Sridhar Management Interim Report

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  • Pages: 21

An Interim Report Submitted by: M.SRIDHASR III SEM-MBA 7NBNL005 (2007-2009)



This is to certify that this Management Thesis Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master of Business Administration of ICFAI University is a bona fide record of original word done by M. Sridhar, Enrollment no 7NBNL005.


Signature of faculty


ICFAI National College


We hereby declare that project work on interim report was carried out by us under the guidance of Mr. M. Sandeep (Faculty Supervisor) ICFAI National College Study project work is an original one and has not been submitted earlier either to this university or any other institution for fulfilment of the course.

(M. Sridhar) ICFAI National College

Table of Contents 1. Acknowledgements 2. Introduction 3. Company Profile 4.

Objective s

5. Methodology a)

Data Collection


Sample Size

c) Sampling Method 6. Limitation 7. Conclusion 8. Questionnaire 9.



This project has greatly been a collaborative effort. I take this opportunity to thank all who have helped in the preparation and successful completion of this project work. I oblige by deep sense of gratitude to the management of HDFC Standard Life Insurance and Birla Sun Life Insurance ltd Nellore for their kind consent given to me to undertake in the organization. I express my deep reverences and sincere thanks to Mr. M. Sandeep, for his reference to get the project in HDFC Standard Life Insurance and Birla Sun Life Insurance Ltd. I express my deep reverences and sincere thanks to Mr. Kishore Manager of HDFC Standard Life Insurance In Nellore branch for their advice and supervision of this project report and all other executives and the staff in HDFC Standard life Insurance and Birla Sun Life Insurance Ltd who have participated and supported in this study sparing their most valuable time and also for reaching to me in the most positive way in giving me the required information. I express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to faculties and to the management of ICFAI National College, Nellore for their kind cooperation and encouragement. I would like to thank my parents and my family members for their support and encouragement to complete my project. Last but not least I would like to thank my friends for their support to complete my project report.




Customer perceptions are dynamic. First of all, with the developing relationship between customer and company, his perceptions of the company and its products or services will change. The more experience the customer accumulates, the more his perceptions will shift from fact-based judgments to a more general meaning the whole relationship gains for him. Over time, he puts a stronger focus on the consequence of the product or service consumption. Moreover, if the customers’ circumstances change, their needs and preferences often change too. In the external environment, the offerings of competitors, with which a customer compares a product or service will change, thus altering his perception of the best offer around. Another point is that the public opinion towards certain issues can change. This effect can reach from fashion trends to the public expectation of good corporate citizenship. Shells intention to dump its Brent Spar platform into the ocean significantly altered many customers perception of which company was worth buying fuel from. Research has been donning on the impact of market share on the perceived quality of a product Depending on the nature of the product and the customers’ preferences, increasing market share can have positive or negative effects on how the customer perceives the product. In these days customer perception is very important .When compared to customer perception of the insurance company to other insurance company. The customer perception is showing the problems of company. One company to other company will be show the difference of the customer services like high quality, low price, offering door delivery service and sometimes company offering free demo class regarding some electronic products. That’s why many people are attracted to private organization. Customer perception is an important component of our relationship with our customers. Given that 90% plus of our orders at some point involve the phone, how we handle the telephone is essential to creating a perception for our customer that aligns with a company’s mission of service. The following is a great way of handling the phone. 1. The greeting is “Good Morning/Afternoon this is Joshua with (your company name). How may I help you? 2. Always ask and receive a response from people before you put them on hold, “Would you please hold . . ?” then be sure they are not on hold very long otherwise offer to call them back. 3. Remember to smile on the phone. Slow down and speak plainly and clearly. Smiling stretches your vocal cords, and gives a more upbeat presentation to the customer. Slowing down ensures that the customers’ perception is of an organized systematic company that can handle their project. Getting it done right and on time consistently. 4. If you transfer a call and know who is calling, tell the name of the caller to your co-worker so they can greet the person by their name.

5. Under no circumstances should any interaction with a client be used to express any sense of overwhelm that you may have. We are swamped, we are so busy, and etc. may be acceptable office banter in most companies but it really should not be! If I am a customer and I am looking to get a rush project done, this type of comment tells me that I might want to consider looking elsewhere. Customers do not care how busy we are when they call and ask, “How busy are you?” What they really care about is can we take care of another project they have for us. We know from talking to clients that often they feel that they are bothering us or have a concern that they might be overloading us. It is curious to know that sometimes these are our best clients that have this concern. Therefore, anything that might reinforce this is something we want to avoid (you do not need to send your work to other vendors even though you have given us a lot of work already, we can handle it). One possible response to “Are you busy?” is to say, “We are busy, but never too busy to help you - what can I do for you?” or words to that effect. They are the customers. They do not want to hear about our situation they want to talk about what we can do for them. 6. If we have to contact a customer with bad news of any kind realize that your tone of voice and approach to it set the tone. We do not want to be nonchalant as if it is not big deal. Nor do we want to act like a terrible calamity occurred. Here are keys to contacting customers with bad news: • Prepare rehearse and organize what you are going to communicate to them and how you are going to communicate it to them. • Be sure there is no hint of blame or avoiding responsibility. Customers do not care about the folder being broken, the copier jamming or any other things. That is our problem. It is not their problem and they actually do not want to hear about it. Certainly, later in the conversation if they ask, “what the source of the delay, problem, etc. is you can share that with them, but it should not be something that you want to volunteer early in the conversation. • Be absolutely certain that you have options to give the customer in these situations. This allows them to be more in control rather than a victim. What are options? What are solutions? Do not call them with the problem unless you are also providing solutions to them. • Learn what you could have done to prevent this problem from occurring and do so next time. Again, the customer is calling us to take on their problems and to solve their problems. They really do not want (nor do they care) to know about our problems. 7. Remember to always “thank” the customer. Thank them for calling. Thank them for their business. Thank them for cooperation and understanding. Thank them for a well prepared electronic file. Thank them for a referral. Thank them for the professional manner in which they and their company interact with us. 8. Realize that gossiping and complaining about the customer is only a recipe for tearing down the relationship with them. How could the gossip or complaint be turned into a dialogue with them (rather than your monologue being put on loud speaker to your co-workers) so as to help give them an extraordinary experience? Getting into communication with customers about what we need from them and what are ways that they can improve what they are doing, so that we can do a better job for them, provides them with an extraordinary experience. To be of true service - to be a true partner - to help busy people like them - we need to do more proactive direction of our customers or at least providing them with ideas, options, suggestions and ways that they can improve.

We are really taking on making it easy and effective for them to communicate with their audiences. We need to expand beyond what happens within our own four walls to what is actually happening in their companies. Consistently getting projects completed accurately and on or ahead of schedule is very good. The next level for us is greatness. Greatness offers us the possibility of helping our customers transform how they manage their communications. Complaining and gossiping about customers keeps us from doing that. This is very different than from our heart seeking to improve things for our customer and for ourselves by getting into communication with them, dialogue with them with a rich understanding and deep appreciation of their business and their challenges. 9. Be curious – do not take things for granted with customers. Why are they doing this project? What are they hoping to get from it? Why are they not asking us about this or that service? What changes are they making in their business? How is their business doing? All these things can help deepen our business relationship with the customer.

Brief History of the Insurance Sector in India Insurance sector in India is one of the booming sectors of the economy and is growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent annum. Together with banking services, it contributes to about 7 per cent to the country's GDP. Insurance is a federal subject in India and Insurance industry in India is governed by Insurance Act, 1938, the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 and General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999 and other related Acts. The origin of life insurance in India can be traced back to 1818 with the establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta. It was conceived as a means to provide for English Widows. In those days a higher premium was charged for Indian lives than the non-Indian lives as Indian lives were considered riskier for coverage. The Bombay Mutual Life Insurance Society that started its business in 1870 was the first company to charge same premium for both Indian and non-Indian lives. In 1912, insurance regulation formally began with the passing of Life Insurance Companies Act and the Provident Fund Act. By 1938, there were 176 insurance companies in India. But a number of frauds during 1920s and 1930s tainted the image of insurance industry in India. In 1938, the first comprehensive legislation regarding insurance was introduced with the passing of Insurance Act of 1938 that provided strict State Control over insurance business. Insurance sector in India grew at a faster pace after independence. In 1956, Government of India brought together 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies under one nationalized monopoly corporation and formed Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs.5 crore. The (non-life) insurance business/general insurance remained with the private sector till 1972. There were 107 private companies involved in the business of general operations and their operations were restricted to organized trade and industry in large cities. The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 nationalized the general insurance business in India with effect from January 1, 1973. The 107 private insurance companies were amalgamated and grouped into four companies: National Insurance Company, New India Assurance Company, Oriental Insurance Company and United India Insurance Company. These were subsidiaries of the General Insurance Company (GIC). In 1993, the first step towards insurance sector reforms was initiated with the formation of Malhotra

Committee, headed by former Finance Secretary and RBI Governor R.N. Malhotra. The committee was formed to evaluate the Indian insurance industry and recommend its future direction with the objective of complementing the reforms initiated in the financial sector. Key Recommendations of Malhotra Committee Structure • • •

Government stake in the insurance Companies to be brought down to 50%. Government should take over the holdings of GIC and its subsidiaries so that these subsidiaries can act as independent corporations. All the insurance companies should be given greater freedom to operate.

Competition • • • • •

Private Companies with a minimum paid up capital of Rs.1billion should be allowed to enter the industry. No Company should deal in both Life and General Insurance through a single Entity. Foreign companies may be allowed to enter the industry in collaboration with the domestic companies. Postal Life Insurance should be allowed to operate in the rural market. Only one State Level Life Insurance Company should be allowed to operate in each state.

Regulatory Body • • •

The Insurance Act should be changed. An Insurance Regulatory body should be set up. Controller of Insurance should be made independent.

Investments • •

Mandatory Investments of LIC Life Fund in government securities to be reduced from 75% to 50%. GIC and its subsidiaries are not to hold more than 5% in any company.

Customer Service • • •

LIC should pay interest on delays in payments beyond 30 days Insurance companies must be encouraged to set up unit linked pension plans. Computerization of operations and updating of technology to be carried out in the insurance industry.

Malhotra Committee also proposed setting up an independent regulatory body - The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) to provide greater autonomy to insurance companies in order to improve their performance and enable them to act as independent companies with economic motives. Insurance sector in India was liberalized in March 2000 with the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Bill, lifting all entry restrictions for private players and allowing foreign players to enter the market with some limits on direct foreign ownership. There is a 26 percent equity cap

for foreign partners in an insurance company. There is a proposal to increase this limit to 49 percent. The opening up of the insurance sector has led to rapid growth of the sector. Presently, there are 16 life insurance companies and 15 non-life insurance companies in the market. The potential for growth of insurance industry in India is immense as nearly 80 per cent of Indian population is without life insurance cover while health insurance and non-life insurance continues to be well below international standards.

Some of the important milestones in the life insurance business in India are: 185o – Non life insurance debuts with triton insurance company 1870 – Bombay mutual life assurance society is the first Indian owned Life insurer 1912 - The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to regulate the life insurance business. 1928 - The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to collect statistical information about both life and non-life insurance businesses. 1938 - Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with the objective of protecting the interests of the insuring public. 1956 - 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over by the central government and nationalized. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore from the Government of India. The General insurance business in India, on the other hand, can trace its roots to the Triton Insurance Company Ltd., the first general insurance company established in the year 1850 in Calcutta by the British.

Some of the important milestones in the general insurance business in India are: 1907 - The Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd. set up, the first company to transact all classes of general insurance business. 1957 - General Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance Association of India, frames a code of conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound business practices. 1968 - The Insurance Act amended to regulate investments and set minimum solvency margins and the Tariff Advisory Committee set up. 1972 - The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 nationalized the general insurance business in India with effect from 1st January 1973. 107 insurers amalgamated and grouped into four company’s viz. the National Insurance Company Ltd.,

the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. GIC incorporated as a company.

Company Profile

HDFC Standard Life Insurance and Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Profiles ABOUT BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED: Birla Sun Life Insurance pioneered the unique Unit Linked Life Insurance Solutions in India Within 4 years of its launch, BSLI has cemented its position as a leading player in the Private Life Insurance Industry. There has been focus on Investment Linked Insurance Products, supported with protection products to maintain leadership in product innovation. Multi Distribution Channels- Direct Sales Force, Alternate Channels and Group offering convenient channels of purchase to customers Web-enabled IT systems for superior customer services First to have issued policies over the Internet Corporate governance and a high degree of transparency in all business practices and procedures First to have an operational Business Continuity Plan Strong fundamentals based on the Aditya Birla group's local insight and Sun Life financials global expertise

Vision To create long term value along with market leadership

Mission To help people mitigate risks of life, accident, health and money at all stages and under all circumstances Enhance the financial future of our customers, including enterprises.

Values Integrity Commitment Passion Seamlessness Speed


HDFC standard life insurance company ltd. is one of India’s leading private life insurance companies, which offers a range of individual and group insurance solutions. it is a joint venture between housing development finance corporation limited (HDFC ltd.), India’s leading housing finance institution and one of the subsidiaries of standard life, leading providers of financial services in the united kingdom. Both the promoters are well known for their ethical dealings and financial strength and are thus committed to being a long-term player in the life insurance industry – all-important factors to consider when choosing your insurer.

HDFC Limited. •

In Financial Year 2007-2008 its assets under management crossed Rs. 1,20,000, Cr.

As at March 31, 2008 outstanding deposits stood at Rs. 20,000 crores. The depositor base now stands at around 3.2 million depositors.

Rated ‘AAA’ by CRISIL and ICRA for the 14th consecutive year

Stable and experienced management

High service standards

Standard Life Group (Standard Life and its subsidiaries) •

The Standard Life group has been looking after the financial needs of customers for over 180 years

It currently has a customer base of around 7 million people who rely on the company for their insurance, pension, investment, banking and health-care needs

Its investment manager currently administers £125 billion in assets

It is a leading pensions provider in the UK, and is rated by Standard & Poor's as 'strong' with a rating of A+ and as 'good' with a rating of A1 by Moody's

Standard Life was awarded the 'Best Pension Provider' in 2004, 2005 and 2006 at Marketing Awards, and it was voted a 5 star life and pension’s provider at Service Awards for the last 10 years running. The '5 Star' Standard Life Investments for the last 10 years, 1998. Standard Life Bank was Magazine Awards in

the Money

the Financial Adviser

accolade has also been awarded to

and to Standard Life Bank since its inception in

awarded the 'Best Flexible Mortgage Lender' at the Mortgage



The main of the present study of is accomplishing the following objective.  Proper understanding and analysis of life insurance industry.  To know about brand awareness of HDFC Standard Life Insurance, Birla Sun Life Insurance and customer’s preference about HDFC Standard Life Insurance and Birla Sun Life Insurance.  Conduct market survey on a sample selected from the entire population and derived opinion on the research.  According the market survey come know about how much potential of insurance market in our city.  And base on analysis of the result thus obtained make a report on that research.  The object behind the project is as follows.  To find the right candidate.


Some of the difficulties and limitations faced by me during my training are as follows:  Lack of awareness among the people  Perception of the people towards Insurance sector  Increased competition  Lack of awareness about the earning opportunity in the Insurance sector

Methodology Data collection There are two types of data collection method use in my project work report. -Primary data -Secondary data. For my project, I decided on primary data collection method for observing of company and approaching customers directly in the field, comparing and references to know their interest in business with company in my project and also make questionnaire for creating on business class people is Nellore city for company. I decided on secondary data collection method was used by referring to various websites, books, magazines, journals and daily newspapers for collection information regarding project under study

In our project, we decided primary data collection method because our study nature does not permit to apply observational method. In survey approach we had selected a questionnaire method for taking a customer view because it is feasible from the point of view of our subject & survey purpose. We conducted 50 sample of survey in our project.


The sample size is 50


I used simple random sampling to collect the data.

Weekly Progress Till Date S.No 1.

Week No 1st Week

Duration July 14- July 19


2nd Week

July 21 –July 26


3rd Week

July 28- August 2


4th Week

August 4 –August 9

Details Selecting the Management thesis-1 title by discussing with the faculty supervisor Gathering of information from the customer data base through different models Preparation of the questionnaire Collecting the data on the basis of questionnaire


I have come to know about the customer perception about the insurance sector and how it varies with their behaviors’ and cultures this helps me increase my marketing skills, have more knowledge about the products and improve my communication skills. I have also come to know how to talk with different types of customers in different situations and I am able to solve their queries in a more effective way. 

All the insurance company must advertise more in the market because not all people know more about life insurance policy.

Most number of people wants guaranteed returns so company must focus on this for the customer investment.

 Make insurance policy which can buy any one so we can insurance them through this type of life insurance policy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY In order to obtain more information regarding the present study and to substantiate it with theoretical proof, the following references were made:•

Library of College

Insurance chronicle

Websites visitedd: •

Questionnaire Dear Sir/Madam I Sridhar pursuing MBA with Marketing and Finance as my specialization request you to spare a few minutes for answering this form, which will help me in completing my project. 1. How long are you associated with this company? a) 0 – 4 months b) 4 – 8 months d) 12-16 months

c) 8-12 months e) above 1year

2. Qualification a) Non – Graduate b) Graduate d) Research e) any other (Please specify) 3. Are you employed? (Yes / No)________________________________

c) Post Graduate

4. Do you have insurance policy? (Yes / No) ________________________ 5. How did you first hear about our company Names? a) Television

b) Radio

d) Magazine

e) Word-of-mouth

c) Newspaper f) Internet

g) Other: Please Specify _______________ 6. Which of these companies do you like best? a) HDFC Standard Life Insurance

b) Birla Sun Life Insurance

c) LIC

d) ICICI Life Insurance

7. Which company’s insurance policy you prefer the most? (rank them) a) HDFC Standard Life Insurance

b) Birla Sun Life Insurance

c) LIC

d) ICICI Life Insurance

8. Which insurance policy do you have?

a) Life

b) Non Life

c) Both

9. How many products do you buy in the fast year? a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4 above

10. For how many years do you have insurance policy? (please tick) a) < 5year

b) 5 – 10 year

c) 10 – 15 year

d) Any other (please specify) ________________________

11. What do you think are the benefit of insurance cover? (Rank them) a) Cover future uncertainty

b) Tax Deduction

c) Future Investment

d) Any other (please specify) ________________________

12. You monthly House holds Income? a) < 10k

b) 10k – 20k

c) 20k – 30 k

d) 30k – 40k

d) Any other (please specify) _____________________ 13. Which future of your policy attracted you to buy it? (Rank them) a) Low premium

b) Large rick coverage

c) Money back coverage

d) Reputation of company

e) Any other (please specify) ___________ 14. Do you really think Life Insurance Policy Cover I n today’s scenario is not essential? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you Name:



___________________ ___________________ ___________________



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