St. Paul's News - March, 2008

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News March, 2008

“The Agony and the Ecstasy” By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller ost of you will recognize that the title of this article is not mine; you’ve heard it somewhere before. Some of you will recThe Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller ognize it as the title of a book and movie that portray the life of Michelangelo. A few of you know that story and understand the contrast in the title as being the condition of Michelangelo’s life as he was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He did not want to accept the commission, but was forced to. The difficulty of the decision and the work involved, the Agony, was eventually worth the reward, the Ecstasy, when the final product was viewed and accepted as a masterpiece.


story of Jesus’ final week again comes to life, it occurs to me how frequently this title describes life as we find it. As both the disciples and Jesus suffered through the agony of Holy Week events, they had no way of knowing the glory that lay beyond the darkness of Friday and Saturday. Even in the days and weeks following the resurrection, there were fear and uncertainty. It was only later, when the full benefit of the agony could be assessed, that the ecstasy of resurrection could be appreciated.

It also occurs to me that we, in contemporary society, even as Easter People, are very anxious to participate in the ecstasy of God’s presence among us, but unwilling to have anything to do with the agony this may require. As is so often the case, I’m not sure you can’t have the former without the latter. Many were stunned when Mother Theresa expressed doubt, despair and I have been reading things on the Vatican recently because I hope Linda and I may have the even loneliness in spite of her obviously blessed opportunity to visit sometime this summer. My (Continued on page 13) Lenten reading has also been on my desk. As the

2008 Annual Meeting By Christine Caswell, Editor t. Paul’s 2008 annual meeting was held on January 27 with four new vestry members elected, awards handed out and Jeff Irwin relaying the financial report as it was cited in the February edition of SPN.


Since there were four vestry positions open and four people running, it was not a hotly contested race. The new incoming members, including the new youth member, are as follows: • • • • •

MaryLea Benson Roger Fowler Kristi Thompson Stephanie Van Koevering Steve Kariuki (youth member)

Charlie Krupka is the new senior warden. Outgoing vestry members who were thanked for their service were Erin Sanchez, Judi Clarke, Kathy Gut and Greg Wortley. (Continued on page 13)

March 2008

Volume 33, Issue 3 Inside this issue: Calendar

14, 15

Choir Schedule




Prayer List


St. Paul’s News

6, 8

Upcoming 2-5 Activities Vestry News


Youth Group


Page 2

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild, • Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM • B&PW, Tuesday, March 11, 6 PM • ECW, third Monday, 7 PM • Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5-6 PM • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, first Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Choir Rehearsal Room • Men’s Breakfast, third Thursday, 7-8 AM, Hill Room • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

• Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 23, after 10 AM


Looking Ahead • “Becoming the Household of God,” Aril 4 & 5, St. John’s Church, Royal Oak • Marriage Seminar, Wednesdays, April 16– May 7, 6:15 PM • Baptismal Instruction, Saturday, April 19, 9 AM to Noon • Spring Blood Drive, Saturday, April 19 • “Serving God with Gladness” Women’s retreat, April 25 & 26, Weber Center This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • England Choristers’ Auction, Sunday, April 20 • Youth Group Council Meeting, March 3 • Ascension Day Outreach Dinner, Thursday, May 1 • Nave Spring Cleaning, March 3 • Ministry Fair, Saturday, May 3, 9 AM to 4 PM • Lenten Luncheon Book Reviews, Monday, March 3 • UTO Ingathering, Sunday, May 4 and 10, 11:30 AM-1 PM • Men’s Golf League, Thursdays, beginning, May 8, • “Seeking the Common Good,” Wednesday, March 3:30 PM 5 & 12, 6:15-7:30 PM • Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation, Satur• Cabaret, Saturday, March 8, 5 PM day, May 10, 10 AM, St. Michael’s, Lansing

Lenten Series Still Going Strong! By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music here are still several opportunities left to take advantage of the two Lenten series that St. Paul’s has sponsored this year. The Monday Noon Book Review Series will have Chris Couch reviewing The Dignity of Difference by Jonathan Sacks and Cosmopolitanism by Kwame Anthony Appeah on March 3, and Gordon Weller reviewing The Giving by Bill Clinton on March 10.


On March 5, the Wednesday evening “Seeking the Common Good” series will have St. Paul’s own John Nevin speaking on “Great Lakes, Great Stewards” about being good stewards of our water resources, and on March 12, two professors from the University of Michigan, Claude Jacobs and William McNeece, will be discussing “Difficult Dialogues across Race, Religion, Culture and Ethnicity.” The programs begin at 6:15 and last until 7:30 p.m. Please join us for these timely discussions. Child care is provided upon request.

Palm Sunday Services and MDG Expectations By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller n February 3, many parishioners heard presentations about possible ways for this parish to implement the Millennium Development Goals. During the season of Lent, our Meditation Booklets have hopefully aided all members in seeking other ways that we may be involved. The decisions will be made on Palm Sunday, following the service. Prior to that, you will all receive a listing of all the suggestions made in the mail. It will also be published in the bulletin on March16. Please come prepared and take five minutes to vote as to what we might do for the period of September 2008–June 2009. If you have ideas, please get them in to the parish office by March 9.


March 2008

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

Page 3

Easter Vigil Easter Morning Changes By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller Sunday, March 16, Palm/Passion Sunday e are going to try something different this year for Easter. First, please note the time changes for Easter day. There are only two services. The first will be a sunrise service. It will begin at 7 a.m., and attendees will be receiving their communion at about the time the sun rises. This is traditionally the time Mary went to the tomb, found it empty and was told of the resurrection. The second service will be at the normal time, 10 a.m. There will be no 9 a.m. or 11a.m. service, so the second service may be a bit crowded.


A second change will occur with the Vigil. We are going to try to maintain an all-night Vigil. This ancient tradition of keeping watch through the night gives people the opportunity for an extended focus. There will be a sign-up sheet on the table outside the Merrifield Room listing openings by the hour. Persons signing up should come to church prepared to spend an hour in some kind of meditative way. Some may choose to read scripture or another book, some may choose prayer, still others may wish to bring a guitar or some instrument and sing God’s praises in their selected time. The all-night-vigil time will be on the hour, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. The first Eucharist of Easter will begin as the last hour of the vigil concludes.


8 a.m. 10 a.m.

Holy Eucharist Choral Eucharist & Dramatic reading of the Gospel

Monday, March 17 7 p.m.

Holy Eucharist

Tuesday, March 18 Noon

Holy Eucharist and healing service

Wednesday, March 19 7 p.m.

Holy Eucharist

Thursday, March 20, Maundy Thursday 6 p.m. Seder/Agape meal with Garden experience and Stripping of the Altar Friday, March 21, Good Friday 7 p.m.

Good Friday Liturgy

Saturday, March 22 – Easter Eve 8 p.m.

Baptisms and Vigil

Sunday, March 23 – Easter Sunday 7 a.m.* 10 a.m.

Sunrise service and first Eucharist of Easter *Choral Eucharist with Brass

*Please note the time changes in the Easter Day services and that there are only two!

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller t the February 19 Vestry meeting, the vestry granted me time for a sabbatical. As defined in Webster’s, a sabbatical is a time of extended rest, study, travel and reflection. Because of the deadline of the St. Paul’s News, I do not have complete details available. They will be presented to the congregation by March 1. One thing that is complete is the timeframe. The sabbatical will begin April 1 and conclude July 31. Incorporated into that period is my normal vacation time.


I would like to thank the Vestry and you, the congregation, for this gift. I know that many will have questions about life here at St. Paul’s while I am away and how pastoral coverage will be handled. A Sabbatical Detail Team has been established, and I have every confidence that they and the members of the staff will be able to answer your every need. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with me.

March 2008

Page 4

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities Marriage Seminars By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

very few years we hold marriage seminars. We gather those who have been married for long periods (some more than 50 years) and some not so long. We also invite those who will be married at St. Paul’s in the coming year to attend. The purpose is to share the wealth of information that experience and inexperience have provided.


This year, the seminars will be held on four consecutive Wednesday evenings starting on April 16 and will run from 6:15 to 7 PM. Speakers will focus on four major topics: communication, finances, children and life within the Church. Please come, share you opinion and join in the fun.

Ministry Fair to Be Held at St. Paul’s By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller nnually, for the last several years, the Diocese has held a Ministry Fair for the members of the parishes in the Diocese of Michigan. This fair is an all-day event, offering a wide variety of sessions, giving assistance to people involved in ministry. In the past, it was always held in the Detroit area. This year it will be held at St. Paul’s (also using Central United Methodist Church next door) on Saturday, May 3. It runs from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. with lunch in the middle. There will be both a morning and an afternoon session so that people may attend more than one event. Please mark this day and time on your calendar as a wonderful opportunity. More will follow in the April issue of the St. Paul’s News as to the exact sessions available.


4 F’s By Nancy Sheldon uring the Lenten Season, 4 F’s will not meet per se, as we’re blending our Monday gatherings with the Lenten Book Review series.


health care proposals.

• April 14 - Luke Shaefer looks back at the history of

social policy in U.S. health care. • April 28 - Anne Rosewarne, president of the MichiWe will resume our 4 F’s programs on Monday, March gan Health Council, will discuss some of the dra31 at noon. Since the fourth Monday falls the day afmatic changes that have already occurred in health ter Easter this year, and the church office will be care in the United States and what the future might closed, we are moving our meeting to the 5th Monday hold as the presidential candidates put forth their this one time. different health care plans for the country. Therefore, our schedule for the remainder of the year • May 12 – Year-end picnic with participants giving a brief review of one or two of their favorite will be as follows: books that would make for good summer reading. • March 31 - With insightful humor, Chris Couch will enlighten us on the process of enacting legislation The schedule for each meeting is noon, Eucharist; concerning health care issues that might arise as we 12:30 p.m., Lunch; 1 p.m., Bible Study; 1:15 p.m., Program; and 2 p.m. Dismissal. try to sort through the presidential candidates’

B&PW By Barbara Richardson ark your calendars for a special treat! On March 11, Susie Shaefer will be our speaker. She will talk about her work for the Diocese of Michigan. Dinner is at 6 p.m. in the Hill Room. Reservations are requested. Please contact Debby Pierce for a reservation.


March 2008

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

Page 5

Men’s Golf League By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller t’s only March, but the snow will soon be gone, the grass will turn green and the hope of spring will fill the air; it must be time for golf. This year’s Men’s League will again play at Groesbeck Golf Course in Lansing. Play will begin at about 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays, with opening night scheduled for May 8. If interested in playing, contact the Church office. If you have a partner in mind, let us know that information as well. Everyone is welcome to play. As we have observed in the past, skill is not a prerequisite.


Baptismal Instruction


By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

ur normal four-week baptismal instruction classes will be condensed for one time only into one session on April 19 from 9 a.m. to noon. This meeting is required for those considering being baptized or wishing to have their children baptized. Please contact the Parish office to enroll or sign the list outside the Merrifield room on an upcoming Sunday.

n Saturday, May 10, The Rt. Rev. Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr. will be present in Lansing for confirmations, receptions and reaffirmations. This service will be held at St. Michael’s in South Lansing beginning at 10 a.m. These sacraments are available to anyone who desires them and is sufficiently instructed. Please contact one of the Clergy for further information.



First Returns on the ERD Book Sale By Sue Millar or those who braved the wind and near-zero temperatures on the first day of the ERD Book Sale on Sunday, February 10, the shopping was good and we collected a significant amount of money for our first installment of this annual fundraiser. Purchases continued the following Sunday and on Family Nights. The full report will appear in the April newsletter.


Thank you for your contributions. Thank you for buying books, and especially for your generosity when you made additional contributions above and beyond the asking price, making it a win-win activity.

Cabaret Is Almost Here! By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music abaret 2008 will be held on Saturday, March 8, with a delicious spaghetti dinner (including salad, roll, spaghetti, dessert and drink) beginning at 5 p.m. in the Merrifield Room. At 6 p.m. (or close to that) the entertainment will begin in the church. The proceeds of this evening’s events will benefit the high school choir’s study/travel trip to England this August. Tickets for dinner and entertainment are $13.00 for adults and $7.00 for children or $5 for just the show. Tickets for dinner should be purchased by Wednesday, March 5; those for just the show will be available on March 8. Please invite friends and neighbors to attend this evening of great fun and entertainment. There will be special numbers by members of the Cherubs and Boys’ and Grace Choirs, along with delightful acts by members of the High School and Chancel Choirs.


March 2008

Page 6

ïSt. ï ï Paul's ï ï ïï ï ïïNews ïïïï ï ï ï ïï ïï ï ïïï ïïïï ï

An Evening Out, for All By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. n February 15, 40 parishioners gathered at the Cadillac Club in REO town for an evening of fellowship, food and fun. The group enjoyed a wonderful dinner and welcomed the entertainment of jazz duo of Neo Gordon and Ed Fedewa. While celebrating Valentine’s Day, the group also presented Fr. Gordon with a fruit flan cake in honor of his February 11 birthday.


Although a separate event, the evening out at the Cadillac Club was coordinated and coincided with the youth group’s babysitting Valentine’s night out. Nearly 20 children were dropped off at the parish house on Friday evening to be watched by members of the youth group, along with three brave adults (Barb Heany, Patricia Bellinger and Jules Foltz). The youth group provided five hours of games, movies, snacks and other entertainment for children ranging from two to 10 years old, for the bargain-basement, blue-light special of only $10 for the entire evening. Wow…now that is miracle ministry in action for you! Our kids are to be congratulated for doing a wonderful job and for providing this important ministry to so many deserving moms and dads.

An Opportunity for “Standing in Faith at the Crossroads of Life” By Greg Wortley n Friday night and Saturday, April 4 and 5, the Diocese of Michigan’s Whittaker School of Theology is sponsoring the 11th annual “Becoming the Household of God” conference at St. John’s Church in Royal Oak. Over the years, this event has “explored the many different aspects of becoming the household of God . . . offering programs of faith formation to nourish and strengthen members as they are sent into the world to serve.”


This year’s keynote speaker will be Tracey Lind, dean of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio, whose presentation promises to be highly relevant to St. Paul’s ongoing welcoming efforts. As the school’s brochure explains, “Tracey Lind is known as a dynamic speaker whose work has focused on ‘church growth and renewal grounded in a vision of radical hospitality, stewardship, intellectual vigor and real-life spirituality.’ Under her leadership, (Continued on page 13)

St. Paul’s Prayer List We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Grady & Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Judith Jones, Becky Chamberlain, Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her parents, brothers & godparents, Betty Jensen, Dan Heany, Irene Jones, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer, Ed Jones, Justin, Elizabeth, Barb Hacker, Andrew Astley, Michael Skinner, Ginny Bancroft, Darrick, Chris, Tom, Cheryl, Sally, Patricia Utter, Marjorie Belles, Edith Self, Cal, Christopher, Carrie, Kathryn & Elizabeth Senko, Kaema Amachree, and Daphne Such

Prayer List

We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Daniel Laurion and Erika Harkness Barker We pray for those expecting: Jessica & Justin Leonard, Rachel & Jeff Bott, Kym & Matt Hall, Andrea Horton We pray for and celebrate the birth of Vivian Grace, daughter of Kristan & Christopher Chase We pray for those who have died and for their families: Jack Siebold and Sally Engle

March 2008

News from the Vestry

Page 7

Financial Information as of January 31, 2008 By Jeff Irwin At the annual meeting on January 27, 2008, the congregation accepted the operating budget for this year. The budget shows an operating loss of $135,998. While this is again a very large number, it is slightly lower than the 2007 budget deficit. In addition, the designated and restricted funds are not part of the operating budget.

the St. Paul’s Perpetual fund and 10 percent will be placed in the Mission and Outreach fund.

With January being the first month of the church’s fiscal year, it is difficult to report any meaningful financial results at this point. However, it is noteworthy that through January 31, 2008, we have recorded $31,985 in pledge revenue. This is over 11 percent of The fourth and final distribution from the Lucille Penni- the total pledge revenue budgeted for 2008, includman Trust will occur in 2008, with a total of approxi- ing $9,600 of 2008 pledge payments received in mately $60,000. This distribution is not part of the op- 2007. erating budget. Of this, 90 percent will be placed in

Vestry Highlights 1. Building and Grounds has several building issues; roof leaks and drainage problems in the parking lot. • Continued the Bible study begun at the Vestry 2. Parish Life had good book read experience retreat concerning gifts that can empower us and and will plan for June Picnic. things that can impede us. 3. Communications continues to work on the • Accepted with sorrow and regret the resignation web page. of Libby Richardson from Vestry. 4. Adult Christian Ed. Is concerned over low • Appointed new signers for the checking accounts. attendance at a really fine Lenten Program. • Received the February financial report (summary 5. Youth Christian Ed. Is beginning to plan for found elsewhere in this issue). Vacation Bible School. • Discussed reviving the practice of Vestry calling 6. Mission & Outreach continues to develop our of parishioners four times a year. Millennium Development Goals projects. Fi• Reviewed the action of the Annual Meeting. nal parish vote is scheduled for Palm/ • Reviewed the Goals and Objectives suggested at Passion Sunday, March 16. the Vestry Retreat. 7. Pastoral Care continues its program of • Welcomed Stephanie VanKoevering's presentacards, letters, gifts' and visitations. tion of "An Action Plan" for St. Paul's as a way to implement those plans. 8. Personnel Committee is working on revising • Agreed to read Bill Shore's book The Cathedral the parish's Policy Manuel. Within as a stimulus for fund raising ideas. 9. Evangelism hopes to continue on with Mark Gordon will order several copies. Doyal in developing a Marketing strategy • Reviewed 2008 committee assignments. the accurately reflects who we are. • Will search for a vestry replacement and have 10. Stewardship is looking for new chairpersons. discussion on line with the hopes of having some11. Worship and Music has two new items for one selected, nominated and elected by the Holy week and Easter. Only Two services on March meeting. Easter Day and an all night vigil on Easter • Reviewed the Shaver Fund and agreed that a Eve (Look elsewhere in this issue for informasmall committee be established to continually extion) amine ways to use those funds. • Approved Fr. Weller's request for a Sabbatical. • Received Committee Reports: • Approved a grant to the Sudanese Congregation At the February 19, 2008 meeting of the Vestry, your Vestry:

March 2008

Page 8

St. Paul's News

Acting on the MDGs Doesn't Always Require Cash By Sue Millar eekly, the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) sends out a Lenten letter under the title "For the Beauty – Climate Change Affecting Our Environment." You may recall that last month I encouraged parishioners to sign up to receive EPPN mailings. If you haven't already done that, I am urging you to do so at


The Lenten Series begins with "Our climate is changing and the consequences could be dire. . . ." The first mailing invites the reader to calculate his/her ecological footprint by answering some questions and doing some calculations. My husband discovered our "footprint"—the land and water required to support our daily routine—was greater than he had expected. In this first letter of the series, the network’s suggested Lenten discipline is to raise awareness, and that survey certainly raised our awareness! The second Lenten discipline is “Making a Change.” This week, commit to one simple change in your routine that will conserve or reduce your impact on the environment. Use cloth shopping bags instead of getting plastic ones, etc. And there was my change. I didn't need to read the rest. I unearthed probably a half-dozen cloth bags and have them ready to go into the car. (The second part of this discipline is to remember to take them into the store.) The website offers a link that lists additional ideas for changes (maybe you are already using cloth bags) and also describes what other Episcopalians and their parishes are doing. This could be a real eye-opener. If you are curious and decide to investigate this website sponsored by the National Church, I would enjoy hearing your reaction.

Reprinted from EPPN Our climate is changing and the consequences could be dire. As Christians and Episcopalians, what is our role and responsibility in climate change? What can I do? What can we as a Church do? How do we not become overwhelmed?

For our waste and pollution of your creation, and our lack of concern for those who come after us, Accept our repentance, Lord
 — Litany of Penitence, BCP

What is climate change? Simply put, the world is getting warmer and the consequences will affect humans, animals and all of creation in negative and potentially drastic ways—increased droughts, disease, floods, storms—and with these changes, an escalation in conflict and death. The cause? Most climate scientists believe that the warming trends are the result of increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as a result of human activity. Carbon emissions come from our cars, our farms and our power plants, to name just a few. Just about everything we do has carbon emission implications. Some of the strongest information comes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( This panel, created in 1988 by the United Nations, includes hundreds of scientists from around the world and representatives from many countries. What is the bottom line? In order to avoid the most dire consequences of global warming, the best science available today indicates that our nation must reduce our carbon emissions 15-20 percent by the year 2020 and 80 percent by the year 2050. However, if we don't start now, we risk losing the opportunity to avoid climate catastrophe completely. We do this by 1) Reducing our personal carbon emissions and 2) urging our policy makers at every level of government to begin addressing climate change locally, nationally and globally. What is the Episcopal Church Saying about Climate Change? Last June, under the glare of camera lights, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori testified before the U.S. Senate's Environment and Public Works committee on climate change. She was joined by Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish leaders, united in urging Congress to make addressing climate change a national priority, saying: (Continued on page 13)

March 2008

St. Paul's Choirs

Page 9

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Saturday, March 8 – Cabaret All members of the Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, and High School Choirs will be performing in this annual evening of food, entertainment and fun. Tickets for the dinner and entertainment are $13.00 for adults and $7.00 for children or $5 for just the show. Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible so that we will have an accurate count of those attending. March 23 - Easter This year there will be just two services on Easter morning (instead of the usual three): at 7 and 10 a.m. The choirs (Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, High School and Chancel) will vest and sing at the 10 a.m. service this year. Happy Easter! School Vacation Week Because many schools will hold their spring break from April 6 to April 13, there will be NO choir rehearsals, or family night activities, during that week. Choirs will vest as usual on April 6 (Chancel Choir is asked to vest on this Sunday) and on April 13. Sunday, April 20 Right after Church - England Choristers’ Choir Auction. Please save this date to bid on some special items!

Singing Schedule Date March 2 March 9 March 16, Palm Sunday March 23, Easter, 10 a.m. service March 30

Choirs High School Chancel; High School Cherub Choir, Boys’ and Grace, High School, Chancel Cherub Choir, Boys’ and Grace, High School, Chancel Chancel; High School

April 6

(Since this is the beginning of most school vacations, all choristers who are present are invited to sing for this service—Boys’ and Grace, High School, and Chancel)

April 13 April 20 April 27

Chancel; High School Chancel; High School Chancel; High School

March 2008

Page 10

St. Paul’s Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By: Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Dr. Judith Brown-Clarke Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Council Adopts Mission Statement t our February meeting, the Council agreed to adopt the following mission statement: What we are is God’s gift to us, what we become is our gift to God. The membership is also in the process of discerning a name for the youth group and hopes to make a decision at the March meeting. Plans are underway to have the mission statement and group name stenciled, and then subsequently painted, by group members on a wall in the youth lounge. Members are reminded to bring “youth group name” suggestions and possible contacts of individuals to assist in stenciling effort.


Youth Group Vending Machines By Antonio Clarke f you did not know, the vending machines are located downstairs near the choir vesting room. There are two different types of machines: one for snacks and one for beverages. They have healthy and not-sohealthy choices. All the money collected from them will be used to support youth group activities. If you would like to see your favorite snack or beverage in the machines, contact Steve Walker, and he will bring it to our next youth group meeting. Thanks for supporting the youth group!


Ice Skating By Courtney Irwin n February 3, after the youth group’s monthly meeting, we had a great time ice skating at Summit Ice. Even though it was the first time ice skating for some of us—while others were pretty experienced—we all had tons of fun. Thank you Libby Richardson for donating tickets!


Antonio Clarke, Drew Krupka, Anna Krupka and Margaret Kariuki Enjoy an afternoon at Summit Ice.

March 2008

St. Paul’s Youth Ministry

Page 11

Yo, Need A Babysitter? Who You Gonna Call? n Saturday February 9, members of the youth group were trained and certified for babysitting by the American Red Cross. Held at St. Paul’s, the six-and-a-half-hour workshop provided our young people with practical babysitting skills. Areas covered were child choking treatment, basic care, rescue breathing and first aid. As part of the registration fee, each trainee was provided a backpack, which contained, among other things, a first-aid kit and a training manual. Participants included Anna and Drew Krupka, Margaret Kariuki, Courtney Irwin, Daniel Crabtree and Steven Walker. If you should need someone to watch your child, please do not hesitate to contact one of our new babysitting experts.


Additionally, since the training session, we have been contacted by the American Red Cross, requesting to publish pictures of our children during the certification workshop in some of their promotional materials. We believe this is an excellent opportunity to evangelize, demonstrating, yet again, to the community some of the wonderful youth ministry offerings at St. Paul’s. Parental consent is required before we will release your child's picture. Parents of children who participated in the babysitting training class are asked to contact Barb Heany or Fr. Ron for picture release authorization forms.

Youth Council Receives Assistance from Accounting Expert lisabeth Richardson, guest speaker at our February council meeting, provided important insights to the youth group regarding money management. Following Elisabeth’s informative and interesting presentation, members of the council asked several questions concerning how to better manage the group’s financial affairs. An accountant by profession with an MBA, she graciously advised and assisted the council in making several necessary decisions regarding accounting practices, selection of a banking institution and vending machine merchandise inventory management. Members who were not present at this important February meeting are invited to review last month’s meeting minutes (posted on the youth bulletin board) for council decisions on these important matters.


Easter Egg Hunt n Resurrection Sunday, March 23, the youth group will host an Easter Egg Hunt for our children ages 10 and under. This event will be held inside, beginning immediately after the 10 a.m. service. Plastic eggs will be stuffed and hidden with real candy and other treats provided for the little bunnies.


Upcoming Youth Events: March 3

This shout-out goes to Elisabeth for donating her time and very helpful counsel to our council! We hope you will come back soon!

Youth Group Council Meeting: Millennium Development Goal Presentation, Presentation [Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.] Immediately following Sunday Service around 11:30 am - 12:00pm Nave Spring Cleaning Project (don’t forget to bring buckets and rags!) After the Sunday Service, after the Speaker, after the meeting, perhaps approximately 1:30 or 2 p.m.

March 23

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, after 10 a.m. service

April 4-5

Card Box City Lock-in, time TBA

March 2008

Page 12

Mission and Outreach Mission & Outreach Activities:

Where is Christ calling you to help others? May 3

March 8 •


March 10, 7pm •

May 4

LAEP (Lansing Area Episcopal Projects) Mtg., St. Katherine’s

Blood Drive – Red Cross •

England Choristers’ Auction

ACTION – Nehemiah Action Assembly

Check the newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

May 1 •

LAEP (Lansing Area Episcopal Projects) Mtg. St David’s

May 19

April 20 •

UTO Ingathering

• ACTION – Rally MDG/Mission and Outreach Project Choice(s) for St. Paul’s May 12, 7pm

April 19 •

May 5

March 16 •

Ministry Fair for the Diocese of Michigan – AT St. Paul’s; Sessions to be Announced

Ascension Day Outreach Dinner/Eucharist

ACTION Update By William H. Fineout, Diaconate Candidate n February your St. Paul’s Justice Ministry team, as a part of ACTION of Greater Lansing, asked for your suggestions and ideas to take to the February 19 ACTION meeting. At this meeting three issues will be chosen from the many suggestions provided, and presented to the Community Problems Assembly to determine where ACTION will concentrate its efforts for 2008. At press time the Community Problems Assembly has not yet met. The information from this meeting will be announced in the Worship Service Bulletin after the February 26 meeting.


During the months of March and April, teams of ACTION volunteers will be researching, exploring, and reporting upon the problem area and present their findings at two major meetings in May. The first meeting on May 5 will present the issue to all ACTION Justice Team members and parishioners of the thirteen participating churches. At the second meeting on May 19, called the Nehemiah Assembly, the group will present the issue to the appropriate local officials responsible for the justice focus area. ACTION is a very open and grass-roots democratic process in which we are all invited to participate. It is not about some outside influence or “big brother” telling us what to do, but an opportunity for the entire community to present and implement ideas and work for their ultimate success. We are making a difference. So far ACTION has implemented “Hot Spot Cards,” offering the opportunity for citizens to anonymously report crimes in their community and is studying a “from jail to society” reentry program to help eliminate recidivism. I invite you to support this exciting justice ministry. Additional details regarding meeting locations and times can be found in upcoming issues of the Bulletins and St. Paul’s News. Please feel free to give me a call if I can answer any questions or provide further information.

March 2008

St. Paul’s News

Page 13

(Continued from, “2008 Annual Meeting,” page 1)

Annette Irwin handed out the ECW angel awards to the following people: Pat Smith, Bob and Karen Tarrant and John Irwin. Pat is an active member of numerous church programs, including St. Aelred’s and vacation bible school. The Tarrant's have co-chaired the stewardship committee since 2004 and are involved with the new CARS Inc. program. John (yes, father-in-law of the presenter) was acknowledged for all of his maintenance, woodworking and guild involvement for the church over the years. Following Annette, Gordon handed out the Canterbury awards to Marge Cook, Pat Riley and Nancy Sheldon. Marge is on the Design and Preservation committee and acknowledges all of the gifts to the church made in memory of a loved one. Pat is co-chairing the blood drive, is on the Altar Guild and “always comes to work days.” Nancy has served on the vestry, is in the choir and is in charge of St. Aelred’s and the 4F’s. The meeting ended with the singing of “We Are a People United” and the announcement that $500 had been raised for the food bank. (Continued from , “The Agony...,” page 1)

mercy ministries. I pray that she has found the ecstasy that she missed in life as she is now joined with God in heaven. As we complete another season of Lent, acknowledge the agonies of your own lives—that they are often painful and perhaps unfair. But, don’t let them defeat you. As a Christian, you are a follower of Christ and Christ has promised, and given witness by his life, that ecstasy is waiting. (Continued from, “Standing in Faith…,” page 6)

the area around the Cathedral has been transformed and revitalized into a vibrant urban piazza of sacred space where this vision is lived out.” The title of Dean Lind’s presentation is “Standing in Faith at the Crossroads of Life”— words St. Angela de Merici used to describe the church’s mission of engaging the world. As the brochure continues, “St. Angela de Merici was a 15th century Italian Franciscan and founder of the Ursulines, a religious community of women. In her writings, St. Angela instructed her sisters to be like a piazza. She told them to be open, gracious, hospitable and engaged in the world—to stand in faith at the crossroads of life. This year’s keynoter will explore faithful piazza living for Christian individuals and communities in the 21st century.” Cost of the event is $40 and includes both the Friday night presentation from 6:45 until 9:30 p.m., as well as the Saturday presentation from 8:45 a.m. until 4 p.m. Please note that St. Paul’s does have two complimentary tickets that will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Interested persons are encouraged to contact Sue Millar, Father Weller or me. (Continued from, ’Reprinted from EPPN,” (page 8)

The crisis of climate change presents an unprecedented challenge to the goodness, interconnectedness and sanctity of the world God created and loves….As one who has been formed both through a deep faith and as a scientist I believe science has revealed to us without equivocation that climate change and global warming are real, and caused in significant part by human activities. They are a threat not only to God's good creation but to all of humanity. This acknowledgment of global warming, and the Church's commitment to ameliorating it, is a part of the ongoing discovery of God's revelation to humanity and a call to a fuller understanding of the scriptural imperative of loving our neighbor. For more information on this speech or about measuring your ecological footprint, go to

March 2008

March 2008

March 2008


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Mr. William H. Fineout, Diaconate Candidate Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader Tom Shawver, Staff Writer Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

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March 2008

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