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  • Words: 785
  • Pages: 14
The State of the STATE Gary G. Ador Dionisio Assistant Professor SMS – Social Science Area


The State of the State I. Introduction:

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The State of the State Based on the movie The City of God, what are the prominent features of the STATE? Should the state always above to the interest of the People? What is the difference between the state and government? What are the reasons why there are confusion on these two concepts? What are the different theories in explaining the use of state power? Has the state lost its relevance at this juncture?


The State of the State II. What is state: Defining State  The state is a political association that establishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined territorial borders, and exercise authority through a set of permanent institutions (Heywood 2002:87)  The state is the locus of social power (Poggi 2002:35) 3 different ways in understanding the state  idealist approach  functionalist approach  organizational approach 3

The State of the State 5 Key features of the state  The state is sovereign  The state institutions are recognizably public  The state is an exercise of legitimation  The state is an instrument of domination  The state is a territorial association III. The Principal differences between government and the state are the following  The state is more extensive than govt. Government is part of the state  The state is a continuing, even permanent entirety. Government is temporary 4

The State of the State Government is the means through which the authority of the state is brought into operation  The state exercises impersonal authority  The state in theory represents the permanent interest of the society. Government represents partisan interest IV. Rival Theories of the State A. Pluralist State  The state is like a wind vane, it depends in whatever direction that public at large dictates Proponents: John Locke, Jeremy Bentham (classical) Robert Dahl, Charles Lindblom (modern) 


The State of the State b. The Capitalist State  The state is the instrument of the capitalist class in order to maintain its hold in our society  The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie (Communist Manifesto 1848:82)  The state is instrument of class oppression  The state is relative autonomy from the class system Proponents: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin (classical) Ralph Miliband, Paul Sweezy, Nicos Poulantzas (modern) 6

The State of the State C. The Leviathan State  The image of the state as a leviathan (in effect a self serving monster intent for expansion and aggrandizement)  State intervention should be limited  Emphasizing the role of individual and market Proponents: Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith (classical) Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman (modern) 7

The State of the State D. The Patriarchal State  The issue of gender is an important issue, for it dictates who controls the state  Male power is a central political issue  Little role of women in our society  Powerlessness of women in the state Proponent: Marry Wollstonecrat (classical) Catherine Mckinnon (modern) 8

The State of the State V. The Role of the State a. Minimal states  Ensures that individuals enjoy the widest possible realm of freedom  Negative view of the state  The administrative, judicial and police functions  Let the market dictates the needs of the people e.g. USA, UK, etc 9

The State of the State B. Developmental States  A developmental state is one that intervenes in economic life with the specific purpose of promoting industrial growth and economic development  Govt + Market = Developmental state  Minimal presence of human rights and freedom e.g. Japan, Germany, etc 10

The State of the State C. Social Democratic states Social democratic state does not only promote industrial growth and economic development it brings issues such as social justice, freedom, human rights and equality  Positive view of the state  Manage or regulate capitalism with strong social protection e.g. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc 


The State of the State D. Collectivized States  Collectivized states bring the entirety of economic life under state control  Plan and Command Economy  State collectivization or property of the state e.g. USSR (old), Poland and Hungary (old), Cuba 12

The State of the State E. Totalitarian states State controls all aspects of human life, economic, political, socio-cultural, etc.  The state is everything  All for the state e.g. Cambodia (Pol Pot), Russia (Stalin), China (Mao Tse Tung) 


The State of the State VI. Conclusion “Bringing the state back in”


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