State Hornet Charter

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  • Words: 1,532
  • Pages: 4
STATE HORNET CHARTER The purpose of this document is to outline the organization, structure, functions and responsibilities of the State Hornet, a student-run newspaper serving California State University, Sacramento, and the relationship of the State Hornet to the campus. 1. Relationship to the University The philosophy of the University is that the best interests of the campus community are served by having a student run newspaper that: • serves as a learning experience for students • serves the communications needs of the entire campus, and • is published twice a week or weekly. • publishes an online edition 2. Relationship to the Communication Studies Department The Communications Department provides a faculty adviser for six or more weighted teaching units per semester. The adviser is a full-time or part-time journalism faculty member who offers supervised instruction for credit in approved Journalism/Communication Studies courses. The faculty member advises State Hornet editorial staff. The Faculty Adviser is responsible for the execution of all business operations of the newspaper. 3. Publications Board and State Hornet Organization The Publications Board will act as the publisher of the State Hornet. The chair of the Publication Board will be elected yearly from the board (with the exclusion of the State Hornet editor in chief) by the board. The Board will be composed of nine members: • The Editor in Chief of the State Hornet; • Two Hornet editorial staff members (enrolled in at least six CSUS units and in good academic standing) and appointed by the Editor in Chief of the State Hornet no later than June 1 of the current academic year; • Two student body representatives (enrolled in at least six CSUS units and in good academic standing) elected by the student body at large through the ASI election process and not concurrently holding any elected ASI office or position at the State Hornet newspaper; • The State Hornet Faculty Adviser; • The Communication Studies Department Chair or designee; • The Business Advisory Committee Chair or designee; and • The Vice President of Student Affairs or designee. The Publications Board may fill vacancies for non-appointed positions by a simple majority vote, after conducting an appropriate search.

The Publications Board will be the governing body of the State Hornet. Its primary function will be policy formulation and review. It will meet at least once a month, while the newspaper is in publication at the call of the Chair of the Publications Board. A meeting may also be called at the written request of: The Editor in Chief, the Faculty Adviser or the majority of the Editorial Staff or the majority of the Publications Board. Minutes of all meetings including policy decisions made by the Board will be recorded and distributed to all board members. Publications Board members term begins June 1 and expires each year on May 31. In order to call an official meeting a quorum must be present. A quorum consists of five of the nine voting members. All Board Members will have one vote. The Board will have the final decision in any conflict that involves the State Hornet. The Publications Board will strive to ensure that the rights of freedom of speech and press are fully applicable to the publication of the State Hornet. The Editor in Chief of the State Hornet will assume the role of chief executive officer of the newspaper and will be primarily responsible for editorial policy formulation and execution of day-to-day management in conjunction with the Faculty Adviser. The Editor in Chief of the newspaper will hire or appoint, supervise and remove, if necessary, the Editorial Staff who will be concerned primarily with the day-to-day operations of the newspaper and will function according to criteria and procedures established by the Editor in Chief and according to individual job descriptions. 4. Business Advisory Committee The Business Advisory Committee's purpose is to preserve and promote the fiscal integrity and business effectiveness of the State Hornet. The Committee will recommend business and financial policy to the Publications Board and advise that Board on business and financial operations. This Committee will be composed of four three members: • The State Hornet Editor in Chief; • The State Hornet Adviser; • The Associate Vice President for Finance, who will chair the Committee. The Committee will meet at the call of the chair while the newspaper is in publication. This Committee, in consultation with the Editor in Chief-elect, will prepare by May 1 of each year a proposed budget for the following academic year and forward the budget to the Publications Board for approval. 5. Fiscal Agent and Employer of Record Associated Students Inc. will serve as fiscal agent and employer of record for the State Hornet. Student employees directly associated with the operation of the State Hornet must adhere to all relevant personnel policies and procedures of ASI. The permanent staff of the State Hornet will be reimbursed State employees.

The University acknowledges that under this agreement, Associated Students Inc. assumes no liability for control over the management, operation or published content of the State Hornet other than as provided for any other IRA program. 6. Facilities and Equipment The University shall provide office space and production shop facilities at cost for the State Hornet. The Publications Board will agree to adhere to relevant policies with respect to operation and maintenance of these facilities. All campus equipment related to the production of the State Hornet is the property of the University and is to be used solely for the support and operation of the State Hornet and housed at the State Hornet offices. All equipment purchased by the State Hornet belongs to the University and may only be traded or changed according to University policy. 7. Source of Funds The State Hornet will be operated by the Publications Board as a self-supporting financial operation. As such, it will not be allowed to operate with a deficit. It will be allowed to solicit and accept funds under the guidelines of University policy from any group or individual. Provision of funds to the State Hornet by any group or individual will not cause the providing party to assume any liability or responsibility for the editorial actions of the State Hornet. All revenues generated by or in support of the State Hornet will be used exclusively for the benefit of the State Hornet, including but not limited to the remuneration of employees and the funding of maintenance and replacement for equipment. All revenues generated by student fees will be used exclusively for rent, printing and stipends, in accordance with specifications of the trust account. A reserve fund will be maintained as part of the accounting practices of the State Hornet to provide for contingencies, maintenance and replacement of production equipment used in the publishing of the State Hornet. These funds will be administered in accordance with policy adopted by the Publications Board. 8. Canon of Ethics All actions of the State Hornet Editorial Staff will be governed by: • The American Society of Newspaper Editors' "Statement of Principles," • The Society of Professional Journalists' "Code of Ethics," and • The Associated Press Stylebook and libel manual. In addition, the following University guidelines apply:

• The Editorial Staff will seek the opinion and advice of the Faculty Adviser for any story that may be potentially libelous, defamatory, offensive, or in any other respect questionable to the integrity of the State Hornet. • The Editorial Staff will comply with all University and ASI regulations while operating as a recognized part of the University community. • The Editorial Staff will abide by its responsibility to the University Community, upholding the State Hornet's goals. 1. To cover the news and interests of the CSUS campus community, which include students, staff, faculty and administration; 2. To honestly report with balance, trying at all times to give voice to all sides of the story or issue; 3. To professionally train State Hornet staff so members can make a transition to a working news agency after graduation; 4. To represent diversity on campus by recruiting representative staff and through stories and issues covered in the newspaper. 9. Selection Process for Editor in Chief No later than May 1, the Publications Board will select the Editor in Chief of the State Hornet for the coming year. If any Board members cannot serve on this Selection Committee, he or she shall appoint an eligible designee. The new Editor in Chief must receive a majority of the nine votes. He or she must be enrolled in at least six CSUS units and be in good academic standing. In the event of the resignation or removal of the Editor in Chief, the Publications Board will name a replacement Editor in Chief to complete the remainder of the academic year. The Publications Board sets the salary of the Editor in Chief. 10. Amendment of "The State Hornet Policy" This document may be amended by the majority vote of the Publications Board subject to approval of the President. Any proposal submitted to the President will include the proposed amendment, a statement of reasons for the change and a report of the majority vote in favor of such amendment. Amended 2-06

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