St. Paul's News - April, 2008

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News April, 2008

With Reservation By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller y the time many of you read this, I will be on Sabbatical. Once again I would like to thank you, as a parish, and the Vestry, as the authoritative body, for this gift. As I write this, some 15 days before I am scheduled to be away, I am beginning to become excited. But even in the excitement, there is some reservation. The reservation grows out of the realization that I will not see you for several months, and I know I will miss you.


The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

When Jesus began his period of ministry, the first thing he did was to call the disciples and form a community. They lived together, traveled together and learned to love one another in what was an all-too-short, three-year period. During that time, Jesus tried to teach them what it meant to be devoted to God, devoted to themselves and devoted to each other. I’m not sure they ever completely understood the theology He tried to teach. At the crucifixion, all but a few ran and hid. When He appeared after the resurrection, they were afraid. When they tried to teach it to others, they were often in disagreement. What the disciples did understand was the community they established. After the crucifixion, not knowing what else to do when they were alone and afraid, they re-gathered in the upper room to console each other. For the next 20 to 30 years, they were never far from one another and continually lived as community. It was Paul who made the greatest change in this somewhat confined community. He was the vagabond who traveled all over the Mediterranean world and caused Christians to rethink their theology because of what he saw. We have a community. I think I have become one of you and, together, we all are St. Paul’s. This is a good place to be. I think we reflect many of the good aspects of what a Church should be. Nevertheless, this separation is important. One of the greatest challenges to one’s faith is to keep it in motion. It is too easy to fall into the same patterns day after day and week after week. This sepa(Continued on page 5)

Go Green! By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller t’s only in Spartan circles that the announcement that we are “Going Green” would be met with a cheer and a response of “Go White.” To St. Paul’s—although many are Spartans—the call to "Go Green” is a call to become more ecologically aware of the situations and opportunities that surround us. In this case, we are asking that all consider bringing their used cell phones, batteries and computer ink cartridges to Church on a regular basis and depositing them in our new receptacle, which will be found in the Merrifield Room. Not only is this beneficial to the environment, the aforementioned items will be recycled by CarsINC, our new men’s guild. CarsINC (Cars In the Name of Christ) is a group of men who work closely with Christian Services to provide transportation for those who are worthy but unable to purchase a vehicle on their own.


Many thanks to Dorothy Marsh for her artwork in painting the receptacle.

April 2008

Volume 33, Issue 4 Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


Mission & Outreach


Prayer List


St. Paul’s News

6, 8



Vestry News


Youth Group


Page 2

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild • Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM • B&PW, Tuesday, April 8, 6 PM • ECW, third Monday, 7 PM • St. Elizabeth Guild, Tuesday, April 22, 12:30 PM at the home of Joan VanAuken • Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5-6 PM • 4 Fs, second and fourth Mondays, noon to 2 PM • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, first Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Choir Rehearsal Room • Men’s Breakfast, third Thursday, 7-8 AM, Hill Room • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

• Spring Blood Drive, Saturday, April 19 • “Serving God with Gladness” Women’s retreat,

April 25 & 26, Weber Center

• Youth Activity, Nightwatch, April 26-27 • Choir Auction, Sunday, April 27, following 10 AM


Looking Ahead • Ascension Day Outreach Dinner, Thursday, May 1 • Ministry Fair, Saturday, May 3, 8:30 AM to 4 PM • ACTION of Greater Lansing, May 5 and 19 • Men’s Golf League, Thursdays, beginning, May 8, 3:30 PM • UTO Ingathering, Sunday, May 11 • Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation, Saturday, May 10, 10:30 AM, St. Michael’s, Lansing This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Graduation Sunday, June 1 • “Becoming the Household of God,” Aril 4 & 5, St. • Parish Sunday Mass/Picnic in the Park, June 8, 10 John’s Church, Royal Oak AM, Lake Lansing • Youth Activity, Box City, Friday, April 11 • Pre-Marriage Series, Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30 PM, • Vacation Bible School, June 23-27, 9 AM to Noon Wednesdays beginning April 16


St. Elizabeth Guild

By Barbara Richardson

By Debby Pierce

ur meeting on April 8 will feature Eileen Hatt, a local artist and retired teacher. Eileen will tell us about her trip to the White House when she was a guest at a tea for those artists who painted ornaments for the 2006 White House Christmas tree. She will show us some of her ornaments and demonstrate how she does her designs.



Dinner is at 6 p.m. in the Hill Room. Reservations are requested by contacting Debby Pierce. All are welcome to our meeting.

pril 22 will be the first spring meeting of the St. Elizabeth Guild. We will meet at the home of Joan VanAuken at 12:30 p.m. Our guest speaker will be a representative of Rainbow Homes. If you would like to join St. Elizabeth Guild or just attend a meeting, we would love to have you anytime. Please call Debby Pierce at 485-5446 or 394-4800 for additional information.

Pre-Marriage Series By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. pringtime, summertime and marriage-time, everything in its own time and season. Contemplating marriage? Planning your wedding? Well, don’t forget to schedule time for this year’s pre-marriage classes, offered here at St. Paul’s. This year’s series is entitled “Sailing the Four (C) Seas,” and will begin April 16 and run every Wednesday evening through May 6. Classes will start at 6:15 p.m. and end promptly at 7:30 p.m.


Clergy and lay ministers will provide and engage participants in various perspectives on marriage, ranging from church, communication, children, and cash. To enroll, please contact the church office or sign up at the table outside the Merrifield room. For questions or additional information please contact Fr. Ron.

April 2008

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

Page 3

4 F’s 2008 Programs “Taking Care of Ourselves & Others” By Nancy Sheldon presidential candidates put forth their different plans” he 4 F’s meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month for12 noon Eucharist,12:30 p.m. lunch, with Anne Rosewarne, President of the Michigan 1:00 Bible Study and the program from1:15 – 2 p.m. Health Council


May 12

April 14

“Looking back at the social policies in U.S. health care” Year-end picnic with participants giving a brief review of the one or two of their favorite books that would with Luke Shaefer make for good summer reading April 28 “The future of health care in the United States as

Baptismal Covenant Classes

Going … Going... Gone!

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

By Vicki Walker

n April 19, from 9 a.m. to noon, we will be offering a Baptismal Covenant class to prepare interested candidates for Holy Baptism on May 11, The Day of Pentecost. This class is required for those parents and godparents who seek baptism for their children. The next class will not be offered until the fall.

ark your calendars for April 27, 2008 because it’s Auction time again! Once every four years, the St. Paul’s Choirs organize and host an auction to help support the choristers’ England trip to study church music. We need your help! Do you have something you might be able to donate? Ideas include antiques to sports tickets, musical instruments to household items, getaway weekends to gift certificates. Big or small, this is a great way to help a worthy cause, clean house a bit and pick up some amazing deals along the way. A letter is being sent to the entire St. Paul’s parish family to provide further details, and soon the St. Paul’s choristers will be contacting members of the parish asking for prayers, support and donations. They will even sing to you if you want!!



Participants will discuss the Baptismal Covenant as delineated in the Book of Common Prayer, reflect on their personal spiritual journey and look at private responses to our Christian calls to service and action. Please contact the Church office or sign up on table outside the Merrifield room.

Outreach Dinner May 1 By Bill Fineout, Diaconal Candidate ou are invited to a parish dinner on Thursday, May 1, 2008, hosted by the Mission & Outreach team. Mark your calendars! Tentatively, dinner will be at 6 p.m. with Holy Eucharist following at 7 p.m. Donations will be accepted. More information will be in the May newsletter and the Sunday bulletins.


The Auction will take place Sunday, April 27, 2008, following the 10 a.m. service, and a light box lunch will be available. Invite your friends, family and coworkers for a fabulously fun afternoon of bargains, biddings and boxes (lunch variety only), as we celebrate the final major fundraising effort for England 2008. If you have any questions, contact Auction Chair, Julie Powers at [email protected], 1-301-452-3693 or 332-3131.

April 2008

Page 4

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

ACTION of Greater Lansing By Bill Fineout, Diaconal Candidate he justice ministry team for St. Paul’s attended the focus rally at the Community Problems Assembly after listening to parishioner and community concerns. There the justice ministry teams from 13 Lansing-area churches assembled to vote on this year’s topic: Housing.


Over the next month and a half, research teams will interview and report on as many aspects of local housing issues as possible. Many concerns will be looked at and studied, including lack of affordable housing, redtagged homes and families losing their homes. This research will culminate in choosing one issue to be presented to the ACTION community churches on May 5 at the ACTION Rally. The final issue which it is hoped will be changed in 2008 will be prepared for presentation two weeks later. On May 19, we will meet with the pertinent government housing officials who have the power and authority to make change. There we will publicly present the problem and solution (the officials will be presented with our findings ahead of this meeting). At this Nehemiah ACTION Assembly, we need your help to make this year’s justice ministry issue important to the selected officials. Last year, St. Paul’s had 37 people attend this assembly. For 2008, we are hoping for many more of you. You don’t have to donate any money or goods, just that evening’s time. The St. Paul’s justice ministry team needs people who are willing to be counted in support, as we present this year’s issue to the appropriate elected, appointed or business officials, who have the power to make a difference in people’s lives. Plan on joining us May 5 and May 19; time and location of both meetings are to be determined. You are also welcome to join our St. Paul’s justice ministry team and the ACTION research teams.

St. Paul’s to Host Ministry Fair


By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller


n Saturday, May 3, St. Paul’s will host the 6th annual Diocesan Ministry Fair. The Fair begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 4 p.m. Lunch is provided for those staying for both the morning and afternoon sessions. Because the Ministry Fair is so large, the diocese will also be using the Central United Methodist Church facility next door.

n Saturday, May 9, Bishop Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr. will visit Lansing for the purpose of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation. The Service will be held at St. Michael’s in south Lansing and will be open to all who have been sufficiently instructed. This service begins at 10:30 a.m.

The Ministry Fair is a gathering of learning centers and educational opportunities that provide attendees with a wide variety of experiential learning. Please mark the date on your calendar. More information and a list of the centers will be available in the May issue of the SPN.

Confirmation is the sacramental rite available to all persons who have been baptized as children and now want to have that rite of initiation affirmed by the bishop with the laying on of hands. Reception is the rite of initiation that is available for all persons who have had their infant baptism affirmed by a bishop in another denomination and now want to make a statement of their intention to be a sacramental part of the Episcopal Church. Finally, Reaffirmation is the occasion that many Episcopalians take to restate their faith as Christians. If you would like to participate in any of these rites, please contact the front office or one of the clergy.


April 2008

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

Page 5

Dates to Remember from the Parish Life Committee By Millie Erickson, Vestry Member he Parish Life Committee is busy planning events for spring and for next year. The Parish Family Game Night will be back in the fall; the “One Book, Many Journeys” book read in the winter; and other exciting ideas are in the works. Two upcoming dates to make note of:


• “The Gathering” Night at the Theater, Saturday May 10

Start the evening with hearty hors d’oervres at the home of Sally and Don Lawrence at 6 p.m. Continue to The BoarsHead Theater at 8 p.m. for “Escanaba in Love” by Jeff Daniels. The cost of tickets is $18.00. Sign up outside the Merrifield Room. More details to follow. • Parish Sunday Mass and Picnic in the Park, June 8 at Lake Lansing

The 10 a.m. service will be at the park (only the 8 a.m. service will be at the Church as usual), followed by a picnic, games and activities. More details to follow.


Graduation Sunday

By Nancy Milne

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

he next United Thank Offering collection will be Sunday, May 11. Envelopes will be available on both that Sunday and the Sunday before, May 4. For those of you who are traditionalists and put in your pennies of thanksgiving throughout the year, the boxes will be collected at that time as well.


At least three-quarters of the money collected stays in the U.S. The UTO board metes out the grants with special attention to the disadvantaged within the diocesan mission strategy. The grants are usually fairly small and some are used to provide services to smaller churches, such as getting a leaky roof replaced, plumbing repairs or building a handicapper access. All of the funds must be spent within a year.

s is our custom, we will honor our high school, college and advanced-degree graduates on Sunday June 1. At 9 a.m., the Vestry will provide a breakfast for the high school graduates and their families. During the 10 a.m. Eucharist, there will be a short ceremony and graduates will be presented with a small gift from the congregation.


Members or relatives of parishioners graduating this year are asked to contact the parish office and provide the name of the institution and date of graduation.

If you are feeling particularly thankful, please make a contribution to the UTO on May 11, and we will be grateful to you.

(Continued from, “With Reservation,” page 1)

ration will give a new perspective of who we are and where Christ is calling us. Indeed, I need renewal myself, for spiritual, emotional and physical reasons. You have wonderful people in charge and I have no doubt that all will be well. Please remember Linda and me in your prayers. We will think of you often. August is not so far in the future.

April 2008

Page 6

ïSt. ï ï Paul's ï ï ïï ï ïïNews ïïïï ï ï ï ïï ïï ï ïïï ïïïï ï Calling all heroes! By Carol Laub

hoy, ye good-hearted pirates! All hands on deck for a whale of a good time as the "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything-A VeggiTales VBS" docks at St. Paul's from June 23-27. Kids from age three to fifth grade are invited for a fun-filled week exploring what it means to be a true hero for God. Our travels center around the verse of the week: "I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength," Philippians 4:13. Our crews will launch their day with the Yo-ho-ho opening show where we will sing lively songs, view a movie clip, learn our daily Bible theme (e.g., true heroes do the right thing), and participate in skits. Then we will sail on to adventures in The Spyglass Bible Theater, Whipcrack Island Games, Rock Monster Science Lab, Clapping Rock Crafts and Cheesecurl Cave Snacks. To book your spot on our crew, call the church office (482-9454), fill out a registration form or contact Carol Laub (349-5149) with questions. To enlist as part of our seaworthy crew (volunteers), look for inserts in the church bulletin.


In Spite of Wind, Ice and Snow By Sue Millar n spite of wind, ice, snow and cold, you came, you searched and you purchased books, tapes and DVDs at our third fundraiser for Episcopal Relief and Development. The most important result is that, because of the funds we sent to ERD (a total of $1,220), life will be better for many who suffer from disease or hunger. Thank you for the difference you have made. Also, many of us are enjoying some new, good reading or viewing.


I want to express special thanks to the wonderful crew who sorted, organized and sold your donated books: Karlene Bach, Barb Hamm, Carol Ingells and Carol Miller. Actually, we had a great time in the process. See you next year.

St. Paul’s Prayer List We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Grady & Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill, Lois Caswell, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Judith Jones, Becky Chamberlain, Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her family, Betty Jensen, Dan Heany, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer, Ed Jones, Justin, Elizabeth, Barb Hacker, Andrew Astley, Michael Skinner, Ginny Bancroft, Darrick, Chris, Tom, Cheryl, Patricia Utter, Marjorie Belles, Edith Self, Cal, Christopher, Carrie, Sally, Kathryn & Elizabeth Senko, Kaema Amachree, Daphne Such and Aleda

Prayer List

We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Daniel Laurion and David Granger

We pray for those expecting: Rachel & Jeff Bott, Kym & Matt Hall and Andrea Horton We pray for and celebrate the birth of Samuel Charles, son of Jessica and Justin Leonard We pray for those who have died and for their families: Fred B. Perry, Jr.

April 2008

News from the Vestry

Page 7

Financial Information as of February 29, 2008 By Jeff Irwin Pledge income was $53,561 as of February 29, 2008, which is 18% of the 2008 budget. February is 16.7% of the year. February had an operations loss of $17,400, which brings the year-to-date loss to $18,504. A large insurance bill and the cost of the 2008 snowplowing added to this total. Through February 29, the designated and restricted funds had net revenue of $2,180. The combined net loss was $16,324. In February, it was necessary to withdraw $10,000 from the Perpetual Fund to make payroll and pay outstanding bills. An additional $10,000 was also withdrawn in early March. The Penniman Trust funds should be received in April and are expected to be over $50,000. Ninety percent will go into the St. Paul's Perpetual fund and 10% will go into the Mission and Outreach fund.

Vestry Highlights At its March 18 meeting, your Vestry: • Had Lenten/Easter devotions by discussing their •

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thoughts and feelings about Holy Week and Easter Accepted a presentation by Mandy Lawton about the state of our needlepoint kneelers. They are in need of repair. They are 40+ years old and the padding is disintegrating. Approved up to $750 from the Memorial Fund to begin repair of the kneelers Received the Treasurer's Report. (Synopsis found elsewhere in this issue.) Authorized $50,000 to be taken from the Perpetual Fund as needed for operations Received a report from the Sabbatical Committee that preparations have been made for Fr. Weller to be away and that the committee will be meeting on a regular basis until the Sabbatical is over. Received a report on ACTION of Greater Lansing from members of our Justice Ministry Team. The focus this year will be housing. Research is in progress with results and action initiatives being presented in early May Welcomed new Vestry member John Nevin, as a replacement for Libby Richardson Reviewed the "Action Plan" and approved its being presented to the congregation in March. Accepted for review a pamphlet entitled "The

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Committee System at St. Paul's." The pamphlet lists committees, members, chairs of these committees, suggestions on how to conduct a meeting, and "Smart Goals," some guidelines of how to develop goals Received various committee reports: ∗ Learned many Building and Grounds projects are in order, parish workday on April 26 ∗ Discussed the Web site ∗ Noted the many educational opportunities available through June ∗ Applauded Baylie Sanchez’ selection to attend The Episcopal Youth Conference in San Antonio Noted the visitation of Ms. Jo Ganzer, Diocesan Canon for Lifelong Learning, on April 20. She will preach at both services and be available following the service for questions. Noted that St. Paul's will host the Diocesan Ministry Fair on May 3. Our building will be used as well as Central United Methodist Church Discussed Diocesan and National Episcopal news including: ∗ The proposed moving of the Diocesan offices ∗ The Diocesan Budget ∗ The meeting of the House of Bishops ∗ Lambeth, 2008 Adjourned at 9:05 p.m. (Thanks be to God)

April 2008

Page 8

St. Paul's News

Becoming the Household of God By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller or the last ten years, the diocese of Michigan has gathered on the first weekend in April for an event called “Becoming the Household of God.” This conference explores the question, “What do I do, once I say I believe?” In its broadest sense, this has been a yearly stewardship conference: how we can be responsible to our calling as Christians. This years conference is again to be held at St. John's, on Woodward Avenue, in Royal Oak. The Friday evening session begins at 6:00 pm on April 4th. The Saturday, April 5th continuation, begins at 8:30 an and concludes at 4:00 pm. Information is available from the parish office or one of the clergy.


In the past there have been wonderful speakers like Douglas Meeks, Walter Wink, Terry Parsons, The Rev. Dr. Kelley Brown Douglas, The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, Sister Jose Hobday, Phyllis Tickle, Ched Myers and The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry. This year, the speaker will be The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, Dean of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a wonderful speaker and author of the book, Interrupted by God.

A Great Read Book Review by Susan LeDuc just read a fascinating book entitled The Mascot: Unraveling the Mystery of My Jewish Father’s Nazi Boyhood by Mark Kurzem. It was published in November 2007. I love mysteries, but this is a true story, a history lesson and a mystery all rolled into one. Mr. Kurzem’s father, Alex, was five-years-old when Nazi soldiers came to his little town in Belarus. The villagers were slaughtered by the soldiers who were clearing the way to make room for German Jews to be moved out of Germany. Alex escaped and lived in the woods for several weeks on his own before he was found by Latvian soldiers in Nazi uniforms. A kindly sergeant takes him in and, in washing him, sees that the little boy is circumcised. He warns Alex never to let anyone know that he is a Jew.


The young boy is “adopted” by the troop and believes that he is a real soldier. Eventually the commander takes an interest in the boy and even has several Nazi uniforms made for him. He is taken into the household of a family for a time. After the war, he emigrates to Australia with a number of other people from the Eastern front, including the family who befriended him. He makes a new life there, marries and has three children. Alex Kurzem begins his search in Australia by seeking out a Holocaust survivor group. They reject him and do not believe his story. But his memories continue to haunt him and he asks his son, Mark, to help find the truth of what happened. He remembers three words and thinks maybe one is his name and maybe one is the name of his village. The book is the story of Mark’s efforts to help his father: his father’s struggle to come to terms with his past and his fear that he may have been involved in pogroms; and the impact of these revelations on his family, who did not know that Alex was Jewish. I won’t tell you what happens because that would spoil the mystery. The Mascot will leave you thinking about intolerance and war and the toll both take on children.

April 2008

St. Paul's Choirs

Page 9

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music A big thank you! goes to all choristers (and their parents who have given the time and energy to get them to rehearsals and services!) for your work on Cabaret, Palm Sunday and Easter. Your music did so much to bless the lives of the parishioners in so many ways. You really did help to put the Alleluia! into the services. THANK YOU! Sunday, April 6 All choirs are invited to sing for this service. Wednesday, April 9, and Thursday, April 10 Because of spring break, there will be no rehearsals (including Handbell Choir) or other Family Night activities this week. Sunday, May 18, The Choir Banquet will follow the 10 a.m. service. All Youth Choirs please save this date!

Singing Schedule Date April 6

Choirs (Since this is the beginning of most school vacations, all choristers who are present are invited to sing for this service—Boys’ and Grace, High School, and Chancel)

April 13 April 20 April 27

Chancel; High School Chancel; High School Chancel; High School

May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25

High School; Chancel Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, High School, Chancel High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

June 1 (Graduation Sunday)

High School; Chancel

Cabaret By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music abaret 2008 was a huge success thanks to the support of the parish, and especially to Debby and Max Pierce, who donated the food for the dinner. The England choristers raised more than $1,400 to put toward their upcoming trip to England, from August 9 until August 25. This year they will attend a Royal School of Church Music Residential Course in Bath, England, from August 18 to August 24. Details of the upcoming trip will be included in next month’s St. Paul’s News. A big thank you goes to all who supported this activity!


April 2008

Page 10

St. Paul’s Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By: Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Dr. Judith Brown-Clarke Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Box City is Coming to St. Paul’s n April 11, St. Paul’s Youth Group will experience being homeless for a night. In an effort to raise awareness and money for the homeless, the youth group will give up their beds for one night to sleep in cardboard boxes outdoors in our parking lot.


Box City is an opportunity for the youth to put themselves in the shoes of the homeless. The event will begin with two speakers from Lansing Rescue Mission. One was a previously homeless person who will share his story. Following this presentation, the youth will set up their cardboard boxes and decorate them according to a theme. Later in the evening, a soup-kitchen style dinner will be served, followed by a scavenger hunt based on scripture. We are asking the youth not to bring any type of electronics (iPods, cell phones, video games, etc.) and to choose only five things from a list of approximately 20 items allowed. They will need to take into consideration that, as a homeless person living in a cardboard box, they will probably not have access to running water or electricity. The youth group invites your support in the form of pledges and donations, as well as new and gently used blankets. All proceeds will be donated to the Lansing Rescue Mission which is in the process of building the Maplewood Center, a facility that will shelter women and children. Please visit our display in the Merrifield Room where there will be a drop-off site for blankets, as well as a pledge-sheet for donations. Help us help the homeless. It’s time to “Think Outside The Box!”

Nightwatch: Detroit Upcoming Youth Events: April 11-12

Card Box City Lock-in, 6 p.m. to Noon

April 26-27

Nightwatch, 12 p.m. to 12 p.m. , Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Detroit, Michigan

AYA (Youth and Young Adult Ministries) of the Diocese of Michigan is sponsoring Nightwatch: Detroit 2008, on April 26-27. Nightwatch is a diocesan-wide event designed to bring together high school aged Episcopalians for a weekend of adventure, community, worship and mystery. Buses will pick up (and drop off) kids from all over the diocese and take them to the Cathedral Church of St. Paul’s for an overnight Christian experience, not soon to be forgotten. If you are interested in having your child participate in Nightwatch: Detroit 2008, please contact Fr. Ron for more details.


April 2008

Mission and Outreach

Page 11

Mission & Outreach Activities: Where is Christ calling you to help others? May 5

April 1-30 •

MDG Project Choice

May 11

April 11-12 •

Youth Cardboard Box City Lock-in

Blood Drive – Red Cross

April 27 •

ACTION – Nehemiah Action Assembly

Check the newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

Ascension Day Outreach Dinner/Eucharist

May 3 •

LAEP (Lansing Area Episcopal Projects) Mtg. St David’s

May 19

England Choristers’ Auction

May 1 •

UTO Ingathering

May 12, 7pm

April 19 •

ACTION – Rally

Ministry Fair for the Diocese of Michigan – At St. Paul’s; Sessions to be Announced

Millennium Development Goal Set By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller ollowing the March 16 Palm/Passion Sunday service, members of the parish gathered in the Merrifield Room to discuss and vote on the goal for 2008. Realizing that we have until 2015 to complete the eight goals and acknowledging that all of them are important, the congregation opted to select the task of raising enough money to drill a well in a yet undesignated third-world country.


Clean water is the number one health and survival issue around the world. Over one-billion people don’t have it and can’t get it, forcing dirty and unhealthy situations on men, women and children alike. In related discussions, it was recognized that the efforts of Chuck Millar and those who have been assisting the Sudanese in receiving an education should continue to be supported by the parish. This was a five-year project that has gone mostly unacknowledged, except by those who have supported it. The bottom line: Every time you take a drink of water, remember that there are people dying because they can’t get what we so often take for granted. Let’s try to provide health and water for those without.

Dr. Lange gives a Speech to the Youth Group By Steve Kariuki, Youth Vestry Member n March 3, Dr. Lange, minister of music, came and talked to the youth group about the eight millennium development goals: eradicating extreme poverty, achieving universal education, promoting gender equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combating malaria and other diseases, ensuring environment stability, and developing a global partnership. Dr. Lange helped the youth visualize how hard it would be to live in these conditions by having


them imagine if they didn’t have any electronics, transportation, enough food or even lived without a family. Dr. Lange related developing goals to the parable teachings, teaching the difference between a goat and sheep. Even if you just have one talent, you should use it to the best of your capabilities. The youth group will participate in the “read to feed” program to help contribute to the millennium goals.

April 2008

April 2008

April 2008


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Mr. William H. Fineout, Diaconate Candidate Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader Tom Shawver, Staff Writer Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

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April 2008

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