St. Paul's News - September, 2008

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News September , 2008

Home Again By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller uring the last several weeks of my sabbatical I was reminded how near things are to one another in the Holy Land. When you stand on the top of Mount Tabor (only some 1500 feet in height), where the Transfiguration is thought to have taken place, you can literally look across the valley and see into Nazareth where Jesus spent his youth. The Sea of Galilee is only about five miles across and eleven miles long. You can walk around it in a two day period. As Americans we tend to The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller overlook these facts because of our own topography of huge lakes and mountains.


I was most impressed by the relative nearness of these historical places when I learned that Jesus returned to Capernaum between his excursions into the surrounding country side. Jesus’ ministry took place over approximately three years. As related in the Bible this ministry appears to have been a continuous series of events stretching from one town to another. It was always difficult for me to imagine Jesus constantly traveling around the countryside with his twelve disciples and the other people in his group. Where did they sleep and eat? What about those who like Peter were married? It became more comprehensible to me when I understood the trips were a series of short one or (Continued on page 18)

Remembering Tom Shawver By Christine Caswell, Newsletter Editor After Tom Shawver’s memorial service, I accused his family of plagiarizing this article. The stories they told sounded so familiar, as well as those of Melissa Ingells, who sent a letter read at the service by her mother, Carol. Melissa’s letter referred to Tom as a father figure who had always been interested in her media career. That was my story. Although not everyone was involved with the media, all who spoke reflected on how Tom just liked to sit and talk with people and hear about their lives. Of course, it is only fitting that I talk about Tom in the St. Paul’s News, since he was the editor for 24 years. He did it in the days when all of the copy had to be prepared on a typewriter, cut and pasted, and sent to the printer to be typeset. It has been quite daunting to follow in his footsteps, especially after reading about his Pulitzer-prize winning career in his obituary. But even after he “retired,” Tom still wrote for the SPN, including the “Comings & Goings” articles where he interviewed newcomers, as well as those moving on. And, as he did with so many others, Tom always took an interest in my career. Whenever I (Continued on page 18)

Volume 33, Issue 7 Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


Mission & Outreach


Prayer List


St. Paul’s News


Upcoming Activities Youth Group

2-3 9

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St. Paul's News Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM service • B&PW, Tuesday, September 9, 6 PM • ECW, third Monday, 7 PM • St. Elizabeth Guild, September 23, 12:30 PM at the home of Debby Pierce • Family Night Dinner, Wednesday, September 10, 5 PM • 4 Fs, 2nd and 4th Mondays (except as noted) Noon2 PM • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, Tuesday, September 9, 5:30-6:30 PM

• Men’s Breakfast, 3rd Thursday, 7 AM • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Sunday School resumes, September 14, 9:45 AM • Commissioning Sunday, September 14, during 10 AM service • Sampler Sunday, September 21,10 AM • Usher’s Breakfast, Sunday, September 28, 9 AM Looking Ahead • Pizza Party & Game night, October 3 • The Gathering, November 4, St. Paul’s

The Parish That Prays Together, Stays Together By Carol Ingells hen I was a child, we often heard the phrase, “The family that prays together, stays together.” The same holds true for any group of people who seek to love and serve God.


Again this fall, you are invited to consider being a regular part of St. Paul’s monthly prayer group. Coled by Steve Lange and Carol Ingells, and occasionally by other participants, we meet for an hour, 5:306:30 p.m., the first Tuesday of most months, in the Choir Room. However, the September gathering will be on Tuesday, September 9.

contains articles around a particular theme, such as Grace or Gifts or Prayer. Primarily, however, the meetings include sharing prayer concerns and praying together. Participation is voluntary and nonthreatening. Come when you can. And even if you can’t, know there is a group praying together regularly: praying for the church, the world, the community, for ourselves and those we love. If you have a prayer concern and cannot attend, feel free to “send” it to the group via one of the regulars or through Carol or Steve.

This year our focus will be the spiritual journal, May the St. Paul’s family continue to pray together “Weavings,” which is published every two months and and stay together.

Commissioning Sunday

Wednesday Night is Family Night!

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

n Sunday, September 14, St. Paul’s will kick off its 2008-09 program year. At the 10 a.m. Eucharist, Fr. Gordon will recognize and commission various groups that participate in our Sunday morning worship services and ministry programs. Members of the following groups are asked to be present for this special program year-opening service: Acolytes, Altar Guild, Church Musicians and St. Nicolas Guild, Church School Teachers, Lectors, Leaders-Prayers of the People, LEM & LEVS, and Ushers and Greeters.

amily night starts again on Wednesday evenings, beginning September 10. Need a break, need a date, well don’t be late in joining your church family for food and friendly conversation every Wednesday night beginning at 5 p.m. Due to ever challenging economic times, Catered Affaire has graciously reduced the pricing for family night dinners. Dinner is $4.50 per person, $15 for a family of four and $18 for families of five. Family night dinners aren’t just for people with children. It’s dinner for the whole St. Paul’s family! Please don’t forget to sign up. Sign-up sheets are available on the wall adjacent to the elevator just outside the Merrifield room.



St. Paul's News

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Calling All Men of the Parish!

By Barbara Richardson

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

eptember is the beginning of another busy year for B&PW. Our special recipe dinner meeting is Tuesday, September 9 in the Hill Room. Bring your favorite recipe and dish with the recipe directions. Dinner is at 6 p.m. This is always a fun and delicious meeting.


o you like good breakfasts? Do you like fellowship with other men? Would you like to deepen your understanding of your faith? (These questions are not necessarily in not in order of importance!) Even if you don’t, you are still warmly invited to join the Men’s Breakfast Group who meet on the third Thursday of every month from 7-8 a.m. to have breakfast together and then discuss issues of faith.

The board meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. in the Van Atta Room.

This year the group is continuing its study of the Gospel of Mark. Each session, although linked to the preceding and following ones, stands on its own. The Bible study group has discussed such topics as Parables, Eschatology, The Kingdom of Heaven, Hearing God’s Call and others that grow out of the scripture.

As always, all women of the parish are welcome. If you are planning on attending, please call Debby Pierce by September 7.


If you’re interested in joining us (you don’t have to attend every meeting), please let George Gallup (6224637), Gordon Weller (482-9454) or Steve Lange (482-0369) know, or just sign up on the sheets by the elevator. Our first meeting of the fall will be September 18. We’d love to have you join us!

Sunday School Begins September 14 By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. unday school classes will resume Sunday September 14! Classes are provided for children in preschool through high school. Classes begin at 9:45 a.m., allowing parents time to bring their children before attending the 10 a.m. worship service. Classes usually last about one hour, and then children and teachers join the entire congregation for Holy Communion.


Our classes from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade will continue using the “Living the Good News” curriculum, which is based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Children study and participate in activities that cover the same stories and lessons heard by the larger congregation during the Ministry of the Word segment of the worship service. Sunday school study for senior high students is Biblebased and centered on theological questions that often arise during one’s adolescent years. Students are encouraged to consider some of the basic fundamental tenets of the Christian faith, and are challenged by that while also seeking practical applications for their daily lives. This year we are blessed to have a full complement of teachers who have agreed to invest another year of

their time, talent and treasure towards ensuring a receptive and spiritual experience for our children. Please join Fr. Gordon and me in thanking this wonderful group of loving and dedicated individuals, and may God’s blessings lead them throughout the upcoming school year. Pre-K. – Kindergarten Carol Laub and Fletcher 1st – 3rd Grade


4th – 5th Grade

Judi Clarke, Kathy Gut and Jill Walker Matt and Kim Hall

6th – 8th Grade 9th – 12th Grade

Barb Heany and Tom Foltz Lyn Kressler

Important Dates for Teachers: Teachers’ work and setup day, Saturday, Sept. 13, 9 a.m. – 12 noon Youth Christian Education Meeting, Sunday, Sept. 28, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

September 2008

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St. Paul's News

Sampler Sunday By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. his year Sampler Sunday, September 21, will be a one-day event and has been scheduled two weeks later than its usual time to provide each organization at St. Paul’s an opportunity to participate in a “Sampler Sunday Show-Jesus Contest.” Each group, guild or committee is being asked to coordinate a display which best explains its ministry. Small tables and other accessories will be available; however, participants are encouraged to be creative and thoughtful in preparing their presentation, as “juicy” prizes will be awarded to the organization with the best booth, setup or display.


Sampler Sunday is an opportunity for members of the congregation to explore where their personal gifts might be best utilized in the overarching ministry of St. Paul’s. For some it may be an opportunity to become involved in a new or different ministry program; for others it will be a chance to recommit themselves to an organization with which they were formerly involved. Don’t forget to mark this date on your calendar, because you never know where God might be calling you. For questions or details, please contact Kathleen Johnson or Annette Irwin.

Early Lansing Families: Mid-Michigan Genealogical Society to Compile Histories of Capital City Families Contact: Kris Rzepczynski President, Mid-Michigan Genealogical Society 517-281-6722 [email protected] To coincide with Lansing’s 150th anniversary as a city in 2009, the Mid-Michigan Genealogical Society (MMGS) is working on a compilation of histories of selected Lansing families. Anyone with knowledge of or connections to early Lansing families are encouraged to submit family names, dates, and stories, along with sharing their historic photographs, diaries, family Bibles, and other genealogical records and research. The project is expected to be completed by mid-2009; submissions are requested by August 31, 2008. For more information about the Early Lansing Families Project, please contact Kris Rzepczynski, MMGS President, at: [email protected]; (517) 281-6722; MMGS, PO Box 16033, Lansing, MI 48901.

St. Elizabeth Guild

Usher News

By Debby Pierce

By John D. Hawkins, Chair

n organizational meeting for St. Elizabeth Guild will be held on Tuesday, September 23 at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Debby Pierce.

ur annual breakfast is scheduled for September 28 at 9 a.m. Family members are welcome to join us. Ushers will need to RSVP to their respective Head Usher by September 14 so enough food is prepared by A Catered Affaire. Head Ushers can contact me with their counts at 303-1217.


All the women of St. Paul’s are invited to come and bring ideas for the 2008-09 programs. A light luncheon will be served.


On another note, “Sampler Sunday” is scheduled for the Sunday, September 21, and James Clark and his crew will be representing the usher group this year. If anyone would like to help or has any ideas for our table, I am sure Jim would be happy to hear from you.

September 2008

St. Paul's News

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Financial Information as of June 30, 2008 By Jeff Irwin The last financial statement was June 30, which was halfway through the year. The 2008 pledge revenue is $298,318, which is 49.2% of the budget, so we are approximately on target. The operating loss through June 30 is $69,482, which is again on target. The designated and restricted funds recorded a significant loss of $27,230 in market value in June. Along with contributions to the funds, the funds’ net income was $54,688. As of June 20, the combined net income of the operations and the funds is at a $14,794 loss. To date, it has been necessary to withdraw $70,000 from the Perpetual Fund in order to make payroll and pay outstanding bills. An additional $3,200 has been withdrawn from the Perpetual Fund for special purposes authorized by the vestry.

Vacation Bible School ’08 Sails into Port St. Paul’s By Carol Laub, First Mate he week of June 22-27 saw the transformation of St. Paul’s into a seaworthy craft, the HMS Steadfast, which carried our 58 participating crew members through exciting adventures of Bible learning and fun based on the VeggieTales “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.” Our days began with rousing songs and skits at the Yo-ho-ho Opening Show, where the Commodore and his pirate side-kicks, Bumpo and Bones, kept our crew on course to learn how to become true heroes for God. As our ship sailed on to Clapping Rock Crafts, Whipcrack Island Games, Spyglass Bible Theater, Rockmonster Science Lab, and Cheesecurl Cave Snacks, we reinforced the Bible verse of the week: “I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength.” Phillipians 4:13. A few of “The Pirates Who Don’t Do We were especially blessed to have Anything” who made VBS a rousing Caroline Thomas and her brothers, success Jacob and Joshua, as shipmates on our journey all week.


Commodore Fr. Ron and his pirate side-kicks

The success of Vacation Bible School ’08 was made possible through the commitment and efforts of the entire St. Paul’s community. Throughout the week, we had over 45 different volunteers on site, assisting in various capacities. Among those present were over 15 youth: some VBS graduates, others relatives of church members and some friends of St. Paul’s teens who were recruited to help. They put in a huge effort, and the week would not have been possible without them! There was also tremendous support behind the scenes.

Generous financial donations from church members nearly covered our costs for materials, supplies and decorations. Others managed the registration process, donated snacks, bought food for the cookout, lent props, helped decorate, cut fabric for the mission project, prayed for our success and so on. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and VBS is a wonderful testament to that tradition. It takes an entire church community to launch a successful VBS program. Our commitment to this form of outreach touches the lives of so many children in the greater Lansing area and plants the seeds of God’s love and compassion. Thank you all who made it possible! You are all heroes in Christ. Participants, children and volunteers are asked to join us at St. Paul’s on September 28 for VBS Reunion Sunday and don’t forget to wear your t-shirts. Remember, “God made you, and he loves you very much!”

September 2008

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St. Paul's News

4 F’s Group for 2008-2009 Programs “LOOKING BACK HELPS US TO LOOK FORWARD” By Nancy Sheldon Usually the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month (exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict) 12:00 Eucharist 12:30 Lunch ($4.00) 1:00 Bible Study (Steve Lange) 1:15-2:00 Program Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day! eptember 15* - After studying other faiths and religions, we thought it would be interesting to look at our own Episcopal faith this year. Fr. Ron Byrd will discuss the teachings of the Episcopal religion and help us find answers to the questions we have always wanted to ask about our faith. These questions will then be put to John Keydel at our next session.


November 24 – We will continue to work on our history together. December 8 - We shall continue our annual tradition of a Christmas celebration with a special luncheon before a concert in the church. Since Nancy Lange is no longer the Choral Director in Grand Ledge, we’ve invited the Someko singers from Okemos, as our own Matt Nauss is a member of this talented Okemos High School group.

September 29* - John Keydel, the Canon for Ministry Development and Transition Ministries from the Diocese of Michigan, will answer the questions we have about our faith that we formed on the 15th, as well as January 12 - Fr Weller will give us a presentation on any additional ones we thought of during the interim. the Roman Catholic Church and how it presently relates to the Episcopal Church by comparing and conOctober 20* – “Where I encountered God this sumtrasting the two faiths. mer”…a chance to share a summer activity and how January 26 – We will visit the Cathedral of St. Mary’s we saw God’s presence therein. Fr. Weller will also and have someone there guide us and talk to us about share tales of his sabbatical. the Cathedral and the catholic faith. October 27 - We will take a trip to St. Katherine’s February 9—Steve Lange will give us a presentation Episcopal Church in Williamston to see their present on the Wesley brothers and the relationship of Methochurch (along with their art gallery), the original dism to Episcopalianism. church, their labyrinth, and some of their grounds. We’d also like to have communion in the original February 23 – We will visit Central United Methodist chapel and have the Rev. Jannel Glennie talk to us church next door and tour their facilities. We will also about their church and its history. continue our conversation with Joe Huston, their minisNovember 10 – As we look forward to St Paul’s 160th ter, about the Methodist church and their faith. Historical Celebration in May 2009, we’ll begin to March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30—Book Reviews during compile the continuing history of St Paul’s since 1970 Lent when “To a Goodly Heritage” was written. Recent history is very important and by telling our own stories of April 13 – NO meeting since this is the day after our lives at St Paul’s during the last 38 years, we will Easter be able to add to the timeline that will be going up on the wall in the Merrifield Room during the Celebration, April 27 – We will take a trip to see the work of the and share the anecdotes that make our history a living City Rescue Mission. While there, someone will talk to us about their ministry. document. May 18*—Picnic at Nancy Sheldon’s home.

September 2008

Choirs News St. Paul'

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Calling All Choristers! By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music All of St. Paul’s Youth Choirs will begin rehearsals on Wednesday, September 10. The schedule is as follows: Cherub Choir (Grades K-2) 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Boys’ and Grace Choirs (Grades 3-6) 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. High School Choir (Grades 7-12) 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. The first Sunday for vesting is September 14. The Chancel Choir—for adults of the parish—will kick off the year on Thursday, September 11, with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. and rehearsal from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Please feel free to bring a singing friend or guest. Plates, cups and plastic ware will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass, but if you can’t, please join us anyway! There will be a brief choir parents’ meeting for all of the youth choristers on Sunday, September 28, right after church in the Choir Rehearsal Room to share hopes and expectations for the coming year and to sign up volunteers to help with vesting and other St. Nicolas Guild opportunities. Anyone who has questions about choir or who is interested in joining this fall and hasn’t been a member before is asked to call Stephen Lange, Minister of Music, at 482-0369.

Summer Baptisms By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. n Sunday June 22, Kory Ekineh Amachree was baptized into the body of Christ and received into the household of God. Kory, born January 11 of this year to Opuene and Karen Amachree, was accompanied on this special day by his godparents, Kristine Rice, Tonye Amachree and Kenneth Schillinger.


Also, Fr. Gordon, one week back from sabbatical, bap- Tonye Amachree, Kristine Rice (holding Kory), and Kenneth tized and sealed as Christ’s own forever, Hunter MiSchillinger stand with proud parents, Karen and Opuene Amachael Nicholas Riggins and Parker Robert Matthew chree Riggins. Michael, soon to be two-years-old and Parker, just five months, are the two baby boys of proud parents Matthew and Courtney Riggins. While Matthew was baptized and raised at St. Paul’s, he and his family now reside in Noblesville, IN. Steve and Ana Ihrig, the boy’s godparents, witnessed along with our St. Paul’s family this glorious occasion.

September 2008

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St. Paul's News

WHAT IS ALTAR GUILD? By Sue LeDuc t. Paul’s Altar Guild is a committee (we just use the old-fashioned word “guild”) that takes care of the altar and all the altar furnishings for the church. The guild is organized by weeks so a member has duties just one week of any month. To be fair, we rotate the major holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Palm Sunday and Easter). This ensures the members assigned to the 4th week don’t always have to take care of Christmas.


Members are responsible for setting up the altar for all services held at St. Paul’s, including weddings and funerals. We also clean up after each service, polish the silver and brass as needed and launder the linen. The “sanctuary” is our bailiwick and we keep it clean and polish the brass pulpit, the lectern, crosses, etc. Let me clear up some “myths” about the guild: • Membership does not require special knowledge of those “mysterious” things that happen at the altar. • Membership does not require status as a life-long Episcopalian or even long-time membership at St. Paul’s • Membership does not require any special training or study other than the hands-on training we give to

every member • Membership does require people who are interested in serving the church is this quiet and rewarding way.

If you are interested and think this might be a way you could give back to our parish community, please contact Sue LeDuc (349-4079) or Pat Riley (882-1691) You will find a group of people who are fun, caring and who always help each other out.

Stewardship Committee Builds on Successful 2007 ber Canvass

Every Mem-

By John Nevin, Vestry he St. Paul’s Stewardship Committee met throughout the summer, building on last year’s successful Every Member Canvass. The committee met on July 28th with Kristine Miller, Director of Stewardship and Planned Giving for the diocese and with her advice and encouragement, adopted some changes for 2008. Most importantly, financial pledge cards will be separate from Time and Talent cards which will be distributed in September. Instead, the committee is planning “Invitation Sunday” on November 2 (All Saints Sunday). Pledge cards will be distributed at the beginning of the “Invitation Sunday” service, there will be a special guest preacher and pledge cards may be re-


turned and blessed at the altar. We are hoping for this service to be truly inspirational. A revised stewardship brochure is being developed that will be distributed at Sampler Sunday on September 21. The committee will be looking for volunteers to stuff packets at the Family Night Dinner on Wednesday, September 17th. Please, watch for your invitation to “Invitation Sunday,” the bulletin and future issues of SPN for further details about the 2008 Every Member Canvass. Finally, the committee has been blessed with new members Kate Johnson, Goldie Adele and Lynn Mande-Rollins.

September 2008

Paul'Ministry s News St. Paul's St. Youth

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Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By: Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Kelly Gmazel Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Youth Executive Council to Convene September 21 he youth group will hold its first executive council meeting on Sunday, September 21 at 11:30 a.m. The council will take up several orders of business for the day, including the election of officers and program calendar planning. Lunch will be provided. Young people between the ages of 10 and 17 are asked to attend and be prepared to cast their vote. Next month the youth group will meet on its regularly scheduled first Sunday of the month.


Acolytes Guild Meeting

CROP Hunger Walk 2008

he acolyte guild will meet on Sunday September 14, immediately following the 10 a.m. service. Parents, if your child is interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Fr. Ron for more information. Children should be at least eight-years-old. The acolyte guild meets on the second Sunday of every month.

he youth group will be gearing up for the 2008 CWS Greater Lansing Crop Walk. The 10K walk for hunger will take place on Sunday, October 12, beginning at 12 noon. Last year, the youth group received over $1,000 in donations and is looking forward to surpassing that number this year. On Sundays, September 28, October 5 and October 12, the youth group will be collecting donations and pledges in the Merrifield room during coffee hour. Please stop by the table and help say NO to hunger!



St. Paul’s Youth Travel to San Antonio, Texas lexandra Fletcher and Baylie Sanchez traveled with Bishop Gibbs and a youth delegation from the Diocese of Michigan to the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) in San Antonio, Texas. EYE brings together over 1,500 young Episcopalians from all across The Episcopal Church USA. The youth experience is a week sharing and growing in what is hoped to be a deeper faith with Jesus Christ. Study and learning, worship, prayer and music services marked the week. AJ and Baylie returned home from San Antonio on July 14.


there is so much we haven't experienced, so much that we don't yet understand. It is during this time, By Alexandra Fletcher when we are surrounded by all of this doubt, that we begin looking to God for guidance and reasYE was an amazing experience. To worship with so many individuals at once is a feeling surance. EYE was the most supportive group I like no other, especially since these people were could have asked for to help re-energize my faith in the world. I walked away with hope for the funot just from around the country, but from other parts of the world as well; each and every one of ture and the strength to help others who are strugthem being different, not only in their personality gling as I was. or where they came from, but also in their many I want to thank my church, St. Paul’s, for sending different places on the path of faith. It was very me to San Antonio. I enjoyed every minute of my comforting that there were people at EYE to assist time there, participating in activities such as music us in our journey with God, because in our youth, services, forums, seminars and masses.

EYE Reflections


September 2008

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St. Paul'sand Mission News Outreach

Collecting for SILS in September By The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout collection of needed items will take place during a ome eighteen-year-old former foster children, whose foster families no longer receive state assis- two week period, September 14-28. tance, find themselves without a place to live or withWe will soon know if our young adult recipient is a out any family support. male or female, and possibly the first name. All comChild and Family Services attempts to aid these young munications are confidential through Child and Family adults through its Supervised Independent Living Ser- Services. vices (SILS), but much state funding of the program There are seven areas (care packages/rooms) like the has been cut. one listed above for an October 1delivery date. Mission & Outreach will provide you with a detailed listWhen these teenagers are placed in an apartment, they get financial assistance for rent, but they have no ing of all items we need. funds and no family/friend support for all the items that a young person needs to start independent living, Examples from one area include: Bathroom – 3 bath towels, 3 hand towels, 3 washcloths, a bathmat or from blankets & sheets to frying pans, glasses, toilet bath rug, shower curtain & rings, tumbler & soap dish, paper, etc. and a laundry basket (into which we would pack all of As part of Lansing Area Episcopal Projects (LAEP), St the above). Paul’s will take its turn this September. Purchase and


Habitat for Humanity Builds By The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout


his information is from the Habitat update of July 30, 2008:

“In the next year we will start and complete at least three new construction houses. One of these has begun and is funded by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Peckham Industries will fund the next new project. The third project will begin in the fall and is very special to us: You may remember a fatal fire on Mothers Day 2007. That fire took the lives of two long-time Habitat volunteers, Chuck and June Rybnikar. Their family recently donated that property to Habitat Lansing. We will work to complete the house so that it may be dedicated on May 12, 2009, the second anniversary of the fire. The other projects will be rehabs. The first rehab will be a house on Massachusetts Avenue that has been donated to us. This is a very generous donation, as the house has been appraised at $70,000. The house has had new electrical and plumbing, new drywall, windows and roof. The donor is donating tile and grout, materials for the porch railing and a new refrigerator. The work needed to complete this project includes painting, flooring, new porches and a garage. We expect this project will require an additional $10,000 to complete. The other rehab projects will be acquired from the Ingham County Land Bank. I have been working with the Land Bank to acquire HUD foreclosed homes that can be rehabbed for less than the cost of new construction and that will require fewer volunteer hours. We expect to complete 4 – 6 of these homes in the next year. The average cost of rehab of these homes will be $30,000 (less than half of new construction). Expected volunteer hours will be 500 – 700 per project. Given the economic climate, this will get good houses occupied and get those in need into homes quicker. St. Paul’s has a group that has been very active in this ministry, and we support Habitat with outreach funds. If you would like to help with either donated hours of service or financial support, let Deacon Bill know.

September 2008

Paul' s News MissionSt.and Outreach

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Water for Life By Lyn Zynda, Mission and Outreach


n the United States, we take clean drinking water for granted while elsewhere in the world, a child dies every eight seconds from drinking dirty water.

You might remember the St. Paul’s community voted to build a well for a village as our 2008 project to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This is an ambitious undertaking and will require us to raise $7,500 in order to build one well and provide connections for houses to the local well. The Water for Life fundraising campaign to reach this impressive goal is well underway. As a means to raise the funds necessary to fulfill our commitment, Mission & Outreach decided to use water bottles to collect loose change similar to the tithe boxes used by UTO over the years The Meijer Store in Grand Ledge has generously donated 20-ounce water bottles for this project and we began by distributing the bottles to the congregation during the Parish Picnic. After the bottle is empty, rather than just throw it away or recycle it, cut an opening in the top and say a prayer of thanks for the ready availability of fresh water as you drop in your spare change. If you haven’t already done so, pick up a water bottle or replace your filled water bottle. Water bottles are available at the back of the church. Look for goal updates in future issues of the Newsletter and Sunday bulletins.

Mission & Outreach Activities: Where is Christ calling you to help others? December 6 (13)

September 21 •

Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk


September 14-28 •

Housing Assistance Fund – Fruit & Greens Sale

• Youth - Mitten Tree SILS Apartment Collection for Lansing Area Episcopal Projects December 14

October 10

December 24

Canterbury MSU – “Fall Feast” fund raiser dinner & auction

October 11 •

Crop Walk – Church World

November •

UTO Ingathering – Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

November 9-23 •

Thanksgiving Baskets

Gifts for the Christ Child – Eve’s House


Blood Drive – Red Cross

October 12 •

MDG – Water for Life Ingathering/Wrap up

• • • • •

Manna Sundays for street ministry (busing/work boots) Water for Life Heifer International Prayer quilts Cars INC Sudanese Education

Check the Newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

September 2008

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St. Paul'sand Mission News Outreach Volunteers are needed! There are few things more rewarding than making a difference in the life of a child. Consider volunteering with Ele’s Place as a children’s grief support group facilitator, and help children learn to cope with the death or life-threatening illness of a parent, sibling or other loved one.

Ele’s Place participants range in age from 3 – 18, and come from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. People of color, males, and bilingual individuals are particularly encouraged to apply to become a facilitator; however, any interested adult is welcome to submit a volunteer application. Please apply by August 20 to be considered for the next facilitator training program, which begins on September 4, 2008. For more information, call (517) 482-1315 or visit

Order of Saint Luke the Physician Group Forming By The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout e are delighted to announce the formation of a local group open to Saint Paul's Episcopal Church members, the Order of Saint Luke the Physician. The Order is made up of lay people, health professionals, and clergy who feel called to make Jesus’ ministry of healing a regular part of their vocation.


The Order exists to promote and practice the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. Therefore it is important that all of its members should be thoroughly familiar with what Jesus said and what Jesus did. The only way to do this is to study carefully the healing ministry that occurs in the Gospels with prayer and community.

of shame and loneliness, and he helped the willing to yield to the will of God. The name Jesus, in Hebrew, means "God heals." As a Christian community, we are called to healing prayer. We know that God is always loving, and we give thanks for all kinds of ways that God heals.

The Order of St. Luke hopes to meet on the third Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. at St. Paul's. The Rev. Deacon William Fineout will serve as chaplain, and he will be happy to answer any of your questions. At these meetings we will have teaching, pray for each others' concerns, and conduct the order's business. Each year This is a group called by God to develop and practice we plan to have a healing mission/retreat. The first healing prayer by the laying on of hands and praying one is planned for April of 2009. for specific concerns and wholeness. This group, which will include members of other Episcopal churches, will All are welcome who are seeking to discern if the healing gift is what the Holy Spirit is calling them to address the commission from Jesus to the church - to develop. In the Order of Saint Luke the Physician, we heal the sick. will study scripture and prayer, share readings and experiences of healings, and develop daily devotions Jesus healed. He healed anyone who came to him in need. He reached out and touched people who were to a rule of life. These help us to discern our healing paralyzed, had skin diseases, epilepsy, and bone de- gift and develop that gift to understand what God formities, to name just a few. He even brought back to wants us to do each moment of the day. Come and life several people who had died. He healed people join us.

Join or Support the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk By The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout


he Lansing area Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk will be held on Sunday, September 21, beginning at 1 p.m. on the beautiful MSU campus (registration begins at noon).

Please join with your Deacon Bill and the St. Paul’s “team” in this year’s walk by becoming a walker or by making a donation to sponsor this year’s team or individual walkers. Last year, St. Paul’s was represented by three walkers who presented a total donation of $120. We hope to increase those numbers this year. (Continued on page 13)

September 2008

Paul' s News MissionSt.and Outreach

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ACTION of Greater Lansing Update By The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout he Justice Ministry team has been hard at work at St. Paul’s! Our parish joined with three diverse congregations from Lansing and East Lansing over a year ago to create a dynamic organization, ACTION of Greater Lansing. ACTION works to fill gaps in our local communities to bring fairness and justice to every individual. It does this not through providing direct service work to those in need, but rather through bringing the needs of the community to those in power positions. We do this through a specific three-step process of listening, research and then direct action, where we ask the politicians to reform the system to fix these needs. Through this method, we have been able to successfully initiate or complete three different issues within one year of existence!


1. Reinforce an existing housing code that requires rental property owners to post their positive rental status visibly on the rental property. 2. Provide the community with a publically accessible webpage of rental property information. This includes information on red tag properties and what is being done with those properties by the city of Lansing. ACTION has also been busy on finishing the initiatives from 2007. In 2007, we asked the County Commission to create a Jail to Community Reentry Initiative to better transition the high repeat offenders from the Ingham County Jail into our community. We are proud to announce that we are on track for this initiative, looking at a starting date in the fall of this year. We also asked Lansing Police Chief Mark Alley to complete a Hot Spot Card Program, an anonymous crime reporting tool for the city. We are proud to announce that this program has been completed and is currently bringing in an average of one card each week that reports crime and drug activity in our neighborhoods.

Twenty-five individuals from our parish attended our Nehemiah ACTION Assembly in May in hopes of securing a favorable response from Lansing Mayor Bernero on a housing initiative. With nearly 450 people there to support the initiative, we received unanimous “yeses” from Mayor Bernero. We are proud of Sue LaDuc who served as the co-chair of this housing initiative and was the individual to publicly receive the At this time, we are completing our summer support commitment from Mayor Bernero! drive. If you haven’t already, please contact one of ACTION specifically asked the city to crack down on our justice ministry team members to support this work financially. In the fall, we will begin our next round of the high number of unregistered rental properties in the city of Lansing. These unregistered properties were listening meetings within the church to identify a new found to be directly related to the high number of ‘red problem to solve in 2009! Please consider being a tagged properties’ in the city that were closed due to part of one of these exciting meetings as we continue gross violations of the housing code. Action asked for to build an exciting ministry for justice within our congregation! specific action steps to:

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The walk parallels the scenic Red Cedar River on campus and provides many chances to shorten or lengthen the actual walk as you might wish. This is a wonderful way to help fight this insidious disease which is affecting more families every year. “The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk® is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research – and it calls on volunteers of all ages to become champions in the fight against this fatal disease. Since 1989 Memory Walk® has raised more than $230 million for our cause. See Deacon Bill to join as a walker or donor. Further information may be found at the Lansing Memory Walk web site: You can also donate on line to any walker if you are so inclined. All checks should be made out to the “Alzheimer’s Association.”

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St. Paul's News

Reflections on the April 19, 2008 Blood Drive By Eleanor Doersam y the time you read this I hope you have all seen the Blood Drive Honor Roll and viewed the pictures of some of our volunteers.


If you do not eat meat or fish, other foods with high iron content include: • Iron fortified cereals • Beans or legumes – especially kidney

Over 80 parishioners and friends worked together to register a 102% goal for 51 unites of blood. Once again we were commended by the Red Cross for surpassing our goal of 50 units. I’m writing today to clarify one aspect of our drive that disqualifies so many of our blood donors. Published Reference Range for hematocrit/hemoglobin for men is 40.7-50.3% and for women 36.1-44.3%. The Red Cross uses a higher standard. If you were deferred it is a good idea to read the nutrition fact label of all foods you eat and determine how much iron is in your diet. Foods that are good to eat to increase the amount of iron in your diet are listed below: Liver, beef, pork, poultry, and fish are all excellent sources of dietary iron. These foods contain heme iron, which is readily absorbed by the body. Shellfish, such as shrimp, mussels and oysters are also good sources of iron.

Special Thanks, To Special People! The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. uring Father Gordon’s sabbatical, I witnessed God’s grace and blessings through so many of you. When I called, asked or tapped you on the shoulder with a question or request for assistance, each of you responded with an enthusiasm and willingness to help in any way you could. Our collective efforts and genuine desire to live faithfully into the ministry to which we have been called is reflective of Christ Jesus. For this I give thanks and praise to our Father in heaven, and to you God’s truly special people…my St. Paul’s family. Thank You!


beans, pinto beans and chick peas.

• Vegetables – such as peas, spinach, and

lentils. • Fruits – especially apricots and raisins. • Enriched and whole grain breads. • Molasses Absorption of iron from any of the sources can be improved by eating vitamin C rich foods at the same meal. Vitamin C rich foods include orange juice, grapefruit, cantaloupe, green peppers and tomatoes. Tea contains tannins which will decrease absorption of iron. Our Fall Blood Drive date is Saturday, October 11, 2008. Let’s all iron up this summer! Sincere thanks for your generous support of this outstanding Outreach Project.

St. Paul’s Homebound Members Need You! By William H. Fineout, Deacon lease consider becoming a Eucharistic Visitor. At present there are a couple licensed members who may take Holy Communion to homebound parishioners.


St. Aelred’s Guild members do a marvelous job of visiting those among us who are sick or unable to attend Sundays or Tuesdays, and the clergy make regular visits with Holy Communion on major holidays and upon request; but there is a need for additional trained lay visitors who can maintain our community connection and take Communion to our shut-ins. Many Eucharistic visitors also are licensed as Eucharistic ministers to serve the chalice during Holy Eucharist on Sundays, however doing both is not required. Please consider where God is calling you to serve this flock. Let Deacon Bill know if you are interested.

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Laying the Foundation: An Update from the Evangelism Committee By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member


uring the past few months St. Paul’s Evangelism Committee has begun to develop and implement a solid action plan for welcoming and engaging newcomers.

We have already started to develop an electronic database for tracking and following up with visitors and parishioners in need of contact from our clergy. To date, several hundred contacts from the past few years have been entered, and committee members are scouting out “relationship management” software that will allow Fr. Weller and Fr. Ron to keep track of their outreach efforts in the future. The committee also issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to overhaul the St. Paul’s website. Several intriguing responses were received and a working group of committee members, Vestry leaders and other interested participants is currently being formed to evaluate all the candidates. In the year ahead, the Evangelism Committee plans to develop a new church wide mentoring program that will help newcomers become assimilated more fully into the life of the parish. We look forward to working with all members of the St. Paul’s community as we reach out and connect with new families on an ongoing basis. If you have ideas, thoughts or suggestions about how you would like to see St. Paul’s engage newcomers more effectively, please feel free to share them. The Evangelism Committee continues to seek new members and recommendations for future improvement. Please contact Stephanie Van Koevering at (517) 669-9111 or [email protected] with your suggestions.

We pray for and celebrate the birth of Hannah Violet Hall, daughter of Kym and Matt Hall. We pray for those expecting: Deb and Jeff Sleight and Sarah (Weller) and Joe Evenden. We pray for and celebrate the weddings of: Carrie S. Ihrig and Joshua A. Freeman, and Kayla M. Hibner and Phillip A. Kitchell We pray for and celebrate our newly baptized: Kory Ekineh Amachree, son of Karen and Opuene Amachree; and Hunter Michael Nicholas Riggins and Parker Robert Matthew Riggins, sons of Courtney and Matthew Riggins We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, David Granger, and Bill Sheldon We pray for comfort for the family and friends of Judith A. Rush, Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Harold W. Irwin, Bertha Winkle, Marilyn Britt, Tom Shawver and August D. Diedrich, Jr., who recently passed away We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie and Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Dennis Letner, Mason Hill, Lois Caswell, Eric Lindquist, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her family, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer, Ed Jones, Barb Hacker, Darrick, Chris, Marjorie Belles, Cal, Kathryn and Elizabeth Senko, Daphne Such, Aleda, Rina Rister, Barb Powers, Pam Lacey, Dave, Skip and Marsha Macholz, Patricia Reno, Chuck Buck, Rick Edwards, Leona Gordon, Carrie, Michael Skinner, Bea Richards, Dick Wagner, Edward Such, Virginia Jessop, Judy Jones, and Mason Beasley We pray and give thanks for the ordination of The Rev. William H. Fineout, Deacon and for the safe return of Fr. Gordon Weller from his sabbatical.

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S • • • •

t. Paul’s will celebrate its 160th birthday in 2009. Plans are underway for activities and events throughout May, 2009, with special emphasis on the four Sundays that month.

May 3 – Worship and Music May 10 – Children’s Sunday May 17 – Missions and Outreach May 31 – Homecoming Sunday

A committee began work on plans for the celebration in March, but we would like your assistance for this special celebration. The committee would like you to contribute any ideas you may have on ways to commemorate the anniversary. We would ask you to share any “historical” treasures you may have: pictures, items you may have written for the church prayers, thoughts or essays about “what St. Paul’s means to me,” interesting personal stories or memories, music, old copies of St. Paul’s News or Sunday bulletins, cookbooks, and guild memorabilia. Almost anything you think might be noteworthy about St. Paul’s long history. We would also like to encourage your participation in other ways. Ideas might include putting on a play. We need volunteers to collect “church” clothes from various decades; work on a celebration committee; and contact former members and their families. We would love to have someone film the various events or help preserve the memories and stories. You’ll be hearing more about the upcoming activities, but your eyes and ears and memories are vital to a successful, meaningful celebration. Contact Nancy Sheldon or any of the clergy if you’d like to help or you have some “treasure” for the committee.

From the Parish Life Committee By Millie Erickson, Vestry Member


lans are in full swing for a variety of fellowship opportunities this fall. Mark your calendars with the following dates:

October 3 – 2nd Annual Pizza Party and Game Night for all the Parish family: kids, families, couples, singles. There will be something fun for everyone. November 4 – “The Gathering” Coffee House at St. Paul’s. Recall the days of Pete Seeger, Peter Paul & Mary, folk guitars and tie-dye in this fun event for all adults in the parish and their guests. Entertainment will be provided by local folk talent. More details on both these events to come. Watch for announcements in the near future regarding other happenings, including the “One Book, Many Journeys” Book Read, which will be back in January. This year we will offer both an adult and a family book with related events. The titles will be announced soon!

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Sewer Separation Completed By Martie Repaskey, Jr. Warden ork has been completed on a long-overdue project at St. Paul’s. Though the extensive sewer separation proceeded at a subterranean level and was not easily visible to onlookers, the end result was that St. Paul’s has come into compliance with the City of Lansing’s requirements for separating storm and sanitary sewers. Lansing’s entire downtown area has been engulfed in similar work, creating closed streets and detours; apparently this work will be ongoing for several years.


The project at St. Paul’s included the following: • • • • • •

Separating downspouts on the parish house Replacing concrete in the alley on the east side of the building Video camera work to locate the depth of existing pipes Separating the sump pump from the sanitary pipes in the basement of the music building Re-building the sinking catch basin in the parking lot; the manhole was replaced with a precast basin Re-directing the small catch basin (close to the north wall of the Merrifield Room) to the larger catch basin.

The bulk of this work was undertaken by All-Terrain Alterations, Inc., and Myers Plumbing did the sump pump separation. Supporting these competent contractors and furnishing invaluable knowledge and communication support were three parishioners: Max Pierce, Paul Potts and our Verger, Jim Boulton. This was an expensive but necessary building and grounds project with a good outcome.

Grounds Restoration

One Thing Leads To Another….

By Martie Repaskey, Jr. Warden

By Martie Repaskey, Jr. Warden

lease take a walk around the grounds of the building and the Memorial Garden at St. Paul’s, and enjoy our new “look!” Extensive excavation in the front yard and courtyard necessitated landscape restoration with sod and new plants.

he restoration of the Memorial Garden stimulated the interest and attention of many parish gardeners who provided consultation and support throughout the process. This has led to some discussion about the potential of developing a Gardeners’ Guild, which would be an auxiliary of the Design and Preservation Committee. In informal conversations, several ideas have been shared. A gardeners’ guild could be involved in the obvious work of caring for our garden and grounds; this would include both workers and consultants! Members of a gardener’s guild might offer mentoring to new gardeners, host a plant sale in the spring to benefit the Bancroft Fund, enjoy field trips to other gardens and possibly even do some outreach landscaping at Habitat houses. The sky’s the limit!


We all know how “one thing leads to another,” so St. Paul’s gardeners went into full gear! With significant financial support from a parish family, three professional gardeners weeded, graded, trimmed and planted. Additionally, several parishioners re-set the granite tiles in the courtyard, added more plants, and spread mulch. It was estimated that 150 man-hours brought our Memorial Garden back into a serene, green, peaceful place of beauty which all may enjoy. Indeed, it is believed that our grounds may offer an outreach to passersby and even to our legislators from across the street!


If you are a gardener or a wannabe gardener who might be interested in doing something “green” by joining a St. Paul’s gardeners’ guild, please contact Martie Repaskey or Max Pierce.

Thank you to all who shared their time, talent and resources in restoring this sacred place.

September 2008

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two day excursions with returns to a home town in between. It also fits into what I experienced during my time away from St. Paul’s. Linda and I traveled to many places, talked with many people, and witnessed many things, but it was always a relief to come home. Home provides a chance to renew one’s self physically, mentally and spiritually. As this sabbatical comes to an end I am pleased to be among you once again. Being with you sets me at ease. While I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience all that I did, I am also grateful to be of service to the Lord in this place. During the rest of the summer take your own periods of rest and relaxation, but let’s meet again at St Paul’s in September. St. Paul’s is home.

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would see him, he would want to know what I was doing and would comment if he had read any of my free-lance articles. And I always sought him out to at least say hello. When St. Paul’s did its capital campaign approximately10 years ago, Tom wanted me to work with him on the publications. Fortunately, I had a workplace then that was very generous, and allowed me to use its desktop publishing software. Tom would come into my office, and we would just sit and talk. My supervisor from that era was a retired colonel from the state police, so one day, he and Tom stood in the hallway chatting for quite awhile about all of the people they both knew in common. When the father of one of my co-workers died in that same time period, I was happy to see a very familiar bagpiper at the memorial service. The Shawvers were always good to my mother, taking her to programs and bringing her home from church. Whenever I would showed up for a service, Tom would always check to make sure I wasn’t planning on leaving her there. I guess he was just looking out for her. A few years ago, Mom lost a pair of glasses in their car. I told Tom that since I didn’t work that far from where they lived at the time, I could come over on my lunch hour. But he insisted on coming my way and asked if I could meet him at the little coffee shop down the street just to catch up for a while. So I did. It was still the same job but by then a different boss. I went anyway and definitely stayed longer than I should have. But it was worth it. Tom and I also served together recently on St. Paul’s communications committee, trying to figure out how best to target and attract new members. If the church is to survive, it needs new blood and ideas. But it is also important to know our history, and Tom was certainly a vital part of that. For those of us who knew him, Tom Shawver was the embodiment of St. Paul’s. When his health issues became more apparent, I realized that when he passed away, it would be the end of an era and a great loss to my church family. I wish I had the time to research and pay tribute to all of the guilds, special projects, and activities Tom was involved in throughout the decades at St. Paul’s, because I feel as though I am doing him an injustice by not recognizing all of his contributions. But he probably would have understood that we are on a really tight deadline this month. Besides, it would probably take weeks to find all of that information, even if I could. The man was involved in almost everything. My prayers are with Jean and the rest of his family at this time, but my condolences go out to all of us who knew Tom Shawver. We have suffered a great loss.


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Mr. William H. Fineout, Deacon Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454, any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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