Spm Biology 2007 K1

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Instructionz This questionpaper consistsof 50 questions.Answer all questions.

Which of the following cells forms the basic . tissues in plants? Antara selberikut,yang manakah membentuk tisu asas dalarn turnbuhan? A Guard cell Sel pengawal B Xylem cell Sel xilem c Epidermal cell Sel epid,errnis D Parenchyma cell Sel parenkirna


Which of the following blood cells carries oxygen in the body? Antara sel darah berikut, yatug manahah berfungsi mengangkut oksigein dalam

badan? A





tr] rl$

'*t 1.'

Diagram 1 shows the cell organisation in a multicelullar organism. Rajah L rnenunjukkan organisasi sel dalam organisma multisel.

Cell d- t -


fissue Tl.su

Svstem Sistent.




- Organisma

Diagram I Rajah I Which part of the body can be represented


bv R? Apakah bahagian badanyang bolehdiw akili oleh R? A Ligament Ligamen B Blood Darah C Epithelium Epitelium D Liver Hati

Diagram 2 shows a plant cell which has been put into a particular solution. Rajah 2 menunjukkan sel turnbuhan yang telah dirnasukkan ke dalam larutan tertentu.

Diagram 2 Rojah 2 Which is experienced by the cell? Apakah yang dialami oleh sel itu? A Plasmolysis C Deplasmolysis Plasmolisis Deplasmolisis B Haemolysis D Crenation Hemolisis Krenasi 176




Diagram 3 is a graph showing the result of an $$*"oi* lo aeie **R "$tli*"nt of the cell sap of potatoes. Rajah 3 ialah graf yang menunjukkan sel ubi kentang.


hasil eksperimen. untuk menentukan kepekatan sap

Percentage change in mass / % Peratusperubahan jisirn lYo

Concentration of sucrose solution / % Kepekatan larutan sukrosa / %o


Diagram 3 Rajah 3 At which point A, B, C or D, is the concentration of the cell sap of the potatoes? Antara titik At" B, C dan D, yang rnanakah kepekatan sap sel ibi kentang tersebut? Table I shows the elements found in the food classes X and y. Jadual L menunjukhan unsur-unsur ycrng terd.apat d,alam kelas maka,nan X d.an y. Food ClasslKelos mahonan



C, H,




Table 1 Jad,ual I What are food classes X and Y? Apakah kelas makanan X dan Y? Food class XlKelas rnakanan


Food class YlKelas rnahanon Y


CarbohydratelKarb ohidr at







CarbohydrateIKar bohidr at







Diagram 4 shows the structures of a substrate and an enzyme. Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur substrat dan enzim.


Diagram 6 shows the process of cloning a sheep. Rajah 6 menunjuhkan proses pengklonan kambing biri-biri.


_lnl lt l



Substrate Substrat Diagram 4 Rajah 4

Enzyme Enzim





Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or D is the active site? Antara A\8, C danD, yang mq,nakahtapak aktif?


Surrogate mother Ibq.t'umpang

Diagram 5 shows some of the stages in meiosis process taking place in a diploid cell, 2n = 4. Rajah 5 menunjukkan beberapa peringkat dalam meiosis yang berlaku dalam, satu sel diploid,2n = 4.

@ @

'l Offspring X AnokX

Diagram 6 Rajah 6 Whieh of the following is the offspring X? Antara yang berikut, yeng manakah anak

x? A






10 Diagram 7 shows a type of fresh water unicellular organism Rajah 7 menunjukhan sejenis organisrna unisel air tawar. *

Diagrarn 5 Rajah 5 Which of the following is the correct sequence for the stages? Antaraurutan berikut, yatugmanakah betul bagi peringkat itu? A I, II, IU, TV


o" Ptro,

B I,III,ryil c I , ry I I ,I I I D I,ryIII,II

D Diagram 7 Rajah 7 L78

Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or D performs osmoregulation? Antar a b a hagian berlabel A , B, C dan D, yang manakah menjalankan p engosft-L okaw alatur an?

Benedict'stest Brick red precipitate is Ujian Benedict formed

1 1 The following equation shows the process

Mendakan merah bata terbentuk

Test Ujian

of photosynthesis.

Sunlight ,, " t Chlorophyll

P+ W a t e r

e +R -

Persamaan berikut rnenunjukkan fotosintesis.

Cahaw matahari

p + Air


Q +R


What is representedby P, Q and R? Apahah yatug diwakili oleh P, Q dan R? P


Glucose Glukosa

Water Air

Oxygen Oksigen


Oxygen Ohsigen

Glucose Glukosa

Carbon dioxide Karbon diohsid.a



Carbon dioxide Karbon dinksida

Energy Tbnaga

Oxygen Oksigen

Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida

Glucose Glukosa

Oxygen Oksigen

Biuret test Ujian Biuret

No change Ttad,a perubahan

Iodine test Ujian lodin

Iodine solution turns dark blue Larutan iodin menjadi biru tua Table 2 Jad.ual Z

Which of the following is the food sample? Antara yang berikut,lang manakah sarnpel makanan itu? A MilK C Fried fish Susu Iknn goreng B Biscuit D Meat ball Bi.skut Bebola daging



Observation Pemerhatian

1 3 Wh ic h o f t h e f o llo win g is n ee d e d during the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis? Antar.a yang berihut, yettg mana,kah diperlukan setnascr.tindak balas cahaya fotosintesis? A ATP B Water Air C Hydrogen atom Atom hidropen D Carbon dioxide Karbon diaksida

12 Three different food tests were carried out on a food sample. The observations are shown in Table 2. Tiga ujian makanan yang berlainan telah dijalankan ke atas satu sampel makanan. Pemerhatian adalah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 2.

1 4 Dia g ra m 8 is a g ra p h s h o win g t h e effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. Rajah 8 ialah graf yang. menunjukkan hesan keamatan cahaya ke atas kad.ar fotosintesis


C Night blindness Rabun malarn D Muscular dystrophy Distrofi otot

Rate of photos;rnthesrs

0.I3%CO.at 25'C O.l3o/o CO,"pad.a25"C

L7 The following are four types of enzymes. Berikut'adalah empatjenis enzim. o . o o

0.03o/oCOrat 25 "C O.O3o/o COrpada25"Q

Light intensitY Keam,atancahaYa Diagram 8 Rajah 8

Amylase / Amilase Sucrase / Sukrase Laetase / Laktase Maltase / Maltase

Which nutrient can be hydrolysed by all the four types of enzymes? Nutrien yang rnanaknh bolehdihidrolisiskan oleh kesemuaetnpat enzim terseb:ut? A Carbohydrate Karbohidrat B Mineral salts Garam mineral Protein C D Lipid

Which of the following can be concluded about the rate of photosynthesis between the curves J and K? Antara yang berikut, yarlg maiahah boleh dirumuskan tentang hadar fotosintesis di antara lengkung J dan K? A It is not influenced by the concentration of carbon dioxide nddk dipengaruhi oleh kePekatan karbon dioksidn B It is limited by the concentration of carbon dioxide Dihadkan oleh kepekatan karbon dioksida C It is limited by the light intensity Dihadkan oleh keamatan cahaYa D It is not influenced by the temperature Ttdak dipemgaruhi oleh suhu

t 8 Diagram 9 shows a model of the lungs. Rajah 9 menuniukkan model.peparu.

15 What is the process involved in changing starch into glucose? Ap a ka h proses yang terlibat d a la m penukaran kanji kepada glukosa? C HydrolYsis A Condensation

Kondensasi B Photolysis Fotolisis

zlRubber sheet Kepingan getah

String Tali

Hidrolisis D Assimilation Asimilasi

Diagram 9


16 Which of the following is an effect of malnutrition? Antara yang berikut, yang ma'nakahk'esan malnutrisi? A Dwarfism Kekerdilan B Colour blindness Rabun wdrna


What will happen in P and in Q when the string is pulled downwards? Apakah yang berlaku di P dan Q sernasa ta,li ditarik ke bawoh?


2l The following equation shows the process



Volume increases Isipadu bertambah

Expand Mengernbang


Volume decreases Isipadu berkurang

Contract Mengecut


Pressure increases Tekanan bertambah

Expand Mengem.bang


Pressure decreases Tekanan berkurang

Contract Mengecut

that takes place in the muscle cell of an athlete while doing a vigorous activity. Glucose Persarnaan berikut menunjukkan proses yang berlaku dalam sel otot seorang atlet setnasa melakukan aktiuiti cerga,s.

Gluhosa ----------+ R + Tenaga

1 9 Diagram 10 shows the structure of the gill

of.a fish.. Rajah 10 menunjukkan struhtur insang ikan.

Wliat is R? Apakah R? A Carbon dioxide Karbon diohsid.a B Lactic acid Asid laktik C Ethanol Etanol D Water Air 22 Diagram 11 shows an interaction between two organisms. Rajah 11 menunjukkan satu interaksi antara dua organisma.

Diagram 10 Rajoh tO What process occurs at X during the gas exchange of the fish? Apakah proses yqng berlaku d.i X semasa pertukaran gos bagi ikan itu? A Osmosis Osmosis B Diffusion Resapan C Facilitateddiffusion Resapan berbantu D Active transport Pengangkutan aktif

20 Which structure is involved in the breathing of a frog? Struhtur yang manakahyang terlibat dalam pernafasan katak? A Rib cage Sangkar rusuk B Diaphragm Diafragma C Intercostal muscle Otot interkosta D Mouth cavity Rongga mulut

Shark Ikan jerung Remora fish Ikan Rernora

Diagram 11 Rajah tL What type of interaction is this? Apakah jenis interaksi ini? A Commensalism Komensalisme B Mutualism Mutualisme C Parasitism Parasitisme D Saprophytism Saprofitisme


plant succession in a 28 Which of the following is the correct sequence in the process of pond? dalam sebuah Antara urutan berikut, yang manakah betul bagi proses sesaran tumbuhan

holam? A Ground plant th,mbuhan darat B Submerged plant lltmbuhan tenggelam

-) -+ -) -t

C Amphibious plant Tfu.rnbuhan amfibia


D Floating vegetation Til,mbuhan apungan




Amphibious plant Tltmbuhan amfibia


Floating vegetation lb.mbuhan apulugan


Floating vegetation Tlt'tnbuhan apungan


Submerged plant Tfu.mbuhan tenggelam




Floating vegetation Tb.mbuhan aputugan


Amphibious plant Tt"tmbuhan amfi'bia


Ground plant Tltmbuhan d,arat


Ground plant' Tfu.mbuhan darat








Submerged plant lltmbuhan tenggelam Ground plant lllmbuhan darat Submerged plant lltmbuhan tenggelam Amphibious Plant Tltrnbuhan amfibia

area' 24 Diagfam L2 shows three types of plants, P, Q and R in a mangrove swamp kawasatu paya Raja,h L2 menil,njukkan tiga jenis tumbuhan, e Q dan'R yarlg terdapat di bakau.



Diagram 12 Rajah L2 What are plants P, Q and R? Apakah tumbuhan 1 Q dan R?




Rhizophora sp. Bruguiera sp.


Auicennia sp.


Rhizophora sp. Bruguiera sp.


Bruguiera sp.

Auicennia sp.


Bruguiera sp.

Rhiz,ophorasp. Auicennia sp.

Auicennia sp. Rhiz,ophora sp.


2 5 W hich o f th e following describe s a habitat? A ntar a yan g berikut, yang marua k a h .meneranghan tentang suatu habitat? A The function of an organism in an ecosystem Peranan suatu organisma d,alom suatu ehosistem B The natural surroundings where organisms live r Persekitaran semulajad.i d,i tnana organisrna hidup C Different species which live together in an ecosystem Spesjs berlainan yang tinggal bersama ' dalarn ehosistem D Several species of organisms which live together in the same place Beberapa sllesisorganismayang tinggal \__4 bersama di tempat yang sa,,na ! 26 The following steps are carried out to reduce damage to the environment. Langkah-langkah berikut dilaksanakan untuk mgngarangkan kemusnahan tdrhad,ap alam sekitan I Replanting trees Menanam sernula pokok II Sharing transport Berkongsi kenderaan III Reducing the usage of fossil fuel lIengurangkan penggunaen bahan api fosil ry Reducing the leftovers of industrial solid waste Mengurangkan pembuangan siAcpepej al industri Which of the following steps can help to reduce the problem of global warming? Antara langh,ah-langkah beriku,t, -yon7 manakah boleh membantu or"ngaraigkai rnasalah petnanasan global? A I, II and III I,II dan III B I, II and fV I, II dan'TV C I, III and fV I, ilI dan T{ D II, III and fV III, III dan'N


2 7 Wh ic h o f t h e f o llo win g c au s e s eutrophication? Antara yang berikut, ydng manakah m enyebabkan eutr ofi,kasi? A Pesticide C Fertilizer ' Pestisid Baja B Herbicide D Carbon dioxide Herbisid Karbon dioksida

28 Diagram 13 shows the human heart.

Rajah L3 menunjukkan jantung manusia.

"t:;ff{, What is X? Apakah X? A Pulmonary artery Arteri' pulmonari B Pulmonary vein Vena pulmoiari C Vena cava Vena kaua D Coronary artery Arteri horonari 29 Which of the following substances cause fibrinogen to change to fibrin? Antara bahan berikut, yatug ma,nakah menybbabkanfi,brinogen bertukar kepada

fi.brin? A Vitamin K Vtamin K B Thrombin Thontbin

C Calcium ion Ion kalsium

D Thrombokinase Tlombokinase

30 Diagram 14 shows a longitudinal section of the human heart. Rajah 14 menunjukkan suatu keratan membujur jantung rnanusia.

Table 3 shows the result of the study. Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan kajian itu. Quadrat Kuad.rat

Area covered by grass P/m2 Keluasan litupon rumput Phnz


1 2 3 4 5 6

0.78 0.18 0.64

o.20 0.15 Table 3 Jad.ual 3

Diagram 14 Rajah 14 Which of the labelled parts, d; B, Co rD, pumps blood to the lungs? ' Antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah nxengepam d.arah ke peparu? 31 A gardener experiences non-stop bleeding after hurting his foot while gardening. What will happen if his blood is unable to clot? Seorang pekebun mengalami pend,arahan tid.ak berhenti setelah kakinya tercedera senxasa.berkebun. Apakah akan terjadi jika darahnya tidak dapat membeku? A Blood pressure decreases Tbkanan d,arah tnenurun B Blood capillaries enlarge Kapilari darah mernbesar C The rate of heart beat increases Kadar denyutan jantung bertambah D The rate of respiration increases Kadar respirasi bertarnbah 32 A student carried out a study on the population of grass P in the school's field. He used the quadrat sampling technique in the study. The area of each quadrat is 1 m2. Seorang murid menjalanknn kajian populasi sejenis.rurnput P di padang sekolahnya. Dia rnenggunaknn teknik persampelan kuadrat dalam kajiannya. Luas kuadrat ialah 1 m2.

The percentage coverage of grass P in the school's field is Peratus litupan rumput P di padang sekolah itu ialah A 22.7o/o c 2.27% B 37.8% D 3.78% 33 An individual X favours salty food in his daily menu. What is the effect of taking this type of food on the production of his urine? Indiuidu X gemar memakan maknnan masin dalam rlenu, hariannya. Apakah kesan pengambilan makana.n t e rs e b u t t e rh a d . a p p e n g h a s i l a n a i r kencingnya? A Little and concentrated Sedikit dan pekat B Little and diluted Sedikit dan cair C Much and concentrated Banyak d,an pekat D Much and diluted Banyak dan cair 34 The acidic chemical waste from a factory is drained into a lake. Which graph shbws the changes of the pH value of the water in the lake over a period of six years? Bahan buangan berasid daripada sebuah kilang disalurkan ke dalam tasik. Graf y ang manahah menunj ukkah.perubahan nilai pH air taiik dalarn nxasa enatn tahun?


pH of water pH oir

pH of water pH air




4 I










3+ 0L2

fime/year Masa/tahun


pH of water pH air 8


6 fime/year Masa/tahun

pHof water pH air





6 5




4 3

456 Time/year Masa/tahun


r 29456 fime/year Masa/tahun

35 which of the following plant hormones stimulates fruits to ripen? Antara yong berikut, hormon tumbuhan yang maimkah *"roigrong pemasakan buah? A Abscisic acid C Ethylene Asid absisik Etilena B Cytokinin D Gibberellin Sitokinin Giberelin 36 Diagram 15 is a graph which shows the effect of the concentration of auxin on the growth of the shoot tip and root tip. Raiah 15 ialah graf yang menuniukkan kesan kepekatan .auksin yang berlainan terhad.ap pertumbuhan hujung pucuk dan hujung akar. Growth response Gerak b alas p eriumbuhan

Percentage of +150 stimulation Peratusan +1oo rangsangan

Root tip akar

KeylKekunci: p.p.m - part per million bahagian per juta Shoot tip Hujung pucuk

0 Percentage of inhibition -50 Peratusan. renca,tan -100

Concentration of auxin/p.p.m Kepekatan auksin / p.p. m.

Diagram 15 Rajah t5 185

If the concentration of the auxin is in the range of 10'2to 1 part per million, what is the effect on the growth of the cells of the shoot tip and the cells of the root tip? Jika kepekatan auksin berad.apada julat L0'2hingga L bahagian per juta, apakah kesannya terhad.ap pemanjangan sel hujung picuk dan sel hujung akar?

Cells of root tip Sel hujung akar

Cells of shoot tip Sel hujung pucuk



Stimulates the growth of cells Merangsangpemanjangan sel

Inhibits the growth of cells Merencatpernaniangan sel


Inhibits the growth of.cells Merencatpernanjangan sel

Stimulates the growth of cells Merangsdng pemaniangan sel


Stimulates the growth of cells Merangsangpemaniangan sel

Stimulates the growth of cells Merongsangpemaniangan sel


Inhibits the growth of cells Merencatpemaniangan sel

Inhibits the growth of cells Merencatpemaniangan sel

37 Diagram 16 shows the functions'of hormones P and Q in regulating the glucose blood level. Hormone P

38 Diagram 1? shows a seedling placed horizontally to study its growth response. Rajah L7 menuniukkan satu anak benih d,iletakkan secara mengufuk untuh mengkai i gerak balas pertumbuhan.


Glucose Hormone Q


Diagram t 7 Raioh 17

Rajah LG menuniukkan peranan hormonP dan hormon Q dalam pengawalaturan aras glukosa darah.

Which of the following shows the correct response?


Antara yetug berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan gerak balas yang betul?


Glukosa HormonQ


Rajah 16 What are hormone P and hormone Q? fuakah hormon P dan hormon Q? Hormone P Hortnon P

llormone Horrnon


Thyroxine Tlroksina

Insulin Insulin


Glucagon Glukagon

Thyroxine Tlroksina

Insulin Insulin

Glucagon Glukagon

Adrenaline Adrenalina

Androsterone Androsteron


Radicle Rndihal

Plumule Plumul






39 Diagram 18 shows a cross section of the stem of a dicotyledon plant which experiences secondary growth" Raiah L8 menuniukkan keratan pertumbuhan sekunden

rentas batang tumbuhan d.ikotited.on ydng mengalami

Diagram 18 Rojah 18 What are R, S and T? Apakah R, S d,an T?





Primary phloem Floem prirner

Secondary xylem Xilem sekunder

Secondaryphloem Floem sekunder

Secondary xylem Xilem sekunder

Primary phloem Floem primer

Secondary phloem Floent. sekunder

Secondaryphloem Primary phloem Floem sekund,er Floem primer Primary phloem Secondary phloem Floem primer Floem sekunder

Secondary xylem Xilem sekunder

Secondaryxylem Xilem sekunder

40 which of the following is true to show the relationship of the rate of reaction of trypsin with the pH values? Antara graf berikut, yang rnunakah benar untuh menuniukkan hubungan kdar tind,ak balas tripsirl dengan nilai pH? A Rate of reaction of trypsin/min-r Kad.artindak balns tripsin/min-l

lL 12 13 14 pH value Nilai pH



Rate of reaction of trypsin/min-l Kad.ar tindak balns tripsin/min-l

L2 t 3


pH value NilaipH

Rate of reaction of trypsin/min-1 Kadar tindak balas tripsin/mirrl

pH value NilnipH


Rate of reaction of trypsin/min-l Kadnr tindak balas tripsin/m,in-r

11 12 13 14 pH value NilaipH


Which of the glands A, B, C or D, is involved when an individual faces a moment of panic? Antara kelenjar A, B, C d.an D, yang seseorangindiuidu manakah terlibat serncma, nxenghadapi situasi yang cemas?

4 L Diagram 19 shows the human endocrine system. Rajah 19 menunjukkan sistent.endokrin tnanusia.

42 Diagram 20 shows a cross section of part . of an ovule just before fertilisation. Rajah 20 menunjuhkan keratan rentas s e b a h a g ia n o u u l s e ju ru s s e b e l u m persenyawaan.

Diagram 19 Rajoh 19

Diagram 20 Rajah 2O 188 '-aFd

What is X? Apakah X? A Synergid cells Sel sinergid B Antipodal cells Sel antipod C Polar cells Sel kutub D Egg cells Sel telur

43 Which of the following hormones stimulates the process of ovulation? Antara hormon berikut, yqng manakah nxerangsang proses pengouulan? A Progesterone Progestron B Luteinizing hormone Hormon peluteinan C Follicle stimulating hormone Hormon perangsang fotikel D Oestrogen Estrogen

44 Dia'gram 2L shows the stages in the development of the embryo of a human. 2l menuniukhan peringkat-peringhai d,alam perkembaigon embrio manusia. .Raiah

Diagram 21 Rajah 2L At which stage A, B, C or D, is the morula stage? Antara A" B, C dan D, yang manahah peringkit morula?

45 which of the following correctry shows an endocrine gland and its hormone?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul m.enunjukkan suatu kelenjar endokrin denganhormonnya? Endocrine gland Kelenja,r endokrin


Hormone Hormon

Follicle cells Sel'sel folikel Ovary Ouari

Luteinizing hormone Hormon peluteinan


Pituitary gland Kelenjar pituitari

Oestrogen Estrogen


Corpus luteum Korpus luteum

Progesterone Progestron


Follicle stimulating hormone Hormon perangsang folikel


46 Diagram 22 shows a cell which expertence mitosis twice. Rajah 22 rnenunjukkan satu sel yatug telah rnengalami rnitosis sebanyak dua kali.

Diagtam.22 Raiah 22 How many new cells are producedafter the cell experiencesmitosis three times? Berapakah bilangan sel baru yang terhasil setelah sel tersebut mengalami rnitosis sebanyaktiga kali? c8 A2 D16 B6 47 Sara's blood group is type B. Which blood groups can be recipients of Sara's blood? Sara mempunyai kumpulan darah jenis B. Kumpulan darah yang manakah boleh menjadi penerima darah Sara? A Tlpes A and AB Jenis A dan AB B Tlpes B and AB Jenis B dan AB C Tlpes O and B Jenis O d.an B D Tlpes O and AB Jenis O d.an AB 48 Diagram 23 shows a pair of homologous chromosomes. Raj ah 23 menunjukkan sepasangk rotnosorn homolog.


P is a locus on those hom ol ogous chromosomes. What is P? P ialah lohus pada krornosornhomolog tersebut.. Apakah P? A Locus of dominant characteristic Lokus ciri dominan B Locus of recessivecharacteristic Lokus ciri resesif C Locus of genotyPe Lokus genotip D Locus of gene Lakus gen 49 Diagr am 24 is a graph which shows the distribution of a particular trait in human. Rajah 24 ialah graf yang menuniukkan tabur an untuk tr ait ter ten tu dal am rnanusia. Number of individuals Bilongan individu

Thait Diagram 24 Raiah 24 Which of the following traits is represented by the graph? Antara trait berikut,yang manakohdiwakili oleh graf itu? A Ability to roll tongue Kebolehon menggalung liddh B Shape of ear lobe Bentuk cuping telinga c Presence of dimple Kehad.iran lesungpipit D Size of foot Saiz tapak kaki

Diagram 23 Rajoh 23


The following is information about two individuals, F and Q. Berikut adalah maklumat tentang d.ua indiuidu, P dan Q.

Individual P Indiuidu P

Can roll the tongue Boleh rnenggulung lidah

Individual Q Indiuidu Q

Cannot roll the tongue Tldak boleh menggalung liddh

Which factor causesthe differencein traits for the two individuals? Faktor yang manakah yang rnenyebabkan perbezaan trait bagi kedua-dua ind,iuid,u itu? A Genetic Genetik Environment Persekitaran' Mutation Mutasi Hormone Horrnon


SPM D(AMINATION PAPER 2OO7 Paper I 2c rc 3D 4A 7C 8D 9A 10A L4 B 16C 16C 13B 20 D 2L B 19B 22 A 26 A 27 C 28 D 25 B 33A 31A 32 B 34 D 39D 40 C 37 C 38D 46 C 43 B 44 C 45 D 49 D 50A

5C 11D t7 A 23 B 29 B 85C 4r c 47 B

68 t2 B 18A 24 A 308 86A 42 A 48D

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