever changing • Software requirements

Lehmann Law: As a program evolves, it becomes more complex, and extra resources are needed to preserve and simplify its structure

of total effort in a successful project is spent • 50%-75% on maintenance

© Tudor Girba

Where maintenance means the period after the first release

Lugano - April 28, 2009


Software assessment


need to assess the system to take informative • We decisions

The developer needs to know what and how to change when a change request comes his way

The architect needs to know if the code conforms to the overall architecture

• •

The manager needs to know the status of the project

© Tudor Girba

The client needs to know what happens in between releases

Lugano - April 28, 2009




• Software is large and complex •

… and it contains lots of details that are not always relevant

• As systems evolve and as time pressure increases • • •

Quality drifts Documentation gets obsolete Knowledge gets lost

how to effectively understand all these • Problem: details?

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009



Techniques Engineering is the process of analyzing a • Reverse subject system

to identify the systemʼs components and their interrelationships and

create representations of the system in another form or at a higher level of abstraction

• There are many techniques: •

Metrics, visualization, queries …

need to combine techniques to obtain a complete • We picture

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009




• Metrics compress the system into numbers • There are a large number of metrics available • Various aspects • • •

Size: LOC (lines of code), NOM (number of methods) … Complexity: CYCLO (McCabe cyclomatic complexity) ... Coupling, cohesion: TCC (tight class cohesion) …

• Numbers need to be interpreted and put in context

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009



Queries can encode known rules and they can be run • Queries automatically against the system to detect:

• •

Problems Places of interest

Strategies are metrics based rules to detect • Detection design flaws Class uses directly more than a few attributes of other classes ATFD > FEW

Functional complexity of the class is very high




Class cohesion is low TCC < ONE THIRD

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009




• Visualization encodes the system details into pictures are visual beings and we can obtain an overview of • We large amounts of information in one glimpse • Many visualizations are available •

Structure, relationships, …

• Visualizations can be combined with metrics

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009



Conclusions software is complex and presents many • Software details that are difficult to understand • We need to look at from multiple perspectives

• •

metrics, queries visualizations, etc. Moose is a platform for software analysis (http://

• … but, software is an asset • Software needs to be approached in its entirety

© Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009




• Every talk must start with a roadmap • So: • • •

Introduction Example presentation Slides

• • • •

© Tudor Girba


Audience Story More slides Conclusion

Lugano - April 28, 2009




• Every decent talk is accompanied by slides is difficult to read so, slides should not have more • Text than 6 first level bullets • The text should be no smaller than 12 pt • A good slide has an engaging design • Donʼt just use a standard design •

Show that you care

• Letʼs see what a good template is made of ... © Tudor Girba

Lugano - April 28, 2009


The template in 4 steps


1. Align title to the left, and add logo to the top right • The logo should not be too large, but it should be visible at all time

Adding it to the right, makes it secondary in the visual hierarchy so that it is not compete with the rest of the text

2. Choose colors and style to match the corporate look 3. Delimit the title zone and readjust the style 4. Add footer • Slide number is important to let the audience know about the progress

• • © Tudor Girba

Add your name, just in case they forgot it Add the date and place of the presentation to show that it is customized for the situation Lugano - April 28, 2009



why are we here?

the talk is your

not slides

story the talk is your

presenting is storytelling

story = fairy tale


your story

audience? what is your

message message message











message message message



message message message




message message message message










message message message











message message message



message message message




message message message message










one message

deliver one message


slides are visual aids

slides are



Important sign 1. At this sign, stop, look around and proceed if no other car is coming your way. 2. Important!!!! The cars coming from the other directions will not have to stop. 3. This sign was put here by the authorities in charge. 4. This sign concerns vehicles only. Pedestrians should look at the signs dedicated to them. 5. This sign should not be touched or hindered in any way. Any violation is punishable according to the law.


Important sign

• • • • •

At this sign, stop, look around and proceed if no other car is coming your way. Important!!!! The cars coming from the other directions will not have to stop. This sign was put here by the authorities in charge. This sign concerns vehicles only. Pedestrians should look at the signs dedicated to them. This sign should not be touched or hindered in any way. Any violation is punishable according to the law.


d e l i a t de


Important sign

• • • • •

At this sign, stop, look around and proceed if no other car is coming your way. Important!!!! The cars coming from the other directions will not have to stop. This sign was put here by the authorities in charge. This sign concerns vehicles only. Pedestrians should look at the signs dedicated to them. This sign should not be touched or hindered in any way. Any violation is punishable according to the law.


not all


are important

omit needless words

for sale: baby shoes, never worn Ernest Hemingway

design is not the abundance of simplicity it is the absence of complexity

emphasizing everything

IS emphasizing nothing








remove chart junk increase data ink

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fill it for a reason

slides are

not documents

projector = screen

s i y r o t s e th

n e e w t e b in

• • • • •

The more text there is on a slide, the more I will tend to speak it as it is written on the slide. But, you can read a text much faster than I can speak it. In such situations, my speech becomes noise as you rather prefer to just go ahead and read it by yourself. That is the reason why slides should not have text that competes with my speech, but rather be as visual as possible to complement it. I guess you are already reading this line while I am still somewhere in the middle of the text.

notes will set you free

• • • • •

The more text there is on a slide, the more I will tend to speak it as it is written on the slide. But, you can read a text much faster than I can speak it. In such situations, my speech becomes noise as you rather prefer to just go ahead and read it by yourself. That is the reason why slides should not have text that competes with my speech, but rather be as visual as possible to complement it. I guess you are already reading this line while I am still somewhere in the middle of the text. 2007/04/03/1175366240499.html

One assumption is that slides must also carry the message in the absence of the speaker, and hence most of the content must be on the slides. The result is lots of bullet points and lots of text.

notes will set you free

However, lots of text competes with the spoken words because we can just read faster than we speak. And we want the audience to hear what we have to say. Another option is to put the text in the notes and provide slides with notes for as printouts.

if you must write, use

large fonts



slides are



slides are visual


“too many minds” The Last Samurai

audience = friend

m o c . n e z n o i t a t n e s e r p . www

m o c . y g o l eo d i l s . w ww

m o c . d e t . www

what about

technical talks?

facts alone are boring

any fact has its own story





are you a


presenting is storytelling

assessing software systems












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} }


actual development


{ }


{ }


fo rw ar d en gi ne er in

s s e s s a u o y o d how ? m e t s y s your










} }


actual development


{ }


{ }


s s e s s a u o y o d how ? m e t s y s your {








} }









} }











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complex, large

, s d n o c e s 2 n i s e e n n i i l l 1 0 0 d 0 a ‘ e 0 r 5 2 r o f if you h t n o m 1 d e e n u yo

t s u j s i ode

c g n i d a re h g u o n e not









} }


complex, large

measure query visualize … {








} }

measure query visualize … {








} }

metrics summarize the system LOC












AHH ...

0.12 ...

metrics summarize the system LOC












AHH ...

0.12 ...

queries detect outliers

God Class: ATFD > FEW & WMC >= VERY HIGH & TCC < 1/3

pictures tell thousands of words

003 2 e s s a uc D , a z n a L

pictures tell thousands of words

6 0 0 2 l a t ee Ducass

pictures tell thousands of words


00 2 l a t e Greevy

pictures tell thousands of words


0 Wettel 2

pictures tell thousands of words

005 2 l a t e Girba

measure query visualize … {








} }

h c . e b i n u . e s moo

presenting is storytelling

Tudor Gîrba

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