Stm Newsletter Sept-oct09

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St Mark’s

Evangel SEPT/OCT 2009

From the Rector

The Rev Sherry Osborn

From the Rector – St. Teresa of Avila was a Spanish Carmelite nun and mystic who lived between 1515-1582. Her words of prayer are food for the hungry in this ever-changing life we lead: “Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are changing. God alone is changeless. Patience attains the good. One who has God lacks nothing. God alone fills all our needs.” For the children of Camp Agape Vermont, a camp for children who have suffered the incarceration of a parent, change and uncertainty can be a chaotic daily experience. Children of incarcerated parents speak again and again of their overwhelming sense of isolation, shame, guilt, grief and loss. How does one “let nothing disturb you” when you are bullied because of your family history? Where is patience found when you’re eleven years old and you know you’ll be twenty years old by the time your father is released from prison? Where does one find the wisdom to open oneself to God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and transformation when you can’t imagine what that even feels like? At Camp Agape, one answer is to offer an alternative to the grief and loss the children experience every day – like stargazing! One counselor describes: One night while we were all brushing our teeth at the washhouse, I told my girls I had a surprise for them. They were eager to get it; I think they expected a sugary snack or to pull a prank on a siblings cabin. Instead, we walked…away from the washhouse lights to the huge open field. I lifted my hands to the sky saying, “Behold, I give you the gift”. I was met with less than enthusiastic responses: “geesh, I told you it would be the stars”… “I see these every day”… “I’m cold”… “Can we go to bed now?” “Please just take a minute and look,” the counselor pleaded, “The stars are my favorite part of camp.” After several seconds standing in a dark silence, the girls began to respond with “ooh’s” and “ahh’s”, “wow!” and even “I just saw my first shooting star!” The wise counselor showed them this new world of wonder: the Big Dipper, Polaris, Jupiter, the Milky Way, a satellite and the big finish, the Northern Cross. They all walked back to their cabin in quiet humility and awe. Behold the gift! This one night in an open field on a hill in Cabot, VT, five girls had their eyes opened to the enormous beauty just above their heads. A determined counselor offered an alternative source of joy and changelessness – the stars above. May we look to God in the stars, one another and within ourselves, as we seek the beauty, joy and potential of each new day. All things are changing. God alone is changeless. Patience attains the good. For one who has God lacks nothing. God alone fills all our needs. Where have you seen God today? How will you share the gift of hope and new life?


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Blessing of the Animals St. Francis Day Sunday, October 4, 9:15 a.m. Join us for a brief service of song and blessings before our festive, animal friendly service of Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. Outdoors weather permitting. Pets are happiest on leash or in crates. Invite a friend to share in the fun! Holy God of all creation, give us humility to thank you for the animals, who can show affection which sometimes puts us to shame. Enlarge our respect for these your creatures, of whom we are the guardians. And give us a sense of responsibility towards all your creation, for Jesus Christ’s sake, Amen.

St Mark’s Evangel

All Saints Sunday with Bishop Tom! November 1, 9:30 a.m. Service of Holy Baptism and Eucharist In celebration of a God who has knit us together in one communion and fellowship, we welcome our bishop as we initiate two new members to Christ’s body. Anyone interested in making a formal commitment to the Episcopal Church (through confirmation, reception or renewal of your baptism) please speak with Sherry before September 21 so we can plan a journey together for that event. We will also celebrate with Coleman, Amy, Madeline and Juliette the baptism of the youngest Hill, Amelia Goodrich – Sunday, October 25th.

St. Mark’s Diocesan Delegates Be sure to thank your lay delegates and lay alternates for their ministry: Shirley & Bill Flanders, Boris von York, Nancy Tusinski and Pearl von York. Please hold them, all delegates, Tom Ely our bishop and the entire diocese in your prayers as we prepare for Diocesan Convention, Nov 6-7. “Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; though Jesus Christ our Savior” (BCP 818).

Winter Service Schedule Begins Sunday, November 8, 9:30 a.m. We will once again move from the sanctuary to the parish hall through the colder months. In doing so, we lesson our carbon footprint by using less fossil fuel and electricity while being good stewards of our financial resources. We’ll resume services in the church proper on Palm Sunday 2010. If you have ideas for service music, prayers and use of space in the parish hall, please speak with Sherry.

St Mark’s Evangel is published bi-monthly September - June, Nancy Tusinski, Editor. Deadline for the next issue is October 15, 2009. For submissions email [email protected] or put your submission in my box at St Marks. Thank you.

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St Mark’s Evangel

Ministry Fairs Planned – Formed for Ministry…Transforming Our Culture The Diocese of Vermont announces the 2009 Ministry Fairs. Everybody’s welcome! You do not have to be a delegate to

participate. Come all day or come for part of the day. Choose from four workshops in the morning. Worship and break bread together. Be a part of the Pre-Convention Hearings in the afternoon, a time to learn more about the issues Convention will be covering. Delegates are expected to attend the afternoon session so that they will arrive at convention better informed and prepared to represent their parishes. The Ministry Fairs are conveniently located: St. Paul’s/White River Jct – October 3rd St. Michael’s/Brattleboro – October 10th Trinity/Shelburne – October 31st SCHEDULE FOR THE DAY 9:00 – 9:15 a.m. Registration and Coffee 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. First Round of Workshops 10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Second Round of Workshops 11:30 – 11:45 a.m. Break 11:45 – 12:30 p.m. Eucharist 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. Lunch (bring your own) 1:15 – 2:00 p.m. Diocesan Ministry Presentation 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Pre-Convention Hearings

Think Globally, Eat Locally! Planning to spend the day? Bring your own lunch made with local foods and packed in reusable containers. Lessen your carbon footprint by decreasing the miles that the food brought for lunch travels. And bring your own mug or water bottle as we strive to have a “no waste” Ministry Fair. REGISTRATION

There are three easy ways for you to register. Complete and send the enclosed form to: Ministry Fair Registrations, Diocese of Vermont, 5 Rock Point Road, Burlington, VT 05408 Contact the Diocesan Office and give your name, parish and two workshop choices: by phone 802-863-3431/800286-3437 by e-mail: [email protected] Register on-line at REGISTRATION FORM Please complete this registration form for the Ministry Fair you plan to attend and drop it in the offering plate or mail it, by September 28, 2009, to the Diocesan Office. I will attend the following workshops (check one in each time frame): Name: _____________________________________________ 9:15-10:15 10:30-11:30

I will attend the Ministry Fair at (check one):

_______ ______ 1. Formation for Children & Youth

____ St. Paul’s, White River Junction on October 3 ____ St. Michael’s, Brattleboro on October 10 ____ Trinity, Shelburne on October 31


______ 2. Stories of Transformation in VT

______ ______ 3. Transformed, Not Conformed ______ ______ 4. No Transformation without Contemplation I will not be attending a workshop, but I will be at the: ____ Eucharist ____ Pre-Convention Hearing

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St Mark’s Evangel

SOUP TO NUTS DINNER My grateful thanks for the wonderful response of St. Mark’s family who so generously contributed all the menu items for the dinner – two kinds of soup, ham and chicken, meatballs, vegetable casseroles, mashed potatoes, six salads, rolls, bread and butter, seven desserts, and last but not least, nuts. Others made monetary donations, so we had no expenses. In spite of the many posters and other publicity, fewer diners appeared than we had hoped.

Some surmised that because it has been so long since we’ve had a public dinner, the community has forgotten what good cooks we are! Nevertheless, we made $309. I also want to say a big “Thank You” to all those who set the tables, served, cleared, and cleaned up afterward. I am continually amazed at the way the members of St. Mark’s see what needs to be done and without direction do it Two other points: 1) Several people commented that it seemed good to have the opportunity to

do something together for the church, rather than just attending services. 2) Two people have individually volunteered to head up other dinners. Mary Dalton

Vestry Nominations Requested

Family Services 2 Sunday of the Month All Children will take part in the full service. nd

In an effort to teach our youngsters about the richness of our Episcopal worship, we’ll create a welcoming liturgy for all ages. Many of you have already said you like the music, children’s participation and variety of prayers that this service offers. Once a month we’ll enjoy readings, prayers and songs led by the younger members of the church. Godly Play will not take place on these Sunday’s. Interested in helping with ideas? See Sherry.

Are you called to serve in a key leadership position as senior warden, junior warden or vestry member? Vestry members are legal agents in congregations who, in partnership with the clergy, provide leadership in budgeting, establishing action plans, maintaining property, discerning a vision for the future, articulating and communicating the vision and setting the tone for leadership in the congregation to flourish. Term lengths range from one to three years. Please speak with Sherry by November 1st if interested or with questions.

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St Mark’s Evangel

Labor Day, September 7, 2009 Safety Coffee Break, Hartford Southbound I-91 Rest Stop A constant stream of homeward bound travelers over a period of ten hours enjoyed the hot coffee and amazing variety of outstanding cookies provided by the talented bakers of St. Mark's. They were impressed not only by the cookies but also the various organizations we support from their donations, as evidenced by the more than $400 they contributed. This included at least one $10 bill and a number of $5's. Many thanks to those who hosted the coffee break and/or baked all those wonderful cookies. May you realize that by doing so you have made an offering of your stewardship of time and and talent.

Parish Picnic - Sunday, May 31, 2009

The last St.Mark's Safety Coffee Break for the year will be Columbus Day, Monday, October 12. Please mark your calendars

Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours, Yours are the eyes through which is to look out Christ's compassion to the world; Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now. St Teresa of Avila

“God created and it was joy: time, space, matter. There is and we are part of that isness, part of that becoming. That is our calling: co-creation. Every single one of us, without exception, is called to co-create with God. No one is too unimportant to have a share in the making or unmaking of the final showing forth. Everything we do either draws the kingdom of love closer, or pushes it further away.” Madeleine L’Engle And it was God: Reflections on Beginnings (Wheaton: Harold Shaw, 1983)

St Mark’s Episcopal Church 33 Fairground Road Springfield, VT 05156 Phone: 802-885-2723

We are trying to save money and resources. If you no longer wish to receive The Evangel, please call 802-885-2723 and leave a message. Thank you.

Worship Services Summer service schedule begins June 14: services at 7:30 & 9:00 am Winter service schedule begins November 8: one service at 9:30 am

Ministers - All of Us! Deacon - The Rev Diana Collins Rector - The Rev Sherry Osborn Bishop - The Rt Rev Thomas C. Ely 33 Fairground Road Springfield, VT 05156 - Phone 802.885.2723

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