Star Trek - The Final Frontier (act One)

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  • Words: 4,312
  • Pages: 20
STAR TREK The Final Frontier by Rowan Shait

Based on the TV series "Star Trek" Created by Gene Roddenberry Based on the RPG site "The Final Frontier" Created by Hillary

Act One




We are slowly drifting through space. Stars drift by us as we continue on with our path. As we continue to drift a familiar VOICE speaks: KIRK (V.O.) Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before. We watch as the ENTERPRISE enters the frame. BEGIN MAIN CREDITS. We notice that the Enterprise is in orbit of a brownorange PLANET. CUT TO: 2



Primarily a DESERT WASTELAND environment with canyons, mountains, etc. It is very HOT, with BLAZING HEAT SHIMMERING in the distance. We watch as a CLOUD OF DUST moves along the desert surface. “Sabotage” by The VERSION OF A DUNE behind the wheel, speeds up next to

Beastie Boys play as we see a 22ND CENTURY BUGGY speed across the desert. KIRK is grinning excitedly. ANOTHER DUNE BUGGY his.

UHURA is at the wheel of the other BUGGY. She looks over to Kirk, grinning. Kirk chuckles. He shouts over the roar of the engine. KIRK You might as well give up, Uhura. Uhura laughs at his words. UHURA No way. This ain’t over. KIRK (grinning) Alright. Suit yourself then. Kirk slams down the gas and the buggy guns off, leaving Uhura back in the distance. Uhura shakes her head and slams down the break, following Kirk. Kirk laughs.


He talks to himself, looking at Uhura in the rear-view mirror. END MAIN CREDITS. KIRK (CONT’D) When is she going to learn? We hear the CHIRP of a COMMUNICATOR. Kirk sighs, tries to ignore the sound. The chirp is heard again. CUT TO: 3

INT. DUNE BUGGY - DAY Kirk is not too happy about this. He takes a hand away from the stirring wheel and clicks a button on a dashboard-like panel where a screen is. Kirk.


We focus on Kirk’s face as we hear the voice of SPOCK. SPOCK (V.O.) Captain, Admiral Pike would like to speak to you. He says that it is rather urgent. Kirk sighs, shakes his head. Now?


SPOCK (V.O.) That is what he said, sir. Very well.


SPOCK (V.O.) I will have a shuttlecraft come and pick you and Lieutenant Uhura up. KIRK Aye, over and out. We focus on the screen to see COMMANDER SPOCK in his usual BLUE STARFLEET UNIFORM, seated in the Captain’s chair. SPOCK Over and out.



The screen turns off and the STARFLEET logo appears on screen. CUT TO: 4



The BUGGIES continue to race across the desert. UHURA’S BUGGY pulls up next to KIRK’S BUGGY, the race continuing. Kirk’s buggy pulls off faster, Uhura’s buggy right behind. A LARGE SHUTTLECRAFT enters the frame, with it’s BACK HATCH opened. CUT TO: 5



CLOSE UP ON KIRK Grinning, he’s having a ball. CUT TO: 6



Kirk’s buggy is speeding towards the shuttlecraft. There is a dune between him and the shuttlecraft. The buggy speeds up, gaining more and more speed. The buggy hits the dune, BOUNDING over it and ascending in to the air. THE BUGGY stands in suspension for a moment before hurling into shuttlecraft with a loud THUD. CUT TO: 7



CLOSE UP ON UHURA Shaking her head. She laughs. JUMP CUT TO: 8



A large, grey and blue colored room with a PICTURE WINDOW, a PAINTING OF THE ENTERPRISE, and a SCULPTURE of the NX-O1 U.S.S.


ENTERPRISE, hang on the wall adjacent to a DESK in the middle of the room. A WHOOSH is heard from off-screen as Kirk enters the room, dressed in his UNIFORM: GOLD, COMMAND SHIRT, BLACK PANTS, MATCHING BOOTS, etc. He walks over to the desk and takes a seat. Computer.


AN ELECTRONIC CHIRP is heard. KIRK (CONT’D) Link to Admiral Christopher Pike. CU SCREEN The STARFLEET INSIGNIA disappears, to be replaced by the image of ADMIRAL CHRISTOPHER PIKE sitting in an office. PIKE Ah, Kirk. Nice to see you again. How long has it been? KIRK (V.O.) Five months, sir. My first officer had told me that you were looking for me. May I ask why? Pike nods. PIKE Yes, I was. I have contacted you because the Federation has requested for the Enterprise to be sent to New Vulcan for security detail. You will be joined by the U.S.S. Intrepid and the U.S.S. Columbia. But before then, you and your crew are to report to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for maintenance and crew pick up. Judging from the word I have received, the Enterprise will be receiving new members. CU KIRK Focusing on the screen. He nods. Aye, sir.



PIKE (V.O.) It was good seeing you again, Mr. Kirk. I hope you’re taking care of her. Pike, out. Kirk nods to Pike’s nods, remains still for the moment, thinking on the brief he went through. A BEEP is heard from the other side of the room. KIRK Kirk. What is it? SPOCK (V.O.) You are needed on the bridge, sir. CUT TO: 9



Bright as usual. Everyone is positioned at their stations. SPOCK is seated in the CAPTAIN’S CHAIR. We watch as Kirk ENTERS, looking around the bridge at his officers. A few of the officers looked up to their captain and return to their duties. Kirk makes his way to the center of the bridge, heading over to his chair. Spock stands, nodding to Kirk. SPOCK Welcome back, Captain. KIRK Thank you, Commander. Spock is relieved, his status shifted back to FIRST OFFICER. He moves to his station. Kirk sits. We watch as CHEKOV turns to Kirk, ready for orders. CHEKOV Where to, Captin? Kirk looks over to the Russian. KIRK Alpha Quadrant, San Francisco Fleet Yards. We are to report for maintenance and crew pick-up. Aye, zir.



Chekov turns back to consoles, programs the needed coordinates. Kirk looks over to SULU, who is seated at his helmsman station. KIRK Mr. Sulu, maximum wrap. Engage when ready. Sulu nods as he fiddles with his console, activating the warp drive. After a minute, Sulu sends the ship into warp. CUT TO: 10



We watch as the ENTERPRISE guns off into warp, leaving a STARLIKE WINK behind. CUT TO: 11



A massive FLEET STATION suspended in orbit. We can see EARTH in the background as we focus on the shipyard. Different STARSHIPS are stationed at drydocks, SHUTTLECRAFTS fly in and out of frame. We watch as the Enterprise enters frame, floating its way towards the shipyard. He begin to feel nostalgic as we look upon the ship heading towards the place it had launched from. This shot should put us in awe. We can see the Enterprise continuing to drift towards the DRYDOCK, getting closer and closer. FOUR FEDERATION SHUTTLECRAFTS flanked the Enterprise on both sides as she made her way over to the dock. The shuttlecrafts continued to escort the starship towards the dock. The Enterprise had finally ENTERED the DRYDOCK, becoming lock on place and docked. CUT TO: 12



A VAST DECK with STARFLEET OFFICERS, SHIPYARD ATTENDANTS, and CIVILIANS alike walking about. The deck was crowd, which isn’t unusual for it. This is a normal day for the fleet yard.


We watch as a GROUP OF PEOPLE stand before a LARGE PICTURE WINDOW, looking out at the recently docked ENTERPRISE. Most of the group was in awe. VOICE (V.O.) Wow. She’s beautiful. WIDEN ANGLE ON GROUP The voice belongs to LIEUTENANT ROWAN TANO (28), An EL-AURIAN of what we would call African descent, deep black eyes, irises indistinguishable from his pupils, very tall, handsome, a Starfleet officer. He is dressed in a standard Starfleet uniform, which bares the Operations Division's red color. He is excited, but it doesn’t show. ROWAN Absolutely amazing. A young, civilian woman appears next to him, amazed. This young woman is BRIDGET CARNAHAN (19), A HUMAN of Caucasian descent, fair skinned, blue eyed, brown haired, youthful. She continues to gaze at the starship. BRIDGET The vids doesn’t do it justice. A young woman, a Starfleet officer pops up between Rowan and Bridget, looking at the Enterprise, not really enthused. MERRYN It’s alright. It’s probably like the other piece of shit tin cans inside. She shrugs, walks off. This is MERRYN SPARROW (25). She is a fair skinned, bespectacled, Lieutenant bearing the same divisional colors as the dark skinned El-Aurian. Rowan shakes his head looks to Merryn’s direction. ROWAN Why do you have to act like that? Merryn looks over to Rowan. MERRYN Because it’s me? Do you always ask stupid questions, Tano? Rowan chuckles, walks over to Merryn, leaning forward to whisper to her.


ROWAN (whispering) Look, Merryn... I can feel that you’re excited about this. You just want to pee on everyone else’s parade. Merryn looks to Rowan, brow raised. MERRYN You readin’ my feelings again? What have I told about that? ROWAN Couldn’t help it. You’re an interesting one, Sparrow. I’m constantly wondering what’s running through you. Merryn laughs before punching the El-Aurian in the shoulder. MERRYN Well. Don’t get too interested, Tano. You might not like what you get. Merryn turns, walks off. Rowan watches after her, shaking his head. ROWAN She’s an interesting one. Rowan turns as Bridget walks off, out of frame. Rowan gazes upon the Enterprise, taking in her beauty. A smile appears on his face. He couldn’t believe that he was assigned to the ship. Everyone would kill for the job he has. Hey, Tano.


CU ROWAN Turning to face the source of the voice. The voice had belonged to the BETAZOID LIEUTENANT JR. GRADE MADARA KEI (22), who is of Caucasian descent, with slightly tanned skin, brown hair and pitch black eyes very similar to the El-Aurian’s. She also wore the Operations division’s Red color.


MADARA (CONT’D) You mind helping me out? She was carrying two bags, filled with clothing and other personal effects. ROWAN Yeah, sure. Rowan walks over, and takes a bag from her, sling it over his shoulder. A thankful smile plays on Madara’s face. Thank you.


Rowan simply nods as they make their way away from the picture window. 13



The Command Crew are seated at their positions, waiting for maintenance and repairs to be done and for crew to make their way on the ship. Kirk shifts in his chair as an ELECTRONIC BEEP is heard. Uhura looked up to Kirk UHURA We’re being hailed, sir. Kirk looks over to Uhura before looking up to the screen at the front of the ship. On screen.


CU SCREEN A DARK-SKINNED STARFLEET CAPTAIN appears on screen, sitting in a CAPTAIN’S CHAIR in a FEDERATION STARSHIP BRIDGE. He reminds us of someone, but we can’t put our finger on it. CAPTAIN Captain Kirk! I’m Captain Terkim Tano, Commanding officer of the Columbia. CAPTAIN TERKIM TANO (158) is an El-Aurian of African Descent, tall, handsome. Unknown to the audience and crew, this man is the father of Lt. Rowan Tano, the officer from earlier. Kirk stands from his chair and walks further up before stopping. KIRK What can I do for you, Captain?


CAPT. TANO As of right now, nothing. I just wanted to meet one of the other Captains that will be at New Vulcan. I’m looking forward to meeting you face to face on New Vulcan. KIRK I look forward to meeting you too, sir. Captain Tano nods, then disappears off screen. Kirk looks over to Sulu. KIRK (CONT’D) He hailed us just for a visit? What the hell sense does that make? SULU He just wanted to be friendly, sir. KIRK (sarcasm) Yeah, friendly. That’s it. Kirk turns back to his chair, takes a seat. CUT TO: 14



A crowded, narrow tunnel filled to the brim with people. Merryn, Bridget, Rowan and Madara are making their through the tunnel, pushing past others. We notice LIEUTENANT VINCENT ELRIC (28), a Human Starfleet Officer, he has pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. He is dressed in a COMMAND GOLD UNIFORM. He works as the Personnel Officer for the Enterprise. He holds a PADD, looking at the names that are on them. He shouts over the chatter of the tunnel with his Received Pronunciation British Accent: ELRIC All new coming Enterprise crew please check in with me then follow Yeoman Rand to the Mess Hall. The group make their way over to the Personnel Officer, checking in. Merryn is first one to check in.


MERRYN Lieutenant Merryn Sparrow. Elric looks down his list as he searches for her name. ELRIC Sparrow, Sparrow, Sparrow... Ah, Sparrow, Merryn P. Welcome to the Enterprise. Please follow Yeoman Rand to the Mess Hall. Merryn passes Elric, toward the Enterprise. Rowan is the next one up. ROWAN Lieutenant Rowan Tano. Elric begins to look for Rowan’s name but then stops, looking back up to Rowan. ELRIC Tano? Any relation to Captain Tano? ROWAN He’s my father. ELRIC Ah. Well, here you are, Lieutenant. Tano, Rowan S. Please follow Yeoman Rand to the Mess Hall. Welcome to the Enterprise. We watch as Rowan walks off. 15



A shiny, metallic, white on light blue hallway. It is filled with ship officers, some already part of the crew, some new to the crew. We watch as Rowan enters the hall, looks around at the officers and admires the design of the hall. He thought it was better looking then his father’s old ship, the U.S.S. ATLANTIS. He locates Merryn with a FEMALE YEOMAN. The female yeoman is YEOMAN 1ST CLASS JANICE RAND (21), she is extremely beautiful, young, industrious, kind and caring. She is dressed in OPERATIONS RED. She stands before a group of officers and civilian crew members. RAND Greetings, everyone. Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. (MORE)

12. RAND (CONT'D) I’m Yeoman Rand and I’ll be leading you to the designated gathering place for new members.

Rowan walks over to Merryn. Merryn looks over to Rowan. MERRYN Damn. I thought I lost your ass back there. Rowan chuckles. ROWAN Oh come on, Sparrow. You know you love me. Rowan grins, Merryn rolls her eyes. MERRYN (sarcasm) Oh yes, you big, chocolate man, you. Rowan laughed. The two are then joined by Bridget Carnahan and Madara Kei. RAND Okay everyone, please follow me. Rand about faces and leads the group down the hall. Everyone begins to look around as a normal day on the Enterprise unfolds before them. CUT TO: 16

INT. BRIDGE - ENTERPRISE A ELECTRONIC CHIRP is heard. It is coming from the communicator in the arm rest of the Captain’s chair. Kirk presses a button on the communicator. Kirk.


RAND (V.O.) It’s Rand, sir. The new crew members are all aboard, awaiting your welcoming words. Kirk frowns.



KIRK (whines) Aw, do I have to come and make a speech? RAND (V.O.) I’m afraid so, sir. That was the wrong answer for Kirk. KIRK Fine. I’ll be down in a minute. Very well.


The conversation ends, Kirk stands. Mr. Spock.


Spock turns from his console, looks to Kirk. Yes?


KIRK I have to go down to the mess hall and welcome the new members. I need for you to keep an eye on the bridge while I’m gone. Spock nods, walks over to the Captain’s chair. Kirk walks off, exits the bridge. 17



We see Kirk walk out of the bridge turns, seemingly making his way towards us. We slowly dolly back as he continues on with his path. He turns and heads down another section of the corridor. We find our heroic captain before a LIFT. He presses a button on a nearby console and the entrance doors of the lift SLIDE OPEN. He enters, the doors close and the lift is off. CUT TO:








THE CAPITAL CITY OF THE KLINGON EMPIRE. A menacing cityscape, it’s skyline remind us of the blades of daggers and knives. We get a creepy feeling from this city. CUT TO: 20



We focus on TORIN (24), a KLINGON, stubborn, handsome, dark haired, dark eyed and lean. He looks over to the side, speaking an off-screen person in KLINGONESE SUBTITLED into ENGLISH: TORIN Shenara! Come! We have work to do. SHENARA (26), KLINGON, cruel, brutal, has brown hair, light blue eyes, tan skin, appears into frame, coming to Torin’s side. 21



A vast compound filled with the ships that belong to the Klingon Empire. The shipyard is filled with ships from different ages of the empire, ship chaises, decommissioned D7class ships, and some decommissioned K’t’inga ships. We focus on a group of KLINGON SOLDIERS, armed with PHASE RIFLES, guarding some type of ship that’s under a veil. Hiding behind one of the old, decommissioned D7s, is Torin, Shenara and five other people. Two of them are Torin’s trusted crewmates, L’KANA and KAHN-TIHL. L’Kana (20) is a beautiful, young Klingon woman. She has dark hair, green eyes, deeply tan skin. Unknown to her crew mates, she’s from one of Qo’nos’ most respectable families. Kahn-Tihl (27) is a handsome Klingon male. He is the oldest of the group but the less important of the group, he’s a loose canon and does follow the rules. He has recently escaped a Klingon prison camp, serving ten out of thirty years of is sentence.


Shenara looks around the end of the D7 to see the guards pace back and forth before the veiled ship. She scoots over, getting closer to Torin, speaking in KLINGONESE SUBTITLED into ENGLISH: SHENARA The ship is being heavily guarded. Ten to fifteen guards, armed to the teeth. Phase rifles, Phasers, Long Swords, Ceremonial Daggers. They’re not playing around about this. Torin nods, accessing the situation. A plan crawls into mind and this is the perfect situation to set into motion. He turns to the others, ordering them in KLINGONESE SUBTITLED into ENGLISH: TORIN L’Kana, Kahn Tihl, Tatell, Arizhel. Your four first. Engage them. Each one of the Klingons nod and they each pull PHASE PISTOLS from their belts. They’re ready. Go.


L’Kana immediately takes leadership over the four of them and signals for the others to follow her. They slowly move out from the D7 and make their way over to a decommissioned K’t’inga. L’Kana peeks at the Empire Soldiers from behind the ship before turning to the others, speaking KLINGONESE SUBTITLED into ENGLISH: L’KANA On the count of three. The Klingons nod, readying themselves for the attack that is about to begin. L’Kana peers over the side again. One...


Their grips tighten around their weapons. Two...


War prayers are said mentally. Three.



And it all begins. The group run out from behind the warship, screaming out their loudest battle cries and run head first into action. The Empire Soldiers ready themselves for a fight. Phase Rifles are readied, Phase Pistols are aimed. Shots are then fired. The battle has just begun... who’s going to make it out? BACK BEHIND THE D7 Torin and Shenara are listening to the battle going on. They are itching to get in on the action. They run out from behind the D7, screaming out their loudest battle cries also. They run into the battle, phasers a blazing, not caring about who they hit and if they make out alive. They’re just living in the heat of the battle, like any Klingon would. They will die with honor if they have to. In the fight, Tatell is able to taken at least two soldiers before being taken out himself. Arizhel had shot one soldier in the stomach and shot a soldier in the head, leaving a massive phaser burn in their forehead. During her moments of glory, a soldier runs up to her, running her through with a sword. She falls to her knees, blood violently spilling from her mouth. She’s not ready to give up, she stands, aims her weapon to his groin, and fires. It’s not pleasant for the soldier, and he goes down immediately. Arizhel chuckles before falling to the floor, dying. Torin, Shenara, L’Kana, and Kahn-Tihl are all able to take out the remaining guards without injury. This is victory for the warriors. Torin whistles to his men, signals towards veiled object that they had came for. L’Kana and Kahn-Tihl walk over to the massive object and take hold of the veil that is shrouding the mystery object. Torin nods to the two Klingons. With all of their might, L’Kana and Kahn-Tihl begin to pull the veil off. They pull, pull and pull until the veil is finally off. We finally get to see what is under the veil. The massive object is revealed to be a KLINGON BIRD OF PREY. This is ship is much larger and shinier than its’ original incarnation from the Post-TOS Star Trek series. The ship is a forest green color, with black bird feather patterns, borrowed from the Romulans.


This Bird of Prey is a prototype, one of the first of its kind, the first of the K’Vort class. The K’Vort class is a light cruiser class, lightly armored, but deadly. CU TORIN Grinning in satisfaction. He is quite impressed with the prototype warship. We pull back to include Shenara in frame. Torin speaks in KLIGONESE SUBTITLED into ENGLISH: TORIN Let’s see what she can do. Shenara nods, addresses the others in ENGLISH SUBTITLED KLINGONESE: SHENARA Alright, this is our moment. We are about to board this vessel and we will be... taking a joyride in this bird. Once we’re in, there’s no turning back. The only way out is by way of death. Do I make myself clear? L’Kana and Kahn-Tihl simply nodded. Shenara looks to Torin. Speaks in UNSUBTITLED KLIGONESE: Move out!


The group, except for Torin, make their way around the other side and enter the prototype vessel. Torin makes one final glance upon the Bird of Prey before making his way around the side and entering himself. CUT TO: 22



We follow Torin as he walks onto the bridge, watching his crew standing, lined up like soldiers in the army. He looks around the bridge. It’s a shinny, brown/beige room with stateof-the-art computers, weapon systems and etc. Torin stands in over, trying to before stopping ENGLISH will be

front of the Klingons, looking each them decided something. He paces around them in front of them. KLINGONESE SUBTITLED into spoken in this scene:


TORIN L’Kana! Navigator! L’Kana nods, and makes her way over to the navigator’s station, which also works as the helmsman’s station. TORIN (CONT’D) Kahn-Tihl! Weapon’s specialist. Kahn-Tihl grins, saunters over to the weapon’s station. Torin walks over to Shenara, grinning. TORIN (CONT’D) And you... shall be my first officer. Shenara grins, they make their way to the center of the bridge, taking their seats. Torin takes a seat in the CAPTAIN’S CHAIR, which is a large, leather bound chair. Shenara seats herself in the chair next to Torin’s, a matching chair. Torin looks over to L’Kana. TORIN (CONT’D) L’Kana, get us out of here! Yes, sir!


L’Kana presses keys on the panel underneath her fingers, activating system power and impulse power. They will be taking off soon. CUT TO: 23



We watch as the BIRD OF PREY begins to spring to life, torpedo bay lighting up, impulse/warp drive glowing. We can hear it’s propulsion charging to life, growling like a hungry beast. CUT TO: 24



CU L’KANA Looking down at the console, reading it’s computer read-outs. She speaks in KLINGONESE SUBTITLED into ENGLISH:


L’KANA T minus twelve seconds before lift off. Eleven. Ten. Nine. Eight. CUT TO: 25



The Bird of Prey continues to spring to life as we listen to L’Kana continuing the countdown. L’KANA Seven. Six. Five. CUT TO: 26



CU TORIN Waiting in anticipation for the launch. L’Kana continues with the countdown. L’KANA Four. Three. Two. One. CUT TO: 27



The Bird of Prey is alive. It ascends from its grounded spot and lightly hovers as it readies itself for its maiden voyage. It’s torpedo bay blinks one and off organically, like it’s breathing. We then watch as it about faces, and begins to ascend toward the sky, like a bird flying for the first time. This voyage is about begin. The ship continues to fly on impulse power as it makes it way towards the stars. WIDEN ANGLE We watch the ship from behind as it continues to ascend from the stars. The bright orange glow from it’s engine grows brighter as the ship switches from impulses and goes to warp, flashing away from us in brilliant light. This is only the beginning.

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