Statement U Ottama Day

  • October 2019
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The declaration on 69th anniversary of freedom Flaming torch, Venerable U Ottama (Date: 09 September 2008) 1.

Ven; U Ottama is a person who dare to say “Crack Dock go home” to the Regional Crack Dock of British Burma.


Due to the guidance of the honorable monk, organizations of the “Vansanu Rakkhita” had also popular among the people by followed him and preached the “Vansanu Rakkhita” doctrine.


When the YMBA and the people had politically awoken and made confrontation against the British imperialist administration, he was imprisoned for many times.


Honorable monk was recognized as a hero who dares to defy the British imperialist and spread the seeds of freedom spirit .He had passed away to the next life on heaven in September 1939.


Though he was an Arakanese , born in Arakan he gave the light of freedom for Asia and Burma sacrificing himself, therefore Ven Ottama should honor by Burma as well as other nations of Asia.


The gratitude of the honorable monk is indeed endless, therefore the government services and the people of Burma should honor him “Katanuta Katavadi” as repaying his gratitude.


Burma government especially SPDC have forgotten his gratitude. The people should obtain national unity to over throw the SPDC government and to restore democracy by honoring Ven U Ottama whenever the September 9 arrived. (1) Every nation has responsibility to commemorates Ven U Ottama. (2) To liberate Burma goodwill of multinational is needed. (3) The time to unite opposition forces of inland and exile has ripped.

Central Committee Sasana Moli Bangladesh Branch

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