Sri Sri Thakur Aperson And Guide

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Sri Sri Thakur, a person He was Anukul Chandra Chakravarty. His father was Shiv Chandra Chakravarty and mother was Manmohini Devi. He was born in a hamlet called Himaitpur, in Pabna district of Bangladesh, erstwhile East Bengal in pre-independent India. He was born on 14th September 1888 and passed away on 27th January 1969. His was a life of intense activities in material, social and spiritual realm. He lived a life that can be called more of a public life than a life of individual attainment and glory. He lived in society, with family and friends. He had experienced all the worries and anxieties of a human life in struggle. Human feelings and emotions were all there with him for every body to share. He was a father of three sons and a daughter. Being elder son of a poor Indian family, he had his family burden to carry from an early age for his widowed mother, two younger brothers and a sister. He was husband of two wives and father of three sons and a daughter. He was victim of all kinds of social, economic, political, ethnic and communal upheaval that his time passed through. He had all the physical and psychological symptoms of a normal human being, may be at a refined and intense level. He expressed his feelings and emotions, just like any other human being, may be in more intimate way than most of us would do. There was nothing strange in him, which would have put him at a distance from ordinary human being. There was of course something great in his personality, which distinguished him from others. But all these were on a human plane, within the reach of human touch. Amidst all the aura of divinity that surrounded him, the man in him was very much there for every body to feel. When some one came, he would receive him in the most cordial and native style. He would speak a common man’s language. He lived in a very simple and natural ambient. His dress was just minimum and yet quite decent. He followed all the trait of the culture and tradition in which he was born and brought up. He subjected himself to the laws of the land. When he became old and physically weak, he passed through all the ordeals of illness, seclusion of old age and defiance of younger generation. He subjected himself to the prescriptions of doctors, he availed the helping required for him to survive the old age. He wailed in pain and prayed for recovery. He longed for a healthy and prolonged life, but just like any human being he breathed his last leaving every thing around.

Sri Sri Thakur, the Guide Sri Sri Thakur as a living Guide plays the most active and relevant role in our life. He is the role model, the ideal for us. He is such a living model before us that we can follow him and can give shape to our lives in the most appropriate manner, as per our potentiality and distinctiveness. He is a living example before us whom we can follow with regard to every conceivable aspect of life. He personifies all virtues, all superior

instincts in life. As an example before us, he leads a perfect and impeccable life. It is very significant to learn that as a living ideal, there is no illusion, no deception and no limitation in his life. He has not done any single act, which by any kind of wisdom, can be considered to be an error, a wrong and inappropriate step. As a guide, we can see our own reflection in his life. He is like a mirror, who tells us in unmistakable term what we look like and what is there within us. With the help of those glimpses, it becomes impending for us to refine and reshape our life in his manner. If only we can please him, that will be the highest achievement in our life. To earn his pleasure can be any one’s life long objective. As a guide, if we can translate his desire in our life, then life can achieve supreme status. As our ideal, we have to have a deep affinity and loving bondage with him. Affinity with him would keep ourselves away from all our worldly attachment, which usually keeps us linked with complexes. We can keep ourselves away from the clutches of complexes and obsessions, if only we are tied with Sri Sri Thakur by means of our thought and deed. Uninterrupted devotion and adherence on Sri Sri Thakur would bring out the best in our life. As a living Guide, Sri Sri Thakur is unparalleled, in comparable and occupies the supreme place in our life’s scheme. In all our priorities, if we can uphold the interests of Sri Sri Thakur, then we remain focused. When we do things as per his will, we remain concentrated, composed and all our energy is used in doing things in inquisitive and acquisitive way and life takes an enthusiastic uphill elatement. A lot of dormant energy within us gets unlocked and life takes a glorious uplift. As a Guide, Sri Sri Thakur leads us with kindness and tender, which we see in a mother for an infant. He inspires us, provides sustenance and leads the way with utmost perfection that cannot be expected from any other quarter. As a guide, he plays the role of the most gracious father. Sri Sri Thakur during his lifetime has guided people with living instruction. Today he is guiding us in invisible way. Strange are his ways of guidance. His blessing is there for all of us at all times. His protective hands and his magnetic pull are actively working for us, like air and sunshine are serving our lives as provided by nature. We only need to pay heed to his words and keep ourselves tuned to his spirit. The ways and methods of keeping ourselves logged on to him are also prescribed by him. We only need to follow his prescription faithfully. Rest of the mechanism will be taken care by him. As a guide he has taken our responsibility, which he would not let it go under any circumstances.

Limitation of Sri Sri Thakur The greatest limitation of Sri Sri Thakur was his appearance. It is difficult to measure him and very hard to get to know his true identity. It is true that the human form, by which he presented himself for a brief time, made it easy for us to comprehend him. But that human form itself made him so natural that his super natural ability became a subject of deep mystery. His finite form every now and then tried to defy and conceal his infinite power. It was a real puzzle to see the all powerful God, the Creator of the Universe, is sitting under a shade in the premise of the Thakur Bungalow at an underdeveloped tribal locality that was Deoghar in Santhal Pargana District in Bihar. He had no artificial surrounding, no security cordon and no miraculous performance. There was nothing grand about his setting, except of course the charming and lovable personality that was never missed. How can my mind experience something, which requires me to overcome my limitation? Sri Sri Thakur had another handicap, which was that he could not publicize himself. He never proclaimed in so many words that he was the God incarnate, so, you foolish folk, better listen to him otherwise perish. He had given enough hints of that. To some devotees, he had displayed his cosmic image, as per the requirement of that particular devotee. At one point he said,  like light does

not proclaim that I am light, like air does not announce that I am air, similarly if God hood has revealed in anybody, he does not say so in so many words. He has to be seen, to be felt and more so to be loved and be surrendered at . Sri Sri Thakur had another limitation, which was that he could not reject any body. He could not discriminate between good man and not so good man. All were his children. He once was heard to lament,  I am a foolish father of fallen sons . Sri Sri Thakur could not threaten any body. He did not try to apply his force on any body. He was just trying to pursue, cajole, guide and implicitly take care. He respected individual dignity and sovereignty, which he as the Creator, had given to us. Perhaps the last thing that Sri Sri Thakur did not do was that he could never take care of himself. He did not run away from the torture and suffering heaped upon him by innumerable fellows like us. He was subjected to all kinds of humiliation, pain, and whatnot. People misunderstood him, defamed him and implicated him in legal proceedings. His own near and dear defied his wish and did things against his will. His own disciples tried to impersonate him and spread slender against him. He was physically assaulted. Assassination was attempted on him. It was sad commentary as alleged by some that towards the last part of his life, he was kept in apparent seclusion, in solitary confinement, against his will. Sri Sri Thakur at times was wailing of pain. He said once,  Jesus is being crucified even today . The humanity as a whole neglected him. He did not do any thing for his own self, for his life, for his health and for his image. In fact, as I feel, all these are limitations of his time and bore misfortune for the human race.

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