Src Highlights - Volume 7

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SEMESTER 3, 2004/2005

BROTHERS’ PREDICAMENT PROBLEMS AT MAHALLAT (PART 1) Yes, the IIUM campus has a lot of facilities. We have computer labs, a good library, a beautiful mosque and of course, a great landscape – surrounded by mountains which depicts the serenity needed for us while gaining knowledge. We have the authorities to thank for all facilities they have kindly provided us. However, it seems that IIUM campus only looks beautiful on the outside. Once you step inside the mahallah, reality hits you. Hard. Here are some of the issues and complaints that we have received from brothers’ mahallat residents. Cleanliness 1. It is indeed a never-ending battle to keep the mahallat clean. Sadly, no matter how many dustbins and cleaners are provided in the mahallat, they keep getting dirtier each day. At Mahallah Bilal for example, students have complained about toilets that are not only faulty (only one of six toilets can be used!), but also dirty. Sometimes, these toilets also accommodate the felines. They are filled with cats’ litter! At Mahallah Ali, only one mirror at the sinks remain intact while two others are broken (and remain so). Apart from that, students have voiced out their disapproval regarding the condition of the auto-pay washing machine areas. The pipes are not properly connected to the machines causing water to overflow, making the floors slippery and not to mention, dirty. Irresponsible students have also the habit of throwing rubbish outside their windows. As a result, the brothers’ mahallat are surrounded by trash which do not depict the students as intellectual individuals and most importantly, as good Muslims. Because of this filthy behaviour, the lake near Mahallah Faruq are filled with garbage – plastics, drink containers, even clothes! 2. Accommodation Management Earlier this semester, students have also complained that the rooms are not systematically given out by Mahallah offices. There are cases where the brothers upon entering their new rooms, are surprised to find out that the rooms are already occupied by other students. This problem occurs mainly because many of the brothers fail to sign out from their rooms every SRC HIGHLIGHTS VOLUME 7

Are those flowers or trash?

semester. Not only that, these ‘unwelcome residents’ are sometimes former students who have already graduated from IIUM who are looking for a place to stay while hunting for work. In the rooms, the Venetian blinds are mostly not functioning. Some of the students have lodged their complaints at the offices. Sadly, no action has ever been taken. 3. Facilities The brothers demand for more facilities in their mahallat. They request for more water coolers and washing machines in all mahallat. They have also complained that there are shortage of dustbins. Next comes the issue of parking spaces. The spaces that were initially provided for parking purposes have been blocked by poles by the authority. Students have no place to park their cars or motorcycles but by the sides of the road. This causes ‘traffic congestions’ even in the mahallah areas! Students are raged by this action taken by the authority to the extent that they threaten to pull out these poles. At Mahallah Faruq, several TV rooms are provided for the students. However, these rooms are always locked! Students cannot benefit from this facility even though the rooms are fully equipped with TV sets and air-conditioners. 4. Discipline Why is it that some students of IIUM fail to reflect themselves as good Muslims? They lack discipline and concern regarding the university, failing to keep the environment of our beloved university not only physically but also ‘spiritually’ clean. First of all, late at night, around the areas of the brothers’ Mahallat, one or two sisters can be seen lingering around the

Vandalised notice board.

compounds, hanging out with their male friends, laughing out loud, all with no purpose. Free mixing among students can clearly be seen. How is it that no brothers are allowed to enter the sisters’ mahallat after Maghrib but these girls can loiter around freely until late at night? It seems that some of us here are vandals. They destroy the vending machines and also the notice boards provided by the mahallah offices. Dear students of IIUM, we call out to all of you to play your role as responsible adults. The problems mentioned above are a sad reflection on the poor attitude of some of us. It is clear to say that students fail to portray themselves as good Muslims. Should you see any of your friends treating the campus poorly, do advise them. Allah has mentioned in Surah Al-Asr, Verse 3; “…and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.” We also hope that the authority of IIUM will give their full assistance towards making this campus a pleasant place to live in.

Filth and dirt.



PRESIDENTIAL REMARKS Bismillahirrahmanirrahim… As time, days and months pass by, another year emerges without ever waiting for those who are still dreaming. Each year, our university faces a year of fulfilling its own missions and visions that need to be accomplished. These missions and visions are not just mere dreams and every individual should relate to them, whether he is the Rector or just a normal, typical student of IIUM. Praise be with Allah as the past few months, the glory and grandeur of IIUM took place almost everyday in the media, led by the achievement of our mooters, making us the main attention at the higher-learning institution stage in Malaysia. Those glorious moments are the evidents that we, IIUM students always strive towards realizing our dreams.

Dear brothers and sisters, In spite of all the achievements that Allah has bestowed upon IIUM, some of us may think that they themselves have not achieved enough as they do not have their pictures in the media or not having the university thanked them for anything. As human, we may feel such way when others are having their good moments, but as Muslims, we should strive for not only the best but also for doing good. Allah do not judge us based on how many people has complimented on us or even how many awards we have won but rather on how faithful we are to Him. As my final words, strive for everything, as the efforts are the things that will be counted for. Good luck in everything that we do for the remainder of our days and also for the next academic session and until Hereafter. Wassalam.

AIMS: q To maintain the core business of SRC that is to champion the students’ welfare by focusing and catering any welfare matters and issues. q To assist the university authority in achieving its mission and vision especially that which concerns integration among students.


NAME: Intan Suraya Noorshah POST: Co-Chairperson, Welfare Secretariat MATRIC NO: 0217796 ROOM NO: ZAHRAWI A 307 COURSE: PHARMACY/3 ADDRESS: No. 181 Batu 33 ½, Jalan Taiping, 33000 Kuala Kangsar, Perak Darul Ridzuan. ORIGIN: Kuala Kangsar, Perak (MALAYSIA) E-MAIL: [email protected] CONTACT NO: 012-925 2342 WORDS OF WISDOM: “Live life in tune..” AIMS: q To upgrade the function of SRC 04/05 in realizing the vision of SRC 04/05 to champ the students’ welfare. To assist the university authority in improving the service for the welfare of students in terms of safety, facility, financial, maintenance and so on.


To actualize the role of SRC 04/05 as a sincere, reliable and committed mediator between students and administration particularly in representing the students’ aspiration by providing more platform for both parties for communication and discussion. q

q To represent and promote Kulliyyah of Science inside and outside the university. q To voice out issues and concerns pertaining to the international students’ welfare. SRC HIGHLIGHTS VOLUME 7


27th MAY, 2005 (FRIDAY) 9.00am – 5.00pm Exhibition 3.00pm – 5.00pm Speakers’ Corner: “Hope for Our Children” 8.00pm – 11.00pm Opening Ceremony


SRC: UP, CLOSE, AND PERSONAL NAME: Omar M. K Alkayyali POST: Co-Chairperson, Welfare Secretariat MATRIC NO: 0220107 ROOM NO: ALI B 3.5 COURSE: ENGIN/2 ADDRESS: Mahallah Ali B 3.5, International Islamic University M’sia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur. ORIGIN: Palestine E-MAIL: [email protected] CONTACT NO: 012-626 0949 WORDS OF WISDOM: “Never let others undermine you..”

Kids’ of the World 2005 (KOTW ’05) is coming soon to our beloved campus! With the theme ‘Children are Our Future’, this event aims at creating awareness on violence towards children and also to provide adequate exposure to children concerning their own safety. Come show your support to KOTW ’05 and most importantly, show your love and care to the children.

28th MAY, 2005 (SATURDAY) 9.00am – 5.00pm Exhibition 9.00am – 6.00pm Conference: “Ensuring the Future of Our Later Generation” 2.00pm – 5.00 pm 3 A’s Kids: “Attractive, Active, and Ambitious” 8.00pm – 11.00 pm Cultural Night: “Voice of Our Little Sunshine” 29th MAY, 2005 (SUNDAY) 9.00am – 5.00pm Exhibition 10.00am – 1.00pm Kids’ Carnival 30th May 2005 (Monday) 8.00pm – 11.30 pm Closing Ceremony and Charity Dinner

EDITORIAL BOARD EX-OFFICIOS Muhammad Faheem Mohd Ezani Abdul Rahman Abdul Karem

EDITOR Amrah Abdul Majid

REPORTERS Humaira Raslie Khadijah Azman Mohd Fadli Zakaria Nik Khairul Nik Rasdee Shakirah Ismail Siti Asma’ Abdul Ghani Siti Ezrina Alias Siti Hasnah Hamzah Siti Maizatul Salamin Zainatul Iknal Mohd Fadhli


Comments or suggestions? Email us at: [email protected]




The Economics and Management Sciences Society (EMSS) is a Kulliyyah based society for students of Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS), IIUM. The society was established in the same year as the establishment of the KENMS which was in 1983. EMSS has several objectives which are to ensure and enhance both the students (local & international) and the lecturers’ participation in programmes or activities organized by EMSS. EMSS also aims to inculcate Islamic values and culture within the community of EMSS through its programmes and activities. Apart from that, this society also functions as an ‘intermediary’ between students and the Kulliyyah as well as

the University while focusing on increasing its efforts in promoting the welfare of all KENMS students. The President, Bro. Mohamad Safuan Jamin said that, they have a unique motto for this society which is “But seek, with the (wealth) which God has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world; but do thou good, as God has been good to thee, and seek not (occasion for) mischief in the land; for God loves not those who do mischief.” EMSS has successfully organized a lot of events. This year, EMSS will organize a big event which is called ‘The EMS Festival’ which will be held from the 23rd to the 31st of July 2005. This event will be led by Bro. Mior Wan Fareez Wan Ramli. Among the programmes which will be held during the EMS Festival are Entrepreneurship Quiz ‘05, Public Relations Seminar, EMSS Essay Competition, Masih Ada Yang Sayang ‘05, E-Concert and many more. The EMSS would like to have all members of EMSS to participate in this program. Other students are also invited to join us. For more information on EMSS, please contact the President: Bro. Mohd. Safuan Jamin (h/p: 013-6292460)



NUS and IIUM students alliance.

On the 12th of May 2005, we have received a visit from around fifty students of the National University of Singapore (NUS). The purpose of their visit is to observe the learning environment in an Islamic university and also to strengthen the ukhuwwah between students of both universities. They arrived at IIUM at 11.20 pm and were welcomed by the some of the excos of the SRC HIGHLIGHTS VOLUME 7

SRC. Upon arrival, they were brought to the SRC office for a brief visit. There, Bro. Suzardi Maulan, Secretary General of the SRC gave a short welcoming speech and also a briefing about SRC and also the IIUM campus. They then proceeded towards the Darul Hikmah Library for a tour by a library personnel. Next, they were led to the Public Relations Office for a video show and a dialogue session between them and the excos of SRC and Singaporean students studying in IIUM. They ended their visit with lunch at The Gallery Café. This visit from NUS is an important step towards building a strong relationship between the students of IIUM and NUS. Through this visit, students from both universities are exposed to the differences of the learning cultures that they live in. Hopefully, this visit will be the stepping stone for further affiliation between IIUM and NUS.

STAR ‘05 RECRUITMENT OF SUB - COMMITTEE The SRC will conduct a Students’ Activity Carnival (STAR ‘05) programme next semester (Semester 1, 2004/2005). With the motto “Unity in Diversity”, the event will be held from 23rd of July until 8th of August, 2005. Application forms are now available at the SRC office (Level 3, Student’s Activity Centre). Those who are interested may fill in the form and submit it before or on 31st May, 2005. If you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact: Azlan Shah (016-475 7225) Syikin (016-558 0058)

Student’s Representative Council, IIUM Student’s Association, Level 3, SC 3.7, Student Society Centre, IIUM. 03-20564646 (Main Office) 03-20564859 (Fax)

SPEAK UP! What is your perception towards Gombak campus when compared to the Matriculation Centre? “Judging by the landscape of the campus, the Gombak campus seems to be more Islamic when compared to the matriculation centre. The architectural designs of the buildings portray the Mohd Hakiki Md Tohid, uniqueness of Islamic New Intake, Engineering elements.” “The Islamic environment of the Gombak campus is very conducive for the purpose of enhancing one’s Islamic knowledge. However, this positive aspect is scarred by the Nur Hidayah, improper dressing of New Intake, HS many students. The authority here should take the example of those in the Matriculation Centre when it comes to consistent check-ups on the students’ dressing.”

Nur Azreen Khairall, New Intake, LLB

“From my three weeks observation of the Gombak campus, females and males mix freely without obvious limitations. At the matriculation centre, this crucial aspect is more closely observed”




Couples riding on the same motorcycle.

Of late, we have come to witness a lot of improper mixing among the brothers and sisters. There have been reports that some groups of student tend to hang out at the road leading to the Transport Unit until late at night. This road is apparently dark as there are no lights around the area. Some students have taken this advantage to hold suspicious and sinful engagement between two different genders. They may do nothing but sit around and chat, but such behaviour triggers fitnah and maksiah.

Brothers and sisters are also seen riding on the same motorcycles – a phenomenon which is deemed very much upsetting for our university. The Security has informed us that such disturbing behaviour has become so frequent and regular recently. Our observation at night has also revealed some of the most appalling attitudes that are not expected of our students. In one case, two students of different genders were seen caressing each other at midnight. There may be more incidents which are worse than this and we are sure that all of us disapprove such immoral attitudes! Islam asks both the non-muhrim males and females to observe their relationships with each other so as to avoid maksiah. This is a direct order from Allah, the Creator. Who are we to question the command of our Lord when He himself knows the weaknesses that we have? We at SRC ask students to contemplate and reflect on their roles as Muslims. If this scenario continues, then there is no doubt that strict measures will be taken to ensure that the grounds of IIUM are not a source for growing vices and immoral values.


Brave Raqib.

It was broad daylight, he said. Muhammad Raqib Abdul Raza was talking to his cousin on the phone when suddenly he saw two men yanking the bag of a boy. At first glance, he thought the two were playing pranks on the boy. When he screamed, only then did Raqib realise that it was certainly not a practical joke.

IIUM STUDENT WON ESSA Y ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION In conjunction with Malaysian Environmental Week (Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia, 2004), an essay writing competition was organized by Institut Pengurusan Alam Sekitar dan Sumber Air, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Berita Harian and Jabatan Alam Sekitar. Our own Sharifah Khaidah Syed Sahab, 24, 4th year medical student, has emerged as the champion of this environmental-based essay-writing SRC HIGHLIGHTS VOLUME 7

He put aside his laptop and ran to fight off the snatchers…unarmed. There was a struggle between Raqib and those two villains where he gave them a few blows and punches. When they realised that their evil mission had failed, they fled. Raqib, a second year BENL student, went to collect his things which he put aside. Raqib was sweating profusely. A man then approached him, asking him if he was all right. He did not realise he was bleeding, bearing two stab wounds, one was 9 centimetres deep while the other was 12 centimetres deep. He was later rushed to the hospital. Raqib had shown an extraordinary courage. He put aside his own safety to help another person. This indeed is a virtue encouraged by Islam. The Student’s Representative Council would like to express our compliments to brother Raqib for such bravery. May Allah bestow His blessings. competition, as issued in Berita Harian, 1st April, 200, receiving RM 2000 and a certificate. Congratulations Sharifah! During an interview session with her, she has expressed her gratitude to Allah S.W.T since she did not expect to be the champion at all. Her first exposure in writing essays was in primary school. Since then she has won several essay writing competitions. Inspired by her sister who keeps motivating her, she is determined to continue writing. We hope that she will not only succeed in writing but will also become a good doctor, InsyaAllah.

ROBBERY IN IIUM! Earlier in the semester, the SRC has received a report from a group of unfortunate and angry students who became victims of robbers. They reported that their motorcycles were stolen right here in this campus! On finding out about their stolen vehicles, they quickly reported to the Security Division with the hope that the security personnel would be able to catch the thieves and also help them in getting back what is rightfully theirs. Two 125z motorcycles were reported stolen. Sadly, the security did nothing but filed a report regarding the incident. Should the authority have taken quick actions, their motorcycles may have been found. Therefore, we at SRC, urge the Security Division to quickly device a foolproof way of curbing the problem of thieves in IIUM. Should there be any report from students regarding the loss of any vehicle, the authority should quickly launch a roadblock at the gates of the campus with the help from the victims. Apart from that, the Security Division should ensure the infallible functions of CCTVs (closed-circuits TVs) all over the campus. CCTVs should be installed not only at the entrance gate but also at the exit gate of the campus. We also urge all students to take extra care of all their valuable belongings such as vehicles, computers (especially laptops), digital cameras and mobile phones. Please do not hesitate to report any missing items to the security and also to us.

LA TE RESUL TS LATE RESULTS ISSUE Last semester, students were due to receive their examination results on the 20th of April at 4.30 pm. However, results could only be retrieved after midnight that day. Because of this, many students have voiced out their frustration and complaints regarding this problem. They were unsatisfied for not being informed earlier regarding this problem. Therefore, SRC has taken the initiative to enquire the Information Technology Division (ITD) regarding this matter. According to Bro. Shukri Abdul Rahman, Engineer and Head of the Engineering Department, ITD, the problem originated from faulty TIME microwave equipment (cable) in Genting Highlands. This caused the disruption of network at IIUM campus link on the 18th of April and again on the 20 th of April. Sadly, the problem was unexpected and as a result, ITD was unable to inform the students regarding this matter.


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