
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,551
  • Pages: 4
Story “Can’t you see that what you are doing is wrong? It doesn’t matter whether or not we are superior to regular humans. That doesn’t mean they should be destroyed. Why, its people like you who give them a negative impression of us!” “Oliver, Oliver, Oliver! I can’t see why you care so much about them. Since the dawn of time our kind have been shunned by them, why try and be their allies now? They will never come to accept us simply because we are more powerful. So why should we even let them exist? You know what I think? I think that the only real reason you are trying to persuade me stop killing them is because deep down, you know you can’t win in a fight. After all there are so many of us who oppose your views… The station was a ghost town; nobody occupied the seats, no one smoked a cigarette, there was just the putrid stench of urine outside. Not that Matt visited the Met Station too often. But when he had visited in the past, the station was rather busy at this time of day. Pulling the sleeve of his hoodie away from his wrist, Matt checked his watch. 10:45. Yep I’m definitely gonna be late. With a bit of luck only by 5 minutes, if it arrives any time now. He took a step closer to the track, gazing over to his right. In the distance, Matt could barely make out a black and white object. Finally! Guess I’m not gonna be that late after all. Minding the gap, Matt carefully stepped onto the tram. It was packed with so many people, that there was little chance he would get a seat. Just then, he was tapped on the shoulder. “’xcuse me, there’s a seat here next to me…” A gentle female voice called. “Thanks.” Taking the seat, Matt sure was grateful, after all he didn’t want to be standing on a busy tram for 20 minutes after he’d waited for so long for it to arrive. The girl had pale, freckled skin with eyes so dark they were almost black. She had long, silky, mousy coloured hair in which she wore a small purple bow. “Hi, I’m Kirsty, wow you have one eye blue and one brown, that’s pretty. cool.” “ Not really, both my eyes were blue originally, but I damaged one in an accident. Oh, I’m Matt. By the way, you could have told anyone to take up this seat. Why me?” Matt asked, intrigued. “Well, there is a good reason, actually its cos you’re different, a magic user like me right?” “H-How did you even know that? I can’t tell the difference between a magic user and a regular human.” “ It’s because I have sharp senses see, magic users give off a sort of aura.

But anyway if Magic users spend a long time around other magic users, then eventually they can tell the difference between a regular human, and a magical human because of the aura they give off. “ So that’s one of your abilities, then having sharp senses.” “Yeah, like I know you have pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire at will , right? I can only tell what powers people have if their skills are at a low level. You got that bad eye from focusing too much didn’t you?” “Yeah, you’re not completely psychic right? I mean you can’t read minds can you?” Matt felt his face flush red. “Ha, ha ! Of course I’m not. Why is there something you don’t want me to know? Kirsty laughed, a cheeky grin on her face. “N-Nothing!” Matt stuttered embarrassed. Their conversation had seemed to taken up most of the journey, for Matt could now see a sign which read “Piccadilly Gardens”. It would be easy to get off considering that the majority of people had gotten off at Old Trafford. “At least I won’t be the only one late.” Matt smiled at Kirsty helping her off the tram. She smiled back. “Do you have any idea where the academy is? Matt question with a worried look on his face. “ Don’t worry, I can just use my senses to lead us there remember?” “Oh yeah.” It would still be rather difficult for them to find their destination however, because of the crowded streets.The sky had turned into a blanket of darkness, covered in grey clouds. Great. A thunderstorm. “Owww! Matt!” A familiar voice shrieked from within the crowd. Matt must have lost Kirsty when he’d looked up at the sky. He carefully scanned the area, finding her on the floor in the midst of a drunken brawl between two teenagers. And one of them was clearly winning. “Kirsty are you okay? Matt asked, pulling her up from the ground concerned. “I’m ok, but the guy with the auburn hair has monster strength, he’s one of us. The other kid’s gonna get battered!” “ I know we shouldn’t use our powers in public, but I’ve gotta stop that guy with my pyrokinesis. There’s no other choice!” Matt concentrated on his right hand, seconds later he produced five small flames, one on each finger. He targeted the auburn haired boy and released the flames from his fingers, one by one. A minute later, the teen released his grip on the boy, screaming in pain. “Ya wan’ some too… Y’ little bastard!” The boy hissed, enraged, staggering towards Matt. There’s no way that guy can beat me when he’s drunk, his guard’s down. Matt simply smirked, again striking the large, muscular boy with flames.

This was enough to knock him down and out. It seemed as though the town had frozen, shocked at the event that had taken place. It was definitely a bad idea for Matt to show his powers in public. Still, it had to be done. “Matt, I know he’ll be heavy, but you should carry him to the academy. I think he’s supposed to be there too. They’ll sort him out when we get there.” Slowly, mustering up all of his strength, Matt lifted the boy onto his shoulders. Boy was he heavy. It was unsurprising though given that he was over six feet tall. He reeked of cigarette smoke and booze. Now they were going to be even later… After what seemed a long time, the group finally arrived at the academy. It looked huge, at least from the outside. “You’re awfully late..” a man with a beard greeted them. “I’ll take the drunk kid off you, ta.” Matt turned round so the man could take the kid off his back. “ He’s awfully scruffy lookin’, but that’s no surprise for one living on the streets. Still, he seems to have great potential. But first we’ll have to get him sobered up before he can take his exam.” “Exam?!” Matt yelled, shocked. This couldn’t get any worse.. “Yeah that’s right kid, an entrance exam, to see if you’re a worthy magic user. ‘Course, this ain’t no ordinary entrance exam, but you’ll find that out for yourselves… Now where was I up to..” The man placed his palm on the boys head, conjuring a white aura. “Aaargh!” The kid screamed, slowly opening his eyes, unsure of his surroundings. Where.. am I?” “You’re at the academy for magic users, boy.” “Last thing I remember was drinking on the streets, I was planning on getting here but…” “These two brought you here, ask them what happened.” “You were in a drunken fight with some other kid, and knocked Kirsty down. You were beating him to a pulp; that’s where I stepped in, knocked you unconscious and brought you here.” “ Well, thanks ...” “Matt..” “Uh, thanks Matt, sorry for causing you and especially a girl- Kirsty trouble.” “Right kids enough wasting time out here you’d all better get inside and get registered.” They walked into a large room with a red pattern carpet and a woman at a desk. “Your names please?” The posh looking woman with her hair tied back called them over,

“Matthew Taylor.” “Right, go through the right door.” “Next.” “Kirsty Ashcroft” “Okay, the middle door.” “ Jack O’Brien.” “ Hmmm… You don’t seem to be on the register – wait could you be the same Jack O’Brien the – no you couldn’t be could you? But he was supposed to have died five years ago!” “Yes. I have been living on the streets for the past five years…” “No wonder you’re not on the register then, you’d better take a shower first and then go through the right door. We’ve got a lot of sorting out to do for you!” “ Let’s see… Matthew Taylor….Ah we’re expecting great things from you go right in… Matt stepped into what appeared to be some sort of dungeon. The walls were covered in spider webs, the air reeked of blood… There was barely any light in here, but that didn’t matter because he could always light it up. He stared up at the ceiling, from which a sword was hanging. This should be a cinch. Matt closed his fingers slightly into his palm, producing a large fireball, aiming it at the chain which held the sword. Cling! Matt caught the sword with both hands.

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