Stm Newsletter May-june 09

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St Mark’s

Evangel MAY/JUNE 2009

From the Rector

The Rev Sherry Osborn

Surprised by Easter Joy! Expect Easter Joy!

Thank you for your contagious Easter Joy on Easter Sunday! A smile unfurls across my face just thinking about that morning. Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Truthfully, I expected nothing less given the faithful walk through Lent and Holy Week that many of us took together. When a faith community chooses to accept a prayer challenge for forty days, chooses to worship together despite being in the parish hall, make a chilly trek with waving palms in remembrance of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, honor the holy ground beneath your feet and remove shoes to experience the power of Maundy Thursday and pound nails into the hardwood of a cross to let go of your sins to the transforming power of God…it is no wonder that Easter morning was filled with Joy, Hope, Resurrected Life and Love. When we trust that it is God who is in charge, expect Easter Joy. Despite the injustice and death of Good Friday, expect Easter Joy. Expect Life. As John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople preached Easter of c. 407, “Enter all of you into the joy of our Lord and whether first or last receive your reward. O rich and poor, one with another, dance for joy!...Celebrate the day! You that have fasted and you who have disregarded the fast, rejoice today! The table is rich-laden; feast royally, all of you! The calf is fattened; let no one go forth hungry! Let all partake of the Feast of Faith…O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown! Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen! Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice! Christ is risen, and Life reigns! Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the tombs!” These great 50 days of Easter will culminate with a grand celebration of the Day of Pentecost, May 31. The day we rejoice in the coming of the Holy Spirit – “resting like tongues of fire upon each of us, asking us to claim our own ministry”. What can we expect from such a gift? What do you expect from such a gift each day of your life? Do you expect to be surprised by Easter Joy, like young Sumner Jansen was on Easter morning, as he guessed what was in a big-old-ugly-beat-up-good-for-nothing-cardboard-box? As the box was opened, inside there was indeed Easter Joy … In the form of brightly colored helium balloons. In the coming weeks the people of St. Mark’s will begin to ask such questions about what we expect. What can you expect when you come to a service on Sunday? How do you expect to be treated as a member of St. Mark’s? What do you expect of the clergy and one another? What might the clergy expect of the parish? What do you expect of yourself as an active member of this faith community? And this is only the beginning as we strive to learn what is most important to this parish at this time in its history based on expectations of our time, talent and treasure. Mark your calendars, Sunday, June 14, 9 a.m. service followed by an all parish conversation and sharing a meal. Expect to be surprised by Easter Joy as we move through this time of discovery and ways forward. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen! Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice! Christ is risen, and Life reigns! Expect it!

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St Mark’s Evangel

Your Rector’s Schedule In the coming months, Sherry will be away from her church responsibilities during times of ministry, continuing education and vacation. The following is a snapshot of the calendar: May 22-25: Vacation. Sunday Services with The Rev. Gunnar Urang June 3-7: Continuing Education/Spiritual Retreat Sunday Services with The Rev. Diana Collins & Donna Reidt August 8-12 Camp Agape, Extension of Ministry at St. Mark’s Sunday Services with The Rev. Angie Emerson August 15-16 & 19-21 Camp Agape, (though using “vacation time”) Sunday Services with The Rev. Diana Collins Sept. 7-20 Vacation Services with The Rev. Angie Emerson & The Rev. Diana Collins

Christ is Risen, Now What? Christ is risen, Alleluia! Yes, He is risen indeed! So, now what happens? I invite you to take a journey through the Acts of the Apostles and see how the risen Lord affected the lives of the apostles and the early church. Join in the conversation and see how we continue in that journey today. Our journey will take place on Tuesdays, May 19, 26, and June 2 from 6-7:30pm. I look forward to seeing you then. May Easter joy fill each of your hearts, Donna Reidt

Food Shelf Collections at St. Mark’s Every little bit helps. Plan ahead and add even one item to the collection basket in the narthex each and every week. May - Fruit June - Peanut butter & Jelly July - Baby food

St Mark’s Evangel is published bi-monthly September - June, Nancy Tusinski, Editor. Deadline for the next issue is August 15, 2009. For submissions email [email protected] or put your submission in my box at St Marks. Thank you.

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St Mark’s Evangel

Camp Agape - for children who have a parent who is incarcerated TWO ONE-WEEK SESSIONS Sunday, August 9th - Friday, August 14th Sunday, August 16th - Friday, August 21st Jointly sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, the Troy Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ, Camp Agape offers a free, week-long camp experience to children aged 7-11 who have a parent who is incarcerated. The aim of Camp Agape is to broaden the children’s horizons by letting them experience a fun-filled week in a loving environment. There are over 2,000 children in Vermont with one or both parents in prison. A 2001 Senate report shows that 70% of the children of current prisoners

will themselves someday be incarcerated. Camp Agape Vermont is designed to break the cycle of “generational incarceration” and to help children discover Christ who can help lead them to lives of love and compassion for themselves, their parents and neighbors. You can help transform lives! PRAY for prisoners, their children, camp counselors and staff. DONATE SCHOLARSHIPS. It costs $500 to provide a child a week at camp, $100 for a day. DONATE GIFTS. Campers receive free sleeping bags, backpacks, T-shirts, caps, sweatshirts, hand-made quilts, fishing poles, books and back-to-school supplies. Church groups, service clubs and individuals can provide these items. Help organize a group to gather some of these gifts. DONATE SKILLS: In

2008, a magician, a storyteller, a craft instructor and fishermen shared their gifts with campers. What’s your gift or skill? Share it for a day or an evening! DONATE YOURSELF as a cabin or relief counselor or staff person. Older men and women can serve as wonderful role models and mentors. Free room and board, the joy of helping transform lives, the experience of living the Kingdom! Speak with Sherry Osborn or go to

Vestry Announces Summer Service Schedule Beginning Sunday, June 14 thru September 13, two services, 7:30 & 9:00 a.m. Each week there will be one service of Morning Prayer and one service of Holy Eucharist – alternating between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. Your Deacon and Rector will preside at the service of Holy Eucharist and Donna Reidt and others will officiate the service of Morning Prayer. Our reasons for trying this new summer schedule are… 1) to provide two worship opportunities each Sunday while making HE available each week. 2) remain consistent with success of 9 a.m. winter service. 3) enjoy a cooler sanctuary before it warms up

later in the morning. 4) to experience various options in worship schedule as we begin discussions of budgetary needs. 5) to care for the well being of your clergy. We look forward to hearing what you like about the schedule and what doesn’t work for you. Please speak to any one of the vestry members: Carla Kangas, Hubbard Richarson, Coleman Hill, Tiffany Haley or Boris vonYork and also Sherry Osborn or Diana Collins.

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St Mark’s Evangel

I-91 Safety Break Fundraiser As you may be aware, the bad news is that the Hartford Northbound Rest Stop has been closed. The good news is that the Southbound one is still open. For years St. Mark's has been responsible for the coffee break at the southbound rest stop on the Monday of Columbus Day weekend. On that day we have usually received donations amounting to about three times that on the other two days of the weekends. This year St Mark's has been given permission to be responsible for the coffee breaks at the Hartford Southbound Rest Stop

on the Monday of Memorial Day weekend, May 25, the Monday of Labor Day weekend, September 7, and the Monday of Columbus Day weekend, October 12. It may be possible that we will receive about the same amount of donations on the three days that we received in the past working seven days! May 25 less than four weeks away. We will need two people for each of the three 3 hour shifts: 9 - 12; 12 - 3; and 3 -6. Even more important are the dozens of cookies that will be needed. Please mark your calendars for all

three days, and indicate how you are willing to help on the sign up sheets on the bulletin board in the narthex. Mary Dalton

Parish Pentecost Pandemonium… (or a really big fun celebration!) Saturday, May 30, 10 a.m. – children & youth decorate the sanctuary, pizza lunch to follow. Sunday, May 31, 10 a.m. - worship & parish picnic We’ll celebrate the children, Godly Play, the birthday of the Church, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the ever-burning love of Christ Jesus! * WEAR colors of the Fires of the Holy Spirit – REDS, YELLOWS, ORANGES! * Food to share: salads, chips, desserts, drinks. Grilled chicken provided. * Surprises! * Sign-up in the narthex.

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Journey to a New Place To my brothers and sisters of St Mark’s One Sunday last Spring, many of you laid hands on me in blessing as I entered into a time of discernment with the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross. This past year has been a time of prayer, reflection, and education about the SCHC and my call to take the vows of admission. The Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross are a community of women, Christ’s disciples, called by God to a life of prayer, transformation, and reconciliation within ourselves, within our Companionship, within our faith communities and within the whole creation. (SCHC Vocation statement adopted 1998.) This group of lay Episcopal women had its beginnings in 1884, when Emily Morgan, inspired by her friend Adelyn Howard, envisioned a group of women united in prayer and companionship. Adelyn, an invalid and confined to bed, wished for a spiritual companionship which would support through prayer those in need and those who minister to those in need. Others were attracted to this project and soon rules and aims were drawn up for the group. An ancient prayer was chosen for their daily use. They met regularly and created the first Intercession Paper that continues to be sent to Companions each month. Over the next 10 years, the Society grew to more than 100 with chapters in New York, Hartford, Philadelphia and Boston. Many Companions became associated with Emily’s vacation house project for working women to find rest and nurture. Many became active in the settlement house movement of that time. In 1914, Adelynrood was built in Byfield, MA and is still, all these years later, the ancestral home of Companions. Each summer Companions come to enjoy community life and to volunteer as hostesses, sacristans, librarians, gardeners and program coordinators or leaders. Today, there are nearly 800 Companions worldwide, with 31 chapters in the USA, Canada and India. An elected Companion-in-Charge, other officers and committees oversee the operations, programs and outreach of the society. (from An Introduction for Inquirers brochure (1989) SCHC)

St Mark’s Evangel My probationary period of discernment is finished and on Saturday, June 6th at noon I (along with several other women) will take my vows and become a Companion. It is with great joy, excitement and gratitude that I share this news with all of you. You have all (in many ways) helped me and guided me during this journey and I will hold you all in my heart on this joyous day. With Peace and Great Joy, Nancy Tusinski

I’ve Never Seen God Anonymous I’ve never seen God But I know how I feel It’s people like you Who make Him so real My God is no stranger He’s friendly and gay And he doesn't’ ask me To weep when I prayIt seems that I pass Him So often each day In the faces of people I meet on my wayHe’s the stars in the heavens A smile on some face A leaf on a tree Or a rose in a vaseHe’s winder and autumn And summer and spring In short , God is Every Real, Wonderful Thing.

Submitted by Lorraine Wallace

St Mark’s Episcopal Church 33 Fairground Road Springfield, VT 05156 Phone: 802-885-2723

We are trying to save money and resources. If you no longer wish to receive The Evangel, please call 802-885-2723 and leave a message. Thank you.

Worship Services Spring service schedule: services at 7:30 & 10:00 am Summer service schedule begins June 14: services at 7:30 & 9:00 am May 19 Tuesday - Journey with Donna Reidt 6:00 - 7:30 pm May 24 Sunday services with Rev Gunnar Urang May 25 Monday - I-91 Fundraiser May 26 Tuesday - Journey with Donna Reidt 6:00 - 7:30 pm May 30 Saturday 10:00 am children and youth decorate sanctuary - pizza lunch May 31 Sunday 10:00 am service and parish picnic June 2 - Journey with Donna Reidt 6:00 - 7:30 pm June 7 Sunday services with Rev Diana Collins and Donna Reidt June 14 Sunday 9:00 am service - conversation and meal to follow August 9 Sunday services with Rev Angie Emerson August 16 Sunday services with Rev Diana Collins Sept 7 Monday - I-91 Fundraiser

Ministers - All of Us! Candidate for Holy Orders - Donna Reidt Deacon - The Rev Diana Collins Rector - The Rev Sherry Osborn Bishop - The Rt Rev Thomas C. Ely

33 Fairground Road Springfield, VT 05156 - Phone 802.885.2723

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